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b/lib/fontconfig_win32/etc/fonts/fonts.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 6f5fe4b0e3..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/etc/fonts/fonts.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - WINDOWSFONTDIR - - ~/.fonts - - - - - mono - - - monospace - - - - - - - sans serif - - - sans-serif - - - - - - - sans - - - sans-serif - - - - - conf.d - - - - WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE - ~/.fontconfig - - - - - 0x0020 - 0x00A0 - 0x00AD - 0x034F - 0x0600 - 0x0601 - 0x0602 - 0x0603 - 0x06DD - 0x070F - 0x115F - 0x1160 - 0x1680 - 0x17B4 - 0x17B5 - 0x180E - 0x2000 - 0x2001 - 0x2002 - 0x2003 - 0x2004 - 0x2005 - 0x2006 - 0x2007 - 0x2008 - 0x2009 - 0x200A - 0x200B - 0x200C - 0x200D - 0x200E - 0x200F - 0x2028 - 0x2029 - 0x202A - 0x202B - 0x202C - 0x202D - 0x202E - 0x202F - 0x205F - 0x2060 - 0x2061 - 0x2062 - 0x2063 - 0x206A - 0x206B - 0x206C - 0x206D - 0x206E - 0x206F - 0x2800 - 0x3000 - 0x3164 - 0xFEFF - 0xFFA0 - 0xFFF9 - 0xFFFA - 0xFFFB - - - - 30 - - - - diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/etc/fonts/fonts.dtd b/lib/fontconfig_win32/etc/fonts/fonts.dtd deleted file mode 100644 index cbdfdab3fb..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/etc/fonts/fonts.dtd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/include/fontconfig/fcfreetype.h b/lib/fontconfig_win32/include/fontconfig/fcfreetype.h deleted file mode 100644 index de9988f65c..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/include/fontconfig/fcfreetype.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -/* - * fontconfig/fontconfig/fcfreetype.h - * - * Copyright © 2001 Keith Packard - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its - * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that - * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that - * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting - * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in - * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without - * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no - * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It - * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. - * - * THE AUTHOR(S) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, - * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO - * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, - * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER - * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR - * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _FCFREETYPE_H_ -#define _FCFREETYPE_H_ -#include -#include FT_FREETYPE_H - -#ifndef FcPublic -#define FcPublic -#endif - -_FCFUNCPROTOBEGIN - -FcPublic FT_UInt -FcFreeTypeCharIndex (FT_Face face, FcChar32 ucs4); - -FcPublic FcCharSet * -FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing (FT_Face face, FcBlanks *blanks, int *spacing); - -FcPublic FcCharSet * -FcFreeTypeCharSet (FT_Face face, FcBlanks *blanks); - -FcPublic FcResult -FcPatternGetFTFace (const FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FT_Face *f); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAddFTFace (FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FT_Face f); - -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcFreeTypeQueryFace (const FT_Face face, - const FcChar8 *file, - int id, - FcBlanks *blanks); - -_FCFUNCPROTOEND - -#endif diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/include/fontconfig/fcprivate.h b/lib/fontconfig_win32/include/fontconfig/fcprivate.h deleted file mode 100644 index ec964fce1a..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/include/fontconfig/fcprivate.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -/* - * fontconfig/fontconfig/fcprivate.h - * - * Copyright © 2001 Keith Packard - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its - * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that - * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that - * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting - * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in - * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without - * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no - * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It - * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. - * - * THE AUTHOR(S) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, - * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO - * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, - * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER - * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR - * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _FCPRIVATE_H_ -#define _FCPRIVATE_H_ - -/* - * I tried this with functions that took va_list* arguments - * but portability concerns made me change these functions - * into macros (sigh). - */ - -#define FcPatternVapBuild(result, orig, va) \ -{ \ - FcPattern *__p__ = (orig); \ - const char *__o__; \ - FcValue __v__; \ - \ - if (!__p__) \ - { \ - __p__ = FcPatternCreate (); \ - if (!__p__) \ - goto _FcPatternVapBuild_bail0; \ - } \ - for (;;) \ - { \ - __o__ = va_arg (va, const char *); \ - if (!__o__) \ - break; \ - __v__.type = va_arg (va, FcType); \ - switch (__v__.type) { \ - case FcTypeVoid: \ - goto _FcPatternVapBuild_bail1; \ - case FcTypeInteger: \ - __v__.u.i = va_arg (va, int); \ - break; \ - case FcTypeDouble: \ - __v__.u.d = va_arg (va, double); \ - break; \ - case FcTypeString: \ - __v__.u.s = va_arg (va, const FcChar8 *); \ - break; \ - case FcTypeBool: \ - __v__.u.b = va_arg (va, FcBool); \ - break; \ - case FcTypeMatrix: \ - __v__.u.m = va_arg (va, const FcMatrix *); \ - break; \ - case FcTypeCharSet: \ - __v__.u.c = va_arg (va, const FcCharSet *); \ - break; \ - case FcTypeFTFace: \ - __v__.u.f = va_arg (va, FT_Face); \ - break; \ - case FcTypeLangSet: \ - __v__.u.l = va_arg (va, const FcLangSet *); \ - break; \ - } \ - if (!FcPatternAdd (__p__, __o__, __v__, FcTrue)) \ - goto _FcPatternVapBuild_bail1; \ - } \ - result = __p__; \ - goto _FcPatternVapBuild_return; \ - \ -_FcPatternVapBuild_bail1: \ - if (!orig) \ - FcPatternDestroy (__p__); \ -_FcPatternVapBuild_bail0: \ - result = (void*)0; \ - \ -_FcPatternVapBuild_return: \ - ; \ -} - - -#define FcObjectSetVapBuild(__ret__, __first__, __va__) \ -{ \ - FcObjectSet *__os__; \ - const char *__ob__; \ - \ - __ret__ = 0; \ - __os__ = FcObjectSetCreate (); \ - if (!__os__) \ - goto _FcObjectSetVapBuild_bail0; \ - __ob__ = __first__; \ - while (__ob__) \ - { \ - if (!FcObjectSetAdd (__os__, __ob__)) \ - goto _FcObjectSetVapBuild_bail1; \ - __ob__ = va_arg (__va__, const char *); \ - } \ - __ret__ = __os__; \ - \ -_FcObjectSetVapBuild_bail1: \ - if (!__ret__ && __os__) \ - FcObjectSetDestroy (__os__); \ -_FcObjectSetVapBuild_bail0: \ - ; \ -} - -#endif /* _FCPRIVATE_H_ */ - diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/include/fontconfig/fontconfig.h b/lib/fontconfig_win32/include/fontconfig/fontconfig.h deleted file mode 100644 index a0f8de51c2..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/include/fontconfig/fontconfig.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,963 +0,0 @@ -/* - * fontconfig/fontconfig/fontconfig.h - * - * Copyright © 2001 Keith Packard - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its - * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that - * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that - * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting - * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in - * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without - * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no - * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It - * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. - * - * THE AUTHOR(S) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, - * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO - * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, - * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER - * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR - * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _FONTCONFIG_H_ -#define _FONTCONFIG_H_ - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) -#define FC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTINEL(x) __attribute__((__sentinel__(0))) -#else -#define FC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTINEL(x) -#endif - -#ifndef FcPublic -#define FcPublic -#endif - -typedef unsigned char FcChar8; -typedef unsigned short FcChar16; -typedef unsigned int FcChar32; -typedef int FcBool; - -/* - * Current Fontconfig version number. This same number - * must appear in the fontconfig file. Yes, - * it'a a pain to synchronize version numbers like this. - */ - -#define FC_MAJOR 2 -#define FC_MINOR 7 -#define FC_REVISION 3 - -#define FC_VERSION ((FC_MAJOR * 10000) + (FC_MINOR * 100) + (FC_REVISION)) - -/* - * Current font cache file format version - * This is appended to the cache files so that multiple - * versions of the library will peacefully coexist - * - * Change this value whenever the disk format for the cache file - * changes in any non-compatible way. Try to avoid such changes as - * it means multiple copies of the font information. - */ - -#define FC_CACHE_VERSION "2" - -#define FcTrue 1 -#define FcFalse 0 - -#define FC_FAMILY "family" /* String */ -#define FC_STYLE "style" /* String */ -#define FC_SLANT "slant" /* Int */ -#define FC_WEIGHT "weight" /* Int */ -#define FC_SIZE "size" /* Double */ -#define FC_ASPECT "aspect" /* Double */ -#define FC_PIXEL_SIZE "pixelsize" /* Double */ -#define FC_SPACING "spacing" /* Int */ -#define FC_FOUNDRY "foundry" /* String */ -#define FC_ANTIALIAS "antialias" /* Bool (depends) */ -#define FC_HINTING "hinting" /* Bool (true) */ -#define FC_HINT_STYLE "hintstyle" /* Int */ -#define FC_VERTICAL_LAYOUT "verticallayout" /* Bool (false) */ -#define FC_AUTOHINT "autohint" /* Bool (false) */ -#define FC_GLOBAL_ADVANCE "globaladvance" /* Bool (true) */ -#define FC_WIDTH "width" /* Int */ -#define FC_FILE "file" /* String */ -#define FC_INDEX "index" /* Int */ -#define FC_FT_FACE "ftface" /* FT_Face */ -#define FC_RASTERIZER "rasterizer" /* String */ -#define FC_OUTLINE "outline" /* Bool */ -#define FC_SCALABLE "scalable" /* Bool */ -#define FC_SCALE "scale" /* double */ -#define FC_DPI "dpi" /* double */ -#define FC_RGBA "rgba" /* Int */ -#define FC_MINSPACE "minspace" /* Bool use minimum line spacing */ -#define FC_SOURCE "source" /* String (deprecated) */ -#define FC_CHARSET "charset" /* CharSet */ -#define FC_LANG "lang" /* String RFC 3066 langs */ -#define FC_FONTVERSION "fontversion" /* Int from 'head' table */ -#define FC_FULLNAME "fullname" /* String */ -#define FC_FAMILYLANG "familylang" /* String RFC 3066 langs */ -#define FC_STYLELANG "stylelang" /* String RFC 3066 langs */ -#define FC_FULLNAMELANG "fullnamelang" /* String RFC 3066 langs */ -#define FC_CAPABILITY "capability" /* String */ -#define FC_FONTFORMAT "fontformat" /* String */ -#define FC_EMBOLDEN "embolden" /* Bool - true if emboldening needed*/ -#define FC_EMBEDDED_BITMAP "embeddedbitmap" /* Bool - true to enable embedded bitmaps */ -#define FC_DECORATIVE "decorative" /* Bool - true if style is a decorative variant */ -#define FC_LCD_FILTER "lcdfilter" /* Int */ - -#define FC_CACHE_SUFFIX ".cache-"FC_CACHE_VERSION -#define FC_DIR_CACHE_FILE "fonts.cache-"FC_CACHE_VERSION -#define FC_USER_CACHE_FILE ".fonts.cache-"FC_CACHE_VERSION - -/* Adjust outline rasterizer */ -#define FC_CHAR_WIDTH "charwidth" /* Int */ -#define FC_CHAR_HEIGHT "charheight"/* Int */ -#define FC_MATRIX "matrix" /* FcMatrix */ - -#define FC_WEIGHT_THIN 0 -#define FC_WEIGHT_EXTRALIGHT 40 -#define FC_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT FC_WEIGHT_EXTRALIGHT -#define FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT 50 -#define FC_WEIGHT_BOOK 75 -#define FC_WEIGHT_REGULAR 80 -#define FC_WEIGHT_NORMAL FC_WEIGHT_REGULAR -#define FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM 100 -#define FC_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD 180 -#define FC_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD FC_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD -#define FC_WEIGHT_BOLD 200 -#define FC_WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD 205 -#define FC_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD FC_WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD -#define FC_WEIGHT_BLACK 210 -#define FC_WEIGHT_HEAVY FC_WEIGHT_BLACK -#define FC_WEIGHT_EXTRABLACK 215 -#define FC_WEIGHT_ULTRABLACK FC_WEIGHT_EXTRABLACK - -#define FC_SLANT_ROMAN 0 -#define FC_SLANT_ITALIC 100 -#define FC_SLANT_OBLIQUE 110 - -#define FC_WIDTH_ULTRACONDENSED 50 -#define FC_WIDTH_EXTRACONDENSED 63 -#define FC_WIDTH_CONDENSED 75 -#define FC_WIDTH_SEMICONDENSED 87 -#define FC_WIDTH_NORMAL 100 -#define FC_WIDTH_SEMIEXPANDED 113 -#define FC_WIDTH_EXPANDED 125 -#define FC_WIDTH_EXTRAEXPANDED 150 -#define FC_WIDTH_ULTRAEXPANDED 200 - -#define FC_PROPORTIONAL 0 -#define FC_DUAL 90 -#define FC_MONO 100 -#define FC_CHARCELL 110 - -/* sub-pixel order */ -#define FC_RGBA_UNKNOWN 0 -#define FC_RGBA_RGB 1 -#define FC_RGBA_BGR 2 -#define FC_RGBA_VRGB 3 -#define FC_RGBA_VBGR 4 -#define FC_RGBA_NONE 5 - -/* hinting style */ -#define FC_HINT_NONE 0 -#define FC_HINT_SLIGHT 1 -#define FC_HINT_MEDIUM 2 -#define FC_HINT_FULL 3 - -/* LCD filter */ -#define FC_LCD_NONE 0 -#define FC_LCD_DEFAULT 1 -#define FC_LCD_LIGHT 2 -#define FC_LCD_LEGACY 3 - -typedef enum _FcType { - FcTypeVoid, - FcTypeInteger, - FcTypeDouble, - FcTypeString, - FcTypeBool, - FcTypeMatrix, - FcTypeCharSet, - FcTypeFTFace, - FcTypeLangSet -} FcType; - -typedef struct _FcMatrix { - double xx, xy, yx, yy; -} FcMatrix; - -#define FcMatrixInit(m) ((m)->xx = (m)->yy = 1, \ - (m)->xy = (m)->yx = 0) - -/* - * A data structure to represent the available glyphs in a font. - * This is represented as a sparse boolean btree. - */ - -typedef struct _FcCharSet FcCharSet; - -typedef struct _FcObjectType { - const char *object; - FcType type; -} FcObjectType; - -typedef struct _FcConstant { - const FcChar8 *name; - const char *object; - int value; -} FcConstant; - -typedef enum _FcResult { - FcResultMatch, FcResultNoMatch, FcResultTypeMismatch, FcResultNoId, - FcResultOutOfMemory -} FcResult; - -typedef struct _FcPattern FcPattern; - -typedef struct _FcLangSet FcLangSet; - -typedef struct _FcValue { - FcType type; - union { - const FcChar8 *s; - int i; - FcBool b; - double d; - const FcMatrix *m; - const FcCharSet *c; - void *f; - const FcLangSet *l; - } u; -} FcValue; - -typedef struct _FcFontSet { - int nfont; - int sfont; - FcPattern **fonts; -} FcFontSet; - -typedef struct _FcObjectSet { - int nobject; - int sobject; - const char **objects; -} FcObjectSet; - -typedef enum _FcMatchKind { - FcMatchPattern, FcMatchFont, FcMatchScan -} FcMatchKind; - -typedef enum _FcLangResult { - FcLangEqual = 0, - FcLangDifferentCountry = 1, - FcLangDifferentTerritory = 1, - FcLangDifferentLang = 2 -} FcLangResult; - -typedef enum _FcSetName { - FcSetSystem = 0, - FcSetApplication = 1 -} FcSetName; - -typedef struct _FcAtomic FcAtomic; - -#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) /* for C++ V2.0 */ -#define _FCFUNCPROTOBEGIN extern "C" { /* do not leave open across includes */ -#define _FCFUNCPROTOEND } -#else -#define _FCFUNCPROTOBEGIN -#define _FCFUNCPROTOEND -#endif - -typedef enum { FcEndianBig, FcEndianLittle } FcEndian; - -typedef struct _FcConfig FcConfig; - -typedef struct _FcGlobalCache FcFileCache; - -typedef struct _FcBlanks FcBlanks; - -typedef struct _FcStrList FcStrList; - -typedef struct _FcStrSet FcStrSet; - -typedef struct _FcCache FcCache; - -_FCFUNCPROTOBEGIN - -/* fcblanks.c */ -FcPublic FcBlanks * -FcBlanksCreate (void); - -FcPublic void -FcBlanksDestroy (FcBlanks *b); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcBlanksAdd (FcBlanks *b, FcChar32 ucs4); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcBlanksIsMember (FcBlanks *b, FcChar32 ucs4); - -/* fccache.c */ - -FcPublic const FcChar8 * -FcCacheDir(const FcCache *c); - -FcPublic FcFontSet * -FcCacheCopySet(const FcCache *c); - -FcPublic const FcChar8 * -FcCacheSubdir (const FcCache *c, int i); - -FcPublic int -FcCacheNumSubdir (const FcCache *c); - -FcPublic int -FcCacheNumFont (const FcCache *c); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcDirCacheUnlink (const FcChar8 *dir, FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcDirCacheValid (const FcChar8 *cache_file); - -/* fccfg.c */ -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcConfigHome (void); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigEnableHome (FcBool enable); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcConfigFilename (const FcChar8 *url); - -FcPublic FcConfig * -FcConfigCreate (void); - -FcPublic FcConfig * -FcConfigReference (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic void -FcConfigDestroy (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigSetCurrent (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcConfig * -FcConfigGetCurrent (void); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigUptoDate (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigBuildFonts (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcStrList * -FcConfigGetFontDirs (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcStrList * -FcConfigGetConfigDirs (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcStrList * -FcConfigGetConfigFiles (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcConfigGetCache (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcBlanks * -FcConfigGetBlanks (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcStrList * -FcConfigGetCacheDirs (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic int -FcConfigGetRescanInterval (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigSetRescanInterval (FcConfig *config, int rescanInterval); - -FcPublic FcFontSet * -FcConfigGetFonts (FcConfig *config, - FcSetName set); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigAppFontAddFile (FcConfig *config, - const FcChar8 *file); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigAppFontAddDir (FcConfig *config, - const FcChar8 *dir); - -FcPublic void -FcConfigAppFontClear (FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigSubstituteWithPat (FcConfig *config, - FcPattern *p, - FcPattern *p_pat, - FcMatchKind kind); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigSubstitute (FcConfig *config, - FcPattern *p, - FcMatchKind kind); - -/* fccharset.c */ -FcPublic FcCharSet* -FcCharSetCreate (void); - -/* deprecated alias for FcCharSetCreate */ -FcPublic FcCharSet * -FcCharSetNew (void); - -FcPublic void -FcCharSetDestroy (FcCharSet *fcs); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcCharSetAddChar (FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32 ucs4); - -FcPublic FcCharSet* -FcCharSetCopy (FcCharSet *src); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcCharSetEqual (const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -FcPublic FcCharSet* -FcCharSetIntersect (const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -FcPublic FcCharSet* -FcCharSetUnion (const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -FcPublic FcCharSet* -FcCharSetSubtract (const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcCharSetMerge (FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b, FcBool *changed); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcCharSetHasChar (const FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32 ucs4); - -FcPublic FcChar32 -FcCharSetCount (const FcCharSet *a); - -FcPublic FcChar32 -FcCharSetIntersectCount (const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -FcPublic FcChar32 -FcCharSetSubtractCount (const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcCharSetIsSubset (const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -#define FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE (256/32) -#define FC_CHARSET_DONE ((FcChar32) -1) - -FcPublic FcChar32 -FcCharSetFirstPage (const FcCharSet *a, - FcChar32 map[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE], - FcChar32 *next); - -FcPublic FcChar32 -FcCharSetNextPage (const FcCharSet *a, - FcChar32 map[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE], - FcChar32 *next); - -/* - * old coverage API, rather hard to use correctly - */ - -FcPublic FcChar32 -FcCharSetCoverage (const FcCharSet *a, FcChar32 page, FcChar32 *result); - -/* fcdbg.c */ -FcPublic void -FcValuePrint (const FcValue v); - -FcPublic void -FcPatternPrint (const FcPattern *p); - -FcPublic void -FcFontSetPrint (const FcFontSet *s); - -/* fcdefault.c */ -FcPublic void -FcDefaultSubstitute (FcPattern *pattern); - -/* fcdir.c */ -FcPublic FcBool -FcFileIsDir (const FcChar8 *file); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcFileScan (FcFontSet *set, - FcStrSet *dirs, - FcFileCache *cache, - FcBlanks *blanks, - const FcChar8 *file, - FcBool force); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcDirScan (FcFontSet *set, - FcStrSet *dirs, - FcFileCache *cache, - FcBlanks *blanks, - const FcChar8 *dir, - FcBool force); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcDirSave (FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, const FcChar8 *dir); - -FcPublic FcCache * -FcDirCacheLoad (const FcChar8 *dir, FcConfig *config, FcChar8 **cache_file); - -FcPublic FcCache * -FcDirCacheRead (const FcChar8 *dir, FcBool force, FcConfig *config); - -FcPublic FcCache * -FcDirCacheLoadFile (const FcChar8 *cache_file, struct stat *file_stat); - -FcPublic void -FcDirCacheUnload (FcCache *cache); - -/* fcfreetype.c */ -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcFreeTypeQuery (const FcChar8 *file, int id, FcBlanks *blanks, int *count); - -/* fcfs.c */ - -FcPublic FcFontSet * -FcFontSetCreate (void); - -FcPublic void -FcFontSetDestroy (FcFontSet *s); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcFontSetAdd (FcFontSet *s, FcPattern *font); - -/* fcinit.c */ -FcPublic FcConfig * -FcInitLoadConfig (void); - -FcPublic FcConfig * -FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts (void); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcInit (void); - -FcPublic void -FcFini (void); - -FcPublic int -FcGetVersion (void); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcInitReinitialize (void); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcInitBringUptoDate (void); - -/* fclang.c */ -FcPublic FcStrSet * -FcGetLangs (void); - -FcPublic const FcCharSet * -FcLangGetCharSet (const FcChar8 *lang); - -FcPublic FcLangSet* -FcLangSetCreate (void); - -FcPublic void -FcLangSetDestroy (FcLangSet *ls); - -FcPublic FcLangSet* -FcLangSetCopy (const FcLangSet *ls); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcLangSetAdd (FcLangSet *ls, const FcChar8 *lang); - -FcPublic FcLangResult -FcLangSetHasLang (const FcLangSet *ls, const FcChar8 *lang); - -FcPublic FcLangResult -FcLangSetCompare (const FcLangSet *lsa, const FcLangSet *lsb); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcLangSetContains (const FcLangSet *lsa, const FcLangSet *lsb); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcLangSetEqual (const FcLangSet *lsa, const FcLangSet *lsb); - -FcPublic FcChar32 -FcLangSetHash (const FcLangSet *ls); - -FcPublic FcStrSet * -FcLangSetGetLangs (const FcLangSet *ls); - -/* fclist.c */ -FcPublic FcObjectSet * -FcObjectSetCreate (void); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcObjectSetAdd (FcObjectSet *os, const char *object); - -FcPublic void -FcObjectSetDestroy (FcObjectSet *os); - -FcPublic FcObjectSet * -FcObjectSetVaBuild (const char *first, va_list va); - -FcPublic FcObjectSet * -FcObjectSetBuild (const char *first, ...) FC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTINEL(0); - -FcPublic FcFontSet * -FcFontSetList (FcConfig *config, - FcFontSet **sets, - int nsets, - FcPattern *p, - FcObjectSet *os); - -FcPublic FcFontSet * -FcFontList (FcConfig *config, - FcPattern *p, - FcObjectSet *os); - -/* fcatomic.c */ - -FcPublic FcAtomic * -FcAtomicCreate (const FcChar8 *file); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcAtomicLock (FcAtomic *atomic); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcAtomicNewFile (FcAtomic *atomic); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcAtomicOrigFile (FcAtomic *atomic); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcAtomicReplaceOrig (FcAtomic *atomic); - -FcPublic void -FcAtomicDeleteNew (FcAtomic *atomic); - -FcPublic void -FcAtomicUnlock (FcAtomic *atomic); - -FcPublic void -FcAtomicDestroy (FcAtomic *atomic); - -/* fcmatch.c */ -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcFontSetMatch (FcConfig *config, - FcFontSet **sets, - int nsets, - FcPattern *p, - FcResult *result); - -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcFontMatch (FcConfig *config, - FcPattern *p, - FcResult *result); - -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcFontRenderPrepare (FcConfig *config, - FcPattern *pat, - FcPattern *font); - -FcPublic FcFontSet * -FcFontSetSort (FcConfig *config, - FcFontSet **sets, - int nsets, - FcPattern *p, - FcBool trim, - FcCharSet **csp, - FcResult *result); - -FcPublic FcFontSet * -FcFontSort (FcConfig *config, - FcPattern *p, - FcBool trim, - FcCharSet **csp, - FcResult *result); - -FcPublic void -FcFontSetSortDestroy (FcFontSet *fs); - -/* fcmatrix.c */ -FcPublic FcMatrix * -FcMatrixCopy (const FcMatrix *mat); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcMatrixEqual (const FcMatrix *mat1, const FcMatrix *mat2); - -FcPublic void -FcMatrixMultiply (FcMatrix *result, const FcMatrix *a, const FcMatrix *b); - -FcPublic void -FcMatrixRotate (FcMatrix *m, double c, double s); - -FcPublic void -FcMatrixScale (FcMatrix *m, double sx, double sy); - -FcPublic void -FcMatrixShear (FcMatrix *m, double sh, double sv); - -/* fcname.c */ - -FcPublic FcBool -FcNameRegisterObjectTypes (const FcObjectType *types, int ntype); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes (const FcObjectType *types, int ntype); - -FcPublic const FcObjectType * -FcNameGetObjectType (const char *object); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcNameRegisterConstants (const FcConstant *consts, int nconsts); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcNameUnregisterConstants (const FcConstant *consts, int nconsts); - -FcPublic const FcConstant * -FcNameGetConstant (FcChar8 *string); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcNameConstant (FcChar8 *string, int *result); - -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcNameParse (const FcChar8 *name); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcNameUnparse (FcPattern *pat); - -/* fcpat.c */ -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcPatternCreate (void); - -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcPatternDuplicate (const FcPattern *p); - -FcPublic void -FcPatternReference (FcPattern *p); - -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcPatternFilter (FcPattern *p, const FcObjectSet *os); - -FcPublic void -FcValueDestroy (FcValue v); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcValueEqual (FcValue va, FcValue vb); - -FcPublic FcValue -FcValueSave (FcValue v); - -FcPublic void -FcPatternDestroy (FcPattern *p); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternEqual (const FcPattern *pa, const FcPattern *pb); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternEqualSubset (const FcPattern *pa, const FcPattern *pb, const FcObjectSet *os); - -FcPublic FcChar32 -FcPatternHash (const FcPattern *p); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAdd (FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcValue value, FcBool append); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAddWeak (FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcValue value, FcBool append); - -FcPublic FcResult -FcPatternGet (const FcPattern *p, const char *object, int id, FcValue *v); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternDel (FcPattern *p, const char *object); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternRemove (FcPattern *p, const char *object, int id); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAddInteger (FcPattern *p, const char *object, int i); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAddDouble (FcPattern *p, const char *object, double d); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAddString (FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcChar8 *s); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAddMatrix (FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcMatrix *s); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAddCharSet (FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcCharSet *c); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAddBool (FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcBool b); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcPatternAddLangSet (FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcLangSet *ls); - -FcPublic FcResult -FcPatternGetInteger (const FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, int *i); - -FcPublic FcResult -FcPatternGetDouble (const FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, double *d); - -FcPublic FcResult -FcPatternGetString (const FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcChar8 ** s); - -FcPublic FcResult -FcPatternGetMatrix (const FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcMatrix **s); - -FcPublic FcResult -FcPatternGetCharSet (const FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcCharSet **c); - -FcPublic FcResult -FcPatternGetBool (const FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcBool *b); - -FcPublic FcResult -FcPatternGetLangSet (const FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcLangSet **ls); - -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcPatternVaBuild (FcPattern *p, va_list va); - -FcPublic FcPattern * -FcPatternBuild (FcPattern *p, ...) FC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTINEL(0); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcPatternFormat (FcPattern *pat, const FcChar8 *format); - -/* fcstr.c */ - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcStrCopy (const FcChar8 *s); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcStrCopyFilename (const FcChar8 *s); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcStrPlus (const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -FcPublic void -FcStrFree (FcChar8 *s); - -/* These are ASCII only, suitable only for pattern element names */ -#define FcIsUpper(c) ((0101 <= (c) && (c) <= 0132)) -#define FcIsLower(c) ((0141 <= (c) && (c) <= 0172)) -#define FcToLower(c) (FcIsUpper(c) ? (c) - 0101 + 0141 : (c)) - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcStrDowncase (const FcChar8 *s); - -FcPublic int -FcStrCmpIgnoreCase (const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -FcPublic int -FcStrCmp (const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -FcPublic const FcChar8 * -FcStrStrIgnoreCase (const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -FcPublic const FcChar8 * -FcStrStr (const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -FcPublic int -FcUtf8ToUcs4 (const FcChar8 *src_orig, - FcChar32 *dst, - int len); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcUtf8Len (const FcChar8 *string, - int len, - int *nchar, - int *wchar); - -#define FC_UTF8_MAX_LEN 6 - -FcPublic int -FcUcs4ToUtf8 (FcChar32 ucs4, - FcChar8 dest[FC_UTF8_MAX_LEN]); - -FcPublic int -FcUtf16ToUcs4 (const FcChar8 *src_orig, - FcEndian endian, - FcChar32 *dst, - int len); /* in bytes */ - -FcPublic FcBool -FcUtf16Len (const FcChar8 *string, - FcEndian endian, - int len, /* in bytes */ - int *nchar, - int *wchar); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcStrDirname (const FcChar8 *file); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcStrBasename (const FcChar8 *file); - -FcPublic FcStrSet * -FcStrSetCreate (void); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcStrSetMember (FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcStrSetEqual (FcStrSet *sa, FcStrSet *sb); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcStrSetAdd (FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcStrSetAddFilename (FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); - -FcPublic FcBool -FcStrSetDel (FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); - -FcPublic void -FcStrSetDestroy (FcStrSet *set); - -FcPublic FcStrList * -FcStrListCreate (FcStrSet *set); - -FcPublic FcChar8 * -FcStrListNext (FcStrList *list); - -FcPublic void -FcStrListDone (FcStrList *list); - -/* fcxml.c */ -FcPublic FcBool -FcConfigParseAndLoad (FcConfig *config, const FcChar8 *file, FcBool complain); - -_FCFUNCPROTOEND - -#undef FC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTINEL - - -#ifndef _FCINT_H_ - -/* - * Deprecated functions are placed here to help users fix their code without - * digging through documentation - */ - -#define FcConfigGetRescanInverval FcConfigGetRescanInverval_REPLACE_BY_FcConfigGetRescanInterval -#define FcConfigSetRescanInverval FcConfigSetRescanInverval_REPLACE_BY_FcConfigSetRescanInterval - -#endif - -#endif /* _FONTCONFIG_H_ */ diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/lib/fontconfig.def b/lib/fontconfig_win32/lib/fontconfig.def deleted file mode 100644 index 020218daeb..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/lib/fontconfig.def +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -EXPORTS - FcAtomicCreate - FcAtomicDeleteNew - FcAtomicDestroy - FcAtomicLock - FcAtomicNewFile - FcAtomicOrigFile - FcAtomicReplaceOrig - FcAtomicUnlock - FcBlanksAdd - FcBlanksCreate - FcBlanksDestroy - FcBlanksIsMember - FcCacheCopySet - FcCacheDir - FcCacheNumFont - FcCacheNumSubdir - FcCacheSubdir - FcCharSetAddChar - FcCharSetCopy - FcCharSetCount - FcCharSetCoverage - FcCharSetCreate - FcCharSetDestroy - FcCharSetEqual - FcCharSetFirstPage - FcCharSetHasChar - FcCharSetIntersect - FcCharSetIntersectCount - FcCharSetIsSubset - FcCharSetMerge - FcCharSetNew - FcCharSetNextPage - FcCharSetSubtract - FcCharSetSubtractCount - FcCharSetUnion - FcConfigAppFontAddDir - FcConfigAppFontAddFile - FcConfigAppFontClear - FcConfigBuildFonts - FcConfigCreate - FcConfigDestroy - FcConfigEnableHome - FcConfigFilename - FcConfigGetBlanks - FcConfigGetCache - FcConfigGetCacheDirs - FcConfigGetConfigDirs - FcConfigGetConfigFiles - FcConfigGetCurrent - FcConfigGetFontDirs - FcConfigGetFonts - FcConfigGetRescanInterval - FcConfigGetRescanInverval - FcConfigHome - FcConfigParseAndLoad - FcConfigReference - FcConfigSetCurrent - FcConfigSetRescanInterval - FcConfigSetRescanInverval - FcConfigSubstitute - FcConfigSubstituteWithPat - FcConfigUptoDate - FcDefaultSubstitute - FcDirCacheLoad - FcDirCacheLoadFile - FcDirCacheRead - FcDirCacheUnlink - FcDirCacheUnload - FcDirCacheValid - FcDirSave - FcDirScan - FcFileIsDir - FcFileScan - FcFini - FcFontList - FcFontMatch - FcFontRenderPrepare - FcFontSetAdd - FcFontSetCreate - 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-manifest/fontconfig_2.7.3-1_win32.mft diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/readme.txt b/lib/fontconfig_win32/readme.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6ff0493a86..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/readme.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - -downloaded from: - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel.pdf b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index 6ada37d023..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel.pdf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42489 +0,0 @@ -%PDF-1.4 -%ÐÔÅØ -1 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.0) >> -endobj -4 0 obj -(Table of Contents) -endobj -5 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.1.1) >> -endobj -8 0 obj -(DESCRIPTION) -endobj -9 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.2.1) >> -endobj -12 0 obj -(FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW) -endobj -13 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -16 0 obj -(FONT CONFIGURATION) -endobj -17 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -20 0 obj -(FONT PROPERTIES) 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-76 0 obj -(FcConstant) -endobj -77 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -80 0 obj -(FcBlanks) -endobj -81 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -84 0 obj -(FcFileCache) -endobj -85 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -88 0 obj -(FcConfig) -endobj -89 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -92 0 obj -(FcSetName) -endobj -93 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -96 0 obj -(FcResult) -endobj -97 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -100 0 obj -(FcAtomic) -endobj -101 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -104 0 obj -(FcCache) -endobj -105 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.4.1) >> -endobj -108 0 obj -(FUNCTIONS) -endobj -109 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -112 0 obj -(Initialization) -endobj -113 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.5.1) >> -endobj -116 0 obj -(FcInitLoadConfig) -endobj -117 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -120 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -121 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -124 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -125 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -128 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -129 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -132 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -133 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.6.1) >> -endobj -136 0 obj -(FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts) -endobj -137 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -140 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -141 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -144 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -145 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -148 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -149 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -152 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -153 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.7.1) >> -endobj -156 0 obj -(FcInit) -endobj -157 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -160 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -161 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -164 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -165 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -168 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -169 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -172 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -173 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.8.1) >> -endobj -176 0 obj -(FcFini) -endobj -177 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -180 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -181 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -184 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -185 0 obj 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0 obj -(Name) -endobj -241 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -244 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -245 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -248 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -249 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -252 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -253 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -256 0 obj -(FcPattern) -endobj -257 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.12.1) >> -endobj -260 0 obj -(FcPatternCreate) -endobj -261 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -264 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -265 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -268 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -269 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -272 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -273 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -276 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -277 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.13.1) >> -endobj -280 0 obj -(FcPatternDuplicate) -endobj -281 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -284 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -285 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -288 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -289 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -292 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -293 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -296 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -297 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.14.1) >> -endobj -300 0 obj -(FcPatternReference) -endobj -301 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -304 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -305 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -308 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -309 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -312 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -313 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -316 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -317 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.15.1) >> -endobj -320 0 obj -(FcPatternDestroy) -endobj -321 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -324 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -325 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -328 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -329 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -332 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -333 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -336 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -337 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.16.1) >> -endobj -340 0 obj -(FcPatternEqual) -endobj -341 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -344 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -345 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -348 0 obj -(Synopsis) 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( >> -endobj -404 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -405 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -408 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -409 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -412 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -413 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -416 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -417 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.20.1) >> -endobj -420 0 obj -(FcPatternAdd) -endobj -421 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -424 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -425 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -428 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -429 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -432 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -433 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -436 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -437 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.21.1) >> -endobj -440 0 obj -(FcPatternAddWeak) -endobj -441 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -444 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -445 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -448 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -449 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -452 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -453 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -456 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -457 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.22.1) >> -endobj -460 0 obj -(FcPatternAddType) -endobj -461 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -464 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -465 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -468 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -469 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -472 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -473 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -476 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -477 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.23.1) >> -endobj -480 0 obj -(FcPatternGet) -endobj -481 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -484 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -485 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -488 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -489 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -492 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -493 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -496 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -497 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.24.1) >> -endobj -500 0 obj -(FcPatternGetType) -endobj -501 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -504 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -505 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -508 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -509 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -512 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -513 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -516 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -517 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.25.1) >> -endobj -520 0 obj -(FcPatternBuild) -endobj -521 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -524 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -525 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -528 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -529 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -532 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -533 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -536 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -537 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.26.1) >> -endobj -540 0 obj -(FcPatternDel) -endobj -541 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -544 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -545 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -548 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -549 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -552 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -553 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -556 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -557 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.27.1) >> -endobj -560 0 obj -(FcPatternRemove) -endobj -561 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -564 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -565 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -568 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -569 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -572 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -573 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -576 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -577 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.28.1) >> -endobj -580 0 obj -(FcPatternPrint) -endobj -581 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -584 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -585 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -588 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -589 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -592 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -593 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -596 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -597 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.29.1) >> -endobj -600 0 obj -(FcDefaultSubstitute) -endobj -601 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -604 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -605 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -608 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -609 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -612 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -613 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -616 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -617 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.30.1) >> -endobj -620 0 obj -(FcNameParse) -endobj -621 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -624 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -625 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -628 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -629 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -632 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -633 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -636 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -637 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.31.1) >> -endobj -640 0 obj -(FcNameUnparse) -endobj -641 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -644 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -645 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -648 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -649 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -652 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -653 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -656 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -657 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.32.1) >> -endobj -660 0 obj -(FcPatternFormat) -endobj -661 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -664 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -665 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -668 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -669 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -672 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -673 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -676 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -677 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -680 0 obj -(FcFontSet) -endobj -681 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.33.1) >> -endobj -684 0 obj -(FcFontSetCreate) -endobj -685 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -688 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -689 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -692 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -693 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -696 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -697 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -700 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -701 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.34.1) >> -endobj -704 0 obj -(FcFontSetDestroy) -endobj -705 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -708 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -709 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -712 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -713 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -716 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -717 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -720 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -721 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.35.1) >> -endobj -724 0 obj -(FcFontSetAdd) -endobj -725 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -728 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -729 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -732 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -733 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -736 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -737 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -740 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -741 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.36.1) >> -endobj -744 0 obj -(FcFontSetList) -endobj -745 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -748 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -749 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -752 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -753 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -756 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -757 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -760 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -761 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.37.1) >> -endobj -764 0 obj -(FcFontSetMatch) -endobj -765 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -768 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -769 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -772 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -773 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -776 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -777 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -780 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -781 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.38.1) >> -endobj -784 0 obj -(FcFontSetPrint) -endobj -785 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -788 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -789 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -792 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -793 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -796 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -797 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -800 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -801 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.39.1) >> -endobj -804 0 obj -(FcFontSetSort) -endobj -805 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -808 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -809 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -812 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -813 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -816 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -817 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -820 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -821 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.40.1) >> -endobj -824 0 obj -(FcFontSetSortDestroy) -endobj -825 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -828 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -829 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -832 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -833 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -836 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -837 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -840 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -841 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -844 0 obj -(FcObjectSet) -endobj -845 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.41.1) >> -endobj -848 0 obj -(FcObjectSetCreate) -endobj -849 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -852 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -853 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -856 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -857 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -860 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -861 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -864 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -865 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.42.1) >> -endobj -868 0 obj -(FcObjectSetAdd) -endobj -869 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -872 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -873 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -876 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -877 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -880 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -881 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -884 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -885 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.43.1) >> -endobj -888 0 obj -(FcObjectSetDestroy) -endobj -889 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -892 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -893 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -896 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -897 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -900 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -901 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -904 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -905 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.44.1) >> -endobj -908 0 obj -(FcObjectSetBuild) -endobj -909 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -912 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -913 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -916 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -917 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -920 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -921 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -924 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -925 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -928 0 obj -(FreeType specific functions) -endobj -929 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.45.1) >> -endobj -932 0 obj -(FcFreeTypeCharIndex) -endobj -933 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -936 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -937 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -940 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -941 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -944 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -945 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -948 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -949 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.46.1) >> -endobj -952 0 obj -(FcFreeTypeCharSet) -endobj -953 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -956 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -957 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -960 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -961 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -964 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -965 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -968 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -969 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.47.1) >> -endobj -972 0 obj -(FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing) -endobj -973 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -976 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -977 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -980 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -981 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -984 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -985 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -988 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -989 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.48.1) >> -endobj -992 0 obj -(FcFreeTypeQuery) -endobj -993 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -996 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -997 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1000 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1001 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1004 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1005 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1008 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1009 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.49.1) >> -endobj -1012 0 obj -(FcFreeTypeQueryFace) -endobj -1013 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1016 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1017 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1020 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1021 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1024 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1025 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1028 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1029 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1032 0 obj -(FcValue) -endobj -1033 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.50.1) >> -endobj -1036 0 obj -(FcValueDestroy) -endobj -1037 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1040 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1041 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1044 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1045 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1048 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1049 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1052 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1053 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.51.1) >> -endobj -1056 0 obj -(FcValueSave) -endobj -1057 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1060 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1061 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1064 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1065 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1068 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1069 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1072 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1073 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.52.1) >> -endobj -1076 0 obj -(FcValuePrint) -endobj -1077 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1080 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1081 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1084 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1085 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1088 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1089 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1092 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1093 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.53.1) >> -endobj -1096 0 obj -(FcValueEqual) -endobj -1097 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1100 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1101 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1104 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1105 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1108 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1109 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1112 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1113 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1116 0 obj -(FcCharSet) -endobj -1117 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.54.1) >> -endobj -1120 0 obj -(FcCharSetCreate) -endobj -1121 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1124 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1125 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1128 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1129 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1132 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1133 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1136 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1137 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.55.1) >> -endobj -1140 0 obj -(FcCharSetDestroy) -endobj -1141 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1144 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1145 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1148 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1149 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1152 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1153 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1156 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1157 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.56.1) >> -endobj -1160 0 obj -(FcCharSetAddChar) -endobj -1161 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1164 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1165 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1168 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1169 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1172 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1173 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1176 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1177 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.57.1) >> -endobj -1180 0 obj -(FcCharSetCopy) -endobj -1181 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1184 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1185 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1188 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1189 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1192 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1193 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1196 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1197 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.58.1) >> -endobj -1200 0 obj -(FcCharSetEqual) -endobj -1201 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1204 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1205 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1208 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1209 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1212 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1213 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1216 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1217 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.59.1) >> -endobj -1220 0 obj -(FcCharSetIntersect) -endobj -1221 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1224 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1225 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1228 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1229 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1232 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1233 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1236 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1237 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.60.1) >> -endobj -1240 0 obj -(FcCharSetUnion) -endobj -1241 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1244 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1245 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1248 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1249 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1252 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1253 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1256 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1257 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.61.1) >> -endobj -1260 0 obj -(FcCharSetSubtract) -endobj -1261 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1264 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1265 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1268 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1269 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1272 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1273 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1276 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1277 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.62.1) >> -endobj -1280 0 obj -(FcCharSetMerge) -endobj -1281 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1284 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1285 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1288 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1289 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1292 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1293 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1296 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1297 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.63.1) >> -endobj -1300 0 obj -(FcCharSetHasChar) -endobj -1301 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1304 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1305 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1308 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1309 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1312 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1313 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1316 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1317 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.64.1) >> -endobj -1320 0 obj -(FcCharSetCount) -endobj -1321 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1324 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1325 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1328 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1329 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1332 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1333 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1336 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1337 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.65.1) >> -endobj -1340 0 obj -(FcCharSetIntersectCount) -endobj -1341 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1344 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1345 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1348 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1349 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1352 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1353 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1356 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1357 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.66.1) >> -endobj -1360 0 obj -(FcCharSetSubtractCount) -endobj -1361 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1364 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1365 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1368 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1369 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1372 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1373 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1376 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1377 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.67.1) >> -endobj -1380 0 obj -(FcCharSetIsSubset) -endobj -1381 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1384 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1385 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1388 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1389 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1392 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1393 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1396 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1397 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.68.1) >> -endobj -1400 0 obj -(FcCharSetFirstPage) -endobj -1401 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1404 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1405 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1408 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1409 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1412 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1413 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1416 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1417 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.69.1) >> -endobj -1420 0 obj -(FcCharSetNextPage) -endobj -1421 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1424 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1425 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1428 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1429 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1432 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1433 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1436 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1437 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.70.1) >> -endobj -1440 0 obj -(FcCharSetCoverage) -endobj -1441 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1444 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1445 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1448 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1449 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1452 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1453 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1456 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1457 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.71.1) >> -endobj -1460 0 obj -(FcCharSetNew) -endobj -1461 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1464 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1465 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1468 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1469 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1472 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1473 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1476 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1477 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1480 0 obj -(FcLangSet) -endobj -1481 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.72.1) >> -endobj -1484 0 obj -(FcLangSetCreate) -endobj -1485 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -1488 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1489 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.72.300.2) >> -endobj -1492 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1493 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.72.301.2) >> -endobj -1496 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1497 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.72.302.2) >> -endobj -1500 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1501 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.73.1) >> -endobj -1504 0 obj -(FcLangSetDestroy) -endobj -1505 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.73.303.2) >> -endobj -1508 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1509 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.73.304.2) >> -endobj -1512 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1513 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.73.305.2) >> -endobj -1516 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1517 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.73.306.2) >> -endobj -1520 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1521 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.74.1) >> -endobj -1524 0 obj -(FcLangSetCopy) -endobj -1525 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.74.307.2) >> -endobj -1528 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1529 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.74.308.2) >> -endobj -1532 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1533 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.74.309.2) >> -endobj -1536 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1537 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.74.310.2) >> -endobj -1540 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1541 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.75.1) >> -endobj -1544 0 obj -(FcLangSetAdd) -endobj -1545 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.75.311.2) >> -endobj -1548 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1549 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.75.312.2) >> -endobj -1552 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1553 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.75.313.2) >> -endobj -1556 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1557 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.75.314.2) >> -endobj -1560 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1561 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.76.1) >> -endobj -1564 0 obj -(FcLangSetCompare) -endobj -1565 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.76.315.2) >> -endobj -1568 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1569 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.76.316.2) >> -endobj -1572 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1573 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.76.317.2) >> -endobj -1576 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1577 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.76.318.2) >> -endobj -1580 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1581 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.77.1) >> -endobj -1584 0 obj -(FcLangSetContains) -endobj -1585 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.77.319.2) >> -endobj -1588 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1589 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.77.320.2) >> -endobj -1592 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1593 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.77.321.2) >> -endobj -1596 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1597 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.77.322.2) >> -endobj -1600 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1601 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.78.1) >> -endobj -1604 0 obj -(FcLangSetEqual) -endobj -1605 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.78.323.2) >> -endobj -1608 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1609 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.78.324.2) >> -endobj -1612 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1613 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.78.325.2) >> -endobj -1616 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1617 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.78.326.2) >> -endobj -1620 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1621 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.79.1) >> -endobj -1624 0 obj -(FcLangSetHash) -endobj -1625 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.79.327.2) >> -endobj -1628 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1629 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.79.328.2) >> -endobj -1632 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1633 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.79.329.2) >> -endobj -1636 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1637 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.79.330.2) >> -endobj -1640 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1641 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.80.1) >> -endobj -1644 0 obj -(FcLangSetHasLang) -endobj -1645 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.80.331.2) >> -endobj -1648 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1649 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.80.332.2) >> -endobj -1652 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1653 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.80.333.2) >> -endobj -1656 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1657 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.80.334.2) >> -endobj -1660 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1661 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.81.1) >> -endobj -1664 0 obj -(FcLangSetGetLangs) -endobj -1665 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.81.335.2) >> -endobj -1668 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1669 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.81.336.2) >> -endobj -1672 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1673 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.81.337.2) >> -endobj -1676 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1677 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.81.338.2) >> -endobj -1680 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1681 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.82.1) >> -endobj -1684 0 obj -(FcGetLangs) -endobj -1685 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.82.339.2) >> -endobj -1688 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1689 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.82.340.2) >> -endobj -1692 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1693 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.82.341.2) >> -endobj -1696 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1697 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.82.342.2) >> -endobj -1700 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1701 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.83.1) >> -endobj -1704 0 obj -(FcLangGetCharSet) -endobj -1705 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.83.343.2) >> -endobj -1708 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1709 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.83.344.2) >> -endobj -1712 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1713 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.83.345.2) >> -endobj -1716 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1717 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.83.346.2) >> -endobj -1720 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1721 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.83.347.2) >> -endobj -1724 0 obj -(FcMatrix) -endobj -1725 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.84.1) >> -endobj -1728 0 obj -(FcMatrixInit) -endobj -1729 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.84.348.2) >> -endobj -1732 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1733 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.84.349.2) >> -endobj -1736 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1737 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.84.350.2) >> -endobj -1740 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1741 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.84.351.2) >> -endobj -1744 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1745 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.85.1) >> -endobj -1748 0 obj -(FcMatrixCopy) -endobj -1749 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.85.352.2) >> -endobj -1752 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1753 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.85.353.2) >> -endobj -1756 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1757 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.85.354.2) >> -endobj -1760 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1761 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.85.355.2) >> -endobj -1764 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1765 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.86.1) >> -endobj -1768 0 obj -(FcMatrixEqual) -endobj -1769 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.86.356.2) >> -endobj -1772 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1773 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.86.357.2) >> -endobj -1776 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1777 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.86.358.2) >> -endobj -1780 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1781 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.86.359.2) >> -endobj -1784 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1785 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.87.1) >> -endobj -1788 0 obj -(FcMatrixMultiply) -endobj -1789 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.87.360.2) >> -endobj -1792 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1793 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.87.361.2) >> -endobj -1796 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1797 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.87.362.2) >> -endobj -1800 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1801 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.87.363.2) >> -endobj -1804 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1805 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.88.1) >> -endobj -1808 0 obj -(FcMatrixRotate) -endobj -1809 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.88.364.2) >> -endobj -1812 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1813 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.88.365.2) >> -endobj -1816 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1817 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.88.366.2) >> -endobj -1820 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1821 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.88.367.2) >> -endobj -1824 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1825 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.89.1) >> -endobj -1828 0 obj -(FcMatrixScale) -endobj -1829 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.89.368.2) >> -endobj -1832 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1833 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.89.369.2) >> -endobj -1836 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1837 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.89.370.2) >> -endobj -1840 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1841 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.89.371.2) >> -endobj -1844 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1845 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.90.1) >> -endobj -1848 0 obj -(FcMatrixShear) -endobj -1849 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.90.372.2) >> -endobj -1852 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1853 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.90.373.2) >> -endobj -1856 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1857 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.90.374.2) >> -endobj -1860 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1861 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.90.375.2) >> -endobj -1864 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1865 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.90.376.2) >> -endobj -1868 0 obj -(FcConfig) -endobj -1869 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.91.1) >> -endobj -1872 0 obj -(FcConfigCreate) -endobj -1873 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.91.377.2) >> -endobj -1876 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1877 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.91.378.2) >> -endobj -1880 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1881 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.91.379.2) >> -endobj -1884 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1885 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.91.380.2) >> -endobj -1888 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1889 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.92.1) >> -endobj -1892 0 obj -(FcConfigReference) -endobj -1893 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.92.381.2) >> -endobj -1896 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1897 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.92.382.2) >> -endobj -1900 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1901 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.92.383.2) >> -endobj -1904 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1905 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.92.384.2) >> -endobj -1908 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1909 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.93.1) >> -endobj -1912 0 obj -(FcConfigDestroy) -endobj -1913 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.93.385.2) >> -endobj -1916 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1917 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.93.386.2) >> -endobj -1920 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1921 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.93.387.2) >> -endobj -1924 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1925 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.93.388.2) >> -endobj -1928 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1929 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.94.1) >> -endobj -1932 0 obj -(FcConfigSetCurrent) -endobj -1933 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.94.389.2) >> -endobj -1936 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1937 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.94.390.2) >> -endobj -1940 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1941 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.94.391.2) >> -endobj -1944 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1945 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.94.392.2) >> -endobj -1948 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1949 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.95.1) >> -endobj -1952 0 obj -(FcConfigGetCurrent) -endobj -1953 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.95.393.2) >> -endobj -1956 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1957 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.95.394.2) >> -endobj -1960 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1961 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.95.395.2) >> -endobj -1964 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1965 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.95.396.2) >> -endobj -1968 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1969 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.96.1) >> -endobj -1972 0 obj -(FcConfigUptoDate) -endobj -1973 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.96.397.2) >> -endobj -1976 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1977 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.96.398.2) >> -endobj -1980 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -1981 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.96.399.2) >> -endobj -1984 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -1985 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.96.400.2) >> -endobj -1988 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -1989 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.97.1) >> -endobj -1992 0 obj -(FcConfigHome) -endobj -1993 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.97.401.2) >> -endobj -1996 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -1997 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.97.402.2) >> -endobj -2000 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2001 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.97.403.2) >> -endobj -2004 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2005 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.97.404.2) >> -endobj -2008 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2009 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.98.1) >> -endobj -2012 0 obj -(FcConfigEnableHome) -endobj -2013 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.98.405.2) >> -endobj -2016 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2017 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.98.406.2) >> -endobj -2020 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2021 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.98.407.2) >> -endobj -2024 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2025 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.98.408.2) >> -endobj -2028 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2029 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.99.1) >> -endobj -2032 0 obj -(FcConfigBuildFonts) -endobj -2033 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.99.409.2) >> -endobj -2036 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2037 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.99.410.2) >> -endobj -2040 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2041 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.99.411.2) >> -endobj -2044 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2045 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.99.412.2) >> -endobj -2048 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2049 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.100.1) >> -endobj -2052 0 obj -(FcConfigGetConfigDirs) -endobj -2053 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.100.413.2) >> -endobj -2056 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2057 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.100.414.2) >> -endobj -2060 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2061 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.100.415.2) >> -endobj -2064 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2065 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.100.416.2) >> -endobj -2068 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2069 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.101.1) >> -endobj -2072 0 obj -(FcConfigGetFontDirs) -endobj -2073 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.101.417.2) >> -endobj -2076 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2077 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.101.418.2) >> -endobj -2080 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2081 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.101.419.2) >> -endobj -2084 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2085 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.101.420.2) >> -endobj -2088 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2089 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.102.1) >> -endobj -2092 0 obj -(FcConfigGetConfigFiles) -endobj -2093 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.102.421.2) >> -endobj -2096 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2097 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.102.422.2) >> -endobj -2100 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2101 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.102.423.2) >> -endobj -2104 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2105 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.102.424.2) >> -endobj -2108 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2109 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.103.1) >> -endobj -2112 0 obj -(FcConfigGetCache) -endobj -2113 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.103.425.2) >> -endobj -2116 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2117 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.103.426.2) >> -endobj -2120 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2121 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.103.427.2) >> -endobj -2124 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2125 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.103.428.2) >> -endobj -2128 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2129 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.104.1) >> -endobj -2132 0 obj -(FcConfigGetCacheDirs) -endobj -2133 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.104.429.2) >> -endobj -2136 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2137 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.104.430.2) >> -endobj -2140 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2141 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.104.431.2) >> -endobj -2144 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2145 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.104.432.2) >> -endobj -2148 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2149 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.105.1) >> -endobj -2152 0 obj -(FcConfigGetFonts) -endobj -2153 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.105.433.2) >> -endobj -2156 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2157 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.105.434.2) >> -endobj -2160 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2161 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.105.435.2) >> -endobj -2164 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2165 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.105.436.2) >> -endobj -2168 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2169 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.106.1) >> -endobj -2172 0 obj -(FcConfigGetBlanks) -endobj -2173 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.106.437.2) >> -endobj -2176 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2177 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.106.438.2) >> -endobj -2180 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2181 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.106.439.2) >> -endobj -2184 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2185 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.106.440.2) >> -endobj -2188 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2189 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.107.1) >> -endobj -2192 0 obj -(FcConfigGetRescanInterval) -endobj -2193 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.107.441.2) >> -endobj -2196 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2197 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.107.442.2) >> -endobj -2200 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2201 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.107.443.2) >> -endobj -2204 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2205 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.107.444.2) >> -endobj -2208 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2209 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.108.1) >> -endobj -2212 0 obj -(FcConfigSetRescanInterval) -endobj -2213 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.108.445.2) >> -endobj -2216 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2217 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.108.446.2) >> -endobj -2220 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2221 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.108.447.2) >> -endobj -2224 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2225 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.108.448.2) >> -endobj -2228 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2229 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.109.1) >> -endobj -2232 0 obj -(FcConfigAppFontAddFile) -endobj -2233 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.109.449.2) >> -endobj -2236 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2237 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.109.450.2) >> -endobj -2240 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2241 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.109.451.2) >> -endobj -2244 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2245 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.109.452.2) >> -endobj -2248 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2249 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.110.1) >> -endobj -2252 0 obj -(FcConfigAppFontAddDir) -endobj -2253 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.110.453.2) >> -endobj -2256 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2257 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.110.454.2) >> -endobj -2260 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2261 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.110.455.2) >> -endobj -2264 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2265 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.110.456.2) >> -endobj -2268 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2269 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.111.1) >> -endobj -2272 0 obj -(FcConfigAppFontClear) -endobj -2273 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.111.457.2) >> -endobj -2276 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2277 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.111.458.2) >> -endobj -2280 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2281 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.111.459.2) >> -endobj -2284 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2285 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.111.460.2) >> -endobj -2288 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2289 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.112.1) >> -endobj -2292 0 obj -(FcConfigSubstituteWithPat) -endobj -2293 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.112.461.2) >> -endobj -2296 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2297 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.112.462.2) >> -endobj -2300 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2301 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.112.463.2) >> -endobj -2304 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2305 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.112.464.2) >> -endobj -2308 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2309 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.113.1) >> -endobj -2312 0 obj -(FcConfigSubstitute) -endobj -2313 