Key Binds

You can use your keyboard to control Kodi, this is the default setting but you can change what the keyboard controls on the settings page. The available options are:


The keyboard controls Kodi and default keyboard interaction with the browser is disabled. (eg. using up and down arrows to scroll a page). [Browser command] = [Kodi action].

Cursor LEFT = Direction LEFT
Cursor RIGHT = Direction RIGHT
Cursor UP = Direction UP
Cursor DOWN = Direction DOWN
ENTER = Select
TAB = Close
SPACE BAR = Play/Pause
Key "C" = Context menu
Key "+" = Volume Up
Key "-" = Volume Down
Key "X" = Stop
Key "T" = Toggle subtitles
Key ">" = Play Next
Key "<" = Play Prev
Key "\" = Full screen

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The keyboard controls the browser only. When the remote is open the keys will control only Kodi.


Keyboard commands are executed in Kodi and in the browser. When the remote is open the keys will control only Kodi. NOTE: Many commands are shared by both the browser and Kodi. Eg. Backspace.