1. Introduction
2. Getting the source code
3. Install required libs
  3.1. Install Xcode
  3.2. Install Cross libs and runtime environment
4. How to compile and run
	4.1 Using XCode
	4.2 Using Command line
5. Gesture Handling on iPad/iPhone/iPod touch

1. Introduction

This is a platform port of XBMC for the Apple iOS operating system. 
The current build system is Xcode 3.2.5 and iOS SDK 4.2 
There are two ways to build XBMC for Mac.

1) command-line or
2) Xcode.

Generally, Xcode is the easiest as it presents the build system in a GUI environment.
The command-line build is still under development.

XBMC for Mac is composed of a main binary with numerous dynamic libraries and
codecs that support a multitude of music and video formats.

NOTE TO NEW OS X USERS: All lines that are prefixed with the '$' character are
commands that need to be typed into a Terminal window. Note that the '$'
character itself should NOT be typed as part of the command.

2. Getting the source code

 $ cd $HOME
 $ git clone git:// xbmc

3.0 Install Xcode
Install latest Xcode. You can download it from Apple's site after registration at
The preferred version is Xcode 3.2.5 and iOS SDK 4.2.

3.1 Install Cross libs and runtime environment

 $ cd $HOME/XBMC
 $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin; sudo cp tools/osx/ios-depends/gas-preprocessor/ /usr/local/bin/
 $ make -C tools/osx/ios-depends

4. How to compile
Both Xcode and Terminal compilation require that build environment be setup
from the step 3.1.

 $ cd $HOME/XBMC
 $ make -C tools/osx/ios-depends/xbmc
 $ make clean
 $ make xcode_depends

4.1 Using Xcode
Start XCode and open the XBMC project (XBMC-IOS.xcodeproj or XBMC-ATV2.xcodeproj)
located in $HOME/XBMC.

There are two relevant build targets : Release and Debug. Compile always for device
end not simulator.

4.2 Using Terminal (command-line)

 $ cd $HOME/XBMC
 $ xcodebuild -project XBMC-IOS.xcodeproj -target XBMC -configuration Release build ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES ARCHS=armv7 VALID_ARCHS=armv7 IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=4.1 SDKROOT=iphoneos4.2


 $ xcodebuild -project XBMC-ATV2.xcodeproj -target XBMC -configuration Release build ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES ARCHS=armv7 VALID_ARCHS=armv7 IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=4.1 SDKROOT=iphoneos4.2

5. Gesture Handling on iPad/iPhone/iPod touch

  Double Tap : Right Mouse Click
  Swipe Left : Backspace
  Swipe Right : Tab