8 no !Window.IsVisible(FileBrowser) WindowOpen WindowClose 180 0 1100 720 MediaBladeSub.png Close Window button 230 0 64 32 - PreviousMenu DialogCloseButton-focus.png DialogCloseButton.png 9000 9000 9000 9000 system.getbool(input.enablemouse) WindowOpen WindowClose header label 210 40 1030 30 font24_title center center white black Media Codec Flagging Images 200 480 600 left 2 horizontal VisibleFadeEffect !Control.IsVisible(50) + [Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Episodes) | Container.Content(MusicVideos)] VideoCodecFlaggingConditions AudioCodecFlaggingConditions AudioChannelsFlaggingConditions AspectCodecFlaggingConditions VideoStereoscopicsFlaggingConditions VideoTypeHackFlaggingConditions Control.HasFocus(12) 90 387 VisibleFadeEffect Current Fanart image 0 0 675 380 $INFO[ListItem.Art(fanart)] button-nofocus.png 4 keep !IsEmpty(Listitem.Art(fanart)) IsEmpty(Listitem.Art(fanart)) No Fanart Back 0 0 675 380 Fanart_Fallback_Small.jpg button-nofocus.png 4 stretch 99FFFFFF 0 0 675 380 font30_title white black center center 90 387 Control.HasFocus(15) VisibleFadeEffect Border 0 0 675 380 button-nofocus.png background 5 5 665 370 black-back.png 0 0 675 380 font30_title grey2 black center center !Player.HasVideo No Fanart Back 5 5 665 370 Player.HasVideo [!container.content(tvshows) + !container.content(episodes) + !container.content(musicvideos)] + ![Control.HasFocus(12) | Control.HasFocus(15)] 90 210 VisibleFadeEffect 0 0 270 380 stretch button-nofocus.png 4 $VAR[PosterThumb] 4 4 200 230 stretch GlassOverlay.png AAFFFFFF 290 20 740 330 49 49 9000 61 - 200 5 0 160 30 font13 right center blue selected ListItem.Label 175 0 565 30 font13 left center white white ListItem.Label2 0 0 740 30 Control.HasFocus(49) MenuItemFO.png VisibleFadeEffect 5 0 160 30 font13 right center blue selected ListItem.Label 175 0 565 30 font13 left center white white ListItem.Label2 $INFO[ListItem.OriginalTitle] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.OriginalTitle) + !stringcompare(ListItem.OriginalTitle,Listitem.Title) $INFO[ListItem.Director] SendClick(2003,13) !IsEmpty(ListItem.Director) $INFO[ListItem.Writer] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer) $INFO[ListItem.Studio] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Studio) $INFO[ListItem.Genre] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Genre) $INFO[ListItem.Year] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Year) $INFO[ListItem.Duration] $LOCALIZE[12391] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Duration) $INFO[ListItem.RatingAndVotes] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.RatingAndVotes) $INFO[ListItem.TagLine] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.TagLine) $INFO[ListItem.PlotOutline] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.PlotOutline) $INFO[ListItem.mpaa] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.mpaa) $INFO[ListItem.FilenameAndPath] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.FilenameAndPath) 290 370 740 4 stretch separator.png Container.Content(TVShows) + !Control.HasFocus(12) 90 210 VisibleFadeEffect 0 0 270 380 stretch button-nofocus.png 4 $VAR[PosterThumb] 4 4 200 230 stretch GlassOverlay.png AAFFFFFF 290 20 740 330 49 49 9000 61 - 200 5 0 160 30 font13 right center blue selected ListItem.Label 175 0 565 30 font13 left center white white ListItem.Label2 0 0 740 30 Control.HasFocus(49) MenuItemFO.png VisibleFadeEffect 5 0 160 30 font13 right center blue selected ListItem.Label 175 0 565 30 font13 left center white white ListItem.Label2 $INFO[listitem.episode] [COLOR=grey] ($INFO[ListItem.Property(WatchedEpisodes),, $LOCALIZE[16102]] - $INFO[ListItem.Property(UnWatchedEpisodes), , $LOCALIZE[16101]])[/COLOR] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Episode) $INFO[ListItem.Premiered] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Premiered) $INFO[ListItem.Genre] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Genre) $INFO[ListItem.Year] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Year) $INFO[ListItem.RatingAndVotes] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.RatingAndVotes) $INFO[ListItem.FilenameAndPath] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.FilenameAndPath) 290 370 740 4 stretch separator.png container.content(episodes) + !Control.HasFocus(12) 90 210 VisibleFadeEffect 0 0 380 250 keep button-nofocus.png 