#ifndef _xbox_unrar_interface_ #define _xbox_unrar_interface_ /* This structure is used for listing archive content */ struct RAR20_archive_entry /* These infos about files are */ { /* stored in RAR v2.0 archives */ char *Name; wchar_t *NameW; unsigned short NameSize; unsigned long PackSize; int64_t UnpSize; unsigned char HostOS; /* MSDOS=0,OS2=1,WIN32=2,UNIX=3 */ unsigned long FileCRC; unsigned long FileTime; unsigned char UnpVer; unsigned char Method; unsigned long FileAttr; int64_t iOffset; }; /* used to list archives */ typedef struct archivelist { struct RAR20_archive_entry item; struct archivelist *next; } ArchiveList_struct; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Extract a RAR file rarfile - Name of the RAR file to uncompress targetPath - The path to which we want to uncompress fileToExtract - The file inside the archive we want to uncompress, or NULL for all files. libpassword - Password (for encrypted archives) \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef bool (*progress_callback)(void*, int, const char*); int urarlib_get(char *rarfile, char *targetPath, char *fileToExtract, char *libpassword = NULL, int64_t* iOffset=NULL, progress_callback progress = NULL, void *context = NULL); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ List the files in a RAR file rarfile - Name of the RAR file to uncompress list - Output. A list of file data of the files in the archive. The list should be freed with urarlib_freelist(). libpassword - Password (for encrypted archives) \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int urarlib_list(char *rarfile, ArchiveList_struct **ppList, char *libpassword = NULL, bool stopattwo=false); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Free the file list returned by urarlib_list() list - The output from urarlib_list() \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void urarlib_freelist(ArchiveList_struct *list); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Function used internally to change filenames if they are fatx incompatible - unnedded and unused \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MakeNameUsable(char* szPath,bool KeepExtension, bool IsFatx); #endif /* _xbox_unrar_interface_ */