// // Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Stonyx // http://www.stonyx.com // // This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 (or at your // option any later version) as published by The Free Software Foundation. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // If you did not received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or write to // The Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64 #include <winsock2.h> #elif !defined SOCKET typedef int SOCKET; #endif class CSlingbox { public: // Enum that represents all the possible Slingbox resolutions enum Resolution { NOVIDEO = 0x00000000, RESOLUTION128X96 = 0x00000008, RESOLUTION160X120 = 0x00000002, RESOLUTION176X120 = 0x00000004, RESOLUTION224X176 = 0x00000009, RESOLUTION256X192 = 0x0000000B, RESOLUTION320X240 = 0x00000001, RESOLUTION352X240 = 0x00000003, RESOLUTION320X480 = 0x00000007, RESOLUTION640X240 = 0x00000006, RESOLUTION640X480 = 0x00000005 }; // Constructors and destructors CSlingbox(); CSlingbox(const char * szAddress, unsigned int uiPort = 5001); ~CSlingbox(); // Following function can be called instead of the SetAddress function and is used to // find a Slingbox instead of manually setting address and port information bool FindSlingbox(unsigned int uiTimeout = 10); // Function used to retrive information about a found Slingbox void GetAddress(char * szAddress, unsigned int uiAddressLength, unsigned int * uiPort); // Following public functions are listed in order of suggested call sequence void SetAddress(const char * szAddress, unsigned int uiPort = 5001); bool Connect(bool bLoginAsAdmin, const char * szPassword); bool InitializeStream(); bool StreamSettings(Resolution eResolution = RESOLUTION320X240, uint32_t uiVideoBitrate = 704, uint32_t uiFrameRate = 30, uint32_t uiVideoSmoothing = 50, uint32_t uiAudioBitrate = 64, uint32_t uiIFrameInterval = 10); bool StartStream(); int ReadStream(void * pBuffer, unsigned int uiSize); bool StopStream(); bool Disconnect(); // Function used to find out if a connecton to the Slingbox is active bool IsConnected(); // Set channel/input related functions can be called anytime after InitializeStream // has succeeded bool ChannelUp(); bool ChannelDown(); bool SetChannel(unsigned int uiChannel); bool SetInput(unsigned int uiInput); // Get channel function will usually return valid data after InitializeStream // has succeeded int GetChannel(); // Get input function will usually return valid data only when a stream is active // (ie: after StartStream has succeeded and before StopStream is called) int GetInput(); // Function used to send an IR command bool SendIRCommand(uint8_t ucCommand); protected: // Function used to send and receive messages to and from the Slingbox struct MessageHeader; bool SendReceiveMessage(SOCKET socSocket, MessageHeader * pHeader, bool bEncrypt = true, unsigned int uiTimeout = 10); bool SendMessage(SOCKET socSocket, MessageHeader * pHeader, bool bEncrypt = true, unsigned int uiTimeout = 10); bool ReceiveMessage(SOCKET socSocket, bool bUDPMessage = false, unsigned int uiTimeout = 10); // Functions used to encode and decode data to and from the Slingbox void Encode(void * pData, unsigned int uiSize); void Decode(void * pData, unsigned int uiSize); // Connection related functions SOCKET OpenSocket(const char * szAddress, unsigned int uiPort, bool bUDP = false); int Broadcast(SOCKET socSocket, unsigned int uiPort, void * pBuffer, unsigned int uiSize, unsigned int uiTimeout = 10); int Send(SOCKET socSocket, void * pBuffer, unsigned int uiSize, unsigned int uiTimeout = 10); int SendTo(SOCKET socSocket, void * pBuffer, unsigned int uiSize, unsigned int uiTimeout, struct sockaddr * pSocketAddress); int Receive(SOCKET socSocket, void * pBuffer, unsigned int uiSize, unsigned int uiTimeout = 10); int ReceiveFrom(SOCKET socSocket, void * pBuffer, unsigned int uiSize, unsigned int uiTimeout, struct sockaddr * pSocketAddress); bool CloseSocket(SOCKET socSocket); // Function used to wait on the Slingbox for various reasons void Wait(unsigned int uiMilliseconds); // Protected member variables SOCKET m_socCommunication; SOCKET m_socStream; char m_szAddress[1024]; unsigned int m_uiPort; uint16_t m_usCode; uint16_t m_usSequence; int m_iChannel; int m_iInput; // Struct to define which messages were received struct { bool bFindMessage; bool bConnectMessage; bool bInitializationMessage; bool bEncryptionMessage; bool bSettingsMessage; bool bDisconnectMessage; bool bStatusMessage; bool bChannelMessage; bool bInputMessage; bool bChannelStatusMessage; bool bInputStatusMessage; bool bIRMessage; } m_receivedMessages; // Struct to define the Slingbox message header struct MessageHeader { uint16_t m_usHeader; // Always 0x0101 uint16_t m_usCode; // Grabbed from the first packet from the Slingbox then // always kept the same uint16_t m_usMessageID; // Unique number to identify the message uint16_t m_usVar4; // Always 0 uint16_t m_usSequence; // Sequencial number (answer will have the same number) uint16_t m_usDirection; // 0 from Slingbox and 0x8000 from software uint16_t m_usVar7; uint16_t m_usVar8; uint16_t m_usSize; // Size of the buffer (without header) uint16_t m_usEncoded; // 0x2000 if buffer is encoded uint16_t m_usVar11; uint16_t m_usVar12; uint16_t m_usVar13; uint16_t m_usVar14; uint16_t m_usVar15; uint16_t m_usVar16; // Struct constructor that sets all variables to default values MessageHeader(uint16_t usMessageID, uint16_t usSize) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(MessageHeader)); m_usHeader = 0x0101; m_usMessageID = usMessageID; m_usSize = usSize - sizeof(MessageHeader); } }; // Struct to define the login message struct ConnectMessage : public MessageHeader { uint32_t m_uiUnknown; uint16_t m_usAccess[16]; uint16_t m_usPassword[16]; uint16_t m_usID[66]; // Struct constructor that sets variables to default values and copies // passed values into variables ConnectMessage(bool bLoginAsAdmin, const char * szPassword) :MessageHeader(0x0067, sizeof(ConnectMessage)) { m_uiUnknown = 0x00000000; CopyCharToShort(m_usAccess, bLoginAsAdmin ? "admin" : "guest", 16); CopyCharToShort(m_usPassword, szPassword, 16); CopyCharToShort(m_usID, "Slingbox", 66); } // Function to copy a char array into a short array void CopyCharToShort(uint16_t * usTarget, const char * szSource, unsigned int uiTargetSize) { memset(usTarget, 0, uiTargetSize * sizeof(uint16_t)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uiTargetSize && szSource[i] != '\0'; i++) { usTarget[i] = (uint16_t)szSource[i]; } } }; // Struct to define the initialization message struct InitializationMessage : public MessageHeader { uint32_t m_uiVar1; uint32_t m_uiVar2; // Struct constructor that sets all variables to default values InitializationMessage() :MessageHeader(0x007E, sizeof(InitializationMessage)) { m_uiVar1 = 0x00000001; m_uiVar2 = 0x00000000; } }; // Struct to define the encryption message struct EncryptionMessage : public MessageHeader { uint32_t m_uiData[24]; // Struct constructor that sets all variables to default values EncryptionMessage() :MessageHeader(0x00A6, sizeof(EncryptionMessage)) { memset(m_uiData, 0, 96); m_uiData[0] = 0x00000100; m_uiData[4] = 0x001D0000; } }; // Struct to define the settings message struct SettingsMessage : public MessageHeader { uint32_t m_uiData[40]; // Struct constructor that sets variables to default values and copies // passed values into variables SettingsMessage(Resolution resolution, uint32_t uiVideoBitrate, uint32_t uiFrameRate, uint32_t uiVideoSmoothing, uint32_t uiAudioBitrate, uint32_t uiIFrameInterval) :MessageHeader(0x00B5, sizeof(SettingsMessage)) { // Make sure all our values are within limits if (uiVideoBitrate < 50) uiVideoBitrate = 50; if (uiVideoBitrate > 8000) uiVideoBitrate = 8000; if (uiFrameRate < 1) uiFrameRate = 1; else if (uiFrameRate < 6) uiFrameRate = 1; else if (uiFrameRate < 10) uiFrameRate = 6; else if (uiFrameRate < 15) uiFrameRate = 10; else if (uiFrameRate < 20) uiFrameRate = 15; else if (uiFrameRate < 30) uiFrameRate = 20; else uiFrameRate = 30; if (uiVideoSmoothing > 100) uiVideoSmoothing = 100; if (uiAudioBitrate < 16) uiAudioBitrate = 16; else if (uiAudioBitrate < 20) uiAudioBitrate = 16; else if (uiAudioBitrate < 32) uiAudioBitrate = 20; else if (uiAudioBitrate < 40) uiAudioBitrate = 32; else if (uiAudioBitrate < 48) uiAudioBitrate = 40; else if (uiAudioBitrate < 64) uiAudioBitrate = 48; else if (uiAudioBitrate < 96) uiAudioBitrate = 64; else uiAudioBitrate = 96; if (uiIFrameInterval > 30) uiIFrameInterval = 30; // Set variables to default values and copy passed values into variables m_uiData[0] = 0x000000FF; m_uiData[1] = 0x000000FF; m_uiData[2] = resolution; m_uiData[3] = 0x00000001; m_uiData[4] = uiVideoBitrate + (uiFrameRate << 16) + (uiIFrameInterval << 24); m_uiData[5] = 0x00000001 + (uiVideoSmoothing << 8); m_uiData[6] = 0x00000003; m_uiData[7] = 0x00000001; m_uiData[8] = uiAudioBitrate; m_uiData[9] = 0x00000003; m_uiData[10] = 0x00000001; m_uiData[11] = 0x46D4F252; m_uiData[12] = 0x4C5D03E4; m_uiData[13] = 0x04CA1F8D; m_uiData[14] = 0xF1090089; for (int i = 15; i < 40; i++) m_uiData[i] = 0x00000000; } }; // Struct to define the disconnect message struct DisconnectMessage : public MessageHeader { DisconnectMessage() :MessageHeader(0x0068, sizeof(DisconnectMessage)) { } }; // Struct to define the status message struct StatusMessage : public MessageHeader { StatusMessage() :MessageHeader(0x0065, sizeof(StatusMessage)) { } }; // Struct to define the channel message struct ChannelMessage : public MessageHeader { uint32_t m_uiUpDown; // 0 = up & 1 = down when channel = 0 uint32_t m_uiChannel; uint32_t m_uiUnknown1; uint32_t m_uiUnknown2; // Struct constructor that sets variables to default values and copies // passed values into variables ChannelMessage(uint32_t uiChannel = 0) :MessageHeader(0x0089, sizeof(ChannelMessage)) { m_uiUpDown = 0x00000002; m_uiChannel = uiChannel; m_uiUnknown1 = 0xFF000000; m_uiUnknown2 = 0x00000000; } // Function that sets variables to values required to change the channel up void Up() { m_uiUpDown = 0x00000000; m_uiChannel = 0x00000000; m_uiUnknown1 = 0x000000FF; m_uiUnknown2 = 0x00000000; } // Function that sets variables to values required to change the channel down void Down() { m_uiUpDown = 0x00000001; m_uiChannel = 0x00000000; m_uiUnknown1 = 0x000000FF; m_uiUnknown2 = 0x00000000; } }; // Struct to define the input message struct InputMessage : public MessageHeader { uint8_t m_ucData[8]; // Struct constructor that sets variables to default values and copies // passed values into variables InputMessage(uint8_t ucInput) :MessageHeader(0x0085, sizeof(InputMessage)) { memset(m_ucData, 0, sizeof(m_ucData)); m_ucData[0] = ucInput; } }; // Struct to define the IR message struct IRMessage : public MessageHeader { uint8_t m_ucData[480]; // Struct constructor that sets variables to default values and copies // passed values into variables IRMessage(uint8_t ucCode) :MessageHeader(0x0087, sizeof(IRMessage)) { memset(m_ucData, 0, sizeof(m_ucData)); m_ucData[0] = ucCode; m_ucData[472] = 0xFF; } }; };