/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2015 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * High-level wallet operations that should be indepentent from the underlying * browser extension interface. */ /** * Imports. */ import { CryptoApi, CryptoWorkerFactory } from "./crypto/cryptoApi"; import { amountToPretty, canonicalJson, canonicalizeBaseUrl, getTalerStampSec, strcmp, extractTalerStamp, } from "./helpers"; import { HttpRequestLibrary, RequestException } from "./http"; import * as LibtoolVersion from "./libtoolVersion"; import { AbortTransaction, oneShotPut, oneShotGet, runWithWriteTransaction, oneShotIter, oneShotIterIndex, oneShotGetIndexed, oneShotMutate, } from "./query"; import { TimerGroup } from "./timer"; import { AmountJson } from "./amounts"; import * as Amounts from "./amounts"; import URI = require("urijs"); import { CoinRecord, CoinStatus, CoinsReturnRecord, CurrencyRecord, DenominationRecord, DenominationStatus, ExchangeRecord, PreCoinRecord, ProposalDownloadRecord, PurchaseRecord, RefreshPreCoinRecord, RefreshSessionRecord, ReserveRecord, Stores, TipRecord, WireFee, WithdrawalRecord, ExchangeDetails, ExchangeUpdateStatus, } from "./dbTypes"; import { Auditor, ContractTerms, Denomination, ExchangeHandle, ExchangeWireJson, KeysJson, MerchantRefundPermission, MerchantRefundResponse, PayReq, PaybackConfirmation, Proposal, RefundRequest, ReserveStatus, TipPlanchetDetail, TipResponse, WithdrawOperationStatusResponse, TipPickupGetResponse, } from "./talerTypes"; import { Badge, BenchmarkResult, CoinSelectionResult, CoinWithDenom, ConfirmPayResult, ConfirmReserveRequest, CreateReserveRequest, CreateReserveResponse, HistoryRecord, NextUrlResult, Notifier, PayCoinInfo, ReserveCreationInfo, ReturnCoinsRequest, SenderWireInfos, TipStatus, WalletBalance, WalletBalanceEntry, PreparePayResult, DownloadedWithdrawInfo, WithdrawDetails, AcceptWithdrawalResponse, PurchaseDetails, PendingOperationInfo, PendingOperationsResponse, HistoryQuery, getTimestampNow, OperationError, } from "./walletTypes"; import { openPromise } from "./promiseUtils"; import { parsePayUri, parseWithdrawUri, parseTipUri, parseRefundUri, } from "./taleruri"; import { isFirefox } from "./webex/compat"; interface SpeculativePayData { payCoinInfo: PayCoinInfo; exchangeUrl: string; proposalId: number; proposal: ProposalDownloadRecord; } /** * Wallet protocol version spoken with the exchange * and merchant. * * Uses libtool's current:revision:age versioning. */ export const WALLET_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "3:0:0"; const WALLET_CACHE_BREAKER_CLIENT_VERSION = "2"; const builtinCurrencies: CurrencyRecord[] = [ { auditors: [ { auditorPub: "BW9DC48PHQY4NH011SHHX36DZZ3Q22Y6X7FZ1VD1CMZ2PTFZ6PN0", baseUrl: "https://auditor.demo.taler.net/", expirationStamp: new Date(2027, 1).getTime(), }, ], exchanges: [], fractionalDigits: 2, name: "KUDOS", }, ]; function isWithdrawableDenom(d: DenominationRecord) { const nowSec = new Date().getTime() / 1000; const stampWithdrawSec = getTalerStampSec(d.stampExpireWithdraw); if (stampWithdrawSec === null) { return false; } const stampStartSec = getTalerStampSec(d.stampStart); if (stampStartSec === null) { return false; } // Withdraw if still possible to withdraw within a minute if (stampWithdrawSec + 60 > nowSec && nowSec >= stampStartSec) { return true; } return false; } interface SelectPayCoinsResult { cds: CoinWithDenom[]; totalFees: AmountJson; } /** * Get the amount that we lose when refreshing a coin of the given denomination * with a certain amount left. * * If the amount left is zero, then the refresh cost * is also considered to be zero. If a refresh isn't possible (e.g. due to lack of * the right denominations), then the cost is the full amount left. * * Considers refresh fees, withdrawal fees after refresh and amounts too small * to refresh. */ export function getTotalRefreshCost( denoms: DenominationRecord[], refreshedDenom: DenominationRecord, amountLeft: AmountJson, ): AmountJson { const withdrawAmount = Amounts.sub(amountLeft, refreshedDenom.feeRefresh) .amount; const withdrawDenoms = getWithdrawDenomList(withdrawAmount, denoms); const resultingAmount = Amounts.add( Amounts.getZero(withdrawAmount.currency), ...withdrawDenoms.map(d => d.value), ).amount; const totalCost = Amounts.sub(amountLeft, resultingAmount).amount; Wallet.enableTracing && console.log( "total refresh cost for", amountToPretty(amountLeft), "is", amountToPretty(totalCost), ); return totalCost; } /** * Select coins for a payment under the merchant's constraints. * * @param denoms all available denoms, used to compute refresh fees */ export function selectPayCoins( denoms: DenominationRecord[], cds: CoinWithDenom[], paymentAmount: AmountJson, depositFeeLimit: AmountJson, ): SelectPayCoinsResult | undefined { if (cds.length === 0) { return undefined; } // Sort by ascending deposit fee and denomPub if deposit fee is the same // (to guarantee deterministic results) cds.sort( (o1, o2) => Amounts.cmp(o1.denom.feeDeposit, o2.denom.feeDeposit) || strcmp(o1.denom.denomPub, o2.denom.denomPub), ); const currency = cds[0].denom.value.currency; const cdsResult: CoinWithDenom[] = []; let accDepositFee: AmountJson = Amounts.getZero(currency); let accAmount: AmountJson = Amounts.getZero(currency); for (const { coin, denom } of cds) { if (coin.suspended) { continue; } if (coin.status !== CoinStatus.Fresh) { continue; } if (Amounts.cmp(denom.feeDeposit, coin.currentAmount) >= 0) { continue; } cdsResult.push({ coin, denom }); accDepositFee = Amounts.add(denom.feeDeposit, accDepositFee).amount; let leftAmount = Amounts.sub( coin.currentAmount, Amounts.sub(paymentAmount, accAmount).amount, ).amount; accAmount = Amounts.add(coin.currentAmount, accAmount).amount; const coversAmount = Amounts.cmp(accAmount, paymentAmount) >= 0; const coversAmountWithFee = Amounts.cmp( accAmount, Amounts.add(paymentAmount, denom.feeDeposit).amount, ) >= 0; const isBelowFee = Amounts.cmp(accDepositFee, depositFeeLimit) <= 0; Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("candidate coin selection", { coversAmount, isBelowFee, accDepositFee, accAmount, paymentAmount, }); if ((coversAmount && isBelowFee) || coversAmountWithFee) { const depositFeeToCover = Amounts.sub(accDepositFee, depositFeeLimit) .amount; leftAmount = Amounts.sub(leftAmount, depositFeeToCover).amount; Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("deposit fee to cover", amountToPretty(depositFeeToCover)); let totalFees: AmountJson = Amounts.getZero(currency); if (coversAmountWithFee && !isBelowFee) { // these are the fees the customer has to pay // because the merchant doesn't cover them totalFees = Amounts.sub(depositFeeLimit, accDepositFee).amount; } totalFees = Amounts.add( totalFees, getTotalRefreshCost(denoms, denom, leftAmount), ).amount; return { cds: cdsResult, totalFees }; } } return undefined; } /** * Get a list of denominations (with repetitions possible) * whose total value is as close as possible to the available * amount, but never larger. */ function getWithdrawDenomList( amountAvailable: AmountJson, denoms: DenominationRecord[], ): DenominationRecord[] { let remaining = Amounts.copy(amountAvailable); const ds: DenominationRecord[] = []; denoms = denoms.filter(isWithdrawableDenom); denoms.sort((d1, d2) => Amounts.cmp(d2.value, d1.value)); // This is an arbitrary number of coins // we can withdraw in one go. It's not clear if this limit // is useful ... for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { let found = false; for (const d of denoms) { const cost = Amounts.add(d.value, d.feeWithdraw).amount; if (Amounts.cmp(remaining, cost) < 0) { continue; } found = true; remaining = Amounts.sub(remaining, cost).amount; ds.push(d); break; } if (!found) { break; } } return ds; } interface CoinsForPaymentArgs { allowedAuditors: Auditor[]; allowedExchanges: ExchangeHandle[]; depositFeeLimit: AmountJson; paymentAmount: AmountJson; wireFeeAmortization: number; wireFeeLimit: AmountJson; wireFeeTime: number; wireMethod: string; } /** * This error is thrown when an */ class OperationFailedAndReportedError extends Error { constructor(public reason: Error) { super("Reported failed operation: " + reason.message); // Set the prototype explicitly. Object.setPrototypeOf(this, OperationFailedAndReportedError.prototype); } } /** * The platform-independent wallet implementation. */ export class Wallet { /** * IndexedDB database used by the wallet. */ db: IDBDatabase; static enableTracing = false; private http: HttpRequestLibrary; private badge: Badge; private notifier: Notifier; private cryptoApi: CryptoApi; private processPreCoinConcurrent = 0; private processPreCoinThrottle: { [url: string]: number } = {}; private timerGroup: TimerGroup; private speculativePayData: SpeculativePayData | undefined; private cachedNextUrl: { [fulfillmentUrl: string]: NextUrlResult } = {}; private activeTipOperations: { [s: string]: Promise } = {}; private activeProcessReserveOperations: { [reservePub: string]: Promise; } = {}; private activeProcessPreCoinOperations: { [preCoinPub: string]: Promise; } = {}; private activeRefreshOperations: { [coinPub: string]: Promise; } = {}; /** * Set of identifiers for running operations. */ private runningOperations: Set = new Set(); constructor( db: IDBDatabase, http: HttpRequestLibrary, badge: Badge, notifier: Notifier, cryptoWorkerFactory: CryptoWorkerFactory, ) { this.db = db; this.http = http; this.badge = badge; this.notifier = notifier; this.cryptoApi = new CryptoApi(cryptoWorkerFactory); this.timerGroup = new TimerGroup(); } public async processPending(): Promise { const exchangeBaseUrlList = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.exchanges).map((x) => x.baseUrl); for (let exchangeBaseUrl of exchangeBaseUrlList) { await this.updateExchangeFromUrl(exchangeBaseUrl); } } /** * Start processing pending operations asynchronously. */ public start() { const work = async () => { await this.collectGarbage().catch(e => console.log(e)); this.updateExchanges(); this.resumePendingFromDb(); this.timerGroup.every(1000 * 60 * 15, () => this.updateExchanges()); }; work(); } /** * Insert the hard-coded defaults for exchanges, coins and * auditors into the database, unless these defaults have * already been applied. */ async fillDefaults() { await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.config, Stores.currencies], async (tx) => { let applied = false; await tx.iter(Stores.config).forEach((x) => { if (x.key == "currencyDefaultsApplied" && x.value == true) { applied = true; } }); if (!applied) { for (let c of builtinCurrencies) { await tx.put(Stores.currencies, c); } } }); } private startOperation(operationId: string) { this.runningOperations.add(operationId); this.badge.startBusy(); } private stopOperation(operationId: string) { this.runningOperations.delete(operationId); if (this.runningOperations.size === 0) { this.badge.stopBusy(); } } async updateExchanges(): Promise { const exchangeUrls = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.exchanges).map((e) => e.baseUrl); for (const url of exchangeUrls) { this.updateExchangeFromUrl(url).catch(e => { console.error("updating exchange failed", e); }); } } /** * Resume various pending operations that are pending * by looking at the database. */ private resumePendingFromDb(): void { Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("resuming pending operations from db"); oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.reserves).forEach(reserve => { Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("resuming reserve", reserve.reserve_pub); this.processReserve(reserve.reserve_pub); }); oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.precoins).forEach(preCoin => { Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("resuming precoin"); this.processPreCoin(preCoin.coinPub); }); oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.refresh).forEach((r: RefreshSessionRecord) => { this.continueRefreshSession(r); }); oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.coinsReturns).forEach((r: CoinsReturnRecord) => { this.depositReturnedCoins(r); }); } private async getCoinsForReturn( exchangeBaseUrl: string, amount: AmountJson, ): Promise { const exchange = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.exchanges, exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchange) { throw Error(`Exchange ${exchangeBaseUrl} not known to the wallet`); } const coins: CoinRecord[] = await oneShotIterIndex(this.db, Stores.coins.exchangeBaseUrlIndex, exchange.baseUrl).toArray(); if (!coins || !coins.length) { return []; } const denoms = await oneShotIterIndex(this.db, Stores.denominations.exchangeBaseUrlIndex, exchange.baseUrl).toArray(); // Denomination of the first coin, we assume that all other // coins have the same currency const firstDenom = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.denominations, [ exchange.baseUrl, coins[0].denomPub, ]); if (!firstDenom) { throw Error("db inconsistent"); } const currency = firstDenom.value.currency; const cds: CoinWithDenom[] = []; for (const coin of coins) { const denom = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.denominations, [ exchange.baseUrl, coin.denomPub, ]); if (!denom) { throw Error("db inconsistent"); } if (denom.value.currency !== currency) { console.warn( `same pubkey for different currencies at exchange ${exchange.baseUrl}`, ); continue; } if (coin.suspended) { continue; } if (coin.status !== CoinStatus.Fresh) { continue; } cds.push({ coin, denom }); } console.log("coin return: selecting from possible coins", { cds, amount }); const res = selectPayCoins(denoms, cds, amount, amount); if (res) { return res.cds; } return undefined; } /** * Get exchanges and associated coins that are still spendable, but only * if the sum the coins' remaining value covers the payment amount and fees. */ private async getCoinsForPayment( args: CoinsForPaymentArgs, ): Promise { const { allowedAuditors, allowedExchanges, depositFeeLimit, paymentAmount, wireFeeAmortization, wireFeeLimit, wireFeeTime, wireMethod, } = args; let remainingAmount = paymentAmount; const exchanges = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.exchanges).toArray(); for (const exchange of exchanges) { let isOkay: boolean = false; const exchangeDetails = exchange.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { continue; } const exchangeFees = exchange.wireInfo; if (!exchangeFees) { continue; } // is the exchange explicitly allowed? for (const allowedExchange of allowedExchanges) { if (allowedExchange.master_pub === exchangeDetails.masterPublicKey) { isOkay = true; break; } } // is the exchange allowed because of one of its auditors? if (!isOkay) { for (const allowedAuditor of allowedAuditors) { for (const auditor of exchangeDetails.auditors) { if (auditor.auditor_pub === allowedAuditor.auditor_pub) { isOkay = true; break; } } if (isOkay) { break; } } } if (!isOkay) { continue; } const coins = await oneShotIterIndex(this.db, Stores.coins.exchangeBaseUrlIndex, exchange.baseUrl).toArray(); const denoms = await oneShotIterIndex(this.db, Stores.denominations.exchangeBaseUrlIndex, exchange.baseUrl).toArray(); if (!coins || coins.length === 0) { continue; } // Denomination of the first coin, we assume that all other // coins have the same currency const firstDenom = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.denominations, [ exchange.baseUrl, coins[0].denomPub, ]); if (!firstDenom) { throw Error("db inconsistent"); } const currency = firstDenom.value.currency; const cds: CoinWithDenom[] = []; for (const coin of coins) { const denom = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.denominations, [ exchange.baseUrl, coin.denomPub, ]); if (!denom) { throw Error("db inconsistent"); } if (denom.value.currency !== currency) { console.warn( `same pubkey for different currencies at exchange ${exchange.baseUrl}`, ); continue; } if (coin.suspended) { continue; } if (coin.status !