/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "GUIButtonScroller.h" #include "GUITextLayout.h" #include "LocalizeStrings.h" #include "GUIWindowManager.h" #include "utils/CharsetConverter.h" #include "utils/GUIInfoManager.h" #include "SkinInfo.h" #include "StringUtils.h" #include "GUIControlFactory.h" #include "tinyXML/tinyxml.h" #include "Key.h" using namespace std; #define SCROLL_SPEED 6.0f #define ANALOG_SCROLL_START 0.8f CGUIButtonScroller::CGUIButtonScroller(int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, float gap, int iSlots, int iDefaultSlot, int iMovementRange, bool bHorizontal, int iAlpha, bool bWrapAround, bool bSmoothScrolling, const CTextureInfo& textureFocus, const CTextureInfo& textureNoFocus, const CLabelInfo& labelInfo) : CGUIControl(parentID, controlID, posX, posY, width, height) , m_imgFocus(posX, posY, width, height, textureFocus) , m_imgNoFocus(posX, posY, width, height, textureNoFocus) { m_iXMLNumSlots = iSlots; m_iXMLDefaultSlot = iDefaultSlot - 1; m_xmlPosX = posX; m_xmlPosY = posY; m_xmlWidth = width; m_xmlHeight = height; m_buttonGap = gap; m_iNumSlots = iSlots; m_bHorizontal = bHorizontal; m_iDefaultSlot = iDefaultSlot - 1; m_iMovementRange = iMovementRange; m_iAlpha = iAlpha; m_bWrapAround = bWrapAround; m_bSmoothScrolling = bSmoothScrolling; m_iSlowScrollCount = 0; if (!m_bWrapAround) { // force the amount of movement to allow for the number of slots if (m_iMovementRange < m_iDefaultSlot) m_iMovementRange = m_iDefaultSlot; if (m_iMovementRange < m_iNumSlots - 1 - m_iDefaultSlot) m_iMovementRange = m_iNumSlots - 1 - m_iDefaultSlot; } // reset other variables to the defaults m_iCurrentSlot = -1; m_iOffset = 0; m_scrollOffset = 0; m_bScrollUp = false; m_bScrollDown = false; m_bMoveUp = false; m_bMoveDown = false; m_fAnalogScrollSpeed = 0; ControlType = GUICONTROL_BUTTONBAR; // m_dwFrameCounter = 0; m_label = labelInfo; } CGUIButtonScroller::CGUIButtonScroller(const CGUIButtonScroller &from) : CGUIControl(from), m_imgFocus(from.m_imgFocus), m_imgNoFocus(from.m_imgNoFocus) { m_iXMLNumSlots = from.m_iXMLNumSlots; m_iXMLDefaultSlot = from.m_iXMLDefaultSlot; m_xmlPosX = from.m_xmlPosX; m_xmlPosY = from.m_xmlPosY; m_xmlWidth = from.m_xmlWidth; m_xmlHeight = from.m_xmlHeight; m_buttonGap = from.m_buttonGap; m_iNumSlots = from.m_iNumSlots; m_bHorizontal = from.m_bHorizontal; m_iDefaultSlot = from.m_iDefaultSlot; m_iMovementRange = from.m_iMovementRange; m_iAlpha = from.m_iAlpha; m_bWrapAround = from.m_bWrapAround; m_bSmoothScrolling = from.m_bSmoothScrolling; m_iSlowScrollCount = 0; // reset other variables to the defaults m_iCurrentSlot = -1; m_iOffset = 0; m_scrollOffset = 0; m_bScrollUp = false; m_bScrollDown = false; m_bMoveUp = false; m_bMoveDown = false; m_fAnalogScrollSpeed = 0; ControlType = GUICONTROL_BUTTONBAR; // m_dwFrameCounter = 0; m_label = from.m_label; // TODO: Clone - copy the buttons across } CGUIButtonScroller::~CGUIButtonScroller(void) {} bool CGUIButtonScroller::OnAction(const CAction &action) { if (action.id == ACTION_SELECT_ITEM) { // send the appropriate message to the parent window vector actions = m_vecButtons[GetActiveButton()]->clickActions; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { CGUIMessage message(GUI_MSG_EXECUTE, GetID(), GetParentID()); // find our currently highlighted item message.SetAction(actions[i]); g_windowManager.SendMessage(message); } return true; } if (action.id == ACTION_CONTEXT_MENU) { // send a click message to our parent SEND_CLICK_MESSAGE(GetID(), GetParentID(), action.id); return true; } // smooth scrolling (for analog controls) if (action.id == ACTION_SCROLL_UP) { m_fAnalogScrollSpeed += action.amount1 * action.amount1; bool handled = false; while (m_fAnalogScrollSpeed > ANALOG_SCROLL_START) { handled = true; m_fAnalogScrollSpeed -= ANALOG_SCROLL_START; if (!m_bWrapAround && m_iOffset + m_iCurrentSlot == 0) break; DoUp(); } return handled; } if (action.id == ACTION_SCROLL_DOWN) { m_fAnalogScrollSpeed += action.amount1 * action.amount1; bool handled = false; while (m_fAnalogScrollSpeed > ANALOG_SCROLL_START) { handled = true; m_fAnalogScrollSpeed -= ANALOG_SCROLL_START; if (!m_bWrapAround && (unsigned int)(m_iOffset + m_iCurrentSlot) == m_vecButtons.size() - 1) break; DoDown(); } return handled; } return CGUIControl::OnAction(action); } bool CGUIButtonScroller::OnMessage(CGUIMessage &message) { if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT) { SetActiveButton(message.GetParam1()); } else if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECTED) { message.SetParam1(GetActiveButton()); return true; } return CGUIControl::OnMessage(message); } void CGUIButtonScroller::ClearButtons() { // destroy our buttons (if we have them from a previous viewing) for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vecButtons.size(); ++i) { CButton* pButton = m_vecButtons[i]; delete pButton; } m_vecButtons.erase(m_vecButtons.begin(), m_vecButtons.end()); } void CGUIButtonScroller::LoadButtons(TiXmlNode *node) { // run through and find all // TODO: UTF-8 - what if the XML encoding is in UTF-8? TiXmlElement *buttons = node->FirstChildElement("buttons"); if (!buttons) return; // resolve includes g_SkinInfo.ResolveIncludes(buttons); TiXmlElement *buttonNode = buttons->FirstChildElement("button"); while (buttonNode) { // resolve includes g_SkinInfo.ResolveIncludes(buttonNode); CButton *button = new CButton; buttonNode->Attribute("id", &button->id); const TiXmlNode *childNode = buttonNode->FirstChild("label"); if (childNode && childNode->FirstChild()) { CStdString strLabel = childNode->FirstChild()->Value(); if (StringUtils::IsNaturalNumber(strLabel)) button->strLabel = g_localizeStrings.Get(atoi(strLabel.c_str())); else { // convert to UTF-8 CStdString utf8String; g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(strLabel, utf8String); button->strLabel = utf8String; } } // get info childNode = buttonNode->FirstChild("info"); if (childNode && childNode->FirstChild()) { button->info = g_infoManager.TranslateString(childNode->FirstChild()->Value()); } childNode = buttonNode->FirstChild("execute"); if (childNode && childNode->FirstChild()) { CGUIActionDescriptor action; CGUIControlFactory::GetAction((const TiXmlElement*) childNode, action); button->clickActions.push_back(action); } childNode = buttonNode->FirstChild("onclick"); while (childNode && childNode->FirstChild()) { CGUIActionDescriptor action; CGUIControlFactory::GetAction((const TiXmlElement*) childNode, action); button->clickActions.push_back(action); childNode = childNode->NextSibling("onclick"); } childNode = buttonNode->FirstChild("texturefocus"); if (childNode && childNode->FirstChild()) button->imageFocus = new CGUITexture(m_posX, m_posY, m_width, m_height, (CStdString)childNode->FirstChild()->Value()); childNode = buttonNode->FirstChild("texturenofocus"); if (childNode && childNode->FirstChild()) button->imageNoFocus = new CGUITexture(m_posX, m_posY, m_width, m_height, (CStdString)childNode->FirstChild()->Value()); m_vecButtons.push_back(button); buttonNode = buttonNode->NextSiblingElement("button"); } } void CGUIButtonScroller::AllocResources() { CGUIControl::AllocResources(); // m_dwFrameCounter=0; m_imgFocus.AllocResources(); m_imgNoFocus.AllocResources(); // calculate our correct width and height if (m_bHorizontal) { m_xmlWidth = (m_iXMLNumSlots * (m_imgFocus.GetWidth() + m_buttonGap) - m_buttonGap); m_xmlHeight = m_imgFocus.GetHeight(); } else { m_xmlWidth = m_imgFocus.GetWidth(); m_xmlHeight = (m_iXMLNumSlots * (m_imgFocus.GetHeight() + m_buttonGap) - m_buttonGap); } m_width = m_xmlWidth; m_height = m_xmlHeight; // update the number of filled slots etc. if ((int)m_vecButtons.size() < m_iXMLNumSlots) { m_iNumSlots = m_vecButtons.size(); m_iDefaultSlot = (int)((float)m_iXMLDefaultSlot / ((float)m_iXMLNumSlots - 1) * ((float)m_iNumSlots - 1)); } else { m_iNumSlots = m_iXMLNumSlots; m_iDefaultSlot = m_iXMLDefaultSlot; } SetActiveButton(0); } void CGUIButtonScroller::FreeResources() { CGUIControl::FreeResources(); m_imgFocus.FreeResources(); m_imgNoFocus.FreeResources(); ClearButtons(); } void CGUIButtonScroller::DynamicResourceAlloc(bool bOnOff) { CGUIControl::DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_imgFocus.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); m_imgNoFocus.DynamicResourceAlloc(bOnOff); } void CGUIButtonScroller::SetInvalid() { CGUIControl::SetInvalid(); m_imgFocus.SetInvalid(); m_imgNoFocus.SetInvalid(); } void CGUIButtonScroller::Render() { if (m_bInvalidated) { if (m_bHorizontal) { m_width = m_iNumSlots * (m_imgFocus.GetWidth() + m_buttonGap) - m_buttonGap; m_height = m_imgFocus.GetHeight(); m_posX = m_xmlPosX + (m_xmlWidth - m_width) * 0.5f; m_posY = m_xmlPosY; } else { m_width = m_imgFocus.GetWidth(); m_height = m_iNumSlots * (m_imgFocus.GetHeight() + m_buttonGap) - m_buttonGap; m_posX = m_xmlPosX; m_posY = m_xmlPosY + (m_xmlHeight - m_height) * 0.5f; } } float posX = m_posX; float posY = m_posY; // set our viewport g_graphicsContext.SetClipRegion(posX, posY, m_width, m_height); // if we're scrolling, update our scroll offset if (m_bScrollUp || m_bScrollDown) { float maxScroll = m_bHorizontal ? m_imgFocus.GetWidth() : m_imgFocus.GetHeight(); maxScroll += m_buttonGap; m_scrollOffset += (int)(maxScroll / m_fScrollSpeed) + 1; if (m_scrollOffset > maxScroll || !m_bSmoothScrolling) { m_scrollOffset = 0; if (m_bScrollUp) { if (GetNext(m_iOffset) != -1) m_iOffset = GetNext(m_iOffset); } else { if (GetPrevious(m_iOffset) != -1) m_iOffset = GetPrevious(m_iOffset); } // check for wraparound... if (!m_bWrapAround) { if (m_iOffset + m_iNumSlots > (int)m_vecButtons.size()) m_iOffset = GetPrevious(m_iOffset); } m_bScrollUp = false; m_bScrollDown = false; } else { if (m_bScrollUp) { if (m_bHorizontal) posX -= m_scrollOffset; else posY -= m_scrollOffset; } else { if (m_bHorizontal) posX += m_scrollOffset - maxScroll; else posY += m_scrollOffset - maxScroll; } } } float posX3 = posX; float posY3 = posY; // ok, now check if we're scrolling down int iOffset = m_iOffset; if (m_bScrollDown) { iOffset = GetPrevious(iOffset); RenderItem(posX, posY, iOffset, false); } // ok, now render the main block for (int i = 0; i < m_iNumSlots; i++) RenderItem(posX, posY, iOffset, false); // ok, now