# This script holds the main functions used to construct the build system # Include system specific macros but only if this file is included from # kodi main project. It's not needed for kodi-addons project # If CORE_SOURCE_DIR is set, it was called from kodi-addons project # TODO: drop check if we ever integrate kodi-addons into kodi project if(NOT CORE_SOURCE_DIR) include(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/scripts/${CORE_SYSTEM_NAME}/Macros.cmake) endif() # IDEs: Group source files in target in folders (file system hierarchy) # Source: http://blog.audio-tk.com/2015/09/01/sorting-source-files-and-projects-in-folders-with-cmake-and-visual-studioxcode/ # Arguments: # target The target that shall be grouped by folders. # Optional Arguments: # RELATIVE allows to specify a different reference folder. function(source_group_by_folder target) if(NOT TARGET ${target}) message(FATAL_ERROR "There is no target named '${target}'") endif() set(SOURCE_GROUP_DELIMITER "/") cmake_parse_arguments(arg "" "RELATIVE" "" ${ARGN}) if(arg_RELATIVE) set(relative_dir ${arg_RELATIVE}) else() set(relative_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() get_property(files TARGET ${target} PROPERTY SOURCES) if(files) list(SORT files) if(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL Xcode) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES SOURCES "${files}") endif() endif() foreach(file ${files}) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${file}) set(file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${file}) endif() file(RELATIVE_PATH relative_file ${relative_dir} ${file}) get_filename_component(dir "${relative_file}" DIRECTORY) if(NOT dir STREQUAL "${last_dir}") if(files) source_group("${last_dir}" FILES ${files}) endif() set(files "") endif() set(files ${files} ${file}) set(last_dir "${dir}") endforeach(file) if(files) source_group("${last_dir}" FILES ${files}) endif() endfunction() # Add sources to main application # Arguments: # name name of the library to add # Implicit arguments: # ENABLE_STATIC_LIBS Build static libraries per directory # SOURCES the sources of the library # HEADERS the headers of the library (only for IDE support) # OTHERS other library related files (only for IDE support) # On return: # Library will be built, optionally added to ${core_DEPENDS} # Sets CORE_LIBRARY for calls for setting target specific options function(core_add_library name) if(ENABLE_STATIC_LIBS) add_library(${name} STATIC ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS} ${OTHERS}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") set(core_DEPENDS ${name} ${core_DEPENDS} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) add_dependencies(${name} ${GLOBAL_TARGET_DEPS}) set(CORE_LIBRARY ${name} PARENT_SCOPE) # Add precompiled headers to Kodi main libraries if(CORE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES windows) add_precompiled_header(${name} pch.h ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/xbmc/platform/win32/pch.cpp PCH_TARGET kodi) set_language_cxx(${name}) target_link_libraries(${name} PUBLIC effects11) endif() else() foreach(src IN LISTS SOURCES HEADERS OTHERS) get_filename_component(src_path "${src}" ABSOLUTE) list(APPEND FILES ${src_path}) endforeach() target_sources(lib${APP_NAME_LC} PRIVATE ${FILES}) set(CORE_LIBRARY lib${APP_NAME_LC} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() foreach(src ${SOURCES}) list(APPEND sca_sources ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${src}) endforeach() set(sca_sources ${sca_sources} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endfunction() # Add a test library, and add sources to list for gtest integration macros function(core_add_test_library name) if(ENABLE_STATIC_LIBS) add_library(${name} STATIC ${SOURCES} ${SUPPORTED_SOURCES} ${HEADERS} ${OTHERS}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL 1 FOLDER "Build Utilities/tests") add_dependencies(${name} ${GLOBAL_TARGET_DEPS}) set(test_archives ${test_archives} ${name} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() foreach(src IN LISTS SOURCES SUPPORTED_SOURCES HEADERS OTHERS) get_filename_component(src_path "${src}" ABSOLUTE) set(test_sources "${src_path}" ${test_sources} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endforeach() endfunction() # Add an addon callback library # Arguments: # name name of the library to add # Implicit arguments: # SOURCES the sources of the library # HEADERS the headers of the library (only for IDE support) # OTHERS other library related files (only