#pragma once /* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ class CBaseTexture; #include "gui3d.h" LPVOID XPhysicalAlloc(SIZE_T s, DWORD ulPhysicalAddress, DWORD ulAlignment, DWORD flProtect); void XPhysicalFree(LPVOID lpAddress); // XPR header struct XPR_HEADER { DWORD dwMagic; DWORD dwTotalSize; DWORD dwHeaderSize; }; #define XPR_MAGIC_VALUE (('0' << 24) | ('R' << 16) | ('P' << 8) | 'X') typedef enum _XB_D3DFORMAT { XB_D3DFMT_UNKNOWN = 0xFFFFFFFF, /* Swizzled formats */ XB_D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 = 0x00000006, XB_D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 = 0x00000007, XB_D3DFMT_R5G6B5 = 0x00000005, XB_D3DFMT_R6G5B5 = 0x00000027, XB_D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5 = 0x00000003, XB_D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5 = 0x00000002, XB_D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4 = 0x00000004, XB_D3DFMT_A8 = 0x00000019, XB_D3DFMT_A8B8G8R8 = 0x0000003A, XB_D3DFMT_B8G8R8A8 = 0x0000003B, XB_D3DFMT_R4G4B4A4 = 0x00000039, XB_D3DFMT_R5G5B5A1 = 0x00000038, XB_D3DFMT_R8G8B8A8 = 0x0000003C, XB_D3DFMT_R8B8 = 0x00000029, XB_D3DFMT_G8B8 = 0x00000028, XB_D3DFMT_P8 = 0x0000000B, XB_D3DFMT_L8 = 0x00000000, XB_D3DFMT_A8L8 = 0x0000001A, XB_D3DFMT_AL8 = 0x00000001, XB_D3DFMT_L16 = 0x00000032, XB_D3DFMT_V8U8 = 0x00000028, XB_D3DFMT_L6V5U5 = 0x00000027, XB_D3DFMT_X8L8V8U8 = 0x00000007, XB_D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8 = 0x0000003A, XB_D3DFMT_V16U16 = 0x00000033, XB_D3DFMT_D16_LOCKABLE = 0x0000002C, XB_D3DFMT_D16 = 0x0000002C, XB_D3DFMT_D24S8 = 0x0000002A, XB_D3DFMT_F16 = 0x0000002D, XB_D3DFMT_F24S8 = 0x0000002B, /* YUV formats */ XB_D3DFMT_YUY2 = 0x00000024, XB_D3DFMT_UYVY = 0x00000025, /* Compressed formats */ XB_D3DFMT_DXT1 = 0x0000000C, XB_D3DFMT_DXT2 = 0x0000000E, XB_D3DFMT_DXT3 = 0x0000000E, XB_D3DFMT_DXT4 = 0x0000000F, XB_D3DFMT_DXT5 = 0x0000000F, /* Linear formats */ XB_D3DFMT_LIN_A1R5G5B5 = 0x00000010, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_A4R4G4B4 = 0x0000001D, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_A8 = 0x0000001F, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_A8B8G8R8 = 0x0000003F, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_A8R8G8B8 = 0x00000012, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_B8G8R8A8 = 0x00000040, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_G8B8 = 0x00000017, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_R4G4B4A4 = 0x0000003E, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_R5G5B5A1 = 0x0000003D, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_R5G6B5 = 0x00000011, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_R6G5B5 = 0x00000037, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_R8B8 = 0x00000016, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_R8G8B8A8 = 0x00000041, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_X1R5G5B5 = 0x0000001C, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_X8R8G8B8 = 0x0000001E, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_A8L8 = 0x00000020, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_AL8 = 0x0000001B, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_L16 = 0x00000035, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_L8 = 0x00000013, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_V16U16 = 0x00000036, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_V8U8 = 0x00000017, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_L6V5U5 = 0x00000037, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_X8L8V8U8 = 0x0000001E, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_Q8W8V8U8 = 0x00000012, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_D24S8 = 0x0000002E, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_F24S8 = 0x0000002F, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_D16 = 0x00000030, XB_D3DFMT_LIN_F16 = 0x00000031, XB_D3DFMT_VERTEXDATA = 100, XB_D3DFMT_INDEX16 = 101, XB_D3DFMT_FORCE_DWORD =0x7fffffff } XB_D3DFORMAT; D3DFORMAT GetD3DFormat(XB_D3DFORMAT format); DWORD BytesPerPixelFromFormat(XB_D3DFORMAT format); bool IsPalettedFormat(XB_D3DFORMAT format); void ParseTextureHeader(D3DTexture *tex, XB_D3DFORMAT &fmt, DWORD &width, DWORD &height, DWORD &pitch, DWORD &offset); bool IsSwizzledFormat(XB_D3DFORMAT format); #ifndef _LINUX typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t; typedef __int16 int16_t; #endif #pragma pack(push, 2) typedef struct { uint8_t id[2]; // offset uint32_t filesize; // 2 uint32_t reserved; // 6 uint32_t headersize; // 10 uint32_t infoSize; // 14 uint32_t width; // 18 uint32_t height; // 22 uint16_t biPlanes; // 26 uint16_t bits; // 28 uint32_t biCompression; // 30 uint32_t biSizeImage; // 34 uint32_t biXPelsPerMeter; // 38 uint32_t biYPelsPerMeter; // 42 uint32_t biClrUsed; // 46 uint32_t biClrImportant; // 50 } BMPHEAD; #pragma pack(pop) #ifdef HAS_DX HRESULT XGWriteSurfaceToFile(LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pSurface, const char *fileName); #else HRESULT XGWriteSurfaceToFile(void* pixels, int width, int height, const char *fileName); #endif void Unswizzle(const void *src, unsigned int depth, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, void *dest); void DXT1toARGB(const void *src, void *dest, unsigned int destWidth); void DXT4toARGB(const void *src, void *dest, unsigned int destWidth); void ConvertDXT1(const void *src, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, void *dest); void ConvertDXT4(const void *src, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, void *dest); void GetTextureFromData(D3DTexture *pTex, void *texData, CBaseTexture** ppTexture);