\addtogroup cpp_cmake
Kodi which uses it as a library for its binary addons has a special build
system for this.
To implement this, a CMake macro brought by Kodi is used, this is
"build_addon (...)". This processes various definitions passed by the addon to
process the construction.
Here's a minimal example of the addon used for CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
find_package(Kodi REQUIRED)
set(DEPLIBS ) # Here empty
set(EXAMPLE_SOURCES src/main.cpp)
set(EXAMPLE_HEADERS src/main.h)
build_addon((example.addon EXAMPLE DEPLIBS)
This is a list of special variables that can be passed to the macro.
The parts defined with "*" must be given the second name given to the macro.
Here to define the necessary creation and installation files on addon CMakeLists.txt:
| Name | Description
| *_SOURCES | List of source code files to be complicated.
| *_HEADERS | List of used source code header files.
| *_CUSTOM_BINARY | For special cases where an already created library from an external source is inserted, the "* _SOURCES" and "* _HEADERS" are unused in this case.
This is currently used primarily on game addons.
| *_CUSTOM_DATA | To add additional required data from a folder, which are stored in the shared folder of the addon.
With a "/" at the end of the content given to the folder is used, without the folder itself.
| *_ADDITIONAL_BINARY | In case the additional library has to be installed for the addon, the path or CMake name can be given here.
| *_ADDITIONAL_BINARY_EXE | In case you need to addon an additional application you can give the path or CMake name, it will be in the same folder as the addon library.
The mode bits are set there as EXE.
| *_ADDITIONAL_BINARY_DIRS | To add complete folders additionally to folders containing the addon library.
With a "/" at the end of the content given to the folder is used, without the folder itself.
External creation Options, given by `-D...`:
| Name | Description
| PACKAGE_ZIP | To create a package as a ZIP file. This is also used to install locally addon together.
Default is OFF.
| PACKAGE_TGZ | To create a package as a TGZ file.
Default is OFF.
| BUILD_SHARED_LIBS | To define if addon library is shared or static.
Default is ON to have shared.
| USE_LTO | Use link time optimization.
Default is OFF.