for IDE support) # On return: # Library target is defined and added to LIBRARY_FILES function(core_add_addon_library name) get_filename_component(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME) list(APPEND SOURCES lib${name}.cpp) core_add_shared_library(${name} OUTPUT_DIRECTORY addons/${DIRECTORY}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER addons) target_include_directories(${name} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/include/kodi ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/xbmc) endfunction() # Add an dl-loaded shared library # Arguments: # name name of the library to add # Optional arguments: # WRAPPED wrap this library on POSIX platforms to add VFS support for # libraries that would otherwise not support it. # OUTPUT_DIRECTORY where to create the library in the build dir # (default: system) # Implicit arguments: # SOURCES the sources of the library # HEADERS the headers of the library (only for IDE support) # OTHERS other library related files (only for IDE support) # On return: # Library target is defined and added to LIBRARY_FILES function(core_add_shared_library name) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "WRAPPED" "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY" "" ${ARGN}) if(arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) set(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}) else() if(NOT CORE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL windows) set(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY system) endif() endif() if(CORE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL windows) set(OUTPUT_NAME lib${name}) else() set(OUTPUT_NAME lib${name}-${ARCH}) endif() if(NOT arg_WRAPPED OR CORE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL windows) add_library(${name} SHARED ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS} ${OTHERS}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} OUTPUT_NAME ${OUTPUT_NAME} PREFIX "") foreach(OUTPUTCONFIG ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) string(TOUPPER ${OUTPUTCONFIG} OUTPUTCONFIG) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${OUTPUTCONFIG} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${OUTPUTCONFIG} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}) endforeach() set(LIBRARY_FILES ${LIBRARY_FILES} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${OUTPUT_NAME}${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) add_dependencies(${APP_NAME_LC}-libraries ${name}) else() add_library(${name} STATIC ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS} ${OTHERS}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE 1) core_link_library(${name} ${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/lib${name}) endif() endfunction() # Sets the compile language for all C source files in a target to CXX. # Needs to be called from the CMakeLists.txt that defines the target. # Arguments: # target target function(set_language_cxx target) get_property(sources TARGET ${target} PROPERTY SOURCES) foreach(file IN LISTS sources) if(file MATCHES "\.c$") set_source_files_properties(${file} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX) endif() endforeach() endfunction() # Add a data file to installation list with a mirror in build tree # Mirroring files in the buildtree allows to execute the app from there. # Arguments: # file full path to file to mirror # Optional Arguments: # NO_INSTALL: exclude file from installation target (only mirror) # DIRECTORY: directory where the file should be mirrored to # (default: preserve tree structure relative to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) # KEEP_DIR_STRUCTURE: preserve tree structure even when DIRECTORY is set # On return: # Files is mirrored to the build tree and added to ${install_data} # (if NO_INSTALL is not given). function(copy_file_to_buildtree file) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "NO_INSTALL" "DIRECTORY;KEEP_DIR_STRUCTURE" "" ${ARGN}) if(arg_DIRECTORY) set(outdir ${arg_DIRECTORY}) if(arg_KEEP_DIR_STRUCTURE) get_filename_component(srcdir ${arg_KEEP_DIR_STRUCTURE} DIRECTORY) string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${srcdir}/" "" outfile ${file}) if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${file}) set(outdir ${outdir}/${outfile}) endif() else() get_filename_component(outfile ${file} NAME) set(outfile ${outdir}/${outfile}) endif() else() string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/" "" outfile ${file}) get_filename_component(outdir ${outfile} DIRECTORY) endif() if(NOT