check if we're scrolling up if (m_bScrollUp) RenderItem(posX, posY, iOffset, false); // ok, now render the background slot... if (HasFocus()) { posX = m_posX; posY = m_posY; // check if we're moving up or down if (m_bMoveUp || m_bMoveDown) { float maxScroll = m_bHorizontal ? m_imgFocus.GetWidth() : m_imgFocus.GetHeight(); maxScroll += m_buttonGap; m_scrollOffset += maxScroll / SCROLL_SPEED + 1; if (m_scrollOffset > maxScroll || !m_bSmoothScrolling) { m_scrollOffset = 0; if (m_bMoveUp) { if (m_iCurrentSlot > 0) m_iCurrentSlot--; } else { if (m_iCurrentSlot + 1 < m_iNumSlots) m_iCurrentSlot++; } m_bMoveUp = false; m_bMoveDown = false; } else { if (m_bMoveUp) { if (m_bHorizontal) posX -= m_scrollOffset; else posY -= m_scrollOffset; } else { if (m_bHorizontal) posX += m_scrollOffset; else posY += m_scrollOffset; } } } if (m_bHorizontal) posX += m_iCurrentSlot * ((int)m_imgFocus.GetWidth() + m_buttonGap); else posY += m_iCurrentSlot * ((int)m_imgFocus.GetHeight() + m_buttonGap); // check if we have a skinner-defined icon image CGUITexture *pImage = m_vecButtons[GetActiveButton()]->imageFocus; if (pImage && (m_bScrollUp || m_bScrollDown)) pImage = NULL; else if (!pImage) pImage = &m_imgFocus; if (pImage) { pImage->SetPosition(posX, posY); pImage->SetVisible(true); pImage->SetWidth(m_imgFocus.GetWidth()); pImage->SetHeight(m_imgFocus.GetHeight()); pImage->Render(); } } // Now render the text iOffset = m_iOffset; posX = posX3; posY = posY3; if (m_bScrollDown) { iOffset = GetPrevious(iOffset); RenderItem(posX, posY, iOffset, true); } // ok, now render the main block for (int i = 0; i < m_iNumSlots; i++) RenderItem(posX, posY, iOffset, true); // ok, now check if we're scrolling up if (m_bScrollUp) RenderItem(posX, posY, iOffset, true); // reset the viewport g_graphicsContext.RestoreClipRegion(); CGUIControl::Render(); } int CGUIButtonScroller::GetNext(int iCurrent) const { if (iCurrent + 1 >= (int)m_vecButtons.size()) { if (m_bWrapAround) return 0; else return -1; } else return iCurrent + 1; } int CGUIButtonScroller::GetPrevious(int iCurrent) { if (iCurrent - 1 < 0) { if (m_bWrapAround) return m_vecButtons.size() - 1; else return -1; } else return iCurrent -1; } int CGUIButtonScroller::GetButton(int iOffset) { return iOffset % ((int)m_vecButtons.size()); } void CGUIButtonScroller::SetActiveButton(int iButton) { if (iButton >= (int)m_vecButtons.size()) iButton = 0; // set the highlighted button m_iCurrentSlot = m_iDefaultSlot; // and the appropriate offset if (!m_bWrapAround) { // check whether there is no wiggle room int iMinButton = m_iDefaultSlot - m_iMovementRange; if (iMinButton < 0) iMinButton = 0; if (iButton < iMinButton) { m_iOffset = 0; m_iCurrentSlot = iMinButton; return ; } int iMaxButton = m_iDefaultSlot + m_iMovementRange; if (iMaxButton >= m_iNumSlots) iMaxButton = m_iNumSlots - 1; if (iButton > iMaxButton) { m_iOffset = iButton - iMaxButton; m_iCurrentSlot = iMaxButton; return ; } // now change our current slot so that it all fits nicely // lastly, make sure we fill the number of slots that we have (if possible) int iNumButtonsToShow = m_vecButtons.size() - iButton + m_iCurrentSlot; if (iNumButtonsToShow < m_iNumSlots && iNumButtonsToShow < (int)m_vecButtons.size()) { // we have empty space - try and fill it up while (iNumButtonsToShow < (int)m_vecButtons.size() && m_iCurrentSlot + 1 < m_iNumSlots) { m_iCurrentSlot++; iNumButtonsToShow = m_vecButtons.size() - iButton + m_iCurrentSlot; } } } m_iOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vecButtons.size(); i++) { int iItem = i; for (int j = 0; j < m_iCurrentSlot; j++) if (GetNext(iItem) != -1) iItem = GetNext(iItem); if (iItem == iButton) { m_iOffset = i; break; } } } void CGUIButtonScroller::OnUp() { if (m_bHorizontal) CGUIControl::OnUp(); else if (!m_bWrapAround && m_iOffset + m_iCurrentSlot == 0) { if (m_controlUp != GetID()) CGUIControl::OnUp(); // not wrapping around, and we're up the top + our next control is different else SetActiveButton((int)m_vecButtons.size() - 1); // move to the last button in the list } else DoUp(); } void CGUIButtonScroller::OnDown() { if (m_bHorizontal) CGUIControl::OnDown(); else if (!m_bWrapAround && (unsigned int) (m_iOffset + m_iCurrentSlot) == m_vecButtons.size() - 1) { if (m_controlUp != GetID()) CGUIControl::OnDown(); // not wrapping around, and we're down the bottom + our next control is different else SetActiveButton(0); // move to the first button in the list } else DoDown(); } void CGUIButtonScroller::OnLeft() { if (!m_bHorizontal) CGUIControl::OnLeft(); else if (!m_bWrapAround && m_iOffset + m_iCurrentSlot == 0 && m_controlLeft != GetID()) CGUIControl::OnLeft(); // not wrapping around, and we're at the left + our next control is different else DoUp(); } void CGUIButtonScroller::OnRight() { if (!m_bHorizontal) CGUIControl::OnRight(); else if (!m_bWrapAround && (unsigned int) (m_iOffset + m_iCurrentSlot) == m_vecButtons.size() - 1 && m_controlRight != GetID()) CGUIControl::OnRight(); // not wrapping around, and we're at the right + our next control is different else DoDown(); } void CGUIButtonScroller::DoUp() { if (!m_bScrollUp) { if (m_iCurrentSlot - 1 < m_iDefaultSlot - m_iMovementRange || m_iCurrentSlot - 1 < 0) { if (m_bScrollDown) { // finish scroll for higher speed m_bScrollDown = false; m_scrollOffset = 0; m_iOffset = GetPrevious(m_iOffset); } else { m_bScrollDown = true; m_fScrollSpeed = SCROLL_SPEED; } } else { if (m_bMoveUp) { m_bMoveUp = false; m_scrollOffset = 0; if (m_iCurrentSlot > 0) m_iCurrentSlot--; } m_bMoveUp = true; } } } void CGUIButtonScroller::DoDown() { if (!m_bScrollDown) { if (m_iCurrentSlot + 1 > m_iDefaultSlot + m_iMovementRange || m_iCurrentSlot + 1 >= m_iNumSlots) if (m_bScrollUp) { // finish scroll for higher speed m_bScrollUp = false; m_scrollOffset = 0; if (GetNext(m_iOffset) != -1) m_iOffset = GetNext(m_iOffset); } else { m_bScrollUp = true; m_fScrollSpeed = SCROLL_SPEED; } else { if (m_bMoveDown) { m_bMoveDown = false; m_scrollOffset = 0; if (m_iCurrentSlot + 1 < m_iNumSlots) m_iCurrentSlot++; } m_bMoveDown = true; } } } void CGUIButtonScroller::UpdateColors() { m_label.UpdateColors(); CGUIControl::UpdateColors(); } void CGUIButtonScroller::RenderItem(float &posX, float &posY, int &iOffset, bool bText) { if (iOffset < 0) return ; float fStartAlpha, fEndAlpha; GetScrollZone(fStartAlpha, fEndAlpha); if (bText) { if (!m_label.font) return ; float fPosX = posX + m_label.offsetX; float fPosY = posY + m_label.offsetY; if (m_label.align & XBFONT_RIGHT) fPosX = posX + m_imgFocus.GetWidth() - m_label.offsetX; if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_X) fPosX = posX + m_imgFocus.GetWidth() / 2; if (m_label.align & XBFONT_CENTER_Y) fPosY = posY + m_imgFocus.GetHeight() / 2; // label is from tag first, and if that's blank, // we use the