4 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] 0 250 380 250 keep button-nofocus.png 4 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] 390 20 640 330 49 49 9000 61 - 200 5 0 160 30 font13 right center blue selected ListItem.Label 175 0 465 30 font13 left center white white ListItem.Label2 0 0 640 30 Control.HasFocus(49) MenuItemFO.png VisibleFadeEffect 5 0 160 30 font13 right center blue selected ListItem.Label 175 0 465 30 font13 left center white white ListItem.Label2 $INFO[ListItem.TVShowTitle] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.TVShowTitle) $INFO[ListItem.Season] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Season) $INFO[ListItem.Episode] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Episode) $INFO[ListItem.Premiered] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Premiered) $INFO[ListItem.Genre] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Genre) $INFO[ListItem.Director] SendClick(2003,13) !IsEmpty(ListItem.Director) $INFO[ListItem.Writer] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer) $INFO[ListItem.Year] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Year) $INFO[ListItem.Duration] $LOCALIZE[12391] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Duration) $INFO[ListItem.RatingAndVotes] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.RatingAndVotes) $INFO[ListItem.FilenameAndPath] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.FilenameAndPath) 290 370 740 4 stretch separator.png container.content(musicvideos) + !Control.HasFocus(12) 90 210 VisibleFadeEffect 0 0 380 360 keep button-nofocus.png 4 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] 390 20 640 330 49 49 9000 61 - 200 5 0 160 30 font13 right center blue selected ListItem.Label 175 0 465 30 font13 left center white white ListItem.Label2 0 0 640 30 Control.HasFocus(49) MenuItemFO.png VisibleFadeEffect 5 0 160 30 font13 right center blue selected ListItem.Label 175 0 465 30 font13 left center white white ListItem.Label2 $INFO[ListItem.Artist] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Artist) $INFO[ListItem.Album] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Album) $INFO[ListItem.Genre] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Genre) $INFO[ListItem.Studio] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Studio) $INFO[ListItem.Writer] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer) $INFO[ListItem.Director] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Director) $INFO[ListItem.Year] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Year) $INFO[ListItem.Duration] $LOCALIZE[12391] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.Duration) $INFO[ListItem.FilenameAndPath] noop !IsEmpty(ListItem.FilenameAndPath) 390 370 640 4 stretch separator.png 130 480 400 30 font13_title grey2 black true right center Control.IsVisible(400) 130 480 400 30 font13_title grey2 black true right center Control.IsVisible(50) Next page button 120r 485 page - 61 61 9000 49 - true Description Value for Movies 210 527 1030 120 font13 justify white 61 !Control.HasFocus(61) + Skin.HasSetting(AutoScroll) !Control.IsVisible(50) Actor image 210 480 160 160 $INFO[Container(50).Listitem.Icon] keep Control.IsVisible(50) 380 520 860 120 9000 61 61 9000 list 61 200 vertical 0 0 430 40 button-nofocus.png Actor and Role 10 0 410 40 font12 left center white 0 0 430 40 !Control.HasFocus(50) button-nofocus.png 0 0 430 40 Control.HasFocus(50) button-focus2.png Actor and Role 10 0 410 40 font12 left center white 210 660 1030 40 2 center horizontal 9000 9000 50 49 Play/browse to Show ButtonInfoDialogsCommonValues button-focus.png button-nofocus.png 1024 Container.Content(TVShows) Cast/Review ButtonInfoDialogsCommonValues Refresh ButtonInfoDialogsCommonValues Get Thumb ButtonInfoDialogsCommonValues Play Trailer ButtonInfoDialogsCommonValues !IsEmpty(ListItem.Trailer) + !Skin.HasSetting(WindowedTrailer) Play Trailer Windowed ButtonInfoDialogsCommonValues PlayMedia($INFO[ListItem.Trailer],1) !IsEmpty(ListItem.Trailer) + Skin.HasSetting(WindowedTrailer) Fetch TvTunes stuff ButtonInfoDialogsCommonValues RunScript(script.tvtunes,mode=solo) Skin.HasSetting(ActivateTvTunes) + System.HasAddon(script.tvtunes) + [Container.Content(TVShows) | Container.Content(movies) | Container.Content(musicvideos)] + IsEmpty(Window(movieinformation).Property("TvTunes_HideVideoInfoButton")) Clock