TARGET export-files) file(REMOVE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CORE_BUILD_DIR}/ExportFiles.cmake) add_custom_target(export-files ALL COMMENT "Copying files into build tree" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CORE_BUILD_DIR}/ExportFiles.cmake) set_target_properties(export-files PROPERTIES FOLDER "Build Utilities") file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CORE_BUILD_DIR}/ExportFiles.cmake "# Export files to build tree\n") endif() # Exclude autotools build artefacts and other blacklisted files in source tree. if(file MATCHES "(Makefile|\.in|\.xbt|\.so|\.dylib|\.gitignore)$") if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS "copy_file_to_buildtree - ignoring file: ${file}") endif() return() endif() if(NOT file STREQUAL ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${outfile}) if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS "copy_file_to_buildtree - copying file: ${file} -> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${outfile}") endif() file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CORE_BUILD_DIR}/ExportFiles.cmake "file(COPY \"${file}\" DESTINATION \"${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${outdir}\")\n") endif() if(NOT arg_NO_INSTALL) list(APPEND install_data ${outfile}) set(install_data ${install_data} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Add data files to installation list with a mirror in build tree. # reads list of files to install from a given list of text files. # Arguments: # pattern globbing pattern for text files to read # Optional Arguments: # NO_INSTALL: exclude files from installation target # Implicit arguments: # CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR - root of source tree # On return: # Files are mirrored to the build tree and added to ${install_data} # (if NO_INSTALL is not given). function(copy_files_from_filelist_to_buildtree pattern) # copies files listed in text files to the buildtree # Input: [glob pattern: filepattern] cmake_parse_arguments(arg "NO_INSTALL" "" "" ${ARGN}) list(APPEND pattern ${ARGN}) list(SORT pattern) if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS "copy_files_from_filelist_to_buildtree - got pattern: ${pattern}") endif() foreach(pat ${pattern}) file(GLOB filenames ${pat}) foreach(filename ${filenames}) string(STRIP ${filename} filename) core_file_read_filtered(fstrings ${filename}) foreach(dir ${fstrings}) string(CONFIGURE ${dir} dir) string(REPLACE " " ";" dir ${dir}) list(GET dir 0 src) list(LENGTH dir len) if(len EQUAL 1) set(dest) elseif(len EQUAL 3) list(GET dir 1 opt) if(opt STREQUAL "KEEP_DIR_STRUCTURE") set(DIR_OPTION ${opt} ${src}) if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS "copy_files_from_filelist_to_buildtree - DIR_OPTION: ${DIR_OPTION}") endif() endif() list(GET dir -1 dest) else() list(GET dir -1 dest) endif() # If the full path to an existing file is specified then add that single file. # Don't recursively add all files with the given name. if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${src} AND (NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${src} OR DIR_OPTION)) set(files ${src}) else() file(GLOB_RECURSE files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${src}) endif() foreach(file ${files}) if(arg_NO_INSTALL) copy_file_to_buildtree(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${file} DIRECTORY ${dest} NO_INSTALL ${DIR_OPTION}) else() copy_file_to_buildtree(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${file} DIRECTORY ${dest} ${DIR_OPTION}) endif() endforeach() set(DIR_OPTION) endforeach() endforeach() endforeach() set(install_data ${install_data} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # helper macro to set modified variables in parent scope macro(export_dep) set(SYSTEM_INCLUDES ${SYSTEM_INCLUDES} PARENT_SCOPE) set(DEPLIBS ${DEPLIBS} PARENT_SCOPE) set(DEP_DEFINES ${DEP_DEFINES} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${depup}_FOUND ${${depup}_FOUND} PARENT_SCOPE) mark_as_advanced(${depup}_LIBRARIES) endmacro() # split dependency specification to name and version # Arguments: # depspec dependency specification that can optionally include a required # package version # syntax: [package name], [package name]>=[version] (minimum version), # or [package name]=[version] (exact version) # name_outvar variable that should receive the package name # version_outvar variable that should receive the package version part (>=[version]) # On return: # ${name_outvar} and ${version_outvar} in caller scope are set to respective values. # ${version_outvar} may be unset if there is no specific version requested. function(split_dependency_specification depspec name_outvar version_outvar) if(${depspec} MATCHES "^([^>]*)(>?