#include "rar.hpp" #include "UnrarX.hpp" #include "guilib/GUIWindowManager.h" #include "dialogs/GUIDialogProgress.h" #include "filesystem/File.h" #include "smallfn.cpp" using namespace std; #ifdef _DJGPP extern "C" char **__crt0_glob_function (char *arg) { return 0; } extern "C" void __crt0_load_environment_file (char *progname) { } #endif #if !defined(GUI) && !defined(RARDLL) && !defined(TARGET_POSIX) && !defined(_XBMC) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef _UNIX setlocale(LC_ALL,""); #endif #ifndef SFX_MODULE setbuf(stdout,NULL); #ifdef _EMX EnumConfigPaths(argv[0],-1); #endif #endif ErrHandler.SetSignalHandlers(true); RARInitData(); #ifdef SFX_MODULE char ModuleName[NM]; #ifdef _WIN_32 GetModuleFileName(NULL,ModuleName,sizeof(ModuleName)); #else strcpy(ModuleName,argv[0]); #endif #endif #ifdef _WIN_32 SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS|SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); #endif #ifdef ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS try #endif { CommandData Cmd; #ifdef SFX_MODULE strcpy(Cmd.Command,"X"); char *Switch=NULL; #ifdef _SFX_RTL_ char *CmdLine=GetCommandLine(); if (CmdLine!=NULL && *CmdLine=='\"') CmdLine=strchr(CmdLine+1,'\"'); if (CmdLine!=NULL && (CmdLine=strpbrk(CmdLine," /"))!=NULL) { while (isspace(*CmdLine)) CmdLine++; Switch=CmdLine; } #else Switch=argc>1 ? argv[1]:NULL; #endif if (Switch!=NULL && Cmd.IsSwitch(Switch[0])) { int UpperCmd=toupper(Switch[1]); switch(UpperCmd) { case 'T': case 'V': Cmd.Command[0]=UpperCmd; break; case '?': Cmd.OutHelp(); break; } } Cmd.AddArcName(ModuleName,NULL); #else if (Cmd.IsConfigEnabled(argc,argv)) { Cmd.ReadConfig(argc,argv); Cmd.ParseEnvVar(); } for (int I=1;I pCmd (new CommandData); if( pCmd.get() ) { strcpy(pCmd->Command, "X"); pCmd->AddArcName(rarfile,NULL); strncpy(pCmd->ExtrPath, targetPath, sizeof(pCmd->Command) - 2); pCmd->ExtrPath[sizeof(pCmd->Command) - 2] = '\0'; AddEndSlash(pCmd->ExtrPath); pCmd->ParseArg((char*)"-va",NULL); if (fileToExtract) { if (*fileToExtract) { pCmd->FileArgs->AddString(fileToExtract); // Uncomment this if you want to extract a single file without the full path strcpy(pCmd->Command, "E"); } } else { pCmd->FileArgs->AddString(MASKALL); } // Set password for encrypted archives if (libpassword) if (strlen(libpassword)!=0) { strncpy(pCmd->Password, libpassword, sizeof(pCmd->Password) - 1); pCmd->Password[sizeof(pCmd->Password) - 1] = '\0'; } // Opent the archive auto_ptr pArc( new Archive(pCmd.get()) ); if( pArc.get() ) { if (!pArc->WOpen(rarfile,NULL)) return 0; if (pArc->IsOpened() && pArc->IsArchive(true)) { auto_ptr pExtract( new CmdExtract ); if( pExtract.get() ) { pExtract->GetDataIO().SetCurrentCommand(*(pCmd->Command)); struct FindData FD; if (FindFile::FastFind(rarfile,NULL,&FD)) pExtract->GetDataIO().TotalArcSize+=FD.Size; pExtract->ExtractArchiveInit(pCmd.get(),*pArc); if (bShowProgress) { pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress = (CGUIDialogProgress*)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS); if (pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress) { pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress->SetHeading(fileToExtract); pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress->SetCanCancel(false); pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress->StartModal(); } } int64_t iOff=0; bool bSeeked = false; while (1) { iOff = pArc->Tell(); int Size=pArc->ReadHeader(); int Type=pArc->GetHeaderType(); if (Type == ENDARC_HEAD) break; if (Type != FILE_HEAD) { pArc->SeekToNext(); continue; } bool Repeat=false; if (!pExtract->ExtractCurrentFile(pCmd.get(),*pArc,Size,Repeat)) { bRes = FALSE; break; } if (pExtract->GetDataIO().bQuit) { if (pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress) pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress->Close(); bRes = 2; break; } if (fileToExtract) { if (*fileToExtract) { bool EqualNames=false; int MatchNumber=pCmd->IsProcessFile(pArc->NewLhd,&EqualNames); bool ExactMatch=MatchNumber!