/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "GUIScrollBarControl.h" #include "MouseStat.h" #include "Key.h" #define MIN_NIB_SIZE 4.0f CGUIScrollBar::CGUIScrollBar(int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, const CTextureInfo& backGroundTexture, const CTextureInfo& barTexture, const CTextureInfo& barTextureFocus, const CTextureInfo& nibTexture, const CTextureInfo& nibTextureFocus, ORIENTATION orientation, bool showOnePage) : CGUIControl(parentID, controlID, posX, posY, width, height) , m_guiBackground(posX, posY, width, height, backGroundTexture) , m_guiBarNoFocus(posX, posY, width, height, barTexture) , m_guiBarFocus(posX, posY, width, height, barTextureFocus) , m_guiNibNoFocus(posX, posY, width, height, nibTexture) , m_guiNibFocus(posX, posY, width, height, nibTextureFocus) { m_guiNibNoFocus.SetAspectRatio(CAspectRatio::AR_CENTER); m_guiNibFocus.SetAspectRatio(CAspectRatio::AR_CENTER); m_numItems = 100; m_offset = 0; m_pageSize = 10; ControlType = GUICONTROL_SCROLLBAR; m_orientation = orientation; m_showOnePage = showOnePage; } CGUIScrollBar::~CGUIScrollBar(void) { } void CGUIScrollBar::Render() { if (m_bInvalidated) UpdateBarSize(); m_guiBackground.Render(); if (m_bHasFocus) { m_guiBarFocus.Render(); m_guiNibFocus.Render(); } else { m_guiBarNoFocus.Render(); m_guiNibNoFocus.Render(); } CGUIControl::Render(); } bool CGUIScrollBar::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) { switch (message.GetMessage()) { case GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT: SetValue(message.GetParam1()); return true; case GUI_MSG_LABEL_RESET: SetRange(message.GetParam1(), message.GetParam2()); return true; case GUI_MSG_PAGE_UP: Move(-1); return true; case GUI_MSG_PAGE_DOWN: Move(1); return true; } return CGUIControl::OnMessage(message); } bool CGUIScrollBar::OnAction(const CAction &action) { switch ( action.id ) { case ACTION_MOVE_LEFT: if (m_orientation == HORIZONTAL) { Move( -1); return true; } break; case ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT: if (m_orientation == HORIZONTAL) { Move(1); return true; } break; case ACTION_MOVE_UP: if (m_orientation == VERTICAL) { Move(-1); return true; } break; case ACTION_MOVE_DOWN: if (m_orientation == VERTICAL) { Move(1); return true; } break; } return CGUIControl::OnAction(action); } void CGUIScrollBar::Move(int numSteps) { m_offset += numSteps * m_pageSize; if (m_offset > m_numItems - m_pageSize) m_offset = m_numItems - m_pageSize; if (m_offset < 0) m_offset = 0; CGUIMessage message(GUI_MSG_NOTIFY_ALL, GetParentID(), GetID(), GUI_MSG_PAGE_CHANGE, m_offset); SendWindowMessage(message); SetInvalid(); } void CGUIScrollBar::SetRange(int pageSize, int numItems) { m_pageSize = pageSize; m_numItems = numItems; m_offset = 0; SetInvalid(); } void CGUIScrollBar::SetValue(int value) { m_offset = value; SetInvalid(); } void CGUIScrollBar::FreeResources() { CGUIControl::FreeResources(); m_guiBackground.FreeResources(); m_guiBarNoFocus.FreeResources(); m_guiBarFocus.FreeResources(); m_guiNibNoFocus.FreeResources(); m_guiNibFocus.FreeResources(); } void CGUIScrollBar::DynamicResourceAlloc(bool bOnOff) { CGUIControl::DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiBackground.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiBarNoFocus.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiBarFocus.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiNibNoFocus.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiNibFocus.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); } void CGUIScrollBar::AllocResources() { CGUIControl::AllocResources(); m_guiBackground.AllocResources(); m_guiBarNoFocus.AllocResources(); m_guiBarFocus.AllocResources(); m_guiNibNoFocus.AllocResources(); m_guiNibFocus.AllocResources(); } void CGUIScrollBar::SetInvalid() { CGUIControl::SetInvalid(); m_guiBackground.SetInvalid(); m_guiBarFocus.SetInvalid(); m_guiBarFocus.SetInvalid(); m_guiNibNoFocus.SetInvalid(); m_guiNibFocus.SetInvalid(); } void CGUIScrollBar::UpdateBarSize() { // scale our textures to suit if (m_orientation == VERTICAL) { // calculate the height to display the nib at float percent = (float)m_pageSize / m_numItems; float nibSize = GetHeight() * percent; if (nibSize < m_guiNibFocus.GetTextureHeight() + 2 * MIN_NIB_SIZE) nibSize = m_guiNibFocus.GetTextureHeight() + 2 * MIN_NIB_SIZE; if (nibSize > GetHeight()) nibSize = GetHeight(); m_guiBarNoFocus.SetHeight(nibSize); m_guiBarFocus.SetHeight(nibSize); m_guiNibNoFocus.SetHeight(nibSize); m_guiNibFocus.SetHeight(nibSize); // nibSize may be altered by the border size of the nib (and bar). nibSize = std::max(m_guiBarFocus.GetHeight(), m_guiNibFocus.GetHeight()); // and the position percent = (m_numItems == m_pageSize) ? 