/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2016 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Messaging for the WebExtensions wallet. Should contain * parts that are specific for WebExtensions, but as little business * logic as possible. */ /** * Imports. */ import { BrowserHttpLib } from "../util/http"; import { AmountJson } from "../util/amounts"; import { ConfirmReserveRequest, CreateReserveRequest, Notifier, ReturnCoinsRequest, WalletDiagnostics, } from "../walletTypes"; import { Wallet } from "../wallet"; import { isFirefox } from "./compat"; import { WALLET_DB_VERSION } from "../dbTypes"; import { openTalerDb, exportDb, importDb, deleteDb } from "../db"; import { ChromeBadge } from "./chromeBadge"; import { MessageType } from "./messages"; import * as wxApi from "./wxApi"; import Port = chrome.runtime.Port; import MessageSender = chrome.runtime.MessageSender; import { BrowserCryptoWorkerFactory } from "../crypto/cryptoApi"; import { OpenedPromise, openPromise } from "../util/promiseUtils"; const NeedsWallet = Symbol("NeedsWallet"); async function handleMessage( sender: MessageSender, type: MessageType, detail: any, ): Promise { function assertNotFound(t: never): never { console.error(`Request type ${t as string} unknown`); console.error(`Request detail was ${detail}`); return { error: { message: `request type ${t as string} unknown`, requestType: type, }, } as never; } function needsWallet(): Wallet { if (!currentWallet) { throw NeedsWallet; } return currentWallet; } switch (type) { case "balances": { return needsWallet().getBalances(); } case "dump-db": { const db = needsWallet().db; return exportDb(db); } case "import-db": { const db = needsWallet().db; return importDb(db, detail.dump); } case "ping": { return Promise.resolve(); } case "reset-db": { if (currentWallet) { const db = currentWallet.db; const tx = db.transaction(Array.from(db.objectStoreNames), "readwrite"); // tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of for (let i = 0; i < db.objectStoreNames.length; i++) { tx.objectStore(db.objectStoreNames[i]).clear(); } } deleteDb(indexedDB); setBadgeText({ text: "" }); console.log("reset done"); if (!currentWallet) { reinitWallet(); } return Promise.resolve({}); } case "create-reserve": { const d = { amount: detail.amount, exchange: detail.exchange, senderWire: detail.senderWire, }; const req = CreateReserveRequest.checked(d); return needsWallet().createReserve(req); } case "confirm-reserve": { const d = { reservePub: detail.reservePub, }; const req = ConfirmReserveRequest.checked(d); return needsWallet().confirmReserve(req); } case "confirm-pay": { if (typeof detail.proposalId !== "string") { throw Error("proposalId must be string"); } return needsWallet().confirmPay(detail.proposalId, detail.sessionId); } case "exchange-info": { if (!detail.baseUrl) { return Promise.resolve({ error: "bad url" }); } return needsWallet().updateExchangeFromUrl(detail.baseUrl); } case "reserve-creation-info": { if (!detail.baseUrl || typeof detail.baseUrl !== "string") { return Promise.resolve({ error: "bad url" }); } const amount = AmountJson.checked(detail.amount); return needsWallet().getWithdrawDetailsForAmount(detail.baseUrl, amount); } case "get-history": { // TODO: limit history length return needsWallet().getHistory(); } case "get-exchanges": { return needsWallet().getExchanges(); } case "get-currencies": { return needsWallet().getCurrencies(); } case "update-currency": { return needsWallet().updateCurrency(detail.currencyRecord); } case "get-reserves": { if (typeof detail.exchangeBaseUrl !== "string") { return Promise.reject(Error("exchangeBaseUrl missing")); } return needsWallet().getReserves(detail.exchangeBaseUrl); } case "get-payback-reserves": { return needsWallet().getPaybackReserves(); } case "withdraw-payback-reserve": { if (typeof detail.reservePub !== "string") { return Promise.reject(Error("reservePub missing")); } throw Error("not implemented"); } case "get-coins": { if (typeof detail.exchangeBaseUrl !== "string") { return Promise.reject(Error("exchangBaseUrl missing")); } return needsWallet().getCoinsForExchange(detail.exchangeBaseUrl); } case "get-denoms": { if (typeof detail.exchangeBaseUrl !== "string") { return Promise.reject(Error("exchangBaseUrl missing")); } return needsWallet().getDenoms(detail.exchangeBaseUrl); } case "refresh-coin": { if (typeof detail.coinPub !