50 no 50,500 Skin.Reset(MediaSubMenuVisible) CommonBackground FileCountCommons HomeButtonCommons CommonNowPlaying OptionsButtonCommons Window label MediaWindowTitleCommons Window_OpenClose_Animation_Zoom CommonRootView ThumbnailView !Window.IsActive(PlayerControls) VisibleFadeEffect SubMenuCommonLayout ParentDir icon_back.png Skin.HasSetting(MediaSubMenuVisible) VisibleFadeEffect Hidden button to close the sort when its focused 0 0 ScreenWidth ScreenHeight - - Skin.Reset(MediaSubMenuVisible) 340r 130 Shadow Background -30 -30 380 500 ShadowBorder.png Panel Background image 0 0 320 440 SubBack.png SubBack.png - Panel Forground image 10 10 300 420 SubBack2.png Panel Arrow image 270 -34 40 40 arrow-big-up.png 11 10 298 420 9000 50 9000 9000 0 Shuffle button ButtonCommonValues2 Repeat button 235 ButtonCommonValues2 Save button 235 ButtonCommonValues2 Clear button 235 ButtonCommonValues2 0 100 298 10 shelf_shadow.png BehindDialogFadeOut