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.113.465.2) >> -endobj -2316 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2317 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.113.466.2) >> -endobj -2320 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2321 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.113.467.2) >> -endobj -2324 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2325 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.113.468.2) >> -endobj -2328 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2329 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.114.1) >> -endobj -2332 0 obj -(FcFontMatch) -endobj -2333 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.114.469.2) >> -endobj -2336 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2337 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.114.470.2) >> -endobj -2340 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2341 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.114.471.2) >> -endobj -2344 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2345 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.114.472.2) >> -endobj -2348 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2349 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.115.1) >> -endobj -2352 0 obj -(FcFontSort) -endobj -2353 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.115.473.2) >> -endobj -2356 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2357 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.115.474.2) >> -endobj -2360 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2361 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.115.475.2) >> -endobj -2364 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2365 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.115.476.2) >> -endobj -2368 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2369 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.116.1) >> -endobj -2372 0 obj -(FcFontRenderPrepare) -endobj -2373 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.116.477.2) >> -endobj -2376 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2377 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.116.478.2) >> -endobj -2380 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2381 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.116.479.2) >> -endobj -2384 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2385 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.116.480.2) >> -endobj -2388 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2389 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.117.1) >> -endobj -2392 0 obj -(FcFontList) -endobj -2393 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.117.481.2) >> -endobj -2396 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2397 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.117.482.2) >> -endobj -2400 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2401 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.117.483.2) >> -endobj -2404 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2405 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.117.484.2) >> -endobj -2408 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2409 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.118.1) >> -endobj -2412 0 obj -(FcConfigFilename) -endobj -2413 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.118.485.2) >> -endobj -2416 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2417 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.118.486.2) >> -endobj -2420 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2421 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.118.487.2) >> -endobj -2424 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2425 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.118.488.2) >> -endobj -2428 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2429 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.119.1) >> -endobj -2432 0 obj -(FcConfigParseAndLoad) -endobj -2433 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.119.489.2) >> -endobj -2436 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2437 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.119.490.2) >> -endobj -2440 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2441 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.119.491.2) >> -endobj -2444 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2445 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.119.492.2) >> -endobj -2448 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2449 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.119.493.2) >> -endobj -2452 0 obj -(FcObjectType) -endobj -2453 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.120.1) >> -endobj -2456 0 obj -(FcNameRegisterObjectTypes) -endobj -2457 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.120.494.2) >> -endobj -2460 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2461 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.120.495.2) >> -endobj -2464 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2465 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.120.496.2) >> -endobj -2468 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2469 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.120.497.2) >> -endobj -2472 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2473 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.121.1) >> -endobj -2476 0 obj -(FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes) -endobj -2477 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.121.498.2) >> -endobj -2480 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2481 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.121.499.2) >> -endobj -2484 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2485 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.121.500.2) >> -endobj -2488 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2489 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.121.501.2) >> -endobj -2492 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2493 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.122.1) >> -endobj -2496 0 obj -(FcNameGetObjectType) -endobj -2497 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.122.502.2) >> -endobj -2500 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2501 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.122.503.2) >> -endobj -2504 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2505 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.122.504.2) >> -endobj -2508 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2509 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.122.505.2) >> -endobj -2512 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2513 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.122.506.2) >> -endobj -2516 0 obj -(FcConstant) -endobj -2517 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.123.1) >> -endobj -2520 0 obj -(FcNameRegisterConstants) -endobj -2521 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.123.507.2) >> -endobj -2524 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2525 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.123.508.2) >> -endobj -2528 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2529 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.123.509.2) >> -endobj -2532 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2533 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.123.510.2) >> -endobj -2536 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2537 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.124.1) >> -endobj -2540 0 obj -(FcNameUnregisterConstants) -endobj -2541 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.124.511.2) >> -endobj -2544 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2545 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.124.512.2) >> -endobj -2548 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2549 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.124.513.2) >> -endobj -2552 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2553 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.124.514.2) >> -endobj -2556 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2557 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.125.1) >> -endobj -2560 0 obj -(FcNameGetConstant) -endobj -2561 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.125.515.2) >> -endobj -2564 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2565 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.125.516.2) >> -endobj -2568 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2569 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.125.517.2) >> -endobj -2572 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2573 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.125.518.2) >> -endobj -2576 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2577 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.126.1) >> -endobj -2580 0 obj -(FcNameConstant) -endobj -2581 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.126.519.2) >> -endobj -2584 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2585 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.126.520.2) >> -endobj -2588 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2589 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.126.521.2) >> -endobj -2592 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2593 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.126.522.2) >> -endobj -2596 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2597 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.126.523.2) >> -endobj -2600 0 obj -(FcBlanks) -endobj -2601 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.127.1) >> -endobj -2604 0 obj -(FcBlanksCreate) -endobj -2605 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.127.524.2) >> -endobj -2608 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2609 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.127.525.2) >> -endobj -2612 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2613 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.127.526.2) >> -endobj -2616 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2617 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.127.527.2) >> -endobj -2620 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2621 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.128.1) >> -endobj -2624 0 obj -(FcBlanksDestroy) -endobj -2625 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.128.528.2) >> -endobj -2628 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2629 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.128.529.2) >> -endobj -2632 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2633 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.128.530.2) >> -endobj -2636 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2637 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.128.531.2) >> -endobj -2640 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2641 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.129.1) >> -endobj -2644 0 obj -(FcBlanksAdd) -endobj -2645 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.129.532.2) >> -endobj -2648 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2649 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.129.533.2) >> -endobj -2652 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2653 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.129.534.2) >> -endobj -2656 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2657 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.129.535.2) >> -endobj -2660 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2661 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.130.1) >> -endobj -2664 0 obj -(FcBlanksIsMember) -endobj -2665 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.130.536.2) >> -endobj -2668 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2669 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.130.537.2) >> -endobj -2672 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2673 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.130.538.2) >> -endobj -2676 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2677 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.130.539.2) >> -endobj -2680 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2681 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.130.540.2) >> -endobj -2684 0 obj -(FcAtomic) -endobj -2685 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.131.1) >> -endobj -2688 0 obj -(FcAtomicCreate) -endobj -2689 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.131.541.2) >> -endobj -2692 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2693 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.131.542.2) >> -endobj -2696 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2697 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.131.543.2) >> -endobj -2700 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2701 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.131.544.2) >> -endobj -2704 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2705 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.132.1) >> -endobj -2708 0 obj -(FcAtomicLock) -endobj -2709 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.132.545.2) >> -endobj -2712 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2713 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.132.546.2) >> -endobj -2716 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2717 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.132.547.2) >> -endobj -2720 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2721 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.132.548.2) >> -endobj -2724 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2725 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.133.1) >> -endobj -2728 0 obj -(FcAtomicNewFile) -endobj -2729 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.133.549.2) >> -endobj -2732 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2733 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.133.550.2) >> -endobj -2736 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2737 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.133.551.2) >> -endobj -2740 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2741 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.133.552.2) >> -endobj -2744 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2745 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.134.1) >> -endobj -2748 0 obj -(FcAtomicOrigFile) -endobj -2749 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.134.553.2) >> -endobj -2752 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2753 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.134.554.2) >> -endobj -2756 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2757 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.134.555.2) >> -endobj -2760 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2761 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.134.556.2) >> -endobj -2764 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2765 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.135.1) >> -endobj -2768 0 obj -(FcAtomicReplaceOrig) -endobj -2769 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.135.557.2) >> -endobj -2772 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2773 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.135.558.2) >> -endobj -2776 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2777 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.135.559.2) >> -endobj -2780 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2781 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.135.560.2) >> -endobj -2784 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2785 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.136.1) >> -endobj -2788 0 obj -(FcAtomicDeleteNew) -endobj -2789 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.136.561.2) >> -endobj -2792 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2793 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.136.562.2) >> -endobj -2796 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2797 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.136.563.2) >> -endobj -2800 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2801 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.136.564.2) >> -endobj -2804 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2805 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.137.1) >> -endobj -2808 0 obj -(FcAtomicUnlock) -endobj -2809 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.137.565.2) >> -endobj -2812 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2813 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.137.566.2) >> -endobj -2816 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2817 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.137.567.2) >> -endobj -2820 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2821 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.137.568.2) >> -endobj -2824 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2825 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.138.1) >> -endobj -2828 0 obj -(FcAtomicDestroy) -endobj -2829 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.138.569.2) >> -endobj -2832 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2833 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.138.570.2) >> -endobj -2836 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2837 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.138.571.2) >> -endobj -2840 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2841 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.138.572.2) >> -endobj -2844 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2845 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.138.573.2) >> -endobj -2848 0 obj -(File and Directory routines) -endobj -2849 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.139.1) >> -endobj -2852 0 obj -(FcFileScan) -endobj -2853 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.139.574.2) >> -endobj -2856 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2857 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.139.575.2) >> -endobj -2860 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2861 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.139.576.2) >> -endobj -2864 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2865 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.139.577.2) >> -endobj -2868 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2869 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.140.1) >> -endobj -2872 0 obj -(FcFileIsDir) -endobj -2873 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.140.578.2) >> -endobj -2876 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2877 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.140.579.2) >> -endobj -2880 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2881 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.140.580.2) >> -endobj -2884 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2885 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.140.581.2) >> -endobj -2888 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2889 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.141.1) >> -endobj -2892 0 obj -(FcDirScan) -endobj -2893 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.141.582.2) >> -endobj -2896 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2897 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.141.583.2) >> -endobj -2900 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2901 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.141.584.2) >> -endobj -2904 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2905 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.141.585.2) >> -endobj -2908 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2909 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.142.1) >> -endobj -2912 0 obj -(FcDirSave) -endobj -2913 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.142.586.2) >> -endobj -2916 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2917 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.142.587.2) >> -endobj -2920 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2921 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.142.588.2) >> -endobj -2924 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2925 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.142.589.2) >> -endobj -2928 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2929 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.143.1) >> -endobj -2932 0 obj -(FcDirCacheUnlink) -endobj -2933 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.143.590.2) >> -endobj -2936 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2937 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.143.591.2) >> -endobj -2940 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2941 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.143.592.2) >> -endobj -2944 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2945 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.143.593.2) >> -endobj -2948 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2949 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.144.1) >> -endobj -2952 0 obj -(FcDirCacheValid) -endobj -2953 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.144.594.2) >> -endobj -2956 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2957 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.144.595.2) >> -endobj -2960 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2961 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.144.596.2) >> -endobj -2964 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2965 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.144.597.2) >> -endobj -2968 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2969 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.145.1) >> -endobj -2972 0 obj -(FcDirCacheLoad) -endobj -2973 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.145.598.2) >> -endobj -2976 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2977 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.145.599.2) >> -endobj -2980 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -2981 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.145.600.2) >> -endobj -2984 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -2985 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.145.601.2) >> -endobj -2988 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -2989 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.146.1) >> -endobj -2992 0 obj -(FcDirCacheRead) -endobj -2993 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.146.602.2) >> -endobj -2996 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -2997 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.146.603.2) >> -endobj -3000 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3001 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.146.604.2) >> -endobj -3004 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3005 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.146.605.2) >> -endobj -3008 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3009 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.147.1) >> -endobj -3012 0 obj -(FcDirCacheLoadFile) -endobj -3013 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.147.606.2) >> -endobj -3016 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3017 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.147.607.2) >> -endobj -3020 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3021 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.147.608.2) >> -endobj -3024 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3025 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.147.609.2) >> -endobj -3028 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3029 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.148.1) >> -endobj -3032 0 obj -(FcDirCacheUnload) -endobj -3033 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.148.610.2) >> -endobj -3036 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3037 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.148.611.2) >> -endobj -3040 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3041 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.148.612.2) >> -endobj -3044 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3045 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.148.613.2) >> -endobj -3048 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3049 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.148.614.2) >> -endobj -3052 0 obj -(FcCache routines) -endobj -3053 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.149.1) >> -endobj -3056 0 obj -(FcCacheDir) -endobj -3057 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.149.615.2) >> -endobj -3060 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3061 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.149.616.2) >> -endobj -3064 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3065 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.149.617.2) >> -endobj -3068 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3069 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.149.618.2) >> -endobj -3072 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3073 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.150.1) >> -endobj -3076 0 obj -(FcCacheCopySet) -endobj -3077 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.150.619.2) >> -endobj -3080 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3081 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.150.620.2) >> -endobj -3084 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3085 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.150.621.2) >> -endobj -3088 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3089 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.150.622.2) >> -endobj -3092 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3093 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.151.1) >> -endobj -3096 0 obj -(FcCacheSubdir) -endobj -3097 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.151.623.2) >> -endobj -3100 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3101 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.151.624.2) >> -endobj -3104 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3105 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.151.625.2) >> -endobj -3108 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3109 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.151.626.2) >> -endobj -3112 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3113 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.152.1) >> -endobj -3116 0 obj -(FcCacheNumSubdir) -endobj -3117 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.152.627.2) >> -endobj -3120 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3121 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.152.628.2) >> -endobj -3124 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3125 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.152.629.2) >> -endobj -3128 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3129 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.152.630.2) >> -endobj -3132 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3133 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.153.1) >> -endobj -3136 0 obj -(FcCacheNumFont) -endobj -3137 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.153.631.2) >> -endobj -3140 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3141 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.153.632.2) >> -endobj -3144 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3145 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.153.633.2) >> -endobj -3148 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3149 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.153.634.2) >> -endobj -3152 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3153 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.153.635.2) >> -endobj -3156 0 obj -(FcStrSet and FcStrList) -endobj -3157 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.154.1) >> -endobj -3160 0 obj -(FcStrSetCreate) -endobj -3161 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.154.636.2) >> -endobj -3164 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3165 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.154.637.2) >> -endobj -3168 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3169 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.154.638.2) >> -endobj -3172 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3173 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.154.639.2) >> -endobj -3176 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3177 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.155.1) >> -endobj -3180 0 obj -(FcStrSetMember) -endobj -3181 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.155.640.2) >> -endobj -3184 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3185 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.155.641.2) >> -endobj -3188 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3189 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.155.642.2) >> -endobj -3192 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3193 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.155.643.2) >> -endobj -3196 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3197 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.156.1) >> -endobj -3200 0 obj -(FcStrSetEqual) -endobj -3201 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.156.644.2) >> -endobj -3204 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3205 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.156.645.2) >> -endobj -3208 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3209 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.156.646.2) >> -endobj -3212 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3213 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.156.647.2) >> -endobj -3216 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3217 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.157.1) >> -endobj -3220 0 obj -(FcStrSetAdd) -endobj -3221 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.157.648.2) >> -endobj -3224 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3225 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.157.649.2) >> -endobj -3228 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3229 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.157.650.2) >> -endobj -3232 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3233 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.157.651.2) >> -endobj -3236 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3237 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.158.1) >> -endobj -3240 0 obj -(FcStrSetAddFilename) -endobj -3241 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.158.652.2) >> -endobj -3244 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3245 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.158.653.2) >> -endobj -3248 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3249 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.158.654.2) >> -endobj -3252 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3253 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.158.655.2) >> -endobj -3256 0 obj -(Version) -endobj 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-(Name) -endobj -3305 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.161.665.2) >> -endobj -3308 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3309 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.161.666.2) >> -endobj -3312 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3313 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.161.667.2) >> -endobj -3316 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3317 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.162.1) >> -endobj -3320 0 obj -(FcStrListNext) -endobj -3321 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.162.668.2) >> -endobj -3324 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3325 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.162.669.2) >> -endobj -3328 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3329 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.162.670.2) >> -endobj -3332 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3333 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.162.671.2) >> -endobj -3336 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3337 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.163.1) >> -endobj -3340 0 obj -(FcStrListDone) -endobj -3341 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.163.672.2) >> -endobj -3344 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3345 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.163.673.2) >> -endobj -3348 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3349 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.163.674.2) >> 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obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.168.693.2) >> -endobj -3448 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3449 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.168.694.2) >> -endobj -3452 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3453 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.168.695.2) >> -endobj -3456 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3457 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.168.696.2) >> -endobj -3460 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3461 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.169.1) >> -endobj -3464 0 obj -(FcIsLower) -endobj -3465 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.169.697.2) >> -endobj -3468 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3469 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.169.698.2) >> -endobj -3472 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3473 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.169.699.2) >> -endobj -3476 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3477 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.169.700.2) >> -endobj -3480 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3481 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.170.1) >> -endobj -3484 0 obj -(FcIsUpper) -endobj -3485 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.170.701.2) >> -endobj -3488 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3489 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.170.702.2) >> -endobj -3492 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3493 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.170.703.2) >> -endobj -3496 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3497 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.170.704.2) >> -endobj -3500 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3501 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.171.1) >> -endobj -3504 0 obj -(FcToLower) -endobj -3505 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.171.705.2) >> -endobj -3508 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3509 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.171.706.2) >> -endobj -3512 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3513 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.171.707.2) >> -endobj -3516 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3517 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.171.708.2) >> -endobj -3520 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3521 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.172.1) >> -endobj -3524 0 obj -(FcStrCopy) -endobj -3525 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.172.709.2) >> -endobj -3528 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3529 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.172.710.2) >> -endobj -3532 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3533 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.172.711.2) >> -endobj -3536 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3537 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.172.712.2) >> -endobj -3540 0 obj 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(1.177.731.2) >> -endobj -3636 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3637 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.177.732.2) >> -endobj -3640 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3641 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.178.1) >> -endobj -3644 0 obj -(FcStrStrIgnoreCase) -endobj -3645 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.178.733.2) >> -endobj -3648 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3649 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.178.734.2) >> -endobj -3652 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3653 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.178.735.2) >> -endobj -3656 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3657 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.178.736.2) >> -endobj -3660 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3661 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.179.1) >> -endobj -3664 0 obj -(FcStrPlus) -endobj -3665 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.179.737.2) >> -endobj -3668 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3669 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.179.738.2) >> -endobj -3672 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3673 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.179.739.2) >> -endobj -3676 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3677 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.179.740.2) >> -endobj -3680 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3681 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.180.1) >> -endobj -3684 0 obj -(FcStrFree) -endobj -3685 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.180.741.2) >> -endobj -3688 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3689 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.180.742.2) >> -endobj -3692 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3693 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.180.743.2) >> -endobj -3696 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3697 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.180.744.2) >> -endobj -3700 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3701 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.181.1) >> -endobj -3704 0 obj -(FcStrDirname) -endobj -3705 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.181.745.2) >> -endobj -3708 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3709 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.181.746.2) >> -endobj -3712 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3713 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.181.747.2) >> -endobj -3716 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3717 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.181.748.2) >> -endobj -3720 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3721 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.182.1) >> -endobj -3724 0 obj -(FcStrBasename) -endobj -3725 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.182.749.2) >> -endobj -3728 0 obj -(Name) -endobj -3729 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.182.750.2) >> -endobj -3732 0 obj -(Synopsis) -endobj -3733 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.182.751.2) >> -endobj -3736 0 obj -(Description) -endobj -3737 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (1.182.752.2) >> -endobj -3740 0 obj -(Version) -endobj -3741 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D [3742 0 R /Fit ] >> -endobj -3752 0 obj << -/Length 439 -/Filter /FlateDecode ->> -stream -xÚíÚOkÛ0ð{>…ŽÌšþÙ’[’¶ÙJR7;t;8‰’…vvIÌ ß¾’å´ ’C) ž“Œ~ÖãWòE2ædC89ð¾ý\>žÉŒˆœq­-)×DHÅŒÄpÍr^rEî’³¦n—Mýs¹¡©469*²ä·{hÝ.\îcÿÌ­©à‰Û¹zéhê/?D˜Ó,tw·n›:vJf˜¢?Ê/± -ÅdÎUW…2L[ER_M.M¬âkì¶íÏ8xJOª%•<¹¯v¡Y½FqVd¶Q©,Ì-íúú ]LcÆ°úµØmW›®Rw˜ÂÞże˜Jÿ´Ëjq¬ÐT(Í„È|¥šeJÆø’Z_Ú" èS›uÿD¿”®n÷!ìå=øTK -Vä2¡Ú0ë_A* ë&"Gã›ál2-'×W =´ä.•²HØ ïux80•õg§Û«aصºôºžgÔèd>;µ“Ï$–à/nÑFU[µOnj?Vp¬-øg ßò­ùæô/"‹ üÏ`¡—ƒgmVL -endstream -endobj -3742 0 obj << -/Type /Page -/Contents 3752 0 R -/Resources 3751 0 R -/MediaBox [0 0 609.714 789.041] -/Parent 3758 0 R -/Annots [ 3743 0 R 3744 0 R 3745 0 R 3746 0 R 3747 0 R 3748 0 R 3749 0 R 3750 0 R ] ->> endobj -3743 0 obj << 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R -/Parent 619 0 R -/Prev 627 0 R -/Next 635 0 R ->> endobj -627 0 obj << -/Title 628 0 R -/A 625 0 R -/Parent 619 0 R -/Prev 623 0 R -/Next 631 0 R ->> endobj -623 0 obj << -/Title 624 0 R -/A 621 0 R -/Parent 619 0 R -/Next 627 0 R ->> endobj -619 0 obj << -/Title 620 0 R -/A 617 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 599 0 R -/Next 639 0 R -/First 623 0 R -/Last 635 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -615 0 obj << -/Title 616 0 R -/A 613 0 R -/Parent 599 0 R -/Prev 611 0 R ->> endobj -611 0 obj << -/Title 612 0 R -/A 609 0 R -/Parent 599 0 R -/Prev 607 0 R -/Next 615 0 R ->> endobj -607 0 obj << -/Title 608 0 R -/A 605 0 R -/Parent 599 0 R -/Prev 603 0 R -/Next 611 0 R ->> endobj -603 0 obj << -/Title 604 0 R -/A 601 0 R -/Parent 599 0 R -/Next 607 0 R ->> endobj -599 0 obj << -/Title 600 0 R -/A 597 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 579 0 R -/Next 619 0 R -/First 603 0 R -/Last 615 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -595 0 obj << -/Title 596 0 R -/A 593 0 R -/Parent 579 0 R -/Prev 591 0 R ->> endobj -591 0 obj << -/Title 592 0 R -/A 589 0 R -/Parent 579 0 R -/Prev 587 0 R -/Next 595 0 R ->> endobj -587 0 obj << -/Title 588 0 R -/A 585 0 R -/Parent 579 0 R -/Prev 583 0 R -/Next 591 0 R ->> endobj -583 0 obj << -/Title 584 0 R -/A 581 0 R -/Parent 579 0 R -/Next 587 0 R ->> endobj -579 0 obj << -/Title 580 0 R -/A 577 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 559 0 R -/Next 599 0 R -/First 583 0 R -/Last 595 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -575 0 obj << -/Title 576 0 R -/A 573 0 R -/Parent 559 0 R -/Prev 571 0 R ->> endobj -571 0 obj << -/Title 572 0 R -/A 569 0 R -/Parent 559 0 R -/Prev 567 0 R -/Next 575 0 R ->> endobj -567 0 obj << -/Title 568 0 R -/A 565 0 R -/Parent 559 0 R -/Prev 563 0 R -/Next 571 0 R ->> endobj -563 0 obj << -/Title 564 0 R -/A 561 0 R -/Parent 559 0 R -/Next 567 0 R ->> endobj -559 0 obj << -/Title 560 0 R -/A 557 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 539 0 R -/Next 579 0 R -/First 563 0 R -/Last 575 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -555 0 obj << -/Title 556 0 R -/A 553 0 R -/Parent 539 0 R -/Prev 551 0 R ->> endobj -551 0 obj << -/Title 552 0 R -/A 549 0 R -/Parent 539 0 R -/Prev 547 0 R -/Next 555 0 R ->> endobj -547 0 obj << -/Title 548 0 R -/A 545 0 R -/Parent 539 0 R -/Prev 543 0 R -/Next 551 0 R ->> endobj -543 0 obj << -/Title 544 0 R -/A 541 0 R -/Parent 539 0 R -/Next 547 0 R ->> endobj -539 0 obj << -/Title 540 0 R -/A 537 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 519 0 R -/Next 559 0 R -/First 543 0 R -/Last 555 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -535 0 obj << -/Title 536 0 R -/A 533 0 R -/Parent 519 0 R -/Prev 531 0 R ->> endobj -531 0 obj << -/Title 532 0 R -/A 529 0 R -/Parent 519 0 R -/Prev 527 0 R -/Next 535 0 R ->> endobj -527 0 obj << -/Title 528 0 R -/A 525 0 R -/Parent 519 0 R -/Prev 523 0 R -/Next 531 0 R ->> endobj -523 0 obj << -/Title 524 0 R -/A 521 0 R -/Parent 519 0 R -/Next 527 0 R ->> endobj -519 0 obj << -/Title 520 0 R -/A 517 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 499 0 R -/Next 539 0 R -/First 523 0 R -/Last 535 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -515 0 obj << -/Title 516 0 R -/A 513 0 R -/Parent 499 0 R -/Prev 511 0 R ->> endobj -511 0 obj << -/Title 512 0 R -/A 509 0 R -/Parent 499 0 R -/Prev 507 0 R -/Next 515 0 R ->> endobj -507 0 obj << -/Title 508 0 R -/A 505 0 R -/Parent 499 0 R -/Prev 503 0 R -/Next 511 0 R ->> endobj -503 0 obj << -/Title 504 0 R -/A 501 0 R -/Parent 499 0 R -/Next 507 0 R ->> endobj -499 0 obj << -/Title 500 0 R -/A 497 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 479 0 R -/Next 519 0 R -/First 503 0 R -/Last 515 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -495 0 obj << -/Title 496 0 R -/A 493 0 R -/Parent 479 0 R -/Prev 491 0 R ->> endobj -491 0 obj << -/Title 492 0 R -/A 489 0 R -/Parent 479 0 R -/Prev 487 0 R -/Next 495 0 R ->> endobj -487 0 obj << -/Title 488 0 R -/A 485 0 R -/Parent 479 0 R -/Prev 483 0 R -/Next 491 0 R ->> endobj -483 0 obj << -/Title 484 0 R -/A 481 0 R -/Parent 479 0 R -/Next 487 0 R ->> endobj -479 0 obj << -/Title 480 0 R -/A 477 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 459 0 R -/Next 499 0 R -/First 483 0 R -/Last 495 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -475 0 obj << -/Title 476 0 R -/A 473 0 R -/Parent 459 0 R -/Prev 471 0 R ->> endobj -471 0 obj << -/Title 472 0 R -/A 469 0 R -/Parent 459 0 R -/Prev 467 0 R -/Next 475 0 R ->> endobj -467 0 obj << -/Title 468 0 R -/A 465 0 R -/Parent 459 0 R -/Prev 463 0 R -/Next 471 0 R ->> endobj -463 0 obj << -/Title 464 0 R -/A 461 0 R -/Parent 459 0 R -/Next 467 0 R ->> endobj -459 0 obj << -/Title 460 0 R -/A 457 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 439 0 R -/Next 479 0 R -/First 463 0 R -/Last 475 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -455 0 obj << -/Title 456 0 R -/A 453 0 R -/Parent 439 0 R -/Prev 451 0 R ->> endobj -451 0 obj << -/Title 452 0 R -/A 449 0 R -/Parent 439 0 R -/Prev 447 0 R -/Next 455 0 R ->> endobj -447 0 obj << -/Title 448 0 R -/A 445 0 R -/Parent 439 0 R -/Prev 443 0 R -/Next 451 0 R ->> endobj -443 0 obj << -/Title 444 0 R -/A 441 0 R -/Parent 439 0 R -/Next 447 0 R ->> endobj -439 0 obj << -/Title 440 0 R -/A 437 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 419 0 R -/Next 459 0 R -/First 443 0 R -/Last 455 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -435 0 obj << -/Title 436 0 R -/A 433 0 R -/Parent 419 0 R -/Prev 431 0 R ->> endobj -431 0 obj << -/Title 432 0 R -/A 429 0 R -/Parent 419 0 R -/Prev 427 0 R -/Next 435 0 R ->> endobj -427 0 obj << -/Title 428 0 R -/A 425 0 R -/Parent 419 0 R -/Prev 423 0 R -/Next 431 0 R ->> endobj -423 0 obj << -/Title 424 0 R -/A 421 0 R -/Parent 419 0 R -/Next 427 0 R ->> endobj -419 0 obj << -/Title 420 0 R -/A 417 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 399 0 R -/Next 439 0 R -/First 423 0 R -/Last 435 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -415 0 obj << -/Title 416 0 R -/A 413 0 R -/Parent 399 0 R -/Prev 411 0 R ->> endobj -411 0 obj << -/Title 412 0 R -/A 409 0 R -/Parent 399 0 R -/Prev 407 0 R -/Next 415 0 R ->> endobj -407 0 obj << -/Title 408 0 R -/A 405 0 R -/Parent 399 0 R -/Prev 403 0 R -/Next 411 0 R ->> endobj -403 0 obj << -/Title 404 0 R -/A 401 0 R -/Parent 399 0 R -/Next 407 0 R ->> endobj -399 0 obj << -/Title 400 0 R -/A 397 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 379 0 R -/Next 419 0 R -/First 403 0 R -/Last 415 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -395 0 obj << -/Title 396 0 R -/A 393 0 R -/Parent 379 0 R -/Prev 391 0 R ->> endobj -391 0 obj << -/Title 392 0 R -/A 389 0 R -/Parent 379 0 R -/Prev 387 0 R -/Next 395 0 R ->> endobj -387 0 obj << -/Title 388 0 R -/A 385 0 R -/Parent 379 0 R -/Prev 383 0 R -/Next 391 0 R ->> endobj -383 0 obj << -/Title 384 0 R -/A 381 0 R -/Parent 379 0 R -/Next 387 0 R ->> endobj -379 0 obj << -/Title 380 0 R -/A 377 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 359 0 R -/Next 399 0 R -/First 383 0 R -/Last 395 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -375 0 obj << -/Title 376 0 R -/A 373 0 R -/Parent 359 0 R -/Prev 371 0 R ->> endobj -371 0 obj << -/Title 372 0 R -/A 369 0 R -/Parent 359 0 R -/Prev 367 0 R -/Next 375 0 R ->> endobj -367 0 obj << -/Title 368 0 R -/A 365 0 R -/Parent 359 0 R -/Prev 363 0 R -/Next 371 0 R ->> endobj -363 0 obj << -/Title 364 0 R -/A 361 0 R -/Parent 359 0 R -/Next 367 0 R ->> endobj -359 0 obj << -/Title 360 0 R -/A 357 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 339 0 R -/Next 379 0 R -/First 363 0 R -/Last 375 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -355 0 obj << -/Title 356 0 R -/A 353 0 R -/Parent 339 0 R -/Prev 351 0 R ->> endobj -351 0 obj << -/Title 352 0 R -/A 349 0 R -/Parent 339 0 R -/Prev 347 0 R -/Next 355 0 R ->> endobj -347 0 obj << -/Title 348 0 R -/A 345 0 R -/Parent 339 0 R -/Prev 343 0 R -/Next 351 0 R ->> endobj -343 0 obj << -/Title 344 0 R -/A 341 0 R -/Parent 339 0 R -/Next 347 0 R ->> endobj -339 0 obj << -/Title 340 0 R -/A 337 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 319 0 R -/Next 359 0 R -/First 343 0 R -/Last 355 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -335 0 obj << -/Title 336 0 R -/A 333 0 R -/Parent 319 0 R -/Prev 331 0 R ->> endobj -331 0 obj << -/Title 332 0 R -/A 329 0 R -/Parent 319 0 R -/Prev 327 0 R -/Next 335 0 R ->> endobj -327 0 obj << -/Title 328 0 R -/A 325 0 R -/Parent 319 0 R -/Prev 323 0 R -/Next 331 0 R ->> endobj -323 0 obj << -/Title 324 0 R -/A 321 0 R -/Parent 319 0 R -/Next 327 0 R ->> endobj -319 0 obj << -/Title 320 0 R -/A 317 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 299 0 R -/Next 339 0 R -/First 323 0 R -/Last 335 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -315 0 obj << -/Title 316 0 R -/A 313 0 R -/Parent 299 0 R -/Prev 311 0 R ->> endobj -311 0 obj << -/Title 312 0 R -/A 309 0 R -/Parent 299 0 R -/Prev 307 0 R -/Next 315 0 R ->> endobj -307 0 obj << -/Title 308 0 R -/A 305 0 R -/Parent 299 0 R -/Prev 303 0 R -/Next 311 0 R ->> endobj -303 0 obj << -/Title 304 0 R -/A 301 0 R -/Parent 299 0 R -/Next 307 0 R ->> endobj -299 0 obj << -/Title 300 0 R -/A 297 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 279 0 R -/Next 319 0 R -/First 303 0 R -/Last 315 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -295 0 obj << -/Title 296 0 R -/A 293 0 R -/Parent 279 0 R -/Prev 291 0 R ->> endobj -291 0 obj << -/Title 292 0 R -/A 289 0 R -/Parent 279 0 R -/Prev 287 0 R -/Next 295 0 R ->> endobj -287 0 obj << -/Title 288 0 R -/A 285 0 R -/Parent 279 0 R -/Prev 283 0 R -/Next 291 0 R ->> endobj -283 0 obj << -/Title 284 0 R -/A 281 0 R -/Parent 279 0 R -/Next 287 0 R ->> endobj -279 0 obj << -/Title 280 0 R -/A 277 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 259 0 R -/Next 299 0 R -/First 283 0 R -/Last 295 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -275 0 obj << -/Title 276 0 R -/A 273 0 R -/Parent 259 0 R -/Prev 271 0 R ->> endobj -271 0 obj << -/Title 272 0 R -/A 269 0 R -/Parent 259 0 R -/Prev 267 0 R -/Next 275 0 R ->> endobj -267 0 obj << -/Title 268 0 R -/A 265 0 R -/Parent 259 0 R -/Prev 263 0 R -/Next 271 0 R ->> endobj -263 0 obj << -/Title 264 0 R -/A 261 0 R -/Parent 259 0 R -/Next 267 0 R ->> endobj -259 0 obj << -/Title 260 0 R -/A 257 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 235 0 R -/Next 279 0 R -/First 263 0 R -/Last 275 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -255 0 obj << -/Title 256 0 R -/A 253 0 R -/Parent 235 0 R -/Prev 251 0 R ->> endobj -251 0 obj << -/Title 252 0 R -/A 249 0 R -/Parent 235 0 R -/Prev 247 0 R -/Next 255 0 R ->> endobj -247 0 obj << -/Title 248 0 R -/A 245 0 R -/Parent 235 0 R -/Prev 243 0 R -/Next 251 0 R ->> endobj -243 0 obj << -/Title 244 0 R -/A 241 0 R -/Parent 235 0 R -/Prev 239 0 R -/Next 247 0 R ->> endobj -239 0 obj << -/Title 240 0 R -/A 237 0 R -/Parent 235 0 R -/Next 243 0 R ->> endobj -235 0 obj << -/Title 236 0 R -/A 233 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 215 0 R -/Next 259 0 R -/First 239 0 R -/Last 255 0 R -/Count -5 ->> endobj -231 0 obj << -/Title 232 0 R -/A 229 0 R -/Parent 215 0 R -/Prev 227 0 R ->> endobj -227 0 obj << -/Title 228 0 R -/A 225 0 R -/Parent 215 0 R -/Prev 223 0 R -/Next 231 0 R ->> endobj -223 0 obj << -/Title 224 0 R -/A 221 0 R -/Parent 215 0 R -/Prev 219 0 R -/Next 227 0 R ->> endobj -219 0 obj << -/Title 220 0 R -/A 217 0 R -/Parent 215 0 R -/Next 223 0 R ->> endobj -215 0 obj << -/Title 216 0 R -/A 213 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 195 0 R -/Next 235 0 R -/First 219 0 R -/Last 231 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -211 0 obj << -/Title 212 0 R -/A 209 0 R -/Parent 195 0 R -/Prev 207 0 R ->> endobj -207 0 obj << -/Title 208 0 R -/A 205 0 R -/Parent 195 0 R -/Prev 203 0 R -/Next 211 0 R ->> endobj -203 0 obj << -/Title 204 0 R -/A 201 0 R -/Parent 195 0 R -/Prev 199 0 R -/Next 207 0 R ->> endobj -199 0 obj << -/Title 200 0 R -/A 197 0 R -/Parent 195 0 R -/Next 203 0 R ->> endobj -195 0 obj << -/Title 196 0 R -/A 193 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 175 0 R -/Next 215 0 R -/First 199 0 R -/Last 211 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -191 0 obj << -/Title 192 0 R -/A 189 0 R -/Parent 175 0 R -/Prev 187 0 R ->> endobj -187 0 obj << -/Title 188 0 R -/A 185 0 R -/Parent 175 0 R -/Prev 183 0 R -/Next 191 0 R ->> endobj -183 0 obj << -/Title 184 0 R -/A 181 0 R -/Parent 175 0 R -/Prev 179 0 R -/Next 187 0 R ->> endobj -179 0 obj << -/Title 180 0 R -/A 177 0 R -/Parent 175 0 R -/Next 183 0 R ->> endobj -175 0 obj << -/Title 176 0 R -/A 173 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 155 0 R -/Next 195 0 R -/First 179 0 R -/Last 191 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -171 0 obj << -/Title 172 0 R -/A 169 0 R -/Parent 155 0 R -/Prev 167 0 R ->> endobj -167 0 obj << -/Title 168 0 R -/A 165 0 R -/Parent 155 0 R -/Prev 163 0 R -/Next 171 0 R ->> endobj -163 0 obj << -/Title 164 0 R -/A 161 0 R -/Parent 155 0 R -/Prev 159 0 R -/Next 167 0 R ->> endobj -159 0 obj << -/Title 160 0 R -/A 157 0 R -/Parent 155 0 R -/Next 163 0 R ->> endobj -155 0 obj << -/Title 156 0 R -/A 153 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 135 0 R -/Next 175 0 R -/First 159 0 R -/Last 171 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -151 0 obj << -/Title 152 0 R -/A 149 0 R -/Parent 135 0 R -/Prev 147 0 R ->> endobj -147 0 obj << -/Title 148 0 R -/A 145 0 R -/Parent 135 0 R -/Prev 143 0 R -/Next 151 0 R ->> endobj -143 0 obj << -/Title 144 0 R -/A 141 0 R -/Parent 135 0 R -/Prev 139 0 R -/Next 147 0 R ->> endobj -139 0 obj << -/Title 140 0 R -/A 137 0 R -/Parent 135 0 R -/Next 143 0 R ->> endobj -135 0 obj << -/Title 136 0 R -/A 133 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 115 0 R -/Next 155 0 R -/First 139 0 R -/Last 151 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -131 0 obj << -/Title 132 0 R -/A 129 0 R -/Parent 115 0 R -/Prev 127 0 R ->> endobj -127 0 obj << -/Title 128 0 R -/A 125 0 R -/Parent 115 0 R -/Prev 123 0 R -/Next 131 0 R ->> endobj -123 0 obj << -/Title 124 0 R -/A 121 0 R -/Parent 115 0 R -/Prev 119 0 R -/Next 127 0 R ->> endobj -119 0 obj << -/Title 120 0 R -/A 117 0 R -/Parent 115 0 R -/Next 123 0 R ->> endobj -115 0 obj << -/Title 116 0 R -/A 113 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 107 0 R -/Next 135 0 R -/First 119 0 R -/Last 131 0 R -/Count -4 ->> endobj -111 0 obj << -/Title 112 0 R -/A 109 0 R -/Parent 107 0 R ->> endobj -107 0 obj << -/Title 108 0 R -/A 105 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 23 0 R -/Next 115 0 R -/First 111 0 R -/Last 111 0 R -/Count -1 ->> endobj -103 0 obj << -/Title 104 0 R -/A 101 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 99 0 R ->> endobj -99 0 obj << -/Title 100 0 R -/A 97 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 95 0 R -/Next 103 0 R ->> endobj -95 0 obj << -/Title 96 0 R -/A 93 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 91 0 R -/Next 99 0 R ->> endobj -91 0 obj << -/Title 92 0 R -/A 89 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 87 0 R -/Next 95 0 R ->> endobj -87 0 obj << -/Title 88 0 R -/A 85 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 83 0 R -/Next 91 0 R ->> endobj -83 0 obj << -/Title 84 0 R -/A 81 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 79 0 R -/Next 87 0 R ->> endobj -79 0 obj << -/Title 80 0 R -/A 77 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 75 0 R -/Next 83 0 R ->> endobj -75 0 obj << -/Title 76 0 R -/A 73 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 71 0 R -/Next 79 0 R ->> endobj -71 0 obj << -/Title 72 0 R -/A 69 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 67 0 R -/Next 75 0 R ->> endobj -67 0 obj << -/Title 68 0 R -/A 65 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 63 0 R -/Next 71 0 R ->> endobj -63 0 obj << -/Title 64 0 R -/A 61 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 59 0 R -/Next 67 0 R ->> endobj -59 0 obj << -/Title 60 0 R -/A 57 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 55 0 R -/Next 63 0 R ->> endobj -55 0 obj << -/Title 56 0 R -/A 53 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 51 0 R -/Next 59 0 R ->> endobj -51 0 obj << -/Title 52 0 R -/A 49 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 47 0 R -/Next 55 0 R ->> endobj -47 0 obj << -/Title 48 0 R -/A 45 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 43 0 R -/Next 51 0 R ->> endobj -43 0 obj << -/Title 44 0 R -/A 41 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 39 0 R -/Next 47 0 R ->> endobj -39 0 obj << -/Title 40 0 R -/A 37 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 35 0 R -/Next 43 0 R ->> endobj -35 0 obj << -/Title 36 0 R -/A 33 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 31 0 R -/Next 39 0 R ->> endobj -31 0 obj << -/Title 32 0 R -/A 29 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Prev 27 0 R -/Next 35 0 R ->> endobj -27 0 obj << -/Title 28 0 R -/A 25 0 R -/Parent 23 0 R -/Next 31 0 R ->> endobj -23 0 obj << -/Title 24 0 R -/A 21 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 11 0 R -/Next 107 0 R -/First 27 0 R -/Last 103 0 R -/Count -20 ->> endobj -19 0 obj << -/Title 20 0 R -/A 17 0 R -/Parent 11 0 R -/Prev 15 0 R ->> endobj -15 0 obj << -/Title 16 0 R -/A 13 0 R -/Parent 11 0 R -/Next 19 0 R ->> endobj -11 0 obj << -/Title 12 0 R -/A 9 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Prev 7 0 R -/Next 23 0 R -/First 15 0 R -/Last 19 0 R -/Count -2 ->> endobj -7 0 obj << -/Title 8 0 R -/A 5 0 R -/Parent 3 0 R -/Next 11 0 R ->> endobj -3 0 obj << -/Title 4 0 R -/A 1 0 R -/Parent 7913 0 R -/First 7 0 R -/Last 3723 0 R -/Count -182 ->> endobj -7914 0 obj << -/Names [(0) 3755 0 R (1.0) 2 0 R (1.1.1) 6 0 R (1.10.1) 214 0 R ( 218 0 R ( 222 0 R] -/Limits [(0) (] ->> endobj -7915 0 obj << -/Names [( 226 0 R ( 230 0 R (1.100.1) 2050 0 R (1.100.413.2) 2054 0 R (1.100.414.2) 2058 0 R (1.100.415.2) 2062 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.100.415.2)] ->> endobj -7916 0 obj << -/Names [(1.100.416.2) 2066 0 R (1.101.1) 2070 0 R (1.101.417.2) 2074 0 R (1.101.418.2) 2078 0 R (1.101.419.2) 2082 0 R (1.101.420.2) 2086 0 R] -/Limits [(1.100.416.2) (1.101.420.2)] ->> endobj -7917 0 obj << -/Names [(1.102.1) 2090 0 R (1.102.421.2) 2094 0 R (1.102.422.2) 2098 0 R (1.102.423.2) 2102 0 R (1.102.424.2) 2106 0 R (1.103.1) 2110 0 R] -/Limits [(1.102.1) (1.103.1)] ->> endobj -7918 0 obj << -/Names [(1.103.425.2) 2114 0 R (1.103.426.2) 2118 0 R (1.103.427.2) 2122 0 R (1.103.428.2) 2126 0 R (1.104.1) 2130 0 R (1.104.429.2) 2134 0 R] -/Limits [(1.103.425.2) (1.104.429.2)] ->> endobj -7919 0 obj << -/Names [(1.104.430.2) 2138 0 R (1.104.431.2) 2142 0 R (1.104.432.2) 2146 0 R (1.105.1) 2150 0 R (1.105.433.2) 2154 0 R (1.105.434.2) 2158 0 R] -/Limits [(1.104.430.2) (1.105.434.2)] ->> endobj -7920 0 obj << -/Names [(1.105.435.2) 2162 0 R (1.105.436.2) 2166 0 R (1.106.1) 2170 0 R (1.106.437.2) 2174 0 R (1.106.438.2) 2178 0 R (1.106.439.2) 2182 0 R] -/Limits [(1.105.435.2) (1.106.439.2)] ->> endobj -7921 0 obj << -/Names [(1.106.440.2) 2186 0 R (1.107.1) 2190 0 R (1.107.441.2) 2194 0 R (1.107.442.2) 2198 0 R (1.107.443.2) 2202 0 R (1.107.444.2) 2206 0 R] -/Limits [(1.106.440.2) (1.107.444.2)] ->> endobj -7922 0 obj << -/Names [(1.108.1) 2210 0 R (1.108.445.2) 2214 0 R (1.108.446.2) 2218 0 R (1.108.447.2) 2222 0 R (1.108.448.2) 2226 0 R (1.109.1) 2230 0 R] -/Limits [(1.108.1) (1.109.1)] ->> endobj -7923 0 obj << -/Names [(1.109.449.2) 2234 0 R (1.109.450.2) 2238 0 R (1.109.451.2) 2242 0 R (1.109.452.2) 2246 0 R (1.11.1) 234 0 R ( 238 0 R] -/Limits [(1.109.449.2) (] ->> endobj -7924 0 obj << -/Names [( 242 0 R ( 246 0 R ( 250 0 R ( 254 0 R (1.110.1) 2250 0 R (1.110.453.2) 2254 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.110.453.2)] ->> endobj -7925 0 obj << -/Names [(1.110.454.2) 2258 0 R (1.110.455.2) 2262 0 R (1.110.456.2) 2266 0 R (1.111.1) 2270 0 R (1.111.457.2) 2274 0 R (1.111.458.2) 2278 0 R] -/Limits [(1.110.454.2) (1.111.458.2)] ->> endobj -7926 0 obj << -/Names [(1.111.459.2) 2282 0 R (1.111.460.2) 2286 0 R (1.112.1) 2290 0 R (1.112.461.2) 2294 0 R (1.112.462.2) 2298 0 R (1.112.463.2) 2302 0 R] -/Limits [(1.111.459.2) (1.112.463.2)] ->> endobj -7927 0 obj << -/Names [(1.112.464.2) 2306 0 R (1.113.1) 2310 0 R (1.113.465.2) 2314 0 R (1.113.466.2) 2318 0 R (1.113.467.2) 2322 0 R (1.113.468.2) 2326 0 R] -/Limits [(1.112.464.2) (1.113.468.2)] ->> endobj -7928 0 obj << -/Names [(1.114.1) 2330 0 R (1.114.469.2) 2334 0 R (1.114.470.2) 2338 0 R (1.114.471.2) 2342 0 R (1.114.472.2) 2346 0 R (1.115.1) 2350 0 R] -/Limits [(1.114.1) (1.115.1)] ->> endobj -7929 0 obj << -/Names [(1.115.473.2) 2354 0 R (1.115.474.2) 2358 0 R (1.115.475.2) 2362 0 R (1.115.476.2) 2366 0 R (1.116.1) 2370 0 R (1.116.477.2) 2374 0 R] -/Limits [(1.115.473.2) (1.116.477.2)] ->> endobj -7930 0 obj << -/Names [(1.116.478.2) 2378 0 R (1.116.479.2) 2382 0 R (1.116.480.2) 2386 0 R (1.117.1) 2390 0 R (1.117.481.2) 2394 0 R (1.117.482.2) 2398 0 R] -/Limits [(1.116.478.2) (1.117.482.2)] ->> endobj -7931 0 obj << -/Names [(1.117.483.2) 2402 0 R (1.117.484.2) 2406 0 R (1.118.1) 2410 0 R (1.118.485.2) 2414 0 R (1.118.486.2) 2418 0 R (1.118.487.2) 2422 0 R] -/Limits [(1.117.483.2) (1.118.487.2)] ->> endobj -7932 0 obj << -/Names [(1.118.488.2) 2426 0 R (1.119.1) 2430 0 R (1.119.489.2) 2434 0 R (1.119.490.2) 2438 0 R (1.119.491.2) 2442 0 R (1.119.492.2) 2446 0 R] -/Limits [(1.118.488.2) (1.119.492.2)] ->> endobj -7933 0 obj << -/Names [(1.119.493.2) 2450 0 R (1.12.1) 258 0 R ( 262 0 R ( 266 0 R ( 270 0 R ( 274 0 R] -/Limits [(1.119.493.2) (] ->> endobj -7934 0 obj << -/Names [(1.120.1) 2454 0 R (1.120.494.2) 2458 0 R (1.120.495.2) 2462 0 R (1.120.496.2) 2466 0 R (1.120.497.2) 2470 0 R (1.121.1) 2474 0 R] -/Limits [(1.120.1) (1.121.1)] ->> endobj -7935 0 obj << -/Names [(1.121.498.2) 2478 0 R (1.121.499.2) 2482 0 R (1.121.500.2) 2486 0 R (1.121.501.2) 2490 0 R (1.122.1) 2494 0 R (1.122.502.2) 2498 0 R] -/Limits [(1.121.498.2) (1.122.502.2)] ->> endobj -7936 0 obj << -/Names [(1.122.503.2) 2502 0 R (1.122.504.2) 2506 0 R (1.122.505.2) 2510 0 R (1.122.506.2) 2514 0 R (1.123.1) 2518 0 R (1.123.507.2) 2522 0 R] -/Limits [(1.122.503.2) (1.123.507.2)] ->> endobj -7937 0 obj << -/Names [(1.123.508.2) 2526 0 R (1.123.509.2) 2530 0 R (1.123.510.2) 2534 0 R (1.124.1) 2538 0 R (1.124.511.2) 2542 0 R (1.124.512.2) 2546 0 R] -/Limits [(1.123.508.2) (1.124.512.2)] ->> endobj -7938 0 obj << -/Names [(1.124.513.2) 2550 0 R (1.124.514.2) 2554 0 R (1.125.1) 2558 0 R (1.125.515.2) 2562 0 R (1.125.516.2) 2566 0 R (1.125.517.2) 2570 0 R] -/Limits [(1.124.513.2) (1.125.517.2)] ->> endobj -7939 0 obj << -/Names [(1.125.518.2) 2574 0 R (1.126.1) 2578 0 R (1.126.519.2) 2582 0 R (1.126.520.2) 2586 0 R (1.126.521.2) 2590 0 R (1.126.522.2) 2594 0 R] -/Limits [(1.125.518.2) (1.126.522.2)] ->> endobj -7940 0 obj << -/Names [(1.126.523.2) 2598 0 R (1.127.1) 2602 0 R (1.127.524.2) 2606 0 R (1.127.525.2) 2610 0 R (1.127.526.2) 2614 0 R (1.127.527.2) 2618 0 R] -/Limits [(1.126.523.2) (1.127.527.2)] ->> endobj -7941 0 obj << -/Names [(1.128.1) 2622 0 R (1.128.528.2) 2626 0 R (1.128.529.2) 2630 0 R (1.128.530.2) 2634 0 R (1.128.531.2) 2638 0 R (1.129.1) 2642 0 R] -/Limits [(1.128.1) (1.129.1)] ->> endobj -7942 0 obj << -/Names [(1.129.532.2) 2646 0 R (1.129.533.2) 2650 0 R (1.129.534.2) 2654 0 R (1.129.535.2) 2658 0 R (1.13.1) 278 0 R ( 282 0 R] -/Limits [(1.129.532.2) (] ->> endobj -7943 0 obj << -/Names [( 286 0 R ( 290 0 R ( 294 0 R (1.130.1) 2662 0 R (1.130.536.2) 2666 0 R (1.130.537.2) 2670 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.130.537.2)] ->> endobj -7944 0 obj << -/Names [(1.130.538.2) 2674 0 R (1.130.539.2) 2678 0 R (1.130.540.2) 2682 0 R (1.131.1) 2686 0 R (1.131.541.2) 2690 0 R (1.131.542.2) 2694 0 R] -/Limits [(1.130.538.2) (1.131.542.2)] ->> endobj -7945 0 obj << -/Names [(1.131.543.2) 2698 0 R (1.131.544.2) 2702 0 R (1.132.1) 2706 0 R (1.132.545.2) 2710 0 R (1.132.546.2) 2714 0 R (1.132.547.2) 2718 0 R] -/Limits [(1.131.543.2) (1.132.547.2)] ->> endobj -7946 0 obj << -/Names [(1.132.548.2) 2722 0 R (1.133.1) 2726 0 R (1.133.549.2) 2730 0 R (1.133.550.2) 2734 0 R (1.133.551.2) 2738 0 R (1.133.552.2) 2742 0 R] -/Limits [(1.132.548.2) (1.133.552.2)] ->> endobj -7947 0 obj << -/Names [(1.134.1) 2746 0 R (1.134.553.2) 2750 0 R (1.134.554.2) 2754 0 R (1.134.555.2) 2758 0 R (1.134.556.2) 2762 0 R (1.135.1) 2766 0 R] -/Limits [(1.134.1) (1.135.1)] ->> endobj -7948 0 obj << -/Names [(1.135.557.2) 2770 0 R (1.135.558.2) 2774 0 R (1.135.559.2) 2778 0 R (1.135.560.2) 2782 0 R (1.136.1) 2786 0 R (1.136.561.2) 2790 0 R] -/Limits [(1.135.557.2) (1.136.561.2)] ->> endobj -7949 0 obj << -/Names [(1.136.562.2) 2794 0 R (1.136.563.2) 2798 0 R (1.136.564.2) 2802 0 R (1.137.1) 2806 0 R (1.137.565.2) 2810 0 R (1.137.566.2) 2814 0 R] -/Limits [(1.136.562.2) (1.137.566.2)] ->> endobj -7950 0 obj << -/Names [(1.137.567.2) 2818 0 R (1.137.568.2) 2822 0 R (1.138.1) 2826 0 R (1.138.569.2) 2830 0 R (1.138.570.2) 2834 0 R (1.138.571.2) 2838 0 R] -/Limits [(1.137.567.2) (1.138.571.2)] ->> endobj -7951 0 obj << -/Names [(1.138.572.2) 2842 0 R (1.138.573.2) 2846 0 R (1.139.1) 2850 0 R (1.139.574.2) 2854 0 R (1.139.575.2) 2858 0 R (1.139.576.2) 2862 0 R] -/Limits [(1.138.572.2) (1.139.576.2)] ->> endobj -7952 0 obj << -/Names [(1.139.577.2) 2866 0 R (1.14.1) 298 0 R ( 302 0 R ( 306 0 R ( 310 0 R ( 314 0 R] -/Limits [(1.139.577.2) (] ->> endobj -7953 0 obj << -/Names [(1.140.1) 2870 0 R (1.140.578.2) 2874 0 R (1.140.579.2) 2878 0 R (1.140.580.2) 2882 0 R (1.140.581.2) 2886 0 R (1.141.1) 2890 0 R] -/Limits [(1.140.1) (1.141.1)] ->> endobj -7954 0 obj << -/Names [(1.141.582.2) 2894 0 R (1.141.583.2) 2898 0 R (1.141.584.2) 2902 0 R (1.141.585.2) 2906 0 R (1.142.1) 2910 0 R (1.142.586.2) 2914 0 R] -/Limits [(1.141.582.2) (1.142.586.2)] ->> endobj -7955 0 obj << -/Names [(1.142.587.2) 2918 0 R (1.142.588.2) 2922 0 R (1.142.589.2) 2926 0 R (1.143.1) 2930 0 R (1.143.590.2) 2934 0 R (1.143.591.2) 2938 0 R] -/Limits [(1.142.587.2) (1.143.591.2)] ->> endobj -7956 0 obj << -/Names [(1.143.592.2) 2942 0 R (1.143.593.2) 2946 0 R (1.144.1) 2950 0 R (1.144.594.2) 2954 0 R (1.144.595.2) 2958 0 R (1.144.596.2) 2962 0 R] -/Limits [(1.143.592.2) (1.144.596.2)] ->> endobj -7957 0 obj << -/Names [(1.144.597.2) 2966 0 R (1.145.1) 2970 0 R (1.145.598.2) 2974 0 R (1.145.599.2) 2978 0 R (1.145.600.2) 2982 0 R (1.145.601.2) 2986 0 R] -/Limits [(1.144.597.2) (1.145.601.2)] ->> endobj -7958 0 obj << -/Names [(1.146.1) 2990 0 R (1.146.602.2) 2994 0 R (1.146.603.2) 2998 0 R (1.146.604.2) 3002 0 R (1.146.605.2) 3006 0 R (1.147.1) 3010 0 R] -/Limits [(1.146.1) (1.147.1)] ->> endobj -7959 0 obj << -/Names [(1.147.606.2) 3014 0 R (1.147.607.2) 3018 0 R (1.147.608.2) 3022 0 R (1.147.609.2) 3026 0 R (1.148.1) 3030 0 R (1.148.610.2) 3034 0 R] -/Limits [(1.147.606.2) (1.148.610.2)] ->> endobj -7960 0 obj << -/Names [(1.148.611.2) 3038 0 R (1.148.612.2) 3042 0 R (1.148.613.2) 3046 0 R (1.148.614.2) 3050 0 R (1.149.1) 3054 0 R (1.149.615.2) 3058 0 R] -/Limits [(1.148.611.2) (1.149.615.2)] ->> endobj -7961 0 obj << -/Names [(1.149.616.2) 3062 0 R (1.149.617.2) 3066 0 R (1.149.618.2) 3070 0 R (1.15.1) 318 0 R ( 322 0 R ( 326 0 R] -/Limits [(1.149.616.2) (] ->> endobj -7962 0 obj << -/Names [( 330 0 R ( 334 0 R (1.150.1) 3074 0 R (1.150.619.2) 3078 0 R (1.150.620.2) 3082 0 R (1.150.621.2) 3086 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.150.621.2)] ->> endobj -7963 0 obj << -/Names [(1.150.622.2) 3090 0 R (1.151.1) 3094 0 R (1.151.623.2) 3098 0 R (1.151.624.2) 3102 0 R (1.151.625.2) 3106 0 R (1.151.626.2) 3110 0 R] -/Limits [(1.150.622.2) (1.151.626.2)] ->> endobj -7964 0 obj << -/Names [(1.152.1) 3114 0 R (1.152.627.2) 3118 0 R (1.152.628.2) 3122 0 R (1.152.629.2) 3126 0 R (1.152.630.2) 3130 0 R (1.153.1) 3134 0 R] -/Limits [(1.152.1) (1.153.1)] ->> endobj -7965 0 obj << -/Names [(1.153.631.2) 3138 0 R (1.153.632.2) 3142 0 R (1.153.633.2) 3146 0 R (1.153.634.2) 3150 0 R (1.153.635.2) 3154 0 R (1.154.1) 3158 0 R] -/Limits [(1.153.631.2) (1.154.1)] ->> endobj -7966 0 obj << -/Names [(1.154.636.2) 3162 0 R (1.154.637.2) 3166 0 R (1.154.638.2) 3170 0 R (1.154.639.2) 3174 0 R (1.155.1) 3178 0 R (1.155.640.2) 3182 0 R] -/Limits [(1.154.636.2) (1.155.640.2)] ->> endobj -7967 0 obj << -/Names [(1.155.641.2) 3186 0 R (1.155.642.2) 3190 0 R (1.155.643.2) 3194 0 R (1.156.1) 3198 0 R (1.156.644.2) 3202 0 R (1.156.645.2) 3206 0 R] -/Limits [(1.155.641.2) (1.156.645.2)] ->> endobj -7968 0 obj << -/Names [(1.156.646.2) 3210 0 R (1.156.647.2) 3214 0 R (1.157.1) 3218 0 R (1.157.648.2) 3222 0 R (1.157.649.2) 3226 0 R (1.157.650.2) 3230 0 R] -/Limits [(1.156.646.2) (1.157.650.2)] ->> endobj -7969 0 obj << -/Names [(1.157.651.2) 3234 0 R (1.158.1) 3238 0 R (1.158.652.2) 3242 0 R (1.158.653.2) 3246 0 R (1.158.654.2) 3250 0 R (1.158.655.2) 3254 0 R] -/Limits [(1.157.651.2) (1.158.655.2)] ->> endobj -7970 0 obj << -/Names [(1.159.1) 3258 0 R (1.159.656.2) 3262 0 R (1.159.657.2) 3266 0 R (1.159.658.2) 3270 0 R (1.159.659.2) 3274 0 R (1.16.1) 338 0 R] -/Limits [(1.159.1) (1.16.1)] ->> endobj -7971 0 obj << -/Names [( 342 0 R ( 346 0 R ( 350 0 R ( 354 0 R (1.160.1) 3278 0 R (1.160.660.2) 3282 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.160.660.2)] ->> endobj -7972 0 obj << -/Names [(1.160.661.2) 3286 0 R (1.160.662.2) 3290 0 R (1.160.663.2) 3294 0 R (1.161.1) 3298 0 R (1.161.664.2) 3302 0 R (1.161.665.2) 3306 0 R] -/Limits [(1.160.661.2) (1.161.665.2)] ->> endobj -7973 0 obj << -/Names [(1.161.666.2) 3310 0 R (1.161.667.2) 3314 0 R (1.162.1) 3318 0 R (1.162.668.2) 3322 0 R (1.162.669.2) 3326 0 R (1.162.670.2) 3330 0 R] -/Limits [(1.161.666.2) (1.162.670.2)] ->> endobj -7974 0 obj << -/Names [(1.162.671.2) 3334 0 R (1.163.1) 3338 0 R (1.163.672.2) 3342 0 R (1.163.673.2) 3346 0 R (1.163.674.2) 3350 0 R (1.163.675.2) 3354 0 R] -/Limits [(1.162.671.2) (1.163.675.2)] ->> endobj -7975 0 obj << -/Names [(1.163.676.2) 3358 0 R (1.164.1) 3362 0 R (1.164.677.2) 3366 0 R (1.164.678.2) 3370 0 R (1.164.679.2) 3374 0 R (1.164.680.2) 3378 0 R] -/Limits [(1.163.676.2) (1.164.680.2)] ->> endobj -7976 0 obj << -/Names [(1.165.1) 3382 0 R (1.165.681.2) 3386 0 R (1.165.682.2) 3390 0 R (1.165.683.2) 3394 0 R (1.165.684.2) 3398 0 R (1.166.1) 3402 0 R] -/Limits [(1.165.1) (1.166.1)] ->> endobj -7977 0 obj << -/Names [(1.166.685.2) 3406 0 R (1.166.686.2) 3410 0 R (1.166.687.2) 3414 0 R (1.166.688.2) 3418 0 R (1.167.1) 3422 0 R (1.167.689.2) 3426 0 R] -/Limits [(1.166.685.2) (1.167.689.2)] ->> endobj -7978 0 obj << -/Names [(1.167.690.2) 3430 0 R (1.167.691.2) 3434 0 R (1.167.692.2) 3438 0 R (1.168.1) 3442 0 R (1.168.693.2) 3446 0 R (1.168.694.2) 3450 0 R] -/Limits [(1.167.690.2) (1.168.694.2)] ->> endobj -7979 0 obj << -/Names [(1.168.695.2) 3454 0 R (1.168.696.2) 3458 0 R (1.169.1) 3462 0 R (1.169.697.2) 3466 0 R (1.169.698.2) 3470 0 R (1.169.699.2) 3474 0 R] -/Limits [(1.168.695.2) (1.169.699.2)] ->> endobj -7980 0 obj << -/Names [(1.169.700.2) 3478 0 R (1.17.1) 358 0 R ( 362 0 R ( 366 0 R ( 370 0 R ( 374 0 R] -/Limits [(1.169.700.2) (] ->> endobj -7981 0 obj << -/Names [(1.170.1) 3482 0 R (1.170.701.2) 3486 0 R (1.170.702.2) 3490 0 R (1.170.703.2) 3494 0 R (1.170.704.2) 3498 0 R (1.171.1) 3502 0 R] -/Limits [(1.170.1) (1.171.1)] ->> endobj -7982 0 obj << -/Names [(1.171.705.2) 3506 0 R (1.171.706.2) 3510 0 R (1.171.707.2) 3514 0 R (1.171.708.2) 3518 0 R (1.172.1) 3522 0 R (1.172.709.2) 3526 0 R] -/Limits [(1.171.705.2) (1.172.709.2)] ->> endobj -7983 0 obj << -/Names [(1.172.710.2) 3530 0 R (1.172.711.2) 3534 0 R (1.172.712.2) 3538 0 R (1.173.1) 3542 0 R (1.173.713.2) 3546 0 R (1.173.714.2) 3550 0 R] -/Limits [(1.172.710.2) (1.173.714.2)] ->> endobj -7984 0 obj << -/Names [(1.173.715.2) 3554 0 R (1.173.716.2) 3558 0 R (1.174.1) 3562 0 R (1.174.717.2) 3566 0 R (1.174.718.2) 3570 0 R (1.174.719.2) 3574 0 R] -/Limits [(1.173.715.2) (1.174.719.2)] ->> endobj -7985 0 obj << -/Names [(1.174.720.2) 3578 0 R (1.175.1) 3582 0 R (1.175.721.2) 3586 0 R (1.175.722.2) 3590 0 R (1.175.723.2) 3594 0 R (1.175.724.2) 3598 0 R] -/Limits [(1.174.720.2) (1.175.724.2)] ->> endobj -7986 0 obj << -/Names [(1.176.1) 3602 0 R (1.176.725.2) 3606 0 R (1.176.726.2) 3610 0 R (1.176.727.2) 3614 0 R (1.176.728.2) 3618 0 R (1.177.1) 3622 0 R] -/Limits [(1.176.1) (1.177.1)] ->> endobj -7987 0 obj << -/Names [(1.177.729.2) 3626 0 R (1.177.730.2) 3630 0 R (1.177.731.2) 3634 0 R (1.177.732.2) 3638 0 R (1.178.1) 3642 0 R (1.178.733.2) 3646 0 R] -/Limits [(1.177.729.2) (1.178.733.2)] ->> endobj -7988 0 obj << -/Names [(1.178.734.2) 3650 0 R (1.178.735.2) 3654 0 R (1.178.736.2) 3658 0 R (1.179.1) 3662 0 R (1.179.737.2) 3666 0 R (1.179.738.2) 3670 0 R] -/Limits [(1.178.734.2) (1.179.738.2)] ->> endobj -7989 0 obj << -/Names [(1.179.739.2) 3674 0 R (1.179.740.2) 3678 0 R (1.18.1) 378 0 R ( 382 0 R ( 386 0 R ( 390 0 R] -/Limits [(1.179.739.2) (] ->> endobj -7990 0 obj << -/Names [( 394 0 R (1.180.1) 3682 0 R (1.180.741.2) 3686 0 R (1.180.742.2) 3690 0 R (1.180.743.2) 3694 0 R (1.180.744.2) 3698 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.180.744.2)] ->> endobj -7991 0 obj << -/Names [(1.181.1) 3702 0 R (1.181.745.2) 3706 0 R (1.181.746.2) 3710 0 R (1.181.747.2) 3714 0 R (1.181.748.2) 3718 0 R (1.182.1) 3722 0 R] -/Limits [(1.181.1) (1.182.1)] ->> endobj -7992 0 obj << -/Names [(1.182.749.2) 3726 0 R (1.182.750.2) 3730 0 R (1.182.751.2) 3734 0 R (1.182.752.2) 3738 0 R (1.19.1) 398 0 R ( 402 0 R] -/Limits [(1.182.749.2) (] ->> endobj -7993 0 obj << -/Names [( 406 0 R ( 410 0 R ( 414 0 R (1.2.1) 10 0 R ( 14 0 R ( 18 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -7994 0 obj << -/Names [(1.20.1) 418 0 R ( 422 0 R ( 426 0 R ( 430 0 R ( 434 0 R (1.21.1) 438 0 R] -/Limits [(1.20.1) (1.21.1)] ->> endobj -7995 0 obj << -/Names [( 442 0 R ( 446 0 R ( 450 0 R ( 454 0 R (1.22.1) 458 0 R ( 462 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -7996 0 obj << -/Names [( 466 0 R ( 470 0 R ( 474 0 R (1.23.1) 478 0 R ( 494 0 R ( 482 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -7997 0 obj << -/Names [( 486 0 R ( 490 0 R (1.24.1) 498 0 R ( 502 0 R ( 506 0 R ( 510 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -7998 0 obj << -/Names [( 514 0 R (1.25.1) 518 0 R ( 522 0 R ( 526 0 R ( 530 0 R ( 534 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -7999 0 obj << -/Names [(1.26.1) 538 0 R ( 542 0 R ( 546 0 R ( 550 0 R ( 554 0 R (1.27.1) 558 0 R] -/Limits [(1.26.1) (1.27.1)] ->> endobj -8000 0 obj << -/Names [( 562 0 R ( 566 0 R ( 570 0 R ( 574 0 R (1.28.1) 578 0 R ( 582 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8001 0 obj << -/Names [( 586 0 R ( 590 0 R ( 594 0 R (1.29.1) 598 0 R ( 602 0 R ( 606 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8002 0 obj << -/Names [( 610 0 R ( 614 0 R (1.3.1) 22 0 R ( 54 0 R ( 58 0 R ( 62 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8003 0 obj << -/Names [( 66 0 R ( 70 0 R ( 74 0 R ( 78 0 R ( 82 0 R ( 86 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8004 0 obj << -/Names [( 90 0 R ( 94 0 R ( 98 0 R ( 102 0 R ( 26 0 R ( 30 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8005 0 obj << -/Names [( 34 0 R ( 38 0 R ( 42 0 R ( 46 0 R ( 50 0 R (1.30.1) 618 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.30.1)] ->> endobj -8006 0 obj << -/Names [( 622 0 R ( 626 0 R ( 630 0 R ( 634 0 R (1.31.1) 638 0 R ( 642 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8007 0 obj << -/Names [( 646 0 R ( 650 0 R ( 654 0 R (1.32.1) 658 0 R ( 662 0 R ( 666 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8008 0 obj << -/Names [( 670 0 R ( 674 0 R ( 678 0 R (1.33.1) 682 0 R ( 686 0 R ( 690 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8009 0 obj << -/Names [( 694 0 R ( 698 0 R (1.34.1) 702 0 R ( 706 0 R ( 710 0 R ( 714 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8010 0 obj << -/Names [( 718 0 R (1.35.1) 722 0 R ( 726 0 R ( 730 0 R ( 734 0 R ( 738 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8011 0 obj << -/Names [(1.36.1) 742 0 R ( 746 0 R ( 750 0 R ( 754 0 R ( 758 0 R (1.37.1) 762 0 R] -/Limits [(1.36.1) (1.37.1)] ->> endobj -8012 0 obj << -/Names [( 766 0 R ( 770 0 R ( 774 0 R ( 778 0 R (1.38.1) 782 0 R ( 786 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8013 0 obj << -/Names [( 790 0 R ( 794 0 R ( 798 0 R (1.39.1) 802 0 R ( 806 0 R ( 810 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8014 0 obj << -/Names [( 814 0 R ( 818 0 R (1.4.1) 106 0 R ( 110 0 R (1.40.1) 822 0 R ( 826 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8015 0 obj << -/Names [( 830 0 R ( 834 0 R ( 838 0 R ( 842 0 R (1.41.1) 846 0 R ( 850 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8016 0 obj << -/Names [( 854 0 R ( 858 0 R ( 862 0 R (1.42.1) 866 0 R ( 870 0 R ( 874 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8017 0 obj << -/Names [( 878 0 R ( 882 0 R (1.43.1) 886 0 R ( 890 0 R ( 894 0 R ( 898 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8018 0 obj << -/Names [( 902 0 R (1.44.1) 906 0 R ( 910 0 R ( 914 0 R ( 918 0 R ( 922 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8019 0 obj << -/Names [( 926 0 R (1.45.1) 930 0 R ( 934 0 R ( 938 0 R ( 942 0 R ( 946 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8020 0 obj << -/Names [(1.46.1) 950 0 R ( 954 0 R ( 958 0 R ( 962 0 R ( 966 0 R (1.47.1) 970 0 R] -/Limits [(1.46.1) (1.47.1)] ->> endobj -8021 0 obj << -/Names [( 974 0 R ( 978 0 R ( 982 0 R ( 986 0 R (1.48.1) 990 0 R ( 994 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8022 0 obj << -/Names [( 998 0 R ( 1002 0 R ( 1006 0 R (1.49.1) 1010 0 R ( 1014 0 R ( 1018 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8023 0 obj << -/Names [( 1022 0 R ( 1026 0 R ( 1030 0 R (1.5.1) 114 0 R ( 118 0 R ( 122 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8024 0 obj << -/Names [( 126 0 R ( 130 0 R (1.50.1) 1034 0 R ( 1038 0 R ( 1042 0 R ( 1046 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8025 0 obj << -/Names [( 1050 0 R (1.51.1) 1054 0 R ( 1058 0 R ( 1062 0 R ( 1066 0 R ( 1070 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8026 0 obj << -/Names [(1.52.1) 1074 0 R ( 1078 0 R ( 1082 0 R ( 1086 0 R ( 1090 0 R (1.53.1) 1094 0 R] -/Limits [(1.52.1) (1.53.1)] ->> endobj -8027 0 obj << -/Names [( 1098 0 R ( 1102 0 R ( 1106 0 R ( 1110 0 R ( 1114 0 R (1.54.1) 1118 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.54.1)] ->> endobj -8028 0 obj << -/Names [( 1122 0 R ( 1126 0 R ( 1130 0 R ( 1134 0 R (1.55.1) 1138 0 R ( 1142 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8029 0 obj << -/Names [( 1146 0 R ( 1150 0 R ( 1154 0 R (1.56.1) 1158 0 R ( 1162 0 R ( 1166 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8030 0 obj << -/Names [( 1170 0 R ( 1174 0 R (1.57.1) 1178 0 R ( 1182 0 R ( 1186 0 R ( 1190 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8031 0 obj << -/Names [( 1194 0 R (1.58.1) 1198 0 R ( 1202 0 R ( 1206 0 R ( 1210 0 R ( 1214 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8032 0 obj << -/Names [(1.59.1) 1218 0 R ( 1222 0 R ( 1226 0 R ( 1230 0 R ( 1234 0 R (1.6.1) 134 0 R] -/Limits [(1.59.1) (1.6.1)] ->> endobj -8033 0 obj << -/Names [( 138 0 R ( 142 0 R ( 146 0 R ( 150 0 R (1.60.1) 1238 0 R ( 1242 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8034 0 obj << -/Names [( 1246 0 R ( 1250 0 R ( 1254 0 R (1.61.1) 1258 0 R ( 1262 0 R ( 1266 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8035 0 obj << -/Names [( 1270 0 R ( 1274 0 R (1.62.1) 1278 0 R ( 1282 0 R ( 1286 0 R ( 1290 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8036 0 obj << -/Names [( 1294 0 R (1.63.1) 1298 0 R ( 1302 0 R ( 1306 0 R ( 1310 0 R ( 1314 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8037 0 obj << -/Names [(1.64.1) 1318 0 R ( 1322 0 R ( 1326 0 R ( 1330 0 R ( 1334 0 R (1.65.1) 1338 0 R] -/Limits [(1.64.1) (1.65.1)] ->> endobj -8038 0 obj << -/Names [( 1342 0 R ( 1346 0 R ( 1350 0 R ( 1354 0 R (1.66.1) 1358 0 R ( 1362 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8039 0 obj << -/Names [( 1366 0 R ( 1370 0 R ( 1374 0 R (1.67.1) 1378 0 R ( 1382 0 R ( 1386 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8040 0 obj << -/Names [( 1390 0 R ( 1394 0 R (1.68.1) 1398 0 R ( 1402 0 R ( 1406 0 R ( 1410 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8041 0 obj << -/Names [( 1414 0 R (1.69.1) 1418 0 R ( 1422 0 R ( 1426 0 R ( 1430 0 R ( 1434 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8042 0 obj << -/Names [(1.7.1) 154 0 R ( 158 0 R ( 162 0 R ( 166 0 R ( 170 0 R (1.70.1) 1438 0 R] -/Limits [(1.7.1) (1.70.1)] ->> endobj -8043 0 obj << -/Names [( 1442 0 R ( 1446 0 R ( 1450 0 R ( 1454 0 R (1.71.1) 1458 0 R ( 1462 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8044 0 obj << -/Names [( 1466 0 R ( 1470 0 R ( 1474 0 R ( 1478 0 R (1.72.1) 1482 0 R ( 1486 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8045 0 obj << -/Names [(1.72.300.2) 1490 0 R (1.72.301.2) 1494 0 R (1.72.302.2) 1498 0 R (1.73.1) 1502 0 R (1.73.303.2) 1506 0 R (1.73.304.2) 1510 0 R] -/Limits [(1.72.300.2) (1.73.304.2)] ->> endobj -8046 0 obj << -/Names [(1.73.305.2) 1514 0 R (1.73.306.2) 1518 0 R (1.74.1) 1522 0 R (1.74.307.2) 1526 0 R (1.74.308.2) 1530 0 R (1.74.309.2) 1534 0 R] -/Limits [(1.73.305.2) (1.74.309.2)] ->> endobj -8047 0 obj << -/Names [(1.74.310.2) 1538 0 R (1.75.1) 1542 0 R (1.75.311.2) 1546 0 R (1.75.312.2) 1550 0 R (1.75.313.2) 1554 0 R (1.75.314.2) 1558 0 R] -/Limits [(1.74.310.2) (1.75.314.2)] ->> endobj -8048 0 obj << -/Names [(1.76.1) 1562 0 R (1.76.315.2) 1566 0 R (1.76.316.2) 1570 0 R (1.76.317.2) 1574 0 R (1.76.318.2) 1578 0 R (1.77.1) 1582 0 R] -/Limits [(1.76.1) (1.77.1)] ->> endobj -8049 0 obj << -/Names [(1.77.319.2) 1586 0 R (1.77.320.2) 1590 0 R (1.77.321.2) 1594 0 R (1.77.322.2) 1598 0 R (1.78.1) 1602 0 R (1.78.323.2) 1606 0 R] -/Limits [(1.77.319.2) (1.78.323.2)] ->> endobj -8050 0 obj << -/Names [(1.78.324.2) 1610 0 R (1.78.325.2) 1614 0 R (1.78.326.2) 1618 0 R (1.79.1) 1622 0 R (1.79.327.2) 1626 0 R (1.79.328.2) 1630 0 R] -/Limits [(1.78.324.2) (1.79.328.2)] ->> endobj -8051 0 obj << -/Names [(1.79.329.2) 1634 0 R (1.79.330.2) 1638 0 R (1.8.1) 174 0 R ( 178 0 R ( 182 0 R ( 186 0 R] -/Limits [(1.79.329.2) (] ->> endobj -8052 0 obj << -/Names [( 190 0 R (1.80.1) 1642 0 R (1.80.331.2) 1646 0 R (1.80.332.2) 1650 0 R (1.80.333.2) 1654 0 R (1.80.334.2) 1658 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.80.334.2)] ->> endobj -8053 0 obj << -/Names [(1.81.1) 1662 0 R (1.81.335.2) 1666 0 R (1.81.336.2) 1670 0 R (1.81.337.2) 1674 0 R (1.81.338.2) 1678 0 R (1.82.1) 1682 0 R] -/Limits [(1.81.1) (1.82.1)] ->> endobj -8054 0 obj << -/Names [(1.82.339.2) 1686 0 R (1.82.340.2) 1690 0 R (1.82.341.2) 1694 0 R (1.82.342.2) 1698 0 R (1.83.1) 1702 0 R (1.83.343.2) 1706 0 R] -/Limits [(1.82.339.2) (1.83.343.2)] ->> endobj -8055 0 obj << -/Names [(1.83.344.2) 1710 0 R (1.83.345.2) 1714 0 R (1.83.346.2) 1718 0 R (1.83.347.2) 1722 0 R (1.84.1) 1726 0 R (1.84.348.2) 1730 0 R] -/Limits [(1.83.344.2) (1.84.348.2)] ->> endobj -8056 0 obj << -/Names [(1.84.349.2) 1734 0 R (1.84.350.2) 1738 0 R (1.84.351.2) 1742 0 R (1.85.1) 1746 0 R (1.85.352.2) 1750 0 R (1.85.353.2) 1754 0 R] -/Limits [(1.84.349.2) (1.85.353.2)] ->> endobj -8057 0 obj << -/Names [(1.85.354.2) 1758 0 R (1.85.355.2) 1762 0 R (1.86.1) 1766 0 R (1.86.356.2) 1770 0 R (1.86.357.2) 1774 0 R (1.86.358.2) 1778 0 R] -/Limits [(1.85.354.2) (1.86.358.2)] ->> endobj -8058 0 obj << -/Names [(1.86.359.2) 1782 0 R (1.87.1) 1786 0 R (1.87.360.2) 1790 0 R (1.87.361.2) 1794 0 R (1.87.362.2) 1798 0 R (1.87.363.2) 1802 0 R] -/Limits [(1.86.359.2) (1.87.363.2)] ->> endobj -8059 0 obj << -/Names [(1.88.1) 1806 0 R (1.88.364.2) 1810 0 R (1.88.365.2) 1814 0 R (1.88.366.2) 1818 0 R (1.88.367.2) 1822 0 R (1.89.1) 1826 0 R] -/Limits [(1.88.1) (1.89.1)] ->> endobj -8060 0 obj << -/Names [(1.89.368.2) 1830 0 R (1.89.369.2) 1834 0 R (1.89.370.2) 1838 0 R (1.89.371.2) 1842 0 R (1.9.1) 194 0 R ( 198 0 R] -/Limits [(1.89.368.2) (] ->> endobj -8061 0 obj << -/Names [( 202 0 R ( 206 0 R ( 210 0 R (1.90.1) 1846 0 R (1.90.372.2) 1850 0 R (1.90.373.2) 1854 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.90.373.2)] ->> endobj -8062 0 obj << -/Names [(1.90.374.2) 1858 0 R (1.90.375.2) 1862 0 R (1.90.376.2) 1866 0 R (1.91.1) 1870 0 R (1.91.377.2) 1874 0 R (1.91.378.2) 1878 0 R] -/Limits [(1.90.374.2) (1.91.378.2)] ->> endobj -8063 0 obj << -/Names [(1.91.379.2) 1882 0 R (1.91.380.2) 1886 0 R (1.92.1) 1890 0 R (1.92.381.2) 1894 0 R (1.92.382.2) 1898 0 R (1.92.383.2) 1902 0 R] -/Limits [(1.91.379.2) (1.92.383.2)] ->> endobj -8064 0 obj << -/Names [(1.92.384.2) 1906 0 R (1.93.1) 1910 0 R (1.93.385.2) 1914 0 R (1.93.386.2) 1918 0 R (1.93.387.2) 1922 0 R (1.93.388.2) 1926 0 R] -/Limits [(1.92.384.2) (1.93.388.2)] ->> endobj -8065 0 obj << -/Names [(1.94.1) 1930 0 R (1.94.389.2) 1934 0 R (1.94.390.2) 1938 0 R (1.94.391.2) 1942 0 R (1.94.392.2) 1946 0 R (1.95.1) 1950 0 R] -/Limits [(1.94.1) (1.95.1)] ->> endobj -8066 0 obj << -/Names [(1.95.393.2) 1954 0 R (1.95.394.2) 1958 0 R (1.95.395.2) 1962 0 R (1.95.396.2) 1966 0 R (1.96.1) 1970 0 R (1.96.397.2) 1974 0 R] -/Limits [(1.95.393.2) (1.96.397.2)] ->> endobj -8067 0 obj << -/Names [(1.96.398.2) 1978 0 R (1.96.399.2) 1982 0 R (1.96.400.2) 1986 0 R (1.97.1) 1990 0 R (1.97.401.2) 1994 0 R (1.97.402.2) 1998 0 R] -/Limits [(1.96.398.2) (1.97.402.2)] ->> endobj -8068 0 obj << -/Names [(1.97.403.2) 2002 0 R (1.97.404.2) 2006 0 R (1.98.1) 2010 0 R (1.98.405.2) 2014 0 R (1.98.406.2) 2018 0 R (1.98.407.2) 2022 0 R] -/Limits [(1.97.403.2) (1.98.407.2)] ->> endobj -8069 0 obj << -/Names [(1.98.408.2) 2026 0 R (1.99.1) 2030 0 R (1.99.409.2) 2034 0 R (1.99.410.2) 2038 0 R (1.99.411.2) 2042 0 R (1.99.412.2) 2046 0 R] -/Limits [(1.98.408.2) (1.99.412.2)] ->> endobj -8070 0 obj << -/Names [(100) 3852 0 R (1001) 4639 0 R (1002) 4640 0 R (1003) 4641 0 R (1005) 4642 0 R (1006) 4643 0 R] -/Limits [(100) (1006)] ->> endobj -8071 0 obj << -/Names [(1007) 4644 0 R (1009) 4645 0 R (101) 3762 0 R (1010) 4646 0 R (1011) 4647 0 R (1013) 4648 0 R] -/Limits [(1007) (1013)] ->> endobj -8072 0 obj << -/Names [(1014) 4649 0 R (1015) 4650 0 R (1017) 4651 0 R (1018) 4652 0 R (1019) 4653 0 R (1021) 4654 0 R] -/Limits [(1014) (1021)] ->> endobj -8073 0 obj << -/Names [(1022) 4655 0 R (1023) 4656 0 R (1025) 4657 0 R (1026) 4658 0 R (1027) 4659 0 R (1028) 4660 0 R] -/Limits [(1022) (1028)] ->> endobj -8074 0 obj << -/Names [(1029) 4661 0 R (103) 3853 0 R (1031) 4662 0 R (1032) 4663 0 R (1033) 4664 0 R (1034) 4665 0 R] -/Limits [(1029) (1034)] ->> endobj -8075 0 obj << -/Names [(1035) 4666 0 R (1036) 4667 0 R (1038) 4668 0 R (1039) 4669 0 R (104) 3854 0 R (1040) 4670 0 R] -/Limits [(1035) (1040)] ->> endobj -8076 0 obj << -/Names [(1041) 4671 0 R (1042) 4672 0 R (1043) 4673 0 R (1044) 4674 0 R (1045) 4675 0 R (1046) 4676 0 R] -/Limits [(1041) (1046)] ->> endobj -8077 0 obj << -/Names [(1047) 4677 0 R (1048) 4678 0 R (1050) 4684 0 R (1051) 4685 0 R (1053) 4686 0 R (1058) 4688 0 R] -/Limits [(1047) (1058)] ->> endobj -8078 0 obj << -/Names [(1059) 4689 0 R (106) 3855 0 R (1060) 4690 0 R (1061) 4691 0 R (1062) 4692 0 R (1063) 4693 0 R] -/Limits [(1059) (1063)] ->> endobj -8079 0 obj << -/Names [(1064) 4694 0 R (1066) 4695 0 R (1067) 4696 0 R (1068) 4697 0 R (1069) 4698 0 R (1071) 4699 0 R] -/Limits [(1064) (1071)] ->> endobj -8080 0 obj << -/Names [(1072) 4700 0 R (1074) 4701 0 R (1079) 4703 0 R (1080) 4704 0 R (1081) 4705 0 R (1082) 4706 0 R] -/Limits [(1072) (1082)] ->> endobj -8081 0 obj << -/Names [(1083) 4707 0 R (1084) 4708 0 R (1085) 4709 0 R (1087) 4710 0 R (1088) 4711 0 R (1089) 4712 0 R] -/Limits [(1083) (1089)] ->> endobj -8082 0 obj << -/Names [(1090) 4713 0 R (1092) 4718 0 R (1093) 4683 0 R (1095) 4719 0 R (1100) 4721 0 R (1101) 4722 0 R] -/Limits [(1090) (1101)] ->> endobj -8083 0 obj << -/Names [(1102) 4723 0 R (1103) 4724 0 R (1104) 4725 0 R (1105) 4726 0 R (1106) 4727 0 R (1108) 4728 0 R] -/Limits [(1102) (1108)] ->> endobj -8084 0 obj << -/Names [(1109) 4729 0 R (111) 3857 0 R (1110) 4730 0 R (1111) 4731 0 R (1112) 4732 0 R (1113) 4733 0 R] -/Limits [(1109) (1113)] ->> endobj -8085 0 obj << -/Names [(1115) 4734 0 R (1116) 4735 0 R (1118) 4736 0 R (112) 3858 0 R (1123) 4738 0 R (1124) 4739 0 R] -/Limits [(1115) (1124)] ->> endobj -8086 0 obj << -/Names [(1125) 4740 0 R (1126) 4741 0 R (1127) 4742 0 R (1128) 4743 0 R (1129) 4744 0 R (113) 3859 0 R] -/Limits [(1125) (113)] ->> endobj -8087 0 obj << -/Names [(1131) 4745 0 R (1132) 4746 0 R (1133) 4747 0 R (1134) 4748 0 R (1135) 4749 0 R (1136) 4750 0 R] -/Limits [(1131) (1136)] ->> endobj -8088 0 obj << -/Names [(1137) 4751 0 R (1138) 4752 0 R (1139) 4753 0 R (114) 3860 0 R (1140) 4754 0 R (1141) 4755 0 R] -/Limits [(1137) (1141)] ->> endobj -8089 0 obj << -/Names [(1142) 4760 0 R (1144) 4761 0 R (1145) 4762 0 R (1146) 4763 0 R (1147) 4764 0 R (1148) 4765 0 R] -/Limits [(1142) (1148)] ->> endobj -8090 0 obj << -/Names [(1149) 4766 0 R (115) 3861 0 R (1151) 4767 0 R (1156) 4769 0 R (1157) 4770 0 R (1158) 4771 0 R] -/Limits [(1149) (1158)] ->> endobj -8091 0 obj << -/Names [(1159) 4772 0 R (116) 3862 0 R (1160) 4773 0 R (1161) 4774 0 R (1162) 4775 0 R (1164) 4776 0 R] -/Limits [(1159) (1164)] ->> endobj -8092 0 obj << -/Names [(1165) 4777 0 R (1166) 4778 0 R (1167) 4779 0 R (1168) 4780 0 R (1169) 4781 0 R (117) 3864 0 R] -/Limits [(1165) (117)] ->> endobj -8093 0 obj << -/Names [(1170) 4782 0 R (1171) 4783 0 R (1172) 4784 0 R (1173) 4785 0 R (1174) 4786 0 R (1175) 4787 0 R] -/Limits [(1170) (1175)] ->> endobj -8094 0 obj << -/Names [(1177) 4788 0 R (1178) 4789 0 R (1179) 4790 0 R (1180) 4791 0 R (1181) 4792 0 R (1182) 4793 0 R] -/Limits [(1177) (1182)] ->> endobj -8095 0 obj << -/Names [(1183) 4794 0 R (1184) 4795 0 R (1185) 4796 0 R (1187) 4797 0 R (119) 3865 0 R (1192) 4799 0 R] -/Limits [(1183) (1192)] ->> endobj -8096 0 obj << -/Names [(1193) 4800 0 R (1194) 4801 0 R (1195) 4802 0 R (1196) 4807 0 R (1197) 4808 0 R (1198) 4809 0 R] -/Limits [(1193) (1198)] ->> endobj -8097 0 obj << -/Names [(120) 3866 0 R (1200) 4810 0 R (1201) 4811 0 R (1202) 4812 0 R (1203) 4813 0 R (1205) 4814 0 R] -/Limits [(120) (1205)] ->> endobj -8098 0 obj << -/Names [(1206) 4815 0 R (1207) 4816 0 R (1209) 4817 0 R (121) 3867 0 R (1214) 4819 0 R (1215) 4820 0 R] -/Limits [(1206) (1215)] ->> endobj -8099 0 obj << -/Names [(1216) 4821 0 R (1217) 4822 0 R (1218) 4823 0 R (1219) 4824 0 R (122) 3868 0 R (1220) 4825 0 R] -/Limits [(1216) (1220)] ->> endobj -8100 0 obj << -/Names [(1222) 4826 0 R (1223) 4827 0 R (1224) 4828 0 R (1225) 4829 0 R (1226) 4830 0 R (1227) 4831 0 R] -/Limits [(1222) (1227)] ->> endobj -8101 0 obj << -/Names [(1228) 4832 0 R (1229) 4833 0 R (1230) 4834 0 R (1231) 4835 0 R (1232) 4836 0 R (1233) 4837 0 R] -/Limits [(1228) (1233)] ->> endobj -8102 0 obj << -/Names [(1234) 4838 0 R (1235) 4839 0 R (1236) 4840 0 R (1237) 4841 0 R (1239) 4842 0 R (124) 3873 0 R] -/Limits [(1234) (124)] ->> endobj -8103 0 obj << -/Names [(1240) 4843 0 R (1241) 4844 0 R (1242) 4845 0 R (1243) 4846 0 R (1244) 4847 0 R (1245) 4848 0 R] -/Limits [(1240) (1245)] ->> endobj -8104 0 obj << -/Names [(1246) 4849 0 R (1247) 4850 0 R (1248) 4851 0 R (1249) 4852 0 R (125) 3874 0 R (1250) 4853 0 R] -/Limits [(1246) (1250)] ->> endobj -8105 0 obj << -/Names [(1252) 4858 0 R (1257) 4860 0 R (1258) 4861 0 R (1259) 4862 0 R (1260) 4863 0 R (1261) 4864 0 R] -/Limits [(1252) (1261)] ->> endobj -8106 0 obj << -/Names [(1262) 4865 0 R (1263) 4866 0 R (1265) 4867 0 R (1266) 4868 0 R (1267) 4869 0 R (1268) 4870 0 R] -/Limits [(1262) (1268)] ->> endobj -8107 0 obj << -/Names [(127) 3875 0 R (1270) 4871 0 R (1271) 4872 0 R (1272) 4873 0 R (1273) 4874 0 R (1274) 4875 0 R] -/Limits [(127) (1274)] ->> endobj -8108 0 obj << -/Names [(1275) 4876 0 R (1277) 4877 0 R (1278) 4878 0 R (1280) 4879 0 R (1285) 4881 0 R (1286) 4882 0 R] -/Limits [(1275) (1286)] ->> endobj -8109 0 obj << -/Names [(1287) 4883 0 R (1288) 4884 0 R (1289) 4885 0 R (1290) 4886 0 R (1291) 4887 0 R (1293) 4888 0 R] -/Limits [(1287) (1293)] ->> endobj -8110 0 obj << -/Names [(1294) 4889 0 R (1295) 4890 0 R (1296) 4891 0 R (1298) 4898 0 R (1299) 4899 0 R (1301) 4900 0 R] -/Limits [(1294) (1301)] ->> endobj -8111 0 obj << -/Names [(1306) 4902 0 R (1307) 4903 0 R (1308) 4904 0 R (1309) 4905 0 R (1310) 4906 0 R (1311) 4907 0 R] -/Limits [(1306) (1311)] ->> endobj -8112 0 obj << -/Names [(1312) 4908 0 R (1314) 4909 0 R (1315) 4910 0 R (1316) 4911 0 R (1317) 4912 0 R (1318) 4913 0 R] -/Limits [(1312) (1318)] ->> endobj -8113 0 obj << -/Names [(1319) 4914 0 R (132) 3877 0 R (1321) 4915 0 R (1322) 4916 0 R (1324) 4917 0 R (1329) 4919 0 R] -/Limits [(1319) (1329)] ->> endobj -8114 0 obj << -/Names [(133) 3878 0 R (1330) 4920 0 R (1331) 4921 0 R (1332) 4922 0 R (1333) 4923 0 R (1334) 4924 0 R] -/Limits [(133) (1334)] ->> endobj -8115 0 obj << -/Names [(1335) 4925 0 R (1337) 4926 0 R (1338) 4927 0 R (1339) 4928 0 R (134) 3879 0 R (1340) 4929 0 R] -/Limits [(1335) (1340)] ->> endobj -8116 0 obj << -/Names [(1342) 4934 0 R (1343) 4897 0 R (1345) 4935 0 R (135) 3880 0 R (1350) 4937 0 R (1351) 4938 0 R] -/Limits [(1342) (1351)] ->> endobj -8117 0 obj << -/Names [(1352) 4939 0 R (1353) 4940 0 R (1354) 4941 0 R (1355) 4942 0 R (1356) 4943 0 R (1357) 4944 0 R] -/Limits [(1352) (1357)] ->> endobj -8118 0 obj << -/Names [(1358) 4945 0 R (136) 3881 0 R (1360) 4946 0 R (1361) 4947 0 R (1362) 4948 0 R (1363) 4949 0 R] -/Limits [(1358) (1363)] ->> endobj -8119 0 obj << -/Names [(1364) 4950 0 R (1365) 4951 0 R (1367) 4952 0 R (1368) 4953 0 R (1369) 4954 0 R (137) 3882 0 R] -/Limits [(1364) (137)] ->> endobj -8120 0 obj << -/Names [(1370) 4955 0 R (1371) 4956 0 R (1372) 4957 0 R (1374) 4958 0 R (1375) 4959 0 R (1376) 4960 0 R] -/Limits [(1370) (1376)] ->> endobj -8121 0 obj << -/Names [(1377) 4961 0 R (1378) 4962 0 R (1379) 4963 0 R (138) 3883 0 R (1380) 4964 0 R (1381) 4965 0 R] -/Limits [(1377) (1381)] ->> endobj -8122 0 obj << -/Names [(1383) 4966 0 R (1384) 4967 0 R (1385) 4968 0 R (1387) 4969 0 R (1388) 4970 0 R (1390) 4971 0 R] -/Limits [(1383) (1390)] ->> endobj -8123 0 obj << -/Names [(1395) 4973 0 R (1396) 4974 0 R (1397) 4975 0 R (1398) 4976 0 R (1399) 4981 0 R (140) 3884 0 R] -/Limits [(1395) (140)] ->> endobj -8124 0 obj << -/Names [(1400) 4982 0 R (1401) 4983 0 R (1403) 4984 0 R (1404) 4985 0 R (1405) 4986 0 R (1406) 4987 0 R] -/Limits [(1400) (1406)] ->> endobj -8125 0 obj << -/Names [(1407) 4988 0 R (1408) 4989 0 R (141) 3885 0 R (1410) 4990 0 R (1411) 4991 0 R (1413) 4992 0 R] -/Limits [(1407) (1413)] ->> endobj -8126 0 obj << -/Names [(1418) 4994 0 R (1419) 4995 0 R (142) 3886 0 R (1420) 4996 0 R (1421) 4997 0 R (1422) 4998 0 R] -/Limits [(1418) (1422)] ->> endobj -8127 0 obj << -/Names [(1423) 4999 0 R (1424) 5000 0 R (1426) 5001 0 R (1427) 5002 0 R (1428) 5003 0 R (1429) 5004 0 R] -/Limits [(1423) (1429)] ->> endobj -8128 0 obj << -/Names [(143) 3887 0 R (1430) 5005 0 R (1431) 5006 0 R (1433) 5007 0 R (1434) 5008 0 R (1436) 5009 0 R] -/Limits [(143) (1436)] ->> endobj -8129 0 obj << -/Names [(1441) 5015 0 R (1442) 5016 0 R (1443) 5017 0 R (1444) 5018 0 R (1445) 5019 0 R (1446) 5020 0 R] -/Limits [(1441) (1446)] ->> endobj -8130 0 obj << -/Names [(1447) 5021 0 R (1449) 5022 0 R (145) 3888 0 R (1450) 5023 0 R (1451) 5024 0 R (1452) 5025 0 R] -/Limits [(1447) (1452)] ->> endobj -8131 0 obj << -/Names [(1453) 5026 0 R (1454) 5027 0 R (1455) 5028 0 R (1456) 5029 0 R (1458) 5030 0 R (1459) 5031 0 R] -/Limits [(1453) (1459)] ->> endobj -8132 0 obj << -/Names [(146) 3889 0 R (1460) 5032 0 R (1462) 5033 0 R (1467) 5035 0 R (1468) 5036 0 R (1469) 5037 0 R] -/Limits [(146) (1469)] ->> endobj -8133 0 obj << -/Names [(1470) 5038 0 R (1471) 5039 0 R (1472) 5040 0 R (1473) 5041 0 R (1475) 5042 0 R (1476) 5043 0 R] -/Limits [(1470) (1476)] ->> endobj -8134 0 obj << -/Names [(1477) 5044 0 R (1478) 5045 0 R (1479) 5046 0 R (148) 3890 0 R (1480) 5047 0 R (1481) 5048 0 R] -/Limits [(1477) (1481)] ->> endobj -8135 0 obj << -/Names [(1482) 5049 0 R (1483) 5050 0 R (1484) 5051 0 R (1486) 5056 0 R (1487) 5057 0 R (1489) 5058 0 R] -/Limits [(1482) (1489)] ->> endobj -8136 0 obj << -/Names [(1494) 5060 0 R (1495) 5061 0 R (1496) 5062 0 R (1497) 5063 0 R (1498) 5064 0 R (1499) 5065 0 R] -/Limits [(1494) (1499)] ->> endobj -8137 0 obj << -/Names [(15) 3759 0 R (1500) 5066 0 R (1502) 5067 0 R (1503) 5068 0 R (1504) 5069 0 R (1505) 5070 0 R] -/Limits [(15) (1505)] ->> endobj -8138 0 obj << -/Names [(1506) 5071 0 R (1507) 5072 0 R (1508) 5073 0 R (1509) 5074 0 R (1510) 5075 0 R (1511) 5076 0 R] -/Limits [(1506) (1511)] ->> endobj -8139 0 obj << -/Names [(1513) 5077 0 R (1514) 5078 0 R (1516) 5079 0 R (1517) 5080 0 R (1519) 5081 0 R (1520) 5082 0 R] -/Limits [(1513) (1520)] ->> endobj -8140 0 obj << -/Names [(1525) 5084 0 R (1526) 5085 0 R (1527) 5086 0 R (1528) 5087 0 R (1529) 5092 0 R (153) 3892 0 R] -/Limits [(1525) (153)] ->> endobj -8141 0 obj << -/Names [(1530) 5093 0 R (1531) 5094 0 R (1533) 5095 0 R (1534) 5096 0 R (1535) 5097 0 R (1536) 5098 0 R] -/Limits [(1530) (1536)] ->> endobj -8142 0 obj << -/Names [(1538) 5099 0 R (1539) 5100 0 R (154) 3893 0 R (1540) 5101 0 R (1542) 5102 0 R (1547) 5104 0 R] -/Limits [(1538) (1547)] ->> endobj -8143 0 obj << -/Names [(1548) 5105 0 R (1549) 5106 0 R (155) 3894 0 R (1550) 5107 0 R (1551) 5108 0 R (1552) 5109 0 R] -/Limits [(1548) (1552)] ->> endobj -8144 0 obj << -/Names [(1553) 5110 0 R (1555) 5111 0 R (1556) 5112 0 R (1557) 5113 0 R (1558) 5114 0 R (156) 3895 0 R] -/Limits [(1553) (156)] ->> endobj -8145 0 obj << -/Names [(1560) 5115 0 R (1561) 5116 0 R (1562) 5117 0 R (1563) 5118 0 R (1565) 5119 0 R (157) 3896 0 R] -/Limits [(1560) (157)] ->> endobj -8146 0 obj << -/Names [(1570) 5121 0 R (1571) 5122 0 R (1572) 5123 0 R (1573) 5124 0 R (1574) 5130 0 R (1575) 5131 0 R] -/Limits [(1570) (1575)] ->> endobj -8147 0 obj << -/Names [(1576) 5132 0 R (1578) 5133 0 R (1579) 5134 0 R (158) 3897 0 R (1580) 5135 0 R (1581) 5136 0 R] -/Limits [(1576) (1581)] ->> endobj -8148 0 obj << -/Names [(1583) 5137 0 R (1584) 5138 0 R (1585) 5139 0 R (1587) 5140 0 R (159) 3898 0 R (1592) 5142 0 R] -/Limits [(1583) (1592)] ->> endobj -8149 0 obj << -/Names [(1593) 5143 0 R (1594) 5144 0 R (1595) 5145 0 R (1596) 5146 0 R (1597) 5147 0 R (1598) 5148 0 R] -/Limits [(1593) (1598)] ->> endobj -8150 0 obj << -/Names [(1600) 5149 0 R (1601) 5150 0 R (1602) 5151 0 R (1603) 5152 0 R (1604) 5153 0 R (1605) 5154 0 R] -/Limits [(1600) (1605)] ->> endobj -8151 0 obj << -/Names [(1607) 5155 0 R (1608) 5156 0 R (161) 3899 0 R (1610) 5157 0 R (1611) 5158 0 R (1613) 5163 0 R] -/Limits [(1607) (1613)] ->> endobj -8152 0 obj << -/Names [(1618) 5165 0 R (1619) 5166 0 R (162) 3900 0 R (1620) 5167 0 R (1621) 5168 0 R (1622) 5169 0 R] -/Limits [(1618) (1622)] ->> endobj -8153 0 obj << -/Names [(1623) 5170 0 R (1624) 5171 0 R (1626) 5172 0 R (1627) 5173 0 R (1628) 5174 0 R (1629) 5175 0 R] -/Limits [(1623) (1629)] ->> endobj -8154 0 obj << -/Names [(163) 3901 0 R (1631) 5176 0 R (1632) 5177 0 R (1633) 5178 0 R (1635) 5179 0 R (164) 3902 0 R] -/Limits [(163) (164)] ->> endobj -8155 0 obj << -/Names [(1640) 5181 0 R (1641) 5182 0 R (1642) 5183 0 R (1643) 5184 0 R (1644) 5185 0 R (1645) 5186 0 R] -/Limits [(1640) (1645)] ->> endobj -8156 0 obj << -/Names [(1646) 5187 0 R (1648) 5188 0 R (1649) 5189 0 R (1650) 5190 0 R (1651) 5191 0 R (1653) 5196 0 R] -/Limits [(1646) (1653)] ->> endobj -8157 0 obj << -/Names [(1654) 5197 0 R (1655) 5198 0 R (1656) 5199 0 R (1658) 5200 0 R (166) 3907 0 R (1663) 5202 0 R] -/Limits [(1654) (1663)] ->> endobj -8158 0 obj << -/Names [(1664) 5203 0 R (1665) 5204 0 R (1666) 5205 0 R (1667) 5206 0 R (1668) 5207 0 R (1669) 5208 0 R] -/Limits [(1664) (1669)] ->> endobj -8159 0 obj << -/Names [(167) 3908 0 R (1671) 5209 0 R (1672) 5210 0 R (1673) 5211 0 R (1674) 5212 0 R (1675) 5213 0 R] -/Limits [(167) (1675)] ->> endobj -8160 0 obj << -/Names [(1676) 5214 0 R (1678) 5215 0 R (1679) 5216 0 R (1680) 5217 0 R (1682) 5218 0 R (1687) 5220 0 R] -/Limits [(1676) (1687)] ->> endobj -8161 0 obj << -/Names [(1688) 5221 0 R (1689) 5222 0 R (169) 3909 0 R (1690) 5223 0 R (1691) 5224 0 R (1692) 5225 0 R] -/Limits [(1688) (1692)] ->> endobj -8162 0 obj << -/Names [(1693) 5226 0 R (1695) 5227 0 R (1696) 5228 0 R (1697) 5229 0 R (1698) 5230 0 R (17) 3771 0 R] -/Limits [(1693) (17)] ->> endobj -8163 0 obj << -/Names [(1700) 5235 0 R (1701) 5236 0 R (1702) 5237 0 R (1703) 5238 0 R (1705) 5239 0 R (1710) 5241 0 R] -/Limits [(1700) (1710)] ->> endobj -8164 0 obj << -/Names [(1711) 5242 0 R (1712) 5243 0 R (1713) 5244 0 R (1714) 5245 0 R (1715) 5246 0 R (1716) 5247 0 R] -/Limits [(1711) (1716)] ->> endobj -8165 0 obj << -/Names [(1718) 