#pragma once /* * Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Team XBMC * http://xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, see * . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "xbmc_pvr_types.h" #include "libXBMC_addon.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define PVR_HELPER_DLL "\\library.xbmc.pvr\\libXBMC_pvr" ADDON_HELPER_EXT #else #define PVR_HELPER_DLL_NAME "libXBMC_pvr-" ADDON_HELPER_ARCH ADDON_HELPER_EXT #define PVR_HELPER_DLL "/library.xbmc.pvr/" PVR_HELPER_DLL_NAME #endif #define DVD_TIME_BASE 1000000 #define DVD_NOPTS_VALUE (-1LL<<52) // should be possible to represent in both double and __int64 class CHelper_libXBMC_pvr { public: CHelper_libXBMC_pvr(void) { m_libXBMC_pvr = NULL; m_Handle = NULL; } ~CHelper_libXBMC_pvr(void) { if (m_libXBMC_pvr) { PVR_unregister_me(m_Handle, m_Callbacks); dlclose(m_libXBMC_pvr); } } /*! * @brief Resolve all callback methods * @param handle Pointer to the add-on * @return True when all methods were resolved, false otherwise. */ bool RegisterMe(void* handle) { m_Handle = handle; std::string libBasePath; libBasePath = ((cb_array*)m_Handle)->libPath; libBasePath += PVR_HELPER_DLL; #if defined(ANDROID) struct stat st; if(stat(libBasePath.c_str(),&st) != 0) { std::string tempbin = getenv("XBMC_ANDROID_LIBS"); libBasePath = tempbin + "/" + PVR_HELPER_DLL_NAME; } #endif m_libXBMC_pvr = dlopen(libBasePath.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY); if (m_libXBMC_pvr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_register_me = (void* (*)(void *HANDLE)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_register_me"); if (PVR_register_me == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_unregister_me = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_unregister_me"); if (PVR_unregister_me == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_transfer_epg_entry = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const EPG_TAG *epgentry)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_transfer_epg_entry"); if (PVR_transfer_epg_entry == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_transfer_channel_entry = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL *chan)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_transfer_channel_entry"); if (PVR_transfer_channel_entry == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_transfer_timer_entry = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_TIMER *timer)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_transfer_timer_entry"); if (PVR_transfer_timer_entry == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_transfer_recording_entry = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_RECORDING *recording)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_transfer_recording_entry"); if (PVR_transfer_recording_entry == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_add_menu_hook = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, PVR_MENUHOOK *hook)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_add_menu_hook"); if (PVR_add_menu_hook == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_recording = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, const char *Name, const char *FileName, bool On)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_recording"); if (PVR_recording == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_trigger_timer_update = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_trigger_timer_update"); if (PVR_trigger_timer_update == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_trigger_recording_update = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_trigger_recording_update"); if (PVR_trigger_recording_update == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_trigger_channel_update = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_trigger_channel_update"); if (PVR_trigger_channel_update == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_trigger_channel_groups_update = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_trigger_channel_groups_update"); if (PVR_trigger_channel_groups_update == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_trigger_epg_update = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, unsigned int iChannelUid)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_trigger_epg_update"); if (PVR_trigger_epg_update == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_transfer_channel_group = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP *group)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_transfer_channel_group"); if (PVR_transfer_channel_group == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_transfer_channel_group_member = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP_MEMBER *member)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_transfer_channel_group_member"); if (PVR_transfer_channel_group_member == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } #ifdef USE_DEMUX PVR_free_demux_packet = (void (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, DemuxPacket* pPacket)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_free_demux_packet"); if (PVR_free_demux_packet == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } PVR_allocate_demux_packet = (DemuxPacket* (*)(void* HANDLE, void* CB, int iDataSize)) dlsym(m_libXBMC_pvr, "PVR_allocate_demux_packet"); if (PVR_allocate_demux_packet == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to assign function %s\n", dlerror()); return false; } #endif m_Callbacks = PVR_register_me(m_Handle); return m_Callbacks != NULL; } /*! * @brief Transfer an EPG tag from the add-on to XBMC * @param handle The handle parameter that XBMC used when requesting the EPG data * @param entry The entry to transfer to XBMC */ void TransferEpgEntry(const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const