#.rst: # FindAML # ------- # Finds the AML codec # # This will define the following variables:: # # AML_FOUND - system has AML # AML_INCLUDE_DIRS - the AML include directory # AML_DEFINITIONS - the AML definitions # # and the following imported targets:: # # AML::AML - The AML codec find_path(AML_INCLUDE_DIR codec_error.h PATH_SUFFIXES amcodec) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(AML REQUIRED_VARS AML_INCLUDE_DIR) include(CheckCSourceCompiles) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${AML_INCLUDE_DIR}) check_c_source_compiles("#include <amcodec/codec.h> int main() { int i = VIDEO_DEC_FORMAT_VP9; return 0; } " AML_HAS_VP9) if(AML_FOUND) set(AML_INCLUDE_DIRS ${AML_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(AML_DEFINITIONS -DHAS_LIBAMCODEC=1) if(AML_HAS_VP9) list(APPEND AML_DEFINITIONS -DHAS_LIBAMCODEC_VP9=1) endif() if(NOT TARGET AML::AML) add_library(AML::AML UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(AML::AML PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${AML_INCLUDE_DIR}" INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS HAS_LIBAMCODEC=1) endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(AMLCODEC_INCLUDE_DIR)