/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "SkinInfo.h" #include "GUIWindowManager.h" #include "GUISettings.h" #include "FileSystem/File.h" #include "FileSystem/SpecialProtocol.h" #include "Key.h" #include "Util.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "StringUtils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "tinyXML/tinyxml.h" using namespace std; using namespace XFILE; #define SKIN_MIN_VERSION 2.1f CSkinInfo g_SkinInfo; // global CSkinInfo::CSkinInfo() { m_DefaultResolution = RES_INVALID; m_DefaultResolutionWide = RES_INVALID; m_strBaseDir = ""; m_iNumCreditLines = 0; m_effectsSlowDown = 1.0; m_onlyAnimateToHome = true; m_Version = 1.0; m_skinzoom = 1.0f; } CSkinInfo::~CSkinInfo() {} void CSkinInfo::Load(const CStdString& strSkinDir) { m_strBaseDir = strSkinDir; m_DefaultResolution = RES_INVALID; // set to INVALID to denote that there is no default res here m_DefaultResolutionWide = RES_INVALID; m_effectsSlowDown = 1.0; // Load from skin.xml TiXmlDocument xmlDoc; CStdString strFile = m_strBaseDir + "\\skin.xml"; if (xmlDoc.LoadFile(strFile)) { // ok - get the default skin folder out of it... TiXmlElement* pRootElement = xmlDoc.RootElement(); CStdString strValue = pRootElement->Value(); if (strValue != "skin") { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "file :%s doesnt contain ", strFile.c_str()); } else { // get the default resolution TiXmlNode *pChild = pRootElement->FirstChild("defaultresolution"); if (pChild) { // found the defaultresolution tag CStdString strDefaultDir = pChild->FirstChild()->Value(); strDefaultDir = strDefaultDir.ToLower(); if (strDefaultDir == "pal") m_DefaultResolution = RES_PAL_4x3; else if (strDefaultDir == "pal16x9") m_DefaultResolution = RES_PAL_16x9; else if (strDefaultDir == "ntsc") m_DefaultResolution = RES_NTSC_4x3; else if (strDefaultDir == "ntsc16x9") m_DefaultResolution = RES_NTSC_16x9; else if (strDefaultDir == "720p") m_DefaultResolution = RES_HDTV_720p; else if (strDefaultDir == "1080i") m_DefaultResolution = RES_HDTV_1080i; } CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Default 4:3 resolution directory is %s", CUtil::AddFileToFolder(m_strBaseDir, GetDirFromRes(m_DefaultResolution)).c_str()); pChild = pRootElement->FirstChild("defaultresolutionwide"); if (pChild && pChild->FirstChild()) { // found the defaultresolution tag CStdString strDefaultDir = pChild->FirstChild()->Value(); strDefaultDir = strDefaultDir.ToLower(); if (strDefaultDir == "pal") m_DefaultResolutionWide = RES_PAL_4x3; else if (strDefaultDir == "pal16x9") m_DefaultResolutionWide = RES_PAL_16x9; else if (strDefaultDir == "ntsc") m_DefaultResolutionWide = RES_NTSC_4x3; else if (strDefaultDir == "ntsc16x9") m_DefaultResolutionWide = RES_NTSC_16x9; else if (strDefaultDir == "720p") m_DefaultResolutionWide = RES_HDTV_720p; else if (strDefaultDir == "1080i") m_DefaultResolutionWide = RES_HDTV_1080i; } else m_DefaultResolutionWide = m_DefaultResolution; // default to same as 4:3 CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Default 16:9 resolution directory is %s", CUtil::AddFileToFolder(m_strBaseDir, GetDirFromRes(m_DefaultResolutionWide)).c_str()); // get the version pChild = pRootElement->FirstChild("version"); if (pChild && pChild->FirstChild()) { m_Version = StringUtils::GetFloat(pChild->FirstChild()->Value()); CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Skin version is: %s", pChild->FirstChild()->Value()); } // get the effects slowdown parameter pChild = pRootElement->FirstChild("effectslowdown"); if (pChild && pChild->FirstChild()) m_effectsSlowDown = StringUtils::GetFloat(pChild->FirstChild()->Value()); // now load the credits information pChild = pRootElement->FirstChild("credits"); if (pChild) { // ok, run through the credits TiXmlNode *pGrandChild = pChild->FirstChild("skinname"); if (pGrandChild && pGrandChild->FirstChild()) { CStdString strName = pGrandChild->FirstChild()->Value(); #ifndef _LINUX swprintf(credits[0], L"%S Skin", strName.Left(44).c_str()); #else