/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "GUILabel.h" #include "utils/CharsetConverter.h" #include <limits> CGUILabel::CGUILabel(float posX, float posY, float width, float height, const CLabelInfo& labelInfo, CGUILabel::OVER_FLOW overflow) : m_textLayout(labelInfo.font, overflow == OVER_FLOW_WRAP, height) , m_scrollInfo(50, 0, labelInfo.scrollSpeed, labelInfo.scrollSuffix) , m_maxRect(posX, posY, posX + width, posY + height) { m_selected = false; m_overflowType = overflow; m_scrolling = (overflow == OVER_FLOW_SCROLL); m_label = labelInfo; m_invalid = true; } CGUILabel::~CGUILabel(void) { } void CGUILabel::SetScrolling(bool scrolling) { m_scrolling = scrolling; if (!m_scrolling) m_scrollInfo.Reset(); } void CGUILabel::SetColor(CGUILabel::COLOR color) { m_color = color; } color_t CGUILabel::GetColor() const { switch (m_color) { case COLOR_SELECTED: return m_label.selectedColor; case COLOR_DISABLED: return m_label.disabledColor; case COLOR_FOCUSED: return m_label.focusedColor ? m_label.focusedColor : m_label.textColor; default: break; } return m_label.textColor; } void CGUILabel::Render() { color_t color = GetColor(); bool renderSolid = (m_color == COLOR_DISABLED); bool overFlows = (m_renderRect.Width() + 0.5f < m_textLayout.GetTextWidth()); // 0.5f to deal with floating point rounding issues if (overFlows && m_scrolling && !renderSolid) m_textLayout.RenderScrolling(m_renderRect.x1, m_renderRect.y1, m_label.angle, color, m_label.shadowColor, 0, m_renderRect.Width(), m_scrollInfo); else { float posX = m_renderRect.x1; float posY = m_renderRect.y1; uint32_t align = 0; if (!overFlows) { // hack for right and centered multiline text, as GUITextLayout::Render() treats posX as the right hand // or center edge of the text (see GUIFontTTF::DrawTextInternal), and this has already been taken care of // in UpdateRenderRect(), but we wish to still pass the horizontal alignment info through (so that multiline text // is aligned correctly), so we must undo the UpdateRenderRect() changes for horizontal alignment. if (m_label.align & XBFONT_RIGHT) posX += m_renderRect.Width(); else if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_X) posX += m_renderRect.Width() * 0.5f; if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_Y) // need to pass a centered Y so that <angle> will rotate around the correct point. posY += m_renderRect.Height() * 0.5f; align = m_label.align; } else align |= XBFONT_TRUNCATED; m_textLayout.Render(posX, posY, m_label.angle, color, m_label.shadowColor, align, m_renderRect.Width(), renderSolid); } } void CGUILabel::SetInvalid() { m_invalid = true; } void CGUILabel::UpdateColors() { m_label.UpdateColors(); } void CGUILabel::SetMaxRect(float x, float y, float w, float h) { m_maxRect.SetRect(x, y, x + w, y + h); UpdateRenderRect(); } void CGUILabel::SetAlign(uint32_t align) { m_label.align = align; UpdateRenderRect(); } void CGUILabel::SetText(const CStdString &label) { if (m_textLayout.Update(label, m_maxRect.Width(), m_invalid)) { // needed an update - reset scrolling and update our text layout m_scrollInfo.Reset(); UpdateRenderRect(); m_invalid = false; } } void CGUILabel::SetTextW(const CStdStringW &label) { m_textLayout.SetText(label); m_scrollInfo.Reset(); UpdateRenderRect(); m_invalid = false; } void CGUILabel::UpdateRenderRect() { // recalculate our text layout float width, height; m_textLayout.GetTextExtent(width, height); width = std::min(width, GetMaxWidth()); if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_Y) m_renderRect.y1 = m_maxRect.y1 + (m_maxRect.Height() - height) * 0.5f; else m_renderRect.y1 = m_maxRect.y1 + m_label.offsetY; if (m_label.align & XBFONT_RIGHT) m_renderRect.x1 = m_maxRect.x2 - width - m_label.offsetX; else if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_X) m_renderRect.x1 = m_maxRect.x1 + (m_maxRect.Width() - width) * 0.5f; else m_renderRect.x1 = m_maxRect.x1 + m_label.offsetX; m_renderRect.x2 = m_renderRect.x1 + width; m_renderRect.y2 = m_renderRect.y1 + height; } float CGUILabel::GetMaxWidth() const { if (m_label.width) return m_label.width; return m_maxRect.Width() - 2*m_label.offsetX; } void CGUILabel::CheckAndCorrectOverlap(CGUILabel &label1, CGUILabel &label2) { CRect rect(label1.m_renderRect); if (rect.Intersect(label2.m_renderRect).IsEmpty()) return; // nothing to do (though it could potentially encroach on the min_space requirement) static const float min_space = 10; // overlap vertically and horizontally - check alignment CGUILabel &left = label1.m_renderRect.x1 <= label2.m_renderRect.x1 ? label1 : label2; CGUILabel &right = label1.m_renderRect.x1 <= label2.m_renderRect.x1 ? label2 : label1; if ((left.m_label.align & 3) == 0 && right.m_label.align & XBFONT_RIGHT) { float chopPoint = (left.m_maxRect.x1 + left.GetMaxWidth() + right.m_maxRect.x2 - right.GetMaxWidth()) * 0.5f; // [1 [2...[2 1].|..........1] 2] // [1 [2.....[2 | 1]..1] 2] // [1 [2..........|.[2 1]..1] 2] if (right.m_renderRect.x1 > chopPoint) chopPoint = right.m_renderRect.x1 - min_space; else if (left.m_renderRect.x2 < chopPoint) chopPoint = left.m_renderRect.x2 + min_space; left.m_renderRect.x2 = chopPoint - min_space; right.m_renderRect.x1 = chopPoint + min_space; } }