5248 0 R (1719) 5249 0 R (1720) 5250 0 R (1721) 5251 0 R (1722) 5252 0 R (1723) 5253 0 R] -/Limits [(1718) (1723)] ->> endobj -8166 0 obj << -/Names [(1725) 5254 0 R (1726) 5255 0 R (1727) 5256 0 R (1728) 5257 0 R (1730) 5258 0 R (1735) 5260 0 R] -/Limits [(1725) (1735)] ->> endobj -8167 0 obj << -/Names [(1736) 5261 0 R (1737) 5262 0 R (1738) 5263 0 R (1739) 5264 0 R (174) 3911 0 R (1740) 5265 0 R] -/Limits [(1736) (1740)] ->> endobj -8168 0 obj << -/Names [(1741) 5266 0 R (1743) 5267 0 R (1744) 5268 0 R (1745) 5269 0 R (1746) 5270 0 R (1747) 5271 0 R] -/Limits [(1741) (1747)] ->> endobj -8169 0 obj << -/Names [(1748) 5272 0 R (175) 3912 0 R (1750) 5278 0 R (1751) 5279 0 R (1752) 5280 0 R (1753) 5281 0 R] -/Limits [(1748) (1753)] ->> endobj -8170 0 obj << -/Names [(1755) 5282 0 R (176) 3913 0 R (1760) 5284 0 R (1761) 5285 0 R (1762) 5286 0 R (1763) 5287 0 R] -/Limits [(1755) (1763)] ->> endobj -8171 0 obj << -/Names [(1764) 5288 0 R (1765) 5289 0 R (1766) 5290 0 R (1768) 5291 0 R (1769) 5292 0 R (177) 3914 0 R] -/Limits [(1764) (177)] ->> endobj -8172 0 obj << -/Names [(1770) 5293 0 R (1771) 5294 0 R (1772) 5295 0 R (1773) 5296 0 R (1775) 5297 0 R (1776) 5298 0 R] -/Limits [(1770) (1776)] ->> endobj -8173 0 obj << -/Names [(1777) 5299 0 R (1778) 5300 0 R (178) 3915 0 R (1780) 5301 0 R (1785) 5303 0 R (1786) 5304 0 R] -/Limits [(1777) (1786)] ->> endobj -8174 0 obj << -/Names [(1787) 5305 0 R (1788) 5306 0 R (1789) 5307 0 R (179) 3916 0 R (1790) 5308 0 R (1791) 5309 0 R] -/Limits [(1787) (1791)] ->> endobj -8175 0 obj << -/Names [(1793) 5310 0 R (1794) 5311 0 R (1795) 5312 0 R (1796) 5313 0 R (1797) 5314 0 R (1798) 5315 0 R] -/Limits [(1793) (1798)] ->> endobj -8176 0 obj << -/Names [(18) 3760 0 R (180) 3917 0 R (1800) 5320 0 R (1801) 5321 0 R (1802) 5322 0 R (1803) 5277 0 R] -/Limits [(18) (1803)] ->> endobj -8177 0 obj << -/Names [(1805) 5323 0 R (1810) 5325 0 R (1811) 5326 0 R (1812) 5327 0 R (1813) 5328 0 R (1814) 5329 0 R] -/Limits [(1805) (1814)] ->> endobj -8178 0 obj << -/Names [(1815) 5330 0 R (1816) 5331 0 R (1818) 5332 0 R (1819) 5333 0 R (182) 3918 0 R (1820) 5334 0 R] -/Limits [(1815) (1820)] ->> endobj -8179 0 obj << -/Names [(1821) 5335 0 R (1822) 5336 0 R (1823) 5337 0 R (1824) 5338 0 R (1825) 5339 0 R (1827) 5340 0 R] -/Limits [(1821) (1827)] ->> endobj -8180 0 obj << -/Names [(1828) 5341 0 R (1829) 5342 0 R (183) 3919 0 R (1830) 5343 0 R (1831) 5344 0 R (1832) 5345 0 R] -/Limits [(1828) (1832)] ->> endobj -8181 0 obj << -/Names [(1833) 5346 0 R (1834) 5347 0 R (1836) 5348 0 R (184) 3920 0 R (1841) 5350 0 R (1842) 5351 0 R] -/Limits [(1833) (1842)] ->> endobj -8182 0 obj << -/Names [(1843) 5352 0 R (1844) 5353 0 R (1845) 5354 0 R (1846) 5355 0 R (1847) 5356 0 R (1849) 5357 0 R] -/Limits [(1843) (1849)] ->> endobj -8183 0 obj << -/Names [(185) 3921 0 R (1850) 5358 0 R (1851) 5359 0 R (1852) 5360 0 R (1853) 5361 0 R (1854) 5367 0 R] -/Limits [(185) (1854)] ->> endobj -8184 0 obj << -/Names [(1856) 5368 0 R (1857) 5369 0 R (1858) 5370 0 R (1859) 5371 0 R (1861) 5372 0 R (1866) 5374 0 R] -/Limits [(1856) (1866)] ->> endobj -8185 0 obj << -/Names [(1867) 5375 0 R (1868) 5376 0 R (1869) 5377 0 R (187) 3922 0 R (1870) 5378 0 R (1871) 5379 0 R] -/Limits [(1867) (1871)] ->> endobj -8186 0 obj << -/Names [(1872) 5380 0 R (1874) 5381 0 R (1875) 5382 0 R (1876) 5383 0 R (1877) 5384 0 R (1879) 5385 0 R] -/Limits [(1872) (1879)] ->> endobj -8187 0 obj << -/Names [(188) 3923 0 R (1880) 5386 0 R (1881) 5387 0 R (1883) 5388 0 R (1888) 5390 0 R (1889) 5391 0 R] -/Limits [(188) (1889)] ->> endobj -8188 0 obj << -/Names [(1890) 5392 0 R (1891) 5393 0 R (1892) 5394 0 R (1893) 5395 0 R (1894) 5396 0 R (1896) 5397 0 R] -/Limits [(1890) (1896)] ->> endobj -8189 0 obj << -/Names [(1897) 5398 0 R (1898) 5399 0 R (1899) 5400 0 R (190) 3924 0 R (1900) 5401 0 R (1901) 5406 0 R] -/Limits [(1897) (1901)] ->> endobj -8190 0 obj << -/Names [(1903) 5407 0 R (1904) 5408 0 R (1905) 5409 0 R (1906) 5410 0 R (1908) 5411 0 R (1913) 5413 0 R] -/Limits [(1903) (1913)] ->> endobj -8191 0 obj << -/Names [(1914) 5414 0 R (1915) 5415 0 R (1916) 5416 0 R (1917) 5417 0 R (1918) 5418 0 R (1919) 5419 0 R] -/Limits [(1914) (1919)] ->> endobj -8192 0 obj << -/Names [(1921) 5420 0 R (1922) 5421 0 R (1923) 5422 0 R (1924) 5423 0 R (1925) 5424 0 R (1926) 5425 0 R] -/Limits [(1921) (1926)] ->> endobj -8193 0 obj << -/Names [(1928) 5426 0 R (1929) 5427 0 R (1930) 5428 0 R (1931) 5429 0 R (1933) 5430 0 R (1938) 5432 0 R] -/Limits [(1928) (1938)] ->> endobj -8194 0 obj << -/Names [(1939) 5433 0 R (1940) 5434 0 R (1941) 5435 0 R (1942) 5436 0 R (1943) 5437 0 R (1944) 5438 0 R] -/Limits [(1939) (1944)] ->> endobj -8195 0 obj << -/Names [(1946) 5439 0 R (1947) 5440 0 R (1948) 5441 0 R (1949) 5442 0 R (195) 3926 0 R (1950) 5443 0 R] -/Limits [(1946) (1950)] ->> endobj -8196 0 obj << -/Names [(1951) 5448 0 R (1953) 5449 0 R (1954) 5450 0 R (1955) 5451 0 R (1956) 5452 0 R (1958) 5453 0 R] -/Limits [(1951) (1958)] ->> endobj -8197 0 obj << -/Names [(196) 3927 0 R (1963) 5455 0 R (1964) 5456 0 R (1965) 5457 0 R (1966) 5458 0 R (1967) 5459 0 R] -/Limits [(196) (1967)] ->> endobj -8198 0 obj << -/Names [(1968) 5460 0 R (1969) 5461 0 R (197) 3928 0 R (1971) 5462 0 R (1972) 5463 0 R (1973) 5464 0 R] -/Limits [(1968) (1973)] ->> endobj -8199 0 obj << -/Names [(1974) 5465 0 R (1975) 5466 0 R (1976) 5467 0 R (1977) 5468 0 R (1978) 5469 0 R (198) 3929 0 R] -/Limits [(1974) (198)] ->> endobj -8200 0 obj << -/Names [(1980) 5470 0 R (1981) 5471 0 R (1982) 5472 0 R (1983) 5473 0 R (1985) 5474 0 R (199) 3934 0 R] -/Limits [(1980) (199)] ->> endobj -8201 0 obj << -/Names [(1990) 5476 0 R (1991) 5477 0 R (1992) 5478 0 R (1993) 5479 0 R (1994) 5484 0 R (1995) 5485 0 R] -/Limits [(1990) (1995)] ->> endobj -8202 0 obj << -/Names [(1996) 5486 0 R (1998) 5487 0 R (1999) 5488 0 R (20) 3773 0 R (200) 3935 0 R (2000) 5489 0 R] -/Limits [(1996) (2000)] ->> endobj -8203 0 obj << -/Names [(2001) 5490 0 R (2002) 5491 0 R (2003) 5492 0 R (2004) 5493 0 R (2005) 5494 0 R (2007) 5495 0 R] -/Limits [(2001) (2007)] ->> endobj -8204 0 obj << -/Names [(2008) 5496 0 R (2009) 5497 0 R (201) 3936 0 R (2010) 5498 0 R (2011) 5499 0 R (2013) 5500 0 R] -/Limits [(2008) (2013)] ->> endobj -8205 0 obj << -/Names [(2018) 5502 0 R (2019) 5503 0 R (2020) 5504 0 R (2021) 5505 0 R (2022) 5506 0 R (2023) 5507 0 R] -/Limits [(2018) (2023)] ->> endobj -8206 0 obj << -/Names [(2024) 5508 0 R (2026) 5509 0 R (2027) 5510 0 R (2028) 5511 0 R (2029) 5512 0 R (203) 3937 0 R] -/Limits [(2024) (203)] ->> endobj -8207 0 obj << -/Names [(2030) 5513 0 R (2031) 5514 0 R (2032) 5515 0 R (2033) 5516 0 R (2035) 5517 0 R (2036) 5518 0 R] -/Limits [(2030) (2036)] ->> endobj -8208 0 obj << -/Names [(2037) 5519 0 R (2038) 5520 0 R (2039) 5521 0 R (204) 3938 0 R (2040) 5522 0 R (2042) 5523 0 R] -/Limits [(2037) (2042)] ->> endobj -8209 0 obj << -/Names [(2047) 5529 0 R (2048) 5530 0 R (2049) 5531 0 R (205) 3939 0 R (2050) 5532 0 R (2051) 5533 0 R] -/Limits [(2047) (2051)] ->> endobj -8210 0 obj << -/Names [(2052) 5534 0 R (2053) 5535 0 R (2055) 5536 0 R (2056) 5537 0 R (2057) 5538 0 R (2058) 5539 0 R] -/Limits [(2052) (2058)] ->> endobj -8211 0 obj << -/Names [(206) 3940 0 R (2060) 5540 0 R (2061) 5541 0 R (2062) 5542 0 R (2064) 5543 0 R (2065) 5544 0 R] -/Limits [(206) (2065)] ->> endobj -8212 0 obj << -/Names [(2067) 5545 0 R (2072) 5547 0 R (2073) 5548 0 R (2074) 5549 0 R (2075) 5550 0 R (2076) 5551 0 R] -/Limits [(2067) (2076)] ->> endobj -8213 0 obj << -/Names [(2077) 5552 0 R (2078) 5553 0 R (208) 3941 0 R (2080) 5554 0 R (2081) 5555 0 R (2082) 5556 0 R] -/Limits [(2077) (2082)] ->> endobj -8214 0 obj << -/Names [(2083) 5557 0 R (2085) 5558 0 R (2086) 5559 0 R (2087) 5560 0 R (2089) 5565 0 R (209) 3942 0 R] -/Limits [(2083) (209)] ->> endobj -8215 0 obj << -/Names [(2094) 5567 0 R (2095) 5568 0 R (2096) 5569 0 R (2097) 5570 0 R (2098) 5571 0 R (2099) 5572 0 R] -/Limits [(2094) (2099)] ->> endobj -8216 0 obj << -/Names [(21) 3774 0 R (2100) 5573 0 R (2102) 5574 0 R (2103) 5575 0 R (2104) 5576 0 R (2105) 5577 0 R] -/Limits [(21) (2105)] ->> endobj -8217 0 obj << -/Names [(2107) 5578 0 R (2108) 5579 0 R (2109) 5580 0 R (211) 3943 0 R (2111) 5581 0 R (2116) 5583 0 R] -/Limits [(2107) (2116)] ->> endobj -8218 0 obj << -/Names [(2117) 5584 0 R (2118) 5585 0 R (2119) 5586 0 R (2120) 5587 0 R (2121) 5588 0 R (2122) 5589 0 R] -/Limits [(2117) (2122)] ->> endobj -8219 0 obj << -/Names [(2124) 5590 0 R (2125) 5591 0 R (2126) 5592 0 R (2127) 5593 0 R (2129) 5599 0 R (2130) 5600 0 R] -/Limits [(2124) (2130)] ->> endobj -8220 0 obj << -/Names [(2131) 5601 0 R (2132) 5602 0 R (2134) 5603 0 R (2139) 5605 0 R (2140) 5606 0 R (2141) 5607 0 R] -/Limits [(2131) (2141)] ->> endobj -8221 0 obj << -/Names [(2142) 5608 0 R (2143) 5609 0 R (2144) 5610 0 R (2145) 5611 0 R (2147) 5612 0 R (2148) 5613 0 R] -/Limits [(2142) (2148)] ->> endobj -8222 0 obj << -/Names [(2149) 5614 0 R (2150) 5615 0 R (2151) 5616 0 R (2152) 5617 0 R (2154) 5618 0 R (2155) 5619 0 R] -/Limits [(2149) (2155)] ->> endobj -8223 0 obj << -/Names [(2156) 5620 0 R (2157) 5621 0 R (2158) 5622 0 R (216) 3945 0 R (2160) 5623 0 R (2165) 5625 0 R] -/Limits [(2156) (2165)] ->> endobj -8224 0 obj << -/Names [(2166) 5626 0 R (2167) 5627 0 R (2168) 5628 0 R (2169) 5629 0 R (217) 3946 0 R (2170) 5630 0 R] -/Limits [(2166) (2170)] ->> endobj -8225 0 obj << -/Names [(2171) 5631 0 R (2173) 5632 0 R (2174) 5633 0 R (2175) 5634 0 R (2176) 5635 0 R (2177) 5636 0 R] -/Limits [(2171) (2177)] ->> endobj -8226 0 obj << -/Names [(2178) 5641 0 R (218) 3947 0 R (2180) 5642 0 R (2181) 5643 0 R (2182) 5644 0 R (2183) 5645 0 R] -/Limits [(2178) (2183)] ->> endobj -8227 0 obj << -/Names [(2184) 5646 0 R (2186) 5647 0 R (219) 3948 0 R (2191) 5649 0 R (2192) 5650 0 R (2193) 5651 0 R] -/Limits [(2184) (2193)] ->> endobj -8228 0 obj << -/Names [(2194) 5652 0 R (2195) 5653 0 R (2196) 5654 0 R (2197) 5655 0 R (2199) 5656 0 R (220) 3949 0 R] -/Limits [(2194) (220)] ->> endobj -8229 0 obj << -/Names [(2200) 5657 0 R (2201) 5658 0 R (2202) 5659 0 R (2203) 5660 0 R (2204) 5661 0 R (2206) 5662 0 R] -/Limits [(2200) (2206)] ->> endobj -8230 0 obj << -/Names [(2207) 5663 0 R (2208) 5664 0 R (2209) 5665 0 R (221) 3950 0 R (2210) 5666 0 R (2211) 5667 0 R] -/Limits [(2207) (2211)] ->> endobj -8231 0 obj << -/Names [(2212) 5668 0 R (2213) 5669 0 R (2214) 5670 0 R (2216) 5671 0 R (222) 3951 0 R (2221) 5673 0 R] -/Limits [(2212) (2221)] ->> endobj -8232 0 obj << -/Names [(2222) 5674 0 R (2223) 5675 0 R (2224) 5676 0 R (2225) 5681 0 R (2226) 5682 0 R (2227) 5683 0 R] -/Limits [(2222) (2227)] ->> endobj -8233 0 obj << -/Names [(2229) 5684 0 R (2230) 5685 0 R (2231) 5686 0 R (2232) 5687 0 R (2233) 5688 0 R (2234) 5689 0 R] -/Limits [(2229) (2234)] ->> endobj -8234 0 obj << -/Names [(2236) 5690 0 R (2237) 5691 0 R (2238) 5692 0 R (2239) 5693 0 R (224) 3952 0 R (2241) 5694 0 R] -/Limits [(2236) (2241)] ->> endobj -8235 0 obj << -/Names [(2246) 5696 0 R (2247) 5697 0 R (2248) 5698 0 R (2249) 5699 0 R (225) 3953 0 R (2250) 5700 0 R] -/Limits [(2246) (2250)] ->> endobj -8236 0 obj << -/Names [(2251) 5701 0 R (2252) 5702 0 R (2254) 5703 0 R (2255) 5704 0 R (2256) 5705 0 R (2257) 5706 0 R] -/Limits [(2251) (2257)] ->> endobj -8237 0 obj << -/Names [(2259) 5707 0 R (226) 3954 0 R (2260) 5708 0 R (2261) 5709 0 R (2262) 5710 0 R (2263) 5711 0 R] -/Limits [(2259) (2263)] ->> endobj -8238 0 obj << -/Names [(2265) 5712 0 R (227) 3955 0 R (2270) 5719 0 R (2271) 5720 0 R (2272) 5721 0 R (2273) 5722 0 R] -/Limits [(2265) (2273)] ->> endobj -8239 0 obj << -/Names [(2274) 5723 0 R (2275) 5724 0 R (2276) 5725 0 R (2278) 5726 0 R (2279) 5727 0 R (2280) 5728 0 R] -/Limits [(2274) (2280)] ->> endobj -8240 0 obj << -/Names [(2281) 5729 0 R (2282) 5730 0 R (2283) 5731 0 R (2285) 5732 0 R (2286) 5733 0 R (2287) 5734 0 R] -/Limits [(2281) (2287)] ->> endobj -8241 0 obj << -/Names [(2288) 5735 0 R (2289) 5736 0 R (229) 3956 0 R (2290) 5737 0 R (2291) 5738 0 R (2292) 5739 0 R] -/Limits [(2288) (2292)] ->> endobj -8242 0 obj << -/Names [(2294) 5740 0 R (2299) 5742 0 R (23) 3775 0 R (230) 3957 0 R (2300) 5743 0 R (2301) 5744 0 R] -/Limits [(2294) (2301)] ->> endobj -8243 0 obj << -/Names [(2302) 5745 0 R (2303) 5746 0 R (2304) 5747 0 R (2305) 5748 0 R (2307) 5749 0 R (2308) 5750 0 R] -/Limits [(2302) (2308)] ->> endobj -8244 0 obj << -/Names [(2309) 5751 0 R (2310) 5752 0 R (2312) 5753 0 R (2313) 5754 0 R (2314) 5755 0 R (2316) 5760 0 R] -/Limits [(2309) (2316)] ->> endobj -8245 0 obj << -/Names [(232) 3958 0 R (2321) 5761 0 R (2322) 5762 0 R (2323) 5763 0 R (2324) 5764 0 R (2325) 5765 0 R] -/Limits [(232) (2325)] ->> endobj -8246 0 obj << -/Names [(2326) 5766 0 R (2327) 5767 0 R (2329) 5768 0 R (2330) 5769 0 R (2331) 5770 0 R (2332) 5771 0 R] -/Limits [(2326) (2332)] ->> endobj -8247 0 obj << -/Names [(2334) 5772 0 R (2335) 5773 0 R (2337) 5774 0 R (2342) 5776 0 R (2343) 5777 0 R (2344) 5778 0 R] -/Limits [(2334) (2344)] ->> endobj -8248 0 obj << -/Names [(2345) 5779 0 R (2346) 5780 0 R (2347) 5781 0 R (2348) 5782 0 R (2350) 5783 0 R (2351) 5784 0 R] -/Limits [(2345) (2351)] ->> endobj -8249 0 obj << -/Names [(2352) 5785 0 R (2353) 5786 0 R (2355) 5787 0 R (2356) 5788 0 R (2358) 5794 0 R (2359) 5795 0 R] -/Limits [(2352) (2359)] ->> endobj -8250 0 obj << -/Names [(2361) 5796 0 R (2366) 5798 0 R (2367) 5799 0 R (2368) 5800 0 R (2369) 5801 0 R (237) 3964 0 R] -/Limits [(2361) (237)] ->> endobj -8251 0 obj << -/Names [(2370) 5802 0 R (2371) 5803 0 R (2372) 5804 0 R (2374) 5805 0 R (2375) 5806 0 R (2376) 5807 0 R] -/Limits [(2370) (2376)] ->> endobj -8252 0 obj << -/Names [(2377) 5808 0 R (2379) 5809 0 R (238) 3965 0 R (2380) 5810 0 R (2381) 5811 0 R (2382) 5812 0 R] -/Limits [(2377) (2382)] ->> endobj -8253 0 obj << -/Names [(2384) 5813 0 R (2389) 5815 0 R (239) 3966 0 R (2390) 5816 0 R (2391) 5817 0 R (2392) 5818 0 R] -/Limits [(2384) (2392)] ->> endobj -8254 0 obj << -/Names [(2393) 5819 0 R (2394) 5820 0 R (2395) 5821 0 R (2397) 5822 0 R (2398) 5823 0 R (2399) 5824 0 R] -/Limits [(2393) (2399)] ->> endobj -8255 0 obj << -/Names [(24) 3776 0 R (240) 3967 0 R (2400) 5825 0 R (2402) 5831 0 R (2403) 5832 0 R (2404) 5833 0 R] -/Limits [(24) (2404)] ->> endobj -8256 0 obj << -/Names [(2405) 5793 0 R (2407) 5834 0 R (241) 3968 0 R (2412) 5836 0 R (2413) 5837 0 R (2414) 5838 0 R] -/Limits [(2405) (2414)] ->> endobj -8257 0 obj << -/Names [(2415) 5839 0 R (2416) 5840 0 R (2417) 5841 0 R (2418) 5842 0 R (242) 3969 0 R (2420) 5843 0 R] -/Limits [(2415) (2420)] ->> endobj -8258 0 obj << -/Names [(2421) 5844 0 R (2422) 5845 0 R (2423) 5846 0 R (2424) 5847 0 R (2425) 5848 0 R (2427) 5849 0 R] -/Limits [(2421) (2427)] ->> endobj -8259 0 obj << -/Names [(2428) 5850 0 R (2429) 5851 0 R (243) 3970 0 R (2430) 5852 0 R (2431) 5853 0 R (2433) 5854 0 R] -/Limits [(2428) (2433)] ->> endobj -8260 0 obj << -/Names [(2438) 5856 0 R (2439) 5857 0 R (2440) 5858 0 R (2441) 5859 0 R (2442) 5860 0 R (2443) 5861 0 R] -/Limits [(2438) (2443)] ->> endobj -8261 0 obj << -/Names [(2444) 5862 0 R (2446) 5863 0 R (2447) 5864 0 R (2448) 5865 0 R (2449) 5866 0 R (245) 3971 0 R] -/Limits [(2444) (245)] ->> endobj -8262 0 obj << -/Names [(2450) 5867 0 R (2451) 5868 0 R (2452) 5869 0 R (2453) 5870 0 R (2455) 5875 0 R (2456) 5876 0 R] -/Limits [(2450) (2456)] ->> endobj -8263 0 obj << -/Names [(2457) 5877 0 R (2458) 5878 0 R (2459) 5879 0 R (246) 3972 0 R (2460) 5880 0 R (2462) 5881 0 R] -/Limits [(2457) (2462)] ->> endobj -8264 0 obj << -/Names [(2467) 5883 0 R (2468) 5884 0 R (2469) 5885 0 R (247) 3973 0 R (2470) 5886 0 R (2471) 5887 0 R] -/Limits [(2467) (2471)] ->> endobj -8265 0 obj << -/Names [(2472) 5888 0 R (2473) 5889 0 R (2475) 5890 0 R (2476) 5891 0 R (2477) 5892 0 R (2478) 5893 0 R] -/Limits [(2472) (2478)] ->> endobj -8266 0 obj << -/Names [(2479) 5894 0 R (248) 3974 0 R (2480) 5895 0 R (2481) 5896 0 R (2482) 5897 0 R (2484) 5898 0 R] -/Limits [(2479) (2484)] ->> endobj -8267 0 obj << -/Names [(2485) 5899 0 R (2486) 5900 0 R (2487) 5901 0 R (2488) 5902 0 R (2489) 5903 0 R (2490) 5904 0 R] -/Limits [(2485) (2490)] ->> endobj -8268 0 obj << -/Names [(2492) 5905 0 R (2497) 5907 0 R (2498) 5908 0 R (2499) 5909 0 R (25) 3777 0 R (250) 3975 0 R] -/Limits [(2492) (250)] ->> endobj -8269 0 obj << -/Names [(2500) 5910 0 R (2501) 5915 0 R (2502) 5916 0 R (2503) 5917 0 R (2505) 5918 0 R (2506) 5919 0 R] -/Limits [(2500) (2506)] ->> endobj -8270 0 obj << -/Names [(2507) 5920 0 R (2508) 5921 0 R (2509) 5922 0 R (251) 3976 0 R (2510) 5923 0 R (2511) 5924 0 R] -/Limits [(2507) (2511)] ->> endobj -8271 0 obj << -/Names [(2512) 5925 0 R (2514) 5926 0 R (2515) 5927 0 R (2516) 5928 0 R (2517) 5929 0 R (2518) 5930 0 R] -/Limits [(2512) (2518)] ->> endobj -8272 0 obj << -/Names [(2519) 5931 0 R (2520) 5932 0 R (2522) 5933 0 R (2527) 5935 0 R (2528) 5936 0 R (2529) 5937 0 R] -/Limits [(2519) (2529)] ->> endobj -8273 0 obj << -/Names [(253) 3977 0 R (2530) 5938 0 R (2531) 5939 0 R (2532) 5940 0 R (2533) 5941 0 R (2535) 5942 0 R] -/Limits [(253) (2535)] ->> endobj -8274 0 obj << -/Names [(2536) 5943 0 R (2537) 5944 0 R (2538) 5945 0 R (2539) 5946 0 R (254) 3978 0 R (2540) 5947 0 R] -/Limits [(2536) (2540)] ->> endobj -8275 0 obj << -/Names [(2541) 5948 0 R (2542) 5949 0 R (2544) 5950 0 R (2545) 5951 0 R (2546) 5952 0 R (2547) 5953 0 R] -/Limits [(2541) (2547)] ->> endobj -8276 0 obj << -/Names [(2548) 5954 0 R (2549) 5955 0 R (2550) 5956 0 R (2552) 5961 0 R (2553) 5962 0 R (2555) 5963 0 R] -/Limits [(2548) (2555)] ->> endobj -8277 0 obj << -/Names [(256) 3979 0 R (2560) 5965 0 R (2561) 5966 0 R (2562) 5967 0 R (2563) 5968 0 R (2564) 5969 0 R] -/Limits [(256) (2564)] ->> endobj -8278 0 obj << -/Names [(2565) 5970 0 R (2566) 5971 0 R (2568) 5972 0 R (2569) 5973 0 R (2570) 5974 0 R (2571) 5975 0 R] -/Limits [(2565) (2571)] ->> endobj -8279 0 obj << -/Names [(2573) 5976 0 R (2574) 5977 0 R (2576) 5978 0 R (2581) 5980 0 R (2582) 5981 0 R (2583) 5982 0 R] -/Limits [(2573) (2583)] ->> endobj -8280 0 obj << -/Names [(2584) 5983 0 R (2585) 5984 0 R (2586) 5985 0 R (2587) 5986 0 R (2589) 5987 0 R (2590) 5988 0 R] -/Limits [(2584) (2590)] ->> endobj -8281 0 obj << -/Names [(2591) 5989 0 R (2592) 5990 0 R (2594) 5995 0 R (2595) 5996 0 R (2596) 5997 0 R (2597) 5998 0 R] -/Limits [(2591) (2597)] ->> endobj -8282 0 obj << -/Names [(2599) 5999 0 R (26) 3778 0 R (2604) 6001 0 R (2605) 6002 0 R (2606) 6003 0 R (2607) 6004 0 R] -/Limits [(2599) (2607)] ->> endobj -8283 0 obj << -/Names [(2608) 6005 0 R (2609) 6006 0 R (261) 3981 0 R (2610) 6007 0 R (2612) 6008 0 R (2613) 6009 0 R] -/Limits [(2608) (2613)] ->> endobj -8284 0 obj << -/Names [(2614) 6010 0 R (2615) 6011 0 R (2617) 6012 0 R (2618) 6013 0 R (262) 3982 0 R (2620) 6014 0 R] -/Limits [(2614) (2620)] ->> endobj -8285 0 obj << -/Names [(2625) 6016 0 R (2626) 6017 0 R (2627) 6018 0 R (2628) 6019 0 R (2629) 6024 0 R (263) 3983 0 R] -/Limits [(2625) (263)] ->> endobj -8286 0 obj << -/Names [(2630) 6025 0 R (2631) 6026 0 R (2633) 6027 0 R (2634) 6028 0 R (2635) 6029 0 R (2636) 6030 0 R] -/Limits [(2630) (2636)] ->> endobj -8287 0 obj << -/Names [(2638) 6031 0 R (2639) 6032 0 R (264) 3984 0 R (2640) 6033 0 R (2642) 6034 0 R (2647) 6036 0 R] -/Limits [(2638) (2647)] ->> endobj -8288 0 obj << -/Names [(2648) 6037 0 R (2649) 6038 0 R (265) 3985 0 R (2650) 6039 0 R (2651) 6040 0 R (2652) 6041 0 R] -/Limits [(2648) (2652)] ->> endobj -8289 0 obj << -/Names [(2653) 6042 0 R (2655) 6043 0 R (2656) 6044 0 R (2657) 6045 0 R (2658) 6046 0 R (266) 3986 0 R] -/Limits [(2653) (266)] ->> endobj -8290 0 obj << -/Names [(2660) 6047 0 R (2661) 6048 0 R (2663) 6049 0 R (2668) 6051 0 R (2669) 6052 0 R (267) 3987 0 R] -/Limits [(2660) (267)] ->> endobj -8291 0 obj << -/Names [(2670) 6053 0 R (2671) 6054 0 R (2672) 6060 0 R (2673) 6061 0 R (2674) 6062 0 R (2676) 6063 0 R] -/Limits [(2670) (2676)] ->> endobj -8292 0 obj << -/Names [(2677) 6064 0 R (2678) 6065 0 R (2679) 6066 0 R (2681) 6067 0 R (2682) 6068 0 R (2683) 6069 0 R] -/Limits [(2677) (2683)] ->> endobj -8293 0 obj << -/Names [(2684) 6070 0 R (2686) 6071 0 R (269) 3988 0 R (2691) 6073 0 R (2692) 6074 0 R (2693) 6075 0 R] -/Limits [(2684) (2693)] ->> endobj -8294 0 obj << -/Names [(2694) 6076 0 R (2695) 6077 0 R (2696) 6078 0 R (2697) 6079 0 R (2699) 6080 0 R (270) 3989 0 R] -/Limits [(2694) (270)] ->> endobj -8295 0 obj << -/Names [(2700) 6081 0 R (2701) 6082 0 R (2702) 6083 0 R (2704) 6084 0 R (2705) 6085 0 R (2706) 6086 0 R] -/Limits [(2700) (2706)] ->> endobj -8296 0 obj << -/Names [(2708) 6087 0 R (271) 3990 0 R (2713) 6094 0 R (2714) 6095 0 R (2715) 6096 0 R (2716) 6097 0 R] -/Limits [(2708) (2716)] ->> endobj -8297 0 obj << -/Names [(2717) 6098 0 R (2718) 6099 0 R (2719) 6100 0 R (272) 3991 0 R (2721) 6101 0 R (2722) 6102 0 R] -/Limits [(2717) (2722)] ->> endobj -8298 0 obj << -/Names [(2723) 6103 0 R (2724) 6104 0 R (2726) 6105 0 R (2727) 6106 0 R (2728) 6107 0 R (2729) 6108 0 R] -/Limits [(2723) (2729)] ->> endobj -8299 0 obj << -/Names [(2731) 6109 0 R (2736) 6111 0 R (2737) 6112 0 R (2738) 6113 0 R (2739) 6114 0 R (274) 3996 0 R] -/Limits [(2731) (274)] ->> endobj -8300 0 obj << -/Names [(2740) 6115 0 R (2741) 6116 0 R (2742) 6117 0 R (2744) 6118 0 R (2745) 6119 0 R (2746) 6120 0 R] -/Limits [(2740) (2746)] ->> endobj -8301 0 obj << -/Names [(2747) 6121 0 R (2749) 6122 0 R (275) 3997 0 R (2750) 6123 0 R (2751) 6124 0 R (2753) 6129 0 R] -/Limits [(2747) (2753)] ->> endobj -8302 0 obj << -/Names [(2758) 6130 0 R (2759) 6131 0 R (2760) 6132 0 R (2761) 6133 0 R (2762) 6134 0 R (2763) 6135 0 R] -/Limits [(2758) (2763)] ->> endobj -8303 0 obj << -/Names [(2764) 6136 0 R (2766) 6137 0 R (2767) 6138 0 R (2768) 6139 0 R (2769) 6140 0 R (277) 3998 0 R] -/Limits [(2764) (277)] ->> endobj -8304 0 obj << -/Names [(2771) 6141 0 R (2772) 6142 0 R (2773) 6143 0 R (2774) 6144 0 R (2776) 6145 0 R (2781) 6147 0 R] -/Limits [(2771) (2781)] ->> endobj -8305 0 obj << -/Names [(2782) 6148 0 R (2783) 6149 0 R (2784) 6150 0 R (2785) 6151 0 R (2786) 6152 0 R (2787) 6153 0 R] -/Limits [(2782) (2787)] ->> endobj -8306 0 obj << -/Names [(2789) 6154 0 R (2790) 6155 0 R (2791) 6156 0 R (2792) 6157 0 R (2794) 6162 0 R (2795) 6163 0 R] -/Limits [(2789) (2795)] ->> endobj -8307 0 obj << -/Names [(2796) 6164 0 R (2797) 6165 0 R (2799) 6166 0 R (28) 3779 0 R (2804) 6168 0 R (2805) 6169 0 R] -/Limits [(2796) (2805)] ->> endobj -8308 0 obj << -/Names [(2806) 6170 0 R (2807) 6171 0 R (2808) 6172 0 R (2809) 6173 0 R (2810) 6174 0 R (2812) 6175 0 R] -/Limits [(2806) (2812)] ->> endobj -8309 0 obj << -/Names [(2813) 6176 0 R (2814) 6177 0 R (2815) 6178 0 R (2817) 6179 0 R (2818) 6180 0 R (2819) 6181 0 R] -/Limits [(2813) (2819)] ->> endobj -8310 0 obj << -/Names [(282) 4000 0 R (2820) 6182 0 R (2822) 6183 0 R (2827) 6185 0 R (2828) 6186 0 R (2829) 6187 0 R] -/Limits [(282) (2829)] ->> endobj -8311 0 obj << -/Names [(283) 4001 0 R (2830) 6188 0 R (2831) 6189 0 R (2832) 6190 0 R (2833) 6191 0 R (2835) 6192 0 R] -/Limits [(283) (2835)] ->> endobj -8312 0 obj << -/Names [(2836) 6193 0 R (2837) 6194 0 R (2838) 6199 0 R (284) 4002 0 R (2840) 6200 0 R (2841) 6201 0 R] -/Limits [(2836) (2841)] ->> endobj -8313 0 obj << -/Names [(2843) 6202 0 R (2848) 6204 0 R (2849) 6205 0 R (285) 4003 0 R (2850) 6206 0 R (2851) 6207 0 R] -/Limits [(2843) (2851)] ->> endobj -8314 0 obj << -/Names [(2852) 6208 0 R (2853) 6209 0 R (2854) 6210 0 R (2856) 6211 0 R (2857) 6212 0 R (2858) 6213 0 R] -/Limits [(2852) (2858)] ->> endobj -8315 0 obj << -/Names [(2859) 6214 0 R (286) 4004 0 R (2861) 6215 0 R (2862) 6216 0 R (2863) 6217 0 R (2864) 6218 0 R] -/Limits [(2859) (2864)] ->> endobj -8316 0 obj << -/Names [(2866) 6219 0 R (287) 4005 0 R (2871) 6221 0 R (2872) 6222 0 R (2873) 6223 0 R (2874) 6224 0 R] -/Limits [(2866) (2874)] ->> endobj -8317 0 obj << -/Names [(2875) 6229 0 R (2876) 6230 0 R (2877) 6231 0 R (2879) 6232 0 R (288) 4006 0 R (2880) 6233 0 R] -/Limits [(2875) (2880)] ->> endobj -8318 0 obj << -/Names [(2881) 6234 0 R (2882) 6235 0 R (2883) 6236 0 R (2884) 6237 0 R (2886) 6238 0 R (2887) 6239 0 R] -/Limits [(2881) (2887)] ->> endobj -8319 0 obj << -/Names [(2888) 6240 0 R (2889) 6241 0 R (2891) 6242 0 R (2896) 6244 0 R (2897) 6245 0 R (2898) 6246 0 R] -/Limits [(2888) (2898)] ->> endobj -8320 0 obj << -/Names [(2899) 6247 0 R (29) 3780 0 R (290) 4007 0 R (2900) 6248 0 R (2901) 6249 0 R (2902) 6250 0 R] -/Limits [(2899) (2902)] ->> endobj -8321 0 obj << -/Names [(2904) 6251 0 R (2905) 6252 0 R (2906) 6253 0 R (2907) 6254 0 R (2909) 6255 0 R (291) 4008 0 R] -/Limits [(2904) (291)] ->> endobj -8322 0 obj << -/Names [(2910) 6256 0 R (2911) 6257 0 R (2913) 6258 0 R (2918) 6266 0 R (2919) 6267 0 R (292) 4009 0 R] -/Limits [(2910) (292)] ->> endobj -8323 0 obj << -/Names [(2920) 6268 0 R (2921) 6269 0 R (2922) 6270 0 R (2923) 6271 0 R (2924) 6272 0 R (2926) 6273 0 R] -/Limits [(2920) (2926)] ->> endobj -8324 0 obj << -/Names [(2927) 6274 0 R (2928) 6275 0 R (2929) 6276 0 R (293) 4011 0 R (2931) 6277 0 R (2932) 6278 0 R] -/Limits [(2927) (2932)] ->> endobj -8325 0 obj << -/Names [(2933) 6279 0 R (2934) 6280 0 R (2936) 6281 0 R (2941) 6283 0 R (2942) 6284 0 R (2943) 6285 0 R] -/Limits [(2933) (2943)] ->> endobj -8326 0 obj << -/Names [(2944) 6286 0 R (2945) 6287 0 R (2946) 6288 0 R (2947) 6289 0 R (2949) 6290 0 R (295) 4012 0 R] -/Limits [(2944) (295)] ->> endobj -8327 0 obj << -/Names [(2950) 6291 0 R (2951) 6292 0 R (2952) 6293 0 R (2953) 6294 0 R (2954) 6295 0 R (2956) 6296 0 R] -/Limits [(2950) (2956)] ->> endobj -8328 0 obj << -/Names [(2957) 6297 0 R (2958) 6298 0 R (296) 4013 0 R (2960) 6303 0 R (2965) 6304 0 R (2966) 6305 0 R] -/Limits [(2957) (2966)] ->> endobj -8329 0 obj << -/Names [(2967) 6306 0 R (2968) 6307 0 R (2969) 6308 0 R (297) 4014 0 R (2970) 6309 0 R (2971) 6310 0 R] -/Limits [(2967) (2971)] ->> endobj -8330 0 obj << -/Names [(2973) 6311 0 R (2974) 6312 0 R (2975) 6313 0 R (2976) 6314 0 R (2977) 6315 0 R (2978) 6316 0 R] -/Limits [(2973) (2978)] ->> endobj -8331 0 obj << -/Names [(2980) 6317 0 R (2981) 6318 0 R (2982) 6319 0 R (2984) 6320 0 R (2989) 6322 0 R (299) 4015 0 R] -/Limits [(2980) (299)] ->> endobj -8332 0 obj << -/Names [(2990) 6323 0 R (2991) 6324 0 R (2992) 6325 0 R (2993) 6326 0 R (2994) 6327 0 R (2995) 6328 0 R] -/Limits [(2990) (2995)] ->> endobj -8333 0 obj << -/Names [(2997) 6329 0 R (2998) 6330 0 R (2999) 6331 0 R (30) 3761 0 R (3000) 6332 0 R (3001) 6333 0 R] -/Limits [(2997) (3001)] ->> endobj -8334 0 obj << -/Names [(3002) 6334 0 R (3004) 6339 0 R (3005) 6340 0 R (3006) 6341 0 R (3008) 6342 0 R (3013) 6344 0 R] -/Limits [(3002) (3013)] ->> endobj -8335 0 obj << -/Names [(3014) 6345 0 R (3015) 6346 0 R (3016) 6347 0 R (3017) 6348 0 R (3018) 6349 0 R (3019) 6350 0 R] -/Limits [(3014) (3019)] ->> endobj -8336 0 obj << -/Names [(3021) 6351 0 R (3022) 6352 0 R (3023) 6353 0 R (3024) 6354 0 R (3026) 6355 0 R (3027) 6356 0 R] -/Limits [(3021) (3027)] ->> endobj -8337 0 obj << -/Names [(3028) 6357 0 R (3030) 6358 0 R (3035) 6360 0 R (3036) 6361 0 R (3037) 6362 0 R (3038) 6363 0 R] -/Limits [(3028) (3038)] ->> endobj -8338 0 obj << -/Names [(3039) 6364 0 R (304) 4017 0 R (3040) 6365 0 R (3041) 6366 0 R (3043) 6371 0 R (3044) 6372 0 R] -/Limits [(3039) (3044)] ->> endobj -8339 0 obj << -/Names [(3045) 6373 0 R (3046) 6374 0 R (3047) 6375 0 R (3048) 6376 0 R (3049) 6377 0 R (305) 4018 0 R] -/Limits [(3045) (305)] ->> endobj -8340 0 obj << -/Names [(3050) 6378 0 R (3051) 6379 0 R (3052) 6380 0 R (3054) 6381 0 R (3055) 6382 0 R (3056) 6383 0 R] -/Limits [(3050) (3056)] ->> endobj -8341 0 obj << -/Names [(3057) 6384 0 R (3058) 6385 0 R (306) 4019 0 R (3060) 6386 0 R (3065) 6388 0 R (3066) 6389 0 R] -/Limits [(3057) (3066)] ->> endobj -8342 0 obj << -/Names [(3067) 6390 0 R (3068) 6391 0 R (3069) 6392 0 R (307) 4020 0 R (3070) 6393 0 R (3071) 6394 0 R] -/Limits [(3067) (3071)] ->> endobj -8343 0 obj << -/Names [(3073) 6395 0 R (3074) 6396 0 R (3075) 6397 0 R (3076) 6398 0 R (3077) 6399 0 R (3078) 6400 0 R] -/Limits [(3073) (3078)] ->> endobj -8344 0 obj << -/Names [(3079) 6401 0 R (308) 4021 0 R (3080) 6402 0 R (3082) 6403 0 R (3083) 6404 0 R (3084) 6405 0 R] -/Limits [(3079) (3084)] ->> endobj -8345 0 obj << -/Names [(3086) 6406 0 R (309) 4022 0 R (3091) 6412 0 R (3092) 6413 0 R (3093) 6414 0 R (3094) 6415 0 R] -/Limits [(3086) (3094)] ->> endobj -8346 0 obj << -/Names [(3095) 6416 0 R (3096) 6417 0 R (3097) 6418 0 R (3099) 6419 0 R (310) 4023 0 R (3100) 6420 0 R] -/Limits [(3095) (3100)] ->> endobj -8347 0 obj << -/Names [(3101) 6421 0 R (3102) 6422 0 R (3103) 6423 0 R (3104) 6424 0 R (3105) 6425 0 R (3106) 6426 0 R] -/Limits [(3101) (3106)] ->> endobj -8348 0 obj << -/Names [(3108) 6427 0 R (3109) 6428 0 R (3110) 6429 0 R (3111) 6430 0 R (3112) 6431 0 R (3113) 6432 0 R] -/Limits [(3108) (3113)] ->> endobj -8349 0 obj << -/Names [(3114) 6433 0 R (3115) 6434 0 R (3116) 6435 0 R (3118) 6436 0 R (312) 4024 0 R (3123) 6438 0 R] -/Limits [(3114) (3123)] ->> endobj -8350 0 obj << -/Names [(3124) 6439 0 R (3125) 6440 0 R (3126) 6441 0 R (3127) 6442 0 R (3128) 6443 0 R (3129) 6444 0 R] -/Limits [(3124) (3129)] ->> endobj -8351 0 obj << -/Names [(313) 4025 0 R (3131) 6445 0 R (3132) 6446 0 R (3133) 6447 0 R (3134) 6448 0 R (3135) 6449 0 R] -/Limits [(313) (3135)] ->> endobj -8352 0 obj << -/Names [(3136) 6450 0 R (3137) 6451 0 R (3138) 6452 0 R (3139) 6453 0 R (314) 4026 0 R (3140) 6454 0 R] -/Limits [(3136) (3140)] ->> endobj -8353 0 obj << -/Names [(3141) 6455 0 R (3142) 6456 0 R (3144) 6457 0 R (3145) 6458 0 R (3146) 6459 0 R (3147) 6460 0 R] -/Limits [(3141) (3147)] ->> endobj -8354 0 obj << -/Names [(3148) 6461 0 R (3149) 6462 0 R (315) 4027 0 R (3150) 6467 0 R (3151) 6468 0 R (3152) 6469 0 R] -/Limits [(3148) (3152)] ->> endobj -8355 0 obj << -/Names [(3153) 6470 0 R (3154) 6471 0 R (3155) 6472 0 R (3157) 6473 0 R (3162) 6475 0 R (3163) 6476 0 R] -/Limits [(3153) (3163)] ->> endobj -8356 0 obj << -/Names [(3164) 6477 0 R (3165) 6478 0 R (3166) 6479 0 R (3167) 6480 0 R (3168) 6481 0 R (317) 4033 0 R] -/Limits [(3164) (317)] ->> endobj -8357 0 obj << -/Names [(3170) 6482 0 R (3171) 6483 0 R (3172) 6484 0 R (3173) 6485 0 R (3174) 6486 0 R (3175) 6487 0 R] -/Limits [(3170) (3175)] ->> endobj -8358 0 obj << -/Names [(3176) 6488 0 R (3177) 6489 0 R (3179) 6490 0 R (318) 4034 0 R (3180) 6491 0 R (3181) 6492 0 R] -/Limits [(3176) (3181)] ->> endobj -8359 0 obj << -/Names [(3182) 6493 0 R (3183) 6494 0 R (3184) 6495 0 R (3185) 6496 0 R (3186) 6497 0 R (3188) 6498 0 R] -/Limits [(3182) (3188)] ->> endobj -8360 0 obj << -/Names [(319) 4035 0 R (3193) 6500 0 R (3194) 6501 0 R (3195) 6502 0 R (3196) 6503 0 R (3197) 6510 0 R] -/Limits [(319) (3197)] ->> endobj -8361 0 obj << -/Names [(3198) 6511 0 R (3199) 6512 0 R (32) 3787 0 R (3201) 6513 0 R (3202) 6514 0 R (3203) 6515 0 R] -/Limits [(3198) (3203)] ->> endobj -8362 0 obj << -/Names [(3204) 6516 0 R (3205) 6517 0 R (3206) 6518 0 R (3207) 6519 0 R (3208) 6520 0 R (321) 4036 0 R] -/Limits [(3204) (321)] ->> endobj -8363 0 obj << -/Names [(3210) 6521 0 R (3211) 6522 0 R (3212) 6523 0 R (3213) 6524 0 R (3214) 6525 0 R (3216) 6526 0 R] -/Limits [(3210) (3216)] ->> endobj -8364 0 obj << -/Names [(3221) 6528 0 R (3222) 6529 0 R (3223) 6530 0 R (3224) 6531 0 R (3225) 6532 0 R (3226) 6533 0 R] -/Limits [(3221) (3226)] ->> endobj -8365 0 obj << -/Names [(3227) 6534 0 R (3229) 6535 0 R (3230) 6536 0 R (3231) 6537 0 R (3232) 6538 0 R (3234) 6539 0 R] -/Limits [(3227) (3234)] ->> endobj -8366 0 obj << -/Names [(3235) 6540 0 R (3236) 6541 0 R (3237) 6542 0 R (3238) 6543 0 R (3240) 6548 0 R (3245) 6549 0 R] -/Limits [(3235) (3245)] ->> endobj -8367 0 obj << -/Names [(3246) 6550 0 R (3247) 6551 0 R (3248) 6552 0 R (3249) 6553 0 R (3250) 6554 0 R (3251) 6555 0 R] -/Limits [(3246) (3251)] ->> endobj -8368 0 obj << -/Names [(3253) 6556 0 R (3254) 6557 0 R (3255) 6558 0 R (3256) 6559 0 R (3257) 6560 0 R (3258) 6561 0 R] -/Limits [(3253) (3258)] ->> endobj -8369 0 obj << -/Names [(3259) 6562 0 R (326) 4038 0 R (3260) 6563 0 R (3262) 6564 0 R (3263) 6565 0 R (3265) 6566 0 R] -/Limits [(3259) (3265)] ->> endobj -8370 0 obj << -/Names [(3266) 6567 0 R (3268) 6568 0 R (327) 4039 0 R (3273) 6570 0 R (3274) 6571 0 R (3275) 6572 0 R] -/Limits [(3266) (3275)] ->> endobj -8371 0 obj << -/Names [(3276) 6573 0 R (3277) 6578 0 R (3278) 6579 0 R (3279) 6580 0 R (328) 4040 0 R (3281) 6581 0 R] -/Limits [(3276) (3281)] ->> endobj -8372 0 obj << -/Names [(3282) 6582 0 R (3283) 6583 0 R (3284) 6584 0 R (3285) 6585 0 R (3286) 6586 0 R (3288) 6587 0 R] -/Limits [(3282) (3288)] ->> endobj -8373 0 obj << -/Names [(3289) 6588 0 R (329) 4041 0 R (3290) 6589 0 R (3292) 6590 0 R (3297) 6592 0 R (3298) 6593 0 R] -/Limits [(3289) (3298)] ->> endobj -8374 0 obj << -/Names [(3299) 6594 0 R (33) 3788 0 R (330) 4042 0 R (3300) 6595 0 R (3301) 6596 0 R (3302) 6597 0 R] -/Limits [(3299) (3302)] ->> endobj -8375 0 obj << -/Names [(3303) 6598 0 R (3305) 6599 0 R (3306) 6600 0 R (3307) 6601 0 R (3308) 6602 0 R (3309) 6603 0 R] -/Limits [(3303) (3309)] ->> endobj -8376 0 obj << -/Names [(331) 4043 0 R (3310) 6604 0 R (3312) 6605 0 R (3313) 6606 0 R (3314) 6607 0 R (3316) 6608 0 R] -/Limits [(331) (3316)] ->> endobj -8377 0 obj << -/Names [(332) 4044 0 R (3321) 6610 0 R (3322) 6611 0 R (3323) 6612 0 R (3324) 6613 0 R (3325) 6618 0 R] -/Limits [(332) (3325)] ->> endobj -8378 0 obj << -/Names [(3326) 6619 0 R (3327) 6620 0 R (3329) 6621 0 R (3330) 6622 0 R (3331) 6623 0 R (3332) 6624 0 R] -/Limits [(3326) (3332)] ->> endobj -8379 0 obj << -/Names [(3334) 6625 0 R (3335) 6626 0 R (3336) 6627 0 R (3338) 6628 0 R (3339) 6629 0 R (334) 4045 0 R] -/Limits [(3334) (334)] ->> endobj -8380 0 obj << -/Names [(3341) 6630 0 R (3346) 6632 0 R (3347) 6633 0 R (3348) 6634 0 R (3349) 6635 0 R (335) 4046 0 R] -/Limits [(3341) (335)] ->> endobj -8381 0 obj << -/Names [(3350) 6636 0 R (3351) 6637 0 R (3352) 6638 0 R (3354) 6639 0 R (3355) 6640 0 R (3356) 6641 0 R] -/Limits [(3350) (3356)] ->> endobj -8382 0 obj << -/Names [(3357) 6642 0 R (3358) 6643 0 R (3359) 6644 0 R (336) 4047 0 R (3361) 6645 0 R (3362) 6646 0 R] -/Limits [(3357) (3362)] ->> endobj -8383 0 obj << -/Names [(3363) 6647 0 R (3365) 6648 0 R (337) 4048 0 R (3370) 6654 0 R (3371) 6655 0 R (3372) 6656 0 R] -/Limits [(3363) (3372)] ->> endobj -8384 0 obj << -/Names [(3373) 6657 0 R (3374) 6658 0 R (3375) 6659 0 R (3376) 6660 0 R (3378) 6661 0 R (3379) 6662 0 R] -/Limits [(3373) (3379)] ->> endobj -8385 0 obj << -/Names [(3380) 6663 0 R (3381) 6664 0 R (3382) 6665 0 R (3383) 6666 0 R (3385) 6667 0 R (3386) 6668 0 R] -/Limits [(3380) (3386)] ->> endobj -8386 0 obj << -/Names [(3387) 6669 0 R (3389) 6670 0 R (339) 4049 0 R (3394) 6672 0 R (3395) 6673 0 R (3396) 6674 0 R] -/Limits [(3387) (3396)] ->> endobj -8387 0 obj << -/Names [(3397) 6675 0 R (3398) 6676 0 R (3399) 6677 0 R (340) 4050 0 R (3400) 6678 0 R (3402) 6679 0 R] -/Limits [(3397) (3402)] ->> endobj -8388 0 obj << -/Names [(3403) 6680 0 R (3404) 6681 0 R (3405) 6682 0 R (3407) 6683 0 R (3408) 6684 0 R (3409) 6685 0 R] -/Limits [(3403) (3409)] ->> endobj -8389 0 obj << -/Names [(3411) 6686 0 R (3416) 6692 0 R (3417) 6693 0 R (3418) 6694 0 R (3419) 6695 0 R (342) 4051 0 R] -/Limits [(3411) (342)] ->> endobj -8390 0 obj << -/Names [(3420) 6696 0 R (3421) 6697 0 R (3422) 6698 0 R (3424) 6699 0 R (3425) 6700 0 R (3426) 6701 0 R] -/Limits [(3420) (3426)] ->> endobj -8391 0 obj << -/Names [(3427) 6702 0 R (3428) 6703 0 R (3429) 6704 0 R (3431) 6705 0 R (3432) 6706 0 R (3433) 6707 0 R] -/Limits [(3427) (3433)] ->> endobj -8392 0 obj << -/Names [(3434) 6708 0 R (3436) 6709 0 R (3437) 6710 0 R (3439) 6711 0 R (3444) 6713 0 R (3445) 6714 0 R] -/Limits [(3434) (3445)] ->> endobj -8393 0 obj << -/Names [(3446) 6715 0 R (3447) 6716 0 R (3448) 6717 0 R (3449) 6718 0 R (3450) 6719 0 R (3452) 6720 0 R] -/Limits [(3446) (3452)] ->> endobj -8394 0 obj << -/Names [(3453) 6721 0 R (3454) 6722 0 R (3455) 6723 0 R (3457) 6729 0 R (3458) 6730 0 R (3460) 6731 0 R] -/Limits [(3453) (3460)] ->> endobj -8395 0 obj << -/Names [(3465) 6733 0 R (3466) 6734 0 R (3467) 6735 0 R (3468) 6736 0 R (3469) 6737 0 R (347) 4053 0 R] -/Limits [(3465) (347)] ->> endobj -8396 0 obj << -/Names [(3470) 6738 0 R (3471) 6739 0 R (3473) 6740 0 R (3474) 6741 0 R (3475) 6742 0 R (3476) 6743 0 R] -/Limits [(3470) (3476)] ->> endobj -8397 0 obj << -/Names [(3478) 6744 0 R (3479) 6745 0 R (348) 4054 0 R (3481) 6746 0 R (3486) 6748 0 R (3487) 6749 0 R] -/Limits [(3478) (3487)] ->> endobj -8398 0 obj << -/Names [(3488) 6750 0 R (3489) 6751 0 R (349) 4055 0 R (3490) 6752 0 R (3491) 6753 0 R (3492) 6754 0 R] -/Limits [(3488) (3492)] ->> endobj -8399 0 obj << -/Names [(3494) 6755 0 R (3495) 6756 0 R (3496) 6757 0 R (3497) 6758 0 R (3498) 6759 0 R (3499) 6760 0 R] -/Limits [(3494) (3499)] ->> endobj -8400 0 obj << -/Names [(35) 3789 0 R (350) 4056 0 R (3501) 6765 0 R (3502) 6766 0 R (3504) 6767 0 R (3509) 6769 0 R] -/Limits [(35) (3509)] ->> endobj -8401 0 obj << -/Names [(351) 4057 0 R (3510) 6770 0 R (3511) 6771 0 R (3512) 6772 0 R (3513) 6773 0 R (3514) 6774 0 R] -/Limits [(351) (3514)] ->> endobj -8402 0 obj << -/Names [(3515) 6775 0 R (3517) 6776 0 R (3518) 6777 0 R (3519) 6778 0 R (352) 4058 0 R (3520) 6779 0 R] -/Limits [(3515) (3520)] ->> endobj -8403 0 obj << -/Names [(3521) 6780 0 R (3522) 6781 0 R (3524) 6782 0 R (3525) 6783 0 R (3527) 6784 0 R (3528) 6785 0 R] -/Limits [(3521) (3528)] ->> endobj -8404 0 obj << -/Names [(353) 4059 0 R (3530) 6786 0 R (3535) 6788 0 R (3536) 6789 0 R (3537) 6790 0 R (3538) 6791 0 R] -/Limits [(353) (3538)] ->> endobj -8405 0 obj << -/Names [(3539) 6796 0 R (3540) 6797 0 R (3541) 6798 0 R (3543) 6799 0 R (3544) 6800 0 R (3545) 6801 0 R] -/Limits [(3539) (3545)] ->> endobj -8406 0 obj << -/Names [(3546) 6802 0 R (3548) 6803 0 R (3549) 6804 0 R (355) 4060 0 R (3550) 6805 0 R (3552) 6806 0 R] -/Limits [(3546) (3552)] ->> endobj -8407 0 obj << -/Names [(3557) 6808 0 R (3558) 6809 0 R (3559) 6810 0 R (356) 4061 0 R (3560) 6811 0 R (3561) 6812 0 R] -/Limits [(3557) (3561)] ->> endobj -8408 0 obj << -/Names [(3562) 6813 0 R (3563) 6814 0 R (3565) 6815 0 R (3566) 6816 0 R (3567) 6817 0 R (3568) 6818 0 R] -/Limits [(3562) (3568)] ->> endobj -8409 0 obj << -/Names [(357) 4062 0 R (3570) 6819 0 R (3571) 6820 0 R (3572) 6821 0 R (3574) 6822 0 R (3579) 6828 0 R] -/Limits [(357) (3579)] ->> endobj -8410 0 obj << -/Names [(358) 4063 0 R (3580) 6829 0 R (3581) 6830 0 R (3582) 6831 0 R (3583) 6832 0 R (3584) 6833 0 R] -/Limits [(358) (3584)] ->> endobj -8411 0 obj << -/Names [(3585) 6834 0 R (3587) 6835 0 R (3588) 6836 0 R (3589) 6837 0 R (359) 4064 0 R (3590) 6838 0 R] -/Limits [(3585) (3590)] ->> endobj -8412 0 obj << -/Names [(3592) 6839 0 R (3593) 6840 0 R (3594) 6841 0 R (3596) 6842 0 R (36) 3790 0 R (360) 4065 0 R] -/Limits [(3592) (360)] ->> endobj -8413 0 obj << -/Names [(3601) 6844 0 R (3602) 6845 0 R (3603) 6846 0 R (3604) 6847 0 R (3605) 6848 0 R (3606) 6849 0 R] -/Limits [(3601) (3606)] ->> endobj -8414 0 obj << -/Names [(3607) 6850 0 R (3609) 6851 0 R (3610) 6852 0 R (3611) 6853 0 R (3612) 6854 0 R (3614) 6855 0 R] -/Limits [(3607) (3614)] ->> endobj -8415 0 obj << -/Names [(3615) 6856 0 R (3616) 6857 0 R (3618) 6858 0 R (362) 4070 0 R (3623) 6864 0 R (3624) 6865 0 R] -/Limits [(3615) (3624)] ->> endobj -8416 0 obj << -/Names [(3625) 6866 0 R (3626) 6867 0 R (3627) 6868 0 R (3628) 6869 0 R (3629) 6870 0 R (363) 4071 0 R] -/Limits [(3625) (363)] ->> endobj -8417 0 obj << -/Names [(3631) 6871 0 R (3632) 6872 0 R (3633) 6873 0 R (3634) 6874 0 R (3636) 6875 0 R (3637) 6876 0 R] -/Limits [(3631) (3637)] ->> endobj -8418 0 obj << -/Names [(3638) 6877 0 R (364) 4072 0 R (3640) 6878 0 R (3645) 6880 0 R (3646) 6881 0 R (3647) 6882 0 R] -/Limits [(3638) (3647)] ->> endobj -8419 0 obj << -/Names [(3648) 6883 0 R (3649) 6884 0 R (365) 4073 0 R (3650) 6885 0 R (3651) 6886 0 R (3653) 6887 0 R] -/Limits [(3648) (3653)] ->> endobj -8420 0 obj << -/Names [(3654) 6888 0 R (3655) 6889 0 R (3656) 6890 0 R (3658) 6891 0 R (3659) 6892 0 R (3661) 6897 0 R] -/Limits [(3654) (3661)] ->> endobj -8421 0 obj << -/Names [(3666) 6899 0 R (3667) 6900 0 R (3668) 6901 0 R (3669) 6902 0 R (367) 4074 0 R (3670) 6903 0 R] -/Limits [(3666) (3670)] ->> endobj -8422 0 obj << -/Names [(3671) 6904 0 R (3672) 6905 0 R (3674) 6906 0 R (3675) 6907 0 R (3676) 6908 0 R (3677) 6909 0 R] -/Limits [(3671) (3677)] ->> endobj -8423 0 obj << -/Names [(3679) 6910 0 R (3680) 6911 0 R (3682) 6912 0 R (3687) 6914 0 R (3688) 6915 0 R (3689) 6916 0 R] -/Limits [(3679) (3689)] ->> endobj -8424 0 obj << -/Names [(3690) 6917 0 R (3691) 6918 0 R (3692) 6919 0 R (3693) 6920 0 R (3695) 6921 0 R (3696) 6922 0 R] -/Limits [(3690) (3696)] ->> endobj -8425 0 obj << -/Names [(3697) 6923 0 R (3698) 6924 0 R (3700) 6925 0 R (3701) 6926 0 R (3702) 6927 0 R (3704) 6933 0 R] -/Limits [(3697) (3704)] ->> endobj -8426 0 obj << -/Names [(3705) 6934 0 R (3707) 6935 0 R (3712) 6937 0 R (3713) 6938 0 R (3714) 6939 0 R (3715) 6940 0 R] -/Limits [(3705) (3715)] ->> endobj -8427 0 obj << -/Names [(3716) 6941 0 R (3717) 6942 0 R (3718) 6943 0 R (372) 4076 0 R (3720) 6944 0 R (3721) 6945 0 R] -/Limits [(3716) (3721)] ->> endobj -8428 0 obj << -/Names [(3722) 6946 0 R (3723) 6947 0 R (3724) 6948 0 R (3725) 6949 0 R (3726) 6950 0 R (3727) 6951 0 R] -/Limits [(3722) (3727)] ->> endobj -8429 0 obj << -/Names [(3728) 6952 0 R (3729) 6953 0 R (373) 4077 0 R (3730) 6954 0 R (3731) 6955 0 R (3732) 6956 0 R] -/Limits [(3728) (3732)] ->> endobj -8430 0 obj << -/Names [(3733) 6957 0 R (3735) 6958 0 R (3736) 6959 0 R (3737) 6960 0 R (3738) 6961 0 R (3739) 6962 0 R] -/Limits [(3733) (3739)] ->> endobj -8431 0 obj << -/Names [(374) 4078 0 R (3740) 6963 0 R (3741) 6964 0 R (3743) 6965 0 R (3748) 6967 0 R (3749) 6968 0 R] -/Limits [(374) (3749)] ->> endobj -8432 0 obj << -/Names [(375) 4079 0 R (3750) 6969 0 R (3751) 6970 0 R (3752) 6975 0 R (3753) 6976 0 R (3754) 6977 0 R] -/Limits [(375) (3754)] ->> endobj -8433 0 obj << -/Names [(3756) 6978 0 R (3757) 6979 0 R (3758) 6980 0 R (3759) 6981 0 R (376) 4080 0 R (3761) 6982 0 R] -/Limits [(3756) (3761)] ->> endobj -8434 0 obj << -/Names [(3762) 6983 0 R (3763) 6984 0 R (3765) 6985 0 R (377) 4081 0 R (3770) 6987 0 R (3771) 6988 0 R] -/Limits [(3762) (3771)] ->> endobj -8435 0 obj << -/Names [(3772) 6989 0 R (3773) 6990 0 R (3774) 6991 0 R (3775) 6992 0 R (3776) 6993 0 R (3778) 6994 0 R] -/Limits [(3772) (3778)] ->> endobj -8436 0 obj << -/Names [(3779) 6995 0 R (378) 4082 0 R (3780) 6996 0 R (3781) 6997 0 R (3782) 6998 0 R (3783) 6999 0 R] -/Limits [(3779) (3783)] ->> endobj -8437 0 obj << -/Names [(3784) 7000 0 R (3785) 7001 0 R (3786) 7002 0 R (3787) 7003 0 R (3788) 7004 0 R (3789) 7005 0 R] -/Limits [(3784) (3789)] ->> endobj -8438 0 obj << -/Names [(3790) 7006 0 R (3791) 7007 0 R (3793) 7008 0 R (3794) 7009 0 R (3795) 7010 0 R (3796) 7011 0 R] -/Limits [(3790) (3796)] ->> endobj -8439 0 obj << -/Names [(3797) 7012 0 R (3798) 7013 0 R (38) 3795 0 R (380) 4083 0 R (3800) 7014 0 R (3805) 7021 0 R] -/Limits [(3797) (3805)] ->> endobj -8440 0 obj << -/Names [(3806) 7022 0 R (3807) 7023 0 R (3808) 7024 0 R (3809) 7025 0 R (381) 4084 0 R (3810) 7026 0 R] -/Limits [(3806) (3810)] ->> endobj -8441 0 obj << -/Names [(3811) 7027 0 R (3813) 7028 0 R (3814) 7029 0 R (3815) 7030 0 R (3816) 7031 0 R (3817) 7032 0 R] -/Limits [(3811) (3817)] ->> endobj -8442 0 obj << -/Names [(3818) 7033 0 R (3819) 7034 0 R (382) 4085 0 R (3820) 7035 0 R (3822) 7036 0 R (3823) 7037 0 R] -/Limits [(3818) (3823)] ->> endobj -8443 0 obj << -/Names [(3824) 7038 0 R (3825) 7039 0 R (3826) 7040 0 R (3828) 7041 0 R (383) 4086 0 R (3833) 7043 0 R] -/Limits [(3824) (3833)] ->> endobj -8444 0 obj << -/Names [(3834) 7044 0 R (3835) 7045 0 R (3836) 7046 0 R (3837) 7047 0 R (3838) 7048 0 R (3839) 7049 0 R] -/Limits [(3834) (3839)] ->> endobj -8445 0 obj << -/Names [(384) 4087 0 R (3840) 7050 0 R (3842) 7051 0 R (3843) 7052 0 R (3844) 7053 0 R (3845) 7054 0 R] -/Limits [(384) (3845)] ->> endobj -8446 0 obj << -/Names [(3846) 7055 0 R (3847) 7056 0 R (3849) 7057 0 R (385) 4088 0 R (3850) 7058 0 R (3851) 7059 0 R] -/Limits [(3846) (3851)] ->> endobj -8447 0 obj << -/Names [(3852) 7060 0 R (3854) 7065 0 R (3859) 7066 0 R (386) 4089 0 R (3860) 7067 0 R (3861) 7068 0 R] -/Limits [(3852) (3861)] ->> endobj -8448 0 obj << -/Names [(3862) 7069 0 R (3863) 7070 0 R (3864) 7071 0 R (3865) 7072 0 R (3867) 7073 0 R (3868) 7074 0 R] -/Limits [(3862) (3868)] ->> endobj -8449 0 obj << -/Names [(3869) 7075 0 R (387) 4090 0 R (3870) 7076 0 R (3872) 7077 0 R (3873) 7078 0 R (3874) 7079 0 R] -/Limits [(3869) (3874)] ->> endobj -8450 0 obj << -/Names [(3876) 7080 0 R (3881) 7082 0 R (3882) 7083 0 R (3883) 7084 0 R (3884) 7085 0 R (3885) 7086 0 R] -/Limits [(3876) (3885)] ->> endobj -8451 0 obj << -/Names [(3886) 7087 0 R (3887) 7088 0 R (3889) 7089 0 R (389) 4091 0 R (3890) 7090 0 R (3891) 7091 0 R] -/Limits [(3886) (3891)] ->> endobj -8452 0 obj << -/Names [(3892) 7092 0 R (3893) 7093 0 R (3894) 7094 0 R (3895) 7095 0 R (3896) 7096 0 R (3898) 7101 0 R] -/Limits [(3892) (3898)] ->> endobj -8453 0 obj << -/Names [(3899) 7102 0 R (39) 3796 0 R (390) 4092 0 R (3900) 7103 0 R (3901) 7104 0 R (3903) 7105 0 R] -/Limits [(3899) (3903)] ->> endobj -8454 0 obj << -/Names [(3908) 7107 0 R (3909) 7108 0 R (391) 4093 0 R (3910) 7109 0 R (3911) 7110 0 R (3912) 7111 0 R] -/Limits [(3908) (3912)] ->> endobj -8455 0 obj << -/Names [(3913) 7112 0 R (3914) 7113 0 R (3916) 7114 0 R (3917) 7115 0 R (3918) 7116 0 R (3919) 7117 0 R] -/Limits [(3913) (3919)] ->> endobj -8456 0 obj << -/Names [(392) 4094 0 R (3920) 7118 0 R (3921) 7119 0 R (3922) 7120 0 R (3923) 7121 0 R (3925) 7122 0 R] -/Limits [(392) (3925)] ->> endobj -8457 0 obj << -/Names [(3926) 7123 0 R (3927) 7124 0 R (3928) 7125 0 R (393) 4095 0 R (3930) 7126 0 R (3935) 7128 0 R] -/Limits [(3926) (3935)] ->> endobj -8458 0 obj << -/Names [(3936) 7129 0 R (3937) 7130 0 R (3938) 7131 0 R (3939) 7132 0 R (3940) 7133 0 R (3941) 7134 0 R] -/Limits [(3936) (3941)] ->> endobj -8459 0 obj << -/Names [(3943) 7139 0 R (3944) 7140 0 R (3945) 7141 0 R (3946) 7142 0 R (3947) 7143 0 R (3948) 7144 0 R] -/Limits [(3943) (3948)] ->> endobj -8460 0 obj << -/Names [(395) 4096 0 R (3950) 7145 0 R (3951) 7146 0 R (3952) 7147 0 R (3953) 7148 0 R (3955) 7149 0 R] -/Limits [(395) (3955)] ->> endobj -8461 0 obj << -/Names [(3960) 7151 0 R (3961) 7152 0 R (3962) 7153 0 R (3963) 7154 0 R (3964) 7155 0 R (3965) 7156 0 R] -/Limits [(3960) (3965)] ->> endobj -8462 0 obj << -/Names [(3966) 7157 0 R (3968) 7158 0 R (3969) 7159 0 R (3970) 7160 0 R (3971) 7161 0 R (3973) 7162 0 R] -/Limits [(3966) (3973)] ->> endobj -8463 0 obj << -/Names [(3974) 7163 0 R (3975) 7164 0 R (3977) 7165 0 R (3978) 7166 0 R (3980) 7167 0 R (3985) 7174 0 R] -/Limits [(3974) (3985)] ->> endobj -8464 0 obj << -/Names [(3986) 7175 0 R (3987) 7176 0 R (3988) 7177 0 R (3989) 7178 0 R (3990) 7179 0 R (3991) 7180 0 R] -/Limits [(3986) (3991)] ->> endobj -8465 0 obj << -/Names [(3992) 7181 0 R (3994) 7182 0 R (3995) 7183 0 R (3996) 7184 0 R (3997) 7185 0 R (3999) 7186 0 R] -/Limits [(3992) (3999)] ->> endobj -8466 0 obj << -/Names [(40) 3797 0 R (400) 4098 0 R (4000) 7187 0 R (4002) 7188 0 R (4007) 7190 0 R (4008) 7191 0 R] -/Limits [(40) (4008)] ->> endobj -8467 0 obj << -/Names [(4009) 7192 0 R (401) 4099 0 R (4010) 7193 0 R (4011) 7194 0 R (4012) 7195 0 R (4013) 7196 0 R] -/Limits [(4009) (4013)] ->> endobj -8468 0 obj << -/Names [(4014) 7197 0 R (4016) 7198 0 R (4017) 7199 0 R (4018) 7200 0 R (4019) 7201 0 R (402) 4100 0 R] -/Limits [(4014) (402)] ->> endobj -8469 0 obj << -/Names [(4021) 7202 0 R (4022) 7203 0 R (4023) 7204 0 R (4025) 7205 0 R (403) 4101 0 R (4030) 7211 0 R] -/Limits [(4021) (4030)] ->> endobj -8470 0 obj << -/Names [(4031) 7212 0 R (4032) 7213 0 R (4033) 7214 0 R (4034) 7215 0 R (4035) 7216 0 R (4036) 7217 0 R] -/Limits [(4031) (4036)] ->> endobj -8471 0 obj << -/Names [(4037) 7218 0 R (4039) 7219 0 R (404) 4102 0 R (4040) 7220 0 R (4041) 7221 0 R (4042) 7222 0 R] -/Limits [(4037) (4042)] ->> endobj -8472 0 obj << -/Names [(4043) 7223 0 R (4044) 7224 0 R (4046) 7225 0 R (4047) 7226 0 R (4048) 7227 0 R (4049) 7228 0 R] -/Limits [(4043) (4049)] ->> endobj -8473 0 obj << -/Names [(405) 4103 0 R (4050) 7229 0 R (4052) 7230 0 R (4057) 7232 0 R (4058) 7233 0 R (4059) 7234 0 R] -/Limits [(405) (4059)] ->> endobj -8474 0 obj << -/Names [(406) 4104 0 R (4060) 7235 0 R (4061) 7236 0 R (4062) 7237 0 R (4063) 7238 0 R (4064) 7239 0 R] -/Limits [(406) (4064)] ->> endobj -8475 0 obj << -/Names [(4066) 7240 0 R (4067) 7241 0 R (4068) 7242 0 R (4069) 7243 0 R (4071) 7244 0 R (4072) 7245 0 R] -/Limits [(4066) (4072)] ->> endobj -8476 0 obj << -/Names [(4074) 7246 0 R (4079) 7252 0 R (408) 4105 0 R (4080) 7253 0 R (4081) 7254 0 R (4082) 7255 0 R] -/Limits [(4074) (4082)] ->> endobj -8477 0 obj << -/Names [(4083) 7256 0 R (4084) 7257 0 R (4085) 7258 0 R (4086) 7259 0 R (4088) 7260 0 R (4089) 7261 0 R] -/Limits [(4083) (4089)] ->> endobj -8478 0 obj << -/Names [(409) 4106 0 R (4090) 7262 0 R (4091) 7263 0 R (4093) 7264 0 R (4094) 7265 0 R (4096) 7266 0 R] -/Limits [(409) (4096)] ->> endobj -8479 0 obj << -/Names [(4097) 7267 0 R (4099) 7268 0 R (410) 4107 0 R (4104) 7270 0 R (4105) 7271 0 R (4106) 7272 0 R] -/Limits [(4097) (4106)] ->> endobj -8480 0 obj << -/Names [(4107) 7273 0 R (4108) 7274 0 R (4109) 7275 0 R (411) 4108 0 R (4110) 7276 0 R (4112) 7277 0 R] -/Limits [(4107) (4112)] ->> endobj -8481 0 obj << -/Names [(4113) 7278 0 R (4114) 7279 0 R (4115) 7280 0 R (4117) 7281 0 R (4118) 7282 0 R (412) 4109 0 R] -/Limits [(4113) (412)] ->> endobj -8482 0 obj << -/Names [(4120) 7287 0 R (4125) 7289 0 R (4126) 7290 0 R (4127) 7291 0 R (4128) 7292 0 R (4129) 7293 0 R] -/Limits [(4120) (4129)] ->> endobj -8483 0 obj << -/Names [(413) 4110 0 R (4130) 7294 0 R (4131) 7295 0 R (4133) 7296 0 R (4134) 7297 0 R (4135) 7298 0 R] -/Limits [(413) (4135)] ->> endobj -8484 0 obj << -/Names [(4136) 7299 0 R (4137) 7300 0 R (4138) 7301 0 R (4140) 7302 0 R (4141) 7303 0 R (4142) 7304 0 R] -/Limits [(4136) (4142)] ->> endobj -8485 0 obj << -/Names [(4143) 7305 0 R (4145) 7306 0 R (415) 4115 0 R (4150) 7308 0 R (4151) 7309 0 R (4152) 7310 0 R] -/Limits [(4143) (4152)] ->> endobj -8486 0 obj << -/Names [(4153) 7311 0 R (4154) 7312 0 R (4155) 7313 0 R (4156) 7314 0 R (4158) 7315 0 R (4159) 7316 0 R] -/Limits [(4153) (4159)] ->> endobj -8487 0 obj << -/Names [(416) 4116 0 R (4160) 7317 0 R (4161) 7318 0 R (4162) 7319 0 R (4163) 7320 0 R (4165) 7321 0 R] -/Limits [(416) (4165)] ->> endobj -8488 0 obj << -/Names [(4166) 7322 0 R (4167) 7323 0 R (4168) 7324 0 R (417) 4117 0 R (4170) 7329 0 R (4175) 7331 0 R] -/Limits [(4166) (4175)] ->> endobj -8489 0 obj << -/Names [(4176) 7332 0 R (4177) 7333 0 R (4178) 7334 0 R (4179) 7335 0 R (418) 4118 0 R (4180) 7336 0 R] -/Limits [(4176) (4180)] ->> endobj -8490 0 obj << -/Names [(4181) 7337 0 R (4183) 7338 0 R (4184) 7339 0 R (4185) 7340 0 R (4186) 7341 0 R (4187) 7342 0 R] -/Limits [(4181) (4187)] ->> endobj -8491 0 obj << -/Names [(4188) 7343 0 R (419) 4119 0 R (4190) 7344 0 R (4191) 7345 0 R (4192) 7346 0 R (4193) 7347 0 R] -/Limits [(4188) (4193)] ->> endobj -8492 0 obj << -/Names [(4195) 7348 0 R (42) 3798 0 R (420) 4120 0 R (4200) 7350 0 R (4201) 7351 0 R (4202) 7352 0 R] -/Limits [(4195) (4202)] ->> endobj -8493 0 obj << -/Names [(4203) 7353 0 R (4204) 7354 0 R (4205) 7355 0 R (4206) 7356 0 R (4208) 7357 0 R (4209) 7358 0 R] -/Limits [(4203) (4209)] ->> endobj -8494 0 obj << -/Names [(4210) 7359 0 R (4211) 7360 0 R (4212) 7361 0 R (4213) 7362 0 R (4215) 7363 0 R (4216) 7364 0 R] -/Limits [(4210) (4216)] ->> endobj -8495 0 obj << -/Names [(4217) 7365 0 R (4218) 7366 0 R (422) 4121 0 R (4220) 7371 0 R (4225) 7373 0 R (4226) 7374 0 R] -/Limits [(4217) (4226)] ->> endobj -8496 0 obj << -/Names [(4227) 7375 0 R (4228) 7376 0 R (4229) 7377 0 R (4230) 7378 0 R (4231) 7379 0 R (4233) 7380 0 R] -/Limits [(4227) (4233)] ->> endobj -8497 0 obj << -/Names [(4234) 7381 0 R (4235) 7382 0 R (4236) 7383 0 R (4237) 7384 0 R (4238) 7385 0 R (4240) 7386 0 R] -/Limits [(4234) (4240)] ->> endobj -8498 0 obj << -/Names [(4241) 7387 0 R (4242) 7388 0 R (4243) 7389 0 R (4244) 7390 0 R (4246) 7391 0 R (4251) 7393 0 R] -/Limits [(4241) (4251)] ->> endobj -8499 0 obj << -/Names [(4252) 7394 0 R (4253) 7395 0 R (4254) 7396 0 R (4255) 7397 0 R (4256) 7398 0 R (4257) 7399 0 R] -/Limits [(4252) (4257)] ->> endobj -8500 0 obj << -/Names [(4259) 7400 0 R (4260) 7401 0 R (4261) 7402 0 R (4262) 7403 0 R (4264) 7404 0 R (4265) 7405 0 R] -/Limits [(4259) (4265)] ->> endobj -8501 0 obj << -/Names [(4266) 7406 0 R (4268) 7412 0 R (427) 4123 0 R (4273) 7414 0 R (4274) 7415 0 R (4275) 7416 0 R] -/Limits [(4266) (4275)] ->> endobj -8502 0 obj << -/Names [(4276) 7417 0 R (4277) 7418 0 R (4278) 7419 0 R (4279) 7420 0 R (428) 4124 0 R (4281) 7421 0 R] -/Limits [(4276) (4281)] ->> endobj -8503 0 obj << -/Names [(4282) 7422 0 R (4283) 7423 0 R (4284) 7424 0 R (4286) 7425 0 R (4287) 7426 0 R (4288) 7427 0 R] -/Limits [(4282) (4288)] ->> endobj -8504 0 obj << -/Names [(429) 4125 0 R (4290) 7428 0 R (4295) 7430 0 R (4296) 7431 0 R (4297) 7432 0 R (4298) 7433 0 R] -/Limits [(429) (4298)] ->> endobj -8505 0 obj << -/Names [(4299) 7434 0 R (43) 3799 0 R (430) 4126 0 R (4300) 7435 0 R (4301) 7436 0 R (4303) 7437 0 R] -/Limits [(4299) (4303)] ->> endobj -8506 0 obj << -/Names [(4304) 7438 0 R (4305) 7439 0 R (4306) 7440 0 R (4308) 7441 0 R (4309) 7442 0 R (431) 4127 0 R] -/Limits [(4304) (431)] ->> endobj -8507 0 obj << -/Names [(4310) 7443 0 R (4312) 7448 0 R (4317) 7450 0 R (4318) 7451 0 R (4319) 7452 0 R (432) 4128 0 R] -/Limits [(4310) (432)] ->> endobj -8508 0 obj << -/Names [(4320) 7453 0 R (4321) 7454 0 R (4322) 7455 0 R (4323) 7456 0 R (4325) 7457 0 R (4326) 7458 0 R] -/Limits [(4320) (4326)] ->> endobj -8509 0 obj << -/Names [(4327) 7459 0 R (4328) 7460 0 R (433) 4129 0 R (4330) 7461 0 R (4331) 7462 0 R (4332) 7463 0 R] -/Limits [(4327) (4332)] ->> endobj -8510 0 obj << -/Names [(4334) 7464 0 R (4335) 7465 0 R (4337) 7466 0 R (4342) 7468 0 R (4343) 7469 0 R (4344) 7470 0 R] -/Limits [(4334) (4344)] ->> endobj -8511 0 obj << -/Names [(4345) 7471 0 R (4346) 7472 0 R (4347) 7473 0 R (4348) 7474 0 R (435) 4130 0 R (4350) 7475 0 R] -/Limits [(4345) (4350)] ->> endobj -8512 0 obj << -/Names [(4351) 7476 0 R (4352) 7477 0 R (4353) 7478 0 R (4354) 7479 0 R (4355) 7480 0 R (4356) 7481 0 R] -/Limits [(4351) (4356)] ->> endobj -8513 0 obj << -/Names [(4357) 7482 0 R (4359) 7487 0 R (436) 4131 0 R (4360) 7488 0 R (4361) 7489 0 R (4362) 7490 0 R] -/Limits [(4357) (4362)] ->> endobj -8514 0 obj << -/Names [(4363) 7491 0 R (4364) 7492 0 R (4366) 7493 0 R (437) 4132 0 R (4371) 7495 0 R (4372) 7496 0 R] -/Limits [(4363) (4372)] ->> endobj -8515 0 obj << -/Names [(4373) 7497 0 R (4374) 7498 0 R (4375) 7499 0 R (4376) 7500 0 R (4377) 7501 0 R (4379) 7502 0 R] -/Limits [(4373) (4379)] ->> endobj -8516 0 obj << -/Names [(438) 4133 0 R (4380) 7503 0 R (4381) 7504 0 R (4382) 7505 0 R (4383) 7506 0 R (4384) 7507 0 R] -/Limits [(438) (4384)] ->> endobj -8517 0 obj << -/Names [(4386) 7508 0 R (4387) 7509 0 R (4388) 7510 0 R (4389) 7511 0 R (4391) 7512 0 R (4396) 7514 0 R] -/Limits [(4386) (4396)] ->> endobj -8518 0 obj << -/Names [(4397) 7515 0 R (4398) 7516 0 R (4399) 7517 0 R (440) 4134 0 R (4400) 7518 0 R (4401) 7519 0 R] -/Limits [(4397) (4401)] ->> endobj -8519 0 obj << -/Names [(4402) 7520 0 R (4404) 7521 0 R (4405) 7522 0 R (4406) 7523 0 R (4407) 7524 0 R (4408) 7525 0 R] -/Limits [(4402) (4408)] ->> endobj -8520 0 obj << -/Names [(4409) 7526 0 R (441) 4135 0 R (4410) 7527 0 R (4411) 7528 0 R (4412) 7529 0 R (4413) 7530 0 R] -/Limits [(4409) (4413)] ->> endobj -8521 0 obj << -/Names [(4415) 7535 0 R (4416) 7536 0 R (4417) 7537 0 R (4418) 7538 0 R (4419) 7539 0 R (4420) 7540 0 R] -/Limits [(4415) (4420)] ->> endobj -8522 0 obj << -/Names [(4421) 7541 0 R (4423) 7542 0 R (4428) 7544 0 R (4429) 7545 0 R (443) 4136 0 R (4430) 7546 0 R] -/Limits [(4421) (4430)] ->> endobj -8523 0 obj << -/Names [(4431) 7547 0 R (4432) 7548 0 R (4433) 7549 0 R (4434) 7550 0 R (4436) 7551 0 R (4437) 7552 0 R] -/Limits [(4431) (4437)] ->> endobj -8524 0 obj << -/Names [(4438) 7553 0 R (4439) 7554 0 R (4440) 7555 0 R (4441) 7556 0 R (4442) 7557 0 R (4443) 7558 0 R] -/Limits [(4438) (4443)] ->> endobj -8525 0 obj << -/Names [(4444) 7559 0 R (4445) 7560 0 R (4447) 7561 0 R (4448) 7562 0 R (4449) 7563 0 R (4450) 7564 0 R] -/Limits [(4444) (4450)] ->> endobj -8526 0 obj << -/Names [(4451) 7565 0 R (4452) 7566 0 R (4453) 7567 0 R (4454) 7568 0 R (4456) 7569 0 R (4461) 7571 0 R] -/Limits [(4451) (4461)] ->> endobj -8527 0 obj << -/Names [(4462) 7572 0 R (4463) 7573 0 R (4464) 7574 0 R (4465) 7579 0 R (4466) 7580 0 R (4467) 7581 0 R] -/Limits [(4462) (4467)] ->> endobj -8528 0 obj << -/Names [(4469) 7582 0 R (4470) 7583 0 R (4471) 7584 0 R (4472) 7585 0 R (4473) 7586 0 R (4474) 7587 0 R] -/Limits [(4469) (4474)] ->> endobj -8529 0 obj << -/Names [(4475) 7588 0 R (4476) 7589 0 R (4477) 7590 0 R (4478) 7591 0 R (4479) 7592 0 R (448) 4138 0 R] -/Limits [(4475) (448)] ->> endobj -8530 0 obj << -/Names [(4480) 7593 0 R (4482) 7594 0 R (4483) 7595 0 R (4484) 7596 0 R (4485) 7597 0 R (4486) 7598 0 R] -/Limits [(4480) (4486)] ->> endobj -8531 0 obj << -/Names [(4487) 7599 0 R (4488) 7600 0 R (4489) 7601 0 R (449) 4139 0 R (4490) 7602 0 R (4492) 7603 0 R] -/Limits [(4487) (4492)] ->> endobj -8532 0 obj << -/Names [(4497) 7605 0 R (4498) 7606 0 R (4499) 7607 0 R (45) 3800 0 R (450) 4140 0 R (4500) 7608 0 R] -/Limits [(4497) (4500)] ->> endobj -8533 0 obj << -/Names [(4501) 7609 0 R (4502) 7610 0 R (4503) 7611 0 R (4505) 7612 0 R (4506) 7613 0 R (4507) 7614 0 R] -/Limits [(4501) (4507)] ->> endobj -8534 0 obj << -/Names [(4508) 7615 0 R (451) 4141 0 R (4510) 7616 0 R (4511) 7617 0 R (4512) 7618 0 R (4514) 7619 0 R] -/Limits [(4508) (4514)] ->> endobj -8535 0 obj << -/Names [(4519) 7625 0 R (452) 4142 0 R (4520) 7626 0 R (4521) 7627 0 R (4522) 7628 0 R (4523) 7629 0 R] -/Limits [(4519) (4523)] ->> endobj -8536 0 obj << -/Names [(4524) 7630 0 R (4525) 7631 0 R (4527) 7632 0 R (4528) 7633 0 R (4529) 7634 0 R (453) 4143 0 R] -/Limits [(4524) (453)] ->> endobj -8537 0 obj << -/Names [(4530) 7635 0 R (4532) 7636 0 R (4533) 7637 0 R (4534) 7638 0 R (4536) 7639 0 R (454) 4144 0 R] -/Limits [(4530) (454)] ->> endobj -8538 0 obj << -/Names [(4541) 7641 0 R (4542) 7642 0 R (4543) 7643 0 R (4544) 7644 0 R (4545) 7645 0 R (4546) 7646 0 R] -/Limits [(4541) (4546)] ->> endobj -8539 0 obj << -/Names [(4547) 7647 0 R (4549) 7648 0 R (4550) 7649 0 R (4551) 7650 0 R (4552) 7651 0 R (4554) 7652 0 R] -/Limits [(4547) (4554)] ->> endobj -8540 0 obj << -/Names [(4555) 7653 0 R (4556) 7654 0 R (4558) 7655 0 R (456) 4145 0 R (4563) 7662 0 R (4564) 7663 0 R] -/Limits [(4555) (4564)] ->> endobj -8541 0 obj << -/Names [(4565) 7664 0 R (4566) 7665 0 R (4567) 7666 0 R (4568) 7667 0 R (4569) 7668 0 R (457) 4146 0 R] -/Limits [(4565) (457)] ->> endobj -8542 0 obj << -/Names [(4571) 7669 0 R (4572) 7670 0 R (4573) 7671 0 R (4574) 7672 0 R (4576) 7673 0 R (4577) 7674 0 R] -/Limits [(4571) (4577)] ->> endobj -8543 0 obj << -/Names [(4578) 7675 0 R (4579) 7676 0 R (458) 4147 0 R (4581) 7677 0 R (4586) 7679 0 R (4587) 7680 0 R] -/Limits [(4578) (4587)] ->> endobj -8544 0 obj << -/Names [(4588) 7681 0 R (4589) 7682 0 R (459) 4148 0 R (4590) 7683 0 R (4591) 7684 0 R (4592) 7685 0 R] -/Limits [(4588) (4592)] ->> endobj -8545 0 obj << -/Names [(4594) 7686 0 R (4595) 7687 0 R (4596) 7688 0 R (4597) 7689 0 R (4599) 7690 0 R (46) 3801 0 R] -/Limits [(4594) (46)] ->> endobj -8546 0 obj << -/Names [(460) 4149 0 R (4600) 7691 0 R (4601) 7692 0 R (4603) 7698 0 R (4608) 7700 0 R (4609) 7701 0 R] -/Limits [(460) (4609)] ->> endobj -8547 0 obj << -/Names [(461) 4150 0 R (4610) 7702 0 R (4611) 7703 0 R (4612) 7704 0 R (4613) 7705 0 R (4614) 7706 0 R] -/Limits [(461) (4614)] ->> endobj -8548 0 obj << -/Names [(4616) 7707 0 R (4617) 7708 0 R (4618) 7709 0 R (4619) 7710 0 R (462) 4151 0 R (4621) 7711 0 R] -/Limits [(4616) (4621)] ->> endobj -8549 0 obj << -/Names [(4622) 7712 0 R (4623) 7713 0 R (4624) 7714 0 R (4625) 7715 0 R (4627) 7716 0 R (463) 4152 0 R] -/Limits [(4622) (463)] ->> endobj -8550 0 obj << -/Names [(4632) 7718 0 R (4633) 7719 0 R (4634) 7720 0 R (4635) 7721 0 R (4636) 7722 0 R (4637) 7723 0 R] -/Limits [(4632) (4637)] ->> endobj -8551 0 obj << -/Names [(4638) 7724 0 R (464) 4153 0 R (4640) 7725 0 R (4641) 7726 0 R (4642) 7727 0 R (4643) 7728 0 R] -/Limits [(4638) (4643)] ->> endobj -8552 0 obj << -/Names [(4644) 7729 0 R (4645) 7730 0 R (4647) 7735 0 R (4648) 7736 0 R (4649) 7737 0 R (465) 4154 0 R] -/Limits [(4644) (465)] ->> endobj -8553 0 obj << -/Names [(4650) 7697 0 R (4652) 7738 0 R (4657) 7740 0 R (4658) 7741 0 R (4659) 7742 0 R (4660) 7743 0 R] -/Limits [(4650) (4660)] ->> endobj -8554 0 obj << -/Names [(4661) 7744 0 R (4662) 7745 0 R (4663) 7746 0 R (4665) 7747 0 R (4666) 7748 0 R (4667) 7749 0 R] -/Limits [(4661) (4667)] ->> endobj -8555 0 obj << -/Names [(4668) 7750 0 R (4669) 7751 0 R (467) 4159 0 R (4670) 7752 0 R (4672) 7753 0 R (4673) 7754 0 R] -/Limits [(4668) (4673)] ->> endobj -8556 0 obj << -/Names [(4674) 7755 0 R (4675) 7756 0 R (4677) 7757 0 R (468) 4160 0 R (4682) 7759 0 R (4683) 7760 0 R] -/Limits [(4674) (4683)] ->> endobj -8557 0 obj << -/Names [(4684) 7761 0 R (4685) 7762 0 R (4686) 7763 0 R (4687) 7764 0 R (4688) 7765 0 R (469) 4161 0 R] -/Limits [(4684) (469)] ->> endobj -8558 0 obj << -/Names [(4690) 7766 0 R (4691) 7767 0 R (4692) 7768 0 R (4693) 7769 0 R (4694) 7770 0 R (4695) 7771 0 R] -/Limits [(4690) (4695)] ->> endobj -8559 0 obj << -/Names [(4697) 7776 0 R (4698) 7777 0 R (4699) 7778 0 R (4700) 7779 0 R (4701) 7780 0 R (4702) 7781 0 R] -/Limits [(4697) (4702)] ->> endobj -8560 0 obj << -/Names [(4704) 7782 0 R (4709) 7784 0 R (471) 4162 0 R (4710) 7785 0 R (4711) 7786 0 R (4712) 7787 0 R] -/Limits [(4704) (4712)] ->> endobj -8561 0 obj << -/Names [(4713) 7788 0 R (4714) 7789 0 R (4715) 7790 0 R (4717) 7791 0 R (4718) 7792 0 R (4719) 7793 0 R] -/Limits [(4713) (4719)] ->> endobj -8562 0 obj << -/Names [(4720) 7794 0 R (4721) 7795 0 R (4722) 7796 0 R (4724) 7797 0 R (4725) 7798 0 R (4726) 7799 0 R] -/Limits [(4720) (4726)] ->> endobj -8563 0 obj << -/Names [(4727) 7800 0 R (4728) 7801 0 R (4729) 7802 0 R (4731) 7803 0 R (4736) 7805 0 R (4737) 7806 0 R] -/Limits [(4727) (4737)] ->> endobj -8564 0 obj << -/Names [(4738) 7807 0 R (4739) 7808 0 R (4740) 7809 0 R (4741) 7810 0 R (4742) 7811 0 R (4744) 7812 0 R] -/Limits [(4738) (4744)] ->> endobj -8565 0 obj << -/Names [(4745) 7813 0 R (4746) 7814 0 R (4747) 7815 0 R (4748) 7816 0 R (4749) 7817 0 R (4751) 7822 0 R] -/Limits [(4745) (4751)] ->> endobj -8566 0 obj << -/Names [(4752) 7823 0 R (4753) 7824 0 R (4754) 7825 0 R (4756) 7826 0 R (476) 4164 0 R (4761) 7828 0 R] -/Limits [(4752) (4761)] ->> endobj -8567 0 obj << -/Names [(4762) 7829 0 R (4763) 7830 0 R (4764) 7831 0 R (4765) 7832 0 R (4766) 7833 0 R (4767) 7834 0 R] -/Limits [(4762) (4767)] ->> endobj -8568 0 obj << -/Names [(4769) 7835 0 R (477) 4165 0 R (4770) 7836 0 R (4771) 7837 0 R (4772) 7838 0 R (4774) 7839 0 R] -/Limits [(4769) (4774)] ->> endobj -8569 0 obj << -/Names [(4775) 7840 0 R (4777) 7841 0 R (478) 4166 0 R (4782) 7843 0 R (4783) 7844 0 R (4784) 7845 0 R] -/Limits [(4775) (4784)] ->> endobj -8570 0 obj << -/Names [(4785) 7846 0 R (4786) 7847 0 R (4787) 7848 0 R (4788) 7849 0 R (479) 4167 0 R (4790) 7850 0 R] -/Limits [(4785) (4790)] ->> endobj -8571 0 obj << -/Names [(4791) 7851 0 R (4792) 7852 0 R (4793) 7853 0 R (4795) 7858 0 R (4796) 7859 0 R (4797) 7860 0 R] -/Limits [(4791) (4797)] ->> endobj -8572 0 obj << -/Names [(4799) 7861 0 R (48) 3802 0 R (480) 4168 0 R (4804) 7863 0 R (4805) 7864 0 R (4806) 7865 0 R] -/Limits [(4799) (4806)] ->> endobj -8573 0 obj << -/Names [(4807) 7866 0 R (4808) 7867 0 R (4809) 7868 0 R (481) 4169 0 R (4810) 7869 0 R (4812) 7870 0 R] -/Limits [(4807) (4812)] ->> endobj -8574 0 obj << -/Names [(4813) 7871 0 R (4814) 7872 0 R (4815) 7873 0 R (4817) 7874 0 R (4818) 7875 0 R (4819) 7876 0 R] -/Limits [(4813) (4819)] ->> endobj -8575 0 obj << -/Names [(482) 4170 0 R (4821) 7877 0 R (484) 4171 0 R (485) 4172 0 R (486) 4173 0 R (487) 4174 0 R] -/Limits [(482) (487)] ->> endobj -8576 0 obj << -/Names [(488) 4175 0 R (489) 4176 0 R (49) 3803 0 R (490) 4177 0 R (491) 4178 0 R (492) 4179 0 R] -/Limits [(488) (492)] ->> endobj -8577 0 obj << -/Names [(493) 4180 0 R (495) 4181 0 R (496) 4182 0 R (497) 4183 0 R (498) 4184 0 R (500) 4185 0 R] -/Limits [(493) (500)] ->> endobj -8578 0 obj << -/Names [(505) 4187 0 R (506) 4188 0 R (507) 4189 0 R (508) 4190 0 R (509) 4191 0 R (51) 3804 0 R] -/Limits [(505) (51)] ->> endobj -8579 0 obj << -/Names [(510) 4192 0 R (511) 4193 0 R (512) 4194 0 R (513) 4195 0 R (514) 4196 0 R (515) 4197 0 R] -/Limits [(510) (515)] ->> endobj -8580 0 obj << -/Names [(516) 4202 0 R (517) 4203 0 R (518) 4204 0 R (52) 3805 0 R (520) 4205 0 R (521) 4206 0 R] -/Limits [(516) (521)] ->> endobj -8581 0 obj << -/Names [(522) 4207 0 R (523) 4208 0 R (524) 4209 0 R (525) 4210 0 R (526) 4211 0 R (527) 4212 0 R] -/Limits [(522) (527)] ->> endobj -8582 0 obj << -/Names [(529) 4213 0 R (530) 4214 0 R (531) 4215 0 R (532) 4216 0 R (533) 4217 0 R (534) 4218 0 R] -/Limits [(529) (534)] ->> endobj -8583 0 obj << -/Names [(535) 4219 0 R (536) 4220 0 R (538) 4221 0 R (539) 4222 0 R (54) 3806 0 R (540) 4223 0 R] -/Limits [(535) (540)] ->> endobj -8584 0 obj << -/Names [(541) 4224 0 R (542) 4225 0 R (543) 4226 0 R (544) 4227 0 R (545) 4228 0 R (547) 4229 0 R] -/Limits [(541) (547)] ->> endobj -8585 0 obj << -/Names [(548) 4230 0 R (549) 4231 0 R (55) 3807 0 R (550) 4232 0 R (551) 4233 0 R (552) 4234 0 R] -/Limits [(548) (552)] ->> endobj -8586 0 obj << -/Names [(553) 4235 0 R (554) 4236 0 R (556) 4237 0 R (557) 4238 0 R (558) 4239 0 R (559) 4240 0 R] -/Limits [(553) (559)] ->> endobj -8587 0 obj << -/Names [(56) 3812 0 R (560) 4241 0 R (561) 4242 0 R (562) 4243 0 R (563) 4244 0 R (565) 4245 0 R] -/Limits [(56) (565)] ->> endobj -8588 0 obj << -/Names [(566) 4246 0 R (567) 4247 0 R (568) 4248 0 R (569) 4249 0 R (57) 3813 0 R (570) 4250 0 R] -/Limits [(566) (570)] ->> endobj -8589 0 obj << -/Names [(571) 4251 0 R (572) 4252 0 R (574) 4253 0 R (575) 4254 0 R (576) 4255 0 R (577) 4256 0 R] -/Limits [(571) (577)] ->> endobj -8590 0 obj << -/Names [(578) 4257 0 R (579) 4258 0 R (580) 4259 0 R (581) 4260 0 R (583) 4261 0 R (584) 4262 0 R] -/Limits [(578) (584)] ->> endobj -8591 0 obj << -/Names [(585) 4263 0 R (586) 4264 0 R (587) 4265 0 R (588) 4266 0 R (589) 4267 0 R (59) 3814 0 R] -/Limits [(585) (59)] ->> endobj -8592 0 obj << -/Names [(590) 4268 0 R (592) 4269 0 R (593) 4270 0 R (595) 4271 0 R (60) 3815 0 R (600) 4273 0 R] -/Limits [(590) (600)] ->> endobj -8593 0 obj << -/Names [(601) 4274 0 R (602) 4275 0 R (603) 4276 0 R (604) 4277 0 R (605) 4278 0 R (606) 4279 0 R] -/Limits [(601) (606)] ->> endobj -8594 0 obj << -/Names [(608) 4280 0 R (609) 4281 0 R (610) 4282 0 R (611) 4283 0 R (612) 4284 0 R (613) 4285 0 R] -/Limits [(608) (613)] ->> endobj -8595 0 obj << -/Names [(614) 4286 0 R (615) 4287 0 R (616) 4288 0 R (617) 4289 0 R (619) 4290 0 R (62) 3816 0 R] -/Limits [(614) (62)] ->> endobj -8596 0 obj << -/Names [(620) 4291 0 R (621) 4292 0 R (622) 4293 0 R (623) 4294 0 R (625) 4299 0 R (63) 3817 0 R] -/Limits [(620) (63)] ->> endobj -8597 0 obj << -/Names [(630) 4301 0 R (631) 4302 0 R (632) 4303 0 R (633) 4304 0 R (634) 4305 0 R (635) 4306 0 R] -/Limits [(630) (635)] ->> endobj -8598 0 obj << -/Names [(636) 4307 0 R (637) 4308 0 R (638) 4309 0 R (639) 4310 0 R (64) 3818 0 R (640) 4311 0 R] -/Limits [(636) (640)] ->> endobj -8599 0 obj << -/Names [(641) 4312 0 R (642) 4313 0 R (643) 4314 0 R (645) 4315 0 R (646) 4316 0 R (647) 4317 0 R] -/Limits [(641) (647)] ->> endobj -8600 0 obj << -/Names [(648) 4318 0 R (649) 4319 0 R (650) 4320 0 R (651) 4321 0 R (652) 4322 0 R (653) 4323 0 R] -/Limits [(648) (653)] ->> endobj -8601 0 obj << -/Names [(654) 4324 0 R (656) 4325 0 R (657) 4326 0 R (658) 4327 0 R (659) 4328 0 R (66) 3819 0 R] -/Limits [(654) (66)] ->> endobj -8602 0 obj << -/Names [(660) 4329 0 R (661) 4330 0 R (662) 4331 0 R (663) 4332 0 R (664) 4333 0 R (665) 4334 0 R] -/Limits [(660) (665)] ->> endobj -8603 0 obj << -/Names [(667) 4335 0 R (668) 4336 0 R (669) 4337 0 R (67) 3820 0 R (670) 4338 0 R (671) 4339 0 R] -/Limits [(667) (671)] ->> endobj -8604 0 obj << -/Names [(672) 4340 0 R (673) 4341 0 R (674) 4342 0 R (675) 4343 0 R (676) 4344 0 R (678) 4345 0 R] -/Limits [(672) (678)] ->> endobj -8605 0 obj << -/Names [(679) 4346 0 R (680) 4347 0 R (681) 4348 0 R (682) 4349 0 R (683) 4350 0 R (684) 4351 0 R] -/Limits [(679) (684)] ->> endobj -8606 0 obj << -/Names [(685) 4352 0 R (686) 4353 0 R (687) 4354 0 R (689) 4355 0 R (69) 3821 0 R (690) 4356 0 R] -/Limits [(685) (690)] ->> endobj -8607 0 obj << -/Names [(691) 4357 0 R (692) 4358 0 R (693) 4359 0 R (694) 4360 0 R (695) 4361 0 R (696) 4362 0 R] -/Limits [(691) (696)] ->> endobj -8608 0 obj << -/Names [(697) 4363 0 R (698) 4364 0 R (70) 3822 0 R (700) 4365 0 R (701) 4366 0 R (702) 4367 0 R] -/Limits [(697) (702)] ->> endobj -8609 0 obj << -/Names [(703) 4368 0 R (704) 4369 0 R (705) 4370 0 R (706) 4371 0 R (707) 4372 0 R (708) 4373 0 R] -/Limits [(703) (708)] ->> endobj -8610 0 obj << -/Names [(709) 4374 0 R (71) 3823 0 R (711) 4375 0 R (712) 4376 0 R (713) 4377 0 R (714) 4378 0 R] -/Limits [(709) (714)] ->> endobj -8611 0 obj << -/Names [(715) 4379 0 R (716) 4380 0 R (717) 4381 0 R (718) 4382 0 R (720) 4383 0 R (721) 4384 0 R] -/Limits [(715) (721)] ->> endobj -8612 0 obj << -/Names [(722) 4385 0 R (723) 4386 0 R (724) 4387 0 R (725) 4388 0 R (726) 4389 0 R (727) 4390 0 R] -/Limits [(722) (727)] ->> endobj -8613 0 obj << -/Names [(729) 4391 0 R (73) 3828 0 R (730) 4392 0 R (732) 4393 0 R (737) 4400 0 R (738) 4401 0 R] -/Limits [(729) (738)] ->> endobj -8614 0 obj << -/Names [(739) 4402 0 R (74) 3829 0 R (740) 4403 0 R (741) 4404 0 R (742) 4405 0 R (743) 4406 0 R] -/Limits [(739) (743)] ->> endobj -8615 0 obj << -/Names [(744) 4407 0 R (745) 4408 0 R (747) 4409 0 R (748) 4410 0 R (749) 4411 0 R (75) 3830 0 R] -/Limits [(744) (75)] ->> endobj -8616 0 obj << -/Names [(750) 4412 0 R (751) 4413 0 R (752) 4414 0 R (754) 4415 0 R (755) 4416 0 R (756) 4417 0 R] -/Limits [(750) (756)] ->> endobj -8617 0 obj << -/Names [(757) 4418 0 R (758) 4419 0 R (759) 4420 0 R (761) 4421 0 R (762) 4422 0 R (763) 4423 0 R] -/Limits [(757) (763)] ->> endobj -8618 0 obj << -/Names [(764) 4424 0 R (765) 4425 0 R (766) 4426 0 R (767) 4427 0 R (768) 4428 0 R (77) 3831 0 R] -/Limits [(764) (77)] ->> endobj -8619 0 obj << -/Names [(770) 4429 0 R (771) 4430 0 R (772) 4431 0 R (773) 4432 0 R (774) 4433 0 R (775) 4434 0 R] -/Limits [(770) (775)] ->> endobj -8620 0 obj << -/Names [(776) 4435 0 R (777) 4436 0 R (778) 4438 0 R (779) 4439 0 R (78) 3832 0 R (780) 4440 0 R] -/Limits [(776) (780)] ->> endobj -8621 0 obj << -/Names [(781) 4441 0 R (782) 4442 0 R (784) 4443 0 R (789) 4445 0 R (79) 3833 0 R (790) 4446 0 R] -/Limits [(781) (790)] ->> endobj -8622 0 obj << -/Names [(791) 4447 0 R (792) 4448 0 R (793) 4453 0 R (794) 4454 0 R (795) 4455 0 R (797) 4456 0 R] -/Limits [(791) (797)] ->> endobj -8623 0 obj << -/Names [(798) 4457 0 R (799) 4458 0 R (800) 4459 0 R (801) 4460 0 R (802) 4461 0 R (804) 4462 0 R] -/Limits [(798) (804)] ->> endobj -8624 0 obj << -/Names [(805) 4463 0 R (807) 4464 0 R (81) 3834 0 R (812) 4466 0 R (813) 4467 0 R (814) 4468 0 R] -/Limits [(805) (814)] ->> endobj -8625 0 obj << -/Names [(815) 4469 0 R (816) 4470 0 R (817) 4471 0 R (818) 4472 0 R (82) 3835 0 R (820) 4473 0 R] -/Limits [(815) (820)] ->> endobj -8626 0 obj << -/Names [(821) 4474 0 R (822) 4475 0 R (823) 4476 0 R (824) 4477 0 R (825) 4478 0 R (826) 4479 0 R] -/Limits [(821) (826)] ->> endobj -8627 0 obj << -/Names [(827) 4480 0 R (829) 4481 0 R (830) 4482 0 R (832) 4483 0 R (837) 4485 0 R (838) 4486 0 R] -/Limits [(827) (838)] ->> endobj -8628 0 obj << -/Names [(839) 4487 0 R (84) 3836 0 R (840) 4488 0 R (841) 4493 0 R (842) 4494 0 R (843) 4495 0 R] -/Limits [(839) (843)] ->> endobj -8629 0 obj << -/Names [(845) 4496 0 R (846) 4497 0 R (847) 4498 0 R (848) 4499 0 R (85) 3837 0 R (850) 4500 0 R] -/Limits [(845) (850)] ->> endobj -8630 0 obj << -/Names [(851) 4501 0 R (853) 4502 0 R (858) 4504 0 R (859) 4505 0 R (860) 4506 0 R (861) 4507 0 R] -/Limits [(851) (861)] ->> endobj -8631 0 obj << -/Names [(862) 4508 0 R (863) 4509 0 R (864) 4510 0 R (866) 4511 0 R (867) 4512 0 R (868) 4513 0 R] -/Limits [(862) (868)] ->> endobj -8632 0 obj << -/Names [(869) 4514 0 R (87) 3838 0 R (871) 4515 0 R (872) 4516 0 R (873) 4517 0 R (874) 4518 0 R] -/Limits [(869) (874)] ->> endobj -8633 0 obj << -/Names [(875) 4519 0 R (876) 4520 0 R (877) 4521 0 R (878) 4522 0 R (879) 4523 0 R (88) 3839 0 R] -/Limits [(875) (88)] ->> endobj -8634 0 obj << -/Names [(881) 4524 0 R (886) 4530 0 R (887) 4531 0 R (888) 4532 0 R (889) 4533 0 R (890) 4534 0 R] -/Limits [(881) (890)] ->> endobj -8635 0 obj << -/Names [(891) 4535 0 R (892) 4536 0 R (894) 4537 0 R (895) 4538 0 R (896) 4539 0 R (897) 4540 0 R] -/Limits [(891) (897)] ->> endobj -8636 0 obj << -/Names [(899) 4541 0 R (90) 3840 0 R (900) 4542 0 R (901) 4543 0 R (903) 4544 0 R (908) 4546 0 R] -/Limits [(899) (908)] ->> endobj -8637 0 obj << -/Names [(909) 4547 0 R (91) 3841 0 R (910) 4548 0 R (911) 4549 0 R (912) 4550 0 R (913) 4551 0 R] -/Limits [(909) (913)] ->> endobj -8638 0 obj << -/Names [(914) 4552 0 R (916) 4553 0 R (917) 4554 0 R (918) 4555 0 R (919) 4556 0 R (921) 4557 0 R] -/Limits [(914) (921)] ->> endobj -8639 0 obj << -/Names [(922) 4558 0 R (924) 4563 0 R (929) 4565 0 R (93) 3847 0 R (930) 4566 0 R (931) 4567 0 R] -/Limits [(922) (931)] ->> endobj -8640 0 obj << -/Names [(932) 4568 0 R (933) 4569 0 R (934) 4570 0 R (935) 4571 0 R (937) 4572 0 R (938) 4573 0 R] -/Limits [(932) (938)] ->> endobj -8641 0 obj << -/Names [(939) 4574 0 R (94) 3848 0 R (940) 4575 0 R (941) 4576 0 R (942) 4577 0 R (944) 4578 0 R] -/Limits [(939) (944)] ->> endobj -8642 0 obj << -/Names [(945) 4579 0 R (946) 4580 0 R (947) 4581 0 R (948) 4582 0 R (949) 4583 0 R (95) 3849 0 R] -/Limits [(945) (95)] ->> endobj -8643 0 obj << -/Names [(950) 4584 0 R (951) 4585 0 R (952) 4586 0 R (953) 4587 0 R (954) 4588 0 R (955) 4589 0 R] -/Limits [(950) (955)] ->> endobj -8644 0 obj << -/Names [(956) 4590 0 R (957) 4591 0 R (958) 4596 0 R (959) 4597 0 R (960) 4598 0 R (961) 4599 0 R] -/Limits [(956) (961)] ->> endobj -8645 0 obj << -/Names [(962) 4600 0 R (963) 4601 0 R (964) 4602 0 R (965) 4603 0 R (966) 4604 0 R (967) 4605 0 R] -/Limits [(962) (967)] ->> endobj -8646 0 obj << -/Names [(968) 4606 0 R (969) 4607 0 R (97) 3850 0 R (970) 4608 0 R (971) 4609 0 R (972) 4610 0 R] -/Limits [(968) (972)] ->> endobj -8647 0 obj << -/Names [(973) 4611 0 R (974) 4612 0 R (975) 4613 0 R (976) 4614 0 R (977) 4615 0 R (978) 4616 0 R] -/Limits [(973) (978)] ->> endobj -8648 0 obj << -/Names [(979) 4617 0 R (98) 3851 0 R (981) 4618 0 R (982) 4619 0 R (983) 4620 0 R (985) 4621 0 R] -/Limits [(979) (985)] ->> endobj -8649 0 obj << -/Names [(986) 4622 0 R (987) 4623 0 R (989) 4629 0 R (990) 4630 0 R (991) 4631 0 R (993) 4632 0 R] -/Limits [(986) (993)] ->> endobj -8650 0 obj << -/Names [(994) 4633 0 R (995) 4634 0 R (996) 4635 0 R (997) 4636 0 R (998) 4637 0 R (999) 4638 0 R] -/Limits [(994) (999)] ->> endobj -8651 0 obj << -/Names [(Doc-Start) 3754 0 R (FCATOMICCREATE) 6787 0 R (FCATOMICDELETENEW) 6879 0 R (FCATOMICDESTROY) 6913 0 R (FCATOMICLOCK) 6807 0 R (FCATOMICNEWFILE) 6823 0 R] -/Limits [(Doc-Start) (FCATOMICNEWFILE)] ->> endobj -8652 0 obj << -/Names [(FCATOMICORIGFILE) 6843 0 R (FCATOMICREPLACEORIG) 6859 0 R (FCATOMICUNLOCK) 6898 0 R (FCBLANKSADD) 6747 0 R (FCBLANKSCREATE) 6712 0 R (FCBLANKSDESTROY) 6732 0 R] -/Limits [(FCATOMICORIGFILE) (FCBLANKSDESTROY)] ->> endobj -8653 0 obj << -/Names [(FCBLANKSISMEMBER) 6768 0 R (FCCACHECOPYSET) 7189 0 R (FCCACHEDIR) 7168 0 R (FCCACHENUMFONT) 7247 0 R (FCCACHENUMSUBDIR) 7231 0 R (FCCACHESUBDIR) 7206 0 R] -/Limits [(FCBLANKSISMEMBER) (FCCACHESUBDIR)] ->> endobj -8654 0 obj << -/Names [(FCCHARSETADDCHAR) 5201 0 R (FCCHARSETCOPY) 5219 0 R (FCCHARSETCOUNT) 5373 0 R (FCCHARSETCOVERAGE) 5501 0 R (FCCHARSETCREATE) 5164 0 R (FCCHARSETDESTROY) 5180 0 R] -/Limits [(FCCHARSETADDCHAR) (FCCHARSETDESTROY)] ->> endobj -8655 0 obj << -/Names [(FCCHARSETEQUAL) 5240 0 R (FCCHARSETFIRSTPAGE) 5454 0 R (FCCHARSETHASCHAR) 5349 0 R (FCCHARSETINTERSECT) 5259 0 R (FCCHARSETINTERSECTCOUNT) 5389 0 R (FCCHARSETISSUBSET) 5431 0 R] -/Limits [(FCCHARSETEQUAL) (FCCHARSETISSUBSET)] ->> endobj -8656 0 obj << -/Names [(FCCHARSETMERGE) 5324 0 R (FCCHARSETNEW) 5524 0 R (FCCHARSETNEXTPAGE) 5475 0 R (FCCHARSETSUBTRACT) 5302 0 R (FCCHARSETSUBTRACTCOUNT) 5412 0 R (FCCHARSETUNION) 5283 0 R] -/Limits [(FCCHARSETMERGE) (FCCHARSETUNION)] ->> endobj -8657 0 obj << -/Names [(FCCONFIGAPPFONTADDDIR) 6321 0 R (FCCONFIGAPPFONTADDFILE) 6265 0 R (FCCONFIGAPPFONTCLEAR) 6343 0 R (FCCONFIGBUILDFONTS) 6110 0 R (FCCONFIGCREATE) 5964 0 R (FCCONFIGDESTROY) 6000 0 R] -/Limits [(FCCONFIGAPPFONTADDDIR) (FCCONFIGDESTROY)] ->> endobj -8658 0 obj << -/Names [(FCCONFIGENABLEHOME) 6088 0 R (FCCONFIGFILENAME) 6527 0 R (FCCONFIGGETBLANKS) 6243 0 R (FCCONFIGGETCACHE) 6184 0 R (FCCONFIGGETCACHEDIRS) 6203 0 R (FCCONFIGGETCONFIGDIRS) 6093 0 R] -/Limits [(FCCONFIGENABLEHOME) (FCCONFIGGETCONFIGDIRS)] ->> endobj -8659 0 obj << -/Names [(FCCONFIGGETCONFIGFILES) 6167 0 R (FCCONFIGGETCURRENT) 6035 0 R (FCCONFIGGETFONTDIRS) 6146 0 R (FCCONFIGGETFONTS) 6220 0 R (FCCONFIGGETRESCANINTERVAL) 6259 0 R (FCCONFIGHOME) 6072 0 R] -/Limits [(FCCONFIGGETCONFIGFILES) (FCCONFIGHOME)] ->> endobj -8660 0 obj << -/Names [(FCCONFIGPARSEANDLOAD) 6509 0 R (FCCONFIGREFERENCE) 5979 0 R (FCCONFIGSETCURRENT) 6015 0 R (FCCONFIGSETRESCANINTERVAL) 6282 0 R (FCCONFIGSUBSTITUTE) 6387 0 R (FCCONFIGSUBSTITUTEWITHPAT) 6359 0 R] -/Limits [(FCCONFIGPARSEANDLOAD) (FCCONFIGSUBSTITUTEWITHPAT)] ->> endobj -8661 0 obj << -/Names [(FCCONFIGUPTODATE) 6050 0 R (FCDEFAULTSUBSTITUTE) 4503 0 R (FCDIRCACHELOAD) 7081 0 R (FCDIRCACHELOADFILE) 7127 0 R (FCDIRCACHEREAD) 7106 0 R (FCDIRCACHEUNLINK) 7042 0 R] -/Limits [(FCCONFIGUPTODATE) (FCDIRCACHEUNLINK)] ->> endobj -8662 0 obj << -/Names [(FCDIRCACHEUNLOAD) 7150 0 R (FCDIRCACHEVALID) 7020 0 R (FCDIRSAVE) 7015 0 R (FCDIRSCAN) 6986 0 R (FCFILEISDIR) 6966 0 R (FCFILESCAN) 6936 0 R] -/Limits [(FCDIRCACHEUNLOAD) (FCFILESCAN)] ->> endobj -8663 0 obj << -/Names [(FCFINI) 3910 0 R (FCFONTLIST) 6499 0 R (FCFONTMATCH) 6407 0 R (FCFONTRENDERPREPARE) 6474 0 R (FCFONTSETADD) 4720 0 R (FCFONTSETCREATE) 4687 0 R] -/Limits [(FCFINI) (FCFONTSETCREATE)] ->> endobj -8664 0 obj << -/Names [(FCFONTSETDESTROY) 4702 0 R (FCFONTSETLIST) 4737 0 R (FCFONTSETMATCH) 4768 0 R (FCFONTSETPRINT) 4798 0 R (FCFONTSETSORT) 4818 0 R (FCFONTSETSORTDESTROY) 4859 0 R] -/Limits [(FCFONTSETDESTROY) (FCFONTSETSORTDESTROY)] ->> endobj -8665 0 obj << -/Names [(FCFONTSORT) 6437 0 R (FCFREETYPECHARINDEX) 4972 0 R (FCFREETYPECHARSET) 4993 0 R (FCFREETYPECHARSETANDSPACING) 5010 0 R (FCFREETYPEQUERY) 5034 0 R (FCFREETYPEQUERYFACE) 5059 0 R] -/Limits [(FCFONTSORT) (FCFREETYPEQUERYFACE)] ->> endobj -8666 0 obj << -/Names [(FCGETLANGS) 5718 0 R (FCGETVERSION) 3925 0 R (FCINIT) 3891 0 R (FCINITBRINGUPTODATE) 3959 0 R (FCINITLOADCONFIG) 3856 0 R (FCINITLOADCONFIGANDFONTS) 3876 0 R] -/Limits [(FCGETLANGS) (FCINITLOADCONFIGANDFONTS)] ->> endobj -8667 0 obj << -/Names [(FCINITREINITIALIZE) 3944 0 R (FCISLOWER) 7604 0 R (FCISUPPER) 7620 0 R (FCLANGGETCHARSET) 5775 0 R (FCLANGSETADD) 5604 0 R (FCLANGSETCOMPARE) 5624 0 R] -/Limits [(FCINITREINITIALIZE) (FCLANGSETCOMPARE)] ->> endobj -8668 0 obj << -/Names [(FCLANGSETCONTAINS) 5648 0 R (FCLANGSETCOPY) 5582 0 R (FCLANGSETCREATE) 5546 0 R (FCLANGSETDESTROY) 5566 0 R (FCLANGSETEQUAL) 5672 0 R (FCLANGSETGETLANGS) 5741 0 R] -/Limits [(FCLANGSETCONTAINS) (FCLANGSETGETLANGS)] ->> endobj -8669 0 obj << -/Names [(FCLANGSETHASH) 5695 0 R (FCLANGSETHASLANG) 5713 0 R (FCMATRIXCOPY) 5814 0 R (FCMATRIXEQUAL) 5835 0 R (FCMATRIXINIT) 5797 0 R (FCMATRIXMULTIPLY) 5855 0 R] -/Limits [(FCLANGSETHASH) (FCMATRIXMULTIPLY)] ->> endobj -8670 0 obj << -/Names [(FCMATRIXROTATE) 5882 0 R (FCMATRIXSCALE) 5906 0 R (FCMATRIXSHEAR) 5934 0 R (FCNAMECONSTANT) 6687 0 R (FCNAMEGETCONSTANT) 6671 0 R (FCNAMEGETOBJECTTYPE) 6609 0 R] -/Limits [(FCMATRIXROTATE) (FCNAMEGETOBJECTTYPE)] ->> endobj -8671 0 obj << -/Names [(FCNAMEPARSE) 4525 0 R (FCNAMEREGISTERCONSTANTS) 6631 0 R (FCNAMEREGISTEROBJECTTYPES) 6569 0 R (FCNAMEUNPARSE) 4545 0 R (FCNAMEUNREGISTERCONSTANTS) 6649 0 R (FCNAMEUNREGISTEROBJECTTYPES) 6591 0 R] -/Limits [(FCNAMEPARSE) (FCNAMEUNREGISTEROBJECTTYPES)] ->> endobj -8672 0 obj << -/Names [(FCOBJECTSETADD) 4901 0 R (FCOBJECTSETBUILD) 4936 0 R (FCOBJECTSETCREATE) 4880 0 R (FCOBJECTSETDESTROY) 4918 0 R (FCPATTERNADD) 4137 0 R (FCPATTERNADD-TYPE) 4186 0 R] -/Limits [(FCOBJECTSETADD) (FCPATTERNADD-TYPE)] ->> endobj -8673 0 obj << -/Names [(FCPATTERNADDWEAK) 4163 0 R (FCPATTERNBUILD) 4394 0 R (FCPATTERNCREATE) 3980 0 R (FCPATTERNDEL) 4444 0 R (FCPATTERNDESTROY) 4037 0 R (FCPATTERNDUPLICATE) 3999 0 R] -/Limits [(FCPATTERNADDWEAK) (FCPATTERNDUPLICATE)] ->> endobj -8674 0 obj << -/Names [(FCPATTERNEQUAL) 4052 0 R (FCPATTERNEQUALSUBSET) 4075 0 R (FCPATTERNFILTER) 4097 0 R (FCPATTERNFORMAT) 4564 0 R (FCPATTERNGET) 4272 0 R (FCPATTERNGET-TYPE) 4300 0 R] -/Limits [(FCPATTERNEQUAL) (FCPATTERNGET-TYPE)] ->> endobj -8675 0 obj << -/Names [(FCPATTERNHASH) 4122 0 R (FCPATTERNPRINT) 4484 0 R (FCPATTERNREFERENCE) 4016 0 R (FCPATTERNREMOVE) 4465 0 R (FCSTRBASENAME) 7862 0 R (FCSTRCMP) 7717 0 R] -/Limits [(FCPATTERNHASH) (FCSTRCMP)] ->> endobj -8676 0 obj << -/Names [(FCSTRCMPIGNORECASE) 7739 0 R (FCSTRCOPY) 7656 0 R (FCSTRCOPYFILENAME) 7699 0 R (FCSTRDIRNAME) 7842 0 R (FCSTRDOWNCASE) 7678 0 R (FCSTRFREE) 7827 0 R] -/Limits [(FCSTRCMPIGNORECASE) (FCSTRFREE)] ->> endobj -8677 0 obj << -/Names [(FCSTRLISTCREATE) 7413 0 R (FCSTRLISTDONE) 7449 0 R (FCSTRLISTNEXT) 7429 0 R (FCSTRPLUS) 7804 0 R (FCSTRSETADD) 7330 0 R (FCSTRSETADDFILENAME) 7349 0 R] -/Limits [(FCSTRLISTCREATE) (FCSTRSETADDFILENAME)] ->> endobj -8678 0 obj << -/Names [(FCSTRSETCREATE) 7269 0 R (FCSTRSETDEL) 7372 0 R (FCSTRSETDESTROY) 7392 0 R (FCSTRSETEQUAL) 7307 0 R (FCSTRSETMEMBER) 7288 0 R (FCSTRSTR) 7758 0 R] -/Limits [(FCSTRSETCREATE) (FCSTRSTR)] ->> endobj -8679 0 obj << -/Names [(FCSTRSTRIGNORECASE) 7783 0 R (FCTOLOWER) 7640 0 R (FCUCS4TOUTF8) 7494 0 R (FCUTF16LEN) 7570 0 R (FCUTF16TOUCS4) 7543 0 R (FCUTF8LEN) 7513 0 R] -/Limits [(FCSTRSTRIGNORECASE) (FCUTF8LEN)] ->> endobj -8680 0 obj << -/Names [(FCUTF8TOUCS4) 7467 0 R (FCVALUEDESTROY) 5083 0 R (FCVALUEEQUAL) 5141 0 R (FCVALUEPRINT) 5120 0 R (FCVALUESAVE) 5103 0 R (page.1) 3753 0 R] -/Limits [(FCUTF8TOUCS4) (page.1)] ->> endobj -8681 0 obj << -/Names [(page.10) 3906 0 R (page.100) 7486 0 R (page.101) 7534 0 R (page.102) 7578 0 R (page.103) 7624 0 R (page.104) 7661 0 R] -/Limits [(page.10) (page.104)] ->> endobj -8682 0 obj << -/Names [(page.105) 7696 0 R (page.106) 7734 0 R (page.107) 7775 0 R (page.108) 7821 0 R (page.109) 7857 0 R (page.11) 3933 0 R] -/Limits [(page.105) (page.11)] ->> endobj -8683 0 obj << -/Names [(page.110) 7882 0 R (page.12) 3963 0 R (page.13) 3995 0 R (page.14) 4032 0 R (page.15) 4069 0 R (page.16) 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7921 0 R 7922 0 R 7923 0 R 7924 0 R 7925 0 R] -/Limits [(1.105.435.2) (1.111.458.2)] ->> endobj -8702 0 obj << -/Kids [7926 0 R 7927 0 R 7928 0 R 7929 0 R 7930 0 R 7931 0 R] -/Limits [(1.111.459.2) (1.118.487.2)] ->> endobj -8703 0 obj << -/Kids [7932 0 R 7933 0 R 7934 0 R 7935 0 R 7936 0 R 7937 0 R] -/Limits [(1.118.488.2) (1.124.512.2)] ->> endobj -8704 0 obj << -/Kids [7938 0 R 7939 0 R 7940 0 R 7941 0 R 7942 0 R 7943 0 R] -/Limits [(1.124.513.2) (1.130.537.2)] ->> endobj -8705 0 obj << -/Kids [7944 0 R 7945 0 R 7946 0 R 7947 0 R 7948 0 R 7949 0 R] -/Limits [(1.130.538.2) (1.137.566.2)] ->> endobj -8706 0 obj << -/Kids [7950 0 R 7951 0 R 7952 0 R 7953 0 R 7954 0 R 7955 0 R] -/Limits [(1.137.567.2) (1.143.591.2)] ->> endobj -8707 0 obj << -/Kids [7956 0 R 7957 0 R 7958 0 R 7959 0 R 7960 0 R 7961 0 R] -/Limits [(1.143.592.2) (] ->> endobj -8708 0 obj << -/Kids [7962 0 R 7963 0 R 7964 0 R 7965 0 R 7966 0 R 7967 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.156.645.2)] ->> endobj -8709 0 obj << -/Kids [7968 0 R 7969 0 R 7970 0 R 7971 0 R 7972 0 R 7973 0 R] -/Limits [(1.156.646.2) (1.162.670.2)] ->> endobj -8710 0 obj << -/Kids [7974 0 R 7975 0 R 7976 0 R 7977 0 R 7978 0 R 7979 0 R] -/Limits [(1.162.671.2) (1.169.699.2)] ->> endobj -8711 0 obj << -/Kids [7980 0 R 7981 0 R 7982 0 R 7983 0 R 7984 0 R 7985 0 R] -/Limits [(1.169.700.2) (1.175.724.2)] ->> endobj -8712 0 obj << -/Kids [7986 0 R 7987 0 R 7988 0 R 7989 0 R 7990 0 R 7991 0 R] -/Limits [(1.176.1) (1.182.1)] ->> endobj -8713 0 obj << -/Kids [7992 0 R 7993 0 R 7994 0 R 7995 0 R 7996 0 R 7997 0 R] -/Limits [(1.182.749.2) (] ->> endobj -8714 0 obj << -/Kids [7998 0 R 7999 0 R 8000 0 R 8001 0 R 8002 0 R 8003 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8715 0 obj << -/Kids [8004 0 R 8005 0 R 8006 0 R 8007 0 R 8008 0 R 8009 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8716 0 obj << -/Kids [8010 0 R 8011 0 R 8012 0 R 8013 0 R 8014 0 R 8015 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8717 0 obj << -/Kids [8016 0 R 8017 0 R 8018 0 R 8019 0 R 8020 0 R 8021 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8718 0 obj << -/Kids [8022 0 R 8023 0 R 8024 0 R 8025 0 R 8026 0 R 8027 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.54.1)] ->> endobj -8719 0 obj << -/Kids [8028 0 R 8029 0 R 8030 0 R 8031 0 R 8032 0 R 8033 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8720 0 obj << -/Kids [8034 0 R 8035 0 R 8036 0 R 8037 0 R 8038 0 R 8039 0 R] -/Limits [( (] ->> endobj -8721 0 obj << -/Kids [8040 0 R 8041 0 R 8042 0 R 8043 0 R 8044 0 R 8045 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.73.304.2)] ->> endobj -8722 0 obj << -/Kids [8046 0 R 8047 0 R 8048 0 R 8049 0 R 8050 0 R 8051 0 R] -/Limits [(1.73.305.2) (] ->> endobj -8723 0 obj << -/Kids [8052 0 R 8053 0 R 8054 0 R 8055 0 R 8056 0 R 8057 0 R] -/Limits [( (1.86.358.2)] ->> endobj -8724 0 obj << -/Kids [8058 0 R 8059 0 R 8060 0 R 8061 0 R 8062 0 R 8063 0 R] -/Limits [(1.86.359.2) (1.92.383.2)] ->> endobj -8725 0 obj << -/Kids [8064 0 R 8065 0 R 8066 0 R 8067 0 R 8068 0 R 8069 0 R] -/Limits [(1.92.384.2) (1.99.412.2)] ->> endobj -8726 0 obj << -/Kids [8070 0 R 8071 0 R 8072 0 R 8073 0 R 8074 0 R 8075 0 R] 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0 R 8128 0 R 8129 0 R] -/Limits [(1400) (1446)] ->> endobj -8736 0 obj << -/Kids [8130 0 R 8131 0 R 8132 0 R 8133 0 R 8134 0 R 8135 0 R] -/Limits [(1447) (1489)] ->> endobj -8737 0 obj << -/Kids [8136 0 R 8137 0 R 8138 0 R 8139 0 R 8140 0 R 8141 0 R] -/Limits [(1494) (1536)] ->> endobj -8738 0 obj << -/Kids [8142 0 R 8143 0 R 8144 0 R 8145 0 R 8146 0 R 8147 0 R] -/Limits [(1538) (1581)] ->> endobj -8739 0 obj << -/Kids [8148 0 R 8149 0 R 8150 0 R 8151 0 R 8152 0 R 8153 0 R] -/Limits [(1583) (1629)] ->> endobj -8740 0 obj << -/Kids [8154 0 R 8155 0 R 8156 0 R 8157 0 R 8158 0 R 8159 0 R] -/Limits [(163) (1675)] ->> endobj -8741 0 obj << -/Kids [8160 0 R 8161 0 R 8162 0 R 8163 0 R 8164 0 R 8165 0 R] -/Limits [(1676) (1723)] ->> endobj -8742 0 obj << -/Kids [8166 0 R 8167 0 R 8168 0 R 8169 0 R 8170 0 R 8171 0 R] -/Limits [(1725) (177)] ->> endobj -8743 0 obj << -/Kids [8172 0 R 8173 0 R 8174 0 R 8175 0 R 8176 0 R 8177 0 R] -/Limits [(1770) (1814)] ->> endobj -8744 0 obj << -/Kids [8178 0 R 8179 0 R 8180 0 R 8181 0 R 8182 0 R 8183 0 R] -/Limits [(1815) (1854)] ->> endobj -8745 0 obj << -/Kids [8184 0 R 8185 0 R 8186 0 R 8187 0 R 8188 0 R 8189 0 R] -/Limits [(1856) (1901)] ->> endobj -8746 0 obj << -/Kids [8190 0 R 8191 0 R 8192 0 R 8193 0 R 8194 0 R 8195 0 R] -/Limits [(1903) (1950)] ->> endobj -8747 0 obj << -/Kids [8196 0 R 8197 0 R 8198 0 R 8199 0 R 8200 0 R 8201 0 R] -/Limits [(1951) (1995)] ->> endobj -8748 0 obj << -/Kids [8202 0 R 8203 0 R 8204 0 R 8205 0 R 8206 0 R 8207 0 R] -/Limits [(1996) (2036)] ->> endobj -8749 0 obj << -/Kids [8208 0 R 8209 0 R 8210 0 R 8211 0 R 8212 0 R 8213 0 R] -/Limits [(2037) (2082)] ->> endobj -8750 0 obj << -/Kids [8214 0 R 8215 0 R 8216 0 R 8217 0 R 8218 0 R 8219 0 R] -/Limits [(2083) (2130)] ->> endobj -8751 0 obj << -/Kids [8220 0 R 8221 0 R 8222 0 R 8223 0 R 8224 0 R 8225 0 R] -/Limits [(2131) (2177)] ->> endobj -8752 0 obj << -/Kids [8226 0 R 8227 0 R 8228 0 R 8229 0 R 8230 0 R 8231 0 R] -/Limits [(2178) (2221)] ->> endobj -8753 0 obj << -/Kids [8232 0 R 8233 0 R 8234 0 R 8235 0 R 8236 0 R 8237 0 R] -/Limits [(2222) (2263)] ->> endobj -8754 0 obj << -/Kids [8238 0 R 8239 0 R 8240 0 R 8241 0 R 8242 0 R 8243 0 R] -/Limits [(2265) (2308)] ->> endobj -8755 0 obj << -/Kids [8244 0 R 8245 0 R 8246 0 R 8247 0 R 8248 0 R 8249 0 R] -/Limits [(2309) (2359)] ->> endobj -8756 0 obj << -/Kids [8250 0 R 8251 0 R 8252 0 R 8253 0 R 8254 0 R 8255 0 R] -/Limits [(2361) (2404)] ->> endobj -8757 0 obj << -/Kids [8256 0 R 8257 0 R 8258 0 R 8259 0 R 8260 0 R 8261 0 R] -/Limits [(2405) (245)] ->> endobj -8758 0 obj << -/Kids [8262 0 R 8263 0 R 8264 0 R 8265 0 R 8266 0 R 8267 0 R] -/Limits [(2450) (2490)] ->> endobj -8759 0 obj << -/Kids [8268 0 R 8269 0 R 8270 0 R 8271 0 R 8272 0 R 8273 0 R] -/Limits [(2492) (2535)] ->> endobj -8760 0 obj << -/Kids [8274 0 R 8275 0 R 8276 0 R 8277 0 R 8278 0 R 8279 0 R] -/Limits [(2536) (2583)] ->> endobj -8761 0 obj << -/Kids [8280 0 R 8281 0 R 8282 0 R 8283 0 R 8284 0 R 8285 0 R] -/Limits [(2584) 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0 R] -/Limits [(3002) (305)] ->> endobj -8771 0 obj << -/Kids [8340 0 R 8341 0 R 8342 0 R 8343 0 R 8344 0 R 8345 0 R] -/Limits [(3050) (3094)] ->> endobj -8772 0 obj << -/Kids [8346 0 R 8347 0 R 8348 0 R 8349 0 R 8350 0 R 8351 0 R] -/Limits [(3095) (3135)] ->> endobj -8773 0 obj << -/Kids [8352 0 R 8353 0 R 8354 0 R 8355 0 R 8356 0 R 8357 0 R] -/Limits [(3136) (3175)] ->> endobj -8774 0 obj << -/Kids [8358 0 R 8359 0 R 8360 0 R 8361 0 R 8362 0 R 8363 0 R] -/Limits [(3176) (3216)] ->> endobj -8775 0 obj << -/Kids [8364 0 R 8365 0 R 8366 0 R 8367 0 R 8368 0 R 8369 0 R] -/Limits [(3221) (3265)] ->> endobj -8776 0 obj << -/Kids [8370 0 R 8371 0 R 8372 0 R 8373 0 R 8374 0 R 8375 0 R] -/Limits [(3266) (3309)] ->> endobj -8777 0 obj << -/Kids [8376 0 R 8377 0 R 8378 0 R 8379 0 R 8380 0 R 8381 0 R] -/Limits [(331) (3356)] ->> endobj -8778 0 obj << -/Kids [8382 0 R 8383 0 R 8384 0 R 8385 0 R 8386 0 R 8387 0 R] -/Limits [(3357) (3402)] ->> endobj -8779 0 obj << -/Kids [8388 0 R 8389 0 R 8390 0 R 8391 0 R 8392 0 R 8393 0 R] -/Limits [(3403) (3452)] ->> endobj -8780 0 obj << -/Kids [8394 0 R 8395 0 R 8396 0 R 8397 0 R 8398 0 R 8399 0 R] -/Limits [(3453) (3499)] ->> endobj -8781 0 obj << -/Kids [8400 0 R 8401 0 R 8402 0 R 8403 0 R 8404 0 R 8405 0 R] -/Limits [(35) (3545)] ->> endobj -8782 0 obj << -/Kids [8406 0 R 8407 0 R 8408 0 R 8409 0 R 8410 0 R 8411 0 R] -/Limits [(3546) (3590)] ->> endobj -8783 0 obj << -/Kids [8412 0 R 8413 0 R 8414 0 R 8415 0 R 8416 0 R 8417 0 R] -/Limits [(3592) (3637)] ->> endobj -8784 0 obj << -/Kids [8418 0 R 8419 0 R 8420 0 R 8421 0 R 8422 0 R 8423 0 R] -/Limits [(3638) (3689)] ->> endobj -8785 0 obj << -/Kids [8424 0 R 8425 0 R 8426 0 R 8427 0 R 8428 0 R 8429 0 R] -/Limits [(3690) (3732)] ->> endobj -8786 0 obj << -/Kids [8430 0 R 8431 0 R 8432 0 R 8433 0 R 8434 0 R 8435 0 R] -/Limits [(3733) (3778)] ->> endobj -8787 0 obj << -/Kids [8436 0 R 8437 0 R 8438 0 R 8439 0 R 8440 0 R 8441 0 R] -/Limits [(3779) (3817)] ->> endobj -8788 0 obj << -/Kids [8442 0 R 8443 0 R 8444 0 R 8445 0 R 8446 0 R 8447 0 R] -/Limits [(3818) (3861)] ->> endobj -8789 0 obj << -/Kids [8448 0 R 8449 0 R 8450 0 R 8451 0 R 8452 0 R 8453 0 R] -/Limits [(3862) (3903)] ->> endobj -8790 0 obj << -/Kids [8454 0 R 8455 0 R 8456 0 R 8457 0 R 8458 0 R 8459 0 R] -/Limits [(3908) (3948)] ->> endobj -8791 0 obj << -/Kids [8460 0 R 8461 0 R 8462 0 R 8463 0 R 8464 0 R 8465 0 R] -/Limits [(395) (3999)] ->> endobj -8792 0 obj << -/Kids [8466 0 R 8467 0 R 8468 0 R 8469 0 R 8470 0 R 8471 0 R] -/Limits [(40) (4042)] ->> endobj -8793 0 obj << -/Kids [8472 0 R 8473 0 R 8474 0 R 8475 0 R 8476 0 R 8477 0 R] -/Limits [(4043) (4089)] ->> endobj -8794 0 obj << -/Kids [8478 0 R 8479 0 R 8480 0 R 8481 0 R 8482 0 R 8483 0 R] -/Limits [(409) (4135)] ->> endobj -8795 0 obj << -/Kids [8484 0 R 8485 0 R 8486 0 R 8487 0 R 8488 0 R 8489 0 R] -/Limits [(4136) (4180)] ->> endobj -8796 0 obj << -/Kids [8490 0 R 8491 0 R 8492 0 R 8493 0 R 8494 0 R 8495 0 R] -/Limits [(4181) (4226)] ->> endobj 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8655 0 R 8656 0 R 8657 0 R] -/Limits [(FCATOMICORIGFILE) (FCCONFIGDESTROY)] ->> endobj -8824 0 obj << -/Kids [8658 0 R 8659 0 R 8660 0 R 8661 0 R 8662 0 R 8663 0 R] -/Limits [(FCCONFIGENABLEHOME) (FCFONTSETCREATE)] ->> endobj -8825 0 obj << -/Kids [8664 0 R 8665 0 R 8666 0 R 8667 0 R 8668 0 R 8669 0 R] -/Limits [(FCFONTSETDESTROY) (FCMATRIXMULTIPLY)] ->> endobj -8826 0 obj << -/Kids [8670 0 R 8671 0 R 8672 0 R 8673 0 R 8674 0 R 8675 0 R] -/Limits [(FCMATRIXROTATE) (FCSTRCMP)] ->> endobj -8827 0 obj << -/Kids [8676 0 R 8677 0 R 8678 0 R 8679 0 R 8680 0 R 8681 0 R] -/Limits [(FCSTRCMPIGNORECASE) (page.104)] ->> endobj -8828 0 obj << -/Kids [8682 0 R 8683 0 R 8684 0 R 8685 0 R 8686 0 R 8687 0 R] -/Limits [(page.105) (page.38)] ->> endobj -8829 0 obj << -/Kids [8688 0 R 8689 0 R 8690 0 R 8691 0 R 8692 0 R 8693 0 R] -/Limits [(page.39) (page.70)] ->> endobj -8830 0 obj << -/Kids [8694 0 R 8695 0 R 8696 0 R 8697 0 R 8698 0 R 8699 0 R] -/Limits [(page.71) (page.99)] ->> endobj -8831 0 obj << 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2d352d84cc..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5046 +0,0 @@ -Fontconfig Developers Reference, Version 2.7.3 - -Copyright © 2002 Keith Packard - -Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its -documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the -above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice -and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the -name of Keith Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to -distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Keith -Packard makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any -purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. - -THE AUTHOR(S) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING -ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY -DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN -ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN -CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - - â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -Table of Contents -DESCRIPTION -FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW -Datatypes -FUNCTIONS - -DESCRIPTION - -Fontconfig is a library designed to provide system-wide font configuration, -customization and application access. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW - -Fontconfig contains two essential modules, the configuration module which -builds an internal configuration from XML files and the matching module which -accepts font patterns and returns the nearest matching font. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FONT CONFIGURATION - -The configuration module consists of the FcConfig datatype, libexpat and -FcConfigParse which walks over an XML tree and ammends a configuration with -data found within. From an external perspective, configuration of the library -consists of generating a valid XML tree and feeding that to FcConfigParse. The -only other mechanism provided to applications for changing the running -configuration is to add fonts and directories to the list of -application-provided font files. - -The intent is to make font configurations relatively static, and shared by as -many applications as possible. It is hoped that this will lead to more stable -font selection when passing names from one application to another. XML was -chosen as a configuration file format because it provides a format which is -easy for external agents to edit while retaining the correct structure and -syntax. - -Font configuration is separate from font matching; applications needing to do -their own matching can access the available fonts from the library and perform -private matching. The intent is to permit applications to pick and choose -appropriate functionality from the library instead of forcing them to choose -between this library and a private configuration mechanism. The hope is that -this will ensure that configuration of fonts for all applications can be -centralized in one place. Centralizing font configuration will simplify and -regularize font installation and customization. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FONT PROPERTIES - -While font patterns may contain essentially any properties, there are some well -known properties with associated types. Fontconfig uses some of these -properties for font matching and font completion. Others are provided as a -convenience for the applications rendering mechanism. - - Property Definitions - - Property CPP Symbol Type Description - ---------------------------------------------------- - family FC_FAMILY String Font family names - familylang FC_FAMILYLANG String Language cooresponding to - each family name - style FC_STYLE String Font style. Overrides weight - and slant - stylelang FC_STYLELANG String Language cooresponding to - each style name - fullname FC_FULLNAME String Font face full name where - different from family and - family + style - fullnamelang FC_FULLNAMELANG String Language cooresponding to - each fullname - slant FC_SLANT Int Italic, oblique or roman - weight FC_WEIGHT Int Light, medium, demibold, - bold or black - size FC_SIZE Double Point size - width FC_WIDTH Int Condensed, normal or expanded - aspect FC_ASPECT Double Stretches glyphs horizontally - before hinting - pixelsize FC_PIXEL_SIZE Double Pixel size - spacing FC_SPACING Int Proportional, dual-width, - monospace or charcell - foundry FC_FOUNDRY String Font foundry name - antialias FC_ANTIALIAS Bool Whether glyphs can be - antialiased - hinting FC_HINTING Bool Whether the rasterizer should - use hinting - hintstyle FC_HINT_STYLE Int Automatic hinting style - verticallayout FC_VERTICAL_LAYOUT Bool Use vertical layout - autohint FC_AUTOHINT Bool Use autohinter instead of - normal hinter - globaladvance FC_GLOBAL_ADVANCE Bool Use font global advance data - file FC_FILE String The filename holding the font - index FC_INDEX Int The index of the font within - the file - ftface FC_FT_FACE FT_Face Use the specified FreeType - face object - rasterizer FC_RASTERIZER String Which rasterizer is in use - outline FC_OUTLINE Bool Whether the glyphs are outlines - scalable FC_SCALABLE Bool Whether glyphs can be scaled - scale FC_SCALE Double Scale factor for point->pixel - conversions - dpi FC_DPI Double Target dots per inch - rgba FC_RGBA Int unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb, - vbgr, none - subpixel geometry - lcdfilter FC_LCD_FILTER Int Type of LCD filter - minspace FC_MINSPACE Bool Eliminate leading from line - spacing - charset FC_CHARSET CharSet Unicode chars encoded by - the font - lang FC_LANG LangSet Set of RFC-3066-style - languages this font supports - fontversion FC_FONTVERSION Int Version number of the font - capability FC_CAPABILITY String List of layout capabilities in - the font - embolden FC_EMBOLDEN Bool Rasterizer should - synthetically embolden the font - - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -Datatypes - -Fontconfig uses abstract datatypes to hide internal implementation details for -most data structures. A few structures are exposed where appropriate. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcChar8, FcChar16, FcChar32, FcBool - -These are primitive datatypes; the FcChar* types hold precisely the number of -bits stated (if supported by the C implementation). FcBool holds one of two CPP -symbols: FcFalse or FcTrue. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcMatrix - -An FcMatrix holds an affine transformation, usually used to reshape glyphs. A -small set of matrix operations are provided to manipulate these. - - typedef struct _FcMatrix { - double xx, xy, yx, yy; - } FcMatrix; - - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcCharSet - -An FcCharSet is an abstract type that holds the set of encoded unicode chars in -a font. Operations to build and compare these sets are provided. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcLangSet - -An FcLangSet is an abstract type that holds the set of languages supported by a -font. Operations to build and compare these sets are provided. These are -computed for a font based on orthographic information built into the fontconfig -library. Fontconfig has orthographies for all of the ISO 639-1 languages except -for MS, NA, PA, PS, QU, RN, RW, SD, SG, SN, SU and ZA. If you have orthographic -information for any of these languages, please submit them. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcLangResult - -An FcLangResult is an enumeration used to return the results of comparing two -language strings or FcLangSet objects. FcLangEqual means the objects match -language and territory. FcLangDifferentTerritory means the objects match in -language but differ in territory. FcLangDifferentLang means the objects differ -in language. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcType - -Tags the kind of data stored in an FcValue. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcValue - -An FcValue object holds a single value with one of a number of different types. -The 'type' tag indicates which member is valid. - - typedef struct _FcValue { - FcType type; - union { - const FcChar8 *s; - int i; - FcBool b; - double d; - const FcMatrix *m; - const FcCharSet *c; - void *f; - const FcLangSet *l; - } u; - } FcValue; - - - FcValue Members - - Type Union member Datatype - -------------------------------- - FcTypeVoid (none) (none) - FcTypeInteger i int - FcTypeDouble d double - FcTypeString s FcChar8 * - FcTypeBool b b - FcTypeMatrix m FcMatrix * - FcTypeCharSet c FcCharSet * - FcTypeFTFace f void * (FT_Face) - FcTypeLangSet l FcLangSet * - - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcPattern - -holds a set of names with associated value lists; each name refers to a -property of a font. FcPatterns are used as inputs to the matching code as well -as holding information about specific fonts. Each property can hold one or more -values; conventionally all of the same type, although the interface doesn't -demand that. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcFontSet - - typedef struct _FcFontSet { - int nfont; - int sfont; - FcPattern **fonts; - } FcFontSet; - - -An FcFontSet contains a list of FcPatterns. Internally fontconfig uses this -data structure to hold sets of fonts. Externally, fontconfig returns the -results of listing fonts in this format. 'nfont' holds the number of patterns -in the 'fonts' array; 'sfont' is used to indicate the size of that array. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcStrSet, FcStrList - -FcStrSet holds a list of strings that can be appended to and enumerated. Its -unique characteristic is that the enumeration works even while strings are -appended during enumeration. FcStrList is used during enumeration to safely and -correctly walk the list of strings even while that list is edited in the middle -of enumeration. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcObjectSet - - typedef struct _FcObjectSet { - int nobject; - int sobject; - const char **objects; - } FcObjectSet; - - -holds a set of names and is used to specify which fields from fonts are placed -in the the list of returned patterns when listing fonts. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcObjectType - - typedef struct _FcObjectType { - const char *object; - FcType type; - } FcObjectType; - - -marks the type of a pattern element generated when parsing font names. -Applications can add new object types so that font names may contain the new -elements. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcConstant - - typedef struct _FcConstant { - const FcChar8 *name; - const char *object; - int value; - } FcConstant; - - -Provides for symbolic constants for new pattern elements. When 'name' is seen -in a font name, an 'object' element is created with value 'value'. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcBlanks - -holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to be blank; unexpectedly -blank chars are assumed to be invalid and are elided from the charset -associated with the font. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcFileCache - -holds the per-user cache information for use while loading the font database. -This is built automatically for the current configuration when that is loaded. -Applications must always pass '0' when one is requested. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcConfig - -holds a complete configuration of the library; there is one default -configuration, other can be constructed from XML data structures. All public -entry points that need global data can take an optional FcConfig* argument; -passing 0 uses the default configuration. FcConfig objects hold two sets of -fonts, the first contains those specified by the configuration, the second set -holds those added by the application at run-time. Interfaces that need to -reference a particulat set use one of the FcSetName enumerated values. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcSetName - -Specifies one of the two sets of fonts available in a configuration; -FcSetSystem for those fonts specified in the configuration and FcSetApplication -which holds fonts provided by the application. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcResult - -Used as a return type for functions manipulating FcPattern objects. - - FcResult Values - Result Code Meaning - ----------------------------------------------------------- - FcResultMatch Object exists with the specified ID - FcResultNoMatch Object doesn't exist at all - FcResultTypeMismatch Object exists, but the type doesn't match - FcResultNoId Object exists, but has fewer values - than specified - FcResultOutOfMemory Malloc failed - - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcAtomic - -Used for locking access to config files. Provides a safe way to update -configuration files. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcCache - -Holds information about the fonts contained in a single directory. Normal -applications need not worry about this as caches for font access are -automatically managed by the library. Applications dealing with cache -management may want to use some of these objects in their work, however the -included 'fc-cache' program generally suffices for all of that. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FUNCTIONS - -These are grouped by functionality, often using the main datatype being -manipulated. - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -Initialization - -Table of Contents -FcInitLoadConfig -- load configuration -FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts -- load configuration and font data -FcInit -- initialize fontconfig library -FcFini -- finalize fonconfig library -FcGetVersion -- library version number -FcInitReinitialize -- re-initialize library -FcInitBringUptoDate -- reload configuration files if needed - -These functions provide some control over how the library is initialized. - -FcInitLoadConfig - -Name - -FcInitLoadConfig -- load configuration - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcConfig * FcInitLoadConfig(void); - -Description - -Loads the default configuration file and returns the resulting configuration. -Does not load any font information. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts - -Name - -FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts -- load configuration and font data - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcConfig * FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts(void); - -Description - -Loads the default configuration file and builds information about the available -fonts. Returns the resulting configuration. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcInit - -Name - -FcInit -- initialize fontconfig library - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcInit(void); - -Description - -Loads the default configuration file and the fonts referenced therein and sets -the default configuration to that result. Returns whether this process -succeeded or not. If the default configuration has already been loaded, this -routine does nothing and returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFini - -Name - -FcFini -- finalize fonconfig library - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcFini(void); - -Description - -Frees all data structures allocated by previous calls to fontconfig functions. -Fontconfig returns to an uninitialized state, requiring a new call to one of -the FcInit functions before any other fontconfig function may be called. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcGetVersion - -Name - -FcGetVersion -- library version number - -Synopsis - -#include - - -int FcGetVersion(void); - -Description - -Returns the version number of the library. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcInitReinitialize - -Name - -FcInitReinitialize -- re-initialize library - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcInitReinitialize(void); - -Description - -Forces the default configuration file to be reloaded and resets the default -configuration. Returns FcFalse if the configuration cannot be reloaded (due to -config file errors, allocation failures or other issues) and leaves the -existing configuration unchanged. Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcInitBringUptoDate - -Name - -FcInitBringUptoDate -- reload configuration files if needed - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcInitBringUptoDate(void); - -Description - -Checks the rescan interval in the default configuration, checking the -configuration if the interval has passed and reloading the configuration if -when any changes are detected. Returns FcFalse if the configuration cannot be -reloaded (see FcInitReinitialize). Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcPattern - -Table of Contents -FcPatternCreate -- Create a pattern -FcPatternDuplicate -- Copy a pattern -FcPatternReference -- Increment pattern reference count -FcPatternDestroy -- Destroy a pattern -FcPatternEqual -- Compare patterns -FcPatternEqualSubset -- Compare portions of patterns -FcPatternFilter -- Filter the objects of pattern -FcPatternHash -- Compute a pattern hash value -FcPatternAdd -- Add a value to a pattern -FcPatternAddWeak -- Add a value to a pattern with weak binding -FcPatternAdd-Type -- Add a typed value to a pattern -FcPatternGet -- Return a value from a pattern -FcPatternGet-Type -- Return a typed value from a pattern -FcPatternBuild -- Create patterns from arguments -FcPatternDel -- Delete a property from a pattern -FcPatternRemove -- Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern -FcPatternPrint -- Print a pattern for debugging -FcDefaultSubstitute -- Perform default substitutions in a pattern -FcNameParse -- Parse a pattern string -FcNameUnparse -- Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed -FcPatternFormat -- Format a pattern into a string according to a format - specifier - -An FcPattern is an opaque type that holds both patterns to match against the -available fonts, as well as the information about each font. - -FcPatternCreate - -Name - -FcPatternCreate -- Create a pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcPattern * FcPatternCreate(void); - -Description - -Creates a pattern with no properties; used to build patterns from scratch. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternDuplicate - -Name - -FcPatternDuplicate -- Copy a pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcPattern * FcPatternDuplicate(const FcPattern *p); - -Description - -Copy a pattern, returning a new pattern that matches p. Each pattern may be -modified without affecting the other. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternReference - -Name - -FcPatternReference -- Increment pattern reference count - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcPatternReference(FcPattern *p); - -Description - -Add another reference to p. Patterns are freed only when the reference count -reaches zero. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternDestroy - -Name - -FcPatternDestroy -- Destroy a pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcPatternDestroy(FcPattern *p); - -Description - -Decrement the pattern reference count. If all references are gone, destroys the -pattern, in the process destroying all related values. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternEqual - -Name - -FcPatternEqual -- Compare patterns - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcPatternEqual(const FcPattern *pa, const FcPattern *pb); - -Description - -Returns whether pa and pb are exactly alike. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternEqualSubset - -Name - -FcPatternEqualSubset -- Compare portions of patterns - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcPatternEqualSubset(const FcPattern *pa, const FcPattern *pb, const -FcObjectSet *os); - -Description - -Returns whether pa and pb have exactly the same values for all of the objects -in os. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternFilter - -Name - -FcPatternFilter -- Filter the objects of pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcPattern * FcPatternFilter(FcPattern *p, const FcObjectSet *); - -Description - -Returns a new pattern that only has those objects from p that are in os. If os -is NULL, a duplicate of p is returned. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternHash - -Name - -FcPatternHash -- Compute a pattern hash value - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar32 FcPatternHash(const FcPattern *p); - -Description - -Returns a 32-bit number which is the same for any two patterns which are equal. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternAdd - -Name - -FcPatternAdd -- Add a value to a pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcPatternAdd(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcValue value, FcBool -append); - -Description - -Adds a single value to the list of values associated with the property named -`object. If `append is FcTrue, the value is added at the end of any existing -list, otherwise it is inserted at the begining. `value' is saved (with -FcValueSave) when inserted into the pattern so that the library retains no -reference to any application-supplied data structure. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternAddWeak - -Name - -FcPatternAddWeak -- Add a value to a pattern with weak binding - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcPatternAddWeak(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcValue value, FcBool -append); - -Description - -FcPatternAddWeak is essentially the same as FcPatternAdd except that any values -added to the list have binding weak instead of strong. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternAdd-Type - -Name - -FcPatternAddInteger, FcPatternAddDouble, FcPatternAddString, -FcPatternAddMatrix, FcPatternAddCharSet, FcPatternAddBool, FcPatternAddFTFace, -FcPatternAddLangSet -- Add a typed value to a pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcPatternAddInteger(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int i); - -FcBool FcPatternAddDouble(FcPattern *p, const char *object, double d); - -FcBool FcPatternAddString(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcChar8 *s); - -FcBool FcPatternAddMatrix(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcMatrix *m); - -FcBool FcPatternAddCharSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcCharSet *c -); - -FcBool FcPatternAddBool(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcBool b); - -FcBool FcPatternAddFTFace(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FT_Facef); - -FcBool FcPatternAddLangSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcLangSet *l -); - -Description - -These are all convenience functions that insert objects of the specified type -into the pattern. Use these in preference to FcPatternAdd as they will provide -compile-time typechecking. These all append values to any existing list of -values. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternGet - -Name - -FcPatternGet -- Return a value from a pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcResult FcPatternGet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int id, FcValue *v); - -Description - -Returns in v the id'th value associated with the property object. The value -returned is not a copy, but rather refers to the data stored within the pattern -directly. Applications must not free this value. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternGet-Type - -Name - -FcPatternGetInteger, FcPatternGetDouble, FcPatternGetString, -FcPatternGetMatrix, FcPatternGetCharSet, FcPatternGetBool, FcPatternGetFTFace, -FcPatternGetLangSet -- Return a typed value from a pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcResult FcPatternGetInteger(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, int *i); - -FcResult FcPatternGetDouble(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, double *d -); - -FcResult FcPatternGetString(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcChar8 ** -s); - -FcResult FcPatternGetMatrix(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcMatrix -**s); - -FcResult FcPatternGetCharSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcCharSet -**c); - -FcResult FcPatternGetBool(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcBool *b); - -FcResult FcPatternGetFTFace(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n); - -FcResult FcPatternGetLangSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FT_Face *f); - -Description - -These are convenience functions that call FcPatternGet and verify that the -returned data is of the expected type. They return FcResultTypeMismatch if this -is not the case. Note that these (like FcPatternGet) do not make a copy of any -data structure referenced by the return value. Use these in preference to -FcPatternGet to provide compile-time typechecking. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternBuild - -Name - -FcPatternBuild, FcPatternVaBuild, FcPatternVapBuild -- Create patterns from -arguments - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcPattern * FcPatternBuild(FcPattern *pattern, ...); - -FcPattern * FcPatternVaBuild(FcPattern *pattern, va_list va); - -void FcPatternVapBuild(FcPattern *result, FcPattern *pattern, va_list va); - -Description - -Builds a pattern using a list of objects, types and values. Each value to be -entered in the pattern is specified with three arguments: - - 1. Object name, a string describing the property to be added. - - 2. Object type, one of the FcType enumerated values - - 3. Value, not an FcValue, but the raw type as passed to any of the - FcPatternAdd functions. Must match the type of the second argument. - -The argument list is terminated by a null object name, no object type nor value -need be passed for this. The values are added to `pattern', if `pattern' is -null, a new pattern is created. In either case, the pattern is returned. -Example - -pattern = FcPatternBuild (0, FC_FAMILY, FcTypeString, "Times", (char *) 0); - -FcPatternVaBuild is used when the arguments are already in the form of a -varargs value. FcPatternVapBuild is a macro version of FcPatternVaBuild which -returns its result directly in the result variable. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternDel - -Name - -FcPatternDel -- Delete a property from a pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcPatternDel(FcPattern *p, const char *object); - -Description - -Deletes all values associated with the property `object', returning whether the -property existed or not. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternRemove - -Name - -FcPatternRemove -- Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcPatternRemove(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int id); - -Description - -Removes the value associated with the property `object' at position `id', -returning whether the property existed and had a value at that position or not. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternPrint - -Name - -FcPatternPrint -- Print a pattern for debugging - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcPatternPrint(const FcPattern *p); - -Description - -Prints an easily readable version of the pattern to stdout. There is no -provision for reparsing data in this format, it's just for diagnostics and -debugging. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcDefaultSubstitute - -Name - -FcDefaultSubstitute -- Perform default substitutions in a pattern - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcDefaultSubstitute(FcPattern *pattern); - -Description - -Supplies default values for underspecified font patterns: - - • Patterns without a specified style or weight are set to Medium - - • Patterns without a specified style or slant are set to Roman - - • Patterns without a specified pixel size are given one computed from any - specified point size (default 12), dpi (default 75) and scale (default 1). - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcNameParse - -Name - -FcNameParse -- Parse a pattern string - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcPattern * FcNameParse(const FcChar8 *name); - -Description - -Converts name from the standard text format described above into a pattern. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcNameUnparse - -Name - -FcNameUnparse -- Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcNameUnparse(FcPattern *pat); - -Description - -Converts the given pattern into the standard text format described above. The -return value is not static, but instead refers to newly allocated memory which -should be freed by the caller using free(). - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcPatternFormat - -Name - -FcPatternFormat -- Format a pattern into a string according to a format -specifier - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcPatternFormat(FcPattern *pat, const FcChar8 *format); - -Description - -Converts given pattern pat into text described by the format specifier format. -The return value refers to newly allocated memory which should be freed by the -caller using free(), or NULL if format is invalid. - - The format is loosely modelled after printf-style format string. The format -string is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters (not "%"), -which are copied unchanged to the output stream; and tags which are interpreted -to construct text from the pattern in a variety of ways (explained below). -Special characters can be escaped using backslash. C-string style special -characters like \n and \r are also supported (this is useful when the format -string is not a C string literal). It is advisable to always escape curly -braces that are meant to be copied to the output as ordinary characters. - - Each tags is introduced by the character "%", followed by an optional minimum -field width, followed by tag contents in curly braces ({}). If the minimum -field width value is provided the tag will be expanded and the result padded to -achieve the minimum width. If the minimum field width is positive, the padding -will right-align the text. Negative field width will left-align. The rest of -this section describes various supported tag contents and their expansion. - - A simple tag is one where the content is an identifier. When simple tags are -expanded, the named identifier will be looked up in pattern and the resulting -list of values returned, joined together using comma. For example, to print the -family name and style the pattern, use the format "%{family} %{style}\n". To -extend the family column to forty characters use "%-40{family}%{style}\n". - - Simple tags expand to list of all values for an element. To only choose one of -the values, one can index using the syntax "%{elt[idx]}". For example, to get -the first family name only, use "%{family[0]}". - - If a simple tag ends with "=" and the element is found in the pattern, the -name of the element followed by "=" will be output before the list of values. -For example, "%{weight=}" may expand to the string "weight=80". Or to the empty -string if pattern does not have weight set. - - If a simple tag starts with ":" and the element is found in the pattern, ":" -will be printed first. For example, combining this with the =, the format "% -{:weight=}" may expand to ":weight=80" or to the empty string if pattern does -not have weight set. - - If a simple tag contains the string ":-", the rest of the the tag contents -will be used as a default string. The default string is output if the element -is not found in the pattern. For example, the format "%{:weight=:-123}" may -expand to ":weight=80" or to the string ":weight=123" if pattern does not have -weight set. - - A count tag is one that starts with the character "#" followed by an element -name, and expands to the number of values for the element in the pattern. For -example, "%{#family}" expands to the number of family names pattern has set, -which may be zero. - - A sub-expression tag is one that expands a sub-expression. The tag contents -are the sub-expression to expand placed inside another set of curly braces. -Sub-expression tags are useful for aligning an entire sub-expression, or to -apply converters (explained later) on an entire sub-expression. For example, -the format "%40{{%{family} %{style}}}" expands the sub-expression to construct -the family name followed by the style, then takes the entire string and pads it -on the left to be at least forty characters. - - A filter-out tag is one starting with the character "-" followed by a -comma-separated list of element names, followed by a sub-expression enclosed in -curly braces. The sub-expression will be expanded but with a pattern that has -the listed elements removed from it. For example, the format "%{-size,pixelsize -{sub-expr}}" will expand "sub-expr" with pattern sans the size and pixelsize -elements. - - A filter-in tag is one starting with the character "+" followed by a -comma-separated list of element names, followed by a sub-expression enclosed in -curly braces. The sub-expression will be expanded but with a pattern that only -has the listed elements from the surrounding pattern. For example, the format -"%{+family,familylang{sub-expr}}" will expand "sub-expr" with a sub-pattern -consisting only the family and family lang elements of pattern. - - A conditional tag is one starting with the character "?" followed by a -comma-separated list of element conditions, followed by two sub-expression -enclosed in curly braces. An element condition can be an element name, in which -case it tests whether the element is defined in pattern, or the character "!" -followed by an element name, in which case the test is negated. The conditional -passes if all the element conditions pass. The tag expands the first -sub-expression if the conditional passes, and expands the second sub-expression -otherwise. For example, the format "%{?size,dpi,!pixelsize{pass}{fail}}" will -expand to "pass" if pattern has size and dpi elements but no pixelsize element, -and to "fail" otherwise. - - An enumerate tag is one starting with the string "[]" followed by a -comma-separated list of element names, followed by a sub-expression enclosed in -curly braces. The list of values for the named elements are walked in parallel -and the sub-expression expanded each time with a pattern just having a single -value for those elements, starting from the first value and continuing as long -as any of those elements has a value. For example, the format "%{[] -family,familylang{%{family} (%{familylang})\n}}" will expand the pattern "% -{family} (%{familylang})\n" with a pattern having only the first value of the -family and familylang elemtns, then expands it with the second values, then the -third, etc. - - As a special case, if an enumerate tag has only one element, and that element -has only one value in the pattern, and that value is of type FcLangSet, the -individual languages in the language set are enumerated. - - A builtin tag is one starting with the character "=" followed by a builtin -name. The following builtins are defined: - -unparse - - Expands to the result of calling FcNameUnparse() on the pattern. - -fcmatch - - Expands to the output of the default output format of the fc-match command - on the pattern, without the final newline. - -fclist - - Expands to the output of the default output format of the fc-list command - on the pattern, without the final newline. - -pkgkit - - Expands to the list of PackageKit font() tags for the pattern. Currently - this includes tags for each family name, and each language from the - pattern, enumerated and sanitized into a set of tags terminated by newline. - Package management systems can use these tags to tag their packages - accordingly. - -For example, the format "%{+family,style{%{=unparse}}}\n" will expand to an -unparsed name containing only the family and style element values from pattern. - - - The contents of any tag can be followed by a set of zero or more converters. A -converter is specified by the character "|" followed by the converter name and -arguments. The following converters are defined: - -basename - - Replaces text with the results of calling FcStrBasename() on it. - -dirname - - Replaces text with the results of calling FcStrDirname() on it. - -downcase - - Replaces text with the results of calling FcStrDowncase() on it. - -shescape - - Escapes text for one level of shell expansion. (Escapes single-quotes, also - encloses text in single-quotes.) - -cescape - - Escapes text such that it can be used as part of a C string literal. - (Escapes backslash and double-quotes.) - -xmlescape - - Escapes text such that it can be used in XML and HTML. (Escapes less-than, - greater-than, and ampersand.) - -delete(chars) - - Deletes all occurrences of each of the characters in chars from the text. - FIXME: This converter is not UTF-8 aware yet. - -escape(chars) - - Escapes all occurrences of each of the characters in chars by prepending it - by the first character in chars. FIXME: This converter is not UTF-8 aware - yet. - -translate(from,to) - - Translates all occurrences of each of the characters in from by replacing - them with their corresponding character in to. If to has fewer characters - than from, it will be extended by repeating its last character. FIXME: This - converter is not UTF-8 aware yet. - -For example, the format "%{family|downcase|delete( )}\n" will expand to the -values of the family element in pattern, lower-cased and with spaces removed. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcFontSet - -Table of Contents -FcFontSetCreate -- Create a font set -FcFontSetDestroy -- Destroy a font set -FcFontSetAdd -- Add to a font set -FcFontSetList -- List fonts from a set of font sets -FcFontSetMatch -- Return the best font from a set of font sets -FcFontSetPrint -- Print a set of patterns to stdout -FcFontSetSort -- Add to a font set -FcFontSetSortDestroy -- DEPRECATED destroy a font set - -An FcFontSet simply holds a list of patterns; these are used to return the -results of listing available fonts. - -FcFontSetCreate - -Name - -FcFontSetCreate -- Create a font set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcFontSet * FcFontSetCreate(void); - -Description - -Creates an empty font set. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontSetDestroy - -Name - -FcFontSetDestroy -- Destroy a font set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcFontSetDestroy(FcFontSet *s); - -Description - -Destroys a font set. Note that this destroys any referenced patterns as well. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontSetAdd - -Name - -FcFontSetAdd -- Add to a font set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcFontSetAdd(FcFontSet *s, FcPattern *font); - -Description - -Adds a pattern to a font set. Note that the pattern is not copied before being -inserted into the set. Returns FcFalse if the pattern cannot be inserted into -the set (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontSetList - -Name - -FcFontSetList -- List fonts from a set of font sets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcFontSet * FcFontSetList(FcConfig *config, FcFontSet **sets, intnsets, -FcPattern *pattern, FcObjectSet *object_set); - -Description - -Selects fonts matching pattern from sets, creates patterns from those fonts -containing only the objects in object_set and returns the set of unique such -patterns. If config is NULL, the default configuration is checked to be up to -date, and used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontSetMatch - -Name - -FcFontSetMatch -- Return the best font from a set of font sets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcPattern * FcFontSetMatch(FcConfig *config, FcFontSet **sets, intnsets, -FcPattern *pattern, FcResult *result); - -Description - -Finds the font in sets most closely matching pattern and returns the result of -FcFontRenderPrepare for that font and the provided pattern. This function -should be called only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have -been called for pattern; otherwise the results will not be correct. If config -is NULL, the current configuration is used. Returns NULL if an error occurs -during this process. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontSetPrint - -Name - -FcFontSetPrint -- Print a set of patterns to stdout - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcFontSetPrint(FcFontSet *set); - -Description - -This function is useful for diagnosing font related issues, printing the -complete contents of every pattern in set. The format of the output is designed -to be of help to users and developers, and may change at any time. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontSetSort - -Name - -FcFontSetSort -- Add to a font set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcFontSetSort(FcConfig *config, FcFontSet **sets, intnsets, FcPattern *pattern, -FcBool trim, FcCharSet **csp, FcResult *result); - -Description - -Returns the list of fonts from sets sorted by closeness to pattern. If trim is -FcTrue, elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided -by earlier elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of -all of the fonts is returned in csp, if csp is not NULL. This function should -be called only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have been -called for p; otherwise the results will not be correct. - -The returned FcFontSet references FcPattern structures which may be shared by -the return value from multiple FcFontSort calls, applications cannot modify -these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with pattern to -FcFontRenderPrepare which combines them into a complete pattern. - -The FcFontSet returned by FcFontSetSort is destroyed by caling -FcFontSetDestroy. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontSetSortDestroy - -Name - -FcFontSetSortDestroy -- DEPRECATED destroy a font set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcFontSetSortDestroy(FcFontSet *set); - -Description - -This function is DEPRECATED. FcFontSetSortDestroy destroys set by calling -FcFontSetDestroy. Applications should use FcFontSetDestroy directly instead. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcObjectSet - -Table of Contents -FcObjectSetCreate -- Create an object set -FcObjectSetAdd -- Add to an object set -FcObjectSetDestroy -- Destroy an object set -FcObjectSetBuild -- Build object set from args - -An FcObjectSet holds a list of pattern property names; it is used to indiciate -which properties are to be returned in the patterns from FcFontList. - -FcObjectSetCreate - -Name - -FcObjectSetCreate -- Create an object set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetCreate(void); - -Description - -Creates an empty set. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcObjectSetAdd - -Name - -FcObjectSetAdd -- Add to an object set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcObjectSetAdd(FcObjectSet *os, const char *object); - -Description - -Adds a proprety name to the set. Returns FcFalse if the property name cannot be -inserted into the set (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcObjectSetDestroy - -Name - -FcObjectSetDestroy -- Destroy an object set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcObjectSetDestroy(FcObjectSet *os); - -Description - -Destroys an object set. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcObjectSetBuild - -Name - -FcObjectSetBuild, FcObjectSetVaBuild, FcObjectSetVapBuild -- Build object set -from args - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetBuild(const char *first, ...); - -FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetVaBuild(const char *first, va_list va); - -void FcObjectSetVapBuild(FcObjectSet *result, const char *first, va_list va); - -Description - -These build an object set from a null-terminated list of property names. -FcObjectSetVapBuild is a macro version of FcObjectSetVaBuild which returns the -result in the result variable directly. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FreeType specific functions - -Table of Contents -FcFreeTypeCharIndex -- map Unicode to glyph id -FcFreeTypeCharSet -- compute unicode coverage -FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing -- compute unicode coverage and spacing type -FcFreeTypeQuery -- compute pattern from font file (and index) -FcFreeTypeQueryFace -- compute pattern from FT_Face - -While the fontconfig library doesn't insist that FreeType be used as the -rasterization mechanism for fonts, it does provide some convenience functions. - -FcFreeTypeCharIndex - -Name - -FcFreeTypeCharIndex -- map Unicode to glyph id - -Synopsis - -#include -#include - - -FT_UInt FcFreeTypeCharIndex(FT_Face face, FcChar32 ucs4); - -Description - -Maps a Unicode char to a glyph index. This function uses information from -several possible underlying encoding tables to work around broken fonts. As a -result, this function isn't designed to be used in performance sensitive areas; -results from this function are intended to be cached by higher level functions. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFreeTypeCharSet - -Name - -FcFreeTypeCharSet -- compute unicode coverage - -Synopsis - -#include -#include - - -FcCharSet * FcFreeTypeCharSet(FT_Face face, FcBlanks *blanks); - -Description - -Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. This scans -several encoding tables to build as complete a list as possible. If 'blanks' is -not 0, the glyphs in the font are examined and any blank glyphs not in 'blanks' -are not placed in the returned FcCharSet. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing - -Name - -FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing -- compute unicode coverage and spacing type - -Synopsis - -#include -#include - - -FcCharSet * FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing(FT_Face face, FcBlanks *blanks, int * -spacing); - -Description - -Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. This scans -several encoding tables to build as complete a list as possible. If 'blanks' is -not 0, the glyphs in the font are examined and any blank glyphs not in 'blanks' -are not placed in the returned FcCharSet. spacing receives the computed spacing -type of the font, one of FC_MONO for a font where all glyphs have the same -width, FC_DUAL, where the font has glyphs in precisely two widths, one twice as -wide as the other, or FC_PROPORTIONAL where the font has glyphs of many widths. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFreeTypeQuery - -Name - -FcFreeTypeQuery -- compute pattern from font file (and index) - -Synopsis - -#include -#include - - -FcPattern * FcFreeTypeQuery(const FcChar8 *file, int id, FcBlanks *blanks, int -*count); - -Description - -Constructs a pattern representing the 'id'th font in 'file'. The number of -fonts in 'file' is returned in 'count'. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFreeTypeQueryFace - -Name - -FcFreeTypeQueryFace -- compute pattern from FT_Face - -Synopsis - -#include -#include - - -FcPattern * FcFreeTypeQueryFace(const FT_Face face, const FcChar8 *file, int id -, FcBlanks *blanks); - -Description - -Constructs a pattern representing 'face'. 'file' and 'id' are used solely as -data for pattern elements (FC_FILE, FC_INDEX and sometimes FC_FAMILY). - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcValue - -Table of Contents -FcValueDestroy -- Free a value -FcValueSave -- Copy a value -FcValuePrint -- Print a value to stdout -FcValueEqual -- Test two values for equality - -FcValue is a structure containing a type tag and a union of all possible -datatypes. The tag is an enum of type FcType and is intended to provide a -measure of run-time typechecking, although that depends on careful programming. - -FcValueDestroy - -Name - -FcValueDestroy -- Free a value - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcValueDestroy(FcValue v); - -Description - -Frees any memory referenced by v. Values of type FcTypeString, FcTypeMatrix and -FcTypeCharSet reference memory, the other types do not. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcValueSave - -Name - -FcValueSave -- Copy a value - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcValue FcValueSave(FcValue v); - -Description - -Returns a copy of v duplicating any object referenced by it so that v may be -safely destroyed without harming the new value. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcValuePrint - -Name - -FcValuePrint -- Print a value to stdout - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcValuePrint(FcValue v); - -Description - -Prints a human-readable representation of v to stdout. The format should not be -considered part of the library specification as it may change in the future. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcValueEqual - -Name - -FcValueEqual -- Test two values for equality - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcValueEqual(FcValue v_a, FcValue v_b); - -Description - -Compares two values. Integers and Doubles are compared as numbers; otherwise -the two values have to be the same type to be considered equal. Strings are -compared ignoring case. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcCharSet - -Table of Contents -FcCharSetCreate -- Create an empty character set -FcCharSetDestroy -- Destroy a character set -FcCharSetAddChar -- Add a character to a charset -FcCharSetCopy -- Copy a charset -FcCharSetEqual -- Compare two charsets -FcCharSetIntersect -- Intersect charsets -FcCharSetUnion -- Add charsets -FcCharSetSubtract -- Subtract charsets -FcCharSetMerge -- Merge charsets -FcCharSetHasChar -- Check a charset for a char -FcCharSetCount -- Count entries in a charset -FcCharSetIntersectCount -- Intersect and count charsets -FcCharSetSubtractCount -- Subtract and count charsets -FcCharSetIsSubset -- Test for charset inclusion -FcCharSetFirstPage -- Start enumerating charset contents -FcCharSetNextPage -- Continue enumerating charset contents -FcCharSetCoverage -- DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page -FcCharSetNew -- DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate - -An FcCharSet is a boolean array indicating a set of unicode chars. Those -associated with a font are marked constant and cannot be edited. FcCharSets may -be reference counted internally to reduce memory consumption; this may be -visible to applications as the result of FcCharSetCopy may return it's -argument, and that CharSet may remain unmodifiable. - -FcCharSetCreate - -Name - -FcCharSetCreate -- Create an empty character set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcCharSet * FcCharSetCreate(void); - -Description - -FcCharSetCreate allocates and initializes a new empty character set object. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetDestroy - -Name - -FcCharSetDestroy -- Destroy a character set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcCharSetDestroy(FcCharSet *fcs); - -Description - -FcCharSetDestroy decrements the reference count fcs. If the reference count -becomes zero, all memory referenced is freed. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetAddChar - -Name - -FcCharSetAddChar -- Add a character to a charset - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcCharSetAddChar(FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32 ucs4); - -Description - -FcCharSetAddChar adds a single unicode char to the set, returning FcFalse on -failure, either as a result of a constant set or from running out of memory. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetCopy - -Name - -FcCharSetCopy -- Copy a charset - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcCharSet * FcCharSetCopy(FcCharSet *src); - -Description - -Makes a copy of src; note that this may not actually do anything more than -increment the reference count on src. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetEqual - -Name - -FcCharSetEqual -- Compare two charsets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcCharSetEqual(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -Description - -Returns whether a and b contain the same set of unicode chars. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetIntersect - -Name - -FcCharSetIntersect -- Intersect charsets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcCharSet * FcCharSetIntersect(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -Description - -Returns a set including only those chars found in both a and b. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetUnion - -Name - -FcCharSetUnion -- Add charsets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcCharSet * FcCharSetUnion(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -Description - -Returns a set including only those chars found in either a or b. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetSubtract - -Name - -FcCharSetSubtract -- Subtract charsets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcCharSet * FcCharSetSubtract(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -Description - -Returns a set including only those chars found in a but not b. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetMerge - -Name - -FcCharSetMerge -- Merge charsets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcCharSetMerge(FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b, FcBool *changed); - -Description - -Adds all chars in b to a. In other words, this is an in-place version of -FcCharSetUnion. If changed is not NULL, then it returns whether any new chars -from b were added to a. Returns FcFalse on failure, either when a is a constant -set or from running out of memory. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetHasChar - -Name - -FcCharSetHasChar -- Check a charset for a char - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcCharSetHasChar(const FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32 ucs4); - -Description - -Returns whether fcs contains the char ucs4. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetCount - -Name - -FcCharSetCount -- Count entries in a charset - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar32 FcCharSetCount(const FcCharSet *a); - -Description - -Returns the total number of unicode chars in a. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetIntersectCount - -Name - -FcCharSetIntersectCount -- Intersect and count charsets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar32 FcCharSetIntersectCount(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -Description - -Returns the number of chars that are in both a and b. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetSubtractCount - -Name - -FcCharSetSubtractCount -- Subtract and count charsets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar32 FcCharSetSubtractCount(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -Description - -Returns the number of chars that are in a but not in b. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetIsSubset - -Name - -FcCharSetIsSubset -- Test for charset inclusion - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcCharSetIsSubset(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); - -Description - -Returns whether a is a subset of b. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetFirstPage - -Name - -FcCharSetFirstPage -- Start enumerating charset contents - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar32 FcCharSetFirstPage(const FcCharSet *a, FcChar32[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE] -map, FcChar32 *next); - -Description - -Builds an array of bits marking the first page of Unicode coverage of a. -Returns the base of the array. next contains the next page in the font. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetNextPage - -Name - -FcCharSetNextPage -- Continue enumerating charset contents - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar32 FcCharSetNextPage(const FcCharSet *a, FcChar32[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE] -map, FcChar32 *next); - -Description - -Builds an array of bits marking the Unicode coverage of a for page *next. -Returns the base of the array. next contains the next page in the font. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetCoverage - -Name - -FcCharSetCoverage -- DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar32 FcCharSetCoverage(const FcCharSet *a, FcChar32page, FcChar32[8]result -); - -Description - -DEPRECATED This function returns a bitmask in result which indicates which code -points in page are included in a. FcCharSetCoverage returns the next page in -the charset which has any coverage. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCharSetNew - -Name - -FcCharSetNew -- DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcCharSet * FcCharSetNew(void); - -Description - -FcCharSetNew is a DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcLangSet - -Table of Contents -FcLangSetCreate -- create a langset object -FcLangSetDestroy -- destroy a langset object -FcLangSetCopy -- copy a langset object -FcLangSetAdd -- add a language to a langset -FcLangSetCompare -- compare language sets -FcLangSetContains -- check langset subset relation -FcLangSetEqual -- test for matching langsets -FcLangSetHash -- return a hash value for a langset -FcLangSetHasLang -- test langset for language support -FcLangSetGetLangs -- get the list of languages in the langset -FcGetLangs -- Get list of languages -FcLangGetCharSet -- Get character map for a language - -An FcLangSet is a set of language names (each of which include language and an -optional territory). They are used when selecting fonts to indicate which -languages the fonts need to support. Each font is marked, using language -orthography information built into fontconfig, with the set of supported -languages. - -FcLangSetCreate - -Name - -FcLangSetCreate -- create a langset object - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcLangSet * FcLangSetCreate(void); - -Description - -FcLangSetCreate creates a new FcLangSet object. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangSetDestroy - -Name - -FcLangSetDestroy -- destroy a langset object - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcLangSetDestroy(FcLangSet *ls); - -Description - -FcLangSetDestroy destroys a FcLangSet object, freeing all memory associated -with it. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangSetCopy - -Name - -FcLangSetCopy -- copy a langset object - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcLangSet * FcLangSetCopy(const FcLangSet *ls); - -Description - -FcLangSetCopy creates a new FcLangSet object and populates it with the contents -of ls. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangSetAdd - -Name - -FcLangSetAdd -- add a language to a langset - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcLangSetAdd(FcLangSet *ls, const FcChar8 *lang); - -Description - -lang is added to ls. lang should be of the form Ll-Tt where Ll is a two or -three letter language from ISO 639 and Tt is a territory from ISO 3166. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangSetCompare - -Name - -FcLangSetCompare -- compare language sets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcLangResult FcLangSetCompare(const FcLangSet *ls_a, const FcLangSet *ls_b); - -Description - -FcLangSetCompare compares language coverage for ls_a and ls_b. If they share -any language and territory pair, this function returns FcLangEqual. If they -share a language but differ in which territory that language is for, this -function returns FcLangDiffentTerritory. If they share no languages in common, -this function returns FcLangDifferentLang. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangSetContains - -Name - -FcLangSetContains -- check langset subset relation - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcLangSetContains(const FcLangSet *ls_a, const FcLangSet *ls_b); - -Description - -FcLangSetContains returns FcTrue if ls_a contains every language in ls_b. ls_a -will 'contain' a language from ls_b if ls_a has exactly the language, or either -the language or ls_a has no territory. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangSetEqual - -Name - -FcLangSetEqual -- test for matching langsets - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcLangSetEqual(const FcLangSet *ls_a, const FcLangSet *ls_b); - -Description - -Returns FcTrue if and only if ls_a supports precisely the same language and -territory combinations as ls_b. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangSetHash - -Name - -FcLangSetHash -- return a hash value for a langset - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar32 FcLangSetHash(const FcLangSet *ls); - -Description - -This function returns a value which depends solely on the languages supported -by ls. Any language which equals ls will have the same result from -FcLangSetHash. However, two langsets with the same hash value may not be equal. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangSetHasLang - -Name - -FcLangSetHasLang -- test langset for language support - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcLangResult FcLangSetHasLang(const FcLangSet *ls, const FcChar8 *lang); - -Description - -FcLangSetHasLang checks whether ls supports lang. If ls has a matching language -and territory pair, this function returns FcLangEqual. If ls has a matching -language but differs in which territory that language is for, this function -returns FcLangDiffentTerritory. If ls has no matching language, this function -returns FcLangDifferentLang. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangSetGetLangs - -Name - -FcLangSetGetLangs -- get the list of languages in the langset - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcStrSet * FcLangSetGetLangs(const FcLangSet *ls); - -Description - -Returns a string set of all languages in langset. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcGetLangs - -Name - -FcGetLangs -- Get list of languages - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcStrSet * FcGetLangs(void); - -Description - -Returns a string set of all known languages. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcLangGetCharSet - -Name - -FcLangGetCharSet -- Get character map for a language - -Synopsis - -#include - - -const FcCharSet * FcLangGetCharSet(const FcChar8 *lang); - -Description - -Returns the FcCharMap for a language. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcMatrix - -Table of Contents -FcMatrixInit -- initialize an FcMatrix structure -FcMatrixCopy -- Copy a matrix -FcMatrixEqual -- Compare two matrices -FcMatrixMultiply -- Multiply matrices -FcMatrixRotate -- Rotate a matrix -FcMatrixScale -- Scale a matrix -FcMatrixShear -- Shear a matrix - -FcMatrix structures hold an affine transformation in matrix form. - -FcMatrixInit - -Name - -FcMatrixInit -- initialize an FcMatrix structure - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcMatrixInit(FcMatrix *matrix); - -Description - -FcMatrixInit initializes matrix to the identity matrix. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcMatrixCopy - -Name - -FcMatrixCopy -- Copy a matrix - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcMatrixCopy(const FcMatrix *matrix); - -Description - -FcMatrixCopy allocates a new FcMatrix and copies mat into it. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcMatrixEqual - -Name - -FcMatrixEqual -- Compare two matrices - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcMatrixEqual(const FcMatrix *matrix1, const FcMatrix *matrix2); - -Description - -FcMatrixEqual compares matrix1 and matrix2 returning FcTrue when they are equal -and FcFalse when they are not. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcMatrixMultiply - -Name - -FcMatrixMultiply -- Multiply matrices - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcMatrixMultiply(FcMatrix *result, const FcMatrix *matrix1, const FcMatrix -*matrix2); - -Description - -FcMatrixMultiply multiplies matrix1 and matrix2 storing the result in result. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcMatrixRotate - -Name - -FcMatrixRotate -- Rotate a matrix - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcMatrixRotate(FcMatrix *matrix, double cos, double sin); - -Description - -FcMatrixRotate rotates matrix by the angle who's sine is sin and cosine is cos. -This is done by multiplying by the matrix: - - cos -sin - sin cos - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcMatrixScale - -Name - -FcMatrixScale -- Scale a matrix - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcMatrixScale(FcMatrix *matrix, double sx, double dy); - -Description - -FcMatrixScale multiplies matrix x values by sx and y values by sy. This is done -by multiplying by the matrix: - - sx 0 - 0 sy - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcMatrixShear - -Name - -FcMatrixShear -- Shear a matrix - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcMatrixShear(FcMatrix *matrix, double sh, double sv); - -Description - -FcMatrixShare shears matrix horizontally by sh and vertically by sv. This is -done by multiplying by the matrix: - - 1 sh - sv 1 - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcConfig - -Table of Contents -FcConfigCreate -- Create a configuration -FcConfigReference -- Increment config reference count -FcConfigDestroy -- Destroy a configuration -FcConfigSetCurrent -- Set configuration as default -FcConfigGetCurrent -- Return current configuration -FcConfigUptoDate -- Check timestamps on config files -FcConfigHome -- return the current home directory. -FcConfigEnableHome -- controls use of the home directory. -FcConfigBuildFonts -- Build font database -FcConfigGetConfigDirs -- Get config directories -FcConfigGetFontDirs -- Get font directories -FcConfigGetConfigFiles -- Get config files -FcConfigGetCache -- DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename -FcConfigGetCacheDirs -- return the list of directories searched for cache files -FcConfigGetFonts -- Get config font set -FcConfigGetBlanks -- Get config blanks -FcConfigGetRescanInterval -- Get config rescan interval -FcConfigSetRescanInterval -- Set config rescan interval -FcConfigAppFontAddFile -- Add font file to font database -FcConfigAppFontAddDir -- Add fonts from directory to font database -FcConfigAppFontClear -- Remove all app fonts from font database -FcConfigSubstituteWithPat -- Execute substitutions -FcConfigSubstitute -- Execute substitutions -FcFontMatch -- Return best font -FcFontSort -- Return list of matching fonts -FcFontRenderPrepare -- Prepare pattern for loading font file -FcFontList -- List fonts -FcConfigFilename -- Find a config file -FcConfigParseAndLoad -- load a configuration file - -An FcConfig object holds the internal representation of a configuration. There -is a default configuration which applications may use by passing 0 to any -function using the data within an FcConfig. - -FcConfigCreate - -Name - -FcConfigCreate -- Create a configuration - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcConfig * FcConfigCreate(void); - -Description - -Creates an empty configuration. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigReference - -Name - -FcConfigReference -- Increment config reference count - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcConfig * FcConfigReference(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Add another reference to config. Configs are freed only when the reference -count reaches zero. If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. In -that case this function will be similar to FcConfigGetCurrent() except that it -increments the reference count before returning and the user is responsible for -destroying the configuration when not needed anymore. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigDestroy - -Name - -FcConfigDestroy -- Destroy a configuration - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcConfigDestroy(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Decrements the config reference count. If all references are gone, destroys the -configuration and any data associated with it. Note that calling this function -with the return from FcConfigGetCurrent will cause a new configuration to be -created for use as current configuration. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigSetCurrent - -Name - -FcConfigSetCurrent -- Set configuration as default - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcConfigSetCurrent(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Sets the current default configuration to config. Implicitly calls -FcConfigBuildFonts if necessary, returning FcFalse if that call fails. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigGetCurrent - -Name - -FcConfigGetCurrent -- Return current configuration - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcConfig * FcConfigGetCurrent(void); - -Description - -Returns the current default configuration. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigUptoDate - -Name - -FcConfigUptoDate -- Check timestamps on config files - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcConfigUptoDate(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Checks all of the files related to config and returns whether any of them has -been modified since the configuration was created. If config is NULL, the -current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigHome - -Name - -FcConfigHome -- return the current home directory. - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcConfigHome(void); - -Description - -Return the current user's home directory, if it is available, and if using it -is enabled, and NULL otherwise. See also FcConfigEnableHome). - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigEnableHome - -Name - -FcConfigEnableHome -- controls use of the home directory. - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBol FcConfigEnableHome(FcBool enable); - -Description - -If enable is FcTrue, then Fontconfig will use various files which are specified -relative to the user's home directory (using the ~ notation in the -configuration). When enable is FcFalse, then all use of the home directory in -these contexts will be disabled. The previous setting of the value is returned. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigBuildFonts - -Name - -FcConfigBuildFonts -- Build font database - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcConfigBuildFonts(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Builds the set of available fonts for the given configuration. Note that any -changes to the configuration after this call have indeterminate effects. -Returns FcFalse if this operation runs out of memory. If config is NULL, the -current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigGetConfigDirs - -Name - -FcConfigGetConfigDirs -- Get config directories - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcStrList * FcConfigGetConfigDirs(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Returns the list of font directories specified in the configuration files for -config. Does not include any subdirectories. If config is NULL, the current -configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigGetFontDirs - -Name - -FcConfigGetFontDirs -- Get font directories - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcStrList * FcConfigGetFontDirs(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Returns the list of font directories in config. This includes the configured -font directories along with any directories below those in the filesystem. If -config is NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigGetConfigFiles - -Name - -FcConfigGetConfigFiles -- Get config files - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcStrList * FcConfigGetConfigFiles(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Returns the list of known configuration files used to generate config. If -config is NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigGetCache - -Name - -FcConfigGetCache -- DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcConfigGetCache(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -With fontconfig no longer using per-user cache files, this function now simply -returns NULL to indicate that no per-user file exists. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigGetCacheDirs - -Name - -FcConfigGetCacheDirs -- return the list of directories searched for cache files - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcStrList * FcConfigGetCacheDirs(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -FcConfigGetCacheDirs returns a string list containing all of the directories -that fontconfig will search when attempting to load a cache file for a font -directory. If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigGetFonts - -Name - -FcConfigGetFonts -- Get config font set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcFontSet * FcConfigGetFonts(FcConfig *config, FcSetName set); - -Description - -Returns one of the two sets of fonts from the configuration as specified by set -. This font set is owned by the library and must not be modified or freed. If -config is NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigGetBlanks - -Name - -FcConfigGetBlanks -- Get config blanks - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBlanks * FcConfigGetBlanks(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Returns the FcBlanks object associated with the given configuration, if no -blanks were present in the configuration, this function will return 0. The -returned FcBlanks object if not NULL, is valid as long as the owning FcConfig -is alive. If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigGetRescanInterval - -Name - -FcConfigGetRescanInterval -- Get config rescan interval - -Synopsis - -#include - - -int FcConfigGetRescanInterval(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Returns the interval between automatic checks of the configuration (in seconds) -specified in config. The configuration is checked during a call to FcFontList -when this interval has passed since the last check. An interval setting of zero -disables automatic checks. If config is NULL, the current configuration is -used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigSetRescanInterval - -Name - -FcConfigSetRescanInterval -- Set config rescan interval - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcConfigSetRescanInterval(FcConfig *config, int rescanInterval); - -Description - -Sets the rescan interval. Returns FcFalse if the interval cannot be set (due to -allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. An interval setting of zero -disables automatic checks. If config is NULL, the current configuration is -used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigAppFontAddFile - -Name - -FcConfigAppFontAddFile -- Add font file to font database - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddFile(FcConfig *config, const FcChar8 *file); - -Description - -Adds an application-specific font to the configuration. Returns FcFalse if the -fonts cannot be added (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. If -config is NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigAppFontAddDir - -Name - -FcConfigAppFontAddDir -- Add fonts from directory to font database - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddDir(FcConfig *config, const FcChar8 *dir); - -Description - -Scans the specified directory for fonts, adding each one found to the -application-specific set of fonts. Returns FcFalse if the fonts cannot be added -(due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. If config is NULL, the -current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigAppFontClear - -Name - -FcConfigAppFontClear -- Remove all app fonts from font database - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcConfigAppFontClear(FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Clears the set of application-specific fonts. If config is NULL, the current -configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigSubstituteWithPat - -Name - -FcConfigSubstituteWithPat -- Execute substitutions - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcConfigSubstituteWithPat(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcPattern * -p_pat, FcMatchKind kind); - -Description - -Performs the sequence of pattern modification operations, if kind is -FcMatchPattern, then those tagged as pattern operations are applied, else if -kind is FcMatchFont, those tagged as font operations are applied and p_pat is -used for elements with target=pattern. Returns FcFalse if the -substitution cannot be performed (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns -FcTrue. If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigSubstitute - -Name - -FcConfigSubstitute -- Execute substitutions - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcConfigSubstitute(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcMatchKind kind); - -Description - -Calls FcConfigSubstituteWithPat setting p_pat to NULL. Returns FcFalse if the -substitution cannot be performed (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns -FcTrue. If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontMatch - -Name - -FcFontMatch -- Return best font - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcPattern * FcFontMatch(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcResult *result); - -Description - -Finds the font in sets most closely matching pattern and returns the result of -FcFontRenderPrepare for that font and the provided pattern. This function -should be called only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have -been called for p; otherwise the results will not be correct. If config is -NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontSort - -Name - -FcFontSort -- Return list of matching fonts - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcFontSet * FcFontSort(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcBool trim, FcCharSet -**csp, FcResult *result); - -Description - -Returns the list of fonts sorted by closeness to p. If trim is FcTrue, elements -in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided by earlier -elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of all of the -fonts is returned in csp, if csp is not NULL. This function should be called -only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have been called for p; -otherwise the results will not be correct. - -The returned FcFontSet references FcPattern structures which may be shared by -the return value from multiple FcFontSort calls, applications must not modify -these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with p to -FcFontRenderPrepare which combines them into a complete pattern. - -The FcFontSet returned by FcFontSort is destroyed by caling FcFontSetDestroy. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontRenderPrepare - -Name - -FcFontRenderPrepare -- Prepare pattern for loading font file - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcPattern * FcFontRenderPrepare(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *pat, FcPattern * -font); - -Description - -Creates a new pattern consisting of elements of font not appearing in pat, -elements of pat not appearing in font and the best matching value from pat for -elements appearing in both. The result is passed to FcConfigSubstituteWithPat -with kind FcMatchFont and then returned. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFontList - -Name - -FcFontList -- List fonts - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcFontSet * FcFontList(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcObjectSet *os); - -Description - -Selects fonts matching p, creates patterns from those fonts containing only the -objects in os and returns the set of unique such patterns. If config is NULL, -the default configuration is checked to be up to date, and used. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigFilename - -Name - -FcConfigFilename -- Find a config file - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcConfigFilename(const FcChar8 *name); - -Description - -Given the specified external entity name, return the associated filename. This -provides applications a way to convert various configuration file references -into filename form. - -A null or empty name indicates that the default configuration file should be -used; which file this references can be overridden with the FC_CONFIG_FILE -environment variable. Next, if the name starts with ~, it refers to a file in -the current users home directory. Otherwise if the name doesn't start with '/', -it refers to a file in the default configuration directory; the built-in -default directory can be overridden with the FC_CONFIG_DIR environment -variable. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcConfigParseAndLoad - -Name - -FcConfigParseAndLoad -- load a configuration file - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcConfigParseAndLoad(FcConfig *config, const FcChar8 *file, FcBool -complain); - -Description - -Walks the configuration in 'file' and constructs the internal representation in -'config'. Any include files referenced from within 'file' will be loaded and -parsed. If 'complain' is FcFalse, no warning will be displayed if 'file' does -not exist. Error and warning messages will be output to stderr. Returns FcFalse -if some error occurred while loading the file, either a parse error, semantic -error or allocation failure. Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcObjectType - -Table of Contents -FcNameRegisterObjectTypes -- Register object types -FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes -- Unregister object types -FcNameGetObjectType -- Lookup an object type - -Provides for applcation-specified font name object types so that new pattern -elements can be generated from font names. - -FcNameRegisterObjectTypes - -Name - -FcNameRegisterObjectTypes -- Register object types - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcNameRegisterObjectTypes(const FcObjectType *types, int ntype); - -Description - -Register ntype new object types. Returns FcFalse if some of the names cannot be -registered (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes - -Name - -FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes -- Unregister object types - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes(const FcObjectType *types, int ntype); - -Description - -Unregister ntype object types. Returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcNameGetObjectType - -Name - -FcNameGetObjectType -- Lookup an object type - -Synopsis - -#include - - -const FcObjectType * FcNameGetObjectType(const char *object); - -Description - -Return the object type for the pattern element named object. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcConstant - -Table of Contents -FcNameRegisterConstants -- Register symbolic constants -FcNameUnregisterConstants -- Unregister symbolic constants -FcNameGetConstant -- Lookup symbolic constant -FcNameConstant -- Get the value for a symbolic constant - -Provides for application-specified symbolic constants for font names. - -FcNameRegisterConstants - -Name - -FcNameRegisterConstants -- Register symbolic constants - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcNameRegisterConstants(const FcConstant *consts, int nconsts); - -Description - -Register nconsts new symbolic constants. Returns FcFalse if the constants -cannot be registered (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcNameUnregisterConstants - -Name - -FcNameUnregisterConstants -- Unregister symbolic constants - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcNameUnregisterConstants(const FcConstant *consts, int nconsts); - -Description - -Unregister nconsts symbolic constants. Returns FcFalse if the specified -constants were not registered. Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcNameGetConstant - -Name - -FcNameGetConstant -- Lookup symbolic constant - -Synopsis - -#include - - -const FcConstant * FcNameGetConstant(FcChar8 *string); - -Description - -Return the FcConstant structure related to symbolic constant string. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcNameConstant - -Name - -FcNameConstant -- Get the value for a symbolic constant - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcNameConstant(FcChar8 *string, int *result); - -Description - -Returns whether a symbolic constant with name string is registered, placing the -value of the constant in result if present. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcBlanks - -Table of Contents -FcBlanksCreate -- Create an FcBlanks -FcBlanksDestroy -- Destroy and FcBlanks -FcBlanksAdd -- Add a character to an FcBlanks -FcBlanksIsMember -- Query membership in an FcBlanks - -An FcBlanks object holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to be blank -when drawn. When scanning new fonts, any glyphs which are empty and not in this -list will be assumed to be broken and not placed in the FcCharSet associated -with the font. This provides a significantly more accurate CharSet for -applications. - -FcBlanksCreate - -Name - -FcBlanksCreate -- Create an FcBlanks - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBlanks * FcBlanksCreate(void); - -Description - -Creates an empty FcBlanks object. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcBlanksDestroy - -Name - -FcBlanksDestroy -- Destroy and FcBlanks - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcBlanksDestroy(FcBlanks *b); - -Description - -Destroys an FcBlanks object, freeing any associated memory. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcBlanksAdd - -Name - -FcBlanksAdd -- Add a character to an FcBlanks - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcBlanksAdd(FcBlanks *b, FcChar32 ucs4); - -Description - -Adds a single character to an FcBlanks object, returning FcFalse if this -process ran out of memory. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcBlanksIsMember - -Name - -FcBlanksIsMember -- Query membership in an FcBlanks - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcBlanksIsMember(FcBlanks *b, FcChar32 ucs4); - -Description - -Returns whether the specified FcBlanks object contains the indicated Unicode -value. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcAtomic - -Table of Contents -FcAtomicCreate -- create an FcAtomic object -FcAtomicLock -- lock a file -FcAtomicNewFile -- return new temporary file name -FcAtomicOrigFile -- return original file name -FcAtomicReplaceOrig -- replace original with new -FcAtomicDeleteNew -- delete new file -FcAtomicUnlock -- unlock a file -FcAtomicDestroy -- destroy an FcAtomic object - -These functions provide a safe way to update config files, allowing ongoing -reading of the old config file while locked for writing and ensuring that a -consistent and complete version of the config file is always available. - -FcAtomicCreate - -Name - -FcAtomicCreate -- create an FcAtomic object - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcAtomic * FcAtomicCreate(const FcChar8 *file); - -Description - -Creates a data structure containing data needed to control access to file. -Writing is done to a separate file. Once that file is complete, the original -configuration file is atomically replaced so that reading process always see a -consistent and complete file without the need to lock for reading. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcAtomicLock - -Name - -FcAtomicLock -- lock a file - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcAtomicLock(FcAtomic *atomic); - -Description - -Attempts to lock the file referenced by atomic. Returns FcFalse if the file is -already locked, else returns FcTrue and leaves the file locked. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcAtomicNewFile - -Name - -FcAtomicNewFile -- return new temporary file name - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcAtomicNewFile(FcAtomic *atomic); - -Description - -Returns the filename for writing a new version of the file referenced by atomic -. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcAtomicOrigFile - -Name - -FcAtomicOrigFile -- return original file name - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcAtomicOrigFile(FcAtomic *atomic); - -Description - -Returns the file refernced by atomic. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcAtomicReplaceOrig - -Name - -FcAtomicReplaceOrig -- replace original with new - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcAtomicReplaceOrig(FcAtomic *atomic); - -Description - -Replaces the original file referenced by atomic with the new file. Returns -FcFalse if the file cannot be replaced due to permission issues in the -filesystem. Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcAtomicDeleteNew - -Name - -FcAtomicDeleteNew -- delete new file - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcAtomicDeleteNew(FcAtomic *atomic); - -Description - -Deletes the new file. Used in error recovery to back out changes. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcAtomicUnlock - -Name - -FcAtomicUnlock -- unlock a file - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcAtomicUnlock(FcAtomic *atomic); - -Description - -Unlocks the file. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcAtomicDestroy - -Name - -FcAtomicDestroy -- destroy an FcAtomic object - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcAtomicDestroy(FcAtomic *atomic); - -Description - -Destroys atomic. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -File and Directory routines - -Table of Contents -FcFileScan -- scan a font file -FcFileIsDir -- check whether a file is a directory -FcDirScan -- scan a font directory without caching it -FcDirSave -- DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache -FcDirCacheUnlink -- Remove all caches related to dir -FcDirCacheValid -- check directory cache -FcDirCacheLoad -- load a directory cache -FcDirCacheRead -- read or construct a directory cache -FcDirCacheLoadFile -- load a cache file -FcDirCacheUnload -- unload a cache file - -These routines work with font files and directories, including font directory -cache files. - -FcFileScan - -Name - -FcFileScan -- scan a font file - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcFileScan(FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, FcFileCache *cache, FcBlanks -*blanks, const FcChar8 *file, FcBool force); - -Description - -Scans a single file and adds all fonts found to set. If force is FcTrue, then -the file is scanned even if associated information is found in cache. If file -is a directory, it is added to dirs. Whether fonts are found depends on -fontconfig policy as well as the current configuration. Internally, fontconfig -will ignore BDF and PCF fonts which are not in Unicode (or the effectively -equivalent ISO Latin-1) encoding as those are not usable by Unicode-based -applications. The configuration can ignore fonts based on filename or contents -of the font file itself. Returns FcFalse if any of the fonts cannot be added -(due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcFileIsDir - -Name - -FcFileIsDir -- check whether a file is a directory - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcFileIsDir(const FcChar8 *file); - -Description - -Returns FcTrue if file is a directory, otherwise returns FcFalse. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcDirScan - -Name - -FcDirScan -- scan a font directory without caching it - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcDirScan(FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, FcFileCache *cache, FcBlanks * -blanks, const FcChar8 *dir, FcBool force); - -Description - -If cache is not zero or if force is FcFalse, this function currently returns -FcFalse. Otherwise, it scans an entire directory and adds all fonts found to -set. Any subdirectories found are added to dirs. Calling this function does not -create any cache files. Use FcDirCacheRead() if caching is desired. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcDirSave - -Name - -FcDirSave -- DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcDirSave(FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, const FcChar8 *dir); - -Description - -This function now does nothing aside from returning FcFalse. It used to creates -the per-directory cache file for dir and populates it with the fonts in set and -subdirectories in dirs. All of this functionality is now automatically managed -by FcDirCacheLoad and FcDirCacheRead. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcDirCacheUnlink - -Name - -FcDirCacheUnlink -- Remove all caches related to dir - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcDirCacheUnlink(const FcChar8 *dir, FcConfig *config); - -Description - -Scans the cache directories in config, removing any instances of the cache file -for dir. Returns FcFalse when some internal error occurs (out of memory, etc). -Errors actually unlinking any files are ignored. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcDirCacheValid - -Name - -FcDirCacheValid -- check directory cache - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcDirCacheValid(const FcChar8 *dir); - -Description - -Returns FcTrue if dir has an associated valid cache file, else returns FcFalse - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcDirCacheLoad - -Name - -FcDirCacheLoad -- load a directory cache - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcCache * FcDirCacheLoad(const FcChar8 *dir, FcConfig *config, FcChar8 ** -cache_file); - -Description - -Loads the cache related to dir. If no cache file exists, returns NULL. The name -of the cache file is returned in cache_file, unless that is NULL. See also -FcDirCacheRead. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcDirCacheRead - -Name - -FcDirCacheRead -- read or construct a directory cache - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcCache * FcDirCacheRead(const FcChar8 *dir, FcBool force, FcConfig *config); - -Description - -This returns a cache for dir. If force is FcFalse, then an existing, valid -cache file will be used. Otherwise, a new cache will be created by scanning the -directory and that returned. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcDirCacheLoadFile - -Name - -FcDirCacheLoadFile -- load a cache file - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcCache * FcDirCacheLoadFile(const FcChar8 *cache_file, struct stat *file_stat -); - -Description - -This function loads a directory cache from cache_file. If file_stat is -non-NULL, it will be filled with the results of stat(2) on the cache file. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcDirCacheUnload - -Name - -FcDirCacheUnload -- unload a cache file - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcDirCacheUnload(FcCache *cache); - -Description - -This function dereferences cache. When no other references to it remain, all -memory associated with the cache will be freed. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcCache routines - -Table of Contents -FcCacheDir -- Return directory of cache -FcCacheCopySet -- Returns a copy of the fontset from cache -FcCacheSubdir -- Return the i'th subdirectory. -FcCacheNumSubdir -- Return the number of subdirectories in cache. -FcCacheNumFont -- Returns the number of fonts in cache. - -These routines work with font directory caches, accessing their contents in -limited ways. It is not expected that normal applications will need to use -these functions. - -FcCacheDir - -Name - -FcCacheDir -- Return directory of cache - -Synopsis - -#include - - -const FcChar8 * FcCacheDir(const FcCache *cache); - -Description - -This function returns the directory from which the cache was constructed. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCacheCopySet - -Name - -FcCacheCopySet -- Returns a copy of the fontset from cache - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcFontSet * FcCacheCopySet(const FcCache *cache); - -Description - -The returned fontset contains each of the font patterns from cache. This -fontset may be modified, but the patterns from the cache are read-only. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCacheSubdir - -Name - -FcCacheSubdir -- Return the i'th subdirectory. - -Synopsis - -#include - - -const FcChar8 * FcCacheSubdir(const FcCache *cache, inti); - -Description - -The set of subdirectories stored in a cache file are indexed by this function, -i should range from 0 to n-1, where n is the return value from -FcCacheNumSubdir. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCacheNumSubdir - -Name - -FcCacheNumSubdir -- Return the number of subdirectories in cache. - -Synopsis - -#include - - -int FcCacheNumSubdir(const FcCache *cache); - -Description - -This returns the total number of subdirectories in the cache. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcCacheNumFont - -Name - -FcCacheNumFont -- Returns the number of fonts in cache. - -Synopsis - -#include - - -int FcCacheNumFont(const FcCache *cache); - -Description - -This returns the number of fonts which would be included in the return from -FcCacheCopySet. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -FcStrSet and FcStrList - -Table of Contents -FcStrSetCreate -- create a string set -FcStrSetMember -- check set for membership -FcStrSetEqual -- check sets for equality -FcStrSetAdd -- add to a string set -FcStrSetAddFilename -- add a filename to a string set -FcStrSetDel -- delete from a string set -FcStrSetDestroy -- destroy a string set -FcStrListCreate -- create a string iterator -FcStrListNext -- get next string in iteration -FcStrListDone -- destroy a string iterator - -A data structure for enumerating strings, used to list directories while -scanning the configuration as directories are added while scanning. - -FcStrSetCreate - -Name - -FcStrSetCreate -- create a string set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcStrSet * FcStrSetCreate(void); - -Description - -Create an empty set. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrSetMember - -Name - -FcStrSetMember -- check set for membership - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcStrSetMember(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); - -Description - -Returns whether s is a member of set. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrSetEqual - -Name - -FcStrSetEqual -- check sets for equality - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcStrSetEqual(FcStrSet *set_a, FcStrSet *set_b); - -Description - -Returns whether set_a contains precisely the same strings as set_b. Ordering of -strings within the two sets is not considered. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrSetAdd - -Name - -FcStrSetAdd -- add to a string set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcStrSetAdd(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); - -Description - -Adds a copy of s to set. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrSetAddFilename - -Name - -FcStrSetAddFilename -- add a filename to a string set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcStrSetAddFilename(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); - -Description - -Adds a copy s to set, The copy is created with FcStrCopyFilename so that -leading '~' values are replaced with the value of the HOME environment -variable. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrSetDel - -Name - -FcStrSetDel -- delete from a string set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcStrSetDel(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); - -Description - -Removes s from set, returning FcTrue if s was a member else FcFalse. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrSetDestroy - -Name - -FcStrSetDestroy -- destroy a string set - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcStrSetDestroy(FcStrSet *set); - -Description - -Destroys set. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrListCreate - -Name - -FcStrListCreate -- create a string iterator - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcStrList * FcStrListCreate(FcStrSet *set); - -Description - -Creates an iterator to list the strings in set. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrListNext - -Name - -FcStrListNext -- get next string in iteration - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcStrListNext(FcStrList *list); - -Description - -Returns the next string in set. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrListDone - -Name - -FcStrListDone -- destroy a string iterator - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcStrListDone(FcStrList *list); - -Description - -Destroys the enumerator list. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â”â” - -String utilities - -Table of Contents -FcUtf8ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-8 to UCS4 -FcUcs4ToUtf8 -- convert UCS4 to UTF-8 -FcUtf8Len -- count UTF-8 encoded chars -FcUtf16ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-16 to UCS4 -FcUtf16Len -- count UTF-16 encoded chars -FcIsLower -- check for lower case ASCII character -FcIsUpper -- check for upper case ASCII character -FcToLower -- convert upper case ASCII to lower case -FcStrCopy -- duplicate a string -FcStrDowncase -- create a lower case translation of a string -FcStrCopyFilename -- create a complete path from a filename -FcStrCmp -- compare UTF-8 strings -FcStrCmpIgnoreCase -- compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case -FcStrStr -- locate UTF-8 substring -FcStrStrIgnoreCase -- locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case -FcStrPlus -- concatenate two strings -FcStrFree -- free a string -FcStrDirname -- directory part of filename -FcStrBasename -- last component of filename - -Fontconfig manipulates many UTF-8 strings represented with the FcChar8 type. -These functions are exposed to help applications deal with these UTF-8 strings -in a locale-insensitive manner. - -FcUtf8ToUcs4 - -Name - -FcUtf8ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-8 to UCS4 - -Synopsis - -#include - - -int FcUtf8ToUcs4(FcChar8 *src, FcChar32 *dst, int len); - -Description - -Converts the next Unicode char from src into dst and returns the number of -bytes containing the char. src must be at least len bytes long. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcUcs4ToUtf8 - -Name - -FcUcs4ToUtf8 -- convert UCS4 to UTF-8 - -Synopsis - -#include - - -int FcUcs4ToUtf8(FcChar32 src, FcChar8 dst[FC_UTF8_MAX_LEN]); - -Description - -Converts the Unicode char from src into dst and returns the number of bytes -needed to encode the char. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcUtf8Len - -Name - -FcUtf8Len -- count UTF-8 encoded chars - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcUtf8Len(FcChar8 *src, int len, int *nchar, int *wchar); - -Description - -Counts the number of Unicode chars in len bytes of src. Places that count in -nchar. wchar contains 1, 2 or 4 depending on the number of bytes needed to hold -the largest unicode char counted. The return value indicates whether src is a -well-formed UTF8 string. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcUtf16ToUcs4 - -Name - -FcUtf16ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-16 to UCS4 - -Synopsis - -#include - - -int FcUtf16ToUcs4(FcChar8 *src, FcEndian endian, FcChar32 *dst, int len); - -Description - -Converts the next Unicode char from src into dst and returns the number of -bytes containing the char. src must be at least len bytes long. Bytes of src -are combined into 16-bit units according to endian. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcUtf16Len - -Name - -FcUtf16Len -- count UTF-16 encoded chars - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcUtf16Len(FcChar8 *src, FcEndian endian, int len, int *nchar, int * -wchar); - -Description - -Counts the number of Unicode chars in len bytes of src. Bytes of src are -combined into 16-bit units according to endian. Places that count in nchar. -wchar contains 1, 2 or 4 depending on the number of bytes needed to hold the -largest unicode char counted. The return value indicates whether string is a -well-formed UTF16 string. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcIsLower - -Name - -FcIsLower -- check for lower case ASCII character - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcIsLower(FcChar8c); - -Description - -This macro checks whether c is an lower case ASCII letter. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcIsUpper - -Name - -FcIsUpper -- check for upper case ASCII character - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcBool FcIsUpper(FcChar8c); - -Description - -This macro checks whether c is a upper case ASCII letter. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcToLower - -Name - -FcToLower -- convert upper case ASCII to lower case - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 FcToLower(FcChar8c); - -Description - -This macro converts upper case ASCII c to the equivalent lower case letter. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrCopy - -Name - -FcStrCopy -- duplicate a string - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcStrCopy(const FcChar8 *s); - -Description - -Allocates memory, copies s and returns the resulting buffer. Yes, this is -strdup, but that function isn't available on every platform. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrDowncase - -Name - -FcStrDowncase -- create a lower case translation of a string - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcStrDowncase(const FcChar8 *s); - -Description - -Allocates memory, copies s, converting upper case letters to lower case and -returns the allocated buffer. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrCopyFilename - -Name - -FcStrCopyFilename -- create a complete path from a filename - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcStrCopyFilename(const FcChar8 *s); - -Description - -FcStrCopyFilename constructs an absolute pathname from s. It converts any -leading '~' characters in to the value of the HOME environment variable, and -any relative paths are converted to absolute paths using the current working -directory. Sequences of '/' characters are converted to a single '/', and names -containing the current directory '.' or parent directory '..' are correctly -reconstructed. Returns NULL if '~' is the leading character and HOME is unset -or disabled (see FcConfigEnableHome). - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrCmp - -Name - -FcStrCmp -- compare UTF-8 strings - -Synopsis - -#include - - -int FcStrCmp(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -Description - -Returns the usual <0, 0, >0 result of comparing s1 and s2. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrCmpIgnoreCase - -Name - -FcStrCmpIgnoreCase -- compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case - -Synopsis - -#include - - -int FcStrCmpIgnoreCase(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -Description - -Returns the usual <0, 0, >0 result of comparing s1 and s2. This test is -case-insensitive for all proper UTF-8 encoded strings. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrStr - -Name - -FcStrStr -- locate UTF-8 substring - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcStrStr(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -Description - -Returns the location of s2 in s1. Returns NULL if s2 is not present in s1. This -test will operate properly with UTF8 encoded strings. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrStrIgnoreCase - -Name - -FcStrStrIgnoreCase -- locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcStrStrIgnoreCase(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -Description - -Returns the location of s2 in s1, ignoring case. Returns NULL if s2 is not -present in s1. This test is case-insensitive for all proper UTF-8 encoded -strings. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrPlus - -Name - -FcStrPlus -- concatenate two strings - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcStrPlus(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); - -Description - -This function allocates new storage and places the concatenation of s1 and s2 -there, returning the new string. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrFree - -Name - -FcStrFree -- free a string - -Synopsis - -#include - - -void FcStrFree(FcChar8 *s); - -Description - -This is just a wrapper around free(3) which helps track memory usage of strings -within the fontconfig library. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrDirname - -Name - -FcStrDirname -- directory part of filename - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcStrDirname(const FcChar8 *file); - -Description - -Returns the directory containing file. This is returned in newly allocated -storage which should be freed when no longer needed. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -FcStrBasename - -Name - -FcStrBasename -- last component of filename - -Synopsis - -#include - - -FcChar8 * FcStrBasename(const FcChar8 *file); - -Description - -Returns the filename of file stripped of any leading directory names. This is -returned in newly allocated storage which should be freed when no longer -needed. - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomiccreate.html b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomiccreate.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2e3c16cd40..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomiccreate.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - -FcAtomicCreate



