/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "GUISpinControl.h" #include "utils/CharsetConverter.h" #include "MouseStat.h" #include "Key.h" using namespace std; #define SPIN_BUTTON_DOWN 1 #define SPIN_BUTTON_UP 2 CGUISpinControl::CGUISpinControl(int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, const CTextureInfo& textureUp, const CTextureInfo& textureDown, const CTextureInfo& textureUpFocus, const CTextureInfo& textureDownFocus, const CLabelInfo &labelInfo, int iType) : CGUIControl(parentID, controlID, posX, posY, width, height) , m_imgspinUp(posX, posY, width, height, textureUp) , m_imgspinDown(posX, posY, width, height, textureDown) , m_imgspinUpFocus(posX, posY, width, height, textureUpFocus) , m_imgspinDownFocus(posX, posY, width, height, textureDownFocus) , m_textLayout(labelInfo.font, false) { m_bReverse = false; m_iStart = 0; m_iEnd = 100; m_fStart = 0.0f; m_fEnd = 1.0f; m_fInterval = 0.1f; m_iValue = 0; m_label = labelInfo; m_label.align |= XBFONT_CENTER_Y; m_fValue = 0.0; m_iType = iType; m_iSelect = SPIN_BUTTON_DOWN; m_bShowRange = false; m_iTypedPos = 0; strcpy(m_szTyped, ""); ControlType = GUICONTROL_SPIN; m_currentItem = 0; m_numItems = 10; m_itemsPerPage = 10; m_showOnePage = true; } CGUISpinControl::~CGUISpinControl(void) {} bool CGUISpinControl::OnAction(const CAction &action) { switch (action.id) { case REMOTE_0: case REMOTE_1: case REMOTE_2: case REMOTE_3: case REMOTE_4: case REMOTE_5: case REMOTE_6: case REMOTE_7: case REMOTE_8: case REMOTE_9: { if (strlen(m_szTyped) >= 3) { m_iTypedPos = 0; strcpy(m_szTyped, ""); } int iNumber = action.id - REMOTE_0; m_szTyped[m_iTypedPos] = iNumber + '0'; m_iTypedPos++; m_szTyped[m_iTypedPos] = 0; int iValue; sscanf(m_szTyped, "%i", &iValue); switch (m_iType) { case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT: { if (iValue < m_iStart || iValue > m_iEnd) { m_iTypedPos = 0; m_szTyped[m_iTypedPos] = iNumber + '0'; m_iTypedPos++; m_szTyped[m_iTypedPos] = 0; sscanf(m_szTyped, "%i", &iValue); if (iValue < m_iStart || iValue > m_iEnd) { m_iTypedPos = 0; strcpy(m_szTyped, ""); return true; } } m_iValue = iValue; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT: { if (iValue < 0 || iValue >= (int)m_vecLabels.size()) { m_iTypedPos = 0; m_szTyped[m_iTypedPos] = iNumber + '0'; m_iTypedPos++; m_szTyped[m_iTypedPos] = 0; sscanf(m_szTyped, "%i", &iValue); if (iValue < 0 || iValue >= (int)m_vecLabels.size()) { m_iTypedPos = 0; strcpy(m_szTyped, ""); return true; } } m_iValue = iValue; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); } break; } return true; } break; case ACTION_PAGE_UP: if (!m_bReverse) PageDown(); else PageUp(); return true; break; case ACTION_PAGE_DOWN: if (!m_bReverse) PageUp(); else PageDown(); return true; break; case ACTION_SELECT_ITEM: if (m_iSelect == SPIN_BUTTON_UP) { MoveUp(); return true; } if (m_iSelect == SPIN_BUTTON_DOWN) { MoveDown(); return true; } break; } /* static float m_fSmoothScrollOffset = 0.0f; if (action.id == ACTION_SCROLL_UP) { m_fSmoothScrollOffset += action.amount1 * action.amount1; bool handled = false; while (m_fSmoothScrollOffset > 0.4) { handled = true; m_fSmoothScrollOffset -= 0.4f; MoveDown(); } return handled; }*/ return CGUIControl::OnAction(action); } void CGUISpinControl::OnLeft() { if (m_iSelect == SPIN_BUTTON_UP) { // select the down button m_iSelect = SPIN_BUTTON_DOWN; } else { // base class CGUIControl::OnLeft(); } } void CGUISpinControl::OnRight() { if (m_iSelect == SPIN_BUTTON_DOWN) { // select the up button m_iSelect = SPIN_BUTTON_UP; } else { // base class CGUIControl::OnRight(); } } void CGUISpinControl::Clear() { m_vecLabels.erase(m_vecLabels.begin(), m_vecLabels.end()); m_vecValues.erase(m_vecValues.begin(), m_vecValues.end()); SetValue(0); } bool