// THIS FILE IS MODIFIED TO WORK WITH XBMC #include "rar.hpp" #include "utils/URIUtils.h" char* PointToName(const char *Path) { //const char *Found=NULL; for (const char *s=&Path[strlen(Path)-1];s>=Path;s--) if (IsPathDiv(*s)) return (char*)(s+1); // if (Found!=NULL) // return((char*)Found); return (char*)((*Path && IsDriveDiv(Path[1]) && charnext(Path)==Path+1) ? Path+2:Path); } /* Dumbass broken routine!! Not searching in reverse to strip off filename portion of path! { const char *Found=NULL; for (const char *s=Path;*s!=0;s=charnext(s)) if (IsPathDiv(*s)) Found=(char*)(s+1); if (Found!=NULL) return((char*)Found); return (char*)((*Path && IsDriveDiv(Path[1]) && charnext(Path)==Path+1) ? Path+2:Path); } */ wchar* PointToName(const wchar *Path) { for (int I=strlenw(Path)-1;I>=0;I--) if (IsPathDiv(Path[I])) return (wchar*)&Path[I+1]; return (wchar*)((*Path && IsDriveDiv(Path[1])) ? Path+2:Path); } char* PointToLastChar(const char *Path) { for (const char *s=Path,*p=Path;;p=s,s=charnext(s)) if (*s==0) return((char *)p); } char* ConvertPath(const char *SrcPath,char *DestPath) { const char *DestPtr=SrcPath; for (const char *s=DestPtr;*s!=0;s++) if (IsPathDiv(s[0]) && s[1]=='.' && s[2]=='.' && IsPathDiv(s[3])) DestPtr=s+4; while (*DestPtr) { const char *s=DestPtr; if (s[0] && IsDriveDiv(s[1])) s+=2; if (s[0]=='\\' && s[1]=='\\') { const char *Slash=strchr(s+2,'\\'); if (Slash!=NULL && (Slash=strchr(Slash+1,'\\'))!=NULL) s=Slash+1; } for (const char *t=s;*t!=0;t++) if (IsPathDiv(*t)) s=t+1; else if (*t!='.') break; if (s==DestPtr) break; DestPtr=s; } if (DestPath!=NULL) { char TmpStr[NM]; strncpy(TmpStr,DestPtr,sizeof(TmpStr)-1); strcpy(DestPath,TmpStr); } return((char *)DestPtr); } wchar* ConvertPath(const wchar *SrcPath,wchar *DestPath) { const wchar *DestPtr=SrcPath; for (const wchar *s=DestPtr;*s!=0;s++) if (IsPathDiv(s[0]) && s[1]=='.' && s[2]=='.' && IsPathDiv(s[3])) DestPtr=s+4; while (*DestPtr) { const wchar *s=DestPtr; if (s[0] && IsDriveDiv(s[1])) s+=2; if (s[0]=='\\' && s[1]=='\\') { const wchar *Slash=strchrw(s+2,'\\'); if (Slash!=NULL && (Slash=strchrw(Slash+1,'\\'))!=NULL) s=Slash+1; } for (const wchar *t=s;*t!=0;t++) if (IsPathDiv(*t)) s=t+1; else if (*t!='.') break; if (s==DestPtr) break; DestPtr=s; } if (DestPath!=NULL) { wchar TmpStr[NM]; strncpyw(TmpStr,DestPtr,sizeof(TmpStr)/sizeof(TmpStr[0])-1); strcpyw(DestPath,TmpStr); } return((wchar *)DestPtr); } void SetExt(char *Name,const char *NewExt) { char *Dot=GetExt(Name); if (NewExt==NULL) { if (Dot!=NULL) *Dot=0; } else if (Dot==NULL) { strcat(Name,"."); strcat(Name,NewExt); } else strcpy(Dot+1,NewExt); } #ifndef SFX_MODULE void SetExt(wchar *Name,const wchar *NewExt) { if (Name==NULL || *Name==0) return; wchar *Dot=GetExt(Name); if (NewExt==NULL) { if (Dot!