/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "system.h" #include "GUIWindow.h" #include "GUIWindowManager.h" #include "Key.h" #include "LocalizeStrings.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "GUIControlFactory.h" #include "GUIControlGroup.h" #include "GUIControlProfiler.h" #ifdef PRE_SKIN_VERSION_9_10_COMPATIBILITY #include "GUIEditControl.h" #endif #include "addons/Skin.h" #include "utils/GUIInfoManager.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/SingleLock.h" #include "utils/TimeUtils.h" #include "ButtonTranslator.h" #include "XMLUtils.h" #ifdef HAS_PERFORMANCE_SAMPLE #include "utils/PerformanceSample.h" #endif using namespace std; CGUIWindow::CGUIWindow(int id, const CStdString &xmlFile) { SetID(id); SetProperty("xmlfile", xmlFile); m_idRange = 1; m_lastControlID = 0; m_bRelativeCoords = false; m_overlayState = OVERLAY_STATE_PARENT_WINDOW; // Use parent or previous window's state m_coordsRes = g_guiSettings.m_LookAndFeelResolution; m_isDialog = false; m_needsScaling = true; m_windowLoaded = false; m_loadOnDemand = true; m_renderOrder = 0; m_dynamicResourceAlloc = true; m_previousWindow = WINDOW_INVALID; m_animationsEnabled = true; m_manualRunActions = false; m_exclusiveMouseControl = 0; m_clearBackground = 0xff000000; // opaque black -> always clear } CGUIWindow::~CGUIWindow(void) {} bool CGUIWindow::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, bool bContainsPath) { #ifdef HAS_PERFORMANCE_SAMPLE CPerformanceSample aSample("WindowLoad-" + strFileName, true); #endif if (m_windowLoaded) return true; // no point loading if it's already there #ifdef _DEBUG int64_t start; start = CurrentHostCounter(); #endif RESOLUTION resToUse = RES_INVALID; CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Loading skin file: %s", strFileName.c_str()); // Find appropriate skin folder + resolution to load from CStdString strPath; CStdString strLowerPath; if (bContainsPath) strPath = strFileName; else { // FIXME: strLowerPath needs to eventually go since resToUse can get incorrectly overridden strLowerPath = g_SkinInfo->GetSkinPath(CStdString(strFileName).ToLower(), &resToUse); strPath = g_SkinInfo->GetSkinPath(strFileName, &resToUse); } if (!bContainsPath) m_coordsRes = resToUse; bool ret = LoadXML(strPath.c_str(), strLowerPath.c_str()); #ifdef _DEBUG int64_t end, freq; end = CurrentHostCounter(); freq = CurrentHostFrequency(); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Load %s: %.2fms", GetProperty("xmlfile").c_str(), 1000.f * (end - start) / freq); #endif return ret; } bool CGUIWindow::LoadXML(const CStdString &strPath, const CStdString &strLowerPath) { TiXmlDocument xmlDoc; if ( !xmlDoc.LoadFile(strPath) && !xmlDoc.LoadFile(CStdString(strPath).ToLower()) && !xmlDoc.LoadFile(strLowerPath)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "unable to load:%s, Line %d\n%s", strPath.c_str(), xmlDoc.ErrorRow(), xmlDoc.ErrorDesc()); SetID(WINDOW_INVALID); return false; } return Load(xmlDoc); } bool CGUIWindow::Load(TiXmlDocument &xmlDoc) { TiXmlElement* pRootElement = xmlDoc.RootElement(); if (strcmpi(pRootElement->Value(), "window")) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "file : XML file doesnt contain "); return false; } // set the scaling resolution so that any control creation or initialisation can // be done with respect to the correct aspect ratio g_graphicsContext.SetScalingResolution(m_coordsRes, m_needsScaling); // Resolve any includes that may be present g_SkinInfo->ResolveIncludes(pRootElement); // now load in the skin file