/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "GUIFont.h" #include "GUIFontTTF.h" #include "GraphicContext.h" #include "utils/SingleLock.h" #include "utils/TimeUtils.h" #include "MathUtils.h" #define ROUND(x) (float)(MathUtils::round_int(x)) float CScrollInfo::GetPixelsPerFrame() { static const float alphaEMA = 0.05f; if (0 == pixelSpeed) return 0; // not scrolling unsigned int currentTime = CTimeUtils::GetFrameTime(); float delta = m_lastFrameTime ? (float)(currentTime - m_lastFrameTime) : m_averageFrameTime; if (delta > 100) delta = 100; // assume a minimum of 10 fps m_lastFrameTime = currentTime; // do an exponential moving average of the frame time m_averageFrameTime = m_averageFrameTime + (delta - m_averageFrameTime) * alphaEMA; // and multiply by pixel speed (per ms) to get number of pixels to move this frame return pixelSpeed * m_averageFrameTime; } CGUIFont::CGUIFont(const CStdString& strFontName, uint32_t style, color_t textColor, color_t shadowColor, float lineSpacing, float origHeight, CGUIFontTTFBase *font) { m_strFontName = strFontName; m_style = style & 3; m_textColor = textColor; m_shadowColor = shadowColor; m_lineSpacing = lineSpacing; m_origHeight = origHeight; m_font = font; if (m_font) m_font->AddReference(); } CGUIFont::~CGUIFont() { if (m_font) m_font->RemoveReference(); } CStdString& CGUIFont::GetFontName() { return m_strFontName; } void CGUIFont::DrawText( float x, float y, const vecColors &colors, color_t shadowColor, const vecText &text, uint32_t alignment, float maxPixelWidth) { if (!m_font) return; bool clip = maxPixelWidth > 0; if (clip && ClippedRegionIsEmpty(x, y, maxPixelWidth, alignment)) return; maxPixelWidth = ROUND(maxPixelWidth / g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleX()); vecColors renderColors; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < colors.size(); i++) renderColors.push_back(g_graphicsContext.MergeAlpha(colors[i] ? colors[i] : m_textColor)); if (!shadowColor) shadowColor = m_shadowColor; if (shadowColor) { shadowColor = g_graphicsContext.MergeAlpha(shadowColor); vecColors shadowColors; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < renderColors.size(); i++) shadowColors.push_back((renderColors[i] & 0xff000000) != 0 ? shadowColor : 0); m_font->DrawTextInternal(x + 1, y + 1, shadowColors, text, alignment, maxPixelWidth, false); } m_font->DrawTextInternal( x, y, renderColors, text, alignment, maxPixelWidth, false); if (clip) g_graphicsContext.RestoreClipRegion(); } void CGUIFont::DrawScrollingText(float x, float y, const vecColors &colors, color_t shadowColor, const vecText &text, uint32_t alignment, float maxWidth, CScrollInfo &scrollInfo) { if (!m_font) return; if (!shadowColor) shadowColor = m_shadowColor; float spaceWidth = GetCharWidth(L' '); // max chars on screen + extra margin chars vecText::size_type maxChars = std::min( (text.size() + (vecText::size_type)scrollInfo.suffix.size()), (vecText::size_type)((maxWidth * 1.05f) / spaceWidth)); if (!text.size() || ClippedRegionIsEmpty(x, y, maxWidth, alignment)) return; // nothing to render maxWidth = ROUND(maxWidth / g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleX()); // draw at our scroll position // we handle the scrolling as follows: // We scroll on a per-pixel basis up until we have scrolled the first character outside // of our viewport, whereby we cycle the string around, and reset the scroll position. // // pixelPos is the amount in pixels to move the string by. // characterPos is the amount in characters to rotate the string by. // float offset = scrollInfo.pixelPos; if (!scrollInfo.waitTime) { // move along by the appropriate scroll amount float scrollAmount = fabs(scrollInfo.GetPixelsPerFrame() * g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleX()); if (scrollInfo.pixelSpeed > 0) { // we want to move scrollAmount, grab the next character float charWidth = GetCharWidth(scrollInfo.GetCurrentChar(text)); if (scrollInfo.pixelPos + scrollAmount < charWidth) scrollInfo.pixelPos += scrollAmount; // within the current character else { // past the current character, decrement scrollAmount by the charWidth and move to the next character while (scrollInfo.pixelPos + scrollAmount >= charWidth) { scrollAmount -= (charWidth - scrollInfo.pixelPos); scrollInfo.pixelPos = 0; scrollInfo.characterPos++; if (scrollInfo.characterPos >= text.size() + scrollInfo.suffix.size()) { scrollInfo.Reset(); break; } charWidth = GetCharWidth(scrollInfo.GetCurrentChar(text)); } } offset = scrollInfo.pixelPos; } else if (scrollInfo.pixelSpeed < 0) { // scrolling backwards // we want to move scrollAmount, grab the next character float charWidth = GetCharWidth(scrollInfo.GetCurrentChar(text)); if (scrollInfo.pixelPos + scrollAmount < charWidth) scrollInfo.pixelPos += scrollAmount; // within the current character else { // past the current character, decrement scrollAmount by the charWidth and move to the next character while (scrollInfo.pixelPos + scrollAmount >= charWidth) { scrollAmount -= (charWidth - scrollInfo.pixelPos); scrollInfo.pixelPos = 0; if (scrollInfo.characterPos == 0) { scrollInfo.Reset(); scrollInfo.characterPos = text.size() + scrollInfo.suffix.size() - 1; break; } scrollInfo.characterPos--; charWidth = GetCharWidth(scrollInfo.GetCurrentChar(text)); } } offset = charWidth - scrollInfo.pixelPos; } } else scrollInfo.waitTime--; // Now rotate our string as needed, only take a slightly larger then visible part of the text. unsigned int pos = scrollInfo.characterPos; vecText renderText; renderText.reserve(maxChars); for (vecText::size_type i = 0; i < maxChars; i++) { if (pos >= text.size() + scrollInfo.suffix.size()) pos = 0; if (pos < text.size()) renderText.push_back(text[pos]); else renderText.push_back(scrollInfo.suffix[pos - text.size()]); pos++; } vecColors renderColors; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < colors.size(); i++) renderColors.push_back(g_graphicsContext.MergeAlpha(colors[i] ? colors[i] : m_textColor)); bool scroll = !scrollInfo.waitTime && scrollInfo.pixelSpeed; if (shadowColor) { shadowColor = g_graphicsContext.MergeAlpha(shadowColor); vecColors shadowColors; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < renderColors.size(); i++) shadowColors.push_back((renderColors[i] & 0xff000000) != 0 ? shadowColor : 0); m_font->DrawTextInternal(x - offset + 1, y + 1, shadowColors, renderText, alignment, maxWidth + scrollInfo.pixelPos + m_font->GetLineHeight(2.0f), scroll); } m_font->DrawTextInternal(x - offset, y, renderColors, renderText, alignment, maxWidth + scrollInfo.pixelPos + m_font->GetLineHeight(2.0f), scroll); g_graphicsContext.RestoreClipRegion(); } // remaps unsupported font glpyhs to other suitable ones wchar_t CGUIFont::RemapGlyph(wchar_t letter) { if (letter == 0x2019 || letter == 0x2018) return 0x0027; // single quotes else if (letter == 0x201c || letter == 0x201d) return 0x0022; return 0; // no decent character map } bool CGUIFont::ClippedRegionIsEmpty(float x, float y, float width, uint32_t alignment) const { if (alignment & XBFONT_CENTER_X) x -= width * 0.5f; else if (alignment & XBFONT_RIGHT) x -= width; if (alignment & XBFONT_CENTER_Y) y -= m_font->GetLineHeight(m_lineSpacing); return !g_graphicsContext.SetClipRegion(x, y, width, m_font->GetLineHeight(2.0f) * g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleY()); } float CGUIFont::GetTextWidth( const vecText &text ) { if (!m_font) return 0; CSingleLock lock(g_graphicsContext); return m_font->GetTextWidthInternal(text.begin(), text.end()) * g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleX(); } float CGUIFont::GetCharWidth( character_t ch ) { if (!m_font) return 0; CSingleLock lock(g_graphicsContext); return m_font->GetCharWidthInternal(ch) * g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleX(); } float CGUIFont::GetTextHeight(int numLines) const { if (!m_font) return 0; return m_font->GetTextHeight(m_lineSpacing, numLines) * g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleY(); } float CGUIFont::GetLineHeight() const { if (!m_font) return 0; return m_font->GetLineHeight(m_lineSpacing) * g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleY(); } float CGUIFont::GetScaleFactor() const { if (!m_font) return 1.0f; return m_font->GetFontHeight() / m_origHeight; } void CGUIFont::Begin() { if (!m_font) return; m_font->Begin(); } void CGUIFont::End() { if (!m_font) return; m_font->End(); } void CGUIFont::SetFont(CGUIFontTTFBase *font) { if (m_font == font) return; // no need to update the font if we already have it if (m_font) m_font->RemoveReference(); m_font = font; if (m_font) m_font->AddReference(); }