CGUISpinControl::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) { if (CGUIControl::OnMessage(message) ) return true; if (message.GetControlId() == GetID() ) { switch (message.GetMessage()) { case GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT: if (SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE == m_iType) { m_currentItem = message.GetParam1(); return true; } SetValue( message.GetParam1()); if (message.GetParam2() == SPIN_BUTTON_DOWN || message.GetParam2() == SPIN_BUTTON_UP) m_iSelect = message.GetParam2(); return true; break; case GUI_MSG_LABEL_RESET: if (SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE == m_iType) { m_itemsPerPage = message.GetParam1(); m_numItems = message.GetParam2(); return true; } { Clear(); return true; } break; case GUI_MSG_SHOWRANGE: if (message.GetParam1() ) m_bShowRange = true; else m_bShowRange = false; break; case GUI_MSG_LABEL_ADD: { AddLabel(message.GetLabel(), message.GetParam1()); return true; } break; case GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECTED: { message.SetParam1( GetValue() ); message.SetParam2(m_iSelect); if (m_iType == SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT) { if ( m_iValue >= 0 && m_iValue < (int)m_vecLabels.size() ) message.SetLabel( m_vecLabels[m_iValue]); } return true; } case GUI_MSG_PAGE_UP: if (CanMoveUp()) MoveUp(); return true; case GUI_MSG_PAGE_DOWN: if (CanMoveDown()) MoveDown(); return true; case GUI_MSG_MOVE_OFFSET: { int count = (int)message.GetParam1(); while (count < 0) { MoveUp(); count++; } while (count > 0) { MoveDown(); count--; } return true; } } } return false; } void CGUISpinControl::AllocResources() { CGUIControl::AllocResources(); m_imgspinUp.AllocResources(); m_imgspinUpFocus.AllocResources(); m_imgspinDown.AllocResources(); m_imgspinDownFocus.AllocResources(); m_imgspinDownFocus.SetPosition(m_posX, m_posY); m_imgspinDown.SetPosition(m_posX, m_posY); m_imgspinUp.SetPosition(m_posX + m_imgspinDown.GetWidth(), m_posY); m_imgspinUpFocus.SetPosition(m_posX + m_imgspinDownFocus.GetWidth(), m_posY); } void CGUISpinControl::FreeResources() { CGUIControl::FreeResources(); m_imgspinUp.FreeResources(); m_imgspinUpFocus.FreeResources(); m_imgspinDown.FreeResources(); m_imgspinDownFocus.FreeResources(); m_iTypedPos = 0; strcpy(m_szTyped, ""); } void CGUISpinControl::DynamicResourceAlloc(bool bOnOff) { CGUIControl::DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_imgspinUp.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_imgspinUpFocus.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_imgspinDown.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_imgspinDownFocus.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); } void CGUISpinControl::Render() { if (!HasFocus()) { m_iTypedPos = 0; strcpy(m_szTyped, ""); } float posX = m_posX; CStdString text; CStdStringW strTextUnicode; if (m_iType == SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT) { if (m_bShowRange) { text.Format("%i/%i", m_iValue, m_iEnd); } else { text.Format("%i", m_iValue); } } else if (m_iType == SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE) { // work out number of pages and current page int numPages = (m_numItems + m_itemsPerPage - 1) / m_itemsPerPage; int currentPage = m_currentItem / m_itemsPerPage + 1; if (m_currentItem >= m_numItems - m_itemsPerPage) currentPage = numPages; text.Format("%i/%i", currentPage, numPages); } else if (m_iType == SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_FLOAT) { if (m_bShowRange) { text.Format("%02.2f/%02.2f", m_fValue, m_fEnd); } else { text.Format("%02.2f", m_fValue); } } else { if (m_iValue >= 0 && m_iValue < (int)m_vecLabels.size() ) { if (m_bShowRange) { text.Format("(%i/%i) %s", m_iValue + 1, (int)m_vecLabels.size(), CStdString(m_vecLabels[m_iValue]).c_str() ); } else { text.Format("%s", CStdString(m_vecLabels[m_iValue]).c_str() ); } } else text.Format("?