== CoinStatus.Fresh) { continue; } cds.push({ coin, denom }); } let totalFees = Amounts.getZero(currency); let wireFee: AmountJson | undefined; for (const fee of exchangeFees.feesForType[wireMethod] || []) { if (fee.startStamp <= wireFeeTime && fee.endStamp >= wireFeeTime) { wireFee = fee.wireFee; break; } } if (wireFee) { const amortizedWireFee = Amounts.divide(wireFee, wireFeeAmortization); if (Amounts.cmp(wireFeeLimit, amortizedWireFee) < 0) { totalFees = Amounts.add(amortizedWireFee, totalFees).amount; remainingAmount = Amounts.add(amortizedWireFee, remainingAmount) .amount; } } const res = selectPayCoins(denoms, cds, remainingAmount, depositFeeLimit); if (res) { totalFees = Amounts.add(totalFees, res.totalFees).amount; return { cds: res.cds, exchangeUrl: exchange.baseUrl, totalAmount: remainingAmount, totalFees, }; } } return undefined; } /** * Record all information that is necessary to * pay for a proposal in the wallet's database. */ private async recordConfirmPay( proposal: ProposalDownloadRecord, payCoinInfo: PayCoinInfo, chosenExchange: string, ): Promise { const payReq: PayReq = { coins: payCoinInfo.sigs, merchant_pub: proposal.contractTerms.merchant_pub, mode: "pay", order_id: proposal.contractTerms.order_id, }; const t: PurchaseRecord = { abortDone: false, abortRequested: false, contractTerms: proposal.contractTerms, contractTermsHash: proposal.contractTermsHash, finished: false, lastSessionId: undefined, merchantSig: proposal.merchantSig, payReq, refundsDone: {}, refundsPending: {}, timestamp: new Date().getTime(), timestamp_refund: 0, }; await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.coins, Stores.purchases], async (tx) => { await tx.put(Stores.purchases, t); for (let c of payCoinInfo.updatedCoins) { await tx.put(Stores.coins, c); } }); this.badge.showNotification(); this.notifier.notify(); return t; } getNextUrl(contractTerms: ContractTerms): string { const fu = new URI(contractTerms.fulfillment_url); fu.addSearch("order_id", contractTerms.order_id); return fu.href(); } /** * Check if a payment for the given taler://pay/ URI is possible. * * If the payment is possible, the signature are already generated but not * yet send to the merchant. */ async preparePay(talerPayUri: string): Promise { const uriResult = parsePayUri(talerPayUri); if (!uriResult) { return { status: "error", error: "URI not supported", }; } let proposalId: number; try { proposalId = await this.downloadProposal( uriResult.downloadUrl, uriResult.sessionId, ); } catch (e) { return { status: "error", error: e.toString(), }; } const proposal = await this.getProposal(proposalId); if (!proposal) { throw Error("could not get proposal"); } console.log("proposal", proposal); const differentPurchase = await oneShotGetIndexed( this.db, Stores.purchases.fulfillmentUrlIndex, proposal.contractTerms.fulfillment_url, ); if (differentPurchase) { // We do this check to prevent merchant B to find out if we bought a // digital product with merchant A by abusing the existing payment // redirect feature. if ( differentPurchase.contractTerms.merchant_pub != proposal.contractTerms.merchant_pub ) { console.warn( "merchant with different public key offered contract with same fulfillment URL as an existing purchase", ); } else { if (uriResult.sessionId) { await this.submitPay( differentPurchase.contractTermsHash, uriResult.sessionId, ); } return { status: "paid", contractTerms: differentPurchase.contractTerms, nextUrl: this.getNextUrl(differentPurchase.contractTerms), }; } } // First check if we already payed for it. const purchase = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.purchases, proposal.contractTermsHash); if (!purchase) { const paymentAmount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(proposal.contractTerms.amount); let wireFeeLimit; if (proposal.contractTerms.max_wire_fee) { wireFeeLimit = Amounts.parseOrThrow( proposal.contractTerms.max_wire_fee, ); } else { wireFeeLimit = Amounts.getZero(paymentAmount.currency); } // If not already payed, check if we could pay for it. const res = await this.getCoinsForPayment({ allowedAuditors: proposal.contractTerms.auditors, allowedExchanges: proposal.contractTerms.exchanges, depositFeeLimit: Amounts.parseOrThrow(proposal.contractTerms.max_fee), paymentAmount, wireFeeAmortization: proposal.contractTerms.wire_fee_amortization || 1, wireFeeLimit, wireFeeTime: getTalerStampSec(proposal.contractTerms.timestamp) || 0, wireMethod: proposal.contractTerms.wire_method, }); if (!res) { console.log("not confirming payment, insufficient coins"); return { status: "insufficient-balance", contractTerms: proposal.contractTerms, proposalId: proposal.id!, }; } // Only create speculative signature if we don't already have one for this proposal if ( !this.speculativePayData || (this.speculativePayData && this.speculativePayData.proposalId !== proposalId) ) { const { exchangeUrl, cds, totalAmount } = res; const payCoinInfo = await this.cryptoApi.signDeposit( proposal.contractTerms, cds, totalAmount, ); this.speculativePayData = { exchangeUrl, payCoinInfo, proposal, proposalId, }; Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("created speculative pay data for payment"); } return { status: "payment-possible", contractTerms: proposal.contractTerms, proposalId: proposal.id!, totalFees: res.totalFees, }; } if (uriResult.sessionId) { await this.submitPay(purchase.contractTermsHash, uriResult.sessionId); } return { status: "paid", contractTerms: proposal.contractTerms, nextUrl: this.getNextUrl(purchase.contractTerms), }; } /** * Download a proposal and store it in the database. * Returns an id for it to retrieve it later. * * @param sessionId Current session ID, if the proposal is being * downloaded in the context of a session ID. */ async downloadProposal(url: string, sessionId?: string): Promise { const oldProposal = await oneShotGetIndexed(this.db, Stores.proposals.urlIndex, url); if (oldProposal) { return oldProposal.id!; } const { priv, pub } = await this.cryptoApi.createEddsaKeypair(); const parsed_url = new URI(url); const urlWithNonce = parsed_url.setQuery({ nonce: pub }).href(); console.log("downloading contract from '" + urlWithNonce + "'"); let resp; try { resp = await this.http.get(urlWithNonce); } catch (e) { console.log("contract download failed", e); throw e; } const proposal = Proposal.checked(resp.responseJson); const contractTermsHash = await this.hashContract(proposal.contract_terms); const proposalRecord: ProposalDownloadRecord = { contractTerms: proposal.contract_terms, contractTermsHash, merchantSig: proposal.sig, noncePriv: priv, timestamp: new Date().getTime(), url, downloadSessionId: sessionId, }; const id = await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.proposals, proposalRecord); this.notifier.notify(); if (typeof id !== "number") { throw Error("db schema wrong"); } return id; } async refundFailedPay(proposalId: number) { console.log(`refunding failed payment with proposal id ${proposalId}`); const proposal = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.proposals, proposalId); if (!proposal) { throw Error(`proposal with id ${proposalId} not found`); } const purchase = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.purchases, proposal.contractTermsHash); if (!purchase) { throw Error("purchase not found for proposal"); } if (purchase.finished) { throw Error("can't auto-refund finished purchase"); } } async submitPay( contractTermsHash: string, sessionId: string | undefined, ): Promise { const purchase = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.purchases, contractTermsHash); if (!purchase) { throw Error("Purchase not found: " + contractTermsHash); } if (purchase.abortRequested) { throw Error("not submitting payment for aborted purchase"); } let resp; const payReq = { ...purchase.payReq, session_id: sessionId }; const payUrl = new URI("pay") .absoluteTo(purchase.contractTerms.merchant_base_url) .href(); try { resp = await this.http.postJson(payUrl, payReq); } catch (e) { // Gives the user the option to retry / abort and refresh console.log("payment failed", e); throw e; } const merchantResp = resp.responseJson; console.log("got success from pay URL"); const merchantPub = purchase.contractTerms.merchant_pub; const valid: boolean = await this.cryptoApi.isValidPaymentSignature( merchantResp.sig, contractTermsHash, merchantPub, ); if (!valid) { console.error("merchant payment signature invalid"); // FIXME: properly display error throw Error("merchant payment signature invalid"); } purchase.finished = true; const modifiedCoins: CoinRecord[] = []; for (const pc of purchase.payReq.coins) { const c = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, pc.coin_pub); if (!c) { console.error("coin not found"); throw Error("coin used in payment not found"); } c.status = CoinStatus.Dirty; modifiedCoins.push(c); } await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.coins, Stores.purchases], async (tx) => { for (let c of modifiedCoins) { tx.put(Stores.coins, c); } tx.put(Stores.purchases, purchase); }); for (const c of purchase.payReq.coins) { this.refresh(c.coin_pub); } const nextUrl = this.getNextUrl(purchase.contractTerms); this.cachedNextUrl[purchase.contractTerms.fulfillment_url] = { nextUrl, lastSessionId: sessionId, }; return { nextUrl }; } /** * Refresh all dirty coins. * The returned promise resolves only after all refresh * operations have completed. */ async refreshDirtyCoins(): Promise<{ numRefreshed: number }> { let n = 0; const coins = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.coins).toArray(); for (let coin of coins) { if (coin.status == CoinStatus.Dirty) { try { await