FcAtomicCreate -- create an FcAtomic object


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcAtomic * FcAtomicCreate(const FcChar8 *file);


Creates a data structure containing data needed to control access to file. -Writing is done to a separate file. Once that file is complete, the original -configuration file is atomically replaced so that reading process always see -a consistent and complete file without the need to lock for reading. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomicdeletenew.html b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomicdeletenew.html deleted file mode 100644 index ab38be0a3f..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomicdeletenew.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ - -FcAtomicDeleteNew



FcAtomicDeleteNew -- delete new file


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcAtomicDeleteNew(FcAtomic *atomic);


Deletes the new file. Used in error recovery to back out changes. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomicdestroy.html b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomicdestroy.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6a78639370..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomicdestroy.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ - -FcAtomicDestroy



FcAtomicDestroy -- destroy an FcAtomic object


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcAtomicDestroy(FcAtomic *atomic);


Destroys atomic. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomiclock.html b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomiclock.html deleted file mode 100644 index e6612f2dcf..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcatomiclock.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - -FcAtomicLock



FcAtomicLock -- lock a file


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcAtomicLock(FcAtomic *atomic);


Attempts to lock the file referenced by atomic. -Returns FcFalse if the file is already locked, else returns FcTrue and -leaves the file locked. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcAtomicNewFile -- return new temporary file name


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcAtomicNewFile(FcAtomic *atomic);


Returns the filename for writing a new version of the file referenced -by atomic. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcAtomicOrigFile -- return original file name


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcAtomicOrigFile(FcAtomic *atomic);


Returns the file refernced by atomic. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcAtomicReplaceOrig -- replace original with new


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcAtomicReplaceOrig(FcAtomic *atomic);


Replaces the original file referenced by atomic with -the new file. Returns FcFalse if the file cannot be replaced due to -permission issues in the filesystem. Otherwise returns FcTrue. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcAtomicUnlock -- unlock a file


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcAtomicUnlock(FcAtomic *atomic);


Unlocks the file. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcBlanksAdd -- Add a character to an FcBlanks


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcBlanksAdd(FcBlanks *b, FcChar32 ucs4);


Adds a single character to an FcBlanks object, returning FcFalse -if this process ran out of memory. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcBlanksCreate -- Create an FcBlanks


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBlanks * FcBlanksCreate(void);


Creates an empty FcBlanks object. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcBlanksDestroy -- Destroy and FcBlanks


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcBlanksDestroy(FcBlanks *b);


Destroys an FcBlanks object, freeing any associated memory. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcBlanksIsMember -- Query membership in an FcBlanks


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcBlanksIsMember(FcBlanks *b, FcChar32 ucs4);


Returns whether the specified FcBlanks object contains the indicated Unicode -value. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCacheCopySet -- Returns a copy of the fontset from cache


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcFontSet * FcCacheCopySet(const FcCache *cache);


The returned fontset contains each of the font patterns from -cache. This fontset may be modified, but the patterns -from the cache are read-only. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCacheDir -- Return directory of cache


#include <fontconfig.h>

const FcChar8 * FcCacheDir(const FcCache *cache);


This function returns the directory from which the cache was constructed. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCacheNumFont -- Returns the number of fonts in cache.


#include <fontconfig.h>

int FcCacheNumFont(const FcCache *cache);


This returns the number of fonts which would be included in the return from -FcCacheCopySet. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCacheNumSubdir -- Return the number of subdirectories in cache.


#include <fontconfig.h>

int FcCacheNumSubdir(const FcCache *cache);


This returns the total number of subdirectories in the cache. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCacheSubdir -- Return the i'th subdirectory.


#include <fontconfig.h>

const FcChar8 * FcCacheSubdir(const FcCache *cache, inti);


The set of subdirectories stored in a cache file are indexed by this -function, i should range from 0 to -n-1, where n is the return -value from FcCacheNumSubdir. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetAddChar -- Add a character to a charset


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcCharSetAddChar(FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32 ucs4);


FcCharSetAddChar adds a single unicode char to the set, -returning FcFalse on failure, either as a result of a constant set or from -running out of memory. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetCopy -- Copy a charset


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcCharSet * FcCharSetCopy(FcCharSet *src);


Makes a copy of src; note that this may not actually do anything more -than increment the reference count on src. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetCount -- Count entries in a charset


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar32 FcCharSetCount(const FcCharSet *a);


Returns the total number of unicode chars in a. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetCoverage -- DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar32 FcCharSetCoverage(const FcCharSet *a, FcChar32page, FcChar32[8]result);


DEPRECATED -This function returns a bitmask in result which -indicates which code points in -page are included in a. -FcCharSetCoverage returns the next page in the charset which has any -coverage. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetCreate -- Create an empty character set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcCharSet * FcCharSetCreate(void);


FcCharSetCreate allocates and initializes a new empty -character set object. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetDestroy -- Destroy a character set


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcCharSetDestroy(FcCharSet *fcs);


FcCharSetDestroy decrements the reference count -fcs. If the reference count becomes zero, all -memory referenced is freed. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetEqual -- Compare two charsets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcCharSetEqual(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b);


Returns whether a and b -contain the same set of unicode chars. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetFirstPage -- Start enumerating charset contents


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar32 FcCharSetFirstPage(const FcCharSet *a, FcChar32[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE] map, FcChar32 *next);


Builds an array of bits marking the first page of Unicode coverage of -a. Returns the base of the array. next contains the next page in the -font. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetHasChar -- Check a charset for a char


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcCharSetHasChar(const FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32 ucs4);


Returns whether fcs contains the char ucs4. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetIntersect -- Intersect charsets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcCharSet * FcCharSetIntersect(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b);


Returns a set including only those chars found in both -a and b. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetIntersectCount -- Intersect and count charsets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar32 FcCharSetIntersectCount(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b);


Returns the number of chars that are in both a and b. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetIsSubset -- Test for charset inclusion


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcCharSetIsSubset(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b);


Returns whether a is a subset of b. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetMerge -- Merge charsets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcCharSetMerge(FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b, FcBool *changed);


Adds all chars in b to a. -In other words, this is an in-place version of FcCharSetUnion. -If changed is not NULL, then it returns whether any new -chars from b were added to a. -Returns FcFalse on failure, either when a is a constant -set or from running out of memory. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetNew -- DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcCharSet * FcCharSetNew(void);


FcCharSetNew is a DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetNextPage -- Continue enumerating charset contents


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar32 FcCharSetNextPage(const FcCharSet *a, FcChar32[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE] map, FcChar32 *next);


Builds an array of bits marking the Unicode coverage of a for page -*next. Returns the base of the array. next contains the next page in -the font. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetSubtract -- Subtract charsets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcCharSet * FcCharSetSubtract(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b);


Returns a set including only those chars found in a but not b. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetSubtractCount -- Subtract and count charsets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar32 FcCharSetSubtractCount(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b);


Returns the number of chars that are in a but not in b. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcCharSetUnion -- Add charsets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcCharSet * FcCharSetUnion(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b);


Returns a set including only those chars found in either a or b. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigAppFontAddDir -- Add fonts from directory to font database


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddDir(FcConfig *config, const FcChar8 *dir);


Scans the specified directory for fonts, adding each one found to the -application-specific set of fonts. Returns FcFalse -if the fonts cannot be added (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigAppFontAddFile -- Add font file to font database


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddFile(FcConfig *config, const FcChar8 *file);


Adds an application-specific font to the configuration. Returns FcFalse -if the fonts cannot be added (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigAppFontClear -- Remove all app fonts from font database


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcConfigAppFontClear(FcConfig *config);


Clears the set of application-specific fonts. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigBuildFonts -- Build font database


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcConfigBuildFonts(FcConfig *config);


Builds the set of available fonts for the given configuration. Note that -any changes to the configuration after this call have indeterminate effects. -Returns FcFalse if this operation runs out of memory. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigCreate -- Create a configuration


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcConfig * FcConfigCreate(void);


Creates an empty configuration. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigDestroy -- Destroy a configuration


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcConfigDestroy(FcConfig *config);


Decrements the config reference count. If all references are gone, destroys -the configuration and any data associated with it. -Note that calling this function with the return from FcConfigGetCurrent will -cause a new configuration to be created for use as current configuration. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigEnableHome -- controls use of the home directory.