swprintf(credits[0], CREDIT_LINE_LENGTH - 1, L"%s Skin", strName.Left(44).c_str()); #endif } pGrandChild = pChild->FirstChild("name"); m_iNumCreditLines = 1; while (pGrandChild && pGrandChild->FirstChild() && m_iNumCreditLines < 6) { CStdString strName = pGrandChild->FirstChild()->Value(); #ifndef _LINUX swprintf(credits[m_iNumCreditLines], L"%S", strName.Left(49).c_str()); #else swprintf(credits[m_iNumCreditLines], CREDIT_LINE_LENGTH - 1, L"%s", strName.Left(49).c_str()); #endif m_iNumCreditLines++; pGrandChild = pGrandChild->NextSibling("name"); } } // get the skin zoom parameter. it's how much skin should be enlarged to get rid of overscan pChild = pRootElement->FirstChild("zoom"); if (pChild && pChild->FirstChild()) m_skinzoom = StringUtils::GetFloat(pChild->FirstChild()->Value()); else m_skinzoom = 1.0f; // now load the startupwindow information LoadStartupWindows(pRootElement->FirstChildElement("startupwindows")); } } // Load the skin includes LoadIncludes(); } bool CSkinInfo::Check(const CStdString& strSkinDir) { bool bVersionOK = false; // Load from skin.xml TiXmlDocument xmlDoc; CStdString strFile = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strSkinDir, "skin.xml"); CStdString strGoodPath = strSkinDir; if (xmlDoc.LoadFile(strFile)) { // ok - get the default res folder out of it... TiXmlElement* pRootElement = xmlDoc.RootElement(); CStdString strValue = pRootElement->Value(); if (strValue == "skin") { // get the default resolution TiXmlNode *pChild = pRootElement->FirstChild("defaultresolution"); if (pChild) { // found the defaultresolution tag #ifndef _LINUX strGoodPath += "\\"; #else strGoodPath += "/"; #endif CStdString resolution = pChild->FirstChild()->Value(); if (resolution == "pal") resolution = "PAL"; else if (resolution == "pal16x9") resolution = "PAL16x9"; else if (resolution == "ntsc") resolution = "NTSC"; else if (resolution == "ntsc16x9") resolution = "NTSC16x9"; strGoodPath = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strGoodPath, resolution); } // get the version pChild = pRootElement->FirstChild("version"); if (pChild) { float parsedVersion; parsedVersion = StringUtils::GetFloat(pChild->FirstChild()->Value()); bVersionOK = parsedVersion >= SKIN_MIN_VERSION; CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Skin version is: %s (%f)", pChild->FirstChild()->Value(), parsedVersion); } } } // Check to see if we have a good path CStdString strFontXML = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strGoodPath, "Font.xml"); CStdString strHomeXML = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strGoodPath, "Home.xml"); if ( CFile::Exists(strFontXML) && CFile::Exists(strHomeXML) && bVersionOK ) { return true; } return false; } CStdString CSkinInfo::GetSkinPath(const CStdString& strFile, RESOLUTION *res, const CStdString& strBaseDir /* = "" */) { CStdString strPathToUse = m_strBaseDir; if (!strBaseDir.IsEmpty()) strPathToUse = strBaseDir; // first try and load from the current resolution's directory int height=0; *res = g_graphicsContext.GetVideoResolution(); if (*res >= RES_WINDOW) { height = g_settings.m_ResInfo[*res].iHeight; if (height>=1080 && (g_settings.m_ResInfo[*res].dwFlags & D3DPRESENTFLAG_WIDESCREEN)) { *res = RES_HDTV_1080i; } else if (height>=720 && (g_settings.m_ResInfo[*res].dwFlags & D3DPRESENTFLAG_WIDESCREEN)) { *res = RES_HDTV_720p; } else if (g_settings.m_ResInfo[*res].dwFlags & D3DPRESENTFLAG_WIDESCREEN) { *res = RES_PAL_16x9; } else { *res = RES_PAL_4x3; } } CStdString strPath = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strPathToUse, GetDirFromRes(*res)); strPath = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strPath, strFile); if (CFile::Exists(strPath)) return strPath; // if we're in 1080i mode, try 720p next if (*res == RES_HDTV_1080i) { *res = RES_HDTV_720p; strPath = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strPathToUse, GetDirFromRes(*res)); strPath = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strPath, strFile); if (CFile::Exists(strPath)) return strPath; } // that