set(PLATFORM_REQUIRED_DEPS EGL GBM LibDRM LibInput Xkbcommon) set(PLATFORM_OPTIONAL_DEPS VAAPI) set(GBM_RENDER_SYSTEM "" CACHE STRING "Render system to use with GBM: \"gl\" or \"gles\"") if(GBM_RENDER_SYSTEM STREQUAL "gl") list(APPEND PLATFORM_REQUIRED_DEPS OpenGl) set(APP_RENDER_SYSTEM gl) elseif(GBM_RENDER_SYSTEM STREQUAL "gles") list(APPEND PLATFORM_REQUIRED_DEPS OpenGLES) set(APP_RENDER_SYSTEM gles) else() message(SEND_ERROR "You need to decide whether you want to use GL- or GLES-based rendering in combination with the GBM windowing system. Please set GBM_RENDER_SYSTEM to either \"gl\" or \"gles\". For normal desktop systems, you will usually want to use \"gl\".") endif() # __GBM__ is needed by eglplatform.h in case it is included before gbm.h list(APPEND PLATFORM_DEFINES -DMESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS -D__GBM__=1 -DPLATFORM_SETTINGS_FILE=gbm.xml)