== "string") { return Promise.reject(Error("coinPub missing")); } return needsWallet().refresh(detail.coinPub); } case "payback-coin": { if (typeof detail.coinPub !== "string") { return Promise.reject(Error("coinPub missing")); } return needsWallet().payback(detail.coinPub); } case "get-sender-wire-infos": { return needsWallet().getSenderWireInfos(); } case "return-coins": { const d = { amount: detail.amount, exchange: detail.exchange, senderWire: detail.senderWire, }; const req = ReturnCoinsRequest.checked(d); return needsWallet().returnCoins(req); } case "check-upgrade": { let dbResetRequired = false; if (!currentWallet) { dbResetRequired = true; } const resp: wxApi.UpgradeResponse = { currentDbVersion: WALLET_DB_VERSION.toString(), dbResetRequired, oldDbVersion: (outdatedDbVersion || "unknown").toString(), }; return resp; } case "get-purchase-details": { const contractTermsHash = detail.contractTermsHash; if (!contractTermsHash) { throw Error("contractTermsHash missing"); } return needsWallet().getPurchaseDetails(contractTermsHash); } case "accept-refund": return needsWallet().applyRefund(detail.refundUrl); case "get-tip-status": { return needsWallet().getTipStatus(detail.talerTipUri); } case "accept-tip": { return needsWallet().acceptTip(detail.talerTipUri); } case "clear-notification": { return needsWallet().clearNotification(); } case "abort-failed-payment": { if (!detail.contractTermsHash) { throw Error("contracTermsHash not given"); } return needsWallet().abortFailedPayment(detail.contractTermsHash); } case "benchmark-crypto": { if (!detail.repetitions) { throw Error("repetitions not given"); } return needsWallet().benchmarkCrypto(detail.repetitions); } case "get-withdraw-details": { return needsWallet().getWithdrawDetailsForUri( detail.talerWithdrawUri, detail.maybeSelectedExchange, ); } case "accept-withdrawal": { return needsWallet().acceptWithdrawal( detail.talerWithdrawUri, detail.selectedExchange, ); } case "get-diagnostics": { const manifestData = chrome.runtime.getManifest(); const errors: string[] = []; let firefoxIdbProblem = false; let dbOutdated = false; try { await walletInit.promise; } catch (e) { errors.push("Error during wallet initialization: " + e); if (currentDatabase === undefined && outdatedDbVersion === undefined && isFirefox()) { firefoxIdbProblem = true; } } if (!currentWallet) { errors.push("Could not create wallet backend."); } if (!currentDatabase) { errors.push("Could not open database"); } if (outdatedDbVersion !== undefined) { errors.push(`Outdated DB version: ${outdatedDbVersion}`); dbOutdated = true; } const diagnostics: WalletDiagnostics = { walletManifestDisplayVersion: manifestData.version_name || "(undefined)", walletManifestVersion: manifestData.version, errors, firefoxIdbProblem, dbOutdated, }; return diagnostics; } case "prepare-pay": return needsWallet().preparePay(detail.talerPayUri); default: // Exhaustiveness check. // See https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html return assertNotFound(type); } } async function dispatch( req: any, sender: any, sendResponse: any, ): Promise { try { const p = handleMessage(sender, req.type, req.detail); const r = await p; try { sendResponse(r); } catch (e) { // might fail if tab disconnected } } catch (e) { console.log(`exception during wallet handler for '${req.type}'`); console.log("request", req); console.error(e); let stack; try { stack = e.stack.toString(); } catch (e) { // might fail } try { sendResponse({ error: { message: e.message, stack, }, }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); // might fail if tab disconnected } } } class ChromeNotifier implements Notifier { private ports: Port[] = []; constructor() { chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(port => { console.log("got connect!"); this.ports.push(port); port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { const i = this.ports.indexOf(port); if (i >= 0) { this.ports.splice(i, 1); } else { console.error("port already removed"); } }); }); } notify() { for (const p of this.ports) { p.postMessage({ notify: true }); } } } function getTab(tabId: number): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.tabs.get(tabId, (tab: chrome.tabs.Tab) => resolve(tab)); }); } function