Known Issues for the 9.11 'Camelot' Release of XBMC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ToC 1) General Issues 2) Linux Specific Issues 3) OSX Specific Issues 4) Win32 Specific Issues 5) Xbox Specific Issues 6) Other Issues --- General Issues ------------------------------------------------------------ *) Other than VDPAU support for Nvidia under linux, there is no support for GPU off-loading (hardware acceleration) of video decoding in XBMC at this time. Consequently, a fairly powerful system is required for high resolution and/or high bitrate content. *) The "High Quality Software Upscaling" setting is not recommended for slower systems or systems with integrated graphics solutions. If you experience playback issues, please ensure that it is disabled. *) Some H.264 content displays block artifacts. This is caused by the "CABAC" patch we have applied to ffmpeg, which allows multithreaded decoding of most h264 content, but doesn't do as heavy of deblock filtering. *) Playback from incomplete rar sets only works on Xbox. FFmpeg has no "no seek" paramater, vital for this feature. Mplayer on Xbox does. *) Visualizations may not resize if running when xbmc changes resolutions. This includes switching from fullscreen to windowed modes and vice versa. *) Vobsub subtitles (aka sub/idx) have various issues. Some examples are; out of sync, duplicates, wrong language, multiple subtitles displayed on top of eachother. *) DVD images created in a non-standard way (ie. no menus, vob files >1GB) may hang at the end of playback or not start at all. --- Linux Specific Issues ----------------------------------------------------- *) PulseAudio can cause various audio related problems for XBMC. It is advised you disable or uninstall it if you experience any. *) VDPAU is still a new and experimental feature. It is disabled by default and will NOT be selected if renderer is set to 'Auto', it must be set manually. Ensure that the latest drivers from NVidia are installed. As of this writing, >180.44 is sufficient. It is known that certain subtitles may not be displayed when VDPAU is enabled. *) Compositing window managers (Compiz, beryl, etc) and other OpenGL "Desktop Effects" can cause graphical problems (usually can't stay in full screen) with XBMC. It is advised you disable or uninstall these features if you have problems. *) SDL may not give the mouse pointer back to the desktop if XBMC crashes (thankfully much less likely in this release!). Should this happen, simply start XBMC again and close it normally. *) 64bit linux hasn't really been given any real attention. You are advised to use 32bit unless you NEED 64bit for some reason (4GB of RAM is NOT a reason, google "Physical Address Extension"). Some popular problems are; no webserver or httpapi, crashes during navigation, crash opening movie infopanel, crash on some plugins, may not launch at all. --- OSX Specific Issues ------------------------------------------------------- *) There is currently no support for FLAC or WAV audio formats under PPC OSX. --- Windows Specific Issues --------------------------------------------------- *) There's currently no support for multi monitor setups. Read the forum for workarounds. *) When XBMC is started in fullscreen switching to window mode isn't working atm. Just start XBMC in window mode and choose your desktop resolution from the settings to enable fullscreen. --- Xbox Specific Issues ------------------------------------------------------ *) Graphical artifacts after starting a new video while another video, with differing dimensions, is already playing. This occurs only when using dvdplayer for playback not mplayer. --- Other Issues -------------------------------------------------------------- For other, less obivious issues and new and improved ones, please visit our bug tracker at