/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "VisibleEffect.h" #include "utils/GUIInfoManager.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "addons/Skin.h" // for the effect time adjustments #include "StringUtils.h" #include "Tween.h" #include "tinyXML/tinyxml.h" using namespace std; CAnimEffect::CAnimEffect(const TiXmlElement *node, EFFECT_TYPE effect) { m_effect = effect; // defaults m_delay = m_length = 0; m_pTweener = NULL; // time and delay float temp; if (TIXML_SUCCESS == node->QueryFloatAttribute("time", &temp)) m_length = (unsigned int)(temp * g_SkinInfo->GetEffectsSlowdown()); if (TIXML_SUCCESS == node->QueryFloatAttribute("delay", &temp)) m_delay = (unsigned int)(temp * g_SkinInfo->GetEffectsSlowdown()); const char *tween = node->Attribute("tween"); if (tween) { if (strcmpi(tween, "linear")==0) m_pTweener = new LinearTweener(); else if (strcmpi(tween, "quadratic")==0) m_pTweener = new QuadTweener(); else if (strcmpi(tween, "cubic")==0) m_pTweener = new CubicTweener(); else if (strcmpi(tween, "sine")==0) m_pTweener = new SineTweener(); else if (strcmpi(tween, "back")==0) m_pTweener = new BackTweener(); else if (strcmpi(tween, "circle")==0) m_pTweener = new CircleTweener(); else if (strcmpi(tween, "bounce")==0) m_pTweener = new BounceTweener(); else if (strcmpi(tween, "elastic")==0) m_pTweener = new ElasticTweener(); const char *easing = node->Attribute("easing"); if (m_pTweener && easing) { if (strcmpi(easing, "in")==0) m_pTweener->SetEasing(EASE_IN); else if (strcmpi(easing, "out")==0) m_pTweener->SetEasing(EASE_OUT); else if (strcmpi(easing, "inout")==0) m_pTweener->SetEasing(EASE_INOUT); } } float accel = 0; node->QueryFloatAttribute("acceleration", &accel); if (!m_pTweener) { // no tweener is specified - use a linear tweener // or quadratic if we have acceleration if (accel) { m_pTweener = new QuadTweener(accel); m_pTweener->SetEasing(EASE_IN); } else m_pTweener = new LinearTweener(); } } CAnimEffect::CAnimEffect(unsigned int delay, unsigned int length, EFFECT_TYPE effect) { m_delay = delay; m_length = length; m_effect = effect; m_pTweener = new LinearTweener(); } CAnimEffect::~CAnimEffect() { if (m_pTweener) m_pTweener->Free(); } CAnimEffect::CAnimEffect(const CAnimEffect &src) { m_pTweener = NULL; *this = src; } const CAnimEffect &CAnimEffect::operator=(const CAnimEffect &src) { if (&src == this) return *this; m_matrix = src.m_matrix; m_effect = src.m_effect; m_length = src.m_length; m_delay = src.m_delay; if (m_pTweener) m_pTweener->Free(); m_pTweener = src.m_pTweener; if (m_pTweener) m_pTweener->IncRef(); return *this; } void CAnimEffect::Calculate(unsigned int time, const CPoint ¢er) { assert(m_delay + m_length); // calculate offset and tweening float offset = 0.0f; // delayed forward, or finished reverse if (time >= m_delay && time < m_delay + m_length) offset = (float)(time - m_delay) / m_length; else if (time >= m_delay + m_length) offset = 1.0f; if (m_pTweener) offset = m_pTweener->Tween(offset, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // and apply the effect ApplyEffect(offset, center); } void CAnimEffect::ApplyState(ANIMATION_STATE state, const CPoint ¢er) { float offset = (state == ANIM_STATE_APPLIED) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; ApplyEffect(offset, center); } CFadeEffect::CFadeEffect(const TiXmlElement *node, bool reverseDefaults) : CAnimEffect(node, EFFECT_TYPE_FADE) { if (reverseDefaults) { // out effect defaults m_startAlpha = 100.0f; m_endAlpha = 0; } else { // in effect defaults m_startAlpha = 0; m_endAlpha = 100.0f; } node->QueryFloatAttribute("start", &m_startAlpha); node->QueryFloatAttribute("end", &m_endAlpha); if (m_startAlpha > 100.0f) m_startAlpha = 100.0f; if (m_endAlpha > 100.0f) m_endAlpha = 100.0f; if (m_startAlpha < 0) m_startAlpha = 0; if (m_endAlpha < 0) m_endAlpha = 0; } CFadeEffect::CFadeEffect(float