SetDefaults(); CGUIControlFactory::GetInfoColor(pRootElement, "backgroundcolor", m_clearBackground); CGUIControlFactory::GetMultipleString(pRootElement, "onload", m_loadActions); CGUIControlFactory::GetMultipleString(pRootElement, "onunload", m_unloadActions); CGUIControlFactory::GetHitRect(pRootElement, m_hitRect); TiXmlElement *pChild = pRootElement->FirstChildElement(); while (pChild) { CStdString strValue = pChild->Value(); if (strValue == "type" && pChild->FirstChild()) { // if we have are a window type (ie not a dialog), and we have dialog // then make this window act like a dialog if (!IsDialog() && strcmpi(pChild->FirstChild()->Value(), "dialog") == 0) m_isDialog = true; } else if (strValue == "previouswindow" && pChild->FirstChild()) { m_previousWindow = CButtonTranslator::TranslateWindow(pChild->FirstChild()->Value()); } else if (strValue == "defaultcontrol" && pChild->FirstChild()) { const char *always = pChild->Attribute("always"); if (always && strcmpi(always, "true") == 0) m_defaultAlways = true; m_defaultControl = atoi(pChild->FirstChild()->Value()); } else if (strValue == "visible" && pChild->FirstChild()) { CGUIControlFactory::GetConditionalVisibility(pRootElement, m_visibleCondition); } else if (strValue == "animation" && pChild->FirstChild()) { CRect rect(0, 0, (float)g_settings.m_ResInfo[m_coordsRes].iWidth, (float)g_settings.m_ResInfo[m_coordsRes].iHeight); CAnimation anim; anim.Create(pChild, rect); m_animations.push_back(anim); } else if (strValue == "zorder" && pChild->FirstChild()) { m_renderOrder = atoi(pChild->FirstChild()->Value()); } else if (strValue == "coordinates") { // resolve any includes within coordinates tag (such as multiple origin includes) g_SkinInfo->ResolveIncludes(pChild); TiXmlNode* pSystem = pChild->FirstChild("system"); if (pSystem) { int iCoordinateSystem = atoi(pSystem->FirstChild()->Value()); m_bRelativeCoords = (iCoordinateSystem == 1); } CGUIControlFactory::GetFloat(pChild, "posx", m_posX); CGUIControlFactory::GetFloat(pChild, "posy", m_posY); TiXmlElement *originElement = pChild->FirstChildElement("origin"); while (originElement) { COrigin origin; g_SkinInfo->ResolveConstant(originElement->Attribute("x"), origin.x); g_SkinInfo->ResolveConstant(originElement->Attribute("y"), origin.y); if (originElement->FirstChild()) origin.condition = g_infoManager.TranslateString(originElement->FirstChild()->Value()); m_origins.push_back(origin); originElement = originElement->NextSiblingElement("origin"); } } else if (strValue == "camera") { // z is fixed g_SkinInfo->ResolveConstant(pChild->Attribute("x"), m_camera.x); g_SkinInfo->ResolveConstant(pChild->Attribute("y"), m_camera.y); m_hasCamera = true; } else if (strValue == "controls") { // resolve any includes within controls tag (such as whole includes) g_SkinInfo->ResolveIncludes(pChild); TiXmlElement *pControl = pChild->FirstChildElement(); while (pControl) { if (strcmpi(pControl->Value(), "control") == 0) { LoadControl(pControl, NULL); } pControl = pControl->NextSiblingElement(); } } else if (strValue == "allowoverlay") { bool overlay = false; if (XMLUtils::GetBoolean(pRootElement, "allowoverlay", overlay)) m_overlayState = overlay ? OVERLAY_STATE_SHOWN : OVERLAY_STATE_HIDDEN; } pChild = pChild->NextSiblingElement(); } LoadAdditionalTags(pRootElement); m_windowLoaded = true; OnWindowLoaded(); return true; } void CGUIWindow::LoadControl(TiXmlElement* pControl, CGUIControlGroup *pGroup) { // get control type CGUIControlFactory factory; CRect rect(0, 0, (float)g_settings.m_ResInfo[m_coordsRes].iWidth, (float)g_settings.m_ResInfo[m_coordsRes].iHeight); if (pGroup) { rect.x1 = pGroup->GetXPosition(); rect.y1 = pGroup->GetYPosition(); rect.x2 = rect.x1 + pGroup->GetWidth(); rect.y2 = rect.y1 + pGroup->GetHeight(); } CGUIControl* pGUIControl = factory.Create(GetID(), rect, pControl); if (pGUIControl) { float maxX = pGUIControl->GetXPosition() + pGUIControl->GetWidth(); if (maxX > m_width) { m_width = maxX; } float maxY = pGUIControl->GetYPosition() + pGUIControl->GetHeight(); if (maxY > m_height) { m_height = maxY; } // if we are in a group, add to the group, else add to our window if (pGroup) pGroup->AddControl(pGUIControl); else AddControl(pGUIControl); // if the new control is a group, then add it's controls if (pGUIControl->IsGroup()) { TiXmlElement *pSubControl = pControl->FirstChildElement("control"); while (pSubControl) { LoadControl(pSubControl, (CGUIControlGroup *)pGUIControl); pSubControl = pSubControl->NextSiblingElement("control"); } } } } void CGUIWindow::OnWindowLoaded() { DynamicResourceAlloc(true); } void CGUIWindow::CenterWindow() { if (m_bRelativeCoords) { m_posX = (g_settings.m_ResInfo[m_coordsRes].iWidth - GetWidth()) / 2; m_posY = (g_settings.m_ResInfo[m_coordsRes].iHeight - GetHeight()) / 2; } } void CGUIWindow::Render() { // If we're rendering from a different thread, then we should wait for the main // app thread to finish AllocResources(), as dynamic resources (images in particular) // will try and be allocated from 2 different threads, which causes nasty things // to occur. if (!m_bAllocated) return; g_graphicsContext.SetRenderingResolution(m_coordsRes, m_needsScaling); m_renderTime = CTimeUtils::GetFrameTime(); // render our window animation - returns false if it needs to stop rendering if (!RenderAnimation(m_renderTime)) return; if (m_hasCamera) g_graphicsContext.SetCameraPosition(m_camera); CGUIControlGroup::Render(); if (CGUIControlProfiler::IsRunning()) CGUIControlProfiler::Instance().EndFrame(); } void CGUIWindow::Close(bool forceClose) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR,"%s - should never be called on the base class!", __FUNCTION__); } bool CGUIWindow::OnAction(const CAction &action) { if (action.IsMouse() || action.IsGesture()) return EVENT_RESULT_UNHANDLED != OnMouseAction(action); CGUIControl *focusedControl = GetFocusedControl(); if (focusedControl) return focusedControl->OnAction(action); // no control has focus? // set focus to the default control then CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_SETFOCUS, GetID(), m_defaultControl); OnMessage(msg); return false; } CPoint CGUIWindow::GetPosition() const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_origins.size(); i++) { // no condition implies true if (!m_origins[i].condition || g_infoManager.GetBool(m_origins[i].condition, GetID())) { // found origin return CPoint(m_origins[i].x, m_origins[i].y); } } return CGUIControlGroup::GetPosition(); } // OnMouseAction - called by OnAction() EVENT_RESULT CGUIWindow::OnMouseAction(const CAction &action) { g_graphicsContext.SetScalingResolution(m_coordsRes, m_needsScaling); CPoint mousePoint(action.GetAmount(0), action.GetAmount(1)); g_graphicsContext.InvertFinalCoords(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y); // create the mouse event CMouseEvent event(action.GetID(), action.GetHoldTime(), action.GetAmount(2), action.GetAmount(3)); if (m_exclusiveMouseControl) { CGUIControl *child = (CGUIControl *)GetControl(m_exclusiveMouseControl); if (child) { CPoint renderPos = child->GetRenderPosition() - CPoint(child->GetXPosition(), child->GetYPosition()); return child->OnMouseEvent(mousePoint - renderPos, event); } } UnfocusFromPoint(mousePoint); return SendMouseEvent(mousePoint, event); } EVENT_RESULT CGUIWindow::OnMouseEvent(const CPoint &point, const CMouseEvent &event) { if (event.m_id == ACTION_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK) { // no control