# FindPython # -------- # Finds Python3 libraries # # This module will search for the required python libraries on the system # If multiple versions are found, the highest version will be used. # # -------- # # the following variables influence behaviour: # # PYTHON_PATH - use external python not found in system paths # usage: -DPYTHON_PATH=/path/to/python/lib # PYTHON_VER - use exact python version, fail if not found # usage: -DPYTHON_VER=3.8 # # -------- # # This module will define the following variables: # # PYTHON_FOUND - system has PYTHON # PYTHON_VERSION - Python version number (Major.Minor) # PYTHON_EXECUTABLE - Python interpreter binary # PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS - the python include directory # PYTHON_LIBRARIES - The python libraries # PYTHON_LDFLAGS - Python provided link options # # -------- # # for Depends/Windows builds, set search root dir to libdir path if(KODI_DEPENDSBUILD OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL WINDOWS OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL WindowsStore) set(Python3_USE_STATIC_LIBS TRUE) set(Python3_ROOT_DIR ${libdir}) if(KODI_DEPENDSBUILD) # Force set to tools/depends python version set(PYTHON_VER 3.11) endif() endif() # Provide root dir to search for Python if provided if(PYTHON_PATH) set(Python3_ROOT_DIR ${PYTHON_PATH}) # unset cache var so we can generate again with a different dir (or none) if desired unset(PYTHON_PATH CACHE) endif() # Set specific version of Python to find if provided if(PYTHON_VER) set(VERSION ${PYTHON_VER}) set(EXACT_VER "EXACT") # unset cache var so we can generate again with a different ver (or none) if desired unset(PYTHON_VER CACHE) endif() find_package(Python3 ${VERSION} ${EXACT_VER} COMPONENTS Development) if(KODI_DEPENDSBUILD) find_library(FFI_LIBRARY ffi REQUIRED) find_library(EXPAT_LIBRARY expat REQUIRED) find_library(INTL_LIBRARY intl REQUIRED) find_library(GMP_LIBRARY gmp REQUIRED) find_library(LZMA_LIBRARY lzma REQUIRED) if(NOT CORE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL android) set(PYTHON_DEP_LIBRARIES pthread dl util) if(CORE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL linux) # python archive built via depends requires librt for _posixshmem library list(APPEND PYTHON_DEP_LIBRARIES rt) endif() endif() list(APPEND Python3_LIBRARIES ${LZMA_LIBRARY} ${FFI_LIBRARY} ${EXPAT_LIBRARY} ${INTL_LIBRARY} ${GMP_LIBRARY} ${PYTHON_DEP_LIBRARIES}) else() if(CORE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL linux) if(HOST_CAN_EXECUTE_TARGET) find_package(Python3 ${VERSION} ${EXACT_VER} COMPONENTS Interpreter) else() find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter) endif() endif() endif() if(Python3_FOUND) list(APPEND PYTHON_DEFINITIONS -DHAS_PYTHON=1) # These are all set for easy integration with the rest of our build system set(PYTHON_FOUND ${Python3_FOUND}) if(NOT PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) set(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} CACHE FILEPATH "Python interpreter" FORCE) endif() set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS ${Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(PYTHON_LIBRARIES ${Python3_LIBRARIES}) set(PYTHON_VERSION "${Python3_VERSION_MAJOR}.${Python3_VERSION_MINOR}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(PYTHON_LDFLAGS ${Python3_LINK_OPTIONS}) endif() mark_as_advanced(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE PYTHON_VERSION PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS PYTHON_LDFLAGS LZMA_LIBRARY FFI_LIBRARY EXPAT_LIBRARY INTL_LIBRARY GMP_LIBRARY)