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBol FcConfigEnableHome(FcBool enable);


If enable is FcTrue, then Fontconfig will use various -files which are specified relative to the user's home directory (using the ~ -notation in the configuration). When enable is -FcFalse, then all use of the home directory in these contexts will be -disabled. The previous setting of the value is returned. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigFilename -- Find a config file


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcConfigFilename(const FcChar8 *name);


Given the specified external entity name, return the associated filename. -This provides applications a way to convert various configuration file -references into filename form. -

A null or empty name indicates that the default configuration file should -be used; which file this references can be overridden with the -FC_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. Next, if the name starts with ~, it -refers to a file in the current users home directory. Otherwise if the name -doesn't start with '/', it refers to a file in the default configuration -directory; the built-in default directory can be overridden with the -FC_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigGetBlanks -- Get config blanks


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBlanks * FcConfigGetBlanks(FcConfig *config);


Returns the FcBlanks object associated with the given configuration, if no -blanks were present in the configuration, this function will return 0. -The returned FcBlanks object if not NULL, is valid as long as the owning -FcConfig is alive. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigGetCache -- DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcConfigGetCache(FcConfig *config);


With fontconfig no longer using per-user cache files, this function now -simply returns NULL to indicate that no per-user file exists. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigGetCacheDirs -- return the list of directories searched for cache files


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcStrList * FcConfigGetCacheDirs(FcConfig *config);


FcConfigGetCacheDirs returns a string list containing -all of the directories that fontconfig will search when attempting to load a -cache file for a font directory. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigGetConfigDirs -- Get config directories


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcStrList * FcConfigGetConfigDirs(FcConfig *config);


Returns the list of font directories specified in the configuration files -for config. Does not include any subdirectories. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigGetConfigFiles -- Get config files


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcStrList * FcConfigGetConfigFiles(FcConfig *config);


Returns the list of known configuration files used to generate config. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigGetCurrent -- Return current configuration


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcConfig * FcConfigGetCurrent(void);


Returns the current default configuration. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigGetFontDirs -- Get font directories


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcStrList * FcConfigGetFontDirs(FcConfig *config);


Returns the list of font directories in config. This includes the -configured font directories along with any directories below those in the -filesystem. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigGetFonts -- Get config font set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcFontSet * FcConfigGetFonts(FcConfig *config, FcSetName set);


Returns one of the two sets of fonts from the configuration as specified -by set. This font set is owned by the library and must -not be modified or freed. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigGetRescanInterval -- Get config rescan interval


#include <fontconfig.h>

int FcConfigGetRescanInterval(FcConfig *config);


Returns the interval between automatic checks of the configuration (in -seconds) specified in config. The configuration is checked during -a call to FcFontList when this interval has passed since the last check. -An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigHome -- return the current home directory.


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcConfigHome(void);


Return the current user's home directory, if it is available, and if using it -is enabled, and NULL otherwise. -See also FcConfigEnableHome). -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigParseAndLoad -- load a configuration file


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcConfigParseAndLoad(FcConfig *config, const FcChar8 *file, FcBool complain);


Walks the configuration in 'file' and constructs the internal representation -in 'config'. Any include files referenced from within 'file' will be loaded -and parsed. If 'complain' is FcFalse, no warning will be displayed if -'file' does not exist. Error and warning messages will be output to stderr. -Returns FcFalse if some error occurred while loading the file, either a -parse error, semantic error or allocation failure. Otherwise returns FcTrue. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigReference -- Increment config reference count


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcConfig * FcConfigReference(FcConfig *config);


Add another reference to config. Configs are freed only -when the reference count reaches zero. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -In that case this function will be similar to FcConfigGetCurrent() except that -it increments the reference count before returning and the user is responsible -for destroying the configuration when not needed anymore. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigSetCurrent -- Set configuration as default


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcConfigSetCurrent(FcConfig *config);


Sets the current default configuration to config. Implicitly calls -FcConfigBuildFonts if necessary, returning FcFalse if that call fails. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigSetRescanInterval -- Set config rescan interval


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcConfigSetRescanInterval(FcConfig *config, int rescanInterval);


Sets the rescan interval. Returns FcFalse if the interval cannot be set (due -to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigSubstitute -- Execute substitutions


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcConfigSubstitute(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcMatchKind kind);


Calls FcConfigSubstituteWithPat setting p_pat to NULL. Returns FcFalse -if the substitution cannot be performed (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigSubstituteWithPat -- Execute substitutions


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcConfigSubstituteWithPat(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcPattern *p_pat, FcMatchKind kind);


Performs the sequence of pattern modification operations, if kind is -FcMatchPattern, then those tagged as pattern operations are applied, else -if kind is FcMatchFont, those tagged as font operations are applied and -p_pat is used for <test> elements with target=pattern. Returns FcFalse -if the substitution cannot be performed (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcConfigUptoDate -- Check timestamps on config files


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcConfigUptoDate(FcConfig *config);


Checks all of the files related to config and returns -whether any of them has been modified since the configuration was created. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcDefaultSubstitute -- Perform default substitutions in a pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcDefaultSubstitute(FcPattern *pattern);


Supplies default values for underspecified font patterns: -

  • Patterns without a specified style or weight are set to Medium

  • Patterns without a specified style or slant are set to Roman

  • Patterns without a specified pixel size are given one computed from any -specified point size (default 12), dpi (default 75) and scale (default 1).



Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcDirCacheLoad -- load a directory cache


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcCache * FcDirCacheLoad(const FcChar8 *dir, FcConfig *config, FcChar8 **cache_file);


Loads the cache related to dir. If no cache file -exists, returns NULL. The name of the cache file is returned in -cache_file, unless that is NULL. See also -FcDirCacheRead. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcDirCacheLoadFile -- load a cache file


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcCache * FcDirCacheLoadFile(const FcChar8 *cache_file, struct stat *file_stat);


This function loads a directory cache from -cache_file. If file_stat is -non-NULL, it will be filled with the results of stat(2) on the cache file. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcDirCacheRead -- read or construct a directory cache


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcCache * FcDirCacheRead(const FcChar8 *dir, FcBool force, FcConfig *config);


This returns a cache for dir. If -force is FcFalse, then an existing, valid cache file -will be used. Otherwise, a new cache will be created by scanning the -directory and that returned. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcDirCacheUnlink -- Remove all caches related to dir


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcDirCacheUnlink(const FcChar8 *dir, FcConfig *config);


Scans the cache directories in config, removing any -instances of the cache file for dir. Returns FcFalse -when some internal error occurs (out of memory, etc). Errors actually -unlinking any files are ignored. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcDirCacheUnload -- unload a cache file


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcDirCacheUnload(FcCache *cache);


This function dereferences cache. When no other -references to it remain, all memory associated with the cache will be freed. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcDirCacheValid -- check directory cache


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcDirCacheValid(const FcChar8 *dir);


Returns FcTrue if dir has an associated valid cache -file, else returns FcFalse -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcDirSave -- DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcDirSave(FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, const FcChar8 *dir);


This function now does nothing aside from returning FcFalse. It used to creates the -per-directory cache file for dir and populates it -with the fonts in set and subdirectories in -dirs. All of this functionality is now automatically -managed by FcDirCacheLoad and FcDirCacheRead. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcDirScan -- scan a font directory without caching it


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcDirScan(FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, FcFileCache *cache, FcBlanks *blanks, const FcChar8 *dir, FcBool force);


If cache is not zero or if force -is FcFalse, this function currently returns FcFalse. Otherwise, it scans an -entire directory and adds all fonts found to set. -Any subdirectories found are added to dirs. Calling -this function does not create any cache files. Use FcDirCacheRead() if -caching is desired. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFileIsDir -- check whether a file is a directory


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcFileIsDir(const FcChar8 *file);


Returns FcTrue if file is a directory, otherwise -returns FcFalse. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFileScan -- scan a font file


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcFileScan(FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, FcFileCache *cache, FcBlanks *blanks, const FcChar8 *file, FcBool force);


Scans a single file and adds all fonts found to set. -If force is FcTrue, then the file is scanned even if -associated information is found in cache. If -file is a directory, it is added to -dirs. Whether fonts are found depends on fontconfig -policy as well as the current configuration. Internally, fontconfig will -ignore BDF and PCF fonts which are not in Unicode (or the effectively -equivalent ISO Latin-1) encoding as those are not usable by Unicode-based -applications. The configuration can ignore fonts based on filename or -contents of the font file itself. Returns FcFalse if any of the fonts cannot be -added (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFini -- finalize fonconfig library


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcFini(void);


Frees all data structures allocated by previous calls to fontconfig -functions. Fontconfig returns to an uninitialized state, requiring a -new call to one of the FcInit functions before any other fontconfig -function may be called. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontList -- List fonts


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcFontSet * FcFontList(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcObjectSet *os);


Selects fonts matching p, creates patterns from those fonts containing -only the objects in os and returns the set of unique such patterns. -If config is NULL, the default configuration is checked -to be up to date, and used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontMatch -- Return best font


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcPattern * FcFontMatch(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcResult *result);


Finds the font in sets most closely matching -pattern and returns the result of -FcFontRenderPrepare for that font and the provided -pattern. This function should be called only after -FcConfigSubstitute and -FcDefaultSubstitute have been called for -p; otherwise the results will not be correct. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontRenderPrepare -- Prepare pattern for loading font file


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcPattern * FcFontRenderPrepare(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *pat, FcPattern *font);


Creates a new pattern consisting of elements of font not appearing -in pat, elements of pat not appearing in font and the best matching -value from pat for elements appearing in both. The result is passed to -FcConfigSubstituteWithPat with kind FcMatchFont and then returned. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontSetAdd -- Add to a font set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcFontSetAdd(FcFontSet *s, FcPattern *font);


Adds a pattern to a font set. Note that the pattern is not copied before -being inserted into the set. Returns FcFalse if the pattern cannot be -inserted into the set (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontSetCreate -- Create a font set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcFontSet * FcFontSetCreate(void);


Creates an empty font set. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontSetDestroy -- Destroy a font set


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcFontSetDestroy(FcFontSet *s);


Destroys a font set. Note that this destroys any referenced patterns as -well. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontSetList -- List fonts from a set of font sets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcFontSet * FcFontSetList(FcConfig *config, FcFontSet **sets, intnsets, FcPattern *pattern, FcObjectSet *object_set);


Selects fonts matching pattern from -sets, creates patterns from those -fonts containing only the objects in object_set and returns -the set of unique such patterns. -If config is NULL, the default configuration is checked -to be up to date, and used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontSetMatch -- Return the best font from a set of font sets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcPattern * FcFontSetMatch(FcConfig *config, FcFontSet **sets, intnsets, FcPattern *pattern, FcResult *result);


Finds the font in sets most closely matching -pattern and returns the result of -FcFontRenderPrepare for that font and the provided -pattern. This function should be called only after -FcConfigSubstitute and -FcDefaultSubstitute have been called for -pattern; otherwise the results will not be correct. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -Returns NULL if an error occurs during this process. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontSetPrint -- Print a set of patterns to stdout


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcFontSetPrint(FcFontSet *set);


This function is useful for diagnosing font related issues, printing the -complete contents of every pattern in set. The format -of the output is designed to be of help to users and developers, and may -change at any time. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontSetSort -- Add to a font set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcFontSetSort(FcConfig *config, FcFontSet **sets, intnsets, FcPattern *pattern, FcBool trim, FcCharSet **csp, FcResult *result);


Returns the list of fonts from sets -sorted by closeness to pattern. -If trim is FcTrue, -elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided by -earlier elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of -all of the fonts is returned in csp, -if csp is not NULL. This function -should be called only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have -been called for p; -otherwise the results will not be correct. -

The returned FcFontSet references FcPattern structures which may be shared -by the return value from multiple FcFontSort calls, applications cannot -modify these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with -pattern to -FcFontRenderPrepare which combines them into a complete pattern. -

The FcFontSet returned by FcFontSetSort is destroyed by caling FcFontSetDestroy. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontSetSortDestroy -- DEPRECATED destroy a font set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcFontSetSortDestroy(FcFontSet *set);


This function is DEPRECATED. FcFontSetSortDestroy -destroys set by calling -FcFontSetDestroy. Applications should use -FcFontSetDestroy directly instead. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFontSort -- Return list of matching fonts


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcFontSet * FcFontSort(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcBool trim, FcCharSet **csp, FcResult *result);


Returns the list of fonts sorted by closeness to p. If trim is FcTrue, -elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided by -earlier elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of -all of the fonts is returned in csp, if csp is not NULL. This function -should be called only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have -been called for p; otherwise the results will not be correct. -

The returned FcFontSet references FcPattern structures which may be shared -by the return value from multiple FcFontSort calls, applications must not -modify these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with p to -FcFontRenderPrepare which combines them into a complete pattern. -

The FcFontSet returned by FcFontSort is destroyed by caling FcFontSetDestroy. -If config is NULL, the current configuration is used. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFreeTypeCharIndex -- map Unicode to glyph id


#include <fontconfig.h>
-#include <fcfreetype.h>

FT_UInt FcFreeTypeCharIndex(FT_Face face, FcChar32 ucs4);


Maps a Unicode char to a glyph index. This function uses information from -several possible underlying encoding tables to work around broken fonts. -As a result, this function isn't designed to be used in performance -sensitive areas; results from this function are intended to be cached by -higher level functions. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFreeTypeCharSet -- compute unicode coverage


#include <fontconfig.h>
-#include <fcfreetype.h>

FcCharSet * FcFreeTypeCharSet(FT_Face face, FcBlanks *blanks);


Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. This scans -several encoding tables to build as complete a list as possible. -If 'blanks' is not 0, the glyphs in the font are examined and any blank glyphs -not in 'blanks' are not placed in the returned FcCharSet. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing -- compute unicode coverage and spacing type


#include <fontconfig.h>
-#include <fcfreetype.h>

FcCharSet * FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing(FT_Face face, FcBlanks *blanks, int *spacing);


Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. -This scans -several encoding tables to build as complete a list as possible. -If 'blanks' is not 0, the glyphs in the font are examined and any blank glyphs -not in 'blanks' are not placed in the returned FcCharSet. -spacing receives the computed spacing type of the -font, one of FC_MONO for a font where all glyphs have the same width, -FC_DUAL, where the font has glyphs in precisely two widths, one twice as -wide as the other, or FC_PROPORTIONAL where the font has glyphs of many -widths. -


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FcFreeTypeQuery -- compute pattern from font file (and index)


#include <fontconfig.h>
-#include <fcfreetype.h>

FcPattern * FcFreeTypeQuery(const FcChar8 *file, int id, FcBlanks *blanks, int *count);


Constructs a pattern representing the 'id'th font in 'file'. The number -of fonts in 'file' is returned in 'count'. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcFreeTypeQueryFace -- compute pattern from FT_Face


#include <fontconfig.h>
-#include <fcfreetype.h>

FcPattern * FcFreeTypeQueryFace(const FT_Face face, const FcChar8 *file, int id, FcBlanks *blanks);


Constructs a pattern representing 'face'. 'file' and 'id' are used solely as -data for pattern elements (FC_FILE, FC_INDEX and sometimes FC_FAMILY). -


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FcGetLangs -- Get list of languages


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcStrSet * FcGetLangs(void);


Returns a string set of all known languages. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcGetVersion -- library version number


#include <fontconfig.h>

int FcGetVersion(void);


Returns the version number of the library. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcInit -- initialize fontconfig library


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcInit(void);


Loads the default configuration file and the fonts referenced therein and -sets the default configuration to that result. Returns whether this -process succeeded or not. If the default configuration has already -been loaded, this routine does nothing and returns FcTrue. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcInitBringUptoDate -- reload configuration files if needed


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcInitBringUptoDate(void);


Checks the rescan interval in the default configuration, checking the -configuration if the interval has passed and reloading the configuration if -when any changes are detected. Returns FcFalse if the configuration cannot -be reloaded (see FcInitReinitialize). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcInitLoadConfig -- load configuration


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcConfig * FcInitLoadConfig(void);


Loads the default configuration file and returns the resulting configuration. -Does not load any font information. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts -- load configuration and font data


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcConfig * FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts(void);


Loads the default configuration file and builds information about the -available fonts. Returns the resulting configuration. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcInitReinitialize -- re-initialize library


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcInitReinitialize(void);


Forces the default configuration file to be reloaded and resets the default -configuration. Returns FcFalse if the configuration cannot be reloaded (due -to config file errors, allocation failures or other issues) and leaves the -existing configuration unchanged. Otherwise returns FcTrue. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcIsLower -- check for lower case ASCII character


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcIsLower(FcChar8c);


This macro checks whether c is an lower case ASCII -letter. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcIsUpper -- check for upper case ASCII character


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcIsUpper(FcChar8c);


This macro checks whether c is a upper case ASCII -letter. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangGetCharSet -- Get character map for a language


#include <fontconfig.h>

const FcCharSet * FcLangGetCharSet(const FcChar8 *lang);


Returns the FcCharMap for a language. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangSetAdd -- add a language to a langset


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcLangSetAdd(FcLangSet *ls, const FcChar8 *lang);


lang is added to ls. -lang should be of the form Ll-Tt where Ll is a -two or three letter language from ISO 639 and Tt is a territory from ISO -3166. -


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FcLangSetCompare -- compare language sets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcLangResult FcLangSetCompare(const FcLangSet *ls_a, const FcLangSet *ls_b);


FcLangSetCompare compares language coverage for -ls_a and ls_b. If they share -any language and territory pair, this function returns FcLangEqual. If they -share a language but differ in which territory that language is for, this -function returns FcLangDiffentTerritory. If they share no languages in -common, this function returns FcLangDifferentLang. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangSetContains -- check langset subset relation


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcLangSetContains(const FcLangSet *ls_a, const FcLangSet *ls_b);


FcLangSetContains returns FcTrue if -ls_a contains every language in -ls_b. ls_a will 'contain' a -language from ls_b if ls_a -has exactly the language, or either the language or -ls_a has no territory. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangSetCopy -- copy a langset object


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcLangSet * FcLangSetCopy(const FcLangSet *ls);


FcLangSetCopy creates a new FcLangSet object and -populates it with the contents of ls. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangSetCreate -- create a langset object


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcLangSet * FcLangSetCreate(void);


FcLangSetCreate creates a new FcLangSet object. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangSetDestroy -- destroy a langset object


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcLangSetDestroy(FcLangSet *ls);


FcLangSetDestroy destroys a FcLangSet object, freeing -all memory associated with it. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangSetEqual -- test for matching langsets


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcLangSetEqual(const FcLangSet *ls_a, const FcLangSet *ls_b);


Returns FcTrue if and only if ls_a supports precisely -the same language and territory combinations as ls_b. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangSetGetLangs -- get the list of languages in the langset


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcStrSet * FcLangSetGetLangs(const FcLangSet *ls);


Returns a string set of all languages in langset. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangSetHash -- return a hash value for a langset


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar32 FcLangSetHash(const FcLangSet *ls);


This function returns a value which depends solely on the languages -supported by ls. Any language which equals -ls will have the same result from -FcLangSetHash. However, two langsets with the same hash -value may not be equal. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcLangSetHasLang -- test langset for language support


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcLangResult FcLangSetHasLang(const FcLangSet *ls, const FcChar8 *lang);


FcLangSetHasLang checks whether -ls supports lang. If -ls has a matching language and territory pair, -this function returns FcLangEqual. If ls has -a matching language but differs in which territory that language is for, this -function returns FcLangDiffentTerritory. If ls -has no matching language, this function returns FcLangDifferentLang. -


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FcMatrixCopy -- Copy a matrix


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcMatrixCopy(const FcMatrix *matrix);


FcMatrixCopy allocates a new FcMatrix -and copies mat into it. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcMatrixEqual -- Compare two matrices


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcMatrixEqual(const FcMatrix *matrix1, const FcMatrix *matrix2);


FcMatrixEqual compares matrix1 -and matrix2 returning FcTrue when they are equal and -FcFalse when they are not. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcMatrixInit -- initialize an FcMatrix structure


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcMatrixInit(FcMatrix *matrix);


FcMatrixInit initializes matrix -to the identity matrix. -


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FcMatrixMultiply -- Multiply matrices


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcMatrixMultiply(FcMatrix *result, const FcMatrix *matrix1, const FcMatrix *matrix2);


FcMatrixMultiply multiplies -matrix1 and matrix2 storing -the result in result. -


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FcMatrixRotate -- Rotate a matrix


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcMatrixRotate(FcMatrix *matrix, double cos, double sin);


FcMatrixRotate rotates matrix -by the angle who's sine is sin and cosine is -cos. This is done by multiplying by the -matrix: -
  cos -sin
-  sin  cos


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FcMatrixScale -- Scale a matrix


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcMatrixScale(FcMatrix *matrix, double sx, double dy);


FcMatrixScale multiplies matrix -x values by sx and y values by -sy. This is done by multiplying by -the matrix: -
   sx  0
-   0   sy


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FcMatrixShear -- Shear a matrix


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcMatrixShear(FcMatrix *matrix, double sh, double sv);


FcMatrixShare shears matrix -horizontally by sh and vertically by -sv. This is done by multiplying by -the matrix: -
  1  sh
-  sv  1


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FcNameConstant -- Get the value for a symbolic constant


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcNameConstant(FcChar8 *string, int *result);


Returns whether a symbolic constant with name string is registered, -placing the value of the constant in result if present. -


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FcNameGetConstant -- Lookup symbolic constant


#include <fontconfig.h>

const FcConstant * FcNameGetConstant(FcChar8 *string);


Return the FcConstant structure related to symbolic constant string. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcNameGetObjectType -- Lookup an object type


#include <fontconfig.h>

const FcObjectType * FcNameGetObjectType(const char *object);


Return the object type for the pattern element named object. -


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FcNameParse -- Parse a pattern string


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcPattern * FcNameParse(const FcChar8 *name);


Converts name from the standard text format described above into a pattern. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcNameRegisterConstants -- Register symbolic constants


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcNameRegisterConstants(const FcConstant *consts, int nconsts);


Register nconsts new symbolic constants. Returns -FcFalse if the constants cannot be registered (due to allocation failure). -Otherwise returns FcTrue. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcNameRegisterObjectTypes -- Register object types


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcNameRegisterObjectTypes(const FcObjectType *types, int ntype);


Register ntype new object types. Returns FcFalse if -some of the names cannot be -registered (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -


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FcNameUnparse -- Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcNameUnparse(FcPattern *pat);


Converts the given pattern into the standard text format described above. -The return value is not static, but instead refers to newly allocated memory -which should be freed by the caller using free(). -


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FcNameUnregisterConstants -- Unregister symbolic constants


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcNameUnregisterConstants(const FcConstant *consts, int nconsts);


Unregister nconsts symbolic constants. Returns -FcFalse if the specified constants were not registered. Otherwise returns -FcTrue. -


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FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes -- Unregister object types


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes(const FcObjectType *types, int ntype);


Unregister ntype object types. Returns FcTrue. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcObjectSetAdd -- Add to an object set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcObjectSetAdd(FcObjectSet *os, const char *object);


Adds a proprety name to the set. Returns FcFalse if the property name cannot be -inserted into the set (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -


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FcObjectSetBuild, FcObjectSetVaBuild, FcObjectSetVapBuild -- Build object set from args


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetBuild(const char *first, ...);

FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetVaBuild(const char *first, va_list va);

void FcObjectSetVapBuild(FcObjectSet *result, const char *first, va_list va);


These build an object set from a null-terminated list of property names. -FcObjectSetVapBuild is a macro version of FcObjectSetVaBuild which returns -the result in the result variable directly. -


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FcObjectSetCreate -- Create an object set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetCreate(void);


Creates an empty set. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcObjectSetDestroy -- Destroy an object set


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcObjectSetDestroy(FcObjectSet *os);


Destroys an object set. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternAddInteger, FcPatternAddDouble, FcPatternAddString, FcPatternAddMatrix, FcPatternAddCharSet, FcPatternAddBool, FcPatternAddFTFace, FcPatternAddLangSet -- Add a typed value to a pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcPatternAddInteger(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int i);

FcBool FcPatternAddDouble(FcPattern *p, const char *object, double d);

FcBool FcPatternAddString(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcChar8 *s);

FcBool FcPatternAddMatrix(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcMatrix *m);

FcBool FcPatternAddCharSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcCharSet *c);

FcBool FcPatternAddBool(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcBool b);

FcBool FcPatternAddFTFace(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FT_Facef);

FcBool FcPatternAddLangSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcLangSet *l);


These are all convenience functions that insert objects of the specified -type into the pattern. Use these in preference to FcPatternAdd as they -will provide compile-time typechecking. These all append values to -any existing list of values. -


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FcPatternAdd -- Add a value to a pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcPatternAdd(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcValue value, FcBool append);


Adds a single value to the list of values associated with the property named -`object. If `append is FcTrue, the value is added at the end of any -existing list, otherwise it is inserted at the begining. `value' is saved -(with FcValueSave) when inserted into the pattern so that the library -retains no reference to any application-supplied data structure. -


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FcPatternAddWeak -- Add a value to a pattern with weak binding


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcPatternAddWeak(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcValue value, FcBool append);


FcPatternAddWeak is essentially the same as FcPatternAdd except that any -values added to the list have binding weak instead of strong. -


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FcPatternBuild, FcPatternVaBuild, FcPatternVapBuild -- Create patterns from arguments


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcPattern * FcPatternBuild(FcPattern *pattern, ...);

FcPattern * FcPatternVaBuild(FcPattern *pattern, va_list va);

void FcPatternVapBuild(FcPattern *result, FcPattern *pattern, va_list va);


Builds a pattern using a list of objects, types and values. Each -value to be entered in the pattern is specified with three arguments:

  1. Object name, a string describing the property to be added.

  2. Object type, one of the FcType enumerated values

  3. Value, not an FcValue, but the raw type as passed to any of the -FcPatternAdd<type> functions. Must match the type of the second -argument.

The argument list is terminated by a null object name, no object type nor -value need be passed for this. The values are added to `pattern', if -`pattern' is null, a new pattern is created. In either case, the pattern is -returned. Example

pattern = FcPatternBuild (0, FC_FAMILY, FcTypeString, "Times", (char *) 0);

FcPatternVaBuild is used when the arguments are already in the form of a -varargs value. FcPatternVapBuild is a macro version of FcPatternVaBuild -which returns its result directly in the result -variable. -


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FcPatternCreate -- Create a pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcPattern * FcPatternCreate(void);


Creates a pattern with no properties; used to build patterns from scratch. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternDel -- Delete a property from a pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcPatternDel(FcPattern *p, const char *object);


Deletes all values associated with the property `object', returning -whether the property existed or not. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternDestroy -- Destroy a pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcPatternDestroy(FcPattern *p);


Decrement the pattern reference count. If all references are gone, destroys -the pattern, in the process destroying all related values. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternDuplicate -- Copy a pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcPattern * FcPatternDuplicate(const FcPattern *p);


Copy a pattern, returning a new pattern that matches -p. Each pattern may be modified without affecting the -other. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternEqual -- Compare patterns


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcPatternEqual(const FcPattern *pa, const FcPattern *pb);


Returns whether pa and pb are exactly alike. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternEqualSubset -- Compare portions of patterns


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcPatternEqualSubset(const FcPattern *pa, const FcPattern *pb, const FcObjectSet *os);


Returns whether pa and pb have exactly the same values for all of the -objects in os. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternFilter -- Filter the objects of pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcPattern * FcPatternFilter(FcPattern *p, const FcObjectSet *);


Returns a new pattern that only has those objects from -p that are in os. -If os is NULL, a duplicate of -p is returned. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternFormat -- Format a pattern into a string according to a format specifier


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcPatternFormat(FcPattern *pat, const FcChar8 *format);


Converts given pattern pat into text described by -the format specifier format. -The return value refers to newly allocated memory which should be freed by the -caller using free(), or NULL if format is invalid.

The format is loosely modelled after printf-style format string. -The format string is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary -characters (not "%"), which are copied unchanged to the output stream; -and tags which are interpreted to construct text from the pattern in a -variety of ways (explained below). -Special characters can be escaped -using backslash. C-string style special characters like \n and \r are -also supported (this is useful when the format string is not a C string -literal). -It is advisable to always escape curly braces that -are meant to be copied to the output as ordinary characters.

Each tags is introduced by the character "%", -followed by an optional minimum field width, -followed by tag contents in curly braces ({}). -If the minimum field width value is provided the tag -will be expanded and the result padded to achieve the minimum width. -If the minimum field width is positive, the padding will right-align -the text. Negative field width will left-align. -The rest of this section describes various supported tag contents -and their expansion.

A simple tag -is one where the content is an identifier. When simple -tags are expanded, the named identifier will be looked up in -pattern and the resulting list of values returned, -joined together using comma. For example, to print the family name and style the -pattern, use the format "%{family} %{style}\n". To extend the family column -to forty characters use "%-40{family}%{style}\n".

Simple tags expand to list of all values for an element. To only choose -one of the values, one can index using the syntax "%{elt[idx]}". For example, -to get the first family name only, use "%{family[0]}".

If a simple tag ends with "=" and the element is found in the pattern, the -name of the element followed by "=" will be output before the list of values. -For example, "%{weight=}" may expand to the string "weight=80". Or to the empty -string if pattern does not have weight set.

If a simple tag starts with ":" and the element is found in the pattern, ":" -will be printed first. For example, combining this with the =, the format -"%{:weight=}" may expand to ":weight=80" or to the empty string -if pattern does not have weight set.

If a simple tag contains the string ":-", the rest of the the tag contents -will be used as a default string. The default string is output if the element -is not found in the pattern. For example, the format -"%{:weight=:-123}" may expand to ":weight=80" or to the string -":weight=123" if pattern does not have weight set.

A count tag -is one that starts with the character "#" followed by an element -name, and expands to the number of values for the element in the pattern. -For example, "%{#family}" expands to the number of family names -pattern has set, which may be zero.

A sub-expression tag -is one that expands a sub-expression. The tag contents -are the sub-expression to expand placed inside another set of curly braces. -Sub-expression tags are useful for aligning an entire sub-expression, or to -apply converters (explained later) on an entire sub-expression. -For example, the format "%40{{%{family} %{style}}}" expands the sub-expression -to construct the family name followed by the style, then takes the entire -string and pads it on the left to be at least forty characters.

A filter-out tag -is one starting with the character "-" followed by a -comma-separated list of element names, followed by a sub-expression enclosed -in curly braces. The sub-expression will be expanded but with a pattern that -has the listed elements removed from it. -For example, the format "%{-size,pixelsize{sub-expr}}" will expand "sub-expr" -with pattern sans the size and pixelsize elements.

A filter-in tag -is one starting with the character "+" followed by a -comma-separated list of element names, followed by a sub-expression enclosed -in curly braces. The sub-expression will be expanded but with a pattern that -only has the listed elements from the surrounding pattern. -For example, the format "%{+family,familylang{sub-expr}}" will expand "sub-expr" -with a sub-pattern consisting only the family and family lang elements of -pattern.

A conditional tag -is one starting with the character "?" followed by a -comma-separated list of element conditions, followed by two sub-expression -enclosed in curly braces. An element condition can be an element name, -in which case it tests whether the element is defined in pattern, or -the character "!" followed by an element name, in which case the test -is negated. The conditional passes if all the element conditions pass. -The tag expands the first sub-expression if the conditional passes, and -expands the second sub-expression otherwise. -For example, the format "%{?size,dpi,!pixelsize{pass}{fail}}" will expand -to "pass" if pattern has size and dpi elements but -no pixelsize element, and to "fail" otherwise.

An enumerate tag -is one starting with the string "[]" followed by a -comma-separated list of element names, followed by a sub-expression enclosed -in curly braces. The list of values for the named elements are walked in -parallel and the sub-expression expanded each time with a pattern just having -a single value for those elements, starting from the first value and -continuing as long as any of those elements has a value. -For example, the format "%{[]family,familylang{%{family} (%{familylang})\n}}" -will expand the pattern "%{family} (%{familylang})\n" with a pattern -having only the first value of the family and familylang elemtns, then expands -it with the second values, then the third, etc.

As a special case, if an enumerate tag has only one element, and that element -has only one value in the pattern, and that value is of type FcLangSet, the -individual languages in the language set are enumerated.

A builtin tag -is one starting with the character "=" followed by a builtin -name. The following builtins are defined: - -


Expands to the result of calling FcNameUnparse() on the pattern.


Expands to the output of the default output format of the fc-match -command on the pattern, without the final newline.


Expands to the output of the default output format of the fc-list -command on the pattern, without the final newline.


Expands to the list of PackageKit font() tags for the pattern. -Currently this includes tags for each family name, and each language -from the pattern, enumerated and sanitized into a set of tags terminated -by newline. Package management systems can use these tags to tag their -packages accordingly.

- -For example, the format "%{+family,style{%{=unparse}}}\n" will expand -to an unparsed name containing only the family and style element values -from pattern.

The contents of any tag can be followed by a set of zero or more -converters. A converter is specified by the -character "|" followed by the converter name and arguments. The -following converters are defined: - -


Replaces text with the results of calling FcStrBasename() on it.


Replaces text with the results of calling FcStrDirname() on it.


Replaces text with the results of calling FcStrDowncase() on it.


Escapes text for one level of shell expansion. -(Escapes single-quotes, also encloses text in single-quotes.)


Escapes text such that it can be used as part of a C string literal. -(Escapes backslash and double-quotes.)


Escapes text such that it can be used in XML and HTML. -(Escapes less-than, greater-than, and ampersand.)


Deletes all occurrences of each of the characters in chars -from the text. -FIXME: This converter is not UTF-8 aware yet.


Escapes all occurrences of each of the characters in chars -by prepending it by the first character in chars. -FIXME: This converter is not UTF-8 aware yet.


Translates all occurrences of each of the characters in from -by replacing them with their corresponding character in to. -If to has fewer characters than -from, it will be extended by repeating its last -character. -FIXME: This converter is not UTF-8 aware yet.

- -For example, the format "%{family|downcase|delete( )}\n" will expand -to the values of the family element in pattern, -lower-cased and with spaces removed. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternGetInteger, FcPatternGetDouble, FcPatternGetString, FcPatternGetMatrix, FcPatternGetCharSet, FcPatternGetBool, FcPatternGetFTFace, FcPatternGetLangSet -- Return a typed value from a pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcResult FcPatternGetInteger(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, int *i);

FcResult FcPatternGetDouble(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, double *d);

FcResult FcPatternGetString(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcChar8 **s);

FcResult FcPatternGetMatrix(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcMatrix **s);

FcResult FcPatternGetCharSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcCharSet **c);

FcResult FcPatternGetBool(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n, FcBool *b);

FcResult FcPatternGetFTFace(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int n);

FcResult FcPatternGetLangSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FT_Face *f);


These are convenience functions that call FcPatternGet and verify that the -returned data is of the expected type. They return FcResultTypeMismatch if -this is not the case. Note that these (like FcPatternGet) do not make a -copy of any data structure referenced by the return value. Use these -in preference to FcPatternGet to provide compile-time typechecking. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternGet -- Return a value from a pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcResult FcPatternGet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int id, FcValue *v);


Returns in v the id'th value -associated with the property object. -The value returned is not a copy, but rather refers to the data stored -within the pattern directly. Applications must not free this value. -


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FcPatternHash -- Compute a pattern hash value


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar32 FcPatternHash(const FcPattern *p);


Returns a 32-bit number which is the same for any two patterns which are -equal. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternPrint -- Print a pattern for debugging


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcPatternPrint(const FcPattern *p);


Prints an easily readable version of the pattern to stdout. There is -no provision for reparsing data in this format, it's just for diagnostics -and debugging. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcPatternReference -- Increment pattern reference count


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcPatternReference(FcPattern *p);


Add another reference to p. Patterns are freed only -when the reference count reaches zero. -


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FcPatternRemove -- Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcPatternRemove(FcPattern *p, const char *object, int id);


Removes the value associated with the property `object' at position `id', returning -whether the property existed and had a value at that position or not. -


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FcStrBasename -- last component of filename


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcStrBasename(const FcChar8 *file);


Returns the filename of file stripped of any leading -directory names. This is returned in newly allocated storage which should -be freed when no longer needed. -


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FcStrCmp -- compare UTF-8 strings


#include <fontconfig.h>

int FcStrCmp(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2);


Returns the usual <0, 0, >0 result of comparing -s1 and s2. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrCmpIgnoreCase -- compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case


#include <fontconfig.h>

int FcStrCmpIgnoreCase(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2);


Returns the usual <0, 0, >0 result of comparing -s1 and s2. This test is -case-insensitive for all proper UTF-8 encoded strings. -


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FcStrCopy -- duplicate a string


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcStrCopy(const FcChar8 *s);


Allocates memory, copies s and returns the resulting -buffer. Yes, this is strdup, but that function isn't -available on every platform. -


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FcStrCopyFilename -- create a complete path from a filename


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcStrCopyFilename(const FcChar8 *s);


FcStrCopyFilename constructs an absolute pathname from -s. It converts any leading '~' characters in -to the value of the HOME environment variable, and any relative paths are -converted to absolute paths using the current working directory. Sequences -of '/' characters are converted to a single '/', and names containing the -current directory '.' or parent directory '..' are correctly reconstructed. -Returns NULL if '~' is the leading character and HOME is unset or disabled -(see FcConfigEnableHome). -


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FcStrDirname -- directory part of filename


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcStrDirname(const FcChar8 *file);


Returns the directory containing file. This -is returned in newly allocated storage which should be freed when no longer -needed. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrDowncase -- create a lower case translation of a string


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcStrDowncase(const FcChar8 *s);


Allocates memory, copies s, converting upper case -letters to lower case and returns the allocated buffer. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrFree -- free a string


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcStrFree(FcChar8 *s);


This is just a wrapper around free(3) which helps track memory usage of -strings within the fontconfig library. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrListCreate -- create a string iterator


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcStrList * FcStrListCreate(FcStrSet *set);


Creates an iterator to list the strings in set. -


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FcStrListDone -- destroy a string iterator


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcStrListDone(FcStrList *list);


Destroys the enumerator list. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrListNext -- get next string in iteration


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcStrListNext(FcStrList *list);


Returns the next string in set. -


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FcStrPlus -- concatenate two strings


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcStrPlus(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2);


This function allocates new storage and places the concatenation of -s1 and s2 there, returning the -new string. -


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FcStrSetAdd -- add to a string set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcStrSetAdd(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s);


Adds a copy of s to set. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrSetAddFilename -- add a filename to a string set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcStrSetAddFilename(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s);


Adds a copy s to set, The copy -is created with FcStrCopyFilename so that leading '~' values are replaced -with the value of the HOME environment variable. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrSetCreate -- create a string set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcStrSet * FcStrSetCreate(void);


Create an empty set. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrSetDel -- delete from a string set


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcStrSetDel(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s);


Removes s from set, returning -FcTrue if s was a member else FcFalse. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrSetDestroy -- destroy a string set


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcStrSetDestroy(FcStrSet *set);


Destroys set. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrSetEqual -- check sets for equality


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcStrSetEqual(FcStrSet *set_a, FcStrSet *set_b);


Returns whether set_a contains precisely the same -strings as set_b. Ordering of strings within the two -sets is not considered. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrSetMember -- check set for membership


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcStrSetMember(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s);


Returns whether s is a member of -set. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrStr -- locate UTF-8 substring


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcStrStr(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2);


Returns the location of s2 in -s1. Returns NULL if s2 -is not present in s1. This test will operate properly -with UTF8 encoded strings. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcStrStrIgnoreCase -- locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 * FcStrStrIgnoreCase(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2);


Returns the location of s2 in -s1, ignoring case. Returns NULL if -s2 is not present in s1. -This test is case-insensitive for all proper UTF-8 encoded strings. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcToLower -- convert upper case ASCII to lower case


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcChar8 FcToLower(FcChar8c);


This macro converts upper case ASCII c to the -equivalent lower case letter. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcUcs4ToUtf8 -- convert UCS4 to UTF-8


#include <fontconfig.h>

int FcUcs4ToUtf8(FcChar32 src, FcChar8 dst[FC_UTF8_MAX_LEN]);


Converts the Unicode char from src into -dst and returns the number of bytes needed to encode -the char. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcUtf16Len -- count UTF-16 encoded chars


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcUtf16Len(FcChar8 *src, FcEndian endian, int len, int *nchar, int *wchar);


Counts the number of Unicode chars in len bytes of -src. Bytes of src are -combined into 16-bit units according to endian. -Places that count in nchar. -wchar contains 1, 2 or 4 depending on the number of -bytes needed to hold the largest unicode char counted. The return value -indicates whether string is a well-formed UTF16 -string. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcUtf16ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-16 to UCS4


#include <fontconfig.h>

int FcUtf16ToUcs4(FcChar8 *src, FcEndian endian, FcChar32 *dst, int len);


Converts the next Unicode char from src into -dst and returns the number of bytes containing the -char. src must be at least len -bytes long. Bytes of src are combined into 16-bit -units according to endian. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcUtf8Len -- count UTF-8 encoded chars


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcUtf8Len(FcChar8 *src, int len, int *nchar, int *wchar);


Counts the number of Unicode chars in len bytes of -src. Places that count in -nchar. wchar contains 1, 2 or -4 depending on the number of bytes needed to hold the largest unicode char -counted. The return value indicates whether src is a -well-formed UTF8 string. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcUtf8ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-8 to UCS4


#include <fontconfig.h>

int FcUtf8ToUcs4(FcChar8 *src, FcChar32 *dst, int len);


Converts the next Unicode char from src into -dst and returns the number of bytes containing the -char. src must be at least -len bytes long. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcValueDestroy -- Free a value


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcValueDestroy(FcValue v);


Frees any memory referenced by v. Values of type FcTypeString, -FcTypeMatrix and FcTypeCharSet reference memory, the other types do not. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcValueEqual -- Test two values for equality


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcBool FcValueEqual(FcValue v_a, FcValue v_b);


Compares two values. Integers and Doubles are compared as numbers; otherwise -the two values have to be the same type to be considered equal. Strings are -compared ignoring case. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcValuePrint -- Print a value to stdout


#include <fontconfig.h>

void FcValuePrint(FcValue v);


Prints a human-readable representation of v to -stdout. The format should not be considered part of the library -specification as it may change in the future. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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FcValueSave -- Copy a value


#include <fontconfig.h>

FcValue FcValueSave(FcValue v);


Returns a copy of v duplicating any object referenced by it so that v -may be safely destroyed without harming the new value. -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

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-Copyright © 2002 Keith Packard -

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its -documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that -the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that -copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting -documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in -advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without -specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no -representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It -is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. -


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Fontconfig is a library designed to provide system-wide font configuration, -customization and application access. -

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These are grouped by functionality, often using the main datatype being -manipulated. -


Table of Contents
FcInitLoadConfig -- load configuration
FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts -- load configuration and font data
FcInit -- initialize fontconfig library
FcFini -- finalize fonconfig library
FcGetVersion -- library version number
FcInitReinitialize -- re-initialize library
FcInitBringUptoDate -- reload configuration files if needed

These functions provide some control over how the library is initialized. -


Table of Contents
FcPatternCreate -- Create a pattern
FcPatternDuplicate -- Copy a pattern
FcPatternReference -- Increment pattern reference count
FcPatternDestroy -- Destroy a pattern
FcPatternEqual -- Compare patterns
FcPatternEqualSubset -- Compare portions of patterns
FcPatternFilter -- Filter the objects of pattern
FcPatternHash -- Compute a pattern hash value
FcPatternAdd -- Add a value to a pattern
FcPatternAddWeak -- Add a value to a pattern with weak binding
FcPatternAdd-Type -- Add a typed value to a pattern
FcPatternGet -- Return a value from a pattern
FcPatternGet-Type -- Return a typed value from a pattern
FcPatternBuild -- Create patterns from arguments
FcPatternDel -- Delete a property from a pattern
FcPatternRemove -- Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern
FcPatternPrint -- Print a pattern for debugging
FcDefaultSubstitute -- Perform default substitutions in a pattern
FcNameParse -- Parse a pattern string
FcNameUnparse -- Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed
FcPatternFormat -- Format a pattern into a string according to a format specifier

An FcPattern is an opaque type that holds both patterns to match against the -available fonts, as well as the information about each font. -


Table of Contents
FcFontSetCreate -- Create a font set
FcFontSetDestroy -- Destroy a font set
FcFontSetAdd -- Add to a font set
FcFontSetList -- List fonts from a set of font sets
FcFontSetMatch -- Return the best font from a set of font sets
FcFontSetPrint -- Print a set of patterns to stdout
FcFontSetSort -- Add to a font set
FcFontSetSortDestroy -- DEPRECATED destroy a font set

An FcFontSet simply holds a list of patterns; these are used to return the -results of listing available fonts. -


Table of Contents
FcObjectSetCreate -- Create an object set
FcObjectSetAdd -- Add to an object set
FcObjectSetDestroy -- Destroy an object set
FcObjectSetBuild -- Build object set from args

An FcObjectSet holds a list of pattern property names; it is used to -indiciate which properties are to be returned in the patterns from -FcFontList. -

FreeType specific functions

Table of Contents
FcFreeTypeCharIndex -- map Unicode to glyph id
FcFreeTypeCharSet -- compute unicode coverage
FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing -- compute unicode coverage and spacing type
FcFreeTypeQuery -- compute pattern from font file (and index)
FcFreeTypeQueryFace -- compute pattern from FT_Face

While the fontconfig library doesn't insist that FreeType be used as the -rasterization mechanism for fonts, it does provide some convenience -functions. -


Table of Contents
FcValueDestroy -- Free a value
FcValueSave -- Copy a value
FcValuePrint -- Print a value to stdout
FcValueEqual -- Test two values for equality

FcValue is a structure containing a type tag and a union of all possible -datatypes. The tag is an enum of type -FcType -and is intended to provide a measure of run-time -typechecking, although that depends on careful programming. -


Table of Contents
FcCharSetCreate -- Create an empty character set
FcCharSetDestroy -- Destroy a character set
FcCharSetAddChar -- Add a character to a charset
FcCharSetCopy -- Copy a charset
FcCharSetEqual -- Compare two charsets
FcCharSetIntersect -- Intersect charsets
FcCharSetUnion -- Add charsets
FcCharSetSubtract -- Subtract charsets
FcCharSetMerge -- Merge charsets
FcCharSetHasChar -- Check a charset for a char
FcCharSetCount -- Count entries in a charset
FcCharSetIntersectCount -- Intersect and count charsets
FcCharSetSubtractCount -- Subtract and count charsets
FcCharSetIsSubset -- Test for charset inclusion
FcCharSetFirstPage -- Start enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetNextPage -- Continue enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetCoverage -- DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page
FcCharSetNew -- DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate

An FcCharSet is a boolean array indicating a set of unicode chars. Those -associated with a font are marked constant and cannot be edited. -FcCharSets may be reference counted internally to reduce memory consumption; -this may be visible to applications as the result of FcCharSetCopy may -return it's argument, and that CharSet may remain unmodifiable. -


Table of Contents
FcLangSetCreate -- create a langset object
FcLangSetDestroy -- destroy a langset object
FcLangSetCopy -- copy a langset object
FcLangSetAdd -- add a language to a langset
FcLangSetCompare -- compare language sets
FcLangSetContains -- check langset subset relation
FcLangSetEqual -- test for matching langsets
FcLangSetHash -- return a hash value for a langset
FcLangSetHasLang -- test langset for language support
FcLangSetGetLangs -- get the list of languages in the langset
FcGetLangs -- Get list of languages
FcLangGetCharSet -- Get character map for a language

An FcLangSet is a set of language names (each of which include language and -an optional territory). They are used when selecting fonts to indicate which -languages the fonts need to support. Each font is marked, using language -orthography information built into fontconfig, with the set of supported -languages. -


Table of Contents
FcMatrixInit -- initialize an FcMatrix structure
FcMatrixCopy -- Copy a matrix
FcMatrixEqual -- Compare two matrices
FcMatrixMultiply -- Multiply matrices
FcMatrixRotate -- Rotate a matrix
FcMatrixScale -- Scale a matrix
FcMatrixShear -- Shear a matrix

FcMatrix structures hold an affine transformation in matrix form. -


Table of Contents
FcConfigCreate -- Create a configuration
FcConfigReference -- Increment config reference count
FcConfigDestroy -- Destroy a configuration
FcConfigSetCurrent -- Set configuration as default
FcConfigGetCurrent -- Return current configuration
FcConfigUptoDate -- Check timestamps on config files
FcConfigHome -- return the current home directory.
FcConfigEnableHome -- controls use of the home directory.
FcConfigBuildFonts -- Build font database
FcConfigGetConfigDirs -- Get config directories
FcConfigGetFontDirs -- Get font directories
FcConfigGetConfigFiles -- Get config files
FcConfigGetCache -- DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename
FcConfigGetCacheDirs -- return the list of directories searched for cache files
FcConfigGetFonts -- Get config font set
FcConfigGetBlanks -- Get config blanks
FcConfigGetRescanInterval -- Get config rescan interval
FcConfigSetRescanInterval -- Set config rescan interval
FcConfigAppFontAddFile -- Add font file to font database
FcConfigAppFontAddDir -- Add fonts from directory to font database
FcConfigAppFontClear -- Remove all app fonts from font database
FcConfigSubstituteWithPat -- Execute substitutions
FcConfigSubstitute -- Execute substitutions
FcFontMatch -- Return best font
FcFontSort -- Return list of matching fonts
FcFontRenderPrepare -- Prepare pattern for loading font file
FcFontList -- List fonts
FcConfigFilename -- Find a config file
FcConfigParseAndLoad -- load a configuration file

An FcConfig object holds the internal representation of a configuration. -There is a default configuration which applications may use by passing 0 to -any function using the data within an FcConfig. -


Table of Contents
FcNameRegisterObjectTypes -- Register object types
FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes -- Unregister object types
FcNameGetObjectType -- Lookup an object type

Provides for applcation-specified font name object types so that new -pattern elements can be generated from font names. -


Table of Contents
FcNameRegisterConstants -- Register symbolic constants
FcNameUnregisterConstants -- Unregister symbolic constants
FcNameGetConstant -- Lookup symbolic constant
FcNameConstant -- Get the value for a symbolic constant

Provides for application-specified symbolic constants for font names. -


Table of Contents
FcBlanksCreate -- Create an FcBlanks
FcBlanksDestroy -- Destroy and FcBlanks
FcBlanksAdd -- Add a character to an FcBlanks
FcBlanksIsMember -- Query membership in an FcBlanks

An FcBlanks object holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to -be blank when drawn. When scanning new fonts, any glyphs which are -empty and not in this list will be assumed to be broken and not placed in -the FcCharSet associated with the font. This provides a significantly more -accurate CharSet for applications. -


Table of Contents
FcAtomicCreate -- create an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicLock -- lock a file
FcAtomicNewFile -- return new temporary file name
FcAtomicOrigFile -- return original file name
FcAtomicReplaceOrig -- replace original with new
FcAtomicDeleteNew -- delete new file
FcAtomicUnlock -- unlock a file
FcAtomicDestroy -- destroy an FcAtomic object

These functions provide a safe way to update config files, allowing ongoing -reading of the old config file while locked for writing and ensuring that a -consistent and complete version of the config file is always available. -

File and Directory routines

Table of Contents
FcFileScan -- scan a font file
FcFileIsDir -- check whether a file is a directory
FcDirScan -- scan a font directory without caching it
FcDirSave -- DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache
FcDirCacheUnlink -- Remove all caches related to dir
FcDirCacheValid -- check directory cache
FcDirCacheLoad -- load a directory cache
FcDirCacheRead -- read or construct a directory cache
FcDirCacheLoadFile -- load a cache file
FcDirCacheUnload -- unload a cache file

These routines work with font files and directories, including font -directory cache files. -

FcCache routines

Table of Contents
FcCacheDir -- Return directory of cache
FcCacheCopySet -- Returns a copy of the fontset from cache
FcCacheSubdir -- Return the i'th subdirectory.
FcCacheNumSubdir -- Return the number of subdirectories in cache.
FcCacheNumFont -- Returns the number of fonts in cache.

These routines work with font directory caches, accessing their contents in -limited ways. It is not expected that normal applications will need to use -these functions. -

FcStrSet and FcStrList

Table of Contents
FcStrSetCreate -- create a string set
FcStrSetMember -- check set for membership
FcStrSetEqual -- check sets for equality
FcStrSetAdd -- add to a string set
FcStrSetAddFilename -- add a filename to a string set
FcStrSetDel -- delete from a string set
FcStrSetDestroy -- destroy a string set
FcStrListCreate -- create a string iterator
FcStrListNext -- get next string in iteration
FcStrListDone -- destroy a string iterator

A data structure for enumerating strings, used to list directories while -scanning the configuration as directories are added while scanning. -

String utilities

Table of Contents
FcUtf8ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-8 to UCS4
FcUcs4ToUtf8 -- convert UCS4 to UTF-8
FcUtf8Len -- count UTF-8 encoded chars
FcUtf16ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-16 to UCS4
FcUtf16Len -- count UTF-16 encoded chars
FcIsLower -- check for lower case ASCII character
FcIsUpper -- check for upper case ASCII character
FcToLower -- convert upper case ASCII to lower case
FcStrCopy -- duplicate a string
FcStrDowncase -- create a lower case translation of a string
FcStrCopyFilename -- create a complete path from a filename
FcStrCmp -- compare UTF-8 strings
FcStrCmpIgnoreCase -- compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case
FcStrStr -- locate UTF-8 substring
FcStrStrIgnoreCase -- locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case
FcStrPlus -- concatenate two strings
FcStrFree -- free a string
FcStrDirname -- directory part of filename
FcStrBasename -- last component of filename

Fontconfig manipulates many UTF-8 strings represented with the FcChar8 type. -These functions are exposed to help applications deal with these UTF-8 -strings in a locale-insensitive manner. -

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Fontconfig contains two essential modules, the configuration module which -builds an internal configuration from XML files and the matching module -which accepts font patterns and returns the nearest matching font. -


The configuration module consists of the FcConfig datatype, libexpat and -FcConfigParse which walks over an XML tree and ammends a configuration with -data found within. From an external perspective, configuration of the -library consists of generating a valid XML tree and feeding that to -FcConfigParse. The only other mechanism provided to applications for -changing the running configuration is to add fonts and directories to the -list of application-provided font files. -

The intent is to make font configurations relatively static, and shared by -as many applications as possible. It is hoped that this will lead to more -stable font selection when passing names from one application to another. -XML was chosen as a configuration file format because it provides a format -which is easy for external agents to edit while retaining the correct -structure and syntax. -

Font configuration is separate from font matching; applications needing to -do their own matching can access the available fonts from the library and -perform private matching. The intent is to permit applications to pick and -choose appropriate functionality from the library instead of forcing them to -choose between this library and a private configuration mechanism. The hope -is that this will ensure that configuration of fonts for all applications -can be centralized in one place. Centralizing font configuration will -simplify and regularize font installation and customization. -


While font patterns may contain essentially any properties, there are some -well known properties with associated types. Fontconfig uses some of these -properties for font matching and font completion. Others are provided as a -convenience for the applications rendering mechanism. -

                 Property Definitions
-    Property       CPP Symbol           Type    Description
-    ----------------------------------------------------
-    family         FC_FAMILY            String  Font family names
-    familylang     FC_FAMILYLANG        String  Language cooresponding to
-                                                each family name
-    style          FC_STYLE             String  Font style. Overrides weight
-                                                and slant
-    stylelang      FC_STYLELANG         String  Language cooresponding to
-                                                each style name
-    fullname       FC_FULLNAME          String  Font face full name where
-                                                different from family and
-                                                family + style
-    fullnamelang   FC_FULLNAMELANG      String  Language cooresponding to
-                                                each fullname
-    slant          FC_SLANT             Int     Italic, oblique or roman
-    weight         FC_WEIGHT            Int     Light, medium, demibold,
-                                                bold or black
-    size           FC_SIZE              Double  Point size
-    width          FC_WIDTH             Int     Condensed, normal or expanded
-    aspect         FC_ASPECT            Double  Stretches glyphs horizontally
-                                                before hinting
-    pixelsize      FC_PIXEL_SIZE        Double  Pixel size
-    spacing        FC_SPACING           Int     Proportional, dual-width,
-                                                monospace or charcell
-    foundry        FC_FOUNDRY           String  Font foundry name
-    antialias      FC_ANTIALIAS         Bool    Whether glyphs can be
-                                                antialiased
-    hinting        FC_HINTING           Bool    Whether the rasterizer should
-                                                use hinting
-    hintstyle      FC_HINT_STYLE        Int     Automatic hinting style
-    verticallayout FC_VERTICAL_LAYOUT   Bool    Use vertical layout
-    autohint       FC_AUTOHINT          Bool    Use autohinter instead of
-                                                normal hinter
-    globaladvance  FC_GLOBAL_ADVANCE    Bool    Use font global advance data
-    file           FC_FILE              String  The filename holding the font
-    index          FC_INDEX             Int     The index of the font within
-                                                the file
-    ftface         FC_FT_FACE           FT_Face Use the specified FreeType
-                                                face object
-    rasterizer     FC_RASTERIZER        String  Which rasterizer is in use
-    outline        FC_OUTLINE           Bool    Whether the glyphs are outlines
-    scalable       FC_SCALABLE          Bool    Whether glyphs can be scaled
-    scale          FC_SCALE             Double  Scale factor for point->pixel
-                                                conversions
-    dpi            FC_DPI               Double  Target dots per inch
-    rgba           FC_RGBA              Int     unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb,
-                                                vbgr, none - subpixel geometry
-    lcdfilter      FC_LCD_FILTER        Int     Type of LCD filter
-    minspace       FC_MINSPACE          Bool    Eliminate leading from line
-                                                spacing
-    charset        FC_CHARSET           CharSet Unicode chars encoded by
-                                                the font
-    lang           FC_LANG              LangSet Set of RFC-3066-style
-                                                languages this font supports
-    fontversion    FC_FONTVERSION       Int     Version number of the font
-    capability     FC_CAPABILITY        String  List of layout capabilities in
-                                                the font
-    embolden       FC_EMBOLDEN          Bool    Rasterizer should
-                                                synthetically embolden the font
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Fontconfig uses abstract datatypes to hide internal implementation details -for most data structures. A few structures are exposed where appropriate. -

FcChar8, FcChar16, FcChar32, FcBool

These are primitive datatypes; the FcChar* types hold precisely the number -of bits stated (if supported by the C implementation). FcBool holds -one of two CPP symbols: FcFalse or FcTrue. -


An FcMatrix holds an affine transformation, usually used to reshape glyphs. -A small set of matrix operations are provided to manipulate these. -
        typedef struct _FcMatrix {
-                double xx, xy, yx, yy;
-        } FcMatrix;


An FcCharSet is an abstract type that holds the set of encoded unicode chars -in a font. Operations to build and compare these sets are provided. -


An FcLangSet is an abstract type that holds the set of languages supported -by a font. Operations to build and compare these sets are provided. These -are computed for a font based on orthographic information built into the -fontconfig library. Fontconfig has orthographies for all of the ISO 639-1 -languages except for MS, NA, PA, PS, QU, RN, RW, SD, SG, SN, SU and ZA. If -you have orthographic information for any of these languages, please submit -them. -


An FcLangResult is an enumeration used to return the results of comparing -two language strings or FcLangSet objects. FcLangEqual means the -objects match language and territory. FcLangDifferentTerritory means -the objects match in language but differ in territory. -FcLangDifferentLang means the objects differ in language. -


Tags the kind of data stored in an FcValue. -


An FcValue object holds a single value with one of a number of different -types. The 'type' tag indicates which member is valid. -
        typedef struct _FcValue {
-                FcType type;
-                union {
-                        const FcChar8 *s;
-                        int i;
-                        FcBool b;
-                        double d;
-                        const FcMatrix *m;
-                        const FcCharSet *c;
-			void *f;
-			const FcLangSet *l;
-                } u;
-        } FcValue;
                  FcValue Members
-        Type            Union member    Datatype
-        --------------------------------
-        FcTypeVoid      (none)          (none)
-        FcTypeInteger   i               int
-        FcTypeDouble    d               double
-        FcTypeString    s               FcChar8 *
-        FcTypeBool      b               b
-        FcTypeMatrix    m               FcMatrix *
-        FcTypeCharSet   c               FcCharSet *
-	FcTypeFTFace	f		void * (FT_Face)
-	FcTypeLangSet	l		FcLangSet *


holds a set of names with associated value lists; each name refers to a -property of a font. FcPatterns are used as inputs to the matching code as -well as holding information about specific fonts. Each property can hold -one or more values; conventionally all of the same type, although the -interface doesn't demand that. -


        typedef struct _FcFontSet {
-                int nfont;
-                int sfont;
-                FcPattern **fonts;
-        } FcFontSet;
-An FcFontSet contains a list of FcPatterns. Internally fontconfig uses this -data structure to hold sets of fonts. Externally, fontconfig returns the -results of listing fonts in this format. 'nfont' holds the number of -patterns in the 'fonts' array; 'sfont' is used to indicate the size of that -array. -

FcStrSet, FcStrList

FcStrSet holds a list of strings that can be appended to and enumerated. -Its unique characteristic is that the enumeration works even while strings -are appended during enumeration. FcStrList is used during enumeration to -safely and correctly walk the list of strings even while that list is edited -in the middle of enumeration. -


        typedef struct _FcObjectSet {
-                int nobject;
-                int sobject;
-                const char **objects;
-        } FcObjectSet;
-holds a set of names and is used to specify which fields from fonts are -placed in the the list of returned patterns when listing fonts. -


        typedef struct _FcObjectType {
-                const char *object;
-                FcType type;
-        } FcObjectType;
-marks the type of a pattern element generated when parsing font names. -Applications can add new object types so that font names may contain the new -elements. -


        typedef struct _FcConstant {
-            const FcChar8 *name;
-            const char *object;
-            int value;
-        } FcConstant;
-Provides for symbolic constants for new pattern elements. When 'name' is -seen in a font name, an 'object' element is created with value 'value'. -


holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to be blank; unexpectedly -blank chars are assumed to be invalid and are elided from the charset -associated with the font. -


holds the per-user cache information for use while loading the font -database. This is built automatically for the current configuration when -that is loaded. Applications must always pass '0' when one is requested. -


holds a complete configuration of the library; there is one default -configuration, other can be constructed from XML data structures. All -public entry points that need global data can take an optional FcConfig* -argument; passing 0 uses the default configuration. FcConfig objects hold two -sets of fonts, the first contains those specified by the configuration, the -second set holds those added by the application at run-time. Interfaces -that need to reference a particulat set use one of the FcSetName enumerated -values. -


Specifies one of the two sets of fonts available in a configuration; -FcSetSystem for those fonts specified in the configuration and -FcSetApplication which holds fonts provided by the application. -


Used as a return type for functions manipulating FcPattern objects. -
      FcResult Values
-        Result Code             Meaning
-        -----------------------------------------------------------
-        FcResultMatch           Object exists with the specified ID
-        FcResultNoMatch         Object doesn't exist at all
-        FcResultTypeMismatch    Object exists, but the type doesn't match
-        FcResultNoId            Object exists, but has fewer values
-                                than specified
-        FcResultOutOfMemory     Malloc failed


Used for locking access to config files. Provides a safe way to update -configuration files. -


Holds information about the fonts contained in a single directory. Normal -applications need not worry about this as caches for font access are -automatically managed by the library. Applications dealing with cache -management may want to use some of these objects in their work, however the -included 'fc-cache' program generally suffices for all of that. -

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fonts.conf -- Font configuration files


-   /etc/fonts/fonts.dtd
-   /etc/fonts/conf.d
-   ~/.fonts.conf.d
-   ~/.fonts.conf


Fontconfig is a library designed to provide system-wide font configuration, -customization and application access. -

Functional Overview

Fontconfig contains two essential modules, the configuration module which -builds an internal configuration from XML files and the matching module -which accepts font patterns and returns the nearest matching font. -

Font Configuration

The configuration module consists of the FcConfig datatype, libexpat and -FcConfigParse which walks over an XML tree and amends a configuration with -data found within. From an external perspective, configuration of the -library consists of generating a valid XML tree and feeding that to -FcConfigParse. The only other mechanism provided to applications for -changing the running configuration is to add fonts and directories to the -list of application-provided font files. -

The intent is to make font configurations relatively static, and shared by -as many applications as possible. It is hoped that this will lead to more -stable font selection when passing names from one application to another. -XML was chosen as a configuration file format because it provides a format -which is easy for external agents to edit while retaining the correct -structure and syntax. -

Font configuration is separate from font matching; applications needing to -do their own matching can access the available fonts from the library and -perform private matching. The intent is to permit applications to pick and -choose appropriate functionality from the library instead of forcing them to -choose between this library and a private configuration mechanism. The hope -is that this will ensure that configuration of fonts for all applications -can be centralized in one place. Centralizing font configuration will -simplify and regularize font installation and customization. -

Font Properties

While font patterns may contain essentially any properties, there are some -well known properties with associated types. Fontconfig uses some of these -properties for font matching and font completion. Others are provided as a -convenience for the applications' rendering mechanism. -

  Property        Type    Description
-  --------------------------------------------------------------
-  family          String  Font family names
-  familylang      String  Languages corresponding to each family
-  style           String  Font style. Overrides weight and slant
-  stylelang       String  Languages corresponding to each style
-  fullname        String  Font full names (often includes style)
-  fullnamelang    String  Languages corresponding to each fullname
-  slant           Int     Italic, oblique or roman
-  weight          Int     Light, medium, demibold, bold or black
-  size            Double  Point size
-  width           Int     Condensed, normal or expanded
-  aspect          Double  Stretches glyphs horizontally before hinting
-  pixelsize       Double  Pixel size
-  spacing         Int     Proportional, dual-width, monospace or charcell
-  foundry         String  Font foundry name
-  antialias       Bool    Whether glyphs can be antialiased
-  hinting         Bool    Whether the rasterizer should use hinting
-  hintstyle       Int     Automatic hinting style
-  verticallayout  Bool    Use vertical layout
-  autohint        Bool    Use autohinter instead of normal hinter
-  globaladvance   Bool    Use font global advance data
-  file            String  The filename holding the font
-  index           Int     The index of the font within the file
-  ftface          FT_Face Use the specified FreeType face object
-  rasterizer      String  Which rasterizer is in use
-  outline         Bool    Whether the glyphs are outlines
-  scalable        Bool    Whether glyphs can be scaled
-  scale           Double  Scale factor for point->pixel conversions
-  dpi             Double  Target dots per inch
-  rgba            Int     unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr,
-                          none - subpixel geometry
-  lcdfilter       Int     Type of LCD filter
-  minspace        Bool    Eliminate leading from line spacing
-  charset         CharSet Unicode chars encoded by the font
-  lang            String  List of RFC-3066-style languages this
-                          font supports
-  fontversion     Int     Version number of the font
-  capability      String  List of layout capabilities in the font
-  embolden        Bool    Rasterizer should synthetically embolden the font

Font Matching

Fontconfig performs matching by measuring the distance from a provided -pattern to all of the available fonts in the system. The closest matching -font is selected. This ensures that a font will always be returned, but -doesn't ensure that it is anything like the requested pattern. -

-Font matching starts with an application constructed pattern. The desired -attributes of the resulting font are collected together in a pattern. Each -property of the pattern can contain one or more values; these are listed in -priority order; matches earlier in the list are considered "closer" than -matches later in the list. -

The initial pattern is modified by applying the list of editing instructions -specific to patterns found in the configuration; each consists of a match -predicate and a set of editing operations. They are executed in the order -they appeared in the configuration. Each match causes the associated -sequence of editing operations to be applied. -

After the pattern has been edited, a sequence of default substitutions are -performed to canonicalize the set of available properties; this avoids the -need for the lower layers to constantly provide default values for various -font properties during rendering. -

The canonical font pattern is finally matched against all available fonts. -The distance from the pattern to the font is measured for each of several -properties: foundry, charset, family, lang, spacing, pixelsize, style, -slant, weight, antialias, rasterizer and outline. This list is in priority -order -- results of comparing earlier elements of this list weigh more -heavily than later elements. -

There is one special case to this rule; family names are split into two -bindings; strong and weak. Strong family names are given greater precedence -in the match than lang elements while weak family names are given lower -precedence than lang elements. This permits the document language to drive -font selection when any document specified font is unavailable. -

The pattern representing that font is augmented to include any properties -found in the pattern but not found in the font itself; this permits the -application to pass rendering instructions or any other data through the -matching system. Finally, the list of editing instructions specific to -fonts found in the configuration are applied to the pattern. This modified -pattern is returned to the application. -

The return value contains sufficient information to locate and rasterize the -font, including the file name, pixel size and other rendering data. As -none of the information involved pertains to the FreeType library, -applications are free to use any rasterization engine or even to take -the identified font file and access it directly. -

The match/edit sequences in the configuration are performed in two passes -because there are essentially two different operations necessary -- the -first is to modify how fonts are selected; aliasing families and adding -suitable defaults. The second is to modify how the selected fonts are -rasterized. Those must apply to the selected font, not the original pattern -as false matches will often occur. -

Font Names

Fontconfig provides a textual representation for patterns that the library -can both accept and generate. The representation is in three parts, first a -list of family names, second a list of point sizes and finally a list of -additional properties: -

	<families>-<point sizes>:<name1>=<values1>:<name2>=<values2>...