found to absorb this click - go to previous menu return OnAction(CAction(ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU)) ? EVENT_RESULT_HANDLED : EVENT_RESULT_UNHANDLED; } return EVENT_RESULT_UNHANDLED; } /// \brief Called on window open. /// * Restores the control state(s) /// * Sets initial visibility of controls /// * Queue WindowOpen animation /// * Set overlay state /// Override this function and do any window-specific initialisation such /// as filling control contents and setting control focus before /// calling the base method. void CGUIWindow::OnInitWindow() { // set our rendered state m_hasRendered = false; ResetAnimations(); // we need to reset our animations as those windows that don't dynamically allocate // need their anims reset. An alternative solution is turning off all non-dynamic // allocation (which in some respects may be nicer, but it kills hdd spindown and the like) // set our initial control visibility before restoring control state and // focusing the default control, and again afterward to make sure that // any controls that depend on the state of the focused control (and or on // control states) are active. SetInitialVisibility(); RestoreControlStates(); SetInitialVisibility(); QueueAnimation(ANIM_TYPE_WINDOW_OPEN); g_windowManager.ShowOverlay(m_overlayState); if (!m_manualRunActions) { RunLoadActions(); } } // Called on window close. // * Executes the window close animation(s) // * Saves control state(s) // Override this function and call the base class before doing any dynamic memory freeing void CGUIWindow::OnDeinitWindow(int nextWindowID) { if (!m_manualRunActions) { RunUnloadActions(); } if (nextWindowID != WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO) { // Dialog animations are handled in Close() rather than here if (HasAnimation(ANIM_TYPE_WINDOW_CLOSE) && !IsDialog() && IsActive()) { // Perform the window out effect QueueAnimation(ANIM_TYPE_WINDOW_CLOSE); while (IsAnimating(ANIM_TYPE_WINDOW_CLOSE)) { g_windowManager.Process(true); } } } SaveControlStates(); } bool CGUIWindow::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) { switch ( message.GetMessage() ) { case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT: { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "------ Window Init (%s) ------", GetProperty("xmlfile").c_str()); if (m_dynamicResourceAlloc || !m_bAllocated) AllocResources(); OnInitWindow(); return true; } break; case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT: { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "------ Window Deinit (%s) ------", GetProperty("xmlfile").c_str()); OnDeinitWindow(message.GetParam1()); // now free the window if (m_dynamicResourceAlloc) FreeResources(); return true; } break; case GUI_MSG_CLICKED: { // a specific control was clicked CLICK_EVENT clickEvent = m_mapClickEvents[ message.GetSenderId() ]; // determine if there are any handlers for this event if (clickEvent.HasAHandler()) { // fire the message to all handlers clickEvent.Fire(message); } break; } case GUI_MSG_SELCHANGED: { // a selection within a specific control has changed SELECTED_EVENT selectedEvent = m_mapSelectedEvents[ message.GetSenderId() ]; // determine if there are any handlers for this event if (selectedEvent.HasAHandler()) { // fire the message to all handlers selectedEvent.Fire(message); } break; } case GUI_MSG_FOCUSED: { // a control has been focused if (HasID(message.GetSenderId())) { m_focusedControl = message.GetControlId(); return true; } break; } case GUI_MSG_LOSTFOCUS: { // nothing to do at the window level when we lose focus return true; } case GUI_MSG_MOVE: { if (HasID(message.GetSenderId())) return