0 : (float)m_offset / (m_numItems - m_pageSize); float nibPos = (GetHeight() - nibSize) * percent; if (nibPos < 0) nibPos = 0; if (nibPos > GetHeight() - nibSize) nibPos = GetHeight() - nibSize; m_guiBarNoFocus.SetPosition(GetXPosition(), GetYPosition() + nibPos); m_guiBarFocus.SetPosition(GetXPosition(), GetYPosition() + nibPos); m_guiNibNoFocus.SetPosition(GetXPosition(), GetYPosition() + nibPos); m_guiNibFocus.SetPosition(GetXPosition(), GetYPosition() + nibPos); } else { // calculate the height to display the nib at float percent = (float)m_pageSize / m_numItems; float nibSize = GetWidth() * percent + 0.5f; if (nibSize < m_guiNibFocus.GetTextureWidth() + 2 * MIN_NIB_SIZE) nibSize = m_guiNibFocus.GetTextureWidth() + 2 * MIN_NIB_SIZE; if (nibSize > GetWidth()) nibSize = GetWidth(); m_guiBarNoFocus.SetWidth(nibSize); m_guiBarFocus.SetWidth(nibSize); m_guiNibNoFocus.SetWidth(nibSize); m_guiNibFocus.SetWidth(nibSize); // and the position percent = (float)m_offset / (m_numItems - m_pageSize); float nibPos = (GetWidth() - nibSize) * percent; if (nibPos < 0) nibPos = 0; if (nibPos > GetWidth() - nibSize) nibPos = GetWidth() - nibSize; m_guiBarNoFocus.SetPosition(GetXPosition() + nibPos, GetYPosition()); m_guiBarFocus.SetPosition(GetXPosition() + nibPos, GetYPosition()); m_guiNibNoFocus.SetPosition(GetXPosition() + nibPos, GetYPosition()); m_guiNibFocus.SetPosition(GetXPosition() + nibPos, GetYPosition()); } } bool CGUIScrollBar::HitTest(const CPoint &point) const { if (m_guiBackground.HitTest(point)) return true; if (m_guiBarNoFocus.HitTest(point)) return true; return false; } void CGUIScrollBar::SetFromPosition(const CPoint &point) { float fPercent; if (m_orientation == VERTICAL) fPercent = (point.y - m_guiBackground.GetYPosition() - 0.5f*m_guiBarFocus.GetHeight()) / m_guiBackground.GetHeight(); else fPercent = (point.x - m_guiBackground.GetXPosition() - 0.5f*m_guiBarFocus.GetWidth()) / m_guiBackground.GetWidth(); if (fPercent < 0) fPercent = 0; if (fPercent > 1) fPercent = 1; m_offset = (int)(floor(fPercent * m_numItems + 0.5f)); CGUIMessage message(GUI_MSG_NOTIFY_ALL, GetParentID(), GetID(), GUI_MSG_PAGE_CHANGE, m_offset); SendWindowMessage(message); SetInvalid(); } bool CGUIScrollBar::OnMouseClick(int button, const CPoint &point) { g_Mouse.SetState(MOUSE_STATE_CLICK); // turn off any exclusive access, if it's on... g_Mouse.EndExclusiveAccess(this, GetParentID()); if (m_guiBackground.HitTest(point)) { // set the position SetFromPosition(point); return true; } return false; } bool CGUIScrollBar::OnMouseDrag(const CPoint &offset, const CPoint &point) { g_Mouse.SetState(MOUSE_STATE_DRAG); // get exclusive access to the mouse g_Mouse.SetExclusiveAccess(this, GetParentID(), point); // get the position of the mouse SetFromPosition(point); return true; } bool CGUIScrollBar::OnMouseWheel(char wheel, const CPoint &point) { Move(-wheel); return true; } CStdString CGUIScrollBar::GetDescription() const { CStdString description; description.Format("%i/%i", m_offset, m_numItems); return description; } void CGUIScrollBar::UpdateColors() { CGUIControl::UpdateColors(); m_guiBackground.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_guiBarNoFocus.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_guiBarFocus.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_guiNibNoFocus.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_guiNibFocus.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); } bool CGUIScrollBar::IsVisible() const { // page controls can be optionally disabled if the number of pages is 1 if (m_numItems <= m_pageSize && !m_showOnePage) return false; return CGUIControl::IsVisible(); }