setBadgeText(options: chrome.browserAction.BadgeTextDetails) { // not supported by all browsers ... if (chrome && chrome.browserAction && chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText) { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText(options); } else { console.warn("can't set badge text, not supported", options); } } function waitMs(timeoutMs: number): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.extension .getBackgroundPage()! .setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeoutMs); }); } function makeSyncWalletRedirect( url: string, tabId: number, oldUrl: string, params?: { [name: string]: string | undefined }, ): object { const innerUrl = new URL(chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/" + url)); if (params) { for (const key in params) { const p = params[key]; if (p) { innerUrl.searchParams.set(key, p); } } } const outerUrl = new URL( chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/redirect.html"), ); outerUrl.searchParams.set("url", innerUrl.href); if (isFirefox()) { // Some platforms don't support the sync redirect (yet), so fall back to // async redirect after a timeout. const doit = async () => { await waitMs(150); const tab = await getTab(tabId); if (tab.url === oldUrl) { chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { url: outerUrl.href }); } }; doit(); } return { redirectUrl: outerUrl.href }; } /** * Currently active wallet instance. Might be unloaded and * re-instantiated when the database is reset. */ let currentWallet: Wallet | undefined; let currentDatabase: IDBDatabase | undefined; /** * Last version if an outdated DB, if applicable. */ let outdatedDbVersion: number | undefined; let walletInit: OpenedPromise = openPromise(); function handleUpgradeUnsupported(oldDbVersion: number, newDbVersion: number) { console.log("DB migration not supported"); outdatedDbVersion = oldDbVersion; chrome.tabs.create({ url: chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/reset-required.html"), }); setBadgeText({ text: "err" }); chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: "#F00" }); } async function reinitWallet() { if (currentWallet) { currentWallet.stop(); currentWallet = undefined; } currentDatabase = undefined; setBadgeText({ text: "" }); const badge = new ChromeBadge(); try { currentDatabase = await openTalerDb( indexedDB, reinitWallet, handleUpgradeUnsupported, ); } catch (e) { console.error("could not open database", e); walletInit.reject(e); return; } const http = new BrowserHttpLib(); const notifier = new ChromeNotifier(); console.log("setting wallet"); const wallet = new Wallet( currentDatabase, http, badge, notifier, new BrowserCryptoWorkerFactory(), ); wallet.runLoopScheduledRetries().catch((e) => { console.log("error during wallet retry loop", e); }); // Useful for debugging in the background page. (window as any).talerWallet = wallet; currentWallet = wallet; walletInit.resolve(); } /** * Inject a script into a tab. Gracefully logs errors * and works around a bug where the tab's URL does not match the internal URL, * making the injection fail in a confusing way. */ function injectScript( tabId: number, details: chrome.tabs.InjectDetails, actualUrl: string, ): void { chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, details, () => { // Required to squelch chrome's "unchecked lastError" warning. // Sometimes chrome reports the URL of a tab as http/https but // injection fails. This can happen when a page is unloaded or // shows a "no internet" page etc. if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.warn( "injection failed on page", actualUrl, chrome.runtime.lastError.message, ); } }); } try { // This needs to be outside of main, as Firefox won't fire the event if // the listener isn't created synchronously on loading the backend. chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(details => { console.log("onInstalled with reason", details.reason); if (details.reason === "install") { const url = chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/welcome.html"); chrome.tabs.create({ active: true, url: url }); } }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } /** * Main function to run for the WebExtension backend. * * Sets up all event handlers and other machinery. */ export async function wxMain() { // Explicitly unload the extension page as soon as an update is available, // so the update gets installed as soon as possible. chrome.runtime.onUpdateAvailable.addListener(details => { console.log("update available:", details); chrome.runtime.reload(); }); chrome.tabs.query({}, tabs => { console.log("got tabs", tabs); for (const tab of tabs) { if (!tab.url || !tab.id) { continue; } const uri = new URL(tab.url); if (uri.protocol !