
To update the language files you just need to know a bit of GIT. This page should help with the structure of language files.

Where are the language files?

There are two places where language override files are stored. The LANG_CODE is the two letter code for that language. Eg: en, fr, de





Adding a new language

Example: If your new language is French it would have a LANG_KEY of fr.

Tell the app about it

You also need to tell the application to have it as an option. So you edit this file: /src/js/helpers/ and add fr: "French" to the languages in getLanguages

Duplicate the folder/file structure of en

Copy the files you want to override with the new language:


To test you need to do a build, however if you follow the existing structure you shouldn't need to.

If do you want to test your language in the app with a build, you can:

  1. Ensure nodejs, npm are installed
  2. cd /chorus/folder
  3. npm install (only the first time)
  4. grunt lang (this will rebuild only the languages in the dist/lang folder)
  5. Refresh Chorus


Translations should fallback to English unless the msgid is set in a LANG_CODE.po file. Or if a page LANG_CODE/ exists.

Submitting an update

Send a pull request through GitHub on a new branch is the best way. Would consider updates via other methods.