TOPDIR ?= . INTERFACES_DIR ?= xbmc/interfaces JAVA ?= $(shell which java) ifeq ($(JAVA),) JAVA = java-not-found endif SWIG ?= $(shell which swig) ifeq ($(SWIG),) SWIG = swig-not-found endif DOXYGEN ?= $(shell which doxygen) ifeq ($(DOXYGEN),) DOXYGEN = doxygen-not-found else DOXY_XML_PATH=$(GENDIR)/doxygenxml endif GENERATED_JSON = $(INTERFACES_DIR)/json-rpc/ServiceDescription.h addons/xbmc.json/addon.xml ifeq ($(wildcard $(JSON_BUILDER)),) JSON_BUILDER = $(shell which JsonSchemaBuilder) ifeq ($(JSON_BUILDER),) JSON_BUILDER = tools/depends/native/JsonSchemaBuilder/bin/JsonSchemaBuilder endif endif GENDIR = $(INTERFACES_DIR)/python/generated GROOVY_DIR = $(TOPDIR)/lib/groovy GENERATED = $(GENDIR)/AddonModuleXbmc.cpp GENERATED += $(GENDIR)/AddonModuleXbmcgui.cpp GENERATED += $(GENDIR)/AddonModuleXbmcplugin.cpp GENERATED += $(GENDIR)/AddonModuleXbmcaddon.cpp GENERATED += $(GENDIR)/AddonModuleXbmcvfs.cpp GENERATE_DEPS += $(TOPDIR)/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/*.h $(TOPDIR)/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/*.intm $(TOPDIR)/xbmc/interfaces/python/typemaps/*.outtm vpath %.i $(INTERFACES_DIR)/swig $(GENDIR)/%.cpp: $(GENDIR)/%.xml $(JAVA) $(SWIG) $(DOXY_XML_PATH) # Work around potential groovy bug reported at: $(JAVA) -cp "$(GROOVY_DIR)/groovy-all-2.1.7.jar:$(GROOVY_DIR)/commons-lang-2.6.jar:$(TOPDIR)/tools/codegenerator:$(INTERFACES_DIR)/python" \ -d $(TOPDIR)/tools/codegenerator $(TOPDIR)/tools/codegenerator/Helper.groovy $(TOPDIR)/tools/codegenerator/SwigTypeParser.groovy $(INTERFACES_DIR)/python/MethodType.groovy $(INTERFACES_DIR)/python/PythonTools.groovy $(JAVA) -cp "$(GROOVY_DIR)/groovy-all-2.1.7.jar:$(GROOVY_DIR)/commons-lang-2.6.jar:$(TOPDIR)/tools/codegenerator:$(INTERFACES_DIR)/python" \ groovy.ui.GroovyMain $(TOPDIR)/tools/codegenerator/Generator.groovy $< $(INTERFACES_DIR)/python/PythonSwig.cpp.template $@ $(DOXY_XML_PATH) rm $< $(GENDIR)/%.xml: %.i $(SWIG) $(JAVA) $(GENERATE_DEPS) mkdir -p $(GENDIR) $(SWIG) -w401 -c++ -o $@ -xml -I$(TOPDIR)/xbmc -xmllang python $< codegenerated: $(DOXYGEN) $(SWIG) $(JAVA) $(GENERATED) $(GENERATED_JSON) $(GENERATED_ADDON_JSON) $(DOXY_XML_PATH): $(SWIG) $(JAVA) cd $(INTERFACES_DIR)/python; ($(DOXYGEN) Doxyfile > /dev/null) 2>&1 | grep -v " warning: " touch $@ $(DOXYGEN): @echo "Warning: No doxygen installed. The Api will not have any docstrings." mkdir -p $(GENDIR)/doxygenxml $(JAVA): @echo Java not found, it will be used if found after configure. @echo This is not necessarily an error. @false $(SWIG): @echo Swig not found, it will be used if found after configure. @echo This is not necessarily an error. @false $(GENERATED_JSON): $(JSON_BUILDER) @echo Jsonbuilder: $(JSON_BUILDER) make -C $(INTERFACES_DIR)/json-rpc $(notdir $@) $(JSON_BUILDER): ifeq ($(BOOTSTRAP_FROM_DEPENDS), yes) @echo JsonSchemaBuilder not found. You didn\'t build depends. Check docs/README.\<yourplatform\> @false else #build json builder - ".." because makefile is in the parent dir of "bin" make -C $(abspath $(dir $@)..) endif