0.50 0.52 0.48 0.54 0.40 0.44 0.10 0.05 0.12 -0.80 0.10 79 -20 0 80 Window.IsActive(musicinformation) | Window.IsActive(songinformation) | Window.IsActive(movieinformation) | Window.IsActive(addoninformation) | Window.IsActive(pvrguideinfo) | Window.IsActive(pvrrecordinginfo) | Window.IsActive(pictureinfo) | Window.IsVisible(script-script.extendedinfo-DialogVideoInfo.xml) | Window.IsVisible(script-script.extendedinfo-DialogInfo.xml) | Window.IsVisible(script-script.extendedinfo-VideoList.xml) ControlGroup(9000).HasFocus | Control.HasFocus(6130) | Control.HasFocus(6131) | Window.IsActive(MyPlaylist.xml) WindowClose Conditional WindowOpen 0 80 60 80 0 0 0 13 50 50 vertical Visible Hidden conditional Control.IsVisible(52) | Control.IsVisible(500) | Control.IsVisible(55) | Control.IsVisible(501) | Control.IsVisible(54) 0 0 0 100% 60 0 0 100% 12 50 50 horizontal Control.IsVisible(51) | Control.IsVisible(53) conditional Visible Hidden conditional -3000 -3000 1 1 False VisibleChange !String.IsEmpty($PARAM[infolabel]) 3 -3 44 44 keep overlays/badge.png 3 -3 center center 44 44 font20_title $INFO[ListItem.Year,[COLOR button_focus],[/COLOR] - ]$INFO[ListItem.Label] $VAR[InfoListPathVar] 40 100 1152 5000 font13 ascending true 0 $PARAM[width] $PARAM[bottom] vertical $PARAM[visible] 10 $PARAM[item_height] $PARAM[width] center text_shadow $PARAM[font] 10 $PARAM[item_height] $PARAM[width] center text_shadow $PARAM[font] $PARAM[path] !String.IsEmpty($PARAM[value]) 45 horizontal 570 10 auto 40 center button_focus auto 40 right center left 70 font13 grey 20 0 20 0 $PARAM[align] $PARAM[font] center $PARAM[fontcolor] 0 0 0 0 lists/focus.png Control.HasFocus($PARAM[list_id]) 20 0 20 0 $PARAM[align] $PARAM[font] center true 180 $PARAM[visible] -3 0 40 40 $PARAM[icon] 50 180 35 center font12 115 60 true $PARAM[width] $PARAM[height] 0 keep $PARAM[texture] $PARAM[visible] $VAR[ResolutionFlagVar] horizontal 20 0 70 right 28 1900 true 150 -5 String.IsEqual($PARAM[infolabel_prefix]ListItem.DBtype,tvshow) 10 200 115 !String.IsEmpty($PARAM[infolabel_prefix]ListItem.Duration) 115 60 center center font_flag 268 !String.IsEmpty($PARAM[label]) 50 60 60 $PARAM[texture] 68 160 63 font27_narrow center center 0 list_y_offset list_y_offset $PARAM[right] $PARAM[width] 4 3 $PARAM[onleft_id] $PARAM[onright_id] $PARAM[list_id] $PARAM[list_id] $PARAM[scrollbar_id] 200 0 0 0 0 lists/focus.png Conditional 15 0 32 0 keep $VAR[ListWatchedIconVar] 65 0 0 20 center true text_shadow 0 30 0 0 0 right center text_shadow 15 0 32 0 keep $VAR[ListWatchedIconVar] 65 0 0 20 center text_shadow 0 30 0 0 0 right center grey text_shadow DefaultFolder.png String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(id),$PARAM[id]) Integer.IsGreater(Container($PARAM[group_id]50).NumItems,0) | Container($PARAM[group_id]50).IsUpdating 540 0 50 100% 9000 $PARAM[group_id]30 $PARAM[group_id]50 $PARAM[group_id]50 2 $PARAM[group_id]30 500 150 150 Focus UnFocus $PARAM[container_path] 0 80 12 920 vertical conditional $PARAM[group_id]50 noop 462 33333 20 5 WindowOpen WindowClose 1400 80 0 vertical 1400 font30_title text_shadow 35 true Conditional font12 85 text_shadow 100 1400 33333 20 100 100 $PARAM[posy] WindowOpen WindowClose 150 0 vertical 100% font52_title text_shadow 65 center true Conditional 85 text_shadow center 100 100% 134 910 936 true $PARAM[posx] $PARAM[down_posy] 48 24 overlays/arrowdown.png overlays/arrowdown.png VisibleChange WindowOpen WindowClose SetFocus($PARAM[container_id]) PageDown Container($PARAM[container_id]).HasNext + Control.IsVisible($PARAM[container_id]) $PARAM[visible] $PARAM[posx] $PARAM[up_posy] 48 24 overlays/arrowdown.png overlays/arrowdown.png VisibleChange WindowOpen WindowClose