OnMove(message.GetControlId(), message.GetParam1()); break; } case GUI_MSG_SETFOCUS: { // CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"set focus to control:%i window:%i (%i)\n", message.GetControlId(),message.GetSenderId(), GetID()); if ( message.GetControlId() ) { // first unfocus the current control CGUIControl *control = GetFocusedControl(); if (control) { CGUIMessage msgLostFocus(GUI_MSG_LOSTFOCUS, GetID(), control->GetID(), message.GetControlId()); control->OnMessage(msgLostFocus); } // get the control to focus CGUIControl* pFocusedControl = GetFirstFocusableControl(message.GetControlId()); if (!pFocusedControl) pFocusedControl = (CGUIControl *)GetControl(message.GetControlId()); // and focus it if (pFocusedControl) return pFocusedControl->OnMessage(message); } return true; } break; case GUI_MSG_EXCLUSIVE_MOUSE: { m_exclusiveMouseControl = message.GetSenderId(); return true; } break; case GUI_MSG_GESTURE_NOTIFY: { CAction action(ACTION_GESTURE_NOTIFY, 0, (float)message.GetParam1(), (float)message.GetParam2(), 0, 0); EVENT_RESULT result = OnMouseAction(action); message.SetParam1(result); return result != EVENT_RESULT_UNHANDLED; } case GUI_MSG_NOTIFY_ALL: { // only process those notifications that come from this window, or those intended for every window if (HasID(message.GetSenderId()) || !message.GetSenderId()) { if (message.GetParam1() == GUI_MSG_PAGE_CHANGE || message.GetParam1() == GUI_MSG_REFRESH_THUMBS || message.GetParam1() == GUI_MSG_REFRESH_LIST) { // alter the message accordingly, and send to all controls for (iControls it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) { CGUIControl *control = *it; CGUIMessage msg(message.GetParam1(), message.GetControlId(), control->GetID(), message.GetParam2()); control->OnMessage(msg); } } if (message.GetParam1() == GUI_MSG_WINDOW_RESIZE) { // invalidate controls to get them to recalculate sizing information SetInvalid(); return true; } } } break; } return SendControlMessage(message); } void CGUIWindow::AllocResources(bool forceLoad /*= FALSE */) { CSingleLock lock(g_graphicsContext); #ifdef _DEBUG int64_t start; start = CurrentHostCounter(); #endif // load skin xml fil CStdString xmlFile = GetProperty("xmlfile"); bool bHasPath=false; if (xmlFile.Find("\\") > -1 || xmlFile.Find("/") > -1 ) bHasPath = true; if (xmlFile.size() && (forceLoad || m_loadOnDemand || !m_windowLoaded)) Load(xmlFile,bHasPath); int64_t slend; slend = CurrentHostCounter(); // and now allocate resources CGUIControlGroup::AllocResources(); #ifdef _DEBUG int64_t end, freq; end = CurrentHostCounter(); freq = CurrentHostFrequency(); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Alloc resources: %.2fms (%.2f ms skin load)", 1000.f * (end - start) / freq, 1000.f * (slend - start) / freq); #endif m_bAllocated = true; } void CGUIWindow::FreeResources(bool forceUnload /*= FALSE */) { m_bAllocated = false; CGUIControlGroup::FreeResources(); //g_TextureManager.Dump(); // unload the skin if (m_loadOnDemand || forceUnload) ClearAll(); } void CGUIWindow::DynamicResourceAlloc(bool bOnOff) { m_dynamicResourceAlloc = bOnOff; CGUIControlGroup::DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); } void CGUIWindow::ClearAll() { OnWindowUnload(); CGUIControlGroup::ClearAll(); m_windowLoaded = false; m_dynamicResourceAlloc = true; } bool CGUIWindow::Initialize() { if (!g_windowManager.Initialized()) return false; // can't load if we have no skin yet return Load(GetProperty("xmlfile")); } void CGUIWindow::SetInitialVisibility() { // reset our info manager caches g_infoManager.ResetCache(); CGUIControlGroup::SetInitialVisibility(); } bool CGUIWindow::IsActive() const { return