no Window_OpenClose_Animation_Zoom 1 0 0 240 80 Shadow Background for dialogs without BehindDialogFadeOut include -30 -30 860 860 DialogShadow.png 0 0 800 60 DialogHeader.png 0 60 800 740 DialogBack.png header label 20 0 WindowTitleCommons 700 730 0 DialogCloseButtonCommons Subtitle chooser Button 10 70 250 46 floor_button.png floor_buttonFO.png Skin.ToggleSetting(SubtitleSourceChooserVisible) Service Logo 20 75 230 40 keep textarea 270 70 490 50 font12_title black left center true 20 120 760 40 center horizontal 5 40 40 DefaultIconInfo.png notification auto 40 font13 black center 20 160 760 540 120 120 120 120 list - 200 0 -2 760 5 separator.png 0 5 700 25 font13 center black selected left ListItem.Label2 710 5 50 25 flagging/blank.png 735 5 50 23 font8_title center white center center 0 5 760 25 font13 center black selected left ListItem.Label2 ! 0 34 30 20 $INFO[Listitem.Thumb] 35 30 80 25 font12 center black selected left ListItem.Label 660 30 100 25 keep $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon,light/rating1to10/rating,.png] 0 -2 760 5 separator.png 0 5 700 25 font13 center black selected left ListItem.Label2 710 5 50 25 flagging/blank.png 735 5 50 23 font8_title center white center center 0 5 760 25 font13 center black selected left ListItem.Label2 ! 0 34 30 20 $INFO[Listitem.Thumb] 35 30 80 25 font12 center black selected left ListItem.Label 660 30 100 25 keep $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon,light/rating1to10/rating,.png] number of files/pages in list text label 780 750 300 30 font13 right center true black Skin.HasSetting(SubtitleSourceChooserVisible) VisibleFadeEffect Hidden button to close the sort when its focused 0 0 ScreenWidth ScreenHeight - - Skin.Reset(SubtitleSourceChooserVisible) 330 230 Shadow Background -30 -30 380 500 ShadowBorder.png Panel Background image 0 0 320 440 SubBack.png SubBack.png - Panel Forground image 10 40 300 390 SubBack2.png Panel Arrow image 50 -34 40 40 arrow-big-up.png Available sources label 10 5 300 25 font12_title center top white 11 40 298 390 150 150 150 150 list 200 0 0 298 60 button-nofocus.png 149 0 290 60 font13 center black selected center ListItem.Label 0 0 298 60 button-focus2.png 149 0 290 60 font13 center black selected center ListItem.Label