%i?", m_iValue); } m_textLayout.Update(text); // Calculate the size of our text (for use in HitTest) float fTextWidth = 0; float fTextHeight = 0; m_textLayout.GetTextExtent(fTextWidth, fTextHeight); // Position the arrows if ( !(m_label.align & (XBFONT_RIGHT | XBFONT_CENTER_X)) ) { m_imgspinUpFocus.SetPosition(fTextWidth + 5 + posX + m_imgspinDown.GetWidth(), m_posY); m_imgspinUp.SetPosition(fTextWidth + 5 + posX + m_imgspinDown.GetWidth(), m_posY); m_imgspinDownFocus.SetPosition(fTextWidth + 5 + posX, m_posY); m_imgspinDown.SetPosition(fTextWidth + 5 + posX, m_posY); } if ( HasFocus() ) { if (m_iSelect == SPIN_BUTTON_UP) m_imgspinUpFocus.Render(); else m_imgspinUp.Render(); if (m_iSelect == SPIN_BUTTON_DOWN) m_imgspinDownFocus.Render(); else m_imgspinDown.Render(); } else { m_imgspinUp.Render(); m_imgspinDown.Render(); } if (m_label.font) { float fPosY; if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_Y) fPosY = m_posY + m_height * 0.5f; else fPosY = m_posY + m_label.offsetY; float fPosX = m_posX + m_label.offsetX - 3; if (IsDisabled()) m_textLayout.Render(fPosX, fPosY, 0, m_label.disabledColor, m_label.shadowColor, m_label.align, 0, true); else if (HasFocus() && m_label.focusedColor) m_textLayout.Render(fPosX, fPosY, 0, m_label.focusedColor, m_label.shadowColor, m_label.align, 0); else m_textLayout.Render(fPosX, fPosY, 0, m_label.textColor, m_label.shadowColor, m_label.align, 0); // set our hit rectangle for MouseOver events if (!(m_label.align & (XBFONT_RIGHT | XBFONT_CENTER_X))) m_hitRect.SetRect(fPosX, fPosY, fPosX + fTextWidth, fPosY + fTextHeight); else m_hitRect.SetRect(fPosX - fTextWidth, fPosY, fPosX, fPosY + fTextHeight); } CGUIControl::Render(); } void CGUISpinControl::SetRange(int iStart, int iEnd) { m_iStart = iStart; m_iEnd = iEnd; } void CGUISpinControl::SetFloatRange(float fStart, float fEnd) { m_fStart = fStart; m_fEnd = fEnd; } void CGUISpinControl::SetValueFromLabel(const CStdString &label) { if (m_iType == SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT) { m_iValue = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vecLabels.size(); i++) if (label == m_vecLabels[i]) m_iValue = i; } else m_iValue = atoi(label.c_str()); } void CGUISpinControl::SetValue(int iValue) { if (m_iType == SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT) { m_iValue = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vecValues.size(); i++) if (iValue == m_vecValues[i]) m_iValue = i; } else m_iValue = iValue; } void CGUISpinControl::SetFloatValue(float fValue) { m_fValue = fValue; } int CGUISpinControl::GetValue() const { if (m_iType == SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT) { if (m_iValue >= 0 && m_iValue < (int)m_vecValues.size()) return m_vecValues[m_iValue]; } return m_iValue; } float CGUISpinControl::GetFloatValue() const { return m_fValue; } void CGUISpinControl::AddLabel(const string& strLabel, int iValue) { m_vecLabels.push_back(strLabel); m_vecValues.push_back(iValue); } const string CGUISpinControl::GetLabel() const { if (m_iValue >= 0 && m_iValue < (int)m_vecLabels.size()) { return m_vecLabels[ m_iValue]; } return ""; } void CGUISpinControl::SetPosition(float posX, float posY) { CGUIControl::SetPosition(posX, posY); m_imgspinDownFocus.SetPosition(posX, posY); m_imgspinDown.SetPosition(posX, posY); m_imgspinUp.SetPosition(m_posX + m_imgspinDown.GetWidth(), m_posY); m_imgspinUpFocus.SetPosition(m_posX + m_imgspinDownFocus.GetWidth(), m_posY); } float CGUISpinControl::GetWidth() const { return m_imgspinDown.GetWidth() * 2 ; } bool CGUISpinControl::CanMoveUp(bool