=NULL) *Dot=0; } else if (Dot==NULL) { strcatw(Name,L"."); strcatw(Name,NewExt); } else strcpyw(Dot+1,NewExt); } #endif #ifndef SFX_MODULE void SetSFXExt(char *SFXName) { #ifdef _UNIX SetExt(SFXName,"sfx"); #endif #if defined(_WIN_32) || defined(_EMX) SetExt(SFXName,"exe"); #endif } #endif #ifndef SFX_MODULE void SetSFXExt(wchar *SFXName) { if (SFXName==NULL || *SFXName==0) return; #ifdef _UNIX SetExt(SFXName,L"sfx"); #endif #if defined(_WIN_32) || defined(_EMX) SetExt(SFXName,L"exe"); #endif } #endif char *GetExt(const char *Name) { CStdString strExtension = URIUtils::GetExtension(Name); return((char *)strstr((char *)Name,strExtension.c_str())); } wchar *GetExt(const wchar *Name) { CStdString strExtension = URIUtils::GetExtension(Name); return((wchar *)wcsstr((wchar_t *)Name,CStdStringW(strExtension).c_str())); } bool CmpExt(const char *Name,const char *Ext) { char *NameExt=GetExt(Name); return(NameExt!=NULL && stricomp(NameExt+1,Ext)==0); } bool IsWildcard(const char *Str,const wchar *StrW) { if (StrW!=NULL && *StrW!=0) return(strpbrkw(StrW,L"*?")!=NULL); return(Str==NULL ? false:strpbrk(Str,"*?")!=NULL); } bool IsPathDiv(int Ch) { #if defined(_WIN_32) || defined(_EMX) return(Ch=='\\' || Ch=='/'); #else return(Ch==CPATHDIVIDER); #endif } bool IsDriveDiv(int Ch) { #ifdef _UNIX return(false); #else return(Ch==':'); #endif } int GetPathDisk(const char *Path) { if (IsDiskLetter(Path)) return(toupper(*Path)-'A'); else return(-1); } void AddEndSlash(char *Path) { char *LastChar=PointToLastChar(Path); if (*LastChar!=0 && *LastChar!=CPATHDIVIDER) strcat(LastChar,PATHDIVIDER); } void AddEndSlash(wchar *Path) { int Length=strlenw(Path); if (Length>0 && Path[Length-1]!=CPATHDIVIDER) strcatw(Path,PATHDIVIDERW); } void GetFilePath(const char *FullName,char *Path) { int PathLength=PointToName(FullName)-FullName; strncpy(Path,FullName,PathLength); Path[PathLength]=0; } void GetFilePath(const wchar *FullName,wchar *Path) { const wchar *PathPtr=/*(*FullName && IsDriveDiv(FullName[1])) ? FullName+2:*/FullName; int PathLength=PointToName(FullName)-FullName; strncpyw(Path,PathPtr,PathLength); Path[PathLength]=0; } void RemoveNameFromPath(char *Path) { char *Name=PointToName(Path); if (Name>=Path+2 && (!IsDriveDiv(Path[1]) || Name>=Path+4)) Name--; *Name=0; } #ifndef SFX_MODULE void RemoveNameFromPath(wchar *Path) { wchar *Name=PointToName(Path); if (Name>=Path+2 && (!IsDriveDiv(Path[1]) || Name>=Path+4)) Name--; *Name=0; } #endif #ifndef SFX_MODULE bool EnumConfigPaths(char *Path,int Number) { #ifdef _EMX static char RARFileName[NM]; if (Number==-1) strcpy(RARFileName,Path); if (Number!=0) return(false); if (_osmode==OS2_MODE) { PTIB ptib; PPIB ppib; DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, &ppib); DosQueryModuleName(ppib->pib_hmte,NM,Path); } else strcpy(Path,RARFileName); RemoveNameFromPath(Path); return(true); #elif defined(_UNIX) if (Number==0) { char *EnvStr=getenv("HOME"); if (EnvStr==NULL) return(false); strncpy(Path,EnvStr,NM); Path[NM-1]=0; return(true); } static const char *AltPath[]={ "/etc","/usr/lib","/usr/local/lib","/usr/local/etc" }; Number--; if (Number<0 || Number>=(int)(sizeof(AltPath)/sizeof(AltPath[0]))) return(false); strcpy(Path,AltPath[Number]); return(true); #elif defined(_WIN_32) if (Number!