=[0-9.]+)$") set(${name_outvar} ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${version_outvar} ${CMAKE_MATCH_2} PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${name_outvar} ${depspec} PARENT_SCOPE) unset(${version_outvar} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # helper macro to split version info from req and call find_package macro(find_package_with_ver package) set(_find_arguments "${ARGN}") if("${ARGV1}" MATCHES "^(>)?=([0-9.]+)$") # We have a version spec, parse it list(REMOVE_AT _find_arguments 0) # ">" not present? -> exact match if(NOT CMAKE_MATCH_1) list(INSERT _find_arguments 0 "EXACT") endif() find_package(${package} ${CMAKE_MATCH_2} ${_find_arguments}) else() find_package(${package} ${_find_arguments}) endif() unset(_find_arguments) endmacro() # add required dependencies of main application # Arguments: # dep_list One or many dependency specifications (see split_dependency_specification) # for syntax). The dependency name is used uppercased as variable prefix. # On return: # dependencies added to ${SYSTEM_INCLUDES}, ${DEPLIBS} and ${DEP_DEFINES} function(core_require_dep) foreach(depspec ${ARGN}) split_dependency_specification(${depspec} dep version) find_package_with_ver(${dep} ${version} REQUIRED) string(TOUPPER ${dep} depup) list(APPEND SYSTEM_INCLUDES ${${depup}_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND DEPLIBS ${${depup}_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND DEP_DEFINES ${${depup}_DEFINITIONS}) export_dep() endforeach() endfunction() # add required dyloaded dependencies of main application # Arguments: # dep_list One or many dependency specifications (see split_dependency_specification) # for syntax). The dependency name is used uppercased as variable prefix. # On return: # dependency added to ${SYSTEM_INCLUDES}, ${dep}_SONAME is set up function(core_require_dyload_dep) foreach(depspec ${ARGN}) split_dependency_specification(${depspec} dep version) find_package_with_ver(${dep} ${version} REQUIRED) string(TOUPPER ${dep} depup) list(APPEND SYSTEM_INCLUDES ${${depup}_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND DEP_DEFINES ${${depup}_DEFINITIONS}) find_soname(${depup} REQUIRED) export_dep() set(${depup}_SONAME ${${depup}_SONAME} PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endfunction() # helper macro for optional deps macro(setup_enable_switch) string(TOUPPER ${dep} depup) if(${ARGV1}) set(enable_switch ${ARGV1}) else() set(enable_switch ENABLE_${depup}) endif() # normal options are boolean, so we override set our ENABLE_FOO var to allow "auto" handling set(${enable_switch} "AUTO" CACHE STRING "Enable ${depup} support?") endmacro() # add optional dependencies of main application # Arguments: # dep_list One or many dependency specifications (see split_dependency_specification) # for syntax). The dependency name is used uppercased as variable prefix. # On return: # dependency optionally added to ${SYSTEM_INCLUDES}, ${DEPLIBS} and ${DEP_DEFINES} function(core_optional_dep) foreach(depspec ${ARGN}) set(_required False) split_dependency_specification(${depspec} dep version) setup_enable_switch() if(${enable_switch} STREQUAL AUTO) find_package_with_ver(${dep} ${version}) elseif(${${enable_switch}}) find_package_with_ver(${dep} ${version} REQUIRED) set(_required True) endif() if(${depup}_FOUND) list(APPEND SYSTEM_INCLUDES ${${depup}_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND DEPLIBS ${${depup}_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND DEP_DEFINES ${${depup}_DEFINITIONS}) set(final_message ${final_message} "${depup} enabled: Yes") export_dep() elseif(_required) message(FATAL_ERROR "${depup} enabled but not found") else() set(final_message ${final_message} "${depup} enabled: No") endif() endforeach() set(final_message ${final_message} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # add optional dyloaded dependencies of main application # Arguments: # dep_list One or many dependency specifications (see split_dependency_specification) # for syntax). The dependency name is used uppercased as variable prefix. # On return: # dependency optionally added to ${SYSTEM_INCLUDES}, ${DEP_DEFINES}, ${dep}_SONAME is set up function(core_optional_dyload_dep) foreach(depspec ${ARGN}) set(_required False) split_dependency_specification(${depspec} dep