/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ /*! \file GraphicContext.h \brief */ #ifndef GUILIB_GRAPHICCONTEXT_H #define GUILIB_GRAPHICCONTEXT_H #pragma once #ifdef __GNUC__ // under gcc, inline will only take place if optimizations are applied (-O). this will force inline even whith optimizations. #define XBMC_FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) #else #define XBMC_FORCE_INLINE #endif #include #include #include #include "utils/CriticalSection.h" // base class #include "TransformMatrix.h" // for the members m_guiTransform etc. #include "Geometry.h" // for CRect/CPoint #include "gui3d.h" #include "StdString.h" #include "Resolution.h" enum VIEW_TYPE { VIEW_TYPE_NONE = 0, VIEW_TYPE_LIST, VIEW_TYPE_ICON, VIEW_TYPE_BIG_LIST, VIEW_TYPE_BIG_ICON, VIEW_TYPE_WIDE, VIEW_TYPE_BIG_WIDE, VIEW_TYPE_WRAP, VIEW_TYPE_BIG_WRAP, VIEW_TYPE_AUTO, VIEW_TYPE_MAX }; class CGraphicContext : public CCriticalSection { public: CGraphicContext(void); virtual ~CGraphicContext(void); // the following two functions should wrap any // GL calls to maintain thread safety void BeginPaint(bool lock=true); void EndPaint(bool lock=true); int GetWidth() const { return m_iScreenWidth; } int GetHeight() const { return m_iScreenHeight; } float GetFPS() const; const CStdString& GetMediaDir() const { return m_strMediaDir; } void SetMediaDir(const CStdString& strMediaDir); bool IsWidescreen() const { return m_bWidescreen; } bool SetViewPort(float fx, float fy , float fwidth, float fheight, bool intersectPrevious = false); void RestoreViewPort(); const CRect& GetViewWindow() const; void SetViewWindow(float left, float top, float right, float bottom); bool IsFullScreenRoot() const; bool ToggleFullScreenRoot(); void SetFullScreenVideo(bool bOnOff); bool IsFullScreenVideo() const; bool IsCalibrating() const; void SetCalibrating(bool bOnOff); bool IsValidResolution(RESOLUTION res); void SetVideoResolution(RESOLUTION res, bool forceUpdate = false); RESOLUTION GetVideoResolution() const; void ResetOverscan(RESOLUTION res, OVERSCAN &overscan); void ResetOverscan(RESOLUTION_INFO &resinfo); void ResetScreenParameters(RESOLUTION res); void Lock() { EnterCriticalSection(*this); } void Unlock() { LeaveCriticalSection(*this); } float GetPixelRatio(RESOLUTION iRes) const; void CaptureStateBlock(); void ApplyStateBlock(); void Clear(); void GetAllowedResolutions(std::vector &res); // output scaling void SetRenderingResolution(RESOLUTION res, float posX, float posY, bool needsScaling); ///< Sets scaling up for rendering void SetScalingResolution(RESOLUTION res, float posX, float posY, bool needsScaling); ///< Sets scaling up for skin loading etc. float GetScalingPixelRatio() const; void Flip(); void InvertFinalCoords(float &x, float &y) const; inline float ScaleFinalXCoord(float x, float y) const XBMC_FORCE_INLINE { return m_finalTransform.TransformXCoord(x, y, 0); } inline float ScaleFinalYCoord(float x, float y) const XBMC_FORCE_INLINE { return m_finalTransform.TransformYCoord(x, y, 0); } inline float ScaleFinalZCoord(float x, float y) const XBMC_FORCE_INLINE { return m_finalTransform.TransformZCoord(x, y, 0); } inline void ScaleFinalCoords(float &x, float &y, float &z) const XBMC_FORCE_INLINE { m_finalTransform.TransformPosition(x, y, z); } bool RectIsAngled(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) const; inline float GetGUIScaleX() const XBMC_FORCE_INLINE { return m_guiScaleX; } inline float GetGUIScaleY() const XBMC_FORCE_INLINE { return m_guiScaleY; } inline color_t MergeAlpha(color_t color) const XBMC_FORCE_INLINE { color_t alpha = m_finalTransform.TransformAlpha((color >> 24) & 0xff); if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255; return ((alpha << 24) & 0xff000000) | (color & 0xffffff); } void SetOrigin(float x, float y); void RestoreOrigin(); void SetCameraPosition(const CPoint &camera); void RestoreCameraPosition(); bool SetClipRegion(float x, float y, float w, float h); void RestoreClipRegion(); void ApplyHardwareTransform(); void RestoreHardwareTransform(); void NotifyAppFocusChange(bool bGaining); void ClipRect(CRect &vertex, CRect &texture, CRect *diffuse = NULL); void ClipToViewWindow(); inline void ResetWindowTransform() { while (m_groupTransform.size()) m_groupTransform.pop(); m_groupTransform.push(m_guiTransform); } inline void AddTransform(const TransformMatrix &matrix) { ASSERT(m_groupTransform.size()); if (m_groupTransform.size()) m_groupTransform.push(m_groupTransform.top() * matrix); else m_groupTransform.push(matrix); UpdateFinalTransform(m_groupTransform.top()); } inline void RemoveTransform() { ASSERT(m_groupTransform.size() > 1); if (m_groupTransform.size()) m_groupTransform.pop(); if (m_groupTransform.size()) UpdateFinalTransform(m_groupTransform.top()); else UpdateFinalTransform(TransformMatrix()); } protected: void SetFullScreenViewWindow(RESOLUTION &res); std::stack m_viewStack; int m_iScreenHeight; int m_iScreenWidth; int m_iScreenId; int m_iBackBufferCount; bool m_bWidescreen; CStdString m_strMediaDir; CRect m_videoRect; bool m_bFullScreenRoot; bool m_bFullScreenVideo; bool m_bCalibrating; RESOLUTION m_Resolution; private: void UpdateCameraPosition(const CPoint &camera); void UpdateFinalTransform(const TransformMatrix &matrix); RESOLUTION m_windowResolution; float m_guiScaleX; float m_guiScaleY; std::stack m_cameras; std::stack m_origins; std::stack m_clipRegions; TransformMatrix m_guiTransform; TransformMatrix m_finalTransform; std::stack m_groupTransform; }; /*! \ingroup graphics \brief */ extern CGraphicContext g_graphicsContext; #endif