g_windowManager.IsWindowActive(GetID()); } bool CGUIWindow::CheckAnimation(ANIMATION_TYPE animType) { // special cases first if (animType == ANIM_TYPE_WINDOW_CLOSE) { if (!m_bAllocated || !m_hasRendered) // can't render an animation if we aren't allocated or haven't rendered return false; // make sure we update our visibility prior to queuing the window close anim for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_children.size(); i++) m_children[i]->UpdateVisibility(); } return true; } bool CGUIWindow::IsAnimating(ANIMATION_TYPE animType) { if (!m_animationsEnabled) return false; return CGUIControlGroup::IsAnimating(animType); } bool CGUIWindow::RenderAnimation(unsigned int time) { g_graphicsContext.ResetWindowTransform(); if (m_animationsEnabled) CGUIControlGroup::Animate(time); else m_transform.Reset(); return true; } void CGUIWindow::DisableAnimations() { m_animationsEnabled = false; } // returns true if the control group with id groupID has controlID as // its focused control bool CGUIWindow::ControlGroupHasFocus(int groupID, int controlID) { // 1. Run through and get control with groupID (assume unique) // 2. Get it's selected item. CGUIControl *group = GetFirstFocusableControl(groupID); if (!group) group = (CGUIControl *)GetControl(groupID); if (group && group->IsGroup()) { if (controlID == 0) { // just want to know if the group is focused return group->HasFocus(); } else { CGUIMessage message(GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECTED, GetID(), group->GetID()); group->OnMessage(message); return (controlID == (int) message.GetParam1()); } } return false; } void CGUIWindow::SaveControlStates() { ResetControlStates(); if (!m_defaultAlways) m_lastControlID = GetFocusedControlID(); for (iControls it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->SaveStates(m_controlStates); } void CGUIWindow::RestoreControlStates() { for (vector::iterator it = m_controlStates.begin(); it != m_controlStates.end(); ++it) { CGUIMessage message(GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT, GetID(), (*it).m_id, (*it).m_data); OnMessage(message); } int focusControl = (!m_defaultAlways && m_lastControlID) ? m_lastControlID : m_defaultControl; SET_CONTROL_FOCUS(focusControl, 0); } void CGUIWindow::ResetControlStates() { m_lastControlID = 0; m_focusedControl = 0; m_controlStates.clear(); } bool CGUIWindow::OnMove(int fromControl, int moveAction) { const CGUIControl *control = GetFirstFocusableControl(fromControl); if (!control) control = GetControl(fromControl); if (!control) { // no current control?? CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Unable to find control %i in window %u", fromControl, GetID()); return false; } vector moveHistory; int nextControl = fromControl; while (control) { // grab the next control direction moveHistory.push_back(nextControl); nextControl = control->GetNextControl(moveAction); // check our history - if the nextControl is in it, we can't focus it for (unsigned int i = 0; i < moveHistory.size(); i++) { if (nextControl == moveHistory[i]) return false; // no control to focus so do nothing } control = GetFirstFocusableControl(nextControl); if (control) break; // found a focusable control control = GetControl(nextControl); // grab the next control and try again } if (!control) return false; // no control to focus // if we get here we have our new control so focus it (and unfocus the current control) SET_CONTROL_FOCUS(nextControl, 0); return true; } void CGUIWindow::SetDefaults() { m_renderOrder = 0; m_defaultAlways = false; m_defaultControl = 0; m_bRelativeCoords = false; m_posX = m_posY = m_width = m_height = 0; m_overlayState = OVERLAY_STATE_PARENT_WINDOW; // Use