SetFocus($PARAM[container_id]) PageUp Container($PARAM[container_id]).HasPrevious + Control.IsVisible($PARAM[container_id]) $PARAM[visible] 445 1843 936 !System.HasActiveModalDialog $PARAM[left_posx] $PARAM[posy] 28 28 overlays/arrowright.png VisibleChange WindowOpen WindowClose Control.IsVisible($PARAM[list_id]) + Container($PARAM[list_id]).HasPrevious $PARAM[visible] $PARAM[right_posx] $PARAM[posy] 28 28 overlays/arrowright.png VisibleChange WindowOpen WindowClose Control.IsVisible($PARAM[list_id]) + Container($PARAM[list_id]).HasNext $PARAM[visible] $PARAM[left_posx] $PARAM[posy] 28 28 Control.Move($PARAM[list_id],-1) Container($PARAM[list_id]).HasPrevious + [Control.HasFocus($PARAM[list_id]) | Control.HasFocus($PARAM[list_id]500)] $PARAM[right_posx] $PARAM[posy] 28 28 Control.Move($PARAM[list_id],1) Container($PARAM[list_id]).HasNext + [Control.HasFocus($PARAM[list_id]) | Control.HasFocus($PARAM[list_id]501)] -2000 -2000 6000 6000 VisibleChange WindowOpen WindowClose colors/black.png $PARAM[darken_bg] -2000 -2000 6000 6000 Action(close) $PARAM[width] $PARAM[height] 0 0 0 0 colors/white.png 0 0 0 70 colors/white70.png 40 0 100 70 font32_title center black button overlay to avoid closing in dialog area 0 0 0 0 noop 10 11 48 48 48 48 dialogs/close.png icons/logo.png dialogs/close.png icons/logo.png Action(close) !Skin.HasSetting(touchmode) 10 11 48 48 dialogs/close.png dialogs/close.png Action(close) Skin.HasSetting(touchmode) $INFO[Container.SortMethod,$LOCALIZE[31022]: , ∙ ]$INFO[Container.CurrentItem,, / ]$INFO[Container.NumItems] conditional DepthBars WindowOpen 0 0 110% 130 frame/InfoBar.png WindowClose 35 Left side of top bar 900 -7 100 horizontal true WindowOpen WindowClose Conditional Conditional BreadcrumbsLabel BreadcrumbsLabel !String.IsEmpty(Container.ShowTitle) + !String.IsEqual(Container.ShowTitle,Container.FolderName) BreadcrumbsLabel ![Container.Content() + Window.IsActive(videos)] ![Window.IsActive(MyPVRChannels.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyPVRTimers.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyPVRRecordings.xml) | Window.IsActive(MyPVRSearch.xml)] BreadcrumbsLabel !String.isempty(Container.PluginCategory) BreadcrumbsLabel !String.IsEqual(Control.GetLabel(10),$LOCALIZE[16100]) + Window.IsActive(videos) 10 BreadcrumbsLabel Container.Filtered 0 200 100 Action(Back) !Window.IsActive(home) 50 35 text_shadow 100 900 WindowOpen WindowClose Conditional 0 right 20 200 horizontal 900 10 !Window.IsVisible(extendedprogressdialog) + !Window.IsActive(fullscreenvideo) VisibleChange 600 Player.HasMedia + String.IsEmpty(Window(Videos).Property(PlayingBackgroundMedia)) VisibleChange -75 horizontal 38 14 right 660 5 true 4 32 32 keep $VAR[NowPlayingIconVar] font27 text_shadow 35 auto -45 44 font12 grey text_shadow 25 630 right Integer.IsGreater(System.ProfileCount,1) + !Player.HasMedia Skin.HasSetting(show_profileavatar) 25 -70 50 50 WindowClose $INFO[System.ProfileThumb] scale Skin.HasSetting(show_profilename) font45 right -630 text_shadow center 110 auto WindowClose font_clock text_shadow 200 auto WindowClose 10 70 800 100 right 5 horizontal true 50 auto center -8 System.HasAlarm(shutdowntimer) 16 40 22 300 keep icons/power.png System.HasAlarm(shutdowntimer) 50 auto center Skin.HasSetting(show_weatherinfo) + Weather.IsFetched + ![String.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,na)] 1 50 50 300 keep $INFO[Weather.FanartCode,weather/small/,.png] Skin.HasSetting(show_weatherinfo) + Weather.IsFetched + ![String.