version) setup_enable_switch() if(${enable_switch} STREQUAL AUTO) find_package_with_ver(${dep} ${version}) elseif(${${enable_switch}}) find_package_with_ver(${dep} ${version} REQUIRED) set(_required True) endif() if(${depup}_FOUND) list(APPEND SYSTEM_INCLUDES ${${depup}_INCLUDE_DIRS}) find_soname(${depup} REQUIRED) list(APPEND DEP_DEFINES ${${depup}_DEFINITIONS}) set(final_message ${final_message} "${depup} enabled: Yes" PARENT_SCOPE) export_dep() set(${depup}_SONAME ${${depup}_SONAME} PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(_required) message(FATAL_ERROR "${depup} enabled but not found") else() set(final_message ${final_message} "${depup} enabled: No" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endforeach() endfunction() function(core_file_read_filtered result filepattern) # Reads STRINGS from text files # with comments filtered out # Result: [list: result] # Input: [glob pattern: filepattern] file(GLOB filenames ${filepattern}) list(SORT filenames) foreach(filename ${filenames}) if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS "core_file_read_filtered - filename: ${filename}") endif() set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${filename}) file(STRINGS ${filename} fstrings REGEX "^[^#//]") foreach(fstring ${fstrings}) string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.*)#(.*)" "\\1" fstring ${fstring}) string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \n\r\t]//.*" "" fstring ${fstring}) string(STRIP ${fstring} fstring) list(APPEND filename_strings ${fstring}) endforeach() endforeach() set(${result} ${filename_strings} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(core_add_subdirs_from_filelist files) # Adds subdirectories from a sorted list of files # Input: [list: filenames] [bool: sort] foreach(arg ${ARGN}) list(APPEND files ${arg}) endforeach() list(SORT files) if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS "core_add_subdirs_from_filelist - got pattern: ${files}") endif() foreach(filename ${files}) string(STRIP ${filename} filename) core_file_read_filtered(fstrings ${filename}) foreach(subdir ${fstrings}) string(REPLACE " " ";" subdir ${subdir}) list(GET subdir 0 subdir_src) list(GET subdir -1 subdir_dest) if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS " core_add_subdirs_from_filelist - adding subdir: ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${subdir_src} -> ${CORE_BUILD_DIR}/${subdir_dest}") endif() add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${subdir_src} ${CORE_BUILD_DIR}/${subdir_dest}) endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() macro(core_add_optional_subdirs_from_filelist pattern) # Adds subdirectories from text files # if the option(s) in the 3rd field are enabled # Input: [glob pattern: filepattern] foreach(arg ${ARGN}) list(APPEND pattern ${arg}) endforeach() foreach(elem ${pattern}) string(STRIP ${elem} elem) list(APPEND filepattern ${elem}) endforeach() file(GLOB filenames ${filepattern}) list(SORT filenames) if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS "core_add_optional_subdirs_from_filelist - got pattern: ${filenames}") endif() foreach(filename ${filenames}) if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS "core_add_optional_subdirs_from_filelist - reading file: ${filename}") endif() set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${filename}) file(STRINGS ${filename} fstrings REGEX "^[^#//]") foreach(line ${fstrings}) string(REPLACE " " ";" line "${line}") list(GET line 0 subdir_src) list(GET line 1 subdir_dest) list(GET line 3 opts) foreach(opt ${opts}) if(ENABLE_${opt}) if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS " core_add_optional_subdirs_from_filelist - adding subdir: ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${subdir_src} -> ${CORE_BUILD_DIR}/${subdir_dest}") endif() add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${subdir_src} ${CORE_BUILD_DIR}/${subdir_dest}) else() if(VERBOSE) message(STATUS " core_add_optional_subdirs_from_filelist: OPTION ${opt} not enabled for ${subdir_src}, skipping subdir") endif() endif() endforeach() endforeach() endforeach() endmacro() # Generates an RFC2822 timestamp # # The following variable is set: # RFC2822_TIMESTAMP function(rfc2822stamp) execute_process(COMMAND date -R OUTPUT_VARIABLE RESULT) set(RFC2822_TIMESTAMP ${RESULT} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Generates an user stamp from git config info # # The following variable is set: # PACKAGE_MAINTAINER - user stamp in the form of "username " # if no git tree is found, value