/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "GUIProgressControl.h" #include "utils/GUIInfoManager.h" CGUIProgressControl::CGUIProgressControl(int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, const CTextureInfo& backGroundTexture, const CTextureInfo& leftTexture, const CTextureInfo& midTexture, const CTextureInfo& rightTexture, const CTextureInfo& overlayTexture, float min, float max, bool reveal) : CGUIControl(parentID, controlID, posX, posY, width, height) , m_guiBackground(posX, posY, width, height, backGroundTexture) , m_guiLeft(posX, posY, width, height, leftTexture) , m_guiMid(posX, posY, width, height, midTexture) , m_guiRight(posX, posY, width, height, rightTexture) , m_guiOverlay(posX, posY, width, height, overlayTexture) { m_RangeMin = min; m_RangeMax = max; m_fPercent = 0; m_iInfoCode = 0; ControlType = GUICONTROL_PROGRESS; m_bReveal = reveal; } CGUIProgressControl::~CGUIProgressControl(void) { } void CGUIProgressControl::SetPosition(float posX, float posY) { // everything is positioned based on the background image position CGUIControl::SetPosition(posX, posY); m_guiBackground.SetPosition(posX, posY); } void CGUIProgressControl::Render() { if (!IsDisabled()) { if (m_iInfoCode ) { m_fPercent = (float)g_infoManager.GetInt(m_iInfoCode); if ((m_RangeMax - m_RangeMin)> 0 && (m_RangeMax != 100 && m_RangeMin != 0) ) { if (m_fPercent > m_RangeMax) m_fPercent = m_RangeMax; if (m_fPercent < m_RangeMin) m_fPercent = m_RangeMin; m_fPercent = ((100*(m_fPercent - m_RangeMin)) / (m_RangeMax - m_RangeMin)); } } if (m_fPercent < 0.0f) m_fPercent = 0.0f; if (m_fPercent > 100.0f) m_fPercent = 100.0f; float fScaleX, fScaleY; if (m_width == 0) m_width = m_guiBackground.GetTextureWidth(); if (m_height == 0) m_height = m_guiBackground.GetTextureHeight(); fScaleY = m_height / m_guiBackground.GetTextureHeight(); fScaleX = m_width / m_guiBackground.GetTextureWidth(); m_guiBackground.SetHeight(m_height); m_guiBackground.SetWidth(m_width); m_guiBackground.Render(); float fWidth = m_fPercent; float posX = m_guiBackground.GetXPosition(); float posY = m_guiBackground.GetYPosition(); if (m_guiLeft.GetFileName().IsEmpty() && m_guiRight.GetFileName().IsEmpty()) { // rendering without left and right image - fill the mid image completely float width = m_fPercent * m_width * 0.01f; if (m_fPercent && width > 1) { float offset = fabs(fScaleY * 0.5f * (m_guiMid.GetTextureHeight() - m_guiBackground.GetTextureHeight())); if (offset > 0) // Center texture to the background if necessary m_guiMid.SetPosition(posX, posY + offset); else m_guiMid.SetPosition(posX, posY); m_guiMid.SetHeight(fScaleY * m_guiMid.GetTextureHeight()); if (m_bReveal) { m_guiMid.SetWidth(m_width); g_graphicsContext.SetClipRegion(posX, posY+offset, width, fScaleY * m_guiMid.GetTextureHeight()); m_guiMid.Render(); g_graphicsContext.RestoreClipRegion(); } else { m_guiMid.SetWidth(width); m_guiMid.Render(); } posX += fWidth * fScaleX; } } else { float fWidth = m_fPercent; float fFullWidth = m_guiBackground.GetTextureWidth() - m_guiLeft.GetTextureWidth() - m_guiRight.GetTextureWidth(); fWidth /= 100.0f; fWidth *= fFullWidth; float offset = fabs(fScaleY * 0.5f * (m_guiLeft.GetTextureHeight() - m_guiBackground.GetTextureHeight())); if (offset > 0) // Center texture to the background if necessary m_guiLeft.SetPosition(posX, posY + offset); else m_guiLeft.SetPosition(posX, posY); m_guiLeft.SetHeight(fScaleY * m_guiLeft.GetTextureHeight()); m_guiLeft.SetWidth(fScaleX * m_guiLeft.GetTextureWidth()); m_guiLeft.Render(); posX += fScaleX * m_guiLeft.GetTextureWidth(); if (m_fPercent && (int)(fScaleX * fWidth) > 1) { float offset = fabs(fScaleY * 0.5f * (m_guiMid.GetTextureHeight() - m_guiBackground.GetTextureHeight())); if (offset > 0) // Center texture to the background if necessary m_guiMid.SetPosition(posX, posY + offset); else m_guiMid.SetPosition(posX, posY); m_guiMid.SetHeight(fScaleY * m_guiMid.GetTextureHeight()); if (m_bReveal) { m_guiMid.SetWidth(fScaleX * fFullWidth); g_graphicsContext.SetClipRegion(posX, posY+offset, fScaleX * fWidth, fScaleY * m_guiMid.GetTextureHeight()); m_guiMid.Render(); g_graphicsContext.RestoreClipRegion(); } else { m_guiMid.SetWidth(fScaleX * fWidth); m_guiMid.Render(); } posX += fWidth * fScaleX; } offset = fabs(fScaleY * 0.5f * (m_guiRight.GetTextureHeight() - m_guiBackground.GetTextureHeight())); if (offset > 0) // Center texture to the background if necessary m_guiRight.SetPosition(posX, posY + offset); else m_guiRight.SetPosition(posX, posY); m_guiRight.SetHeight(fScaleY * m_guiRight.GetTextureHeight()); m_guiRight.SetWidth(fScaleX * m_guiRight.GetTextureWidth()); m_guiRight.Render(); } float offset = fabs(fScaleY * 0.5f * (m_guiOverlay.GetTextureHeight() - m_guiBackground.GetTextureHeight())); if (offset > 0) // Center texture to the background if necessary m_guiOverlay.SetPosition(m_guiBackground.GetXPosition(), m_guiBackground.GetYPosition() + offset); else m_guiOverlay.SetPosition(m_guiBackground.GetXPosition(), m_guiBackground.GetYPosition()); m_guiOverlay.SetHeight(fScaleY * m_guiOverlay.GetTextureHeight()); m_guiOverlay.SetWidth(fScaleX * m_guiOverlay.GetTextureWidth()); m_guiOverlay.Render(); } CGUIControl::Render(); } bool CGUIProgressControl::CanFocus() const { return false; } bool CGUIProgressControl::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) { return CGUIControl::OnMessage(message); } void CGUIProgressControl::SetPercentage(float fPercent) { m_fPercent = fPercent; } float CGUIProgressControl::GetPercentage() const { return m_fPercent; } void CGUIProgressControl::FreeResources() { CGUIControl::FreeResources(); m_guiBackground.FreeResources(); m_guiMid.FreeResources(); m_guiRight.FreeResources(); m_guiLeft.FreeResources(); m_guiOverlay.FreeResources(); } void CGUIProgressControl::DynamicResourceAlloc(bool bOnOff) { CGUIControl::DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiBackground.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiMid.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiRight.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiLeft.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_guiOverlay.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); } void CGUIProgressControl::AllocResources() { CGUIControl::AllocResources(); m_guiBackground.AllocResources(); m_guiMid.AllocResources(); m_guiRight.AllocResources(); m_guiLeft.AllocResources(); m_guiOverlay.AllocResources(); m_guiBackground.SetHeight(25); m_guiRight.SetHeight(20); m_guiLeft.SetHeight(20); m_guiMid.SetHeight(20); m_guiOverlay.SetHeight(20); } void CGUIProgressControl::SetInfo(int iInfo) { m_iInfoCode = iInfo; } void CGUIProgressControl::UpdateColors() { CGUIControl::UpdateColors(); m_guiBackground.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_guiRight.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_guiLeft.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_guiMid.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); m_guiOverlay.SetDiffuseColor(m_diffuseColor); } CStdString CGUIProgressControl::GetDescription() const { CStdString percent; percent.Format("%2.f", m_fPercent); return percent; }