this.refresh(coin.coinPub); } catch (e) { console.log("error during refresh"); } n += 1; } } return { numRefreshed: n }; } /** * Add a contract to the wallet and sign coins, and send them. */ async confirmPay( proposalId: number, sessionIdOverride: string | undefined, ): Promise { Wallet.enableTracing && console.log( `executing confirmPay with proposalId ${proposalId} and sessionIdOverride ${sessionIdOverride}`, ); const proposal = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.proposals, proposalId); if (!proposal) { throw Error(`proposal with id ${proposalId} not found`); } const sessionId = sessionIdOverride || proposal.downloadSessionId; let purchase = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.purchases, proposal.contractTermsHash,); if (purchase) { return this.submitPay(purchase.contractTermsHash, sessionId); } const contractAmount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(proposal.contractTerms.amount); let wireFeeLimit; if (!proposal.contractTerms.max_wire_fee) { wireFeeLimit = Amounts.getZero(contractAmount.currency); } else { wireFeeLimit = Amounts.parseOrThrow(proposal.contractTerms.max_wire_fee); } const res = await this.getCoinsForPayment({ allowedAuditors: proposal.contractTerms.auditors, allowedExchanges: proposal.contractTerms.exchanges, depositFeeLimit: Amounts.parseOrThrow(proposal.contractTerms.max_fee), paymentAmount: Amounts.parseOrThrow(proposal.contractTerms.amount), wireFeeAmortization: proposal.contractTerms.wire_fee_amortization || 1, wireFeeLimit, wireFeeTime: getTalerStampSec(proposal.contractTerms.timestamp) || 0, wireMethod: proposal.contractTerms.wire_method, }); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("coin selection result", res); if (!res) { // Should not happen, since checkPay should be called first console.log("not confirming payment, insufficient coins"); throw Error("insufficient balance"); } const sd = await this.getSpeculativePayData(proposalId); if (!sd) { const { exchangeUrl, cds, totalAmount } = res; const payCoinInfo = await this.cryptoApi.signDeposit( proposal.contractTerms, cds, totalAmount, ); purchase = await this.recordConfirmPay( proposal, payCoinInfo, exchangeUrl, ); } else { purchase = await this.recordConfirmPay( sd.proposal, sd.payCoinInfo, sd.exchangeUrl, ); } return this.submitPay(purchase.contractTermsHash, sessionId); } /** * Get the speculative pay data, but only if coins have not changed in between. */ async getSpeculativePayData( proposalId: number, ): Promise { const sp = this.speculativePayData; if (!sp) { return; } if (sp.proposalId !== proposalId) { return; } const coinKeys = sp.payCoinInfo.updatedCoins.map(x => x.coinPub); const coins: CoinRecord[] = []; for (let coinKey of coinKeys) { const cc = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, coinKey); if (cc) { coins.push(cc); } } for (let i = 0; i < coins.length; i++) { const specCoin = sp.payCoinInfo.originalCoins[i]; const currentCoin = coins[i]; // Coin does not exist anymore! if (!currentCoin) { return; } if ( Amounts.cmp(specCoin.currentAmount, currentCoin.currentAmount) !== 0 ) { return; } } return sp; } /** * Send reserve details */ private async sendReserveInfoToBank(reservePub: string) { const reserve = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!reserve) { throw Error("reserve not in db"); } const bankStatusUrl = reserve.bankWithdrawStatusUrl; if (!bankStatusUrl) { throw Error("reserve not confirmed yet, and no status URL available."); } const now = new Date().getTime(); let status; try { const statusResp = await this.http.get(bankStatusUrl); status = WithdrawOperationStatusResponse.checked(statusResp.responseJson); } catch (e) { console.log("bank error response", e); throw e; } if (status.transfer_done) { await oneShotMutate(this.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub, (r) => { r.timestamp_confirmed = now; return r; }); } else if (reserve.timestamp_reserve_info_posted === 0) { try { if (!status.selection_done) { const bankResp = await this.http.postJson(bankStatusUrl, { reserve_pub: reservePub, selected_exchange: reserve.exchangeWire, }); } } catch (e) { console.log("bank error response", e); throw e; } await oneShotMutate(this.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub, (r) => { r.timestamp_reserve_info_posted = now; return r; }); } } /** * First fetch information requred to withdraw from the reserve, * then deplete the reserve, withdrawing coins until it is empty. */ async processReserve(reservePub: string): Promise { const activeOperation = this.activeProcessReserveOperations[reservePub]; if (activeOperation) { return activeOperation; } const opId = "reserve-" + reservePub; this.startOperation(opId); // This opened promise gets resolved only once the // reserve withdraw operation succeeds, even after retries. const op = openPromise(); const processReserveInternal = async (retryDelayMs: number = 250) => { let isHardError = false; // By default, do random, exponential backoff truncated at 3 minutes. // Sometimes though, we want to try again faster. let maxTimeout = 3000 * 60; try { const reserve = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!reserve) { isHardError = true; throw Error("reserve not in db"); } if (reserve.timestamp_confirmed === 0) { const bankStatusUrl = reserve.bankWithdrawStatusUrl; if (!bankStatusUrl) { isHardError = true; throw Error( "reserve not confirmed yet, and no status URL available.", ); } maxTimeout = 2000; /* This path is only taken if the wallet crashed after a withdraw was accepted, * and before the information could be sent to the bank. */ await this.sendReserveInfoToBank(reservePub); throw Error("waiting for reserve to be confirmed"); } const updatedReserve = await this.updateReserve(reservePub); await this.depleteReserve(updatedReserve); op.resolve(); } catch (e) { if (isHardError) { op.reject(e); } const nextDelay = Math.min( 2 * retryDelayMs + retryDelayMs * Math.random(), maxTimeout, ); this.timerGroup.after(retryDelayMs, () => processReserveInternal(nextDelay), ); } }; try { processReserveInternal(); this.activeProcessReserveOperations[reservePub] = op.promise; await op.promise; } finally { this.stopOperation(opId); delete this.activeProcessReserveOperations[reservePub]; } } /** * Given a planchet, withdraw a coin from the exchange. */ private async processPreCoin(preCoinPub: string): Promise { const activeOperation = this.activeProcessPreCoinOperations[preCoinPub]; if (activeOperation) { return activeOperation; } const op = openPromise(); const processPreCoinInternal = async (retryDelayMs: number = 200) => { const preCoin = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.precoins, preCoinPub); if (!preCoin) { console.log("processPreCoin: preCoinPub not found"); return; } // Throttle concurrent executions of this function, // so we don't withdraw too many coins at once. if ( this.processPreCoinConcurrent >= 4 || this.processPreCoinThrottle[preCoin.exchangeBaseUrl] ) { const timeout = Math.min(retryDelayMs * 2, 5 * 60 * 1000); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log( `throttling processPreCoin of ${preCoinPub} for ${timeout}ms`, ); this.timerGroup.after(retryDelayMs, () => processPreCoinInternal()); return op.promise; } this.processPreCoinConcurrent++; try { const exchange = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.exchanges, preCoin.exchangeBaseUrl,); if (!exchange) { console.error("db inconsistent: exchange for precoin not found"); return; } const denom = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.denominations, [ preCoin.exchangeBaseUrl, preCoin.denomPub, ]); if (!denom) { console.error("db inconsistent: denom for precoin not found"); return; } const coin = await this.withdrawExecute(preCoin); const mutateReserve = (r: ReserveRecord) => { const x = Amounts.sub( r.precoin_amount, preCoin.coinValue, denom.feeWithdraw, ); if (x.saturated) { console.error("database inconsistent"); throw AbortTransaction; } r.precoin_amount = x.amount; return r; }; await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.reserves, Stores.precoins, Stores.coins], async (tx) => { await tx.mutate(Stores.reserves, preCoin.reservePub, mutateReserve); await tx.delete(Stores.precoins, coin.coinPub); await tx.add(Stores.coins, coin); }); this.badge.showNotification(); this.notifier.notify(); op.resolve(); } catch (e) { console.error( "Failed to withdraw coin from precoin, retrying in", retryDelayMs, "ms", e, ); // exponential backoff truncated at one minute const nextRetryDelayMs = Math.min(retryDelayMs * 2, 