9000 no SetProperty(VideosDirectLink,True) ClearProperty(VideosDirectLink) CommonBackground 0 90r 1280 90 floor.png WindowOpen WindowClose LOGO 10 5 120 49 keep kodi-logo.png VisibleFadeEffect Window_OpenClose_Animation !Skin.HasSetting(homepageWeatherinfo) 0 60 Player.HasAudio + !Skin.HasSetting(homepageMusicinfo) + IsEmpty(Window(videolibrary).Property(PlayingBackgroundMedia)) VisibleFadeEffect Window_OpenClose_Animation Cover image 20 45 130 295 keep $INFO[Player.Art(thumb)] ThumbBorder.png 5 Album Label 170 265 25 1000 left center font12 white black Title label 170 285 30 1000 left center font13_title white black Time Label 170 310 30 300 left center font12 white black 490r 70 Container(9000).HasFocus(12) + [PVR.IsRecording | PVR.HasNonRecordingTimer] VisibleFadeEffect Window_OpenClose_Animation conditional conditional PVR.HasNonRecordingTimer 0 -5 490 90 gradient.png 400 0 80 80 keep $INFO[PVR.NextRecordingChannelIcon] ThumbBorder.png 4 365 5 25 25 keep PVR-HasTimer.png Next Timer Header label -45 5 25 400 right center font12_title blue black NextRecordingDateTime -10 30 25 400 right center font12 true black NextRecordingTitle Channel -410 50 25 800 right center font12_title black true PVR.IsRecording 0 -5 490 90 gradient.png 400 0 80 80 keep $INFO[PVR.NowRecordingChannelIcon] ThumbBorder.png 4 360 5 30 25 keep PVR-IsRecording.png Is Recording Header label -50 5 25 400 right center font12_title blue black NextRecordingDateTime -10 30 25 400 right center font12 true black NextRecordingTitle Channel -410 50 30 800 right center font12_title black true 0 50 Player.HasVideo + !Skin.HasSetting(homepageVideoinfo) + IsEmpty(Window(videolibrary).Property(PlayingBackgroundMedia)) VisibleFadeEffect Window_OpenClose_Animation !VideoPlayer.Content(Movies) + !VideoPlayer.Content(Episodes) + !VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) Cover image 20 45 150 300 keep $INFO[Player.Art(thumb)] ThumbBorder.png 5 Title label 190 285 30 1000 left center font13_title white black Time Label 190 310 30 300 left center font12 white black VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) Cover image 20 45 120 300 keep $INFO[Player.Art(thumb)] ThumbBorder.png 5 Channel label 160 265 25 660 left center font12 white black Title label 160 285 30 1000 left center font13_title white black Time Label 160 310 30 300 left center font12 white black VideoPlayer.Content(Movies) Cover image 20 45 120 300 keep $INFO[Player.Art(thumb)] ThumbBorder.png 5 Studio label 160 265 25 1000 left center font12 white black Title label 160 285 30 1000 left center font13_title white black Time Label 160 310 30 300 left center font12 white black VideoPlayer.Content(Episodes) Cover image 20 225 180 120 scale $INFO[Player.Art(thumb)] ThumbBorder.png 5 TV Show Season Ep Label 210 265 25 1000 left center font12 white black Title label 210 285 30 1000 left center font13_title white black Time Label 210 310 30 300 left center font12 white black HomeRecentlyAddedInfo Hidden Button to pass through navigation when recently added is disabled -20 -20 1 1 - - - 9000 9000 20 608 false Controls for currently playing media 545r 370 conditional IsEmpty(Window(videolibrary).Property(PlayingBackgroundMedia)) Background End image 0 0 35 35 CCFFFFFF HomeSubEnd.png Conditional CCFFFFFF Global Search 35 0 35 145 150 10 left center font12 grey2 white HomeSubFO.png HomeSubNF.png false RunScript(script.globalsearch) icon_search.png icon_search.png icon_search.png icon_search.png 607 601 9003 9000 System.HasAddon(script.globalsearch) 180 9003 9000 - Player.HasMedia Background image 0 0 205 35 HomeSubNF.png CCFFFFFF !VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) 10 2 30 30 OSDPrevTrackFO.png OSDPrevTrackNF.png 608 602 9003 9000 PlayerControl(Previous) 40 2 30 30 OSDRewindFO.png OSDRewindNF.png 601 603 9003 9000 PlayerControl(Rewind) 70 2 30 30 OSDPauseFO.png OSDPauseNF.png Player.Paused | Player.Forwarding | Player.Rewinding OSDPlayFO.png OSDPlayNF.png 602 604 9003 9000 PlayerControl(Play) 100 2 30 30 OSDStopFO.png OSDStopNF.png 603 605 9003 9000 down PlayerControl(Stop) 130 2 30 30 OSDForwardFO.png OSDForwardNF.png 604 606 9003 9000 PlayerControl(Forward) 160 2 30 30 OSDNextTrackFO.png OSDNextTrackNF.png 605 607 9003 9000 PlayerControl(Next) VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) 10 2 30 30 OSDChannelUPFO.png OSDChannelUPNF.png 608 602 9003 9000 ChannelDown 40 2 30 30 