parent or previous window's state m_visibleCondition = 0; m_previousWindow = WINDOW_INVALID; m_animations.clear(); m_origins.clear(); m_hasCamera = false; m_animationsEnabled = true; m_clearBackground = 0xff000000; // opaque black -> clear m_hitRect.SetRect(0, 0, (float)g_settings.m_ResInfo[m_coordsRes].iWidth, (float)g_settings.m_ResInfo[m_coordsRes].iHeight); } CRect CGUIWindow::GetScaledBounds() const { CSingleLock lock(g_graphicsContext); g_graphicsContext.SetScalingResolution(m_coordsRes, m_needsScaling); CPoint pos(GetPosition()); CRect rect(pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + m_width, pos.y + m_height); float z = 0; g_graphicsContext.ScaleFinalCoords(rect.x1, rect.y1, z); g_graphicsContext.ScaleFinalCoords(rect.x2, rect.y2, z); return rect; } void CGUIWindow::OnEditChanged(int id, CStdString &text) { CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECTED, GetID(), id); OnMessage(msg); text = msg.GetLabel(); } bool CGUIWindow::SendMessage(int message, int id, int param1 /* = 0*/, int param2 /* = 0*/) { CGUIMessage msg(message, GetID(), id, param1, param2); return OnMessage(msg); } #ifdef _DEBUG void CGUIWindow::DumpTextureUse() { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s for window %u", __FUNCTION__, GetID()); CGUIControlGroup::DumpTextureUse(); } #endif void CGUIWindow::ChangeButtonToEdit(int id, bool singleLabel /* = false*/) { #ifdef PRE_SKIN_VERSION_9_10_COMPATIBILITY CGUIControl *name = (CGUIControl *)GetControl(id); if (name && name->GetControlType() == CGUIControl::GUICONTROL_BUTTON) { // change it to an edit control CGUIEditControl *edit = new CGUIEditControl(*(const CGUIButtonControl *)name); if (edit) { if (singleLabel) edit->SetLabel(""); InsertControl(edit, name); RemoveControl(name); name->FreeResources(); delete name; } } #endif } void CGUIWindow::SetProperty(const CStdString &key, const CStdString &value) { m_mapProperties[key] = value; } void CGUIWindow::SetProperty(const CStdString &key, const char *value) { m_mapProperties[key] = value; } void CGUIWindow::SetProperty(const CStdString &key, int value) { CStdString strVal; strVal.Format("%d", value); SetProperty(key, strVal); } void CGUIWindow::SetProperty(const CStdString &key, bool value) { SetProperty(key, value ? "1" : "0"); } void CGUIWindow::SetProperty(const CStdString &key, double value) { CStdString strVal; strVal.Format("%f", value); SetProperty(key, strVal); } CStdString CGUIWindow::GetProperty(const CStdString &key) const { std::map::const_iterator iter = m_mapProperties.find(key); if (iter == m_mapProperties.end()) return ""; return iter->second; } int CGUIWindow::GetPropertyInt(const CStdString &key) const { return atoi(GetProperty(key).c_str()); } bool CGUIWindow::GetPropertyBool(const CStdString &key) const { return GetProperty(key) == "1"; } double CGUIWindow::GetPropertyDouble(const CStdString &key) const { return atof(GetProperty(key).c_str()); } void CGUIWindow::ClearProperties() { m_mapProperties.clear(); } void CGUIWindow::RunActions(std::vector& actions) { vector tempActions = actions; // and execute our actions for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tempActions.size(); i++) { CGUIMessage message(GUI_MSG_EXECUTE, 0, GetID()); message.SetAction(tempActions[i]); g_windowManager.SendMessage(message); } } void CGUIWindow::SetRunActionsManually() { m_manualRunActions = true; } void CGUIWindow::RunLoadActions() { RunActions(m_loadActions); } void CGUIWindow::RunUnloadActions() { RunActions(m_unloadActions); } void CGUIWindow::ClearBackground() { m_clearBackground.Update(); color_t color = m_clearBackground; if (color) g_graphicsContext.Clear(color); }