failed - drop to the default widescreen resolution if where in a widemode if (*res == RES_PAL_16x9 || *res == RES_NTSC_16x9 || *res == RES_HDTV_480p_16x9 || *res == RES_HDTV_720p) { *res = m_DefaultResolutionWide; strPath = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strPathToUse, GetDirFromRes(*res)); strPath = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strPath, strFile); if (CFile::Exists(strPath)) return strPath; } // that failed - drop to the default resolution *res = m_DefaultResolution; strPath = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strPathToUse, GetDirFromRes(*res)); strPath = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(strPath, strFile); // check if we don't have any subdirectories if (*res == RES_INVALID) *res = RES_PAL_4x3; return strPath; } bool CSkinInfo::HasSkinFile(const CStdString &strFile) { RESOLUTION res = RES_INVALID; return CFile::Exists(GetSkinPath(strFile, &res)); } CStdString CSkinInfo::GetDirFromRes(RESOLUTION res) { CStdString strRes; switch (res) { case RES_PAL_4x3: strRes = "PAL"; break; case RES_PAL_16x9: strRes = "PAL16x9"; break; case RES_NTSC_4x3: case RES_HDTV_480p_4x3: strRes = "NTSC"; break; case RES_NTSC_16x9: case RES_HDTV_480p_16x9: strRes = "ntsc16x9"; break; case RES_HDTV_720p: strRes = "720p"; break; case RES_HDTV_1080i: strRes = "1080i"; break; case RES_INVALID: default: strRes = ""; break; } return strRes; } CStdString CSkinInfo::GetBaseDir() { return m_strBaseDir; } wchar_t* CSkinInfo::GetCreditsLine(int i) { if (i < m_iNumCreditLines) return credits[i]; else return NULL; } double CSkinInfo::GetMinVersion() { return SKIN_MIN_VERSION; } void CSkinInfo::LoadIncludes() { RESOLUTION res; CStdString includesPath = PTH_IC(GetSkinPath("includes.xml", &res)); CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Loading skin includes from %s", includesPath.c_str()); m_includes.ClearIncludes(); m_includes.LoadIncludes(includesPath); } void CSkinInfo::ResolveIncludes(TiXmlElement *node, const CStdString &type) { m_includes.ResolveIncludes(node, type); } bool CSkinInfo::ResolveConstant(const CStdString &constant, float &value) { return m_includes.ResolveConstant(constant, value); } bool CSkinInfo::ResolveConstant(const CStdString &constant, unsigned int &value) { float fValue; if (m_includes.ResolveConstant(constant, fValue)) { value = (unsigned int)fValue; return true; } return false; } int CSkinInfo::GetStartWindow() { int windowID = g_guiSettings.GetInt("lookandfeel.startupwindow"); assert(m_startupWindows.size()); for (vector::iterator it = m_startupWindows.begin(); it != m_startupWindows.end(); it++) { if (windowID == (*it).m_id) return windowID; } // return our first one return m_startupWindows[0].m_id; } bool CSkinInfo::LoadStartupWindows(const TiXmlElement *startup) { m_startupWindows.clear(); if (startup) { // yay, run through and grab the startup windows const TiXmlElement *window = startup->FirstChildElement("window"); while (window && window->FirstChild()) { int id; window->Attribute("id", &id); CStdString name = window->FirstChild()->Value(); m_startupWindows.push_back(CStartupWindow(id + WINDOW_HOME, name)); window = window->NextSiblingElement("window"); } } // ok, now see if we have any startup windows if (!m_startupWindows.size()) { // nope - add the default ones m_startupWindows.push_back(CStartupWindow(WINDOW_HOME, "513")); m_startupWindows.push_back(CStartupWindow(WINDOW_PROGRAMS, "0")); m_startupWindows.push_back(CStartupWindow(WINDOW_PICTURES, "1")); m_startupWindows.push_back(CStartupWindow(WINDOW_MUSIC, "2")); m_startupWindows.push_back(CStartupWindow(WINDOW_VIDEOS, "3")); m_startupWindows.push_back(CStartupWindow(WINDOW_FILES, "7")); m_startupWindows.push_back(CStartupWindow(WINDOW_SETTINGS_MENU, "5")); m_startupWindows.push_back(CStartupWindow(WINDOW_SCRIPTS, "247")); m_onlyAnimateToHome = true; } else m_onlyAnimateToHome = false; return true; } void CSkinInfo::SetDefaults() { m_DefaultResolution = RES_PAL_4x3; m_DefaultResolutionWide = RES_PAL_16x9; }