32 no Normal Default Background Image 0 0 1280 720 scale $INFO[Skin.CurrentTheme,special://skin/backgrounds/,.jpg] ![Skin.HasSetting(UseCustomBackground) + !IsEmpty(Skin.String(CustomBackgroundPath))] VisibleFadeEffect User Set Background Image 0 0 1280 720 scale $INFO[Skin.String(CustomBackgroundPath)] Skin.HasSetting(UseCustomBackground) + !IsEmpty(Skin.String(CustomBackgroundPath)) VisibleFadeEffect !Control.IsVisible(11) + !Control.IsVisible(12) 0 0 1280 720 special://skin/backgrounds/media-overlay.png Player.HasVideo + !Skin.HasSetting(ShowBackgroundVideo) 0 0 1280 720 Player.HasAudio + !Skin.HasSetting(ShowBackgroundVis) 0 0 1280 720 Player.HasVideo + !Skin.HasSetting(ShowBackgroundVideo) ContentPanelBackgroundsPVR MainWindowMouseButtons Section header image 20 3 35 35 keep icon_video.png 65 5 1000 30 horizontal left 5 WindowTitleCommons WindowTitleCommons WindowTitleCommons Empty so we can pass the values up one level False Empty so we can pass the values up one level False Small Media Window 530 80 Control.IsVisible(11) | Control.IsVisible(12) VisibleFadeEffect Window_OpenClose_Animation 0 0 690 400 button-nofocus.png 5 5 680 390 $INFO[Skin.String(Home_Custom_Back_TV_Folder)] VisibleFadeEffect !Player.HasVideo 5 5 680 390 Player.HasVideo WindowClose 1 1 688 35 black-back.png DDFFFFFF Player.HasVideo Current Video label 30 1 650 35 font12 grey2 center center Player.HasVideo Window_OpenClose_Animation EPGTimelineView--> LiveTVChannelView LiveRadioChannelView LiveTVRecordingsView LiveTVTimersView LiveTVGuideChannelView LiveTVGuideNowNextView LiveTVSearchView CommonNowPlaying BehindDialogFadeOut ScrollOffsetLabel 0 0 1280 720 black-back.png Visible Hidden Window.IsActive(FileBrowser) | Window.IsActive(PVRGuideInfo) | Window.IsActive(PVRRecordingInfo) | Window.IsActive(PVRTimerSetting) | Window.IsActive(PVRGroupManager) | Window.IsActive(PVRGuideSearch) -250 SideBladeLeft 0 110 250 600 9000 50 9000 9000 0 250 35 font12caps blue center center TV Channels 0 0 235 ButtonCommonValues Radio Channels 0 40 235 ButtonCommonValues 12 12 TV Guide 0 80 235 ButtonCommonValues Recordings 0 120 235 ButtonCommonValues Timers 0 160 235 ButtonCommonValues Search 0 200 235 ButtonCommonValues CommonNowPlaying_Controls Clock