/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "system.h" #include "GUIAudioManager.h" #include "Key.h" #include "AudioContext.h" #include "GUISound.h" #include "GUISettings.h" #include "ButtonTranslator.h" #include "utils/SingleLock.h" #include "../xbmc/Util.h" #include "../xbmc/FileSystem/Directory.h" #include "tinyXML/tinyxml.h" #ifdef HAS_SDL_AUDIO #include <SDL/SDL_mixer.h> #endif using namespace std; using namespace XFILE; CGUIAudioManager g_audioManager; CGUIAudioManager::CGUIAudioManager() { m_bInitialized = false; m_actionSound=NULL; } CGUIAudioManager::~CGUIAudioManager() { } void CGUIAudioManager::Initialize(int iDevice) { if (m_bInitialized) return; if (g_guiSettings.GetString("lookandfeel.soundskin")=="OFF") return; if (iDevice==CAudioContext::DEFAULT_DEVICE) { CSingleLock lock(m_cs); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CGUIAudioManager::Initialize"); #ifdef _WIN32 bool bAudioOnAllSpeakers=false; g_audioContext.SetupSpeakerConfig(2, bAudioOnAllSpeakers); g_audioContext.SetActiveDevice(CAudioContext::DIRECTSOUND_DEVICE); m_bInitialized = true; #elif defined(HAS_SDL_AUDIO) Mix_CloseAudio(); if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, AUDIO_S16, 2, 4096)) CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Unable to open audio mixer"); m_bInitialized = true; #endif } } void CGUIAudioManager::DeInitialize(int iDevice) { if (!(iDevice == CAudioContext::DIRECTSOUND_DEVICE || iDevice == CAudioContext::DEFAULT_DEVICE)) return; if (!m_bInitialized) return; CSingleLock lock(m_cs); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CGUIAudioManager::DeInitialize"); if (m_actionSound) // Wait for finish when an action sound is playing while(m_actionSound->IsPlaying()) {} Stop(); #ifdef HAS_SDL_AUDIO Mix_CloseAudio(); #endif m_bInitialized = false; } void CGUIAudioManager::Stop() { CSingleLock lock(m_cs); if (m_actionSound) { delete m_actionSound; m_actionSound=NULL; } for (windowSoundsMap::iterator it=m_windowSounds.begin();it!=m_windowSounds.end();it++) { CGUISound* sound=it->second; if (sound->IsPlaying()) sound->Stop(); delete sound; } m_windowSounds.clear(); for (pythonSoundsMap::iterator it1=m_pythonSounds.begin();it1!=m_pythonSounds.end();it1++) { CGUISound* sound=it1->second; if (sound->IsPlaying()) sound->Stop(); delete sound; } m_pythonSounds.clear(); } // \brief Clear any unused audio buffers void CGUIAudioManager::FreeUnused() { CSingleLock lock(m_cs); // Free the sound from the last action if (m_actionSound && !m_actionSound->IsPlaying()) { delete m_actionSound; m_actionSound=NULL; } // Free sounds from windows windowSoundsMap::iterator it=m_windowSounds.begin(); while (it!=m_windowSounds.end()) { CGUISound* sound=it->second; if (!sound->IsPlaying()) { delete sound; m_windowSounds.erase(it++); } else ++it; } // Free sounds from python pythonSoundsMap::iterator it1=m_pythonSounds.begin(); while (it1!=m_pythonSounds.end()) { CGUISound* sound=it1->second; if (!sound->IsPlaying()) { delete sound; m_pythonSounds.erase(it1++); } else ++it1; } } // \brief Play a sound associated with a CAction void CGUIAudioManager::PlayActionSound(const CAction& action) { // it's not possible to play gui sounds when passthrough is active if (!m_bInitialized || g_audioContext.IsPassthroughActive()) return; CSingleLock lock(m_cs); actionSoundMap::iterator it=m_actionSoundMap.find(action.GetID()); if (it==m_actionSoundMap.end()) return; if (m_actionSound) { delete m_actionSound; m_actionSound=NULL; } m_actionSound=new CGUISound(); if (!m_actionSound->Load(CUtil::AddFileToFolder(m_strMediaDir, it->second))) { delete m_actionSound; m_actionSound=NULL; return; } m_actionSound->Play(); } // \brief Play a sound associated with a window and its event // Events: SOUND_INIT, SOUND_DEINIT void CGUIAudioManager::PlayWindowSound(int id, WINDOW_SOUND event) { // it's not possible to play gui sounds when passthrough is active if (!m_bInitialized || g_audioContext.IsPassthroughActive()) return; CSingleLock lock(m_cs); windowSoundMap::iterator it=m_windowSoundMap.find(id); if (it==m_windowSoundMap.end()) return; CWindowSounds sounds=it->second; CStdString strFile; switch (event) { case SOUND_INIT: strFile=sounds.strInitFile; break; case SOUND_DEINIT: strFile=sounds.strDeInitFile; break; } if (strFile.IsEmpty()) return; // One sound buffer for each window windowSoundsMap::iterator itsb=m_windowSounds.find(id); if (itsb!