/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "GUIListContainer.h" #include "GUIListItem.h" #include "GUIInfoManager.h" #include "Key.h" CGUIListContainer::CGUIListContainer(int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, ORIENTATION orientation, int scrollTime, int preloadItems) : CGUIBaseContainer(parentID, controlID, posX, posY, width, height, orientation, scrollTime, preloadItems) { ControlType = GUICONTAINER_LIST; m_type = VIEW_TYPE_LIST; } CGUIListContainer::~CGUIListContainer(void) { } bool CGUIListContainer::OnAction(const CAction &action) { switch (action.GetID()) { case ACTION_PAGE_UP: { if (m_offset == 0) { // already on the first page, so move to the first item SetCursor(0); } else { // scroll up to the previous page Scroll( -m_itemsPerPage); } return true; } break; case ACTION_PAGE_DOWN: { if (m_offset == (int)m_items.size() - m_itemsPerPage || (int)m_items.size() < m_itemsPerPage) { // already at the last page, so move to the last item. SetCursor(m_items.size() - m_offset - 1); } else { // scroll down to the next page Scroll(m_itemsPerPage); } return true; } break; // smooth scrolling (for analog controls) case ACTION_SCROLL_UP: { m_analogScrollCount += action.GetAmount() * action.GetAmount(); bool handled = false; while (m_analogScrollCount > 0.4) { handled = true; m_analogScrollCount -= 0.4f; if (m_offset > 0 && m_cursor <= m_itemsPerPage / 2) { Scroll(-1); } else if (m_cursor > 0) { SetCursor(m_cursor - 1); } } return handled; } break; case ACTION_SCROLL_DOWN: { m_analogScrollCount += action.GetAmount() * action.GetAmount(); bool handled = false; while (m_analogScrollCount > 0.4) { handled = true; m_analogScrollCount -= 0.4f; if (m_offset + m_itemsPerPage < (int)m_items.size() && m_cursor >= m_itemsPerPage / 2) { Scroll(1); } else if (m_cursor < m_itemsPerPage - 1 && m_offset + m_cursor < (int)m_items.size() - 1) { SetCursor(m_cursor + 1); } } return handled; } break; } return CGUIBaseContainer::OnAction(action); } bool CGUIListContainer::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) { if (message.GetControlId() == GetID() ) { if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_LABEL_RESET) { SetCursor(0); } else if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT) { SelectItem(message.GetParam1()); return true; } else if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_SETFOCUS) { if (message.GetParam1()) // subfocus item is specified, so set the offset appropriately { int item = std::min(m_offset + (int)message.GetParam1() - 1, (int)m_items.size() - 1); SelectItem(item); } } } return CGUIBaseContainer::OnMessage(message); } bool CGUIListContainer::MoveUp(bool wrapAround) { if (m_cursor > 0) { SetCursor(m_cursor - 1); } else if (m_cursor == 0 && m_offset) { ScrollToOffset(m_offset - 1); } else if (wrapAround) { if (m_items.size() > 0) { // move 2 last item in list, and set our container moving up int offset = m_items.size() - m_itemsPerPage; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; SetCursor(m_items.size() - offset - 1); ScrollToOffset(offset); SetContainerMoving(-1); } } else return false; return true; } bool CGUIListContainer::MoveDown(bool wrapAround) { if (m_offset + m_cursor + 1 < (int)m_items.size()) { if (m_cursor + 1 < m_itemsPerPage) { SetCursor(m_cursor + 1); } else { ScrollToOffset(m_offset + 1); } } else if(wrapAround) { // move first item in list, and set our container moving in the "down" direction SetCursor(0); ScrollToOffset(0); SetContainerMoving(1); } else return false; return true; } // scrolls the said amount void CGUIListContainer::Scroll(int amount) { // increase or decrease the offset int offset = m_offset + amount; if (offset > (int)m_items.size() - m_itemsPerPage) { offset = m_items.size() - m_itemsPerPage; } if (offset < 0) offset = 0; ScrollToOffset(offset); } void CGUIListContainer::ValidateOffset() { // first