start, float end, unsigned int delay, unsigned int length) : CAnimEffect(delay, length, EFFECT_TYPE_FADE) { m_startAlpha = start; m_endAlpha = end; } void CFadeEffect::ApplyEffect(float offset, const CPoint ¢er) { m_matrix.SetFader(((m_endAlpha - m_startAlpha) * offset + m_startAlpha) * 0.01f); } CSlideEffect::CSlideEffect(const TiXmlElement *node) : CAnimEffect(node, EFFECT_TYPE_SLIDE) { m_startX = m_endX = 0; m_startY = m_endY = 0; const char *startPos = node->Attribute("start"); if (startPos) { vector commaSeparated; StringUtils::SplitString(startPos, ",", commaSeparated); if (commaSeparated.size() > 1) m_startY = (float)atof(commaSeparated[1].c_str()); m_startX = (float)atof(commaSeparated[0].c_str()); } const char *endPos = node->Attribute("end"); if (endPos) { vector commaSeparated; StringUtils::SplitString(endPos, ",", commaSeparated); if (commaSeparated.size() > 1) m_endY = (float)atof(commaSeparated[1].c_str()); m_endX = (float)atof(commaSeparated[0].c_str()); } } void CSlideEffect::ApplyEffect(float offset, const CPoint ¢er) { m_matrix.SetTranslation((m_endX - m_startX)*offset + m_startX, (m_endY - m_startY)*offset + m_startY, 0); } CRotateEffect::CRotateEffect(const TiXmlElement *node, EFFECT_TYPE effect) : CAnimEffect(node, effect) { m_startAngle = m_endAngle = 0; m_autoCenter = false; node->QueryFloatAttribute("start", &m_startAngle); node->QueryFloatAttribute("end", &m_endAngle); // convert to a negative to account for our reversed Y axis (Needed for X and Z ???) m_startAngle *= -1; m_endAngle *= -1; const char *centerPos = node->Attribute("center"); if (centerPos) { if (strcmpi(centerPos, "auto") == 0) m_autoCenter = true; else { vector commaSeparated; StringUtils::SplitString(centerPos, ",", commaSeparated); if (commaSeparated.size() > 1) m_center.y = (float)atof(commaSeparated[1].c_str()); m_center.x = (float)atof(commaSeparated[0].c_str()); } } } void CRotateEffect::ApplyEffect(float offset, const CPoint ¢er) { static const float degree_to_radian = 0.01745329252f; if (m_autoCenter) m_center = center; if (m_effect == EFFECT_TYPE_ROTATE_X) m_matrix.SetXRotation(((m_endAngle - m_startAngle)*offset + m_startAngle) * degree_to_radian, m_center.x, m_center.y, 1.0f); else if (m_effect == EFFECT_TYPE_ROTATE_Y) m_matrix.SetYRotation(((m_endAngle - m_startAngle)*offset + m_startAngle) * degree_to_radian, m_center.x, m_center.y, 1.0f); else if (m_effect == EFFECT_TYPE_ROTATE_Z) // note coordinate aspect ratio is not generally square in the XY plane, so correct for it. m_matrix.SetZRotation(((m_endAngle - m_startAngle)*offset + m_startAngle) * degree_to_radian, m_center.x, m_center.y, g_graphicsContext.GetScalingPixelRatio()); } CZoomEffect::CZoomEffect(const TiXmlElement *node, const CRect &rect) : CAnimEffect(node, EFFECT_TYPE_ZOOM) { // effect defaults m_startX = m_startY = 100; m_endX = m_endY = 100; m_center = CPoint(0,0); m_autoCenter = false; float startPosX = rect.x1; float startPosY = rect.y1; float endPosX = rect.x1; float endPosY = rect.y1; float width = max(rect.Width(), 0.001f); float height = max(rect.Height(),0.001f); const char *start = node->Attribute("start"); if (start) { CStdStringArray params; StringUtils::SplitString(start, ",", params); if (params.size() == 1) { m_startX = (float)atof(params[0].c_str()); m_startY = m_startX; } else if (params.size() == 2) { m_startX = (float)atof(params[0].c_str()); m_startY = (float)atof(params[1].c_str()); } else if (params.size() == 4) { // format is start="x,y,width,height" // use width and height from our rect to calculate our sizing startPosX = (float)atof(params[0].c_str()); startPosY = (float)atof(params[1].c_str()); m_startX = (float)atof(params[2].c_str()); m_startY = (float)atof(params[3].c_str()); m_startX *= 100.0f / width; m_startY *= 100.0f / height; } } const char *end = node->Attribute("end"); if (end) { CStdStringArray params; StringUtils::SplitString(end, ",", params); if (params.size() == 1) { m_endX = (float)atof(params[0].c_str()); m_endY = m_endX; } else if (params.size() == 2) { m_endX = (float)atof(params[0].c_str()); m_endY = (float)atof(params[1].c_str()); } else if (params.size() == 4) { // format is start="x,y,width,height" // use width and height from our rect to calculate our sizing endPosX = (float)atof(params[0].c_str()); endPosY = (float)atof(params[1].c_str()); m_endX = (float)atof(params[2].c_str()); m_endY = (float)atof(params[3].c_str()); m_endX *= 100.0f / width; m_endY *= 100.0f / height; } } const char *centerPos = node->Attribute("center"); if (centerPos) { if (strcmpi(centerPos, "auto") == 0) m_autoCenter = true; else { vector commaSeparated; StringUtils::SplitString(centerPos, ",", commaSeparated); if (commaSeparated.size() > 1) m_center.y = (float)atof(commaSeparated[1].c_str()); m_center.x = (float)atof(commaSeparated[0].c_str()); } } else { // no center specified // calculate the center position... if (m_startX) { float scale = m_endX / m_startX; if (scale != 1) m_center.x = (endPosX - scale*startPosX) / (1 - scale); } if (m_startY) { float scale = m_endY / m_startY; if (scale != 1) m_center.y = (endPosY - scale*startPosY) / (1 - scale); } } } void CZoomEffect::ApplyEffect(float offset, const CPoint ¢er) { if (m_autoCenter) m_center = center; float scaleX = ((m_endX - m_startX)*offset + m_startX) * 0.01f; float scaleY = ((m_endY - m_startY)*offset + m_startY) * 0.01f; m_matrix.SetScaler(scaleX, scaleY, m_center.x, m_center.y); } CAnimation::CAnimation() { m_type = ANIM_TYPE_NONE; m_reversible = true; m_condition = 0; m_repeatAnim = ANIM_REPEAT_NONE; m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_NONE; m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NONE; m_queuedProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NONE; m_lastCondition = false; m_length = 0; m_delay = 0; m_start = 0; m_amount = 0; } CAnimation::CAnimation(const CAnimation &src) { *this = src; } CAnimation::~CAnimation() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_effects.size(); i++) delete m_effects[i]; m_effects.clear(); } const CAnimation &CAnimation::operator =(const CAnimation &src) { if (this == &src) return *this; // same m_type = src.m_type; m_reversible = src.m_reversible; m_condition = src.m_condition; m_repeatAnim = src.m_repeatAnim; m_lastCondition = src.m_lastCondition; m_queuedProcess = src.m_queuedProcess; m_currentProcess = src.m_currentProcess; m_currentState = src.m_currentState; m_start = src.m_start; m_length = src.m_length; m_delay = src.m_delay; m_amount = src.m_amount; // clear all our effects for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_effects.size(); i++) delete m_effects[i]; m_effects.clear(); // and assign the others across for (unsigned int i = 0; i < src.m_effects.size(); i++) { CAnimEffect *newEffect = NULL; if (src.m_effects[i]->GetType() == CAnimEffect::EFFECT_TYPE_FADE) newEffect = new CFadeEffect(*(CFadeEffect *)src.m_effects[i]); else if (src.m_effects[i]->GetType() == CAnimEffect::EFFECT_TYPE_ZOOM) newEffect = new CZoomEffect(*(CZoomEffect *)src.m_effects[i]); else if (src.m_effects[i]->GetType() == CAnimEffect::EFFECT_TYPE_SLIDE) newEffect = new CSlideEffect(*(CSlideEffect *)src.m_effects[i]); else if (src.m_effects[i]->GetType() == CAnimEffect::EFFECT_TYPE_ROTATE_X || src.m_effects[i]->GetType() == CAnimEffect::EFFECT_TYPE_ROTATE_Y || src.m_effects[i]->GetType() == CAnimEffect::EFFECT_TYPE_ROTATE_Z) newEffect = new CRotateEffect(*(CRotateEffect *)src.m_effects[i]); if (newEffect) m_effects.push_back(newEffect); } return *this; } void CAnimation::Animate(unsigned int time, bool startAnim) { // First start any queued animations if (m_queuedProcess == ANIM_PROCESS_NORMAL) { if (m_currentProcess == ANIM_PROCESS_REVERSE) m_start = time - m_amount; // reverse direction of animation else m_start = time; m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NORMAL; } else if (m_queuedProcess == ANIM_PROCESS_REVERSE) { if (m_currentProcess == ANIM_PROCESS_NORMAL) m_start = time - (m_length - m_amount); // reverse direction of animation else if (m_currentProcess == ANIM_PROCESS_NONE) m_start = time; m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_REVERSE; } // reset the queued state once we've rendered to ensure allocation has occured if (startAnim || m_queuedProcess == ANIM_PROCESS_REVERSE) m_queuedProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NONE; // Update our animation process if (m_currentProcess == ANIM_PROCESS_NORMAL) { if (time - m_start < m_delay) { m_amount = 0; m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_DELAYED; } else if (time - m_start < m_length + m_delay) { m_amount = time - m_start - m_delay; m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_IN_PROCESS; } else { m_amount = m_length; if (m_repeatAnim == ANIM_REPEAT_PULSE && m_lastCondition) { // pulsed anims auto-reverse m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_REVERSE; m_start = time; } else if (m_repeatAnim == ANIM_REPEAT_LOOP && m_lastCondition) { // looped anims start over m_amount = 0; m_start = time; } else m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_APPLIED; } } else if (m_currentProcess == ANIM_PROCESS_REVERSE) { if (time - m_start < m_length) { m_amount = m_length - (time - m_start); m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_IN_PROCESS; } else { m_amount = 0; if (m_repeatAnim == ANIM_REPEAT_PULSE && m_lastCondition) { // pulsed anims auto-reverse m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NORMAL; m_start = time; } else m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_APPLIED; } } } void CAnimation::ResetAnimation() { m_queuedProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NONE; m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NONE; m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_NONE; } void CAnimation::ApplyAnimation() { m_queuedProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NONE; if (m_repeatAnim == ANIM_REPEAT_PULSE) { // pulsed anims auto-reverse m_amount = m_length; m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_REVERSE; m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_IN_PROCESS; } else if (m_repeatAnim == ANIM_REPEAT_LOOP) { // looped anims start over m_amount = 0; m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NORMAL; m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_IN_PROCESS; } else { // set normal process, so that Calculate() knows that we're finishing for zero length effects // it will be reset in RenderAnimation() m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NORMAL; m_currentState = ANIM_STATE_APPLIED; m_amount = m_length; } Calculate(CPoint()); } void CAnimation::Calculate(const CPoint ¢er) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_effects.size(); i++) { CAnimEffect *effect = m_effects[i]; if (effect->GetLength()) effect->Calculate(m_delay + m_amount, center); else { // effect has length zero, so either apply complete if (m_currentProcess == ANIM_PROCESS_NORMAL) effect->ApplyState(ANIM_STATE_APPLIED, center); else effect->ApplyState(ANIM_STATE_NONE, center); } } } void CAnimation::RenderAnimation(TransformMatrix &matrix, const CPoint ¢er) { if (m_currentProcess != ANIM_PROCESS_NONE) Calculate(center); // If we have finished an animation, reset the animation state // We do this here (rather than in Animate()) as we need the // currentProcess information in the UpdateStates() function of the // window and control classes. if (m_currentState == ANIM_STATE_APPLIED) { m_currentProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NONE; m_queuedProcess = ANIM_PROCESS_NONE; } if (m_currentState != ANIM_STATE_NONE) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_effects.size(); i++) matrix *= m_effects[i]->GetTransform(); } } void CAnimation::QueueAnimation(ANIMATION_PROCESS process) { m_queuedProcess = process; } CAnimation *CAnimation::CreateFader(float start, float end, unsigned int delay, unsigned int length) { CAnimation *anim = new CAnimation(); if (anim) { CFadeEffect *effect = new CFadeEffect(start, end, delay, length); if (effect) anim->AddEffect(effect); } return anim; } void CAnimation::UpdateCondition(int contextWindow, const CGUIListItem *item) { bool condition = g_infoManager.GetBool(m_condition, contextWindow, item); if (condition && !m_lastCondition) QueueAnimation(ANIM_PROCESS_NORMAL); else if (!condition && m_lastCondition) { if (m_reversible) QueueAnimation(ANIM_PROCESS_REVERSE); else ResetAnimation(); } m_lastCondition = condition; } void CAnimation::SetInitialCondition(int contextWindow) { m_lastCondition = g_infoManager.GetBool(m_condition, contextWindow); if (m_lastCondition) ApplyAnimation(); else ResetAnimation(); } void CAnimation::Create(const TiXmlElement *node, const CRect &rect) { if (!node || !node->FirstChild()) return; // conditions and reversibility const char *condition = node->Attribute("condition"); if (condition) m_condition = g_infoManager.TranslateString(condition); const char *reverse = node->Attribute("reversible"); if (reverse && strcmpi(reverse, "false") == 0) m_reversible = false; const TiXmlElement *effect = node->FirstChildElement("effect"); CStdString type = node->FirstChild()->Value(); m_type = ANIM_TYPE_CONDITIONAL; if (effect) // new layout type = node->Attribute("type"); if (type.Left(7).Equals("visible")) m_type = ANIM_TYPE_VISIBLE; else if (type.Equals("hidden")) m_type = ANIM_TYPE_HIDDEN; else if (type.Equals("focus")) m_type = ANIM_TYPE_FOCUS; else if (type.Equals("unfocus")) m_type = ANIM_TYPE_UNFOCUS; else if (type.Equals("windowopen")) m_type = ANIM_TYPE_WINDOW_OPEN; else if (type.Equals("windowclose")) m_type = ANIM_TYPE_WINDOW_CLOSE; // sanity check if (m_type == ANIM_TYPE_CONDITIONAL) { if (!m_condition) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Control has invalid animation type (no condition or no type)"); return; } // pulsed or loop animations const char *pulse = node->Attribute("pulse"); if (pulse && strcmpi(pulse, "true") == 0) m_repeatAnim = ANIM_REPEAT_PULSE; const char *loop = node->Attribute("loop"); if (loop && strcmpi(loop, "true") == 0) m_repeatAnim = ANIM_REPEAT_LOOP; } m_delay = 0xffffffff; if (!effect) { // old layout: // focus CStdString type = node->Attribute("effect"); AddEffect(type, node, rect); } while (effect) { // new layout: // // // ... // CStdString type = effect->Attribute("type"); AddEffect(type, effect, rect); effect = effect->NextSiblingElement("effect"); } } void CAnimation::AddEffect(const CStdString &type, const TiXmlElement *node, const CRect &rect) { CAnimEffect *effect = NULL; if (type.Equals("fade")) effect = new CFadeEffect(node, m_type < 0); else if (type.Equals("slide")) effect = new CSlideEffect(node); else if (type.Equals("rotate")) effect = new CRotateEffect(node, CAnimEffect::EFFECT_TYPE_ROTATE_Z); else if (type.Equals("rotatey")) effect = new CRotateEffect(node, CAnimEffect::EFFECT_TYPE_ROTATE_Y); else if (type.Equals("rotatex")) effect = new CRotateEffect(node, CAnimEffect::EFFECT_TYPE_ROTATE_X); else if (type.Equals("zoom")) effect = new CZoomEffect(node, rect); if (effect) AddEffect(effect); } void CAnimation::AddEffect(CAnimEffect *effect) { m_effects.push_back(effect); // our delay is the minimum of all the effect delays if (effect->GetDelay() < m_delay) m_delay = effect->GetDelay(); // our length is the maximum of all the effect lengths if (effect->GetLength() > m_delay + m_length) m_length = effect->GetLength() - m_delay; }