Values in a list are separated with commas. The name needn't include either -families or point sizes; they can be elided. In addition, there are -symbolic constants that simultaneously indicate both a name and a value. -Here are some examples: -

  Name                            Meaning
-  ----------------------------------------------------------
-  Times-12                        12 point Times Roman
-  Times-12:bold                   12 point Times Bold
-  Courier:italic                  Courier Italic in the default size
-  Monospace:matrix=1 .1 0 1       The users preferred monospace font
-                                  with artificial obliquing

The '\', '-', ':' and ',' characters in family names must be preceeded by a -'\' character to avoid having them misinterpreted. Similarly, values -containing '\', '=', '_', ':' and ',' must also have them preceeded by a -'\' character. The '\' characters are stripped out of the family name and -values as the font name is read. -

Debugging Applications

To help diagnose font and applications problems, fontconfig is built with a -large amount of internal debugging left enabled. It is controlled by means -of the FC_DEBUG environment variable. The value of this variable is -interpreted as a number, and each bit within that value controls different -debugging messages. -

  Name         Value    Meaning
-  ---------------------------------------------------------
-  MATCH            1    Brief information about font matching
-  MATCHV           2    Extensive font matching information
-  EDIT             4    Monitor match/test/edit execution
-  FONTSET          8    Track loading of font information at startup
-  CACHE           16    Watch cache files being written
-  CACHEV          32    Extensive cache file writing information
-  PARSE           64    (no longer in use)
-  SCAN           128    Watch font files being scanned to build caches
-  SCANV          256    Verbose font file scanning information
-  MEMORY         512    Monitor fontconfig memory usage
-  CONFIG        1024    Monitor which config files are loaded
-  LANGSET       2048    Dump char sets used to construct lang values
-  OBJTYPES      4096    Display message when value typechecks fail

Add the value of the desired debug levels together and assign that (in -base 10) to the FC_DEBUG environment variable before running the -application. Output from these statements is sent to stdout. -

Lang Tags

Each font in the database contains a list of languages it supports. This is -computed by comparing the Unicode coverage of the font with the orthography -of each language. Languages are tagged using an RFC-3066 compatible naming -and occur in two parts -- the ISO 639 language tag followed a hyphen and then -by the ISO 3166 country code. The hyphen and country code may be elided. -

Fontconfig has orthographies for several languages built into the library. -No provision has been made for adding new ones aside from rebuilding the -library. It currently supports 122 of the 139 languages named in ISO 639-1, -141 of the languages with two-letter codes from ISO 639-2 and another 30 -languages with only three-letter codes. Languages with both two and three -letter codes are provided with only the two letter code. -

For languages used in multiple territories with radically different -character sets, fontconfig includes per-territory orthographies. This -includes Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Pashto, Tigrinya and Chinese. -

Configuration File Format

Configuration files for fontconfig are stored in XML format; this -format makes external configuration tools easier to write and ensures that -they will generate syntactically correct configuration files. As XML -files are plain text, they can also be manipulated by the expert user using -a text editor. -

The fontconfig document type definition resides in the external entity -"fonts.dtd"; this is normally stored in the default font configuration -directory (/etc/fonts). Each configuration file should contain the -following structure: -
	<?xml version="1.0"?>
-	<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
-	<fontconfig>
-	...
-	</fontconfig>


This is the top level element for a font configuration and can contain -<dir>, <cache>, <include>, <match> and <alias> elements in any order. -


This element contains a directory name which will be scanned for font files -to include in the set of available fonts. -


This element contains a file name for the per-user cache of font -information. If it starts with '~', it refers to a file in the users -home directory. This file is used to hold information about fonts that -isn't present in the per-directory cache files. It is automatically -maintained by the fontconfig library. The default for this file -is ``~/.fonts.cache-<version>'', where <version> is the font configuration -file version number (currently 2). -

<include ignore_missing="no">

This element contains the name of an additional configuration file or -directory. If a directory, every file within that directory starting with an -ASCII digit (U+0030 - U+0039) and ending with the string ``.conf'' will be processed in sorted order. When -the XML datatype is traversed by FcConfigParse, the contents of the file(s) -will also be incorporated into the configuration by passing the filename(s) to -FcConfigLoadAndParse. If 'ignore_missing' is set to "yes" instead of the -default "no", a missing file or directory will elicit no warning message from -the library. -


This element provides a place to consolidate additional configuration -information. <config> can contain <blank> and <rescan> elements in any -order. -


Fonts often include "broken" glyphs which appear in the encoding but are -drawn as blanks on the screen. Within the <blank> element, place each -Unicode characters which is supposed to be blank in an <int> element. -Characters outside of this set which are drawn as blank will be elided from -the set of characters supported by the font. -


The <rescan> element holds an <int> element which indicates the default -interval between automatic checks for font configuration changes. -Fontconfig will validate all of the configuration files and directories and -automatically rebuild the internal datastructures when this interval passes. -


This element is used to black/white list fonts from being listed or matched -against. It holds acceptfont and rejectfont elements. -


Fonts matched by an acceptfont element are "whitelisted"; such fonts are -explicitly included in the set of fonts used to resolve list and match -requests; including them in this list protects them from being "blacklisted" -by a rejectfont element. Acceptfont elements include glob and pattern -elements which are used to match fonts. -


Fonts matched by an rejectfont element are "blacklisted"; such fonts are -excluded from the set of fonts used to resolve list and match requests as if -they didn't exist in the system. Rejectfont elements include glob and -pattern elements which are used to match fonts. -


Glob elements hold shell-style filename matching patterns (including ? and -*) which match fonts based on their complete pathnames. This can be used to -exclude a set of directories (/usr/share/fonts/uglyfont*), or particular -font file types (*.pcf.gz), but the latter mechanism relies rather heavily -on filenaming conventions which can't be relied upon. Note that globs -only apply to directories, not to individual fonts. -


Pattern elements perform list-style matching on incoming fonts; that is, -they hold a list of elements and associated values. If all of those -elements have a matching value, then the pattern matches the font. This can -be used to select fonts based on attributes of the font (scalable, bold, -etc), which is a more reliable mechanism than using file extensions. -Pattern elements include patelt elements. -

<patelt name="property">

Patelt elements hold a single pattern element and list of values. They must -have a 'name' attribute which indicates the pattern element name. Patelt -elements include int, double, string, matrix, bool, charset and const -elements. -

<match target="pattern">

This element holds first a (possibly empty) list of <test> elements and then -a (possibly empty) list of <edit> elements. Patterns which match all of the -tests are subjected to all the edits. If 'target' is set to "font" instead -of the default "pattern", then this element applies to the font name -resulting from a match rather than a font pattern to be matched. If 'target' -is set to "scan", then this element applies when the font is scanned to -build the fontconfig database. -

<test qual="any" name="property" target="default" compare="eq">

This element contains a single value which is compared with the target -('pattern', 'font', 'scan' or 'default') property "property" (substitute any of the property names seen -above). 'compare' can be one of "eq", "not_eq", "less", "less_eq", "more", or -"more_eq". 'qual' may either be the default, "any", in which case the match -succeeds if any value associated with the property matches the test value, or -"all", in which case all of the values associated with the property must -match the test value. When used in a <match target="font"> element, -the target= attribute in the <test> element selects between matching -the original pattern or the font. "default" selects whichever target the -outer <match> element has selected. -

<edit name="property" mode="assign" binding="weak">

This element contains a list of expression elements (any of the value or -operator elements). The expression elements are evaluated at run-time and -modify the property "property". The modification depends on whether -"property" was matched by one of the associated <test> elements, if so, the -modification may affect the first matched value. Any values inserted into -the property are given the indicated binding ("strong", "weak" or "same") -with "same" binding using the value from the matched pattern element. -'mode' is one of: -
  Mode                    With Match              Without Match
-  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  "assign"                Replace matching value  Replace all values
-  "assign_replace"        Replace all values      Replace all values
-  "prepend"               Insert before matching  Insert at head of list
-  "prepend_first"         Insert at head of list  Insert at head of list
-  "append"                Append after matching   Append at end of list
-  "append_last"           Append at end of list   Append at end of list

<int>, <double>, <string>, <bool>

These elements hold a single value of the indicated type. <bool> -elements hold either true or false. An important limitation exists in -the parsing of floating point numbers -- fontconfig requires that -the mantissa start with a digit, not a decimal point, so insert a leading -zero for purely fractional values (e.g. use 0.5 instead of .5 and -0.5 -instead of -.5). -


This element holds the four <double> elements of an affine -transformation. -


Holds a property name. Evaluates to the first value from the property of -the font, not the pattern. -


Holds the name of a constant; these are always integers and serve as -symbolic names for common font values: -
  Constant        Property        Value
-  -------------------------------------
-  thin            weight          0
-  extralight      weight          40
-  ultralight      weight          40
-  light           weight          50
-  book            weight          75
-  regular         weight          80
-  normal          weight          80
-  medium          weight          100
-  demibold        weight          180
-  semibold        weight          180
-  bold            weight          200
-  extrabold       weight          205
-  black           weight          210
-  heavy           weight          210
-  roman           slant           0
-  italic          slant           100
-  oblique         slant           110
-  ultracondensed  width           50
-  extracondensed  width           63
-  condensed       width           75
-  semicondensed   width           87
-  normal          width           100
-  semiexpanded    width           113
-  expanded        width           125
-  extraexpanded   width           150
-  ultraexpanded   width           200
-  proportional    spacing         0
-  dual            spacing         90
-  mono            spacing         100
-  charcell        spacing         110
-  unknown         rgba            0
-  rgb             rgba            1
-  bgr             rgba            2
-  vrgb            rgba            3
-  vbgr            rgba            4
-  none            rgba            5
-  lcdnone         lcdfilter       0
-  lcddefault      lcdfilter       1
-  lcdlight        lcdfilter       2
-  lcdlegacy       lcdfilter       3
-  hintnone        hintstyle       0
-  hintslight      hintstyle       1
-  hintmedium      hintstyle       2
-  hintfull        hintstyle       3

<or>, <and>, <plus>, <minus>, <times>, <divide>

These elements perform the specified operation on a list of expression -elements. <or> and <and> are boolean, not bitwise. -

<eq>, <not_eq>, <less>, <less_eq>, <more>, <more_eq>

These elements compare two values, producing a boolean result. -


Inverts the boolean sense of its one expression element -


This element takes three expression elements; if the value of the first is -true, it produces the value of the second, otherwise it produces the value -of the third. -


Alias elements provide a shorthand notation for the set of common match -operations needed to substitute one font family for another. They contain a -<family> element followed by optional <prefer>, <accept> and <default> -elements. Fonts matching the <family> element are edited to prepend the -list of <prefer>ed families before the matching <family>, append the -<accept>able families after the matching <family> and append the <default> -families to the end of the family list. -


Holds a single font family name -

<prefer>, <accept>, <default>

These hold a list of <family> elements to be used by the <alias> element. -


System configuration file

This is an example of a system-wide configuration file -

<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
-<!-- /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file to configure system font access -->
-	Find fonts in these directories
-	Accept deprecated 'mono' alias, replacing it with 'monospace'
-<match target="pattern">
-	<test qual="any" name="family"><string>mono</string></test>
-	<edit name="family" mode="assign"><string>monospace</string></edit>
-	Names not including any well known alias are given 'sans'
-<match target="pattern">
-	<test qual="all" name="family" mode="not_eq">sans</test>
-	<test qual="all" name="family" mode="not_eq">serif</test>
-	<test qual="all" name="family" mode="not_eq">monospace</test>
-	<edit name="family" mode="append_last"><string>sans</string></edit>
-	Load per-user customization file, but don't complain
-	if it doesn't exist
-<include ignore_missing="yes">~/.fonts.conf</include>
-	Load local customization files, but don't complain
-	if there aren't any
-<include ignore_missing="yes">conf.d</include>
-<include ignore_missing="yes">local.conf</include>
-	Alias well known font names to available TrueType fonts.
-	These substitute TrueType faces for similar Type1
-	faces to improve screen appearance.
-	<family>Times</family>
-	<prefer><family>Times New Roman</family></prefer>
-	<default><family>serif</family></default>
-	<family>Helvetica</family>
-	<prefer><family>Arial</family></prefer>
-	<default><family>sans</family></default>
-	<family>Courier</family>
-	<prefer><family>Courier New</family></prefer>
-	<default><family>monospace</family></default>
-	Provide required aliases for standard names
-	Do these after the users configuration file so that
-	any aliases there are used preferentially
-	<family>serif</family>
-	<prefer><family>Times New Roman</family></prefer>
-	<family>sans</family>
-	<prefer><family>Arial</family></prefer>
-	<family>monospace</family>
-	<prefer><family>Andale Mono</family></prefer>

User configuration file

This is an example of a per-user configuration file that lives in -~/.fonts.conf -

<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
-<!-- ~/.fonts.conf for per-user font configuration -->
-	Private font directory
-	use rgb sub-pixel ordering to improve glyph appearance on
-	LCD screens.  Changes affecting rendering, but not matching
-	should always use target="font".
-<match target="font">
-	<edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>


fonts.conf -contains configuration information for the fontconfig library -consisting of directories to look at for font information as well as -instructions on editing program specified font patterns before attempting to -match the available fonts. It is in xml format. -

conf.d -is the conventional name for a directory of additional configuration files -managed by external applications or the local administrator. The -filenames starting with decimal digits are sorted in lexicographic order -and used as additional configuration files. All of these files are in xml -format. The master fonts.conf file references this directory in an -<include> directive. -

fonts.dtd -is a DTD that describes the format of the configuration files. -

~/.fonts.conf.d -is the conventional name for a per-user directory of (typically -auto-generated) configuration files, although the -actual location is specified in the global fonts.conf file. -

~/.fonts.conf -is the conventional location for per-user font configuration, although the -actual location is specified in the global fonts.conf file. -

~/.fonts.cache-* -is the conventional repository of font information that isn't found in the -per-directory caches. This file is automatically maintained by fontconfig. -