thing is we check the range of m_offset if (!m_layout) return; if (m_offset > (int)m_items.size() - m_itemsPerPage || m_scrollOffset > ((int)m_items.size() - m_itemsPerPage) * m_layout->Size(m_orientation)) { m_offset = m_items.size() - m_itemsPerPage; m_scrollOffset = m_offset * m_layout->Size(m_orientation); } if (m_offset < 0 || m_scrollOffset < 0) { m_offset = 0; m_scrollOffset = 0; } } void CGUIListContainer::SetCursor(int cursor) { if (cursor > m_itemsPerPage - 1) cursor = m_itemsPerPage - 1; if (cursor < 0) cursor = 0; if (!m_wasReset) SetContainerMoving(cursor - m_cursor); m_cursor = cursor; } void CGUIListContainer::SelectItem(int item) { // Check that m_offset is valid ValidateOffset(); // only select an item if it's in a valid range if (item >= 0 && item < (int)m_items.size()) { // Select the item requested if (item >= m_offset && item < m_offset + m_itemsPerPage) { // the item is on the current page, so don't change it. SetCursor(item - m_offset); } else if (item < m_offset) { // item is on a previous page - make it the first item on the page SetCursor(0); ScrollToOffset(item); } else // (item >= m_offset+m_itemsPerPage) { // item is on a later page - make it the last item on the page SetCursor(m_itemsPerPage - 1); ScrollToOffset(item - m_cursor); } } } int CGUIListContainer::GetCursorFromPoint(const CPoint &point, CPoint *itemPoint) const { if (!m_focusedLayout || !m_layout) return -1; int row = 0; float pos = (m_orientation == VERTICAL) ? point.y : point.x; while (row < m_itemsPerPage + 1) // 1 more to ensure we get the (possible) half item at the end. { const CGUIListItemLayout *layout = (row == m_cursor) ? m_focusedLayout : m_layout; if (pos < layout->Size(m_orientation) && row + m_offset < (int)m_items.size()) { // found correct "row" -> check horizontal if (!InsideLayout(layout, point)) return -1; if (itemPoint) *itemPoint = m_orientation == VERTICAL ? CPoint(point.x, pos) : CPoint(pos, point.y); return row; } row++; pos -= layout->Size(m_orientation); } return -1; } bool CGUIListContainer::SelectItemFromPoint(const CPoint &point) { CPoint itemPoint; int row = GetCursorFromPoint(point, &itemPoint); if (row < 0) return false; SetContainerMoving(row - m_cursor); m_cursor = row; CGUIListItemLayout *focusedLayout = GetFocusedLayout(); if (focusedLayout) focusedLayout->SelectItemFromPoint(itemPoint); return true; } //#ifdef PRE_SKIN_VERSION_9_10_COMPATIBILITY CGUIListContainer::CGUIListContainer(int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, const CLabelInfo& labelInfo, const CLabelInfo& labelInfo2, const CTextureInfo& textureButton, const CTextureInfo& textureButtonFocus, float textureHeight, float itemWidth, float itemHeight, float spaceBetweenItems) : CGUIBaseContainer(parentID, controlID, posX, posY, width, height, VERTICAL, 200, 0) { CGUIListItemLayout layout; layout.CreateListControlLayouts(width, textureHeight + spaceBetweenItems, false, labelInfo, labelInfo2, textureButton, textureButtonFocus, textureHeight, itemWidth, itemHeight, 0, 0); m_layouts.push_back(layout); CStdString condition; condition.Format("control.hasfocus(%i)", controlID); CStdString condition2 = "!" + condition; CGUIListItemLayout focusLayout; focusLayout.CreateListControlLayouts(width, textureHeight + spaceBetweenItems, true, labelInfo, labelInfo2, textureButton, textureButtonFocus, textureHeight, itemWidth, itemHeight, g_infoManager.TranslateString(condition2), g_infoManager.TranslateString(condition)); m_focusedLayouts.push_back(focusLayout); m_height = floor(m_height / (textureHeight + spaceBetweenItems)) * (textureHeight + spaceBetweenItems); ControlType = GUICONTAINER_LIST; } //#endif bool CGUIListContainer::HasNextPage() const { return (m_offset != (int)m_items.size() - m_itemsPerPage && (int)m_items.size() >= m_itemsPerPage); } bool CGUIListContainer::HasPreviousPage() const { return (m_offset > 0); }