5 * 60 * 1000); this.timerGroup.after(retryDelayMs, () => processPreCoinInternal(nextRetryDelayMs), ); const currentThrottle = this.processPreCoinThrottle[preCoin.exchangeBaseUrl] || 0; this.processPreCoinThrottle[preCoin.exchangeBaseUrl] = currentThrottle + 1; this.timerGroup.after(retryDelayMs, () => { this.processPreCoinThrottle[preCoin.exchangeBaseUrl]--; }); } finally { this.processPreCoinConcurrent--; } }; try { this.activeProcessPreCoinOperations[preCoinPub] = op.promise; await processPreCoinInternal(); return op.promise; } finally { delete this.activeProcessPreCoinOperations[preCoinPub]; } } /** * Create a reserve, but do not flag it as confirmed yet. * * Adds the corresponding exchange as a trusted exchange if it is neither * audited nor trusted already. */ async createReserve( req: CreateReserveRequest, ): Promise { const keypair = await this.cryptoApi.createEddsaKeypair(); const now = new Date().getTime(); const canonExchange = canonicalizeBaseUrl(req.exchange); const reserveRecord: ReserveRecord = { created: now, current_amount: null, exchange_base_url: canonExchange, hasPayback: false, precoin_amount: Amounts.getZero(req.amount.currency), requested_amount: req.amount, reserve_priv: keypair.priv, reserve_pub: keypair.pub, senderWire: req.senderWire, timestamp_confirmed: 0, timestamp_reserve_info_posted: 0, timestamp_depleted: 0, bankWithdrawStatusUrl: req.bankWithdrawStatusUrl, exchangeWire: req.exchangeWire, }; const senderWire = req.senderWire; if (senderWire) { const rec = { paytoUri: senderWire, }; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.senderWires, rec); } const exchangeInfo = await this.updateExchangeFromUrl(req.exchange); const exchangeDetails = exchangeInfo.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { throw Error("exchange not updated"); } const { isAudited, isTrusted } = await this.getExchangeTrust(exchangeInfo); let currencyRecord = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.currencies, exchangeDetails.currency); if (!currencyRecord) { currencyRecord = { auditors: [], exchanges: [], fractionalDigits: 2, name: exchangeDetails.currency, }; } if (!isAudited && !isTrusted) { currencyRecord.exchanges.push({ baseUrl: req.exchange, exchangePub: exchangeDetails.masterPublicKey, }); } const cr: CurrencyRecord = currencyRecord; runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.currencies, Stores.reserves], async (tx) => { await tx.put(Stores.currencies, cr); await tx.put(Stores.reserves, reserveRecord); }); if (req.bankWithdrawStatusUrl) { this.processReserve(keypair.pub); } const r: CreateReserveResponse = { exchange: canonExchange, reservePub: keypair.pub, }; return r; } /** * Mark an existing reserve as confirmed. The wallet will start trying * to withdraw from that reserve. This may not immediately succeed, * since the exchange might not know about the reserve yet, even though the * bank confirmed its creation. * * A confirmed reserve should be shown to the user in the UI, while * an unconfirmed reserve should be hidden. */ async confirmReserve(req: ConfirmReserveRequest): Promise { const now = new Date().getTime(); const reserve = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.reserves, req.reservePub); if (!reserve) { console.error("Unable to confirm reserve, not found in DB"); return; } reserve.timestamp_confirmed = now; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.reserves, reserve); this.notifier.notify(); this.processReserve(reserve.reserve_pub); } private async withdrawExecute(pc: PreCoinRecord): Promise { const wd: any = {}; wd.denom_pub_hash = pc.denomPubHash; wd.reserve_pub = pc.reservePub; wd.reserve_sig = pc.withdrawSig; wd.coin_ev = pc.coinEv; const reqUrl = new URI("reserve/withdraw").absoluteTo(pc.exchangeBaseUrl); const resp = await this.http.postJson(reqUrl.href(), wd); if (resp.status !== 200) { throw new RequestException({ hint: "Withdrawal failed", status: resp.status, }); } const r = resp.responseJson; const denomSig = await this.cryptoApi.rsaUnblind( r.ev_sig, pc.blindingKey, pc.denomPub, ); const coin: CoinRecord = { blindingKey: pc.blindingKey, coinPriv: pc.coinPriv, coinPub: pc.coinPub, currentAmount: pc.coinValue, denomPub: pc.denomPub, denomPubHash: pc.denomPubHash, denomSig, exchangeBaseUrl: pc.exchangeBaseUrl, reservePub: pc.reservePub, status: CoinStatus.Fresh, }; return coin; } /** * Withdraw coins from a reserve until it is empty. * * When finished, marks the reserve as depleted by setting * the depleted timestamp. */ private async depleteReserve(reserve: ReserveRecord): Promise { Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("depleting reserve"); if (!reserve.current_amount) { throw Error("can't withdraw when amount is unknown"); } const withdrawAmount = reserve.current_amount; if (!withdrawAmount) { throw Error("can't withdraw when amount is unknown"); } const denomsForWithdraw = await this.getVerifiedWithdrawDenomList( reserve.exchange_base_url, withdrawAmount, ); const smallestAmount = await this.getVerifiedSmallestWithdrawAmount( reserve.exchange_base_url, ); console.log(`withdrawing ${denomsForWithdraw.length} coins`); const stampMsNow = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()); const withdrawalRecord: WithdrawalRecord = { reservePub: reserve.reserve_pub, withdrawalAmount: Amounts.toString(withdrawAmount), startTimestamp: stampMsNow, }; const preCoinRecords: PreCoinRecord[] = await Promise.all( denomsForWithdraw.map(async denom => { return await this.cryptoApi.createPreCoin(denom, reserve); }), ); const totalCoinValue = Amounts.sum(denomsForWithdraw.map(x => x.value)) .amount; const totalCoinWithdrawFee = Amounts.sum( denomsForWithdraw.map(x => x.feeWithdraw), ).amount; const totalWithdrawAmount = Amounts.add( totalCoinValue, totalCoinWithdrawFee, ).amount; function mutateReserve(r: ReserveRecord): ReserveRecord { const currentAmount = r.current_amount; if (!currentAmount) { throw Error("can't withdraw when amount is unknown"); } r.precoin_amount = Amounts.add( r.precoin_amount, totalWithdrawAmount, ).amount; const result = Amounts.sub(currentAmount, totalWithdrawAmount); if (result.saturated) { console.error("can't create precoins, saturated"); throw AbortTransaction; } r.current_amount = result.amount; // Reserve is depleted if the amount left is too small to withdraw if (Amounts.cmp(r.current_amount, smallestAmount) < 0) { r.timestamp_depleted = new Date().getTime(); } return r; } // This will fail and throw an exception if the remaining amount in the // reserve is too low to create a pre-coin. try { await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.precoins, Stores.withdrawals, Stores.reserves], async (tx) => { for (let pcr of preCoinRecords) { await tx.put(Stores.precoins, pcr); } await tx.mutate(Stores.reserves, reserve.reserve_pub, mutateReserve); await tx.put(Stores.withdrawals, withdrawalRecord); }); } catch (e) { return; } for (let x of preCoinRecords) { await this.processPreCoin(x.coinPub); } } /** * Update the information about a reserve that is stored in the wallet * by quering the reserve's exchange. */ private async updateReserve(reservePub: string): Promise { const reserve = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!reserve) { throw Error("reserve not in db"); } if (reserve.timestamp_confirmed === 0) { throw Error(""); } const reqUrl = new URI("reserve/status").absoluteTo( reserve.exchange_base_url, ); reqUrl.query({ reserve_pub: reservePub }); const resp = await this.http.get(reqUrl.href()); if (resp.status !== 200) { Wallet.enableTracing && console.warn(`reserve/status returned ${resp.status}`); throw Error(); } const reserveInfo = ReserveStatus.checked(resp.responseJson); if (!reserveInfo) { throw Error(); } reserve.current_amount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(reserveInfo.balance); await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.reserves, reserve); this.notifier.notify(); return reserve; } async getPossibleDenoms(exchangeBaseUrl: string): Promise { return await oneShotIterIndex(this.db, Stores.denominations.exchangeBaseUrlIndex, exchangeBaseUrl).filter((d) => { return d.status === DenominationStatus.Unverified || d.status === DenominationStatus.VerifiedGood; }); } /** * Compute the smallest withdrawable amount possible, based on verified denominations. * * Writes to the DB in order to record the result from verifying * denominations. */ async getVerifiedSmallestWithdrawAmount( exchangeBaseUrl: string, ): Promise { const exchange = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.exchanges, exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchange) { throw Error(`exchange ${exchangeBaseUrl} not found`); } const exchangeDetails = exchange.