See Also

fc-cat(1), fc-cache(1), fc-list(1), fc-match(1), fc-query(1) -


Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - -

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.pdf b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index 4f2b52e221..0000000000 Binary files a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.txt b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cfdf6d65..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,644 +0,0 @@ -fonts-conf - -Name - -fonts.conf -- Font configuration files - -Synopsis - - /etc/fonts/fonts.conf - /etc/fonts/fonts.dtd - /etc/fonts/conf.d - ~/.fonts.conf.d - ~/.fonts.conf - -Description - -Fontconfig is a library designed to provide system-wide font configuration, -customization and application access. - -Functional Overview - -Fontconfig contains two essential modules, the configuration module which -builds an internal configuration from XML files and the matching module which -accepts font patterns and returns the nearest matching font. - -Font Configuration - -The configuration module consists of the FcConfig datatype, libexpat and -FcConfigParse which walks over an XML tree and amends a configuration with data -found within. From an external perspective, configuration of the library -consists of generating a valid XML tree and feeding that to FcConfigParse. The -only other mechanism provided to applications for changing the running -configuration is to add fonts and directories to the list of -application-provided font files. - -The intent is to make font configurations relatively static, and shared by as -many applications as possible. It is hoped that this will lead to more stable -font selection when passing names from one application to another. XML was -chosen as a configuration file format because it provides a format which is -easy for external agents to edit while retaining the correct structure and -syntax. - -Font configuration is separate from font matching; applications needing to do -their own matching can access the available fonts from the library and perform -private matching. The intent is to permit applications to pick and choose -appropriate functionality from the library instead of forcing them to choose -between this library and a private configuration mechanism. The hope is that -this will ensure that configuration of fonts for all applications can be -centralized in one place. Centralizing font configuration will simplify and -regularize font installation and customization. - -Font Properties - -While font patterns may contain essentially any properties, there are some well -known properties with associated types. Fontconfig uses some of these -properties for font matching and font completion. Others are provided as a -convenience for the applications' rendering mechanism. - - Property Type Description - -------------------------------------------------------------- - family String Font family names - familylang String Languages corresponding to each family - style String Font style. Overrides weight and slant - stylelang String Languages corresponding to each style - fullname String Font full names (often includes style) - fullnamelang String Languages corresponding to each fullname - slant Int Italic, oblique or roman - weight Int Light, medium, demibold, bold or black - size Double Point size - width Int Condensed, normal or expanded - aspect Double Stretches glyphs horizontally before hinting - pixelsize Double Pixel size - spacing Int Proportional, dual-width, monospace or charcell - foundry String Font foundry name - antialias Bool Whether glyphs can be antialiased - hinting Bool Whether the rasterizer should use hinting - hintstyle Int Automatic hinting style - verticallayout Bool Use vertical layout - autohint Bool Use autohinter instead of normal hinter - globaladvance Bool Use font global advance data - file String The filename holding the font - index Int The index of the font within the file - ftface FT_Face Use the specified FreeType face object - rasterizer String Which rasterizer is in use - outline Bool Whether the glyphs are outlines - scalable Bool Whether glyphs can be scaled - scale Double Scale factor for point->pixel conversions - dpi Double Target dots per inch - rgba Int unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr, - none - subpixel geometry - lcdfilter Int Type of LCD filter - minspace Bool Eliminate leading from line spacing - charset CharSet Unicode chars encoded by the font - lang String List of RFC-3066-style languages this - font supports - fontversion Int Version number of the font - capability String List of layout capabilities in the font - embolden Bool Rasterizer should synthetically embolden the font - - -Font Matching - -Fontconfig performs matching by measuring the distance from a provided pattern -to all of the available fonts in the system. The closest matching font is -selected. This ensures that a font will always be returned, but doesn't ensure -that it is anything like the requested pattern. - -Font matching starts with an application constructed pattern. The desired -attributes of the resulting font are collected together in a pattern. Each -property of the pattern can contain one or more values; these are listed in -priority order; matches earlier in the list are considered "closer" than -matches later in the list. - -The initial pattern is modified by applying the list of editing instructions -specific to patterns found in the configuration; each consists of a match -predicate and a set of editing operations. They are executed in the order they -appeared in the configuration. Each match causes the associated sequence of -editing operations to be applied. - -After the pattern has been edited, a sequence of default substitutions are -performed to canonicalize the set of available properties; this avoids the need -for the lower layers to constantly provide default values for various font -properties during rendering. - -The canonical font pattern is finally matched against all available fonts. The -distance from the pattern to the font is measured for each of several -properties: foundry, charset, family, lang, spacing, pixelsize, style, slant, -weight, antialias, rasterizer and outline. This list is in priority order -- -results of comparing earlier elements of this list weigh more heavily than -later elements. - -There is one special case to this rule; family names are split into two -bindings; strong and weak. Strong family names are given greater precedence in -the match than lang elements while weak family names are given lower precedence -than lang elements. This permits the document language to drive font selection -when any document specified font is unavailable. - -The pattern representing that font is augmented to include any properties found -in the pattern but not found in the font itself; this permits the application -to pass rendering instructions or any other data through the matching system. -Finally, the list of editing instructions specific to fonts found in the -configuration are applied to the pattern. This modified pattern is returned to -the application. - -The return value contains sufficient information to locate and rasterize the -font, including the file name, pixel size and other rendering data. As none of -the information involved pertains to the FreeType library, applications are -free to use any rasterization engine or even to take the identified font file -and access it directly. - -The match/edit sequences in the configuration are performed in two passes -because there are essentially two different operations necessary -- the first -is to modify how fonts are selected; aliasing families and adding suitable -defaults. The second is to modify how the selected fonts are rasterized. Those -must apply to the selected font, not the original pattern as false matches will -often occur. - -Font Names - -Fontconfig provides a textual representation for patterns that the library can -both accept and generate. The representation is in three parts, first a list of -family names, second a list of point sizes and finally a list of additional -properties: - - -:=:=... - - -Values in a list are separated with commas. The name needn't include either -families or point sizes; they can be elided. In addition, there are symbolic -constants that simultaneously indicate both a name and a value. Here are some -examples: - - Name Meaning - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Times-12 12 point Times Roman - Times-12:bold 12 point Times Bold - Courier:italic Courier Italic in the default size - Monospace:matrix=1 .1 0 1 The users preferred monospace font - with artificial obliquing - - -The '\', '-', ':' and ',' characters in family names must be preceeded by a '\' -character to avoid having them misinterpreted. Similarly, values containing '\ -', '=', '_', ':' and ',' must also have them preceeded by a '\' character. The -'\' characters are stripped out of the family name and values as the font name -is read. - -Debugging Applications - -To help diagnose font and applications problems, fontconfig is built with a -large amount of internal debugging left enabled. It is controlled by means of -the FC_DEBUG environment variable. The value of this variable is interpreted as -a number, and each bit within that value controls different debugging messages. - - Name Value Meaning - --------------------------------------------------------- - MATCH 1 Brief information about font matching - MATCHV 2 Extensive font matching information - EDIT 4 Monitor match/test/edit execution - FONTSET 8 Track loading of font information at startup - CACHE 16 Watch cache files being written - CACHEV 32 Extensive cache file writing information - PARSE 64 (no longer in use) - SCAN 128 Watch font files being scanned to build caches - SCANV 256 Verbose font file scanning information - MEMORY 512 Monitor fontconfig memory usage - CONFIG 1024 Monitor which config files are loaded - LANGSET 2048 Dump char sets used to construct lang values - OBJTYPES 4096 Display message when value typechecks fail - - -Add the value of the desired debug levels together and assign that (in base 10) -to the FC_DEBUG environment variable before running the application. Output -from these statements is sent to stdout. - -Lang Tags - -Each font in the database contains a list of languages it supports. This is -computed by comparing the Unicode coverage of the font with the orthography of -each language. Languages are tagged using an RFC-3066 compatible naming and -occur in two parts -- the ISO 639 language tag followed a hyphen and then by -the ISO 3166 country code. The hyphen and country code may be elided. - -Fontconfig has orthographies for several languages built into the library. No -provision has been made for adding new ones aside from rebuilding the library. -It currently supports 122 of the 139 languages named in ISO 639-1, 141 of the -languages with two-letter codes from ISO 639-2 and another 30 languages with -only three-letter codes. Languages with both two and three letter codes are -provided with only the two letter code. - -For languages used in multiple territories with radically different character -sets, fontconfig includes per-territory orthographies. This includes -Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Pashto, Tigrinya and Chinese. - -Configuration File Format - -Configuration files for fontconfig are stored in XML format; this format makes -external configuration tools easier to write and ensures that they will -generate syntactically correct configuration files. As XML files are plain -text, they can also be manipulated by the expert user using a text editor. - -The fontconfig document type definition resides in the external entity -"fonts.dtd"; this is normally stored in the default font configuration -directory (/etc/fonts). Each configuration file should contain the following -structure: - - - - - ... - - - - - -This is the top level element for a font configuration and can contain , -, , and elements in any order. - - - -This element contains a directory name which will be scanned for font files to -include in the set of available fonts. - - - -This element contains a file name for the per-user cache of font information. -If it starts with '~', it refers to a file in the users home directory. This -file is used to hold information about fonts that isn't present in the -per-directory cache files. It is automatically maintained by the fontconfig -library. The default for this file is ``~/.fonts.cache-'', where - is the font configuration file version number (currently 2). - - - -This element contains the name of an additional configuration file or -directory. If a directory, every file within that directory starting with an -ASCII digit (U+0030 - U+0039) and ending with the string ``.conf'' will be -processed in sorted order. When the XML datatype is traversed by FcConfigParse, -the contents of the file(s) will also be incorporated into the configuration by -passing the filename(s) to FcConfigLoadAndParse. If 'ignore_missing' is set to -"yes" instead of the default "no", a missing file or directory will elicit no -warning message from the library. - - - -This element provides a place to consolidate additional configuration -information. can contain and elements in any order. - - - -Fonts often include "broken" glyphs which appear in the encoding but are drawn -as blanks on the screen. Within the element, place each Unicode -characters which is supposed to be blank in an element. Characters -outside of this set which are drawn as blank will be elided from the set of -characters supported by the font. - - - -The element holds an element which indicates the default -interval between automatic checks for font configuration changes. Fontconfig -will validate all of the configuration files and directories and automatically -rebuild the internal datastructures when this interval passes. - - - -This element is used to black/white list fonts from being listed or matched -against. It holds acceptfont and rejectfont elements. - - - -Fonts matched by an acceptfont element are "whitelisted"; such fonts are -explicitly included in the set of fonts used to resolve list and match -requests; including them in this list protects them from being "blacklisted" by -a rejectfont element. Acceptfont elements include glob and pattern elements -which are used to match fonts. - - - -Fonts matched by an rejectfont element are "blacklisted"; such fonts are -excluded from the set of fonts used to resolve list and match requests as if -they didn't exist in the system. Rejectfont elements include glob and pattern -elements which are used to match fonts. - - - -Glob elements hold shell-style filename matching patterns (including ? and *) -which match fonts based on their complete pathnames. This can be used to -exclude a set of directories (/usr/share/fonts/uglyfont*), or particular font -file types (*.pcf.gz), but the latter mechanism relies rather heavily on -filenaming conventions which can't be relied upon. Note that globs only apply -to directories, not to individual fonts. - - - -Pattern elements perform list-style matching on incoming fonts; that is, they -hold a list of elements and associated values. If all of those elements have a -matching value, then the pattern matches the font. This can be used to select -fonts based on attributes of the font (scalable, bold, etc), which is a more -reliable mechanism than using file extensions. Pattern elements include patelt -elements. - - - -Patelt elements hold a single pattern element and list of values. They must -have a 'name' attribute which indicates the pattern element name. Patelt -elements include int, double, string, matrix, bool, charset and const elements. - - - -This element holds first a (possibly empty) list of elements and then a -(possibly empty) list of elements. Patterns which match all of the tests -are subjected to all the edits. If 'target' is set to "font" instead of the -default "pattern", then this element applies to the font name resulting from a -match rather than a font pattern to be matched. If 'target' is set to "scan", -then this element applies when the font is scanned to build the fontconfig -database. - - - -This element contains a single value which is compared with the target -('pattern', 'font', 'scan' or 'default') property "property" (substitute any of -the property names seen above). 'compare' can be one of "eq", "not_eq", "less", -"less_eq", "more", or "more_eq". 'qual' may either be the default, "any", in -which case the match succeeds if any value associated with the property matches -the test value, or "all", in which case all of the values associated with the -property must match the test value. When used in a -element, the target= attribute in the element selects between matching -the original pattern or the font. "default" selects whichever target the outer - element has selected. - - - -This element contains a list of expression elements (any of the value or -operator elements). The expression elements are evaluated at run-time and -modify the property "property". The modification depends on whether "property" -was matched by one of the associated elements, if so, the modification -may affect the first matched value. Any values inserted into the property are -given the indicated binding ("strong", "weak" or "same") with "same" binding -using the value from the matched pattern element. 'mode' is one of: - - Mode With Match Without Match - --------------------------------------------------------------------- - "assign" Replace matching value Replace all values - "assign_replace" Replace all values Replace all values - "prepend" Insert before matching Insert at head of list - "prepend_first" Insert at head of list Insert at head of list - "append" Append after matching Append at end of list - "append_last" Append at end of list Append at end of list - - -, , , - -These elements hold a single value of the indicated type. elements hold -either true or false. An important limitation exists in the parsing of floating -point numbers -- fontconfig requires that the mantissa start with a digit, not -a decimal point, so insert a leading zero for purely fractional values (e.g. -use 0.5 instead of .5 and -0.5 instead of -.5). - - - -This element holds the four elements of an affine transformation. - - - -Holds a property name. Evaluates to the first value from the property of the -font, not the pattern. - - - -Holds the name of a constant; these are always integers and serve as symbolic -names for common font values: - - Constant Property Value - ------------------------------------- - thin weight 0 - extralight weight 40 - ultralight weight 40 - light weight 50 - book weight 75 - regular weight 80 - normal weight 80 - medium weight 100 - demibold weight 180 - semibold weight 180 - bold weight 200 - extrabold weight 205 - black weight 210 - heavy weight 210 - roman slant 0 - italic slant 100 - oblique slant 110 - ultracondensed width 50 - extracondensed width 63 - condensed width 75 - semicondensed width 87 - normal width 100 - semiexpanded width 113 - expanded width 125 - extraexpanded width 150 - ultraexpanded width 200 - proportional spacing 0 - dual spacing 90 - mono spacing 100 - charcell spacing 110 - unknown rgba 0 - rgb rgba 1 - bgr rgba 2 - vrgb rgba 3 - vbgr rgba 4 - none rgba 5 - lcdnone lcdfilter 0 - lcddefault lcdfilter 1 - lcdlight lcdfilter 2 - lcdlegacy lcdfilter 3 - hintnone hintstyle 0 - hintslight hintstyle 1 - hintmedium hintstyle 2 - hintfull hintstyle 3 - - -, , , , , - -These elements perform the specified operation on a list of expression -elements. and are boolean, not bitwise. - -, , , , , - -These elements compare two values, producing a boolean result. - - - -Inverts the boolean sense of its one expression element - - - -This element takes three expression elements; if the value of the first is -true, it produces the value of the second, otherwise it produces the value of -the third. - - - -Alias elements provide a shorthand notation for the set of common match -operations needed to substitute one font family for another. They contain a - element followed by optional , and -elements. Fonts matching the element are edited to prepend the list of -ed families before the matching , append the able -families after the matching and append the families to the -end of the family list. - - - -Holds a single font family name - -, , - -These hold a list of elements to be used by the element. - -EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILE - -System configuration file - -This is an example of a system-wide configuration file - - - - - - -/usr/share/fonts -/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts - - - - mono - monospace - - - - - sans - serif - monospace - sans - - - -~/.fonts.conf - - -conf.d -local.conf - - - - Times - Times New Roman - serif - - - Helvetica - Arial - sans - - - Courier - Courier New - monospace - - - - - serif - Times New Roman - - - sans - Arial - - - monospace - Andale Mono - - - - -User configuration file - -This is an example of a per-user configuration file that lives in ~/.fonts.conf - - - - - - - -~/.fonts - - - - rgb - - - - -Files - -fonts.conf contains configuration information for the fontconfig library -consisting of directories to look at for font information as well as -instructions on editing program specified font patterns before attempting to -match the available fonts. It is in xml format. - -conf.d is the conventional name for a directory of additional configuration -files managed by external applications or the local administrator. The -filenames starting with decimal digits are sorted in lexicographic order and -used as additional configuration files. All of these files are in xml format. -The master fonts.conf file references this directory in an directive. - -fonts.dtd is a DTD that describes the format of the configuration files. - -~/.fonts.conf.d is the conventional name for a per-user directory of (typically -auto-generated) configuration files, although the actual location is specified -in the global fonts.conf file. - -~/.fonts.conf is the conventional location for per-user font configuration, -although the actual location is specified in the global fonts.conf file. - -~/.fonts.cache-* is the conventional repository of font information that isn't -found in the per-directory caches. This file is automatically maintained by -fontconfig. - -See Also - -fc-cat(1), fc-cache(1), fc-list(1), fc-match(1), fc-query(1) - -Version - -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 - diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-cache.1 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-cache.1 deleted file mode 100644 index 9ed3184a9e..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-cache.1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FC-CACHE" "1" "Aug 13, 2008" "" "" -.SH NAME -fc-cache \- build font information cache files -.SH SYNOPSIS -.sp -\fBfc-cache\fR [ \fB-fsvVh\fR ] [ \fB--force\fR ] [ \fB--system-only\fR ] [ \fB--verbose\fR ] [ \fB--version\fR ] [ \fB--help\fR ] [ \fB\fIdir\fB\fR\fI...\fR ] -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBfc-cache\fR scans the font directories on -the system and builds font information cache files for -applications using fontconfig for their font handling. -.PP -If directory arguments are not given, -\fBfc-cache\fR uses each directory in the -current font configuration. Each directory is scanned for -font files readable by FreeType. A cache is created which -contains properties of each font and the associated filename. -This cache is used to speed up application startup when using -the fontconfig library. -.PP -Note that \fBfc-cache\fR must be executed -once per architecture to generate font information customized -for that architecture. -.SH "OPTIONS" -.PP -This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, -with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of -options is included below. -.TP -\fB-f\fR -Force re-generation of apparently up-to-date cache files, -overriding the timestamp checking. -.TP -\fB-s\fR -Only scan system-wide directories, omitting the places -located in the user's home directory. -.TP -\fB-v\fR -Display status information while busy. -.TP -\fB-h\fR -Show summary of options. -.TP -\fB-V\fR -Show version of the program and exit. -.TP -\fB\fIdir\fB\fR -Directory to scan for fonts. -.SH "FILES" -.TP -\fB\fI%cachdir%/*-%arch%.cache-2\fB\fR -These files are generated by \fBfc-cache\fR -and contain maps from file names to font properties. They are -read by the fontconfig library at application startup to locate -appropriate fonts. -.SH "SEE ALSO" -.PP -\fBfc-cat\fR(1) -\fBfc-list\fR(1) -\fBfc-match\fR(1) -\fBfc-query\fR(1) -\fBfc-scan\fR(1) -.PP -The fontconfig user's guide, in HTML format: -\fI/usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html\fR. -.SH "AUTHOR" -.PP -This manual page was written by Keith Packard - and Josselin Mouette . diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-cat.1 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-cat.1 deleted file mode 100644 index cb163e03d4..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-cat.1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FC-CAT" "1" "Aug 13, 2008" "" "" -.SH NAME -fc-cat \- read font information cache files -.SH SYNOPSIS -.sp -\fBfc-cat\fR [ \fB-rvVh\fR ] [ \fB--recurse\fR ] [ \fB--verbose\fR ] [ \fB--version\fR ] [ \fB--help\fR ] - - [ \fB [ \fIfonts-cache-2-files\fB ] [ \fIdirs\fB ] \fR\fI...\fR ] -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBfc-cat\fR reads the font information from -cache files or related to font directories -and emits it in ASCII form. -.SH "OPTIONS" -.PP -This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, -with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of -options is included below. -.TP -\fB-r\fR -Recurse into subdirectories. -.TP -\fB-v\fR -Be verbose. -.TP -\fB-h\fR -Show summary of options. -.TP -\fB-V\fR -Show version of the program and exit. -.SH "SEE ALSO" -.PP -\fBfc-cache\fR(1) -\fBfc-list\fR(1) -\fBfc-match\fR(1) -\fBfc-query\fR(1) -\fBfc-scan\fR(1) -.PP -The fontconfig user's guide, in HTML format: -\fI/usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html\fR. -.SH "AUTHOR" -.PP -This manual page was written by Patrick Lam . diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-list.1 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-list.1 deleted file mode 100644 index 2de2e82a37..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-list.1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FC-LIST" "1" "Aug 13, 2008" "" "" -.SH NAME -fc-list \- list available fonts -.SH SYNOPSIS -.sp -\fBfc-list\fR [ \fB-vVh\fR ] [ \fB--verbose\fR ] [ \fB [ -f \fIformat\fB ] [ --format \fIformat\fB ] \fR ] [ \fB--version\fR ] [ \fB--help\fR ] - - [ \fB\fIpattern\fB [ \fIelement\fB\fI...\fB ] \fR ] -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBfc-list\fR lists fonts and styles -available on the system for applications using fontconfig. -If any elements are specified, only those are printed. -Otherwise family and style are printed, unless verbose -output is requested. -.SH "OPTIONS" -.PP -This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, -with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of -options is included below. -.TP -\fB-v\fR -Print verbose output of the whole font pattern for each match, -or \fIelement\fRs if any is -provided. -.TP -\fB-f\fR -Format output according to the format specifier -\fIformat\fR. -.TP -\fB-V\fR -Show version of the program and exit. -.TP -\fB-h\fR -Show summary of options. -.TP -\fB\fIpattern\fB\fR -If this argument is set, only fonts matching -\fIpattern\fR are displayed. -.TP -\fB\fIelement\fB\fR -If set, the \fIelement\fR property -is displayed for matching fonts. -.SH "EXAMPLES" -.TP -\fBfc-list\fR -Lists all font faces. -.TP -\fBfc-list :lang=hi\fR -Lists font faces that cover Hindi. -.TP -\fBfc-list : family style file spacing\fR -Lists the filename and spacing value for each font -face. ``:'' is an empty pattern that matches all -fonts. -.SH "SEE ALSO" -.PP -\fBfc-match\fR(1) -\fBFcFontList\fR(3) -\fBFcPatternFormat\fR(3) -\fBfc-cat\fR(1) -\fBfc-cache\fR(1) -\fBfc-query\fR(1) -\fBfc-scan\fR(1) -.PP -The fontconfig user's guide, in HTML format: -\fI/usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html\fR. -.SH "AUTHOR" -.PP -This manual page was written by Keith Packard - and Josselin Mouette . diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-match.1 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-match.1 deleted file mode 100644 index 0e537bc050..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-match.1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FC-MATCH" "1" "Aug 13, 2008" "" "" -.SH NAME -fc-match \- match available fonts -.SH SYNOPSIS -.sp -\fBfc-match\fR [ \fB-asvVh\fR ] [ \fB--all\fR ] [ \fB--sort\fR ] [ \fB--verbose\fR ] [ \fB [ -f \fIformat\fB ] [ --format \fIformat\fB ] \fR ] [ \fB--version\fR ] [ \fB--help\fR ] - - [ \fB\fIpattern\fB [ \fIelement\fB\fI...\fB ] \fR ] -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBfc-match\fR matches -\fIpattern\fR (empty -pattern by default) using the normal fontconfig matching rules to find -the best font available. If \fB--sort\fR is given, the sorted list of best -matching fonts is displayed. -The \fB--all\fR option works like -\fB--sort\fR except that no pruning is done on the list of fonts. -.PP -If any elements are specified, only those are printed. -Otherwise short file name, family, and style are printed, unless verbose -output is requested. -.SH "OPTIONS" -.PP -This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, -with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of -options is included below. -.TP -\fB-a\fR -Displays sorted list of best matching fonts, but do not do any -pruning on the list. -.TP -\fB-s\fR -Displays sorted list of best matching fonts. -.TP -\fB-v\fR -Print verbose output of the whole font pattern for each match, -or \fIelement\fRs if any is -provided. -.TP -\fB-f\fR -Format output according to the format specifier -\fIformat\fR. -.TP -\fB-V\fR -Show version of the program and exit. -.TP -\fB-h\fR -Show summary of options. -.TP -\fB\fIpattern\fB\fR -Displays fonts matching -\fIpattern\fR (uses empty pattern by default). -.TP -\fB\fIelement\fB\fR -If set, the \fIelement\fR property -is displayed for matching fonts. -.SH "SEE ALSO" -.PP -\fBfc-list\fR(1) -\fBFcFontMatch\fR(3) -\fBFcFontSort\fR(3) -\fBFcPatternFormat\fR(3) -\fBfc-cat\fR(1) -\fBfc-cache\fR(1) -\fBfc-query\fR(1) -\fBfc-scal\fR(1) -.PP -The fontconfig user's guide, in HTML format: -\fI/usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html\fR. -.SH "AUTHOR" -.PP -This manual page was updated by Patrick Lam . diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-query.1 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-query.1 deleted file mode 100644 index a6e6e47a93..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-query.1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FC-QUERY" "1" "Aug 13, 2008" "" "" -.SH NAME -fc-query \- query font files -.SH SYNOPSIS -.sp -\fBfc-query\fR [ \fB-Vh\fR ] - - [ \fB [ -i \fIindex\fB ] [ --index \fIindex\fB ] \fR ] [ \fB [ -f \fIformat\fB ] [ --format \fIformat\fB ] \fR ] [ \fB--version\fR ] [ \fB--help\fR ] \fB\fIfont-file\fB\fR\fI...\fR -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBfc-query\fR queries -\fIfont-file\fR(s) using the normal fontconfig -rules and prints out font pattern for each face found. -If \fB--index\fR is given, only one face of each file is -queried, otherwise all faces are queried. -.SH "OPTIONS" -.PP -This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, -with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of -options is included below. -.TP -\fB-i\fR -Only query face indexed \fIindex\fR of -each file. -.TP -\fB-f\fR -Format output according to the format specifier -\fIformat\fR. -.TP -\fB-V\fR -Show version of the program and exit. -.TP -\fB-h\fR -Show summary of options. -.TP -\fB\fIfont-file\fB\fR -Query \fIfont-file\fR for font faces. -.SH "RETURN CODES" -.PP -\fBfc-query\fR returns error code 0 for successful parsing, -or 1 if any errors occured or if at least one font face could not be opened. -.SH "SEE ALSO" -.PP -\fBfc-scan\fR(1) -\fBFcFreeTypeQuery\fR(3) -\fBFcPatternFormat\fR(3) -\fBfc-cat\fR(1) -\fBfc-cache\fR(1) -\fBfc-list\fR(1) -\fBfc-match\fR(1) -.PP -The fontconfig user's guide, in HTML format: -\fI/usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html\fR. -.SH "AUTHOR" -.PP -This manual page was updated by Behdad Esfahbod . diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-scan.1 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-scan.1 deleted file mode 100644 index 77748d18f5..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man1/fc-scan.1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FC-SCAN" "1" "Jan 15, 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -fc-scan \- scan font files or directories -.SH SYNOPSIS -.sp -\fBfc-scan\fR [ \fB-Vh\fR ] - - [ \fB [ -f \fIformat\fB ] [ --format \fIformat\fB ] \fR ] [ \fB--version\fR ] [ \fB--help\fR ] \fB\fIfile\fB\fR\fI...\fR -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBfc-scan\fR scans -\fIfile\fR(s) recursively -and prints out font pattern for each face found. -.SH "OPTIONS" -.PP -This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, -with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of -options is included below. -.TP -\fB-f\fR -Format output according to the format specifier -\fIformat\fR. -.TP -\fB-V\fR -Show version of the program and exit. -.TP -\fB-h\fR -Show summary of options. -.TP -\fB\fIfile\fB\fR -Scan \fIfile\fR recursively for font faces. -.SH "RETURN CODES" -.PP -\fBfc-scan\fR returns error code 0 if at least one font -was found or 1 otherwise. -.SH "SEE ALSO" -.PP -\fBfc-query\fR(1) -\fBFcFileScan\fR(3) -\fBFcDirScan\fR(3) -\fBFcPatternFormat\fR(3) -\fBfc-cat\fR(1) -\fBfc-cache\fR(1) -\fBfc-list\fR(1) -\fBfc-match\fR(1) -.PP -The fontconfig user's guide, in HTML format: -\fI/usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html\fR. -.SH "AUTHOR" -.PP -This manual page was updated by Behdad Esfahbod . diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index f22ae185d7..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcAtomicCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcAtomicCreate \- create an FcAtomic object -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcAtomic * FcAtomicCreate(const FcChar8 *\fIfile\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Creates a data structure containing data needed to control access to \fIfile\fR. -Writing is done to a separate file. Once that file is complete, the original -configuration file is atomically replaced so that reading process always see -a consistent and complete file without the need to lock for reading. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicDeleteNew.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicDeleteNew.3 deleted file mode 100644 index fc0f718243..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicDeleteNew.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcAtomicDeleteNew" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcAtomicDeleteNew \- delete new file -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcAtomicDeleteNew(FcAtomic *\fIatomic\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Deletes the new file. Used in error recovery to back out changes. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ad31b41ac8..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcAtomicDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcAtomicDestroy \- destroy an FcAtomic object -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcAtomicDestroy(FcAtomic *\fIatomic\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Destroys \fIatomic\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicLock.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicLock.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ffd5df274b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicLock.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcAtomicLock" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcAtomicLock \- lock a file -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcAtomicLock(FcAtomic *\fIatomic\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Attempts to lock the file referenced by \fIatomic\fR. -Returns FcFalse if the file is already locked, else returns FcTrue and -leaves the file locked. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicNewFile.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicNewFile.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e76b3c7ccc..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicNewFile.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcAtomicNewFile" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcAtomicNewFile \- return new temporary file name -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcAtomicNewFile(FcAtomic *\fIatomic\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the filename for writing a new version of the file referenced -by \fIatomic\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicOrigFile.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicOrigFile.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 17fe63e44e..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicOrigFile.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcAtomicOrigFile" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcAtomicOrigFile \- return original file name -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcAtomicOrigFile(FcAtomic *\fIatomic\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the file refernced by \fIatomic\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicReplaceOrig.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicReplaceOrig.3 deleted file mode 100644 index f07b006146..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicReplaceOrig.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcAtomicReplaceOrig" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcAtomicReplaceOrig \- replace original with new -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcAtomicReplaceOrig(FcAtomic *\fIatomic\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Replaces the original file referenced by \fIatomic\fR with -the new file. Returns FcFalse if the file cannot be replaced due to -permission issues in the filesystem. Otherwise returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicUnlock.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicUnlock.3 deleted file mode 100644 index c18de88e45..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcAtomicUnlock.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcAtomicUnlock" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcAtomicUnlock \- unlock a file -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcAtomicUnlock(FcAtomic *\fIatomic\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Unlocks the file. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksAdd.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksAdd.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 07abedee00..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksAdd.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcBlanksAdd" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcBlanksAdd \- Add a character to an FcBlanks -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcBlanksAdd(FcBlanks *\fIb\fB); -(FcChar32 \fIucs4\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Adds a single character to an FcBlanks object, returning FcFalse -if this process ran out of memory. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index b72325834d..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcBlanksCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcBlanksCreate \- Create an FcBlanks -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBlanks * FcBlanksCreate(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Creates an empty FcBlanks object. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 62e3a51982..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcBlanksDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcBlanksDestroy \- Destroy and FcBlanks -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcBlanksDestroy(FcBlanks *\fIb\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Destroys an FcBlanks object, freeing any associated memory. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksIsMember.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksIsMember.3 deleted file mode 100644 index d1279c0392..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcBlanksIsMember.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcBlanksIsMember" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcBlanksIsMember \- Query membership in an FcBlanks -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcBlanksIsMember(FcBlanks *\fIb\fB); -(FcChar32 \fIucs4\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns whether the specified FcBlanks object contains the indicated Unicode -value. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheCopySet.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheCopySet.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 6cf20cb150..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheCopySet.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCacheCopySet" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCacheCopySet \- Returns a copy of the fontset from cache -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcFontSet * FcCacheCopySet(const FcCache *\fIcache\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -The returned fontset contains each of the font patterns from -\fIcache\fR. This fontset may be modified, but the patterns -from the cache are read-only. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheDir.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheDir.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 2d3ddd2f36..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheDir.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCacheDir" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCacheDir \- Return directory of cache -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -const FcChar8 * FcCacheDir(const FcCache *\fIcache\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This function returns the directory from which the cache was constructed. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheNumFont.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheNumFont.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 19f2708fe4..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheNumFont.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCacheNumFont" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCacheNumFont \- Returns the number of fonts in cache. -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -int FcCacheNumFont(const FcCache *\fIcache\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This returns the number of fonts which would be included in the return from -FcCacheCopySet. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheNumSubdir.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheNumSubdir.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 897a0d3fec..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheNumSubdir.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCacheNumSubdir" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCacheNumSubdir \- Return the number of subdirectories in cache. -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -int FcCacheNumSubdir(const FcCache *\fIcache\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This returns the total number of subdirectories in the cache. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheSubdir.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheSubdir.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 79af934bdf..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCacheSubdir.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCacheSubdir" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCacheSubdir \- Return the i'th subdirectory. -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -const FcChar8 * FcCacheSubdir(const FcCache *\fIcache\fB); -(int\fIi\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -The set of subdirectories stored in a cache file are indexed by this -function, \fIi\fR should range from 0 to -\fIn\fR-1, where \fIn\fR is the return -value from FcCacheNumSubdir. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetAddChar.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetAddChar.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 34afb16e89..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetAddChar.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetAddChar" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetAddChar \- Add a character to a charset -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcCharSetAddChar(FcCharSet *\fIfcs\fB); -(FcChar32 \fIucs4\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcCharSetAddChar\fR adds a single unicode char to the set, -returning FcFalse on failure, either as a result of a constant set or from -running out of memory. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCopy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCopy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 31edfd500b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCopy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetCopy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetCopy \- Copy a charset -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcCharSet * FcCharSetCopy(FcCharSet *\fIsrc\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Makes a copy of \fIsrc\fR; note that this may not actually do anything more -than increment the reference count on \fIsrc\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCount.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCount.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 313ab60f51..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCount.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetCount" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetCount \- Count entries in a charset -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar32 FcCharSetCount(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the total number of unicode chars in \fIa\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCoverage.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCoverage.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 480cd0d280..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCoverage.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetCoverage" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetCoverage \- DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar32 FcCharSetCoverage(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(FcChar32\fIpage\fB); -(FcChar32[8]\fIresult\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -DEPRECATED -This function returns a bitmask in \fIresult\fR which -indicates which code points in -\fIpage\fR are included in \fIa\fR. -\fBFcCharSetCoverage\fR returns the next page in the charset which has any -coverage. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 88ae9a16f6..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetCreate \- Create an empty character set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcCharSet * FcCharSetCreate(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcCharSetCreate\fR allocates and initializes a new empty -character set object. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 62b13a2500..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetDestroy \- Destroy a character set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcCharSetDestroy(FcCharSet *\fIfcs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcCharSetDestroy\fR decrements the reference count -\fIfcs\fR. If the reference count becomes zero, all -memory referenced is freed. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetEqual.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetEqual.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 6bf86b13d3..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetEqual.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetEqual" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetEqual \- Compare two charsets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcCharSetEqual(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(const FcCharSet *\fIb\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns whether \fIa\fR and \fIb\fR -contain the same set of unicode chars. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetFirstPage.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetFirstPage.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 3ed5fe1a8b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetFirstPage.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetFirstPage" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetFirstPage \- Start enumerating charset contents -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar32 FcCharSetFirstPage(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(FcChar32[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE] \fImap\fB); -(FcChar32 *\fInext\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Builds an array of bits marking the first page of Unicode coverage of -\fIa\fR. Returns the base of the array. \fInext\fR contains the next page in the -font. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetHasChar.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetHasChar.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 110bfd4f39..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetHasChar.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetHasChar" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetHasChar \- Check a charset for a char -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcCharSetHasChar(const FcCharSet *\fIfcs\fB); -(FcChar32 \fIucs4\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns whether \fIfcs\fR contains the char \fIucs4\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetIntersect.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetIntersect.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 08f2251672..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetIntersect.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetIntersect" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetIntersect \- Intersect charsets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcCharSet * FcCharSetIntersect(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(const FcCharSet *\fIb\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns a set including only those chars found in both -\fIa\fR and \fIb\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetIntersectCount.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetIntersectCount.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 3925b810e5..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetIntersectCount.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetIntersectCount" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetIntersectCount \- Intersect and count charsets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar32 FcCharSetIntersectCount(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(const FcCharSet *\fIb\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the number of chars that are in both \fIa\fR and \fIb\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetIsSubset.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetIsSubset.3 deleted file mode 100644 index b1949e01e8..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetIsSubset.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetIsSubset" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetIsSubset \- Test for charset inclusion -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcCharSetIsSubset(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(const FcCharSet *\fIb\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns whether \fIa\fR is a subset of \fIb\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetMerge.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetMerge.3 deleted file mode 100644 index c5d84d42f0..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetMerge.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetMerge" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetMerge \- Merge charsets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcCharSetMerge(FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(const FcCharSet *\fIb\fB); -(FcBool *\fIchanged\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Adds all chars in \fIb\fR to \fIa\fR. -In other words, this is an in-place version of FcCharSetUnion. -If \fIchanged\fR is not NULL, then it returns whether any new -chars from \fIb\fR were added to \fIa\fR. -Returns FcFalse on failure, either when \fIa\fR is a constant -set or from running out of memory. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetNew.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetNew.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e693ceb3da..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetNew.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetNew" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetNew \- DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcCharSet * FcCharSetNew(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcCharSetNew\fR is a DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetNextPage.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetNextPage.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 611ca549f4..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetNextPage.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetNextPage" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetNextPage \- Continue enumerating charset contents -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar32 FcCharSetNextPage(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(FcChar32[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE] \fImap\fB); -(FcChar32 *\fInext\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Builds an array of bits marking the Unicode coverage of \fIa\fR for page -\fI*next\fR. Returns the base of the array. \fInext\fR contains the next page in -the font. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetSubtract.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetSubtract.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 8401def162..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetSubtract.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetSubtract" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetSubtract \- Subtract charsets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcCharSet * FcCharSetSubtract(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(const FcCharSet *\fIb\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns a set including only those chars found in \fIa\fR but not \fIb\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetSubtractCount.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetSubtractCount.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 3ad5dbf38b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetSubtractCount.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetSubtractCount" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetSubtractCount \- Subtract and count charsets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar32 FcCharSetSubtractCount(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(const FcCharSet *\fIb\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the number of chars that are in \fIa\fR but not in \fIb\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetUnion.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetUnion.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 04f8eb4bc9..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcCharSetUnion.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcCharSetUnion" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcCharSetUnion \- Add charsets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcCharSet * FcCharSetUnion(const FcCharSet *\fIa\fB); -(const FcCharSet *\fIb\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns a set including only those chars found in either \fIa\fR or \fIb\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigAppFontAddDir.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigAppFontAddDir.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 602a28ec9a..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigAppFontAddDir.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigAppFontAddDir" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigAppFontAddDir \- Add fonts from directory to font database -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddDir(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIdir\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Scans the specified directory for fonts, adding each one found to the -application-specific set of fonts. Returns FcFalse -if the fonts cannot be added (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigAppFontAddFile.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigAppFontAddFile.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 9409c933d0..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigAppFontAddFile.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigAppFontAddFile" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigAppFontAddFile \- Add font file to font database -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddFile(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIfile\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Adds an application-specific font to the configuration. Returns FcFalse -if the fonts cannot be added (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigAppFontClear.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigAppFontClear.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ffa2208995..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigAppFontClear.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigAppFontClear" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigAppFontClear \- Remove all app fonts from font database -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcConfigAppFontClear(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Clears the set of application-specific fonts. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigBuildFonts.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigBuildFonts.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 07cd8dd11c..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigBuildFonts.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigBuildFonts" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigBuildFonts \- Build font database -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcConfigBuildFonts(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Builds the set of available fonts for the given configuration. Note that -any changes to the configuration after this call have indeterminate effects. -Returns FcFalse if this operation runs out of memory. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 7d71902784..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigCreate \- Create a configuration -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcConfig * FcConfigCreate(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Creates an empty configuration. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 72e20784aa..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigDestroy \- Destroy a configuration -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcConfigDestroy(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Decrements the config reference count. If all references are gone, destroys -the configuration and any data associated with it. -Note that calling this function with the return from FcConfigGetCurrent will -cause a new configuration to be created for use as current configuration. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigEnableHome.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigEnableHome.3 deleted file mode 100644 index c20ef78278..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigEnableHome.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigEnableHome" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigEnableHome \- controls use of the home directory. -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBol FcConfigEnableHome(FcBool \fIenable\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -If \fIenable\fR is FcTrue, then Fontconfig will use various -files which are specified relative to the user's home directory (using the ~ -notation in the configuration). When \fIenable\fR is -FcFalse, then all use of the home directory in these contexts will be -disabled. The previous setting of the value is returned. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigFilename.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigFilename.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 3b8d8380a3..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigFilename.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigFilename" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigFilename \- Find a config file -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcConfigFilename(const FcChar8 *\fIname\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Given the specified external entity name, return the associated filename. -This provides applications a way to convert various configuration file -references into filename form. -.PP -A null or empty \fIname\fR indicates that the default configuration file should -be used; which file this references can be overridden with the -FC_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. Next, if the name starts with \fI~\fR, it -refers to a file in the current users home directory. Otherwise if the name -doesn't start with '/', it refers to a file in the default configuration -directory; the built-in default directory can be overridden with the -FC_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetBlanks.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetBlanks.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ddd0a609fa..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetBlanks.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigGetBlanks" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigGetBlanks \- Get config blanks -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBlanks * FcConfigGetBlanks(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the FcBlanks object associated with the given configuration, if no -blanks were present in the configuration, this function will return 0. -The returned FcBlanks object if not NULL, is valid as long as the owning -FcConfig is alive. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetCache.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetCache.3 deleted file mode 100644 index be8006e200..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetCache.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigGetCache" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigGetCache \- DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcConfigGetCache(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -With fontconfig no longer using per-user cache files, this function now -simply returns NULL to indicate that no per-user file exists. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetCacheDirs.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetCacheDirs.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 0c47e8451c..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetCacheDirs.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigGetCacheDirs" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigGetCacheDirs \- return the list of directories searched for cache files -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcStrList * FcConfigGetCacheDirs(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcConfigGetCacheDirs\fR returns a string list containing -all of the directories that fontconfig will search when attempting to load a -cache file for a font directory. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetConfigDirs.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetConfigDirs.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 0a1598bd2f..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetConfigDirs.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigGetConfigDirs" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigGetConfigDirs \- Get config directories -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcStrList * FcConfigGetConfigDirs(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the list of font directories specified in the configuration files -for \fIconfig\fR. Does not include any subdirectories. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetConfigFiles.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetConfigFiles.3 deleted file mode 100644 index c71776e495..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetConfigFiles.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigGetConfigFiles" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigGetConfigFiles \- Get config files -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcStrList * FcConfigGetConfigFiles(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the list of known configuration files used to generate \fIconfig\fR. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetCurrent.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetCurrent.3 deleted file mode 100644 index d89cd20abb..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetCurrent.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigGetCurrent" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigGetCurrent \- Return current configuration -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcConfig * FcConfigGetCurrent(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the current default configuration. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetFontDirs.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetFontDirs.3 deleted file mode 100644 index be4f081050..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetFontDirs.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigGetFontDirs" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigGetFontDirs \- Get font directories -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcStrList * FcConfigGetFontDirs(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the list of font directories in \fIconfig\fR. This includes the -configured font directories along with any directories below those in the -filesystem. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetFonts.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetFonts.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 1094384d5e..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetFonts.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigGetFonts" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigGetFonts \- Get config font set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcFontSet * FcConfigGetFonts(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcSetName \fIset\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns one of the two sets of fonts from the configuration as specified -by \fIset\fR. This font set is owned by the library and must -not be modified or freed. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetRescanInterval.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetRescanInterval.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 11974a6402..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigGetRescanInterval.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigGetRescanInterval" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigGetRescanInterval \- Get config rescan interval -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -int FcConfigGetRescanInterval(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the interval between automatic checks of the configuration (in -seconds) specified in \fIconfig\fR. The configuration is checked during -a call to FcFontList when this interval has passed since the last check. -An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigHome.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigHome.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 0d136d048e..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigHome.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigHome" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigHome \- return the current home directory. -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcConfigHome(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Return the current user's home directory, if it is available, and if using it -is enabled, and NULL otherwise. -See also \fBFcConfigEnableHome\fR). -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigParseAndLoad.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigParseAndLoad.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ae2f2d0d5b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigParseAndLoad.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigParseAndLoad" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigParseAndLoad \- load a configuration file -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcConfigParseAndLoad(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIfile\fB); -(FcBool \fIcomplain\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Walks the configuration in 'file' and constructs the internal representation -in 'config'. Any include files referenced from within 'file' will be loaded -and parsed. If 'complain' is FcFalse, no warning will be displayed if -\&'file' does not exist. Error and warning messages will be output to stderr. -Returns FcFalse if some error occurred while loading the file, either a -parse error, semantic error or allocation failure. Otherwise returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigReference.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigReference.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 1b1ba66637..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigReference.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigReference" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigReference \- Increment config reference count -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcConfig * FcConfigReference(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Add another reference to \fIconfig\fR. Configs are freed only -when the reference count reaches zero. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -In that case this function will be similar to FcConfigGetCurrent() except that -it increments the reference count before returning and the user is responsible -for destroying the configuration when not needed anymore. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSetCurrent.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSetCurrent.3 deleted file mode 100644 index b687fbdebd..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSetCurrent.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigSetCurrent" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigSetCurrent \- Set configuration as default -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcConfigSetCurrent(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Sets the current default configuration to \fIconfig\fR. Implicitly calls -FcConfigBuildFonts if necessary, returning FcFalse if that call fails. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSetRescanInterval.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSetRescanInterval.3 deleted file mode 100644 index cb1d57c07a..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSetRescanInterval.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigSetRescanInterval" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigSetRescanInterval \- Set config rescan interval -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcConfigSetRescanInterval(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(int \fIrescanInterval\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Sets the rescan interval. Returns FcFalse if the interval cannot be set (due -to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSubstitute.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSubstitute.3 deleted file mode 100644 index bfab1fdeb8..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSubstitute.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigSubstitute" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigSubstitute \- Execute substitutions -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcConfigSubstitute(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(FcMatchKind \fIkind\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Calls FcConfigSubstituteWithPat setting p_pat to NULL. Returns FcFalse -if the substitution cannot be performed (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSubstituteWithPat.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSubstituteWithPat.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 087efc870e..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigSubstituteWithPat.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigSubstituteWithPat" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigSubstituteWithPat \- Execute substitutions -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcConfigSubstituteWithPat(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIp_pat\fB); -(FcMatchKind \fIkind\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Performs the sequence of pattern modification operations, if \fIkind\fR is -FcMatchPattern, then those tagged as pattern operations are applied, else -if \fIkind\fR is FcMatchFont, those tagged as font operations are applied and -p_pat is used for elements with target=pattern. Returns FcFalse -if the substitution cannot be performed (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigUptoDate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigUptoDate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 279559e5fd..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcConfigUptoDate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcConfigUptoDate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcConfigUptoDate \- Check timestamps on config files -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcConfigUptoDate(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Checks all of the files related to \fIconfig\fR and returns -whether any of them has been modified since the configuration was created. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDefaultSubstitute.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDefaultSubstitute.3 deleted file mode 100644 index bdadd5eb61..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDefaultSubstitute.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcDefaultSubstitute" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcDefaultSubstitute \- Perform default substitutions in a pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcDefaultSubstitute(FcPattern *\fIpattern\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Supplies default values for underspecified font patterns: -.TP 0.2i -\(bu -Patterns without a specified style or weight are set to Medium -.TP 0.2i -\(bu -Patterns without a specified style or slant are set to Roman -.TP 0.2i -\(bu -Patterns without a specified pixel size are given one computed from any -specified point size (default 12), dpi (default 75) and scale (default 1). -.PP -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheLoad.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheLoad.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e6a208c335..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheLoad.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcDirCacheLoad" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcDirCacheLoad \- load a directory cache -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcCache * FcDirCacheLoad(const FcChar8 *\fIdir\fB); -(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcChar8 **\fIcache_file\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Loads the cache related to \fIdir\fR. If no cache file -exists, returns NULL. The name of the cache file is returned in -\fIcache_file\fR, unless that is NULL. See also -FcDirCacheRead. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheLoadFile.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheLoadFile.3 deleted file mode 100644 index bc2f51bbd9..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheLoadFile.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcDirCacheLoadFile" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcDirCacheLoadFile \- load a cache file -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcCache * FcDirCacheLoadFile(const FcChar8 *\fIcache_file\fB); -(struct stat *\fIfile_stat\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This function loads a directory cache from -\fIcache_file\fR. If \fIfile_stat\fR is -non-NULL, it will be filled with the results of stat(2) on the cache file. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheRead.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheRead.3 deleted file mode 100644 index f51ec13100..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheRead.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcDirCacheRead" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcDirCacheRead \- read or construct a directory cache -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcCache * FcDirCacheRead(const FcChar8 *\fIdir\fB); -(FcBool \fIforce\fB); -(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This returns a cache for \fIdir\fR. If -\fIforce\fR is FcFalse, then an existing, valid cache file -will be used. Otherwise, a new cache will be created by scanning the -directory and that returned. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheUnlink.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheUnlink.3 deleted file mode 100644 index b8518f1bf8..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheUnlink.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcDirCacheUnlink" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcDirCacheUnlink \- Remove all caches related to dir -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcDirCacheUnlink(const FcChar8 *\fIdir\fB); -(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Scans the cache directories in \fIconfig\fR, removing any -instances of the cache file for \fIdir\fR. Returns FcFalse -when some internal error occurs (out of memory, etc). Errors actually -unlinking any files are ignored. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheUnload.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheUnload.3 deleted file mode 100644 index d3b1953c49..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheUnload.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcDirCacheUnload" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcDirCacheUnload \- unload a cache file -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcDirCacheUnload(FcCache *\fIcache\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This function dereferences \fIcache\fR. When no other -references to it remain, all memory associated with the cache will be freed. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheValid.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheValid.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 7ed81219aa..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirCacheValid.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcDirCacheValid" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcDirCacheValid \- check directory cache -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcDirCacheValid(const FcChar8 *\fIdir\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns FcTrue if \fIdir\fR has an associated valid cache -file, else returns FcFalse -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirSave.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirSave.3 deleted file mode 100644 index baec1907c3..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirSave.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcDirSave" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcDirSave \- DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcDirSave(FcFontSet *\fIset\fB); -(FcStrSet *\fIdirs\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIdir\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This function now does nothing aside from returning FcFalse. It used to creates the -per-directory cache file for \fIdir\fR and populates it -with the fonts in \fIset\fR and subdirectories in -\fIdirs\fR. All of this functionality is now automatically -managed by FcDirCacheLoad and FcDirCacheRead. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirScan.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirScan.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 078e04108c..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcDirScan.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcDirScan" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcDirScan \- scan a font directory without caching it -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcDirScan(FcFontSet *\fIset\fB); -(FcStrSet *\fIdirs\fB); -(FcFileCache *\fIcache\fB); -(FcBlanks *\fIblanks\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIdir\fB); -(FcBool \fIforce\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -If \fIcache\fR is not zero or if \fIforce\fR -is FcFalse, this function currently returns FcFalse. Otherwise, it scans an -entire directory and adds all fonts found to \fIset\fR. -Any subdirectories found are added to \fIdirs\fR. Calling -this function does not create any cache files. Use FcDirCacheRead() if -caching is desired. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFileIsDir.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFileIsDir.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 3af628964b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFileIsDir.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFileIsDir" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFileIsDir \- check whether a file is a directory -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcFileIsDir(const FcChar8 *\fIfile\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns FcTrue if \fIfile\fR is a directory, otherwise -returns FcFalse. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFileScan.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFileScan.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 9a0fab9d94..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFileScan.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFileScan" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFileScan \- scan a font file -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcFileScan(FcFontSet *\fIset\fB); -(FcStrSet *\fIdirs\fB); -(FcFileCache *\fIcache\fB); -(FcBlanks *\fIblanks\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIfile\fB); -(FcBool \fIforce\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Scans a single file and adds all fonts found to \fIset\fR. -If \fIforce\fR is FcTrue, then the file is scanned even if -associated information is found in \fIcache\fR. If -\fIfile\fR is a directory, it is added to -\fIdirs\fR. Whether fonts are found depends on fontconfig -policy as well as the current configuration. Internally, fontconfig will -ignore BDF and PCF fonts which are not in Unicode (or the effectively -equivalent ISO Latin-1) encoding as those are not usable by Unicode-based -applications. The configuration can ignore fonts based on filename or -contents of the font file itself. Returns FcFalse if any of the fonts cannot be -added (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFini.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFini.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 8831199ae1..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFini.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFini" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFini \- finalize fonconfig library -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcFini(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Frees all data structures allocated by previous calls to fontconfig -functions. Fontconfig returns to an uninitialized state, requiring a -new call to one of the FcInit functions before any other fontconfig -function may be called. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontList.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontList.3 deleted file mode 100644 index a2bcf37bb7..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontList.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontList" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontList \- List fonts -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcFontSet * FcFontList(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(FcObjectSet *\fIos\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Selects fonts matching \fIp\fR, creates patterns from those fonts containing -only the objects in \fIos\fR and returns the set of unique such patterns. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the default configuration is checked -to be up to date, and used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontMatch.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontMatch.3 deleted file mode 100644 index b4ebc2f7f0..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontMatch.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontMatch" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontMatch \- Return best font -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcFontMatch(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(FcResult *\fIresult\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Finds the font in \fIsets\fR most closely matching -\fIpattern\fR and returns the result of -\fBFcFontRenderPrepare\fR for that font and the provided -pattern. This function should be called only after -\fBFcConfigSubstitute\fR and -\fBFcDefaultSubstitute\fR have been called for -\fIp\fR; otherwise the results will not be correct. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontRenderPrepare.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontRenderPrepare.3 deleted file mode 100644 index c577050173..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontRenderPrepare.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontRenderPrepare" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontRenderPrepare \- Prepare pattern for loading font file -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcFontRenderPrepare(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIpat\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIfont\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Creates a new pattern consisting of elements of \fIfont\fR not appearing -in \fIpat\fR, elements of \fIpat\fR not appearing in \fIfont\fR and the best matching -value from \fIpat\fR for elements appearing in both. The result is passed to -FcConfigSubstituteWithPat with \fIkind\fR FcMatchFont and then returned. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetAdd.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetAdd.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 80e2784788..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetAdd.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontSetAdd" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontSetAdd \- Add to a font set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcFontSetAdd(FcFontSet *\fIs\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIfont\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Adds a pattern to a font set. Note that the pattern is not copied before -being inserted into the set. Returns FcFalse if the pattern cannot be -inserted into the set (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e6ce70f331..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontSetCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontSetCreate \- Create a font set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcFontSet * FcFontSetCreate(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Creates an empty font set. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index aa358cd443..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontSetDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontSetDestroy \- Destroy a font set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcFontSetDestroy(FcFontSet *\fIs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Destroys a font set. Note that this destroys any referenced patterns as -well. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetList.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetList.3 deleted file mode 100644 index af92f9f7ac..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetList.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontSetList" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontSetList \- List fonts from a set of font sets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcFontSet * FcFontSetList(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcFontSet **\fIsets\fB); -(int\fInsets\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIpattern\fB); -(FcObjectSet *\fIobject_set\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Selects fonts matching \fIpattern\fR from -\fIsets\fR, creates patterns from those -fonts containing only the objects in \fIobject_set\fR and returns -the set of unique such patterns. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the default configuration is checked -to be up to date, and used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetMatch.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetMatch.3 deleted file mode 100644 index a7f5a5045b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetMatch.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontSetMatch" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontSetMatch \- Return the best font from a set of font sets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcFontSetMatch(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcFontSet **\fIsets\fB); -(int\fInsets\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIpattern\fB); -(FcResult *\fIresult\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Finds the font in \fIsets\fR most closely matching -\fIpattern\fR and returns the result of -\fBFcFontRenderPrepare\fR for that font and the provided -pattern. This function should be called only after -\fBFcConfigSubstitute\fR and -\fBFcDefaultSubstitute\fR have been called for -\fIpattern\fR; otherwise the results will not be correct. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -Returns NULL if an error occurs during this process. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetPrint.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetPrint.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 5ed1ed2b64..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetPrint.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontSetPrint" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontSetPrint \- Print a set of patterns to stdout -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcFontSetPrint(FcFontSet *\fIset\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This function is useful for diagnosing font related issues, printing the -complete contents of every pattern in \fIset\fR. The format -of the output is designed to be of help to users and developers, and may -change at any time. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetSort.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetSort.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 56a6ecfedd..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetSort.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontSetSort" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontSetSort \- Add to a font set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcFontSetSort(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcFontSet **\fIsets\fB); -(int\fInsets\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIpattern\fB); -(FcBool \fItrim\fB); -(FcCharSet **\fIcsp\fB); -(FcResult *\fIresult\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the list of fonts from \fIsets\fR -sorted by closeness to \fIpattern\fR. -If \fItrim\fR is FcTrue, -elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided by -earlier elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of -all of the fonts is returned in \fIcsp\fR, -if \fIcsp\fR is not NULL. This function -should be called only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have -been called for \fIp\fR; -otherwise the results will not be correct. -.PP -The returned FcFontSet references FcPattern structures which may be shared -by the return value from multiple FcFontSort calls, applications cannot -modify these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with -\fIpattern\fR to -\fBFcFontRenderPrepare\fR which combines them into a complete pattern. -.PP -The FcFontSet returned by FcFontSetSort is destroyed by caling FcFontSetDestroy. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetSortDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetSortDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 29d8b2f34f..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSetSortDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontSetSortDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontSetSortDestroy \- DEPRECATED destroy a font set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcFontSetSortDestroy(FcFontSet *\fIset\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This function is DEPRECATED. \fBFcFontSetSortDestroy\fR -destroys \fIset\fR by calling -\fBFcFontSetDestroy\fR. Applications should use -\fBFcFontSetDestroy\fR directly instead. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSort.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSort.3 deleted file mode 100644 index c2de5cd349..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFontSort.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFontSort" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFontSort \- Return list of matching fonts -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcFontSet * FcFontSort(FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(FcBool \fItrim\fB); -(FcCharSet **\fIcsp\fB); -(FcResult *\fIresult\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the list of fonts sorted by closeness to \fIp\fR. If \fItrim\fR is FcTrue, -elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided by -earlier elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of -all of the fonts is returned in \fIcsp\fR, if \fIcsp\fR is not NULL. This function -should be called only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have -been called for \fIp\fR; otherwise the results will not be correct. -.PP -The returned FcFontSet references FcPattern structures which may be shared -by the return value from multiple FcFontSort calls, applications must not -modify these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with \fIp\fR to -\fBFcFontRenderPrepare\fR which combines them into a complete pattern. -.PP -The FcFontSet returned by FcFontSort is destroyed by caling FcFontSetDestroy. -If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeCharIndex.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeCharIndex.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 1458967d0b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeCharIndex.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFreeTypeCharIndex" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFreeTypeCharIndex \- map Unicode to glyph id -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -#include -.sp -FT_UInt FcFreeTypeCharIndex(FT_Face \fIface\fB); -(FcChar32 \fIucs4\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Maps a Unicode char to a glyph index. This function uses information from -several possible underlying encoding tables to work around broken fonts. -As a result, this function isn't designed to be used in performance -sensitive areas; results from this function are intended to be cached by -higher level functions. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeCharSet.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeCharSet.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 2eedf9e542..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeCharSet.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFreeTypeCharSet" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFreeTypeCharSet \- compute unicode coverage -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -#include -.sp -FcCharSet * FcFreeTypeCharSet(FT_Face \fIface\fB); -(FcBlanks *\fIblanks\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. This scans -several encoding tables to build as complete a list as possible. -If 'blanks' is not 0, the glyphs in the font are examined and any blank glyphs -not in 'blanks' are not placed in the returned FcCharSet. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing.3 deleted file mode 100644 index a99ddf4bf0..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing \- compute unicode coverage and spacing type -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -#include -.sp -FcCharSet * FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing(FT_Face \fIface\fB); -(FcBlanks *\fIblanks\fB); -(int *\fIspacing\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. -This scans -several encoding tables to build as complete a list as possible. -If 'blanks' is not 0, the glyphs in the font are examined and any blank glyphs -not in 'blanks' are not placed in the returned FcCharSet. -\fIspacing\fR receives the computed spacing type of the -font, one of FC_MONO for a font where all glyphs have the same width, -FC_DUAL, where the font has glyphs in precisely two widths, one twice as -wide as the other, or FC_PROPORTIONAL where the font has glyphs of many -widths. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeQuery.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeQuery.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 89e0394060..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeQuery.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFreeTypeQuery" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFreeTypeQuery \- compute pattern from font file (and index) -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcFreeTypeQuery(const FcChar8 *\fIfile\fB); -(int \fIid\fB); -(FcBlanks *\fIblanks\fB); -(int *\fIcount\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Constructs a pattern representing the 'id'th font in 'file'. The number -of fonts in 'file' is returned in 'count'. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeQueryFace.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeQueryFace.3 deleted file mode 100644 index bb644949ad..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcFreeTypeQueryFace.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcFreeTypeQueryFace" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcFreeTypeQueryFace \- compute pattern from FT_Face -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcFreeTypeQueryFace(const FT_Face \fIface\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIfile\fB); -(int \fIid\fB); -(FcBlanks *\fIblanks\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Constructs a pattern representing 'face'. 'file' and 'id' are used solely as -data for pattern elements (FC_FILE, FC_INDEX and sometimes FC_FAMILY). -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcGetLangs.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcGetLangs.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 52e2f3f427..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcGetLangs.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcGetLangs" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcGetLangs \- Get list of languages -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcStrSet * FcGetLangs(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns a string set of all known languages. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcGetVersion.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcGetVersion.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 97ed5283ef..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcGetVersion.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcGetVersion" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcGetVersion \- library version number -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -int FcGetVersion(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the version number of the library. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInit.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInit.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 914de9bcc5..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInit.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcInit" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcInit \- initialize fontconfig library -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcInit(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Loads the default configuration file and the fonts referenced therein and -sets the default configuration to that result. Returns whether this -process succeeded or not. If the default configuration has already -been loaded, this routine does nothing and returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitBringUptoDate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitBringUptoDate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 0505bfdb37..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitBringUptoDate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcInitBringUptoDate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcInitBringUptoDate \- reload configuration files if needed -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcInitBringUptoDate(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Checks the rescan interval in the default configuration, checking the -configuration if the interval has passed and reloading the configuration if -when any changes are detected. Returns FcFalse if the configuration cannot -be reloaded (see FcInitReinitialize). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitLoadConfig.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitLoadConfig.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 0033f4aef9..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitLoadConfig.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcInitLoadConfig" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcInitLoadConfig \- load configuration -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcConfig * FcInitLoadConfig(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Loads the default configuration file and returns the resulting configuration. -Does not load any font information. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts.3 deleted file mode 100644 index c9c6d11c81..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts \- load configuration and font data -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcConfig * FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Loads the default configuration file and builds information about the -available fonts. Returns the resulting configuration. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitReinitialize.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitReinitialize.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ef3795268f..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcInitReinitialize.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcInitReinitialize" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcInitReinitialize \- re-initialize library -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcInitReinitialize(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Forces the default configuration file to be reloaded and resets the default -configuration. Returns FcFalse if the configuration cannot be reloaded (due -to config file errors, allocation failures or other issues) and leaves the -existing configuration unchanged. Otherwise returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcIsLower.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcIsLower.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 5f4a6302bc..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcIsLower.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcIsLower" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcIsLower \- check for lower case ASCII character -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcIsLower(FcChar8\fIc\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This macro checks whether \fIc\fR is an lower case ASCII -letter. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcIsUpper.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcIsUpper.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 4562773e46..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcIsUpper.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcIsUpper" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcIsUpper \- check for upper case ASCII character -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcIsUpper(FcChar8\fIc\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This macro checks whether \fIc\fR is a upper case ASCII -letter. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangGetCharSet.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangGetCharSet.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 950613ea9c..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangGetCharSet.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangGetCharSet" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangGetCharSet \- Get character map for a language -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -const FcCharSet * FcLangGetCharSet(const FcChar8 *\fIlang\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the FcCharMap for a language. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetAdd.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetAdd.3 deleted file mode 100644 index dacab31dd8..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetAdd.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetAdd" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetAdd \- add a language to a langset -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcLangSetAdd(FcLangSet *\fIls\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIlang\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fIlang\fR is added to \fIls\fR. -\fIlang\fR should be of the form Ll-Tt where Ll is a -two or three letter language from ISO 639 and Tt is a territory from ISO -3166. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetCompare.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetCompare.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 4a8a21fe85..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetCompare.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetCompare" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetCompare \- compare language sets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcLangResult FcLangSetCompare(const FcLangSet *\fIls_a\fB); -(const FcLangSet *\fIls_b\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcLangSetCompare\fR compares language coverage for -\fIls_a\fR and \fIls_b\fR. If they share -any language and territory pair, this function returns FcLangEqual. If they -share a language but differ in which territory that language is for, this -function returns FcLangDiffentTerritory. If they share no languages in -common, this function returns FcLangDifferentLang. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetContains.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetContains.3 deleted file mode 100644 index c103c0f43a..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetContains.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetContains" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetContains \- check langset subset relation -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcLangSetContains(const FcLangSet *\fIls_a\fB); -(const FcLangSet *\fIls_b\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcLangSetContains\fR returns FcTrue if -\fIls_a\fR contains every language in -\fIls_b\fR. \fIls_a\fR will 'contain' a -language from \fIls_b\fR if \fIls_a\fR -has exactly the language, or either the language or -\fIls_a\fR has no territory. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetCopy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetCopy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index a4659b7ebb..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetCopy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetCopy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetCopy \- copy a langset object -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcLangSet * FcLangSetCopy(const FcLangSet *\fIls\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcLangSetCopy\fR creates a new FcLangSet object and -populates it with the contents of \fIls\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 4967a8d220..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetCreate \- create a langset object -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcLangSet * FcLangSetCreate(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcLangSetCreate\fR creates a new FcLangSet object. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index dfee1aee73..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetDestroy \- destroy a langset object -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcLangSetDestroy(FcLangSet *\fIls\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcLangSetDestroy\fR destroys a FcLangSet object, freeing -all memory associated with it. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetEqual.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetEqual.3 deleted file mode 100644 index d8bb88725d..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetEqual.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetEqual" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetEqual \- test for matching langsets -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcLangSetEqual(const FcLangSet *\fIls_a\fB); -(const FcLangSet *\fIls_b\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns FcTrue if and only if \fIls_a\fR supports precisely -the same language and territory combinations as \fIls_b\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetGetLangs.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetGetLangs.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 34575a893e..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetGetLangs.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetGetLangs" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetGetLangs \- get the list of languages in the langset -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcStrSet * FcLangSetGetLangs(const FcLangSet *\fIls\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns a string set of all languages in \fIlangset\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetHasLang.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetHasLang.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 649c3ae715..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetHasLang.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetHasLang" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetHasLang \- test langset for language support -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcLangResult FcLangSetHasLang(const FcLangSet *\fIls\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIlang\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcLangSetHasLang\fR checks whether -\fIls\fR supports \fIlang\fR. If -\fIls\fR has a matching language and territory pair, -this function returns FcLangEqual. If \fIls\fR has -a matching language but differs in which territory that language is for, this -function returns FcLangDiffentTerritory. If \fIls\fR -has no matching language, this function returns FcLangDifferentLang. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetHash.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetHash.3 deleted file mode 100644 index f8272d262d..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcLangSetHash.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcLangSetHash" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcLangSetHash \- return a hash value for a langset -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar32 FcLangSetHash(const FcLangSet *\fIls\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This function returns a value which depends solely on the languages -supported by \fIls\fR. Any language which equals -\fIls\fR will have the same result from -\fBFcLangSetHash\fR. However, two langsets with the same hash -value may not be equal. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixCopy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixCopy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 6965e43bf2..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixCopy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcMatrixCopy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcMatrixCopy \- Copy a matrix -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcMatrixCopy(const FcMatrix *\fImatrix\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcMatrixCopy\fR allocates a new FcMatrix -and copies \fImat\fR into it. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixEqual.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixEqual.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 98f22d6d07..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixEqual.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcMatrixEqual" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcMatrixEqual \- Compare two matrices -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcMatrixEqual(const FcMatrix *\fImatrix1\fB); -(const FcMatrix *\fImatrix2\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcMatrixEqual\fR compares \fImatrix1\fR -and \fImatrix2\fR returning FcTrue when they are equal and -FcFalse when they are not. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixInit.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixInit.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 5624c4996c..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixInit.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcMatrixInit" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcMatrixInit \- initialize an FcMatrix structure -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcMatrixInit(FcMatrix *\fImatrix\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcMatrixInit\fR initializes \fImatrix\fR -to the identity matrix. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixMultiply.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixMultiply.3 deleted file mode 100644 index a00f93c2c3..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixMultiply.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcMatrixMultiply" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcMatrixMultiply \- Multiply matrices -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcMatrixMultiply(FcMatrix *\fIresult\fB); -(const FcMatrix *\fImatrix1\fB); -(const FcMatrix *\fImatrix2\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcMatrixMultiply\fR multiplies -\fImatrix1\fR and \fImatrix2\fR storing -the result in \fIresult\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixRotate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixRotate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ac50fe1c7e..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixRotate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcMatrixRotate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcMatrixRotate \- Rotate a matrix -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcMatrixRotate(FcMatrix *\fImatrix\fB); -(double \fIcos\fB); -(double \fIsin\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcMatrixRotate\fR rotates \fImatrix\fR -by the angle who's sine is \fIsin\fR and cosine is -\fIcos\fR. This is done by multiplying by the -matrix: -.sp - cos -sin - sin cos -.sp -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixScale.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixScale.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ec7ecd72ad..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixScale.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcMatrixScale" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcMatrixScale \- Scale a matrix -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcMatrixScale(FcMatrix *\fImatrix\fB); -(double \fIsx\fB); -(double \fIdy\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcMatrixScale\fR multiplies \fImatrix\fR -x values by \fIsx\fR and y values by -\fIsy\fR. This is done by multiplying by -the matrix: -.sp - sx 0 - 0 sy -.sp -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixShear.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixShear.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 9b8af2b241..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcMatrixShear.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcMatrixShear" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcMatrixShear \- Shear a matrix -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcMatrixShear(FcMatrix *\fImatrix\fB); -(double \fIsh\fB); -(double \fIsv\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcMatrixShare\fR shears \fImatrix\fR -horizontally by \fIsh\fR and vertically by -\fIsv\fR. This is done by multiplying by -the matrix: -.sp - 1 sh - sv 1 -.sp -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameConstant.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameConstant.3 deleted file mode 100644 index d180abb4e2..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameConstant.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcNameConstant" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcNameConstant \- Get the value for a symbolic constant -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcNameConstant(FcChar8 *\fIstring\fB); -(int *\fIresult\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns whether a symbolic constant with name \fIstring\fR is registered, -placing the value of the constant in \fIresult\fR if present. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameGetConstant.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameGetConstant.3 deleted file mode 100644 index f0c6e7e3c7..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameGetConstant.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcNameGetConstant" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcNameGetConstant \- Lookup symbolic constant -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -const FcConstant * FcNameGetConstant(FcChar8 *\fIstring\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Return the FcConstant structure related to symbolic constant \fIstring\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameGetObjectType.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameGetObjectType.3 deleted file mode 100644 index a446ac2c86..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameGetObjectType.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcNameGetObjectType" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcNameGetObjectType \- Lookup an object type -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -const FcObjectType * FcNameGetObjectType(const char *\fIobject\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Return the object type for the pattern element named \fIobject\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameParse.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameParse.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 6d61cbe55a..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameParse.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcNameParse" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcNameParse \- Parse a pattern string -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcNameParse(const FcChar8 *\fIname\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Converts \fIname\fR from the standard text format described above into a pattern. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameRegisterConstants.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameRegisterConstants.3 deleted file mode 100644 index a71ecbf3c8..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameRegisterConstants.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcNameRegisterConstants" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcNameRegisterConstants \- Register symbolic constants -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcNameRegisterConstants(const FcConstant *\fIconsts\fB); -(int \fInconsts\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Register \fInconsts\fR new symbolic constants. Returns -FcFalse if the constants cannot be registered (due to allocation failure). -Otherwise returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameRegisterObjectTypes.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameRegisterObjectTypes.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 33b5183d63..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameRegisterObjectTypes.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcNameRegisterObjectTypes" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcNameRegisterObjectTypes \- Register object types -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcNameRegisterObjectTypes(const FcObjectType *\fItypes\fB); -(int \fIntype\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Register \fIntype\fR new object types. Returns FcFalse if -some of the names cannot be -registered (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameUnparse.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameUnparse.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e6cdc33d6b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameUnparse.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcNameUnparse" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcNameUnparse \- Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcNameUnparse(FcPattern *\fIpat\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Converts the given pattern into the standard text format described above. -The return value is not static, but instead refers to newly allocated memory -which should be freed by the caller using free(). -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameUnregisterConstants.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameUnregisterConstants.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e67be25850..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameUnregisterConstants.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcNameUnregisterConstants" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcNameUnregisterConstants \- Unregister symbolic constants -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcNameUnregisterConstants(const FcConstant *\fIconsts\fB); -(int \fInconsts\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Unregister \fInconsts\fR symbolic constants. Returns -FcFalse if the specified constants were not registered. Otherwise returns -FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 85e29ae837..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes \- Unregister object types -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes(const FcObjectType *\fItypes\fB); -(int \fIntype\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Unregister \fIntype\fR object types. Returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetAdd.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetAdd.3 deleted file mode 100644 index c4d0444909..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetAdd.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcObjectSetAdd" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcObjectSetAdd \- Add to an object set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcObjectSetAdd(FcObjectSet *\fIos\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Adds a proprety name to the set. Returns FcFalse if the property name cannot be -inserted into the set (due to allocation failure). Otherwise returns FcTrue. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetBuild.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetBuild.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 7f433cceb2..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetBuild.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcObjectSetBuild" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcObjectSetBuild, FcObjectSetVaBuild, FcObjectSetVapBuild \- Build object set from args -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetBuild(const char *\fIfirst\fB); -(...\fI\fB); -.sp -FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetVaBuild(const char *\fIfirst\fB); -(va_list \fIva\fB); -.sp -void FcObjectSetVapBuild(FcObjectSet *\fIresult\fB); -(const char *\fIfirst\fB); -(va_list \fIva\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -These build an object set from a null-terminated list of property names. -FcObjectSetVapBuild is a macro version of FcObjectSetVaBuild which returns -the result in the \fIresult\fR variable directly. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 8d0516ee85..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcObjectSetCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcObjectSetCreate \- Create an object set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetCreate(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Creates an empty set. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 21599c938d..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcObjectSetDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcObjectSetDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcObjectSetDestroy \- Destroy an object set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcObjectSetDestroy(FcObjectSet *\fIos\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Destroys an object set. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternAdd-Type.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternAdd-Type.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 8827f3d6ac..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternAdd-Type.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternAdd-Type" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternAddInteger, FcPatternAddDouble, FcPatternAddString, FcPatternAddMatrix, FcPatternAddCharSet, FcPatternAddBool, FcPatternAddFTFace, FcPatternAddLangSet \- Add a typed value to a pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAddInteger(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIi\fB); -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAddDouble(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(double \fId\fB); -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAddString(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs\fB); -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAddMatrix(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(const FcMatrix *\fIm\fB); -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAddCharSet(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(const FcCharSet *\fIc\fB); -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAddBool(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(FcBool \fIb\fB); -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAddFTFace(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(const FT_Face\fIf\fB); -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAddLangSet(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(const FcLangSet *\fIl\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -These are all convenience functions that insert objects of the specified -type into the pattern. Use these in preference to FcPatternAdd as they -will provide compile-time typechecking. These all append values to -any existing list of values. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternAdd.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternAdd.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 2c15908095..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternAdd.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternAdd" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternAdd \- Add a value to a pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAdd(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(FcValue \fIvalue\fB); -(FcBool \fIappend\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Adds a single value to the list of values associated with the property named -`object\fI. If `append\fR is FcTrue, the value is added at the end of any -existing list, otherwise it is inserted at the begining. `value' is saved -(with FcValueSave) when inserted into the pattern so that the library -retains no reference to any application-supplied data structure. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternAddWeak.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternAddWeak.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 9a5117df7a..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternAddWeak.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternAddWeak" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternAddWeak \- Add a value to a pattern with weak binding -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcPatternAddWeak(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(FcValue \fIvalue\fB); -(FcBool \fIappend\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -FcPatternAddWeak is essentially the same as FcPatternAdd except that any -values added to the list have binding \fIweak\fR instead of \fIstrong\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternBuild.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternBuild.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 5d082c86b1..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternBuild.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternBuild" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternBuild, FcPatternVaBuild, FcPatternVapBuild \- Create patterns from arguments -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcPatternBuild(FcPattern *\fIpattern\fB); -(...\fI\fB); -.sp -FcPattern * FcPatternVaBuild(FcPattern *\fIpattern\fB); -(va_list \fIva\fB); -.sp -void FcPatternVapBuild(FcPattern *\fIresult\fB); -(FcPattern *\fIpattern\fB); -(va_list \fIva\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Builds a pattern using a list of objects, types and values. Each -value to be entered in the pattern is specified with three arguments: -.IP 1. -Object name, a string describing the property to be added. -.IP 2. -Object type, one of the FcType enumerated values -.IP 3. -Value, not an FcValue, but the raw type as passed to any of the -FcPatternAdd functions. Must match the type of the second -argument. -.PP -The argument list is terminated by a null object name, no object type nor -value need be passed for this. The values are added to `pattern', if -`pattern' is null, a new pattern is created. In either case, the pattern is -returned. Example -.PP -.sp -pattern = FcPatternBuild (0, FC_FAMILY, FcTypeString, "Times", (char *) 0); -.sp -.PP -FcPatternVaBuild is used when the arguments are already in the form of a -varargs value. FcPatternVapBuild is a macro version of FcPatternVaBuild -which returns its result directly in the \fIresult\fR -variable. -.PP -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e8d7e1695f..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternCreate \- Create a pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcPatternCreate(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Creates a pattern with no properties; used to build patterns from scratch. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternDel.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternDel.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 4893b66ec3..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternDel.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternDel" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternDel \- Delete a property from a pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcPatternDel(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Deletes all values associated with the property `object', returning -whether the property existed or not. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index d712bc8366..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternDestroy \- Destroy a pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcPatternDestroy(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Decrement the pattern reference count. If all references are gone, destroys -the pattern, in the process destroying all related values. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternDuplicate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternDuplicate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index f7fcb29fcc..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternDuplicate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternDuplicate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternDuplicate \- Copy a pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcPatternDuplicate(const FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Copy a pattern, returning a new pattern that matches -\fIp\fR. Each pattern may be modified without affecting the -other. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternEqual.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternEqual.3 deleted file mode 100644 index dfd5d1a134..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternEqual.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternEqual" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternEqual \- Compare patterns -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcPatternEqual(const FcPattern *\fIpa\fB); -(const FcPattern *\fIpb\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns whether \fIpa\fR and \fIpb\fR are exactly alike. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternEqualSubset.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternEqualSubset.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 68a35afb9f..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternEqualSubset.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternEqualSubset" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternEqualSubset \- Compare portions of patterns -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcPatternEqualSubset(const FcPattern *\fIpa\fB); -(const FcPattern *\fIpb\fB); -(const FcObjectSet *\fIos\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns whether \fIpa\fR and \fIpb\fR have exactly the same values for all of the -objects in \fIos\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternFilter.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternFilter.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 938c3ece58..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternFilter.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternFilter" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternFilter \- Filter the objects of pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcPattern * FcPatternFilter(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const FcObjectSet *\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns a new pattern that only has those objects from -\fIp\fR that are in \fIos\fR. -If \fIos\fR is NULL, a duplicate of -\fIp\fR is returned. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternFormat.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternFormat.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 4e68985049..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternFormat.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternFormat" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternFormat \- Format a pattern into a string according to a format specifier -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcPatternFormat(FcPattern *\fIpat\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIformat\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Converts given pattern \fIpat\fR into text described by -the format specifier \fIformat\fR. -The return value refers to newly allocated memory which should be freed by the -caller using free(), or NULL if \fIformat\fR is invalid. -.PP -The format is loosely modelled after printf-style format string. -The format string is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary -characters (not "%"), which are copied unchanged to the output stream; -and tags which are interpreted to construct text from the pattern in a -variety of ways (explained below). -Special characters can be escaped -using backslash. C-string style special characters like \\n and \\r are -also supported (this is useful when the format string is not a C string -literal). -It is advisable to always escape curly braces that -are meant to be copied to the output as ordinary characters. -.PP -Each tags is introduced by the character "%", -followed by an optional minimum field width, -followed by tag contents in curly braces ({}). -If the minimum field width value is provided the tag -will be expanded and the result padded to achieve the minimum width. -If the minimum field width is positive, the padding will right-align -the text. Negative field width will left-align. -The rest of this section describes various supported tag contents -and their expansion. -.PP -A \fIsimple\fR tag -is one where the content is an identifier. When simple -tags are expanded, the named identifier will be looked up in -\fIpattern\fR and the resulting list of values returned, -joined together using comma. For example, to print the family name and style the -pattern, use the format "%{family} %{style}\\n". To extend the family column -to forty characters use "%-40{family}%{style}\\n". -.PP -Simple tags expand to list of all values for an element. To only choose -one of the values, one can index using the syntax "%{elt[idx]}". For example, -to get the first family name only, use "%{family[0]}". -.PP -If a simple tag ends with "=" and the element is found in the pattern, the -name of the element followed by "=" will be output before the list of values. -For example, "%{weight=}" may expand to the string "weight=80". Or to the empty -string if \fIpattern\fR does not have weight set. -.PP -If a simple tag starts with ":" and the element is found in the pattern, ":" -will be printed first. For example, combining this with the =, the format -"%{:weight=}" may expand to ":weight=80" or to the empty string -if \fIpattern\fR does not have weight set. -.PP -If a simple tag contains the string ":-", the rest of the the tag contents -will be used as a default string. The default string is output if the element -is not found in the pattern. For example, the format -"%{:weight=:-123}" may expand to ":weight=80" or to the string -":weight=123" if \fIpattern\fR does not have weight set. -.PP -A \fIcount\fR tag -is one that starts with the character "#" followed by an element -name, and expands to the number of values for the element in the pattern. -For example, "%{#family}" expands to the number of family names -\fIpattern\fR has set, which may be zero. -.PP -A \fIsub-expression\fR tag -is one that expands a sub-expression. The tag contents -are the sub-expression to expand placed inside another set of curly braces. -Sub-expression tags are useful for aligning an entire sub-expression, or to -apply converters (explained later) on an entire sub-expression. -For example, the format "%40{{%{family} %{style}}}" expands the sub-expression -to construct the family name followed by the style, then takes the entire -string and pads it on the left to be at least forty characters. -.PP -A \fIfilter-out\fR tag -is one starting with the character "-" followed by a -comma-separated list of element names, followed by a sub-expression enclosed -in curly braces. The sub-expression will be expanded but with a pattern that -has the listed elements removed from it. -For example, the format "%{-size,pixelsize{sub-expr}}" will expand "sub-expr" -with \fIpattern\fR sans the size and pixelsize elements. -.PP -A \fIfilter-in\fR tag -is one starting with the character "+" followed by a -comma-separated list of element names, followed by a sub-expression enclosed -in curly braces. The sub-expression will be expanded but with a pattern that -only has the listed elements from the surrounding pattern. -For example, the format "%{+family,familylang{sub-expr}}" will expand "sub-expr" -with a sub-pattern consisting only the family and family lang elements of -\fIpattern\fR. -.PP -A \fIconditional\fR tag -is one starting with the character "?" followed by a -comma-separated list of element conditions, followed by two sub-expression -enclosed in curly braces. An element condition can be an element name, -in which case it tests whether the element is defined in pattern, or -the character "!" followed by an element name, in which case the test -is negated. The conditional passes if all the element conditions pass. -The tag expands the first sub-expression if the conditional passes, and -expands the second sub-expression otherwise. -For example, the format "%{?size,dpi,!pixelsize{pass}{fail}}" will expand -to "pass" if \fIpattern\fR has size and dpi elements but -no pixelsize element, and to "fail" otherwise. -.PP -An \fIenumerate\fR tag -is one starting with the string "[]" followed by a -comma-separated list of element names, followed by a sub-expression enclosed -in curly braces. The list of values for the named elements are walked in -parallel and the sub-expression expanded each time with a pattern just having -a single value for those elements, starting from the first value and -continuing as long as any of those elements has a value. -For example, the format "%{[]family,familylang{%{family} (%{familylang})\\n}}" -will expand the pattern "%{family} (%{familylang})\\n" with a pattern -having only the first value of the family and familylang elemtns, then expands -it with the second values, then the third, etc. -.PP -As a special case, if an enumerate tag has only one element, and that element -has only one value in the pattern, and that value is of type FcLangSet, the -individual languages in the language set are enumerated. -.PP -A \fIbuiltin\fR tag -is one starting with the character "=" followed by a builtin -name. The following builtins are defined: -.TP -\fBunparse\fR -Expands to the result of calling FcNameUnparse() on the pattern. -.TP -\fBfcmatch\fR -Expands to the output of the default output format of the fc-match -command on the pattern, without the final newline. -.TP -\fBfclist\fR -Expands to the output of the default output format of the fc-list -command on the pattern, without the final newline. -.TP -\fBpkgkit\fR -Expands to the list of PackageKit font() tags for the pattern. -Currently this includes tags for each family name, and each language -from the pattern, enumerated and sanitized into a set of tags terminated -by newline. Package management systems can use these tags to tag their -packages accordingly. -.PP -For example, the format "%{+family,style{%{=unparse}}}\\n" will expand -to an unparsed name containing only the family and style element values -from \fIpattern\fR. -.PP -The contents of any tag can be followed by a set of zero or more -\fIconverter\fRs. A converter is specified by the -character "|" followed by the converter name and arguments. The -following converters are defined: -.TP -\fBbasename\fR -Replaces text with the results of calling FcStrBasename() on it. -.TP -\fBdirname\fR -Replaces text with the results of calling FcStrDirname() on it. -.TP -\fBdowncase\fR -Replaces text with the results of calling FcStrDowncase() on it. -.TP -\fBshescape\fR -Escapes text for one level of shell expansion. -(Escapes single-quotes, also encloses text in single-quotes.) -.TP -\fBcescape\fR -Escapes text such that it can be used as part of a C string literal. -(Escapes backslash and double-quotes.) -.TP -\fBxmlescape\fR -Escapes text such that it can be used in XML and HTML. -(Escapes less-than, greater-than, and ampersand.) -.TP -\fBdelete(\fIchars\fB)\fR -Deletes all occurrences of each of the characters in \fIchars\fR -from the text. -FIXME: This converter is not UTF-8 aware yet. -.TP -\fBescape(\fIchars\fB)\fR -Escapes all occurrences of each of the characters in \fIchars\fR -by prepending it by the first character in \fIchars\fR. -FIXME: This converter is not UTF-8 aware yet. -.TP -\fBtranslate(\fIfrom\fB,\fIto\fB)\fR -Translates all occurrences of each of the characters in \fIfrom\fR -by replacing them with their corresponding character in \fIto\fR. -If \fIto\fR has fewer characters than -\fIfrom\fR, it will be extended by repeating its last -character. -FIXME: This converter is not UTF-8 aware yet. -.PP -For example, the format "%{family|downcase|delete( )}\\n" will expand -to the values of the family element in \fIpattern\fR, -lower-cased and with spaces removed. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternGet-Type.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternGet-Type.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 1ab2d196a8..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternGet-Type.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternGet-Type" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternGetInteger, FcPatternGetDouble, FcPatternGetString, FcPatternGetMatrix, FcPatternGetCharSet, FcPatternGetBool, FcPatternGetFTFace, FcPatternGetLangSet \- Return a typed value from a pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcResult FcPatternGetInteger(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIn\fB); -(int *\fIi\fB); -.sp -FcResult FcPatternGetDouble(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIn\fB); -(double *\fId\fB); -.sp -FcResult FcPatternGetString(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIn\fB); -(FcChar8 **\fIs\fB); -.sp -FcResult FcPatternGetMatrix(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIn\fB); -(FcMatrix **\fIs\fB); -.sp -FcResult FcPatternGetCharSet(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIn\fB); -(FcCharSet **\fIc\fB); -.sp -FcResult FcPatternGetBool(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIn\fB); -(FcBool *\fIb\fB); -.sp -FcResult FcPatternGetFTFace(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIn\fB); -.sp -FcResult FcPatternGetLangSet(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(FT_Face *\fIf\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -These are convenience functions that call FcPatternGet and verify that the -returned data is of the expected type. They return FcResultTypeMismatch if -this is not the case. Note that these (like FcPatternGet) do not make a -copy of any data structure referenced by the return value. Use these -in preference to FcPatternGet to provide compile-time typechecking. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternGet.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternGet.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 582fa562ae..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternGet.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternGet" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternGet \- Return a value from a pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcResult FcPatternGet(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIid\fB); -(FcValue *\fIv\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns in \fIv\fR the \fIid\fR'th value -associated with the property \fIobject\fR. -The value returned is not a copy, but rather refers to the data stored -within the pattern directly. Applications must not free this value. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternHash.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternHash.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e45e8a043b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternHash.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternHash" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternHash \- Compute a pattern hash value -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar32 FcPatternHash(const FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns a 32-bit number which is the same for any two patterns which are -equal. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternPrint.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternPrint.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 1a153e9c79..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternPrint.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternPrint" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternPrint \- Print a pattern for debugging -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcPatternPrint(const FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Prints an easily readable version of the pattern to stdout. There is -no provision for reparsing data in this format, it's just for diagnostics -and debugging. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternReference.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternReference.3 deleted file mode 100644 index a431afeb83..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternReference.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternReference" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternReference \- Increment pattern reference count -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcPatternReference(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Add another reference to \fIp\fR. Patterns are freed only -when the reference count reaches zero. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternRemove.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternRemove.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 9317c3882b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcPatternRemove.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcPatternRemove" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcPatternRemove \- Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcPatternRemove(FcPattern *\fIp\fB); -(const char *\fIobject\fB); -(int \fIid\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Removes the value associated with the property `object' at position `id', returning -whether the property existed and had a value at that position or not. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrBasename.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrBasename.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 38d1941f6f..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrBasename.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrBasename" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrBasename \- last component of filename -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcStrBasename(const FcChar8 *\fIfile\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the filename of \fIfile\fR stripped of any leading -directory names. This is returned in newly allocated storage which should -be freed when no longer needed. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCmp.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCmp.3 deleted file mode 100644 index de33e458ca..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCmp.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrCmp" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrCmp \- compare UTF-8 strings -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -int FcStrCmp(const FcChar8 *\fIs1\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs2\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the usual <0, 0, >0 result of comparing -\fIs1\fR and \fIs2\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCmpIgnoreCase.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCmpIgnoreCase.3 deleted file mode 100644 index df4dc61f1e..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCmpIgnoreCase.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrCmpIgnoreCase" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrCmpIgnoreCase \- compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -int FcStrCmpIgnoreCase(const FcChar8 *\fIs1\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs2\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the usual <0, 0, >0 result of comparing -\fIs1\fR and \fIs2\fR. This test is -case-insensitive for all proper UTF-8 encoded strings. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCopy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCopy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 4f5117b770..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCopy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrCopy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrCopy \- duplicate a string -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcStrCopy(const FcChar8 *\fIs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Allocates memory, copies \fIs\fR and returns the resulting -buffer. Yes, this is \fBstrdup\fR, but that function isn't -available on every platform. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCopyFilename.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCopyFilename.3 deleted file mode 100644 index bff8460dda..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrCopyFilename.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrCopyFilename" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrCopyFilename \- create a complete path from a filename -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcStrCopyFilename(const FcChar8 *\fIs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -\fBFcStrCopyFilename\fR constructs an absolute pathname from -\fIs\fR. It converts any leading '~' characters in -to the value of the HOME environment variable, and any relative paths are -converted to absolute paths using the current working directory. Sequences -of '/' characters are converted to a single '/', and names containing the -current directory '.' or parent directory '..' are correctly reconstructed. -Returns NULL if '~' is the leading character and HOME is unset or disabled -(see \fBFcConfigEnableHome\fR). -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrDirname.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrDirname.3 deleted file mode 100644 index a1d95fb671..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrDirname.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrDirname" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrDirname \- directory part of filename -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcStrDirname(const FcChar8 *\fIfile\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the directory containing \fIfile\fR. This -is returned in newly allocated storage which should be freed when no longer -needed. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrDowncase.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrDowncase.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ff6a18474d..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrDowncase.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrDowncase" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrDowncase \- create a lower case translation of a string -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcStrDowncase(const FcChar8 *\fIs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Allocates memory, copies \fIs\fR, converting upper case -letters to lower case and returns the allocated buffer. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrFree.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrFree.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 0ade3b5c0e..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrFree.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrFree" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrFree \- free a string -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcStrFree(FcChar8 *\fIs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This is just a wrapper around free(3) which helps track memory usage of -strings within the fontconfig library. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrListCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrListCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index b16c8e9e0b..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrListCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrListCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrListCreate \- create a string iterator -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcStrList * FcStrListCreate(FcStrSet *\fIset\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Creates an iterator to list the strings in \fIset\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrListDone.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrListDone.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 3d5e10ba40..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrListDone.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrListDone" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrListDone \- destroy a string iterator -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcStrListDone(FcStrList *\fIlist\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Destroys the enumerator \fIlist\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrListNext.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrListNext.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 62ec47e2b6..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrListNext.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrListNext" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrListNext \- get next string in iteration -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcStrListNext(FcStrList *\fIlist\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the next string in \fIset\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrPlus.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrPlus.3 deleted file mode 100644 index b94e8ef23c..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrPlus.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrPlus" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrPlus \- concatenate two strings -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcStrPlus(const FcChar8 *\fIs1\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs2\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This function allocates new storage and places the concatenation of -\fIs1\fR and \fIs2\fR there, returning the -new string. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetAdd.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetAdd.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 8155dd772f..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetAdd.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrSetAdd" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrSetAdd \- add to a string set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcStrSetAdd(FcStrSet *\fIset\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Adds a copy of \fIs\fR to \fIset\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetAddFilename.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetAddFilename.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 4f23ba0c0c..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetAddFilename.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrSetAddFilename" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrSetAddFilename \- add a filename to a string set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcStrSetAddFilename(FcStrSet *\fIset\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Adds a copy \fIs\fR to \fIset\fR, The copy -is created with FcStrCopyFilename so that leading '~' values are replaced -with the value of the HOME environment variable. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetCreate.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetCreate.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 73e814c687..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetCreate.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrSetCreate" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrSetCreate \- create a string set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcStrSet * FcStrSetCreate(void\fI\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Create an empty set. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetDel.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetDel.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ff50deb05f..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetDel.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrSetDel" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrSetDel \- delete from a string set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcStrSetDel(FcStrSet *\fIset\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Removes \fIs\fR from \fIset\fR, returning -FcTrue if \fIs\fR was a member else FcFalse. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 100c02e012..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrSetDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrSetDestroy \- destroy a string set -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcStrSetDestroy(FcStrSet *\fIset\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Destroys \fIset\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetEqual.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetEqual.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e9aa7e87ea..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetEqual.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrSetEqual" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrSetEqual \- check sets for equality -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcStrSetEqual(FcStrSet *\fIset_a\fB); -(FcStrSet *\fIset_b\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns whether \fIset_a\fR contains precisely the same -strings as \fIset_b\fR. Ordering of strings within the two -sets is not considered. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetMember.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetMember.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 6ca38f0f3a..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrSetMember.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrSetMember" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrSetMember \- check set for membership -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcStrSetMember(FcStrSet *\fIset\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns whether \fIs\fR is a member of -\fIset\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrStr.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrStr.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 84252943d6..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrStr.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrStr" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrStr \- locate UTF-8 substring -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcStrStr(const FcChar8 *\fIs1\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs2\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the location of \fIs2\fR in -\fIs1\fR. Returns NULL if \fIs2\fR -is not present in \fIs1\fR. This test will operate properly -with UTF8 encoded strings. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrStrIgnoreCase.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrStrIgnoreCase.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 690f16039d..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcStrStrIgnoreCase.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcStrStrIgnoreCase" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcStrStrIgnoreCase \- locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 * FcStrStrIgnoreCase(const FcChar8 *\fIs1\fB); -(const FcChar8 *\fIs2\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns the location of \fIs2\fR in -\fIs1\fR, ignoring case. Returns NULL if -\fIs2\fR is not present in \fIs1\fR. -This test is case-insensitive for all proper UTF-8 encoded strings. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcToLower.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcToLower.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e03df1bd78..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcToLower.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcToLower" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcToLower \- convert upper case ASCII to lower case -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcChar8 FcToLower(FcChar8\fIc\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -This macro converts upper case ASCII \fIc\fR to the -equivalent lower case letter. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUcs4ToUtf8.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUcs4ToUtf8.3 deleted file mode 100644 index eaefd99720..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUcs4ToUtf8.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcUcs4ToUtf8" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcUcs4ToUtf8 \- convert UCS4 to UTF-8 -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -int FcUcs4ToUtf8(FcChar32 \fIsrc\fB); -(FcChar8 \fIdst[FC_UTF8_MAX_LEN]\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Converts the Unicode char from \fIsrc\fR into -\fIdst\fR and returns the number of bytes needed to encode -the char. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf16Len.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf16Len.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e94838dc6a..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf16Len.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcUtf16Len" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcUtf16Len \- count UTF-16 encoded chars -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcUtf16Len(FcChar8 *\fIsrc\fB); -(FcEndian \fIendian\fB); -(int \fIlen\fB); -(int *\fInchar\fB); -(int *\fIwchar\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Counts the number of Unicode chars in \fIlen\fR bytes of -\fIsrc\fR. Bytes of \fIsrc\fR are -combined into 16-bit units according to \fIendian\fR. -Places that count in \fInchar\fR. -\fIwchar\fR contains 1, 2 or 4 depending on the number of -bytes needed to hold the largest unicode char counted. The return value -indicates whether \fIstring\fR is a well-formed UTF16 -string. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf16ToUcs4.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf16ToUcs4.3 deleted file mode 100644 index e71b7bd2cb..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf16ToUcs4.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcUtf16ToUcs4" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcUtf16ToUcs4 \- convert UTF-16 to UCS4 -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -int FcUtf16ToUcs4(FcChar8 *\fIsrc\fB); -(FcEndian \fIendian\fB); -(FcChar32 *\fIdst\fB); -(int \fIlen\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Converts the next Unicode char from \fIsrc\fR into -\fIdst\fR and returns the number of bytes containing the -char. \fIsrc\fR must be at least \fIlen\fR -bytes long. Bytes of \fIsrc\fR are combined into 16-bit -units according to \fIendian\fR. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf8Len.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf8Len.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 8507bc060a..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf8Len.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcUtf8Len" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcUtf8Len \- count UTF-8 encoded chars -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcUtf8Len(FcChar8 *\fIsrc\fB); -(int \fIlen\fB); -(int *\fInchar\fB); -(int *\fIwchar\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Counts the number of Unicode chars in \fIlen\fR bytes of -\fIsrc\fR. Places that count in -\fInchar\fR. \fIwchar\fR contains 1, 2 or -4 depending on the number of bytes needed to hold the largest unicode char -counted. The return value indicates whether \fIsrc\fR is a -well-formed UTF8 string. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf8ToUcs4.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf8ToUcs4.3 deleted file mode 100644 index aab7203c38..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcUtf8ToUcs4.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcUtf8ToUcs4" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcUtf8ToUcs4 \- convert UTF-8 to UCS4 -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -int FcUtf8ToUcs4(FcChar8 *\fIsrc\fB); -(FcChar32 *\fIdst\fB); -(int \fIlen\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Converts the next Unicode char from \fIsrc\fR into -\fIdst\fR and returns the number of bytes containing the -char. \fIsrc\fR must be at least -\fIlen\fR bytes long. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValueDestroy.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValueDestroy.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 2a78f0129d..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValueDestroy.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcValueDestroy" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcValueDestroy \- Free a value -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcValueDestroy(FcValue \fIv\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Frees any memory referenced by \fIv\fR. Values of type FcTypeString, -FcTypeMatrix and FcTypeCharSet reference memory, the other types do not. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValueEqual.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValueEqual.3 deleted file mode 100644 index 4ddd2ea868..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValueEqual.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcValueEqual" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcValueEqual \- Test two values for equality -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcBool FcValueEqual(FcValue \fIv_a\fB); -(FcValue \fIv_b\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Compares two values. Integers and Doubles are compared as numbers; otherwise -the two values have to be the same type to be considered equal. Strings are -compared ignoring case. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValuePrint.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValuePrint.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ede328117c..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValuePrint.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcValuePrint" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcValuePrint \- Print a value to stdout -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -void FcValuePrint(FcValue \fIv\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Prints a human-readable representation of \fIv\fR to -stdout. The format should not be considered part of the library -specification as it may change in the future. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValueSave.3 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValueSave.3 deleted file mode 100644 index ca279f38f8..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man3/FcValueSave.3 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FcValueSave" "3" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -FcValueSave \- Copy a value -.SH SYNOPSIS -\fB#include -.sp -FcValue FcValueSave(FcValue \fIv\fB); -\ -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Returns a copy of \fIv\fR duplicating any object referenced by it so that \fIv\fR -may be safely destroyed without harming the new value. -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man5/fonts-conf.5 b/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man5/fonts-conf.5 deleted file mode 100644 index f8c7750673..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/share/man/man5/fonts-conf.5 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,644 +0,0 @@ -.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.1 $ -.TH "FONTS-CONF" "5" "08 September 2009" "" "" -.SH NAME -fonts.conf \- Font configuration files -.SH SYNOPSIS -.sp - /etc/fonts/fonts.conf - /etc/fonts/fonts.dtd - /etc/fonts/conf.d - ~/.fonts.conf.d - ~/.fonts.conf -.sp -.SH "DESCRIPTION" -.PP -Fontconfig is a library designed to provide system-wide font configuration, -customization and application access. -.SH "FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW" -.PP -Fontconfig contains two essential modules, the configuration module which -builds an internal configuration from XML files and the matching module -which accepts font patterns and returns the nearest matching font. -.SS "FONT CONFIGURATION" -.PP -The configuration module consists of the FcConfig datatype, libexpat and -FcConfigParse which walks over an XML tree and amends a configuration with -data found within. From an external perspective, configuration of the -library consists of generating a valid XML tree and feeding that to -FcConfigParse. The only other mechanism provided to applications for -changing the running configuration is to add fonts and directories to the -list of application-provided font files. -.PP -The intent is to make font configurations relatively static, and shared by -as many applications as possible. It is hoped that this will lead to more -stable font selection when passing names from one application to another. -XML was chosen as a configuration file format because it provides a format -which is easy for external agents to edit while retaining the correct -structure and syntax. -.PP -Font configuration is separate from font matching; applications needing to -do their own matching can access the available fonts from the library and -perform private matching. The intent is to permit applications to pick and -choose appropriate functionality from the library instead of forcing them to -choose between this library and a private configuration mechanism. The hope -is that this will ensure that configuration of fonts for all applications -can be centralized in one place. Centralizing font configuration will -simplify and regularize font installation and customization. -.SS "FONT PROPERTIES" -.PP -While font patterns may contain essentially any properties, there are some -well known properties with associated types. Fontconfig uses some of these -properties for font matching and font completion. Others are provided as a -convenience for the applications' rendering mechanism. -.sp - Property Type Description - -------------------------------------------------------------- - family String Font family names - familylang String Languages corresponding to each family - style String Font style. Overrides weight and slant - stylelang String Languages corresponding to each style - fullname String Font full names (often includes style) - fullnamelang String Languages corresponding to each fullname - slant Int Italic, oblique or roman - weight Int Light, medium, demibold, bold or black - size Double Point size - width Int Condensed, normal or expanded - aspect Double Stretches glyphs horizontally before hinting - pixelsize Double Pixel size - spacing Int Proportional, dual-width, monospace or charcell - foundry String Font foundry name - antialias Bool Whether glyphs can be antialiased - hinting Bool Whether the rasterizer should use hinting - hintstyle Int Automatic hinting style - verticallayout Bool Use vertical layout - autohint Bool Use autohinter instead of normal hinter - globaladvance Bool Use font global advance data - file String The filename holding the font - index Int The index of the font within the file - ftface FT_Face Use the specified FreeType face object - rasterizer String Which rasterizer is in use - outline Bool Whether the glyphs are outlines - scalable Bool Whether glyphs can be scaled - scale Double Scale factor for point->pixel conversions - dpi Double Target dots per inch - rgba Int unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr, - none - subpixel geometry - lcdfilter Int Type of LCD filter - minspace Bool Eliminate leading from line spacing - charset CharSet Unicode chars encoded by the font - lang String List of RFC-3066-style languages this - font supports - fontversion Int Version number of the font - capability String List of layout capabilities in the font - embolden Bool Rasterizer should synthetically embolden the font - -.sp -.SS "FONT MATCHING" -.PP -Fontconfig performs matching by measuring the distance from a provided -pattern to all of the available fonts in the system. The closest matching -font is selected. This ensures that a font will always be returned, but -doesn't ensure that it is anything like the requested pattern. -.PP -Font matching starts with an application constructed pattern. The desired -attributes of the resulting font are collected together in a pattern. Each -property of the pattern can contain one or more values; these are listed in -priority order; matches earlier in the list are considered "closer" than -matches later in the list. -.PP -The initial pattern is modified by applying the list of editing instructions -specific to patterns found in the configuration; each consists of a match -predicate and a set of editing operations. They are executed in the order -they appeared in the configuration. Each match causes the associated -sequence of editing operations to be applied. -.PP -After the pattern has been edited, a sequence of default substitutions are -performed to canonicalize the set of available properties; this avoids the -need for the lower layers to constantly provide default values for various -font properties during rendering. -.PP -The canonical font pattern is finally matched against all available fonts. -The distance from the pattern to the font is measured for each of several -properties: foundry, charset, family, lang, spacing, pixelsize, style, -slant, weight, antialias, rasterizer and outline. This list is in priority -order -- results of comparing earlier elements of this list weigh more -heavily than later elements. -.PP -There is one special case to this rule; family names are split into two -bindings; strong and weak. Strong family names are given greater precedence -in the match than lang elements while weak family names are given lower -precedence than lang elements. This permits the document language to drive -font selection when any document specified font is unavailable. -.PP -The pattern representing that font is augmented to include any properties -found in the pattern but not found in the font itself; this permits the -application to pass rendering instructions or any other data through the -matching system. Finally, the list of editing instructions specific to -fonts found in the configuration are applied to the pattern. This modified -pattern is returned to the application. -.PP -The return value contains sufficient information to locate and rasterize the -font, including the file name, pixel size and other rendering data. As -none of the information involved pertains to the FreeType library, -applications are free to use any rasterization engine or even to take -the identified font file and access it directly. -.PP -The match/edit sequences in the configuration are performed in two passes -because there are essentially two different operations necessary -- the -first is to modify how fonts are selected; aliasing families and adding -suitable defaults. The second is to modify how the selected fonts are -rasterized. Those must apply to the selected font, not the original pattern -as false matches will often occur. -.SS "FONT NAMES" -.PP -Fontconfig provides a textual representation for patterns that the library -can both accept and generate. The representation is in three parts, first a -list of family names, second a list of point sizes and finally a list of -additional properties: -.sp - -:=:=... - -.sp -.PP -Values in a list are separated with commas. The name needn't include either -families or point sizes; they can be elided. In addition, there are -symbolic constants that simultaneously indicate both a name and a value. -Here are some examples: -.sp - Name Meaning - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Times-12 12 point Times Roman - Times-12:bold 12 point Times Bold - Courier:italic Courier Italic in the default size - Monospace:matrix=1 .1 0 1 The users preferred monospace font - with artificial obliquing - -.sp -.PP -The '\\', '-', ':' and ',' characters in family names must be preceeded by a -\&'\\' character to avoid having them misinterpreted. Similarly, values -containing '\\', '=', '_', ':' and ',' must also have them preceeded by a -\&'\\' character. The '\\' characters are stripped out of the family name and -values as the font name is read. -.SH "DEBUGGING APPLICATIONS" -.PP -To help diagnose font and applications problems, fontconfig is built with a -large amount of internal debugging left enabled. It is controlled by means -of the FC_DEBUG environment variable. The value of this variable is -interpreted as a number, and each bit within that value controls different -debugging messages. -.sp - Name Value Meaning - --------------------------------------------------------- - MATCH 1 Brief information about font matching - MATCHV 2 Extensive font matching information - EDIT 4 Monitor match/test/edit execution - FONTSET 8 Track loading of font information at startup - CACHE 16 Watch cache files being written - CACHEV 32 Extensive cache file writing information - PARSE 64 (no longer in use) - SCAN 128 Watch font files being scanned to build caches - SCANV 256 Verbose font file scanning information - MEMORY 512 Monitor fontconfig memory usage - CONFIG 1024 Monitor which config files are loaded - LANGSET 2048 Dump char sets used to construct lang values - OBJTYPES 4096 Display message when value typechecks fail - -.sp -.PP -Add the value of the desired debug levels together and assign that (in -base 10) to the FC_DEBUG environment variable before running the -application. Output from these statements is sent to stdout. -.SH "LANG TAGS" -.PP -Each font in the database contains a list of languages it supports. This is -computed by comparing the Unicode coverage of the font with the orthography -of each language. Languages are tagged using an RFC-3066 compatible naming -and occur in two parts -- the ISO 639 language tag followed a hyphen and then -by the ISO 3166 country code. The hyphen and country code may be elided. -.PP -Fontconfig has orthographies for several languages built into the library. -No provision has been made for adding new ones aside from rebuilding the -library. It currently supports 122 of the 139 languages named in ISO 639-1, -141 of the languages with two-letter codes from ISO 639-2 and another 30 -languages with only three-letter codes. Languages with both two and three -letter codes are provided with only the two letter code. -.PP -For languages used in multiple territories with radically different -character sets, fontconfig includes per-territory orthographies. This -includes Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Pashto, Tigrinya and Chinese. -.SH "CONFIGURATION FILE FORMAT" -.PP -Configuration files for fontconfig are stored in XML format; this -format makes external configuration tools easier to write and ensures that -they will generate syntactically correct configuration files. As XML -files are plain text, they can also be manipulated by the expert user using -a text editor. -.PP -The fontconfig document type definition resides in the external entity -"fonts.dtd"; this is normally stored in the default font configuration -directory (/etc/fonts). Each configuration file should contain the -following structure: -.sp - - - - ... - - -.sp -.SS "" -.PP -This is the top level element for a font configuration and can contain -, , , and elements in any order. -.SS "" -.PP -This element contains a directory name which will be scanned for font files -to include in the set of available fonts. -.SS "" -.PP -This element contains a file name for the per-user cache of font -information. If it starts with '~', it refers to a file in the users -home directory. This file is used to hold information about fonts that -isn't present in the per-directory cache files. It is automatically -maintained by the fontconfig library. The default for this file -is ``~/.fonts.cache-'', where is the font configuration -file version number (currently 2). -.SS "" -.PP -This element contains the name of an additional configuration file or -directory. If a directory, every file within that directory starting with an -ASCII digit (U+0030 - U+0039) and ending with the string ``.conf'' will be processed in sorted order. When -the XML datatype is traversed by FcConfigParse, the contents of the file(s) -will also be incorporated into the configuration by passing the filename(s) to -FcConfigLoadAndParse. If 'ignore_missing' is set to "yes" instead of the -default "no", a missing file or directory will elicit no warning message from -the library. -.SS "" -.PP -This element provides a place to consolidate additional configuration -information. can contain and elements in any -order. -.SS "" -.PP -Fonts often include "broken" glyphs which appear in the encoding but are -drawn as blanks on the screen. Within the element, place each -Unicode characters which is supposed to be blank in an element. -Characters outside of this set which are drawn as blank will be elided from -the set of characters supported by the font. -.SS "" -.PP -The element holds an element which indicates the default -interval between automatic checks for font configuration changes. -Fontconfig will validate all of the configuration files and directories and -automatically rebuild the internal datastructures when this interval passes. -.SS "" -.PP -This element is used to black/white list fonts from being listed or matched -against. It holds acceptfont and rejectfont elements. -.SS "" -.PP -Fonts matched by an acceptfont element are "whitelisted"; such fonts are -explicitly included in the set of fonts used to resolve list and match -requests; including them in this list protects them from being "blacklisted" -by a rejectfont element. Acceptfont elements include glob and pattern -elements which are used to match fonts. -.SS "" -.PP -Fonts matched by an rejectfont element are "blacklisted"; such fonts are -excluded from the set of fonts used to resolve list and match requests as if -they didn't exist in the system. Rejectfont elements include glob and -pattern elements which are used to match fonts. -.SS "" -.PP -Glob elements hold shell-style filename matching patterns (including ? and -*) which match fonts based on their complete pathnames. This can be used to -exclude a set of directories (/usr/share/fonts/uglyfont*), or particular -font file types (*.pcf.gz), but the latter mechanism relies rather heavily -on filenaming conventions which can't be relied upon. Note that globs -only apply to directories, not to individual fonts. -.SS "" -.PP -Pattern elements perform list-style matching on incoming fonts; that is, -they hold a list of elements and associated values. If all of those -elements have a matching value, then the pattern matches the font. This can -be used to select fonts based on attributes of the font (scalable, bold, -etc), which is a more reliable mechanism than using file extensions. -Pattern elements include patelt elements. -.SS "" -.PP -Patelt elements hold a single pattern element and list of values. They must -have a 'name' attribute which indicates the pattern element name. Patelt -elements include int, double, string, matrix, bool, charset and const -elements. -.SS "" -.PP -This element holds first a (possibly empty) list of elements and then -a (possibly empty) list of elements. Patterns which match all of the -tests are subjected to all the edits. If 'target' is set to "font" instead -of the default "pattern", then this element applies to the font name -resulting from a match rather than a font pattern to be matched. If 'target' -is set to "scan", then this element applies when the font is scanned to -build the fontconfig database. -.SS "" -.PP -This element contains a single value which is compared with the target -('pattern', 'font', 'scan' or 'default') property "property" (substitute any of the property names seen -above). 'compare' can be one of "eq", "not_eq", "less", "less_eq", "more", or -"more_eq". 'qual' may either be the default, "any", in which case the match -succeeds if any value associated with the property matches the test value, or -"all", in which case all of the values associated with the property must -match the test value. When used in a element, -the target= attribute in the element selects between matching -the original pattern or the font. "default" selects whichever target the -outer element has selected. -.SS "" -.PP -This element contains a list of expression elements (any of the value or -operator elements). The expression elements are evaluated at run-time and -modify the property "property". The modification depends on whether -"property" was matched by one of the associated elements, if so, the -modification may affect the first matched value. Any values inserted into -the property are given the indicated binding ("strong", "weak" or "same") -with "same" binding using the value from the matched pattern element. -\&'mode' is one of: -.sp - Mode With Match Without Match - --------------------------------------------------------------------- - "assign" Replace matching value Replace all values - "assign_replace" Replace all values Replace all values - "prepend" Insert before matching Insert at head of list - "prepend_first" Insert at head of list Insert at head of list - "append" Append after matching Append at end of list - "append_last" Append at end of list Append at end of list - -.sp -.SS ", , , " -.PP -These elements hold a single value of the indicated type. -elements hold either true or false. An important limitation exists in -the parsing of floating point numbers -- fontconfig requires that -the mantissa start with a digit, not a decimal point, so insert a leading -zero for purely fractional values (e.g. use 0.5 instead of .5 and -0.5 -instead of -.5). -.SS "" -.PP -This element holds the four elements of an affine -transformation. -.SS "" -.PP -Holds a property name. Evaluates to the first value from the property of -the font, not the pattern. -.SS "" -.PP -Holds the name of a constant; these are always integers and serve as -symbolic names for common font values: -.sp - Constant Property Value - ------------------------------------- - thin weight 0 - extralight weight 40 - ultralight weight 40 - light weight 50 - book weight 75 - regular weight 80 - normal weight 80 - medium weight 100 - demibold weight 180 - semibold weight 180 - bold weight 200 - extrabold weight 205 - black weight 210 - heavy weight 210 - roman slant 0 - italic slant 100 - oblique slant 110 - ultracondensed width 50 - extracondensed width 63 - condensed width 75 - semicondensed width 87 - normal width 100 - semiexpanded width 113 - expanded width 125 - extraexpanded width 150 - ultraexpanded width 200 - proportional spacing 0 - dual spacing 90 - mono spacing 100 - charcell spacing 110 - unknown rgba 0 - rgb rgba 1 - bgr rgba 2 - vrgb rgba 3 - vbgr rgba 4 - none rgba 5 - lcdnone lcdfilter 0 - lcddefault lcdfilter 1 - lcdlight lcdfilter 2 - lcdlegacy lcdfilter 3 - hintnone hintstyle 0 - hintslight hintstyle 1 - hintmedium hintstyle 2 - hintfull hintstyle 3 - -.sp -.SS ", , , , , " -.PP -These elements perform the specified operation on a list of expression -elements. and are boolean, not bitwise. -.SS ", , , , , " -.PP -These elements compare two values, producing a boolean result. -.SS "" -.PP -Inverts the boolean sense of its one expression element -.SS "" -.PP -This element takes three expression elements; if the value of the first is -true, it produces the value of the second, otherwise it produces the value -of the third. -.SS "" -.PP -Alias elements provide a shorthand notation for the set of common match -operations needed to substitute one font family for another. They contain a - element followed by optional , and -elements. Fonts matching the element are edited to prepend the -list of ed families before the matching , append the -able families after the matching and append the -families to the end of the family list. -.SS "" -.PP -Holds a single font family name -.SS ", , " -.PP -These hold a list of elements to be used by the element. -.SH "EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILE" -.SS "SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FILE" -.PP -This is an example of a system-wide configuration file -.sp - - - - - -/usr/share/fonts -/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts - - - - mono - monospace - - - - - sans - serif - monospace - sans - - - -~/.fonts.conf - - -conf.d -local.conf - - - - Times - Times New Roman - serif - - - Helvetica - Arial - sans - - - Courier - Courier New - monospace - - - - - serif - Times New Roman - - - sans - Arial - - - monospace - Andale Mono - - - -.sp -.SS "USER CONFIGURATION FILE" -.PP -This is an example of a per-user configuration file that lives in -~/.fonts.conf -.sp - - - - - - -~/.fonts - - - - rgb - - - -.sp -.SH "FILES" -.PP -\fBfonts.conf\fR -contains configuration information for the fontconfig library -consisting of directories to look at for font information as well as -instructions on editing program specified font patterns before attempting to -match the available fonts. It is in xml format. -.PP -\fBconf.d\fR -is the conventional name for a directory of additional configuration files -managed by external applications or the local administrator. The -filenames starting with decimal digits are sorted in lexicographic order -and used as additional configuration files. All of these files are in xml -format. The master fonts.conf file references this directory in an - directive. -.PP -\fBfonts.dtd\fR -is a DTD that describes the format of the configuration files. -.PP -\fB~/.fonts.conf.d\fR -is the conventional name for a per-user directory of (typically -auto-generated) configuration files, although the -actual location is specified in the global fonts.conf file. -.PP -\fB~/.fonts.conf\fR -is the conventional location for per-user font configuration, although the -actual location is specified in the global fonts.conf file. -.PP -\fB~/.fonts.cache-*\fR -is the conventional repository of font information that isn't found in the -per-directory caches. This file is automatically maintained by fontconfig. -.SH "SEE ALSO" -.PP -fc-cat(1), fc-cache(1), fc-list(1), fc-match(1), fc-query(1) -.SH "VERSION" -.PP -Fontconfig version 2.7.3 diff --git a/lib/fontconfig_win32/src/tml/packaging/fontconfig_2.7.3-1_win32.log b/lib/fontconfig_win32/src/tml/packaging/fontconfig_2.7.3-1_win32.log deleted file mode 100644 index 1820f37318..0000000000 --- a/lib/fontconfig_win32/src/tml/packaging/fontconfig_2.7.3-1_win32.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1061 +0,0 @@ -+++ latest --arch=win32 expat -++ EXPAT=expat-2.0.1-1 -+++ latest --arch=win32 freetype -++ FREETYPE=freetype-2.3.9-1 -++ sed -e 's/need_relink=yes/need_relink=no # no way --tml/' -++ mv ltmain.temp -++ patch -p1 -++ patch -p0 -patching file `src/' -Hunk #1 succeeded at 664 (offset 44 lines). -patching file `' -++ lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all -++ CC='gcc -mthreads' -++ LDFLAGS=-Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -++ CFLAGS=-O2 -++ ./configure --with-expat=/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1 --with-freetype-config=/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/freetype-config --prefix=c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80 --with-confdir=c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts --disable-static -checking for a BSD-compatible install... /opt/local/bin/install -c -checking whether build environment is sane... yes -checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p -checking for gawk... gawk -checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes -checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no -checking for gcc... gcc -mthreads -checking for C compiler default output file name... a.exe -checking whether the C compiler works... yes -checking whether we are cross compiling... no -checking for suffix of executables... .exe -checking for suffix of object files... o -checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes -checking whether gcc -mthreads accepts -g... yes -checking for gcc -mthreads option to accept ISO C89... none needed -checking for style of include used by make... GNU -checking dependency style of gcc -mthreads... gcc3 -checking for a BSD-compatible install... /opt/local/bin/install -c -checking whether ln -s works... yes -checking build system type... i686-pc-mingw32 -checking host system type... i686-pc-mingw32 -checking for as... as -checking for dlltool... dlltool -checking for objdump... objdump -checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed -checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /opt/gnuwin32/bin/grep -checking for egrep... /opt/gnuwin32/bin/grep -E -checking for fgrep... /opt/gnuwin32/bin/grep -F -checking for ld used by gcc -mthreads... c:/opt/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe -checking if the linker (c:/opt/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe) is GNU ld... yes -checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /opt/mingw/bin/nm -checking the name lister (/opt/mingw/bin/nm) interface... BSD nm -checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 8192 -checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes -checking whether the shell understands "+="... yes -checking for c:/opt/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe option to reload object files... -r -checking for objdump... (cached) objdump -checking how to recognize dependent libraries... (cached) pass_all -checking for ar... ar -checking for strip... strip -checking for ranlib... ranlib -checking command to parse /opt/mingw/bin/nm output from gcc -mthreads object... ok -checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -mthreads -E -checking for ANSI C header files... yes -checking for sys/types.h... yes -checking for sys/stat.h... yes -checking for stdlib.h... yes -checking for string.h... yes -checking for memory.h... yes -checking for strings.h... yes -checking for inttypes.h... yes -checking for stdint.h... yes -checking for unistd.h... yes -checking for dlfcn.h... no -checking for objdir... .libs -checking if gcc -mthreads supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no -checking for gcc -mthreads option to produce PIC... -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -checking if gcc -mthreads PIC flag -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC works... yes -checking if gcc -mthreads static flag -static works... yes -checking if gcc -mthreads supports -c -o file.o... yes -checking if gcc -mthreads supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes -checking whether the gcc -mthreads linker (c:/opt/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe) supports shared libraries... yes -checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... yes -checking dynamic linker characteristics... Win32 ld.exe -checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate -checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes -checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes -checking whether to build shared libraries... yes -checking whether to build static libraries... no -checking for bash... /bin/bash -checking if dolt supports this host... no, falling back to libtool -checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... (cached) yes -checking for lib.exe... yes -checking for a C compiler for build tools... gcc -mthreads -checking for suffix of executable build tools... .exe -checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes -checking for library containing opendir... none required -checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes -checking fcntl.h usability... yes -checking fcntl.h presence... yes -checking for fcntl.h... yes -checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes -checking for string.h... (cached) yes -checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes -checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes -checking for inline... inline -checking for pid_t... yes -checking for vprintf... yes -checking for _doprnt... no -checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes -checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes -checking for getpagesize... yes -checking for working mmap... no -checking for geteuid... no -checking for getuid... no -checking for link... no -checking for memmove... yes -checking for memset... yes -checking for mkstemp... no -checking for strchr... yes -checking for strrchr... yes -checking for strtol... yes -checking for getopt... yes -checking for getopt_long... yes -checking for sysconf... no -checking for ftruncate... yes -checking for chsize... yes -checking for rand... yes -checking for random... no -checking for lrand48... no -checking for a usable iconv... no -checking for FT_Get_Next_Char... yes -checking for FT_Get_BDF_Property... yes -checking for FT_Get_PS_Font_Info... yes -checking for FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names... yes -checking for FT_Get_X11_Font_Format... yes -checking for FT_Select_Size... yes -checking for FT_Bitmap_Size.y_ppem... yes -checking expat.h usability... yes -checking expat.h presence... yes -checking for expat.h... yes -checking for XML_SetDoctypeDeclHandler... yes -checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes -checking for docbook2html... no -DOCMAN3 FcAtomicCreate.3 FcAtomicLock.3 FcAtomicNewFile.3 FcAtomicOrigFile.3 FcAtomicReplaceOrig.3 FcAtomicDeleteNew.3 FcAtomicUnlock.3 FcAtomicDestroy.3 FcBlanksCreate.3 FcBlanksDestroy.3 FcBlanksAdd.3 FcBlanksIsMember.3 FcCacheDir.3 FcCacheCopySet.3 FcCacheSubdir.3 FcCacheNumSubdir.3 FcCacheNumFont.3 FcCharSetCreate.3 FcCharSetDestroy.3 FcCharSetAddChar.3 FcCharSetCopy.3 FcCharSetEqual.3 FcCharSetIntersect.3 FcCharSetUnion.3 FcCharSetSubtract.3 FcCharSetMerge.3 FcCharSetHasChar.3 FcCharSetCount.3 FcCharSetIntersectCount.3 FcCharSetSubtractCount.3 FcCharSetIsSubset.3 FcCharSetFirstPage.3 FcCharSetNextPage.3 FcCharSetCoverage.3 FcCharSetNew.3 FcConfigCreate.3 FcConfigReference.3 FcConfigDestroy.3 FcConfigSetCurrent.3 FcConfigGetCurrent.3 FcConfigUptoDate.3 FcConfigHome.3 FcConfigEnableHome.3 FcConfigBuildFonts.3 FcConfigGetConfigDirs.3 FcConfigGetFontDirs.3 FcConfigGetConfigFiles.3 FcConfigGetCache.3 FcConfigGetCacheDirs.3 FcConfigGetFonts.3 FcConfigGetBlanks.3 FcConfigGetRescanInterval.3 FcConfigSetRescanInterval.3 FcConfigAppFontAddFile.3 FcConfigAppFontAddDir.3 FcConfigAppFontClear.3 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat.3 FcConfigSubstitute.3 FcFontMatch.3 FcFontSort.3 FcFontRenderPrepare.3 FcFontList.3 FcConfigFilename.3 FcConfigParseAndLoad.3 FcNameRegisterConstants.3 FcNameUnregisterConstants.3 FcNameGetConstant.3 FcNameConstant.3 FcDirCacheUnlink.3 FcDirCacheValid.3 FcDirCacheLoad.3 FcDirCacheRead.3 FcDirCacheLoadFile.3 FcDirCacheUnload.3 FcFileScan.3 FcFileIsDir.3 FcDirScan.3 FcDirSave.3 FcFontSetCreate.3 FcFontSetDestroy.3 FcFontSetAdd.3 FcFontSetList.3 FcFontSetMatch.3 FcFontSetPrint.3 FcFontSetSort.3 FcFontSetSortDestroy.3 FcPatternFormat.3 FcFreeTypeCharIndex.3 FcFreeTypeCharSet.3 FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing.3 FcFreeTypeQuery.3 FcFreeTypeQueryFace.3 FcInitLoadConfig.3 FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts.3 FcInit.3 FcFini.3 FcGetVersion.3 FcInitReinitialize.3 FcInitBringUptoDate.3 FcLangSetCreate.3 FcLangSetDestroy.3 FcLangSetCopy.3 FcLangSetAdd.3 FcLangSetCompare.3 FcLangSetContains.3 FcLangSetEqual.3 FcLangSetHash.3 FcLangSetHasLang.3 FcLangSetGetLangs.3 FcGetLangs.3 FcLangGetCharSet.3 FcMatrixInit.3 FcMatrixCopy.3 FcMatrixEqual.3 FcMatrixMultiply.3 FcMatrixRotate.3 FcMatrixScale.3 FcMatrixShear.3 FcObjectSetCreate.3 FcObjectSetAdd.3 FcObjectSetDestroy.3 FcObjectSetBuild.3 FcNameRegisterObjectTypes.3 FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes.3 FcNameGetObjectType.3 FcPatternCreate.3 FcPatternDuplicate.3 FcPatternReference.3 FcPatternDestroy.3 FcPatternEqual.3 FcPatternEqualSubset.3 FcPatternFilter.3 FcPatternHash.3 FcPatternAdd.3 FcPatternAddWeak.3 FcPatternAdd-Type.3 FcPatternGet.3 FcPatternGet-Type.3 FcPatternBuild.3 FcPatternDel.3 FcPatternRemove.3 FcPatternPrint.3 FcDefaultSubstitute.3 FcNameParse.3 FcNameUnparse.3 FcUtf8ToUcs4.3 FcUcs4ToUtf8.3 FcUtf8Len.3 FcUtf16ToUcs4.3 FcUtf16Len.3 FcIsLower.3 FcIsUpper.3 FcToLower.3 FcStrCopy.3 FcStrDowncase.3 FcStrCopyFilename.3 FcStrCmp.3 FcStrCmpIgnoreCase.3 FcStrStr.3 FcStrStrIgnoreCase.3 FcStrPlus.3 FcStrFree.3 FcStrDirname.3 FcStrBasename.3 FcStrSetCreate.3 FcStrSetMember.3 FcStrSetEqual.3 FcStrSetAdd.3 FcStrSetAddFilename.3 FcStrSetDel.3 FcStrSetDestroy.3 FcStrListCreate.3 FcStrListNext.3 FcStrListDone.3 FcValueDestroy.3 FcValueSave.3 FcValuePrint.3 FcValueEqual.3 -configure: creating ./config.status -config.status: creating Makefile -config.status: creating fontconfig/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-lang/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-glyphname/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-case/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-arch/Makefile -config.status: creating src/Makefile -config.status: creating conf.d/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-cache/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-cat/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-list/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-match/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-query/Makefile -config.status: creating fc-scan/Makefile -config.status: creating doc/Makefile -config.status: creating doc/version.sgml -config.status: creating test/Makefile -config.status: creating fontconfig.spec -config.status: creating fontconfig.pc -config.status: creating fontconfig-zip -config.status: creating config.h -config.status: executing depfiles commands -config.status: executing libtool commands -++ PATH='/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/bin:/opt/MSVS6/VC98/Bin:/opt/MSVS6/Common/MSDev98/Bin:/opt/MSVS6/Common/Tools:/devel/target/stable/bin:/opt/misc/bin:/opt/gnu/bin:/opt/gnuwin32/bin:/opt/pthread/bin:/opt/mingw/bin:/opt/svn/bin:/opt/local/bin:/c/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727:/opt/xemacs-21.4/XEmacs-21.4.19/i586-pc-win32:/opt/sysinternals/bin:/bin:/c/WINDOWS/system32:/c/WINDOWS:/c/Program Files/Novell/GroupWise:/c/WINDOWS/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/c/Program Files/QuickTime/QTSystem/' -++ make -j3 install -Making install in fontconfig -make[1]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fontconfig' -make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fontconfig' -make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'. -test -z "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/include/fontconfig" || /bin/mkdir -p "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/include/fontconfig" - /opt/local/bin/install -c -m 644 fontconfig.h fcfreetype.h fcprivate.h 'c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/include/fontconfig' -make[2]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fontconfig' -make[1]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fontconfig' -Making install in fc-case -make[1]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-case' -touch fcalias.h fcaliastail.h -touch fcalias.h fcaliastail.h -make install-am -make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-case' -gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../src -I.. -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -MT fc-case.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/fc-case.Tpo -c -o fc-case.o fc-case.c -mv -f .deps/fc-case.Tpo .deps/fc-case.Po -gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o fc-case.exe fc-case.o -rm -f fccase.h -./fc-case.exe ../fc-case/CaseFolding.txt < ../fc-case/fccase.tmpl.h > fccase.h -make[3]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-case' -make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'. -make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'. -make[3]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-case' -make[2]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-case' -make[1]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-case' -Making install in fc-lang -make[1]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-lang' -touch fcalias.h fcaliastail.h -touch fcalias.h fcaliastail.h -make[1]: stat: fclang.h: Bad file number -gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../src -I.. -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -MT fc-lang.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/fc-lang.Tpo -c -o fc-lang.o fc-lang.c -In file included from fc-lang.c:26: -../src/fcstr.c: In function 'FcStrCanonFilename': -../src/fcstr.c:1002: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'GetFullPathNameA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1468: note: expected 'LPCSTR' but argument is of type 'const FcChar8 *' -../src/fcstr.c:1002: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of 'GetFullPathNameA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1468: note: expected 'LPSTR' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -../src/fcstr.c:1007: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'FcConvertDosPath' differ in signedness -../src/fcstr.c:963: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fc-lang.c: In function 'scan': -fc-lang.c:152: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type -fc-lang.c:180: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type -fc-lang.c: In function 'compare': -fc-lang.c:235: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'FcStrCmpIgnoreCase' differ in signedness -../src/fcstr.c:212: note: expected 'const FcChar8 *' but argument is of type 'char * const' -fc-lang.c:235: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'FcStrCmpIgnoreCase' differ in signedness -../src/fcstr.c:212: note: expected 'const FcChar8 *' but argument is of type 'char * const' -mv -f .deps/fc-lang.Tpo .deps/fc-lang.Po -gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o fc-lang.exe fc-lang.o -rm -f fclang.h -./fc-lang.exe -d . aa.orth ab.orth af.orth am.orth ar.orth as.orth ast.orth av.orth ay.orth az_az.orth az_ir.orth ba.orth bm.orth be.orth bg.orth bh.orth bho.orth bi.orth bin.orth bn.orth bo.orth br.orth bs.orth bua.orth ca.orth ce.orth ch.orth chm.orth chr.orth co.orth cs.orth cu.orth cv.orth cy.orth da.orth de.orth dz.orth el.orth en.orth eo.orth es.orth et.orth eu.orth fa.orth fi.orth fj.orth fo.orth fr.orth ff.orth fur.orth fy.orth ga.orth gd.orth gez.orth gl.orth gn.orth gu.orth gv.orth ha.orth haw.orth he.orth hi.orth ho.orth hr.orth hu.orth hy.orth ia.orth ig.orth id.orth ie.orth ik.orth io.orth is.orth it.orth iu.orth ja.orth ka.orth kaa.orth ki.orth kk.orth kl.orth km.orth kn.orth ko.orth kok.orth ks.orth ku_am.orth ku_ir.orth kum.orth kv.orth kw.orth ky.orth la.orth lb.orth lez.orth ln.orth lo.orth lt.orth lv.orth mg.orth mh.orth mi.orth mk.orth ml.orth mn_cn.orth mo.orth mr.orth mt.orth my.orth nb.orth nds.orth ne.orth nl.orth nn.orth no.orth nr.orth nso.orth ny.orth oc.orth om.orth or.orth os.orth pa.orth pl.orth ps_af.orth ps_pk.orth pt.orth rm.orth ro.orth ru.orth sa.orth sah.orth sco.orth se.orth sel.orth sh.orth shs.orth si.orth sk.orth sl.orth sm.orth sma.orth smj.orth smn.orth sms.orth so.orth sq.orth sr.orth ss.orth st.orth sv.orth sw.orth syr.orth ta.orth te.orth tg.orth th.orth ti_er.orth ti_et.orth tig.orth tk.orth tl.orth tn.orth to.orth tr.orth ts.orth tt.orth tw.orth tyv.orth ug.orth uk.orth ur.orth uz.orth ve.orth vi.orth vo.orth vot.orth wa.orth wen.orth wo.orth xh.orth yap.orth yi.orth yo.orth zh_cn.orth zh_hk.orth zh_mo.orth zh_sg.orth zh_tw.orth zu.orth ak.orth an.orth ber_dz.orth ber_ma.orth byn.orth crh.orth csb.orth dv.orth ee.orth fat.orth fil.orth hne.orth hsb.orth ht.orth hz.orth ii.orth jv.orth kab.orth kj.orth kr.orth ku_iq.orth ku_tr.orth kwm.orth lg.orth li.orth mai.orth mn_mn.orth ms.orth na.orth ng.orth nv.orth ota.orth pa_pk.orth pap_an.orth pap_aw.orth qu.orth rn.orth rw.orth sc.orth sd.orth sg.orth sid.orth sn.orth su.orth ty.orth wal.orth za.orth lah.orth < ../fc-lang/fclang.tmpl.h > fclang.h.tmp && \ - mv fclang.h.tmp fclang.h -make install-am -make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-lang' -make[3]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-lang' -make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'. -make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'. -make[3]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-lang' -make[2]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-lang' -make[1]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-lang' -Making install in fc-glyphname -make[1]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-glyphname' -touch fcalias.h fcaliastail.h -touch fcalias.h fcaliastail.h -make[1]: stat: fcglyphname.h: Bad file number -gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../src -I.. -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -MT fc-glyphname.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/fc-glyphname.Tpo -c -o fc-glyphname.o fc-glyphname.c -mv -f .deps/fc-glyphname.Tpo .deps/fc-glyphname.Po -gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o fc-glyphname.exe fc-glyphname.o -rm -f fcglyphname.h -./fc-glyphname.exe ../fc-glyphname/zapfdingbats.txt < ../fc-glyphname/fcglyphname.tmpl.h > fcglyphname.h -make install-am -make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-glyphname' -make[3]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-glyphname' -make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'. -make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'. -make[3]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-glyphname' -make[2]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-glyphname' -make[1]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-glyphname' -Making install in fc-arch -make[1]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-arch' -touch fcalias.h fcaliastail.h -touch fcalias.h fcaliastail.h -make[1]: stat: fcarch.h: Bad file number -gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../src -I.. -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -MT fc-arch.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/fc-arch.Tpo -c -o fc-arch.o fc-arch.c -mv -f .deps/fc-arch.Tpo .deps/fc-arch.Po -gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o fc-arch.exe fc-arch.o -rm -f fcarch.h -./fc-arch.exe auto < ../fc-arch/fcarch.tmpl.h > fcarch.h.tmp && \ - mv fcarch.h.tmp fcarch.h -make install-am -make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-arch' -make[3]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-arch' -make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'. -make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'. -make[3]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-arch' -make[2]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-arch' -make[1]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-arch' -Making install in src -make[1]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/src' -sh ../src/makealias "../src" fcalias.h fcaliastail.h ../fontconfig/fontconfig.h ../src/fcdeprecate.h ../fontconfig/fcprivate.h -sh ../src/makealias "../src" fcftalias.h fcftaliastail.h ../fontconfig/fcfreetype.h -make install-am -make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/src' -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fcatomic.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcatomic.Tpo -c -o fcatomic.lo fcatomic.c -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fcblanks.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcblanks.Tpo -c -o fcblanks.lo fcblanks.c -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fccache.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fccache.Tpo -c -o fccache.lo fccache.c -libtool: compile: gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT fcatomic.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcatomic.Tpo -c fcatomic.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/fcatomic.o -libtool: compile: gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT fccache.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fccache.Tpo -c fccache.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/fccache.o -libtool: compile: gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT fcblanks.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcblanks.Tpo -c fcblanks.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/fcblanks.o -fcatomic.c: In function 'FcAtomicLock': -fcatomic.c:103: warning: unused variable 'f' -fcatomic.c:102: warning: unused variable 'fd' -fcatomic.c: In function 'FcAtomicReplaceOrig': -fcatomic.c:181: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'unlink' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/io.h:306: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -mv -f .deps/fcatomic.Tpo .deps/fcatomic.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fccfg.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fccfg.Tpo -c -o fccfg.lo fccfg.c -mv -f .deps/fcblanks.Tpo .deps/fcblanks.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fccharset.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fccharset.Tpo -c -o fccharset.lo fccharset.c -fccache.c: In function 'FcStat': -fccache.c:110: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'FcStringHash' differ in signedness -fcint.h:957: note: expected 'const FcChar8 *' but argument is of type 'char *' -fccache.c: In function 'FcDirCacheOpenFile': -fccache.c:202: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'FcStat' differ in signedness -fccache.c:89: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'const FcChar8 *' -fccache.c: In function 'FcDirCacheWrite': -fccache.c:943: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'FcStat' differ in signedness -fccache.c:89: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -libtool: compile: gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT fccfg.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fccfg.Tpo -c fccfg.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/fccfg.o -libtool: compile: gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT fccharset.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fccharset.Tpo -c fccharset.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/fccharset.o -mv -f .deps/fccache.Tpo .deps/fccache.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fcdbg.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcdbg.Tpo -c -o fcdbg.lo fcdbg.c -fccfg.c:1598: warning: no previous prototype for 'DllMain' -fccfg.c: In function 'DllMain': -fccfg.c:1607: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'GetModuleFileNameA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1483: note: expected 'LPSTR' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fccfg.c:1615: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strrchr' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:54: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fccfg.c:1615: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness -fccfg.c:1619: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strrchr' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:54: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fccfg.c:1619: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness -fccfg.c:1620: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'FcStrCmpIgnoreCase' differ in signedness -../fontconfig/fontconfig.h:865: note: expected 'const FcChar8 *' but argument is of type 'char *' -fccfg.c:1621: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'FcStrCmpIgnoreCase' differ in signedness -../fontconfig/fontconfig.h:865: note: expected 'const FcChar8 *' but argument is of type 'char *' -fccfg.c:1623: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcat' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:41: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fccfg.c: In function 'FcConfigGetPath': -fccfg.c:1728: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'GetModuleFileNameA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1483: note: expected 'LPSTR' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fccfg.c:1730: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strrchr' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:54: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fccfg.c:1732: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcat' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:41: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -libtool: compile: gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT fcdbg.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcdbg.Tpo -c fcdbg.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/fcdbg.o -mv -f .deps/fccharset.Tpo .deps/fccharset.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fcdefault.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcdefault.Tpo -c -o fcdefault.lo fcdefault.c -mv -f .deps/fcdbg.Tpo .deps/fcdbg.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fcdir.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcdir.Tpo -c -o fcdir.lo fcdir.c -mv -f .deps/fccfg.Tpo .deps/fccfg.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes 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-I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT fcserialize.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcserialize.Tpo -c fcserialize.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/fcserialize.o -mv -f .deps/fcname.Tpo .deps/fcname.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fcstr.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcstr.Tpo -c -o fcstr.lo fcstr.c -mv -f .deps/fcserialize.Tpo .deps/fcserialize.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT fcxml.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcxml.Tpo -c -o fcxml.lo fcxml.c -mv -f .deps/fcpat.Tpo .deps/fcpat.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR='"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE"' -DFONTCONFIG_PATH='"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts"' -O2 -MT ftglue.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/ftglue.Tpo -c -o ftglue.lo ftglue.c -libtool: compile: gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT fcstr.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcstr.Tpo -c fcstr.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/fcstr.o -libtool: compile: gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT fcxml.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fcxml.Tpo -c fcxml.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/fcxml.o -libtool: compile: gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include/freetype2 -I/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../include -I/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/include -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -DFC_CACHEDIR=\"WINDOWSTEMPDIR_FONTCONFIG_CACHE\" -DFONTCONFIG_PATH=\"c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/etc/fonts\" -O2 -MT ftglue.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/ftglue.Tpo -c ftglue.c -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/ftglue.o -fcstr.c: In function 'FcStrCanonFilename': -fcstr.c:1002: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'GetFullPathNameA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1468: note: expected 'LPCSTR' but argument is of type 'const FcChar8 *' -fcstr.c:1002: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of 'GetFullPathNameA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1468: note: expected 'LPSTR' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcstr.c:1007: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'FcConvertDosPath' differ in signedness -fcstr.c:963: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c: In function 'FcExprCreateString': -fcxml.c:107: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type -fcxml.c: In function 'FcExprCreateConst': -fcxml.c:167: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type -fcxml.c: In function 'FcEndElement': -fcxml.c:2054: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcmp' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:43: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2058: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'GetModuleFileNameA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1483: note: expected 'LPSTR' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2069: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness -fcxml.c:2071: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcat' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:41: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2073: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcmp' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:43: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2077: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'GetModuleFileNameA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1483: note: expected 'LPSTR' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2082: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness -fcxml.c:2084: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcat' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:41: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2086: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcmp' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:43: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2091: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1573: note: expected 'LPSTR' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2100: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strlen' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:49: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2101: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcat' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:41: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2102: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcat' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:41: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2122: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcmp' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:43: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2133: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'GetTempPathA' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/winbase.h:1585: note: expected 'LPSTR' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2140: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strlen' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:49: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2141: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcat' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:41: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c:2142: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strcat' differ in signedness -c:\opt\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../include/string.h:41: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'FcChar8 *' -fcxml.c: At top level: -fcxml.c:137: warning: 'FcExprCreateNil' defined but not used -mv -f .deps/ftglue.Tpo .deps/ftglue.Plo -echo Generating fontconfig.def -Generating fontconfig.def -(echo EXPORTS; \ - (cat ../fontconfig/fontconfig.h ../src/fcdeprecate.h ../fontconfig/fcprivate.h ../fontconfig/fcfreetype.h || echo 'FcERROR ()' ) | \ - grep '^Fc[^ ]* *(' | sed -e 's/ *(.*$//' -e 's/^/ /' | \ - sort; \ - echo LIBRARY libfontconfig-1.dll; \ - echo VERSION 5.3) >fontconfig.def -mv -f .deps/fcstr.Tpo .deps/fcstr.Plo -mv -f .deps/fcxml.Tpo .deps/fcxml.Plo -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -mthreads -O2 -version-info 5:3:4 -no-undefined -export-symbols fontconfig.def -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o -rpath c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib fcatomic.lo fcblanks.lo fccache.lo fccfg.lo fccharset.lo fcdbg.lo fcdefault.lo fcdir.lo fcformat.lo fcfreetype.lo fcfs.lo fcinit.lo fclang.lo fclist.lo fcmatch.lo fcmatrix.lo fcname.lo fcpat.lo fcserialize.lo fcstr.lo fcxml.lo ftglue.lo -L/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../lib -lfreetype -L/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/lib -lexpat -libtool: link: if test "x`/bin/sed 1q fontconfig.def`" = xEXPORTS; then cp fontconfig.def .libs/libfontconfig-1.dll.def; else echo EXPORTS > .libs/libfontconfig-1.dll.def; cat fontconfig.def >> .libs/libfontconfig-1.dll.def; fi -libtool: link: gcc -mthreads -shared .libs/libfontconfig-1.dll.def .libs/fcatomic.o .libs/fcblanks.o .libs/fccache.o .libs/fccfg.o .libs/fccharset.o .libs/fcdbg.o .libs/fcdefault.o .libs/fcdir.o .libs/fcformat.o .libs/fcfreetype.o .libs/fcfs.o .libs/fcinit.o .libs/fclang.o .libs/fclist.o .libs/fcmatch.o .libs/fcmatrix.o .libs/fcname.o .libs/fcpat.o .libs/fcserialize.o .libs/fcstr.o .libs/fcxml.o .libs/ftglue.o -L/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../lib -lfreetype -L/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/lib -lexpat -mthreads -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -mthreads -o .libs/libfontconfig-1.dll -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -Xlinker --out-implib -Xlinker .libs/libfontconfig.dll.a -Creating library file: .libs/libfontconfig.dll.a -libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "" && ln -s "../" "" ) -lib -machine:IX86 -name:libfontconfig-1.dll -def:fontconfig.def -out:fontconfig.lib -Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 6.00.8447 -Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved. - - Creating library fontconfig.lib and object fontconfig.exp -make[3]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/src' -test -z "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib" || /bin/mkdir -p "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib" -/bin/mkdir -p c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib -/bin/mkdir -p c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib -/opt/local/bin/install -c fontconfig.lib c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib -/opt/local/bin/install -c .libs/libfontconfig.dll.a c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib -/opt/local/bin/install -c fontconfig.def c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib/fontconfig.def - /bin/sh ../libtool --mode=install /opt/local/bin/install -c 'c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib' -libtool: install: /opt/local/bin/install -c .libs/libfontconfig.dll.a c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib/libfontconfig.dll.a -libtool: install: base_file=`basename` -libtool: install: dlpath=`/bin/sh 2>&1 -c '. .libs/''i; echo libfontconfig-1.dll'` -libtool: install: dldir=c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib/`dirname ../bin/libfontconfig-1.dll` -libtool: install: test -d c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib/../bin || mkdir -p c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib/../bin -libtool: install: /opt/local/bin/install -c .libs/libfontconfig-1.dll c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib/../bin/libfontconfig-1.dll -libtool: install: chmod a+x c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib/../bin/libfontconfig-1.dll -libtool: install: if test -n '' && test -n 'strip --strip-unneeded'; then eval 'strip --strip-unneeded c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib/../bin/libfontconfig-1.dll' || exit 0; fi -libtool: install: /opt/local/bin/install -c .libs/libfontconfig.lai c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Libraries have been installed in: - c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib - -If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries -in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and -specify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR' -flag during linking and do at least one of the following: - - add LIBDIR to the `PATH' environment variable - during execution - - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable - during linking - - use the `-LLIBDIR' linker flag - -See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for -more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -make[3]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/src' -make[2]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/src' -make[1]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/src' -Making install in fc-cache -make[1]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-cache' -gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../src -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -MT fc-cache.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/fc-cache.Tpo -c -o fc-cache.o fc-cache.c -mv -f .deps/fc-cache.Tpo .deps/fc-cache.Po -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o fc-cache.exe fc-cache.o ../src/ -libtool: link: gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o .libs/fc-cache.exe fc-cache.o ../src/.libs/libfontconfig.dll.a -L/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../lib -L/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/lib -lfreetype -lexpat -mthreads -Lc:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib -make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-cache' -test -z "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin" || /bin/mkdir -p "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin" -test -z "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/share/man/man1" || /bin/mkdir -p "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/share/man/man1" - /bin/sh ../libtool --mode=install /opt/local/bin/install -c fc-cache.exe 'c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin' - /opt/local/bin/install -c -m 644 fc-cache.1 'c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/share/man/man1' -libtool: install: /opt/local/bin/install -c .libs/fc-cache.exe c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin/fc-cache.exe -make[2]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-cache' -make[1]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-cache' -Making install in fc-cat -make[1]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-cat' -gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -MT fc-cat.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/fc-cat.Tpo -c -o fc-cat.o fc-cat.c -mv -f .deps/fc-cat.Tpo .deps/fc-cat.Po -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o fc-cat.exe fc-cat.o ../src/ -libtool: link: gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o .libs/fc-cat.exe fc-cat.o ../src/.libs/libfontconfig.dll.a -L/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../lib -L/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/lib -lfreetype -lexpat -mthreads -Lc:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib -make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-cat' -test -z "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin" || /bin/mkdir -p "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin" -test -z "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/share/man/man1" || /bin/mkdir -p "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/share/man/man1" - /bin/sh ../libtool --mode=install /opt/local/bin/install -c fc-cat.exe 'c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin' - /opt/local/bin/install -c -m 644 fc-cat.1 'c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/share/man/man1' -libtool: install: /opt/local/bin/install -c .libs/fc-cat.exe c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin/fc-cat.exe -make[2]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-cat' -make[1]: Leaving directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-cat' -Making install in fc-list -make[1]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-list' -gcc -mthreads -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -MT fc-list.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/fc-list.Tpo -c -o fc-list.o fc-list.c -mv -f .deps/fc-list.Tpo .deps/fc-list.Po -/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o fc-list.exe fc-list.o ../src/ -libtool: link: gcc -mthreads -O2 -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -o .libs/fc-list.exe fc-list.o ../src/.libs/libfontconfig.dll.a -L/devel/dist/win32/freetype-2.3.9-1/bin/../lib -L/devel/dist/win32/expat-2.0.1-1/lib -lfreetype -lexpat -mthreads -Lc:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/lib -make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/src/freedesktop/fontconfig/2.7.3-1_win32/fc-list' -test -z "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin" || /bin/mkdir -p "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/bin" -test -z "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/share/man/man1" || /bin/mkdir -p "c:/devel/target/96f88d512a119bd0e656543dfddfbf80/share/man/man1" - 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All rights reserved. - - Creating library fontconfig.lib and object fontconfig.exp -++ sed -e s/@VERSION@/2.7.3/ -++ mv -++ ./config.status --file=fontconfig-zip -config.status: creating fontconfig-zip -++ ./fontconfig-zip - adding: bin/libfontconfig-1.dll (224 bytes security) (deflated 54%) - adding: etc/fonts/fonts.conf (224 bytes security) (deflated 67%) - adding: etc/fonts/fonts.dtd (224 bytes security) (deflated 70%) - adding: include/fontconfig/fcfreetype.h (224 bytes security) (deflated 51%) - adding: include/fontconfig/fcprivate.h (224 bytes security) (deflated 65%) - adding: include/fontconfig/fontconfig.h (224 bytes security) (deflated 74%) - adding: lib/libfontconfig.dll.a (224 bytes security) (deflated 93%) - adding: lib/fontconfig.lib (224 bytes security) (deflated 86%) - adding: lib/fontconfig.def (224 bytes security) (deflated 71%) - adding: lib/pkgconfig/fontconfig.pc (224 bytes security) (deflated 38%) - adding: bin/fc-list.exe (224 bytes security) (deflated 69%) - adding: bin/fc-cache.exe (224 bytes security) (deflated 68%) - 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It is not expected to be -# usable unmodified by others, and is included only for reference. - -MOD=fontconfig -VER=2.7.3 -REV=1 -ARCH=win32 - -THIS=${MOD}_${VER}-${REV}_${ARCH} - -RUNZIP=${MOD}_${VER}-${REV}_${ARCH}.zip -DEVZIP=${MOD}-dev_${VER}-${REV}_${ARCH}.zip - -# We use a string of hex digits to make it more evident that it is -# just a hash value and not supposed to be relevant at end-user -# machines. -HEX=`echo $THIS | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1` -TARGET=c:/devel/target/$HEX - -usestable -usemsvs6 - -( - -set -x - -EXPAT=`latest --arch=${ARCH} expat` -FREETYPE=`latest --arch=${ARCH} freetype` - -# Don't let libtool do its relinking dance. Don't know how relevant -# this is, but it doesn't hurt anyway. - -sed -e 's/need_relink=yes/need_relink=no # no way --tml/' ltmain.temp && mv ltmain.temp - -patch -p1 <<\EOF && -EOF - -patch -p0 <<\EOF && ---- src/ -+++ src/ -@@ -620,6 +620,7 @@ - # gcc import library install/uninstall - - @OS_WIN32_TRUE@install-libtool-import-lib: -+@OS_WIN32_TRUE@ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) - @OS_WIN32_TRUE@ $(INSTALL) .libs/libfontconfig.dll.a $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) - @OS_WIN32_TRUE@ $(INSTALL) fontconfig.def $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/fontconfig.def - -@@ -630,9 +630,10 @@ - @OS_WIN32_FALSE@uninstall-libtool-import-lib: - - @MS_LIB_AVAILABLE_TRUE@fontconfig.lib : --@MS_LIB_AVAILABLE_TRUE@ lib -name:libfontconfig-$(lt_current_minus_age).dll -def:fontconfig.def -out:$@ -+@MS_LIB_AVAILABLE_TRUE@ lib -machine:IX86 -name:libfontconfig-$(LIBT_CURRENT_MINUS_AGE).dll -def:fontconfig.def -out:$@ - - @MS_LIB_AVAILABLE_TRUE@install-ms-import-lib: -+@MS_LIB_AVAILABLE_TRUE@ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) - @MS_LIB_AVAILABLE_TRUE@ $(INSTALL) fontconfig.lib $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) - - @MS_LIB_AVAILABLE_TRUE@uninstall-ms-import-lib: ---- -+++ -@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ - EOF - - rm -f $DEVZIP --zip -r $DEVZIP -@ < && mv && - -./config.status --file=fontconfig-zip && -./fontconfig-zip && - -mv /tmp/$MOD-$ /tmp/$RUNZIP && -mv /tmp/$MOD-dev-$ /tmp/$DEVZIP - -cd /devel/target/$HEX && -zip /tmp/$DEVZIP bin/fc-cat.exe - -) 2>&1 | tee /devel/src/tml/packaging/$THIS.log - -(cd /devel && zip /tmp/$DEVZIP src/tml/packaging/$THIS.{sh,log}) && -manifestify /tmp/$RUNZIP /tmp/$DEVZIP -- cgit v1.2.3