=0) return(false); #if !defined(TARGET_POSIX) GetModuleFileName(NULL,Path,NM); RemoveNameFromPath(Path); #endif return(true); #else return(false); #endif } #endif #ifndef SFX_MODULE void GetConfigName(const char *Name,char *FullName, bool CheckExist) { for (int I=0;EnumConfigPaths(FullName,I);I++) { AddEndSlash(FullName); strcat(FullName,Name); if (!CheckExist || WildFileExist(FullName)) break; } } #endif char* GetVolNumPart(char *ArcName) { char *ChPtr=ArcName+strlen(ArcName)-1; while (!isdigit(*ChPtr) && ChPtr>ArcName) ChPtr--; char *NumPtr=ChPtr; while (isdigit(*NumPtr) && NumPtr>ArcName) NumPtr--; while (NumPtr>ArcName && *NumPtr!='.') { if (isdigit(*NumPtr)) { char *Dot=strchrd(PointToName(ArcName),'.'); if (Dot!=NULL && Dot 42) return false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { isIllegalChar = false; // check for illegal chars for (unsigned j = 0; j < iIllegalCharSize; j++) if (Name[i] == cIllegalChars[j]) isIllegalChar = true; // FATX only allows chars from 32 till 127 if (isIllegalChar == true || Name[i] < 32 || Name[i] > 126) return false; } return true; /* #ifndef _UNIX if (Name[0] && Name[1] && strchr(Name+2,':')!=NULL) return(false); #endif if (strlen(Name) < 43) return 1; else return 0; return(*Name!=0 && strpbrk(Name,"?*<>|")==NULL); */ } void MakeNameUsable(char *Name, bool bKeepExtension, bool IsFATX) { // Changed to be compatible with xbmc's MakeLegalFileName function // (xbox only) if ( Name == NULL) return; char cIllegalChars[] = "<>=?;\"*+,/|"; unsigned int iIllegalCharSize = strlen(cIllegalChars); bool isIllegalChar; unsigned int iSize = strlen(Name); unsigned int iNewStringSize = 0; char* strNewString = new char[iSize + 1]; // only copy the legal characters to the new filename for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { isIllegalChar = false; // check for illigal chars for (unsigned j = 0; j < iIllegalCharSize; j++) if (Name[i] == cIllegalChars[j]) isIllegalChar = true; // FATX only allows chars from 32 till 127 if (isIllegalChar == false && Name[i] > 31 && Name[i] < 127) strNewString[iNewStringSize++] = Name[i]; } strNewString[iNewStringSize] = '\0'; if (IsFATX) { // since we can only write to samba shares and hd, we assume this has to be a fatx filename // thus we have to strip it down to 42 chars (samba doesn't have this limitation) char* FileName = PointToName(strNewString); int iFileNameSize = strlen(FileName); // no need to keep the extension, just strip it down to 42 characters if (iFileNameSize > 42 && bKeepExtension == false) FileName[42] = '\0'; // we want to keep the extension else if (iFileNameSize > 42 && bKeepExtension == true) { char strExtension[42]; unsigned int iExtensionLength = iFileNameSize - (strrchr(FileName, '.') - FileName); strcpy(strExtension, (FileName + iFileNameSize - iExtensionLength)); strcpy(FileName + (42 - iExtensionLength), strExtension); } } strcpy(Name, strNewString); delete[] strNewString; } char* UnixSlashToDos(char *SrcName,char *DestName,uint MaxLength) { if (DestName!