is set to "nobody " function(userstamp) find_package(Git) if(GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} config user.name OUTPUT_VARIABLE username WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} config user.email OUTPUT_VARIABLE useremail WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) set(PACKAGE_MAINTAINER "${username} <${useremail}>" PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(PACKAGE_MAINTAINER "nobody " PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Parses git info and sets variables used to identify the build # Arguments: # stamp variable name to return # Optional Arguments: # FULL: generate git HEAD commit in the form of 'YYYYMMDD-hash' # if git tree is dirty, value is set in the form of 'YYYYMMDD-hash-dirty' # if no git tree is found, value is set in the form of 'YYYYMMDD-nogitfound' # if FULL is not given, stamp is generated following the same process as above # but without 'YYYYMMDD' # On return: # Variable is set with generated stamp to PARENT_SCOPE function(core_find_git_rev stamp) # allow manual setting GIT_VERSION if(GIT_VERSION) set(${stamp} ${GIT_VERSION} PARENT_SCOPE) string(TIMESTAMP APP_BUILD_DATE "%Y%m%d" UTC) set(APP_BUILD_DATE ${APP_BUILD_DATE} PARENT_SCOPE) else() find_package(Git) if(GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) # get tree status i.e. clean working tree vs dirty (uncommited or unstashed changes, etc.) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} update-index --ignore-submodules -q --refresh WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} diff-files --ignore-submodules --quiet -- RESULT_VARIABLE status_code WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) if(NOT status_code) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} diff-index --ignore-submodules --quiet HEAD -- RESULT_VARIABLE status_code WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() # get HEAD commit SHA-1 execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%h" HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE HASH WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) string(REPLACE "\"" "" HASH ${HASH}) if(status_code) string(CONCAT HASH ${HASH} "-dirty") endif() # get HEAD commit date execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} log -1 --pretty=format:"%cd" --date=short HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE DATE WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) string(REPLACE "\"" "" DATE ${DATE}) string(REPLACE "-" "" DATE ${DATE}) # build date string(TIMESTAMP APP_BUILD_DATE "%Y%m%d" UTC) set(APP_BUILD_DATE ${APP_BUILD_DATE} PARENT_SCOPE) else() if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/BUILDDATE) file(STRINGS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/BUILDDATE DATE LIMIT_INPUT 8) else() string(TIMESTAMP DATE "%Y%m%d" UTC) endif() set(APP_BUILD_DATE ${DATE} PARENT_SCOPE) if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/VERSION) file(STRINGS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/VERSION HASH LIMIT_INPUT 16) else() set(HASH "nogitfound") endif() endif() cmake_parse_arguments(arg "FULL" "" "" ${ARGN}) if(arg_FULL) set(${stamp} ${DATE}-${HASH} PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${stamp} ${HASH} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() # Parses version.txt and versions.h and sets variables # used to construct dirs structure, file naming, API version, etc. # # The following variables are set from version.txt: # APP_NAME - app name # APP_NAME_LC - lowercased app name # APP_NAME_UC - uppercased app name # APP_PACKAGE - Android full package name # COMPANY_NAME - company name # APP_WEBSITE - site url # APP_VERSION_MAJOR - the app version major # APP_VERSION_MINOR - the app version minor # APP_VERSION_TAG - the app version tag # APP_VERSION_TAG_LC - lowercased app version tag # APP_VERSION - the app version (${APP_VERSION_MAJOR}.