EPG_TAG* entry) { return PVR_transfer_epg_entry(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, handle, entry); } /*! * @brief Transfer a channel entry from the add-on to XBMC * @param handle The handle parameter that XBMC used when requesting the channel list * @param entry The entry to transfer to XBMC */ void TransferChannelEntry(const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL* entry) { return PVR_transfer_channel_entry(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, handle, entry); } /*! * @brief Transfer a timer entry from the add-on to XBMC * @param handle The handle parameter that XBMC used when requesting the timers list * @param entry The entry to transfer to XBMC */ void TransferTimerEntry(const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_TIMER* entry) { return PVR_transfer_timer_entry(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, handle, entry); } /*! * @brief Transfer a recording entry from the add-on to XBMC * @param handle The handle parameter that XBMC used when requesting the recordings list * @param entry The entry to transfer to XBMC */ void TransferRecordingEntry(const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_RECORDING* entry) { return PVR_transfer_recording_entry(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, handle, entry); } /*! * @brief Transfer a channel group from the add-on to XBMC. The group will be created if it doesn't exist. * @param handle The handle parameter that XBMC used when requesting the channel groups list * @param entry The entry to transfer to XBMC */ void TransferChannelGroup(const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP* entry) { return PVR_transfer_channel_group(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, handle, entry); } /*! * @brief Transfer a channel group member entry from the add-on to XBMC. The channel will be added to the group if the group can be found. * @param handle The handle parameter that XBMC used when requesting the channel group members list * @param entry The entry to transfer to XBMC */ void TransferChannelGroupMember(const ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP_MEMBER* entry) { return PVR_transfer_channel_group_member(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, handle, entry); } /*! * @brief Add or replace a menu hook for the context menu for this add-on * @param hook The hook to add */ void AddMenuHook(PVR_MENUHOOK* hook) { return PVR_add_menu_hook(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, hook); } /*! * @brief Display a notification in XBMC that a recording started or stopped on the server * @param strRecordingName The name of the recording to display * @param strFileName The filename of the recording * @param bOn True when recording started, false when it stopped */ void Recording(const char* strRecordingName, const char* strFileName, bool bOn) { return PVR_recording(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, strRecordingName, strFileName, bOn); } /*! * @brief Request XBMC to update it's list of timers */ void TriggerTimerUpdate(void) { return PVR_trigger_timer_update(m_Handle, m_Callbacks); } /*! * @brief Request XBMC to update it's list of recordings */ void TriggerRecordingUpdate(void) { return PVR_trigger_recording_update(m_Handle, m_Callbacks); } /*! * @brief Request XBMC to update it's list of channels */ void TriggerChannelUpdate(void) { return PVR_trigger_channel_update(m_Handle, m_Callbacks); } /*! * @brief Schedule an EPG update for the given channel channel * @param iChannelUid The unique id of the channel for this add-on */ void TriggerEpgUpdate(unsigned int iChannelUid) { return PVR_trigger_epg_update(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, iChannelUid); } /*! * @brief Request XBMC to update it's list of channel groups */ void TriggerChannelGroupsUpdate(void) { return PVR_trigger_channel_groups_update(m_Handle, m_Callbacks); } #ifdef USE_DEMUX /*! * @brief Free a packet that was allocated with AllocateDemuxPacket * @param pPacket The packet to free */ void FreeDemuxPacket(DemuxPacket* pPacket) { return PVR_free_demux_packet(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, pPacket); } /*! * @brief Allocate a demux packet. Free with FreeDemuxPacket * @param iDataSize The size of the data that will go into the packet * @return The allocated packet */ DemuxPacket* AllocateDemuxPacket(int iDataSize) { return PVR_allocate_demux_packet(m_Handle, m_Callbacks, iDataSize); } #endif protected: void* (*PVR_register_me)(void*); void (*PVR_unregister_me)(void*, void*); void (*PVR_transfer_epg_entry)(void*, void*, const ADDON_HANDLE, const EPG_TAG*); void (*PVR_transfer_channel_entry)(void*, void*, const ADDON_HANDLE, const PVR_CHANNEL*); void (*PVR_transfer_timer_entry)(void*, void*, const ADDON_HANDLE, const PVR_TIMER*); void (*PVR_transfer_recording_entry)(void*, void*, const ADDON_HANDLE, const PVR_RECORDING*); void (*PVR_add_menu_hook)(void*, void*, PVR_MENUHOOK*); void (*PVR_recording)(void*, void*, const char*, const char*, bool); void (*PVR_trigger_channel_update)(void*, void*); void (*PVR_trigger_channel_groups_update)(void*, void*); void (*PVR_trigger_timer_update)(void*, void*); void (*PVR_trigger_recording_update)(void* , void*); void (*PVR_trigger_epg_update)(void*, void*, unsigned int); void (*PVR_transfer_channel_group)(void*, void*, const ADDON_HANDLE, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP*); void (*PVR_transfer_channel_group_member)(void*, void*, const ADDON_HANDLE, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP_MEMBER*); #ifdef USE_DEMUX void (*PVR_free_demux_packet)(void*, void*, DemuxPacket*); DemuxPacket* (*PVR_allocate_demux_packet)(void*, void*, int); #endif private: void* m_libXBMC_pvr; void* m_Handle; void* m_Callbacks; struct cb_array { const char* libPath; }; };