=m_windowSounds.end()) { CGUISound* sound=itsb->second; if (sound->IsPlaying()) sound->Stop(); delete sound; m_windowSounds.erase(itsb++); } CGUISound* sound=new CGUISound(); if (!sound->Load(CUtil::AddFileToFolder(m_strMediaDir, strFile))) { delete sound; return; } m_windowSounds.insert(pair<int, CGUISound*>(id, sound)); sound->Play(); } // \brief Play a sound given by filename void CGUIAudioManager::PlayPythonSound(const CStdString& strFileName) { // it's not possible to play gui sounds when passthrough is active if (!m_bInitialized || g_audioContext.IsPassthroughActive()) return; CSingleLock lock(m_cs); // If we already loaded the sound, just play it pythonSoundsMap::iterator itsb=m_pythonSounds.find(strFileName); if (itsb!=m_pythonSounds.end()) { CGUISound* sound=itsb->second; if (sound->IsPlaying()) sound->Stop(); sound->Play(); return; } CGUISound* sound=new CGUISound(); if (!sound->Load(strFileName)) { delete sound; return; } m_pythonSounds.insert(pair<CStdString, CGUISound*>(strFileName, sound)); sound->Play(); } // \brief Load the config file (sounds.xml) for nav sounds // Can be located in a folder "sounds" in the skin or from a // subfolder of the folder "sounds" in the root directory of // xbmc bool CGUIAudioManager::Load() { m_actionSoundMap.clear(); m_windowSoundMap.clear(); if (g_guiSettings.GetString("lookandfeel.soundskin")=="OFF") return true; else Enable(true); if (g_guiSettings.GetString("lookandfeel.soundskin")=="SKINDEFAULT") { m_strMediaDir="special://home/skin/" + g_guiSettings.GetString("lookandfeel.skin") + "/sounds"; if ( ! CDirectory::Exists( m_strMediaDir ) ) { m_strMediaDir = CUtil::AddFileToFolder("special://xbmc/skin", g_guiSettings.GetString("lookandfeel.skin")); m_strMediaDir = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(m_strMediaDir, "sounds"); } } else m_strMediaDir = CUtil::AddFileToFolder("special://xbmc/sounds", g_guiSettings.GetString("lookandfeel.soundskin")); CStdString strSoundsXml = CUtil::AddFileToFolder(m_strMediaDir, "sounds.xml"); // Load our xml file TiXmlDocument xmlDoc; CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Loading %s", strSoundsXml.c_str()); // Load the config file if (!xmlDoc.LoadFile(strSoundsXml)) { CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "%s, Line %d\n%s", strSoundsXml.c_str(), xmlDoc.ErrorRow(), xmlDoc.ErrorDesc()); return false; } TiXmlElement* pRoot = xmlDoc.RootElement(); CStdString strValue = pRoot->Value(); if ( strValue != "sounds") { CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "%s Doesn't contain <sounds>", strSoundsXml.c_str()); return false; } // Load sounds for actions TiXmlElement* pActions = pRoot->FirstChildElement("actions"); if (pActions) { TiXmlNode* pAction = pActions->FirstChild("action"); while (pAction) { TiXmlNode* pIdNode = pAction->FirstChild("name"); int id = 0; // action identity if (pIdNode && pIdNode->FirstChild()) { CButtonTranslator::TranslateActionString(pIdNode->FirstChild()->Value(), id); } TiXmlNode* pFileNode = pAction->FirstChild("file"); CStdString strFile; if (pFileNode && pFileNode->FirstChild()) strFile+=pFileNode->FirstChild()->Value(); if (id > 0 && !strFile.IsEmpty()) m_actionSoundMap.insert(pair<int, CStdString>(id, strFile)); pAction = pAction->NextSibling(); } } // Load window specific sounds TiXmlElement* pWindows = pRoot->FirstChildElement("windows"); if (pWindows) { TiXmlNode* pWindow = pWindows->FirstChild("window"); while (pWindow) { int id = 0; TiXmlNode* pIdNode = pWindow->FirstChild("name"); if (pIdNode) { if (pIdNode->FirstChild()) id = CButtonTranslator::TranslateWindow(pIdNode->FirstChild()->Value()); } CWindowSounds sounds; LoadWindowSound(pWindow, "activate", sounds.strInitFile); LoadWindowSound(pWindow, "deactivate", sounds.strDeInitFile); if (id > 0) m_windowSoundMap.insert(pair<int, CWindowSounds>(id, sounds)); pWindow = pWindow->NextSibling(); } } return true; } // \brief Load a window node of the config file (sounds.xml) bool CGUIAudioManager::LoadWindowSound(TiXmlNode* pWindowNode, const CStdString& strIdentifier, CStdString& strFile) { if (!pWindowNode) return false; TiXmlNode* pFileNode = pWindowNode->FirstChild(strIdentifier); if (pFileNode && pFileNode->FirstChild()) { strFile = pFileNode->FirstChild()->Value(); return true; } return false; } // \brief Enable/Disable nav sounds void CGUIAudioManager::Enable(bool bEnable) { // always deinit audio when we don't want gui sounds if (g_guiSettings.GetString("lookandfeel.soundskin")=="OFF") bEnable = false; if (bEnable) Initialize(CAudioContext::DEFAULT_DEVICE); else DeInitialize(CAudioContext::DEFAULT_DEVICE); } // \brief Sets the volume of all playing sounds void CGUIAudioManager::SetVolume(int iLevel) { CSingleLock lock(m_cs); if (m_actionSound) m_actionSound->SetVolume(iLevel); windowSoundsMap::iterator it=m_windowSounds.begin(); while (it!=m_windowSounds.end()) { if (it->second) it->second->SetVolume(iLevel); ++it; } pythonSoundsMap::iterator it1=m_pythonSounds.begin(); while (it1!=m_pythonSounds.end()) { if (it1->second) it1->second->SetVolume(iLevel); ++it1; } }