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,na)] 8 -20 74 40 300 keep dialogs/volume/mute.png Player.Muted 0 0 font_MainMenu 100% 80 center !System.HasActiveModalDialog Container.Scrolling !Container.Content(seasons) String.IsEqual(Container.SortMethod,$LOCALIZE[551]) | String.IsEqual(Container.SortMethod,$LOCALIZE[561]) | String.IsEqual(Container.SortMethod,$LOCALIZE[558]) | String.IsEqual(Container.SortMethod,$LOCALIZE[557]) | String.IsEqual(Container.SortMethod,$LOCALIZE[556]) | String.IsEqual(Container.SortMethod,$LOCALIZE[563]) VisibleChange WindowClose TouchBackButton font45 text_shadow 7 100 auto DepthBackground FullScreenDimensions scale special://skin/extras/backgrounds/primary.jpg DepthBackground FullScreenDimensions scale $INFO[Skin.String(background_overlay),special://skin/extras/backgrounds/pattern,.jpg] DepthBackground FullScreenDimensions Player.HasVideo !Slideshow.IsActive FullScreenDimensions !Slideshow.IsActive Player.HasAudio + String.IsEmpty(Window(Videos).Property(PlayingBackgroundMedia)) + Visualisation.Enabled FullScreenDimensions conditional Conditional WindowOpen ColoredBackgroundImages ![Player.HasVideo | [Player.HasAudio + Visualisation.Enabled + !String.IsEmpty(Visualisation.Name)]] | !String.IsEmpty(Window(Videos).Property(PlayingBackgroundMedia)) DepthBackground WindowOpen WindowClose VisibleChange FullScreenDimensions scale 400 VisibleChange $VAR[MediaFanartVar] !Control.IsVisible(502) | $EXP[infodialog_active] -3 0 1193 100% scale 400 OpenClose_Left VisibleChange $VAR[PosterVar] !Control.IsVisible(32111) False conditional DepthBars WindowClose WindowOpen 0 0 0 110% 115 frame/InfoBar.png $PARAM[info_visible] !System.HasActiveModalDialog !Skin.HasSetting(touchmode) VisibleChange WindowOpen WindowClose 20 12 36 36 Conditional frame/menu-nofo.png frame/menu-nofo.png VisibleChange SetFocus(9000) !Control.IsVisible(6160) 20 12 36 36 icons/menu.png icons/menu.png VisibleChange SetFocus(9000) Window.IsActive(MyPVRGuide.xml) 16 64 300 44 text_shadow SetFocus(9000) TouchButtons WindowOpen WindowClose horizontal right 0 65 10 24 1200 auto 48 center right text_shadow 54 44 keep frame/item-count.png horizontal 0 65 24 1200 10 54 44 keep frame/item-count.png auto 48 center right text_shadow 0 0 100% 100% 100% 200 WindowClose 0 $PARAM[width] 15 Player.ProgressCache colors/white50.png colors/white50.png Conditional WindowClose 0 $PARAM[width] 15 Player.Progress colors/white50.png colors/white.png HiddenObject $PARAM[onunfocus_id] PlayerControl(Play) $PARAM[onunfocus_id] PlayerControl(Forward) PlayerControl(Rewind) Player.SeekEnabled PlayerControl(Play) -5 0 $PARAM[width] 25 osd/progress/nub_leftright.png osd/progress/nub_leftright.png osd/progress/nub_leftright.png Player.Progress seek !Control.HasFocus(87) + Player.SeekEnabled -5 0 $PARAM[width] 25 osd/progress/nub_leftright.png osd/progress/nub_leftright.png osd/progress/nub_leftright.png Player.Progress seek Control.HasFocus(87) + Player.SeekEnabled 500 -40 -10% 120% false lists/panel.png overlays/shadow.png 20 $PARAM[width] $PARAM[left] $PARAM[right] $PARAM[top] $PARAM[height] horizontal Skin.HasSetting(touchmode) !Window.IsActive(home) + !Window.IsActive(filemanager) WindowOpen WindowClose 0 -8 480 110 0 noop 9000 2000 justify true 120 0 120 120 ActivateWindow(1103) buttons/roundbutton-fo.png 34 34 52 52 $VAR[VolumeIconVar] -10 -10 120 120 center center Action(Back) WindowOpen WindowClose buttons/roundbutton-fo.png 30 60 60 icons/back.png icons/back.png icons/back.png icons/back.png -5 410 270 dialogs/dialog-bg-nobo.png overlays/shadow.png 20 50% 30 240 160 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] center scale 25 190 350 400 center DepthContentPopout -5 410 270 dialogs/dialog-bg-nobo.png overlays/shadow.png 20 -5 410 270 colors/grey.png 20 Animation_FocusTextureFade 50% 30 240 160 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] center scale 25 190 350 400 center