=NULL && DestName!=SrcName) strcpy(DestName,SrcName); for (char *s=SrcName;*s!=0;s=charnext(s)) { if (*s=='/') { if (DestName==NULL) *s='\\'; else DestName[s-SrcName]='\\'; } } return(DestName==NULL ? SrcName:DestName); } char* DosSlashToUnix(char *SrcName,char *DestName,uint MaxLength) { if (DestName!=NULL && DestName!=SrcName) { if (strlen(SrcName)>=MaxLength) { *DestName=0; return(DestName); } else strcpy(DestName,SrcName); } for (char *s=SrcName;*s!=0;s=charnext(s)) { if (*s=='\\') { if (DestName==NULL) *s='/'; else DestName[s-SrcName]='/'; } } return(DestName==NULL ? SrcName:DestName); } bool IsFullPath(const char *Path) { char PathOnly[NM]; GetFilePath(Path,PathOnly); if (IsWildcard(PathOnly)) return(true); #if defined(_WIN_32) || defined(_EMX) return(Path[0]=='\\' && Path[1]=='\\' || IsDiskLetter(Path) && IsPathDiv(Path[2])); #else return(IsPathDiv(Path[0])); #endif } bool IsDiskLetter(const char *Path) { char Letter=toupper(Path[0]); return(Letter>='A' && Letter<='Z' && IsDriveDiv(Path[1])); } void GetPathRoot(const char *Path,char *Root) { *Root=0; if (IsDiskLetter(Path)) sprintf(Root,"%c:\\",*Path); else if (Path[0]=='\\' && Path[1]=='\\') { const char *Slash=strchr(Path+2,'\\'); if (Slash!=NULL) { int Length; if ((Slash=strchr(Slash+1,'\\'))!=NULL) Length=Slash-Path+1; else Length=strlen(Path); strncpy(Root,Path,Length); Root[Length]=0; } } } int ParseVersionFileName(char *Name,wchar *NameW,bool Truncate) { int Version=0; char *VerText=strrchrd(Name,';'); if (VerText!=NULL) { Version=atoi(VerText+1); if (Truncate) *VerText=0; } if (NameW!=NULL) { wchar *VerTextW=strrchrw(NameW,';'); if (VerTextW!=NULL) { if (Version==0) Version=atoiw(VerTextW+1); if (Truncate) *VerTextW=0; } } return(Version); } #ifndef SFX_MODULE char* VolNameToFirstName(const char *VolName,char *FirstName,bool NewNumbering) { if (FirstName!=VolName) strcpy(FirstName,VolName); char *VolNumStart=FirstName; if (NewNumbering) { int N='1'; for (char *ChPtr=GetVolNumPart(FirstName);ChPtr>FirstName;ChPtr--) if (isdigit(*ChPtr)) { *ChPtr=N; N='0'; } else if (N=='0') { VolNumStart=ChPtr+1; break; } } else { SetExt(FirstName,"rar"); VolNumStart=GetExt(FirstName); } if (!FileExist(FirstName)) { char Mask[NM]; strcpy(Mask,FirstName); SetExt(Mask,"*"); FindFile Find; Find.SetMask(Mask); struct FindData FD; while (Find.Next(&FD)) { Archive Arc; if (Arc.Open(FD.Name,FD.NameW) && Arc.IsArchive(true) && !Arc.NotFirstVolume) { strcpy(FirstName,FD.Name); break; } } } return(VolNumStart); } #endif wchar* GetWideName(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW,wchar *DestW) { if (NameW!=NULL && *NameW!=0) { if (DestW!=NameW) strcpyw(DestW,NameW); } else CharToWide(Name,DestW); return(DestW); }