Universal Scraper for Artists 通用艺术家信息刮削器 This scraper collects information from the following supported sites: TheAudioDb.com, MusicBrainz, last.fm, and allmusic.com, while grabs artwork from: fanart.tv, htbackdrops.com, last.fm and allmusic.com. It can be set field by field that from which site you want that specific information. The initial search is always done on MusicBrainz. In case allmusic link is not added on the MusicBrainz site fields from allmusic.com cannot be fetched (very easy to add those missing links though). 本刮削器支持从以下网站获取信息:TheAudioDb.com、MusicBrainz、last.fm和allmusic.com,并从以下网站获取艺术图片:fanart.tv、htbackdrops.com、last.fm和allmusic.com。你可以指定每一项内容的来源网站。 初始结果总是先从MusicBrainz获取,如果MusicBrainz网站未加入到allmusic的外部链接,则无法获取allmusic.com的信息(当然你能很容易地加入缺失的链接)。 all