== "http:" && uri.protocol !== "https:") { continue; } console.log( "injecting into existing tab", tab.id, "with url", uri.href, "protocol", uri.protocol, ); injectScript( tab.id, { file: "/dist/contentScript-bundle.js", runAt: "document_start" }, uri.href, ); const code = ` if (("taler" in window) || document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-taler-nojs")) { document.dispatchEvent(new Event("taler-probe-result")); } `; injectScript(tab.id, { code, runAt: "document_start" }, uri.href); } }); const tabTimers: { [n: number]: number[] } = {}; chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener((tabId, changeInfo) => { const tt = tabTimers[tabId] || []; for (const t of tt) { chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()!.clearTimeout(t); } }); chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo) => { if (changeInfo.status !== "complete") { return; } const timers: number[] = []; const addRun = (dt: number) => { const id = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()!.setTimeout(run, dt); timers.push(id); }; const run = () => { timers.shift(); chrome.tabs.get(tabId, tab => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { return; } if (!tab.url || !tab.id) { return; } const uri = new URL(tab.url); if (!(uri.protocol === "http:" || uri.protocol === "https:")) { return; } const code = ` if (("taler" in window) || document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-taler-nojs")) { document.dispatchEvent(new Event("taler-probe-result")); } `; injectScript(tab.id!, { code, runAt: "document_start" }, uri.href); }); }; addRun(0); addRun(50); addRun(300); addRun(1000); addRun(2000); addRun(4000); addRun(8000); addRun(16000); tabTimers[tabId] = timers; }); reinitWallet(); // Handlers for messages coming directly from the content // script on the page chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((req, sender, sendResponse) => { dispatch(req, sender, sendResponse); return true; }); // Clear notifications both when the popop opens, // as well when it closes. chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(port => { if (port.name === "popup") { if (currentWallet) { currentWallet.clearNotification(); } port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { if (currentWallet) { currentWallet.clearNotification(); } }); } }); // Handlers for catching HTTP requests chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener( details => { const wallet = currentWallet; if (!wallet) { console.warn("wallet not available while handling header"); } if (details.statusCode === 402 || details.statusCode === 202) { console.log(`got 402/202 from ${details.url}`); for (let header of details.responseHeaders || []) { if (header.name.toLowerCase() === "taler") { const talerUri = header.value || ""; if (!talerUri.startsWith("taler://")) { console.warn( "Response with HTTP 402 has Taler header, but header value is not a taler:// URI.", ); break; } if (talerUri.startsWith("taler://withdraw/")) { return makeSyncWalletRedirect( "withdraw.html", details.tabId, details.url, { talerWithdrawUri: talerUri, }, ); } else if (talerUri.startsWith("taler://pay/")) { return makeSyncWalletRedirect( "pay.html", details.tabId, details.url, { talerPayUri: talerUri, }, ); } else if (talerUri.startsWith("taler://tip/")) { return makeSyncWalletRedirect( "tip.html", details.tabId, details.url, { talerTipUri: talerUri, }, ); } else if (talerUri.startsWith("taler://refund/")) { return makeSyncWalletRedirect( "refund.html", details.tabId, details.url, { talerRefundUri: talerUri, }, ); } else if (talerUri.startsWith("taler://notify-reserve/")) { Promise.resolve().then(() => { const w = currentWallet; if (!w) { return; } w.handleNotifyReserve(); }); } else { console.warn("Unknown action in taler:// URI, ignoring."); } break; } } } return {}; }, { urls: [""] }, ["responseHeaders", "blocking"], ); }