=0; if (ExactMatch) { if (iOffset) *iOffset = iOff; break; } } } if (iOffset && !bSeeked && !pArc->Solid) { if (*iOffset > -1) { bSeeked = true; pArc->Seek(*iOffset,SEEK_SET); } } } pExtract->GetDataIO().ProcessedArcSize+=FD.Size; if (pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress) pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress->ShowProgressBar(false); } if (bShowProgress) if (pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress) pExtract->GetDataIO().m_pDlgProgress->Close(); } } } File::RemoveCreated(); return bRes; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ List the files in a RAR file rarfile - Name of the RAR file to uncompress list - Output. A list of file data of the files in the archive. The list should be freed with urarlib_freelist(). libpassword - Password (for encrypted archives) \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int urarlib_list(char *rarfile, ArchiveList_struct **ppList, char *libpassword, bool stopattwo) { if (!ppList) return 0; uint FileCount = 0; InitCRC(); // Set the arguments for the extract command auto_ptr pCmd( new CommandData ); { strcpy(pCmd->Command, "L"); pCmd->AddArcName(rarfile, NULL); pCmd->FileArgs->AddString(MASKALL); pCmd->ParseArg((char*)"-va",NULL); // Set password for encrypted archives if (libpassword) { strncpy(pCmd->Password, libpassword, sizeof(pCmd->Password) - 1); pCmd->Password[sizeof(pCmd->Password) - 1] = '\0'; } // Opent the archive auto_ptr pArc( new Archive(pCmd.get()) ); if ( pArc.get() ) { if (!pArc->WOpen(rarfile,NULL)) return 0; FileCount=0; *ppList = NULL; ArchiveList_struct *pPrev = NULL; int iArchive=0; while (1) { if (pArc->IsOpened() && pArc->IsArchive(true)) { int64_t iOffset = pArc->NextBlockPos; while(pArc->ReadHeader()>0) { if (pArc->GetHeaderType() == FILE_HEAD) { if (pPrev) if (stricmp(pArc->NewLhd.FileName,pPrev->item.Name)==0) { iOffset = pArc->NextBlockPos; pArc->SeekToNext(); continue; } IntToExt(pArc->NewLhd.FileName,pArc->NewLhd.FileName); ArchiveList_struct *pCurr = (ArchiveList_struct *)malloc(sizeof(ArchiveList_struct)); if (!pCurr) break; if (pPrev) pPrev->next = pCurr; if (!*ppList) *ppList = pCurr; pCurr->item.NameSize = strlen(pArc->NewLhd.FileName); // sanity check - if it fails the archive is likely corrupt if (pCurr->item.NameSize > NM) { File::RemoveCreated(); return 0; } pCurr->item.Name = (char *)malloc(pCurr->item.NameSize + 1); strcpy(pCurr->item.Name, pArc->NewLhd.FileName); pCurr->item.NameW = (wchar *)malloc((pCurr->item.NameSize + 1)*sizeof(wchar)); wcscpy(pCurr->item.NameW, pArc->NewLhd.FileNameW); pCurr->item.PackSize = pArc->NewLhd.PackSize; pCurr->item.UnpSize = int32to64(pArc->NewLhd.HighUnpSize,pArc->NewLhd.UnpSize); pCurr->item.HostOS = pArc->NewLhd.HostOS; pCurr->item.FileCRC = pArc->NewLhd.FileCRC; pCurr->item.FileTime = pArc->NewLhd.FileTime; pCurr->item.UnpVer = pArc->NewLhd.UnpVer; pCurr->item.Method = pArc->NewLhd.Method; pCurr->item.FileAttr = pArc->NewLhd.FileAttr; pCurr->item.iOffset = iOffset; pCurr->next = NULL; pPrev = pCurr; FileCount++; if (stopattwo && FileCount > 1) break; } iOffset = pArc->NextBlockPos; if (iOffset > pArc->FileLength()) { File::RemoveCreated(); return 0; } pArc->SeekToNext(); } if (pCmd->VolSize!=0 && ((pArc->NewLhd.Flags & LHD_SPLIT_AFTER) || (pArc->GetHeaderType()==ENDARC_HEAD && (pArc->EndArcHead.Flags & EARC_NEXT_VOLUME)!=0))) { if (FileCount == 1 && iArchive==0) { char NextName[NM]; char LastName[NM]; strcpy(NextName,pArc->FileName); while (XFILE::CFile::Exists(NextName)) { strcpy(LastName,NextName); NextVolumeName(NextName,(pArc->NewMhd.Flags & MHD_NEWNUMBERING)==0 || pArc->OldFormat); } Archive arc; if (arc.WOpen(LastName,NULL)) { bool bBreak=false; while(arc.ReadHeader()>0) { if (arc.GetHeaderType() == FILE_HEAD) if (stricmp(arc.NewLhd.FileName,pPrev->item.Name)==0) { bBreak=true; break; } // iOffset = pArc->Tell(); arc.SeekToNext(); } if (bBreak) { break; } } } if (MergeArchive(*pArc,NULL,false,*pCmd->Command)) { iArchive++; pArc->Seek(0,SEEK_SET); } else break; } else break; } else break; } } } File::RemoveCreated(); return FileCount; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Free the file list returned by urarlib_list() list - The output from urarlib_list() \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void urarlib_freelist(ArchiveList_struct *list) { ArchiveList_struct *p; while (list) { p = list->next; free(list->item.Name); free(list->item.NameW); free(list); list = p; } } #endif