50 no CommonScriptBackground AMT Background 0 0 1280 720 special://skin/backgrounds/amt.jpg Window_OpenClose_Animation Window_OpenClose_Animation 0 128r 1280 128 floor.png Control.IsVisible(4000) VisibleFadeEffect WindowOpen Control.IsVisible(4000) VisibleFadeEffect WindowOpen 265 60 750 600 ContentPanel.png 265 645 750 600 keep ContentPanel.png 0 0 1280 720 ContentPanel2.png VisibleFadeEffect [Control.IsVisible(50) | Control.IsVisible(51)] + Control.IsVisible(3000) Page Count Label 40r 30r 500 20 font12 grey2 false right center Window_OpenClose_Animation 50 670 640 3 horizontal Control.IsVisible(50) | Control.IsVisible(51) Trailer Favorite Overlay 40 40 keep amt-overlay-favorite.png Trailer Watched Overlay 40 40 keep amt-overlay-watched.png Trailer Saved Overlay 40 40 keep amt-overlay-saved.png Trailer Rating 100 40 keep 440 80 760 400 9000 2050 50 50 list 2050 200 0 0 760 41 MenuItemNF.png 10 0 740 40 font13 grey2 selected left center 750 0 500 40 font12 grey2 selected right center 0 0 760 41 MenuItemNF.png !Control.HasFocus(50) VisibleFadeEffect 0 0 760 41 MenuItemFO.png Control.HasFocus(50) VisibleFadeEffect 10 0 740 40 font13 white selected left center 560 5 200 31 MediaItemDetailBG.png Control.HasFocus(50) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Label2) 750 0 500 40 font12 grey2 selected right center 70 70 Control.IsVisible(50) 0 0 300 420 stretch IconCrossfadeTime button-nofocus.png 4 $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon] 0 0 200 230 stretch GlassOverlay.png AAFFFFFF 215 380 100 50 keep $INFO[ListItem.Overlay] 1210 80 25 400 ScrollBarV.png ScrollBarV_bar.png ScrollBarV_bar_focus.png ScrollBarNib.png ScrollBarNib.png 50 2059 false vertical Control.IsVisible(50) Control.IsVisible(50) 100 500 800 60 stretch GlassTitleBar.png 50 510 400 30 font24_title blue black true left center Description Value for Movies 50 540 850 125 font12 justify white 2059 Skin.HasSetting(AutoScroll) Control.IsVisible(50) 910 540 25 125 ScrollBarV.png ScrollBarV_bar.png ScrollBarV_bar_focus.png ScrollBarNib.png ScrollBarNib.png 2050 60 false vertical 940 515 4 170 stretch separator_vertical.png 970 510 400 30 font24_title blue black true left center Cast List 970 540 260 125 121 121 70 70 list - 200 Control.IsVisible(50) 0 0 270 25 font12 center green left ListItem.Label 0 0 270 25 font12 center green left ListItem.Label -123 80 1526 460 51 51 9000 2051 list 2051 200 3 horizontal 2 40 214 310 stretch button-nofocus.png 4 $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon] -2 36 222 318 stretch ThumbBorder.png 8 $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon] focus unfocus 6 44 170 180 stretch GlassOverlay.png focus unfocus 140 305 80 50 keep $INFO[ListItem.Overlay] Control.IsVisible(51) VisibleFadeEffect 100 500 800 60 stretch GlassTitleBar.png 0 530 1280 35 font30_title white true center center 0 580 1280 35 font30 white true center center 200 470 880 25 ScrollBarH.png ScrollBarH_bar.png ScrollBarH_bar_focus.png ScrollBarNib.png ScrollBarNib.png 51 9000 false horizontal Control.IsVisible(51) VisibleFadeEffect Catagory Chooser List 295 78 690 561 9000 2060 60 60 list 2060 200 0 0 690 41 MenuItemNF.png 10 4 40 32 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] 60 0 610 40 font13 grey2 selected left center 670 0 400 40 font12 grey2 selected right center 0 0 690 41 MenuItemNF.png !Control.HasFocus(60) VisibleFadeEffect 0 0 690 41 MenuItemFO.png Control.HasFocus(60) VisibleFadeEffect 490 5 200 31 MediaItemDetailBG.png Control.HasFocus(60) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Label2) 10 4 40 32 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] 60 0 610 40 font13 white selected left center 670 0 400 40 font12 grey2 selected right center 980 85 25 550 ScrollBarV.png ScrollBarV_bar.png ScrollBarV_bar_focus.png ScrollBarNib.png ScrollBarNib.png 60 9000 false vertical ScrollOffsetLabel Conditional WindowClose WindowClose WindowOpen 0 0 1 720 MediaBladeSub_Part1.png Conditional 1 0 12 720 MediaBladeSub_Part2.png Conditional -220 0 conditional conditional WindowClose conditional Fake button for mouse control -15 0 245 720 - - - true 185 200 40 40 MediaSubSet.png 10 250 240 550 9000 50 9010 9010 0 220 45 font12caps dialogheader center center Shortcut1 Button ButtonMediaSubCommonValues Shortcut2 Button ButtonMediaSubCommonValues Shortcut3 Button ButtonMediaSubCommonValues 220 45 font12caps dialogheader center center Genre Button ButtonMediaSubCommonValues Studio Button ButtonMediaSubCommonValues Actor Button ButtonMediaSubCommonValues Update Button ButtonMediaSubCommonValues false BehindDialogFadeOut Fake button for mouse control -250 0 265 720 - - - true SideBladeLeft LOGO -230 50 220 80 keep Confluence_Logo.png -250 130 CommonNowPlaying View As button 0 0 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 611 98 !Control.IsVisible(4000) Section links 0 40 ButtonCommonValues 18 18 222 12 HomeHasSub.png HomeHasSub.png 50 9010 2 106 Search Button 0 80 ButtonCommonValues Setfocus(50) 50 50 98 107 Settings Button 0 120 ButtonCommonValues Setfocus(50) 50 50 106 610 Fake Button to fix Player Controls Navigation 107 603 false 0 260 CommonNowPlaying_Controls Fake Button to fix Player Controls Navigation 608 2 false 0 130 20 0 WindowClose WindowOpen 0 0 250 35 header.png WindowTitleCommons 220 300 0 VisibleFadeEffect WindowClose WindowOpen 0 0 250 35 header.png WindowTitleCommons 220 Clock Credits Button false Plot Button false Cast Button false number of files text label false Trailer Label false Plot Value false number of files text label false