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { throw Error(`exchange ${exchangeBaseUrl} details not available`); } const possibleDenoms = await this.getPossibleDenoms(exchange.baseUrl); possibleDenoms.sort((d1, d2) => { const a1 = Amounts.add(d1.feeWithdraw, d1.value).amount; const a2 = Amounts.add(d2.feeWithdraw, d2.value).amount; return Amounts.cmp(a1, a2); }); for (const denom of possibleDenoms) { if (denom.status === DenominationStatus.VerifiedGood) { return Amounts.add(denom.feeWithdraw, denom.value).amount; } const valid = await this.cryptoApi.isValidDenom( denom, exchangeDetails.masterPublicKey, ); if (!valid) { denom.status = DenominationStatus.VerifiedBad; } else { denom.status = DenominationStatus.VerifiedGood; } await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.denominations, denom); if (valid) { return Amounts.add(denom.feeWithdraw, denom.value).amount; } } return Amounts.getZero(exchangeDetails.currency); } /** * Get a list of denominations to withdraw from the given exchange for the * given amount, making sure that all denominations' signatures are verified. * * Writes to the DB in order to record the result from verifying * denominations. */ async getVerifiedWithdrawDenomList( exchangeBaseUrl: string, amount: AmountJson, ): Promise { const exchange = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.exchanges, exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchange) { throw Error(`exchange ${exchangeBaseUrl} not found`); } const exchangeDetails = exchange.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { throw Error(`exchange ${exchangeBaseUrl} details not available`); } const possibleDenoms = await this.getPossibleDenoms(exchange.baseUrl); let allValid = false; let selectedDenoms: DenominationRecord[]; do { allValid = true; const nextPossibleDenoms = []; selectedDenoms = getWithdrawDenomList(amount, possibleDenoms); for (const denom of selectedDenoms || []) { if (denom.status === DenominationStatus.Unverified) { const valid = await this.cryptoApi.isValidDenom( denom, exchangeDetails.masterPublicKey, ); if (!valid) { denom.status = DenominationStatus.VerifiedBad; allValid = false; } else { denom.status = DenominationStatus.VerifiedGood; nextPossibleDenoms.push(denom); } await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.denominations, denom); } else { nextPossibleDenoms.push(denom); } } } while (selectedDenoms.length > 0 && !allValid); return selectedDenoms; } /** * Check if and how an exchange is trusted and/or audited. */ async getExchangeTrust( exchangeInfo: ExchangeRecord, ): Promise<{ isTrusted: boolean; isAudited: boolean }> { let isTrusted = false; let isAudited = false; const exchangeDetails = exchangeInfo.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { throw Error(`exchange ${exchangeInfo.baseUrl} details not available`); } const currencyRecord = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.currencies, exchangeDetails.currency); if (currencyRecord) { for (const trustedExchange of currencyRecord.exchanges) { if (trustedExchange.exchangePub === exchangeDetails.masterPublicKey) { isTrusted = true; break; } } for (const trustedAuditor of currencyRecord.auditors) { for (const exchangeAuditor of exchangeDetails.auditors) { if (trustedAuditor.auditorPub === exchangeAuditor.auditor_pub) { isAudited = true; break; } } } } return { isTrusted, isAudited }; } async getWithdrawDetailsForUri( talerWithdrawUri: string, maybeSelectedExchange?: string, ): Promise { const info = await this.getWithdrawalInfo(talerWithdrawUri); let rci: ReserveCreationInfo | undefined = undefined; if (maybeSelectedExchange) { rci = await this.getWithdrawDetailsForAmount( maybeSelectedExchange, info.amount, ); } return { withdrawInfo: info, reserveCreationInfo: rci, }; } async getWithdrawDetailsForAmount( baseUrl: string, amount: AmountJson, ): Promise { const exchangeInfo = await this.updateExchangeFromUrl(baseUrl); const exchangeDetails = exchangeInfo.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { throw Error(`exchange ${exchangeInfo.baseUrl} details not available`); } const exchangeWireInfo = exchangeInfo.wireInfo; if (!exchangeWireInfo) { throw Error( `exchange ${exchangeInfo.baseUrl} wire details not available`, ); } const selectedDenoms = await this.getVerifiedWithdrawDenomList( baseUrl, amount, ); let acc = Amounts.getZero(amount.currency); for (const d of selectedDenoms) { acc = Amounts.add(acc, d.feeWithdraw).amount; } const actualCoinCost = selectedDenoms .map( (d: DenominationRecord) => Amounts.add(d.value, d.feeWithdraw).amount, ) .reduce((a, b) => Amounts.add(a, b).amount); const exchangeWireAccounts: string[] = []; for (let account of exchangeWireInfo.accounts) { exchangeWireAccounts.push(account.url); } const { isTrusted, isAudited } = await this.getExchangeTrust(exchangeInfo); let earliestDepositExpiration = Infinity; for (const denom of selectedDenoms) { const expireDeposit = getTalerStampSec(denom.stampExpireDeposit)!; if (expireDeposit < earliestDepositExpiration) { earliestDepositExpiration = expireDeposit; } } const possibleDenoms = await oneShotIterIndex( this.db, Stores.denominations.exchangeBaseUrlIndex, baseUrl) .filter((d) => d.isOffered); const trustedAuditorPubs = []; const currencyRecord = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.currencies, amount.currency); if (currencyRecord) { trustedAuditorPubs.push( ...currencyRecord.auditors.map(a => a.auditorPub), ); } let versionMatch; if (exchangeDetails.protocolVersion) { versionMatch = LibtoolVersion.compare( WALLET_PROTOCOL_VERSION, exchangeDetails.protocolVersion, ); if ( versionMatch && !versionMatch.compatible && versionMatch.currentCmp === -1 ) { console.warn( `wallet version ${WALLET_PROTOCOL_VERSION} might be outdated (exchange has ${exchangeDetails.protocolVersion}), checking for updates`, ); if (isFirefox()) { console.log("skipping update check on Firefox"); } else { chrome.runtime.requestUpdateCheck((status, details) => { console.log("update check status:", status); }); } } } const ret: ReserveCreationInfo = { earliestDepositExpiration, exchangeInfo, exchangeWireAccounts, exchangeVersion: exchangeDetails.protocolVersion || "unknown", isAudited, isTrusted, numOfferedDenoms: possibleDenoms.length, overhead: Amounts.sub(amount, actualCoinCost).amount, selectedDenoms, trustedAuditorPubs, versionMatch, walletVersion: WALLET_PROTOCOL_VERSION, wireFees: exchangeWireInfo, withdrawFee: acc, }; return ret; } async getExchangePaytoUri( exchangeBaseUrl: string, supportedTargetTypes: string[], ): Promise { const exchangeRecord = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.exchanges, exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchangeRecord) { throw Error(`Exchange '${exchangeBaseUrl}' not found.`); } const exchangeWireInfo = exchangeRecord.wireInfo; if (!exchangeWireInfo) { throw Error(`Exchange wire info for '${exchangeBaseUrl}' not found.`); } for (let account of exchangeWireInfo.accounts) { const paytoUri = new URI(account.url); if (supportedTargetTypes.includes(paytoUri.authority())) { return account.url; } } throw Error("no matching exchange account found"); } /** * Update or add exchange DB entry by fetching the /keys and /wire information. * Optionally link the reserve entry to the new or existing * exchange entry in then DB. */ async updateExchangeFromUrl( baseUrl: string, force: boolean = false, ): Promise { const now = getTimestampNow(); baseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(baseUrl); const r = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.exchanges, baseUrl); if (!r) { const newExchangeRecord: ExchangeRecord = { baseUrl: baseUrl, details: undefined, wireInfo: undefined, updateStatus: ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS, updateStarted: now, }; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.exchanges, newExchangeRecord); } else { runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.exchanges], async (t) => { const rec = await t.get(Stores.exchanges, baseUrl); if (!rec) { return; } if (rec.updateStatus != ExchangeUpdateStatus.NONE && !force) { return; } rec.updateStarted = now; rec.updateStatus = ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS; t.put(Stores.exchanges, rec); }); } await this.updateExchangeWithKeys(baseUrl); await this.updateExchangeWithWireInfo(baseUrl); const updatedExchange = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.exchanges, baseUrl); if (!updatedExchange) { // This should practically never happen throw Error("exchange not found"); } return updatedExchange; } private async setExchangeError( baseUrl: string, err: OperationError, ): Promise { const mut = (exchange: ExchangeRecord) => { exchange.lastError = err; return exchange; }; await oneShotMutate(this.db, Stores.exchanges, baseUrl, mut); } /** * Fetch the exchange's /keys and update our database accordingly. * * Exceptions thrown in this method must be caught and reported * in the pending operations. */ private async updateExchangeWithKeys(baseUrl: string): Promise { const existingExchangeRecord = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.exchanges, baseUrl); if (existingExchangeRecord?.updateStatus != ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS) { return; } const keysUrl = new URI("keys") .absoluteTo(baseUrl) .addQuery("cacheBreaker", WALLET_CACHE_BREAKER_CLIENT_VERSION); let keysResp; try { keysResp = await this.http.get(keysUrl.href()); } catch (e) { await this.setExchangeError(baseUrl, { type: "network", details: {}, message: `Fetching keys failed: ${e.message}`, }); throw e; } let exchangeKeysJson: KeysJson; try { exchangeKeysJson = KeysJson.checked(keysResp.responseJson); } catch (e) { await this.setExchangeError(baseUrl, { type: "protocol-violation", details: {}, message: `Parsing /keys response failed: ${e.message}`, }); throw e; } const lastUpdateTimestamp = extractTalerStamp( exchangeKeysJson.list_issue_date, ); if (!lastUpdateTimestamp) { const m = `Parsing /keys response failed: invalid list_issue_date.`; await this.setExchangeError(baseUrl, { type: "protocol-violation", details: {}, message: m, }); throw Error(m); } if (exchangeKeysJson.denoms.length === 0) { const m = "exchange doesn't offer any denominations"; await this.setExchangeError(baseUrl, { type: "protocol-violation", details: {}, message: m, }); throw Error(m); } const protocolVersion = exchangeKeysJson.version; if (!protocolVersion) { const m = "outdate exchange, no version in /keys response"; await this.setExchangeError(baseUrl, { type: "protocol-violation", details: {}, message: m, }); throw Error(m); } const currency = Amounts.parseOrThrow(exchangeKeysJson.denoms[0].value) .currency; const mutExchangeRecord = (r: ExchangeRecord) => { if (r.updateStatus != ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS) { console.log("not updating, wrong state (concurrent modification?)"); return undefined; } r.details = { currency, protocolVersion, lastUpdateTime: lastUpdateTimestamp, masterPublicKey: exchangeKeysJson.master_public_key, auditors: exchangeKeysJson.auditors, }; r.updateStatus = ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_WIRE; r.lastError = undefined; return r; }; } private async updateExchangeWithWireInfo(exchangeBaseUrl: string) { exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(exchangeBaseUrl); const reqUrl = new URI("wire") .absoluteTo(exchangeBaseUrl) .addQuery("cacheBreaker", WALLET_CACHE_BREAKER_CLIENT_VERSION); const resp = await this.http.get(reqUrl.href()); const wiJson = resp.responseJson; if (!wiJson) { throw Error("/wire response malformed"); } const wireInfo = ExchangeWireJson.checked(wiJson); } /** * Get detailed balance information, sliced by exchange and by currency. */ async getBalances(): Promise { /** * Add amount to a balance field, both for * the slicing by exchange and currency. */ function addTo( balance: WalletBalance, field: keyof WalletBalanceEntry, amount: AmountJson, exchange: string, ): void { const z = Amounts.getZero(amount.currency); const balanceIdentity = { available: z, paybackAmount: z, pendingIncoming: z, pendingPayment: z, pendingIncomingDirty: z, pendingIncomingRefresh: z, pendingIncomingWithdraw: z, }; let entryCurr = balance.byCurrency[amount.currency]; if (!entryCurr) { balance.byCurrency[amount.currency] = entryCurr = { ...balanceIdentity, }; } let entryEx = balance.byExchange[exchange]; if (!entryEx) { balance.byExchange[exchange] = entryEx = { ...balanceIdentity }; } entryCurr[field] = Amounts.add(entryCurr[field], amount).amount; entryEx[field] = Amounts.add(entryEx[field], amount).amount; } const balanceStore = { byCurrency: {}, byExchange: {}, }; await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.coins, Stores.refresh, Stores.reserves, Stores.purchases], async (tx) => { await tx.iter(Stores.coins).forEach((c) => { if (c.suspended) { return; } if (c.status === CoinStatus.Fresh) { addTo(balanceStore, "available", c.currentAmount, c.exchangeBaseUrl); } if (c.status === CoinStatus.Dirty) { addTo(balanceStore, "pendingIncoming", c.currentAmount, c.exchangeBaseUrl); addTo( balanceStore, "pendingIncomingDirty", c.currentAmount, c.exchangeBaseUrl, ); } }); await tx.iter(Stores.refresh).forEach((r) => { // Don't count finished refreshes, since the refresh already resulted // in coins being added to the wallet. if (r.finished) { return; } addTo(balanceStore, "pendingIncoming", r.valueOutput, r.exchangeBaseUrl); addTo( balanceStore, "pendingIncomingRefresh", r.valueOutput, r.exchangeBaseUrl, ); }); await tx.iter(Stores.reserves).forEach((r) => { if (!r.timestamp_confirmed) { return; } let amount = Amounts.getZero(r.requested_amount.currency); amount = Amounts.add(amount, r.precoin_amount).amount; addTo(balanceStore, "pendingIncoming", amount, r.exchange_base_url); addTo(balanceStore, "pendingIncomingWithdraw", amount, r.exchange_base_url); }); await tx.iter(Stores.reserves).forEach((r) => { if (!r.hasPayback) { return; } addTo(balanceStore, "paybackAmount", r.current_amount!, r.exchange_base_url); return balanceStore; }); await tx.iter(Stores.purchases).forEach((t) => { if (t.finished) { return; } for (const c of t.payReq.coins) { addTo( balanceStore, "pendingPayment", Amounts.parseOrThrow(c.contribution), c.exchange_url, ); } }); }); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("computed balances:", balanceStore); return balanceStore; } async createRefreshSession( oldCoinPub: string, ): Promise { const coin = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, oldCoinPub); if (!coin) { throw Error("coin not found"); } if (coin.currentAmount.value === 0 && coin.currentAmount.fraction === 0) { return undefined; } const exchange = await this.updateExchangeFromUrl(coin.exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchange) { throw Error("db inconsistent"); } const oldDenom = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.denominations, [ exchange.baseUrl, coin.denomPub, ]); if (!oldDenom) { throw Error("db inconsistent"); } const availableDenoms: DenominationRecord[] = await oneShotIterIndex(this.db, Stores.denominations.exchangeBaseUrlIndex, exchange.baseUrl).toArray(); const availableAmount = Amounts.sub(coin.currentAmount, oldDenom.feeRefresh) .amount; const newCoinDenoms = getWithdrawDenomList( availableAmount, availableDenoms, ); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("refreshing coin", coin); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("refreshing into", newCoinDenoms); if (newCoinDenoms.length === 0) { Wallet.enableTracing && console.log( `not refreshing, available amount ${amountToPretty( availableAmount, )} too small`, ); coin.status = CoinStatus.Useless; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.coins, coin); this.notifier.notify(); return undefined; } const refreshSession: RefreshSessionRecord = await this.cryptoApi.createRefreshSession( exchange.baseUrl, 3, coin, newCoinDenoms, oldDenom.feeRefresh, ); function mutateCoin(c: CoinRecord): CoinRecord { const r = Amounts.sub(c.currentAmount, refreshSession.valueWithFee); if (r.saturated) { // Something else must have written the coin value throw AbortTransaction; } c.currentAmount = r.amount; c.status = CoinStatus.Refreshed; return c; } let key; // Store refresh session and subtract refreshed amount from // coin in the same transaction. await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.refresh, Stores.coins], async (tx) => { key = await tx.put(Stores.refresh, refreshSession); await tx.mutate(Stores.coins, coin.coinPub, mutateCoin); }); this.notifier.notify(); if (!key || typeof key !