OSDChannelDownFO.png OSDChannelDownNF.png 601 603 9003 9000 ChannelUp 70 2 30 30 OSDStopFO.png OSDStopNF.png 602 604 9003 9000 down PlayerControl(Stop) 100 2 30 30 OSDPauseFO.png OSDPauseNF.png Player.Paused | Player.Forwarding | Player.Rewinding OSDPlayFO.png OSDPlayNF.png 603 606 9003 9000 PlayerControl(Play) Player.PauseEnabled Conditional 160 2 30 30 OSDRecordOffFO.png OSDRecordOffNF.png 604 607 9003 9000 PlayerControl(record) CCFFFFFF Go to fullscreen Playback 385 0 35 160 150 10 left center font12 grey2 white HomeSubFO.png HomeSubNF.png false fullscreen GoFullscreen.png GoFullscreen.png GoFullscreen.png GoFullscreen.png 606 608 9003 9000 Player.HasMedia 400 0 70 9000 9002 HomeSubMenuCommonValues 9010 9010 Container(9000).HasFocus(2) HomeSubMenuVideos HomeSubMenuCommonValues 9016 9016 Container(9000).HasFocus(10) HomeSubMenuMovies HomeSubMenuCommonValues 9017 9017 Container(9000).HasFocus(11) HomeSubMenuTVShows HomeSubMenuCommonValues 9011 9011 Container(9000).HasFocus(3) HomeSubMenuMusic HomeSubMenuCommonValues 9012 9012 Container(9000).HasFocus(5) HomeSubMenuSystem HomeSubMenuCommonValues 9013 9013 Container(9000).HasFocus(6) HomeSubMenuPlayDisc HomeSubMenuCommonValues 9014 9014 Container(9000).HasFocus(12) HomeSubMenuTV HomeSubMenuCommonValues 9013 9013 Container(9000).HasFocus(4) HomeSubMenuPictures HomeSubMenuCommonValues 9014 9014 Container(9000).HasFocus(13) HomeSubMenuRadio -100 0 1480 75 HomeBack.png 0 5 1280 6 HomeOverlay1.png -110 5 1500 60 9000 9000 608 603 9001 - 300 2 1 Horizontal 0 4 1 52 HomeSeperator.png 299 4 1 52 HomeSeperator.png 5 0 290 60 font_MainMenu grey3 center center 0 4 1 52 HomeSeperator.png 299 4 1 52 HomeSeperator.png 5 0 290 60 font_MainMenu grey3 center center 5 0 290 60 font_MainMenu blue center center Control.HasFocus(9000) VisibleFadeEffect ActivateWindow(Weather) - - !Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoWeatherButton) + !IsEmpty(Weather.Plugin) ActivateWindow(Pictures) - - !Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoPicturesButton) ActivateWindow(RadioChannels) - - PVR.HasRadioChannels ActivateWindow(TVChannels) - - PVR.HasTVChannels ActivateWindow(Videos) ActivateWindow(Videos,root) - - !Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoVideosButton) ActivateWindow(Videos,MovieTitles,return) - - !Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoMovieButton) + Library.HasContent(Movies) ActivateWindow(Videos,TVShowTitles,return) - - !Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoTVShowButton) + Library.HasContent(TVShows) ActivateWindow(Music) - - !Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoMusicButton) ActivateWindow(Programs,Addons,return) ActivateWindow(Programs) - - !Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoProgramsButton) PlayDVD() - - System.HasMediaDVD ActivateWindow(Settings) - - 0 6 128 63 SideFade.png 128r 6 128 63 SideFade.png 9001 20 conditional Container(9000).HasFocus(2) | Container(9000).HasFocus(10) | Container(9000).HasFocus(11) 700 700 9001 20 HomeAddonsCommonLayout HomeAddonItemsVideos conditional Container(9000).HasFocus(3) 703 703 9001 20 HomeAddonsCommonLayout HomeAddonItemsMusic conditional Container(9000).HasFocus(4) 704 704 9001 20 HomeAddonsCommonLayout HomeAddonItemsPictures conditional Container(9000).HasFocus(1) 705 705 9001 20 HomeAddonsCommonLayout HomeAddonItemsPrograms 0 33r system.getbool(lookandfeel.enablerssfeeds) Window_OpenClose_Animation RSS feed 100 0 30 1145 font12 1 blue blue white RSS background 1250 2 24 24 icon-rss.png 20 55r Window_OpenClose_Animation Power push button 55 0 45 45 - ActivateWindow(ShutdownMenu) floor_buttonFO.png floor_button.png 21 21 9002 9003 Power Icon 60 5 35 35 keep icon_power.png Favourites push button 0 0 45 45 - ActivateWindow(Favourites) floor_buttonFO.png floor_button.png 20 20 9002 9003 Favourites Icon 5 5 35 35 keep icon_favourites.png 20 0 Skin.HasSetting(homepageWeatherinfo) + !IsEmpty(Weather.Plugin) Window_OpenClose_Animation Weather image 0 0 60 60 keep $INFO[Weather.Conditions] Location label 65 5 500 15 left center font10 white black 65 20 1000 30 horizontal left 0 Temp label auto 30 left center font28_title white black Temp Units auto 22 font10 center white black !IsEmpty(Window(Weather).Property(Current.Temperature)) Conditions Label 500 22 font10 center grey2 black Clock Date label 20 35 300 15 right center font10 white black Window_OpenClose_Animation conditional