bTestReverse) { // test for reverse... if (bTestReverse && m_bReverse) return CanMoveDown(false); switch (m_iType) { case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE: return m_currentItem > 0; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT: { if (m_iValue - 1 >= m_iStart) return true; return false; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_FLOAT: { if (m_fValue - m_fInterval >= m_fStart) return true; return false; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT: { if (m_iValue - 1 >= 0) return true; return false; } break; } return false; } bool CGUISpinControl::CanMoveDown(bool bTestReverse) { // test for reverse... if (bTestReverse && m_bReverse) return CanMoveUp(false); switch (m_iType) { case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE: return m_currentItem < m_numItems; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT: { if (m_iValue + 1 <= m_iEnd) return true; return false; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_FLOAT: { if (m_fValue + m_fInterval <= m_fEnd) return true; return false; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT: { if (m_iValue + 1 < (int)m_vecLabels.size()) return true; return false; } break; } return false; } void CGUISpinControl::PageUp() { switch (m_iType) { case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT: { if (m_iValue - 10 >= m_iStart) m_iValue -= 10; else m_iValue = m_iStart; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); return ; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE: ChangePage(-10); break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT: { if (m_iValue - 10 >= 0) m_iValue -= 10; else m_iValue = 0; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); return ; } break; } } void CGUISpinControl::PageDown() { switch (m_iType) { case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT: { if (m_iValue + 10 <= m_iEnd) m_iValue += 10; else m_iValue = m_iEnd; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); return ; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE: ChangePage(10); break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT: { if (m_iValue + 10 < (int)m_vecLabels.size() ) m_iValue += 10; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); } break; } } void CGUISpinControl::MoveUp(bool bTestReverse) { if (bTestReverse && m_bReverse) { // actually should move down. MoveDown(false); return ; } switch (m_iType) { case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT: { if (m_iValue - 1 >= m_iStart) m_iValue--; else if (m_iValue == m_iStart) m_iValue = m_iEnd; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); return ; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE: ChangePage(-1); break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_FLOAT: { if (m_fValue - m_fInterval >= m_fStart) m_fValue -= m_fInterval; else if (m_fValue - m_fInterval < m_fStart) m_fValue = m_fEnd; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); return ; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT: { if (m_iValue - 1 >= 0) m_iValue--; else if (m_iValue == 0) m_iValue = (int)m_vecLabels.size() - 1; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); return ; } break; } } void CGUISpinControl::MoveDown(bool bTestReverse) { if (bTestReverse && m_bReverse) { // actually should move up. MoveUp(false); return ; } switch (m_iType) { case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT: { if (m_iValue + 1 <= m_iEnd) m_iValue++; else if (m_iValue == m_iEnd) m_iValue = m_iStart; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); return ; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE: ChangePage(1); break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_FLOAT: { if (m_fValue + m_fInterval <= m_fEnd) m_fValue += m_fInterval; else if (m_fValue + m_fInterval > m_fEnd) m_fValue = m_fStart; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); return ; } break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT: { if (m_iValue + 1 < (int)m_vecLabels.size() ) m_iValue++; else if (m_iValue == (int)m_vecLabels.size() - 1) m_iValue = 0; CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID()); SendWindowMessage(msg); return ; } break; } } void CGUISpinControl::SetReverse(bool bReverse) { m_bReverse = bReverse; } void CGUISpinControl::SetFloatInterval(float fInterval) { m_fInterval = fInterval; } void CGUISpinControl::SetShowRange(bool bOnoff) { m_bShowRange = bOnoff; } int CGUISpinControl::GetMinimum() const { switch (m_iType) { case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE: return 0; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT: return m_iStart; break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT: return 1; break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_FLOAT: return (int)(m_fStart*10.0f); break; } return 0; } int CGUISpinControl::GetMaximum() const { switch (m_iType) { case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE: return m_numItems; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_INT: return m_iEnd; break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_TEXT: return (int)m_vecLabels.size(); break; case SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_FLOAT: return (int)(m_fEnd*10.0f); break; } return 100; } bool CGUISpinControl::HitTest(const CPoint &point) const { if (m_imgspinUpFocus.HitTest(point) || m_imgspinDownFocus.HitTest(point)) return true; return CGUIControl::HitTest(point); } bool CGUISpinControl::OnMouseOver(const CPoint &point) { if (m_imgspinUpFocus.HitTest(point)) { CGUIControl::OnMouseOver(point); m_iSelect = SPIN_BUTTON_UP; } else if (m_imgspinDownFocus.HitTest(point)) { CGUIControl::OnMouseOver(point); m_iSelect = SPIN_BUTTON_DOWN; } else { CGUIControl::OnMouseOver(point); m_iSelect = SPIN_BUTTON_UP; } return true; } bool CGUISpinControl::OnMouseClick(int button, const CPoint &point) { // only left button handled if (button != MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) return false; if (m_imgspinUpFocus.HitTest(point)) { MoveUp(); } if (m_imgspinDownFocus.HitTest(point)) { MoveDown(); } return true; } bool CGUISpinControl::OnMouseWheel(char wheel, const CPoint &point) { for (int i = 0; i < abs(wheel); i++) { if (wheel > 0) { MoveUp(); } else { MoveDown(); } } return true; } CStdString CGUISpinControl::GetDescription() const { CStdString strLabel; strLabel.Format("%i/%i", 1 + GetValue(), GetMaximum()); return strLabel; } bool CGUISpinControl::IsFocusedOnUp() const { return (m_iSelect == SPIN_BUTTON_UP); } void CGUISpinControl::ChangePage(int amount) { m_currentItem += amount * m_itemsPerPage; if (m_currentItem > m_numItems - m_itemsPerPage) m_currentItem = m_numItems - m_itemsPerPage; if (m_currentItem < 0) m_currentItem = 0; CGUIMessage message(GUI_MSG_NOTIFY_ALL, GetParentID(), GetID(), GUI_MSG_PAGE_CHANGE, m_currentItem); SendWindowMessage(message); } void CGUISpinControl::UpdateColors() { m_label.UpdateColors(); CGUIControl::UpdateColors(); m_imgspinDownFocus.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_imgspinDown.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_imgspinUp.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_imgspinUpFocus.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); } bool CGUISpinControl::IsVisible() const { // page controls can be optionally disabled if the number of pages is 1 if (m_iType == SPIN_CONTROL_TYPE_PAGE && m_numItems <= m_itemsPerPage && !m_showOnePage) return false; return CGUIControl::IsVisible(); }