${APP_VERSION_MINOR}-${APP_VERSION_TAG}) # APP_ADDON_API - the addon API version in the form of 16.9.702 # FILE_VERSION - file version in the form of 16,9,702,0 - Windows only # JSONRPC_VERSION - the json api version in the form of 8.3.0 # # Set various variables defined in "versions.h" macro(core_find_versions) # kodi-addons project also calls this macro and uses CORE_SOURCE_DIR # to point to core base dir # Set CORE_SOURCE_DIR here, otherwise kodi main project fails # TODO: drop this code block and refactor the rest to use CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR # if we ever integrate kodi-addons into kodi project if(NOT CORE_SOURCE_DIR) set(CORE_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() include(CMakeParseArguments) core_file_read_filtered(version_list ${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/version.txt) core_file_read_filtered(json_version ${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/xbmc/interfaces/json-rpc/schema/version.txt) string(REGEX REPLACE "([^ ;]*) ([^;]*)" "\\1;\\2" version_list "${version_list};${json_version}") set(version_props ADDON_API APP_NAME APP_PACKAGE COMPANY_NAME COPYRIGHT_YEARS JSONRPC_VERSION PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION PACKAGE_IDENTITY PACKAGE_PUBLISHER VERSION_MAJOR VERSION_MINOR VERSION_TAG VERSION_CODE WEBSITE ) cmake_parse_arguments(APP "" "${version_props}" "" ${version_list}) if(NOT ${APP_VERSION_CODE} MATCHES "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9][0-9]?\\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?$") message(FATAL_ERROR "VERSION_CODE was set to ${APP_VERSION_CODE} in version.txt, but it has to match '^\\d+\\.\\d{1,2}\\.\\d{1,3}$'") endif() set(APP_NAME ${APP_APP_NAME}) # inconsistency but APP_APP_NAME looks weird string(TOLOWER ${APP_APP_NAME} APP_NAME_LC) string(TOUPPER ${APP_APP_NAME} APP_NAME_UC) set(COMPANY_NAME ${APP_COMPANY_NAME}) set(APP_VERSION ${APP_VERSION_MAJOR}.${APP_VERSION_MINOR}) set(APP_PACKAGE ${APP_APP_PACKAGE}) if(APP_VERSION_TAG) set(APP_VERSION ${APP_VERSION}-${APP_VERSION_TAG}) string(TOLOWER ${APP_VERSION_TAG} APP_VERSION_TAG_LC) endif() string(REPLACE "." "," FILE_VERSION ${APP_ADDON_API}.0) set(JSONRPC_VERSION ${APP_JSONRPC_VERSION}) # Set defines used in addon.xml.in and read from versions.h to set add-on # version parts automatically # This part is nearly identical to "AddonHelpers.cmake", except location of versions.h file(STRINGS ${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/include/kodi/versions.h BIN_ADDON_PARTS) foreach(loop_var ${BIN_ADDON_PARTS}) string(FIND "${loop_var}" "#define ADDON_" matchres) if("${matchres}" EQUAL 0) string(REGEX MATCHALL "[A-Z0-9._]+|[A-Z0-9._]+$" loop_var "${loop_var}") list(GET loop_var 0 include_name) list(GET loop_var 1 include_version) string(REGEX REPLACE ".*\"(.*)\"" "\\1" ${include_name} ${include_version}) endif() endforeach(loop_var) # unset variables not used anywhere else unset(version_list) unset(APP_APP_NAME) unset(APP_COMPANY_NAME) unset(APP_APP_PACKAGE) unset(APP_JSONRPC_VERSION) unset(BIN_ADDON_PARTS) # bail if we can't parse version.txt if(NOT DEFINED APP_VERSION_MAJOR OR NOT DEFINED APP_VERSION_MINOR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not determine app version! Make sure that ${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/version.txt exists") endif() if(NOT DEFINED JSONRPC_VERSION) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not determine json-rpc version! Make sure that ${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/xbmc/interfaces/json-rpc/schema/version.txt exists") endif() endmacro() # add-on xml's # find all folders containing addon.xml.in and used to define # ADDON_XML_OUTPUTS, ADDON_XML_DEPENDS and ADDON_INSTALL_DATA macro(find_addon_xml_in_files) set(filter ${ARGV0}) if(filter AND VERBOSE) message(STATUS "find_addon_xml_in_files: filtering ${filter}") endif() file(GLOB ADDON_XML_IN_FILE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/addons/*/addon.xml.in) foreach(loop_var ${ADDON_XML_IN_FILE}) list(GET loop_var 0 xml_name) string(REPLACE "/addon.xml.in" "" xml_name ${xml_name}) string(REPLACE "${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/" "" xml_name ${xml_name}) list(APPEND ADDON_XML_DEPENDS "${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/${xml_name}/addon.xml.in") if(filter AND NOT xml_name MATCHES ${filter}) list(APPEND ADDON_XML_OUTPUTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${xml_name}/addon.xml") endif() # Read content of add-on folder to have on install file(GLOB ADDON_FILES "${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/${xml_name}/*") foreach(loop_var ${ADDON_FILES}) if(loop_var MATCHES "addon.xml.in") string(REPLACE "addon.xml.in" "addon.xml" loop_var ${loop_var}) list(GET loop_var 0 file_name) string(REPLACE "${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/" "" file_name ${file_name}) list(APPEND ADDON_INSTALL_DATA "${file_name}") unset(file_name) endif() endforeach() unset(xml_name) endforeach() # Append also versions.h to depends list(APPEND ADDON_XML_DEPENDS "${CORE_SOURCE_DIR}/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/include/kodi/versions.h") endmacro()