== "number") { throw Error("insert failed"); } refreshSession.id = key; return refreshSession; } async refresh(oldCoinPub: string): Promise { const refreshImpl = async () => { const oldRefreshSessions = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.refresh).toArray(); for (const session of oldRefreshSessions) { if (session.finished) { continue; } Wallet.enableTracing && console.log( "waiting for unfinished old refresh session for", oldCoinPub, session, ); await this.continueRefreshSession(session); } const coin = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, oldCoinPub); if (!coin) { console.warn("can't refresh, coin not in database"); return; } if ( coin.status === CoinStatus.Useless || coin.status === CoinStatus.Fresh ) { Wallet.enableTracing && console.log( "not refreshing due to coin status", CoinStatus[coin.status], ); return; } const refreshSession = await this.createRefreshSession(oldCoinPub); if (!refreshSession) { // refreshing not necessary Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("not refreshing", oldCoinPub); return; } return this.continueRefreshSession(refreshSession); }; const activeRefreshOp = this.activeRefreshOperations[oldCoinPub]; if (activeRefreshOp) { return activeRefreshOp; } try { const newOp = refreshImpl(); this.activeRefreshOperations[oldCoinPub] = newOp; const res = await newOp; return res; } finally { delete this.activeRefreshOperations[oldCoinPub]; } } async continueRefreshSession(refreshSession: RefreshSessionRecord) { if (refreshSession.finished) { return; } if (typeof refreshSession.norevealIndex !== "number") { await this.refreshMelt(refreshSession); const r = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.refresh, refreshSession.id); if (!r) { throw Error("refresh session does not exist anymore"); } refreshSession = r; } await this.refreshReveal(refreshSession); } async refreshMelt(refreshSession: RefreshSessionRecord): Promise { if (refreshSession.norevealIndex !== undefined) { console.error("won't melt again"); return; } const coin = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, refreshSession.meltCoinPub); if (!coin) { console.error("can't melt coin, it does not exist"); return; } const reqUrl = new URI("refresh/melt").absoluteTo( refreshSession.exchangeBaseUrl, ); const meltReq = { coin_pub: coin.coinPub, confirm_sig: refreshSession.confirmSig, denom_pub_hash: coin.denomPubHash, denom_sig: coin.denomSig, rc: refreshSession.hash, value_with_fee: refreshSession.valueWithFee, }; Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("melt request:", meltReq); const resp = await this.http.postJson(reqUrl.href(), meltReq); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("melt response:", resp.responseJson); if (resp.status !== 200) { console.error(resp.responseJson); throw Error("refresh failed"); } const respJson = resp.responseJson; const norevealIndex = respJson.noreveal_index; if (typeof norevealIndex !== "number") { throw Error("invalid response"); } refreshSession.norevealIndex = norevealIndex; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.refresh, refreshSession); this.notifier.notify(); } async refreshReveal(refreshSession: RefreshSessionRecord): Promise { const norevealIndex = refreshSession.norevealIndex; if (norevealIndex === undefined) { throw Error("can't reveal without melting first"); } const privs = Array.from(refreshSession.transferPrivs); privs.splice(norevealIndex, 1); const preCoins = refreshSession.preCoinsForGammas[norevealIndex]; if (!preCoins) { throw Error("refresh index error"); } const meltCoinRecord = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, refreshSession.meltCoinPub); if (!meltCoinRecord) { throw Error("inconsistent database"); } const evs = preCoins.map((x: RefreshPreCoinRecord) => x.coinEv); const linkSigs: string[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < refreshSession.newDenoms.length; i++) { const linkSig = await this.cryptoApi.signCoinLink( meltCoinRecord.coinPriv, refreshSession.newDenomHashes[i], refreshSession.meltCoinPub, refreshSession.transferPubs[norevealIndex], preCoins[i].coinEv, ); linkSigs.push(linkSig); } const req = { coin_evs: evs, new_denoms_h: refreshSession.newDenomHashes, rc: refreshSession.hash, transfer_privs: privs, transfer_pub: refreshSession.transferPubs[norevealIndex], link_sigs: linkSigs, }; const reqUrl = new URI("refresh/reveal").absoluteTo( refreshSession.exchangeBaseUrl, ); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("reveal request:", req); let resp; try { resp = await this.http.postJson(reqUrl.href(), req); } catch (e) { console.error("got error during /refresh/reveal request"); return; } Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("session:", refreshSession); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("reveal response:", resp); if (resp.status !== 200) { console.error("error: /refresh/reveal returned status " + resp.status); return; } const respJson = resp.responseJson; if (!respJson.ev_sigs || !Array.isArray(respJson.ev_sigs)) { console.error("/refresh/reveal did not contain ev_sigs"); return; } const exchange = await this.findExchange(refreshSession.exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchange) { console.error(`exchange ${refreshSession.exchangeBaseUrl} not found`); return; } const coins: CoinRecord[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < respJson.ev_sigs.length; i++) { const denom = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.denominations, [ refreshSession.exchangeBaseUrl, refreshSession.newDenoms[i], ]); if (!denom) { console.error("denom not found"); continue; } const pc = refreshSession.preCoinsForGammas[refreshSession.norevealIndex!][i]; const denomSig = await this.cryptoApi.rsaUnblind( respJson.ev_sigs[i].ev_sig, pc.blindingKey, denom.denomPub, ); const coin: CoinRecord = { blindingKey: pc.blindingKey, coinPriv: pc.privateKey, coinPub: pc.publicKey, currentAmount: denom.value, denomPub: denom.denomPub, denomPubHash: denom.denomPubHash, denomSig, exchangeBaseUrl: refreshSession.exchangeBaseUrl, reservePub: undefined, status: CoinStatus.Fresh, }; coins.push(coin); } refreshSession.finished = true; await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.coins, Stores.refresh], async (tx) => { for (let coin of coins) { await tx.put(Stores.coins, coin); } await tx.put(Stores.refresh, refreshSession); }); this.notifier.notify(); } async findExchange(exchangeBaseUrl: string): Promise { return await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.exchanges, exchangeBaseUrl); } /** * Retrive the full event history for this wallet. */ async getHistory( historyQuery?: HistoryQuery, ): Promise<{ history: HistoryRecord[] }> { const history: HistoryRecord[] = []; // FIXME: do pagination instead of generating the full history // We uniquely identify history rows via their timestamp. // This works as timestamps are guaranteed to be monotonically // increasing even const proposals = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.proposals).toArray(); for (const p of proposals) { history.push({ detail: { contractTermsHash: p.contractTermsHash, merchantName: p.contractTerms.merchant.name, }, timestamp: p.timestamp, type: "claim-order", }); } const withdrawals = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.withdrawals).toArray(); for (const w of withdrawals) { history.push({ detail: { withdrawalAmount: w.withdrawalAmount, }, timestamp: w.startTimestamp, type: "withdraw", }); } const purchases = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.purchases).toArray(); for (const p of purchases) { history.push({ detail: { amount: p.contractTerms.amount, contractTermsHash: p.contractTermsHash, fulfillmentUrl: p.contractTerms.fulfillment_url, merchantName: p.contractTerms.merchant.name, }, timestamp: p.timestamp, type: "pay", }); if (p.timestamp_refund) { const contractAmount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(p.contractTerms.amount); const amountsPending = Object.keys(p.refundsPending).map(x => Amounts.parseOrThrow(p.refundsPending[x].refund_amount), ); const amountsDone = Object.keys(p.refundsDone).map(x => Amounts.parseOrThrow(p.refundsDone[x].refund_amount), ); const amounts: AmountJson[] = amountsPending.concat(amountsDone); const amount = Amounts.add( Amounts.getZero(contractAmount.currency), ...amounts, ).amount; history.push({ detail: { contractTermsHash: p.contractTermsHash, fulfillmentUrl: p.contractTerms.fulfillment_url, merchantName: p.contractTerms.merchant.name, refundAmount: amount, }, timestamp: p.timestamp_refund, type: "refund", }); } } const reserves = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.reserves).toArray(); for (const r of reserves) { history.push({ detail: { exchangeBaseUrl: r.exchange_base_url, requestedAmount: Amounts.toString(r.requested_amount), reservePub: r.reserve_pub, }, timestamp: r.created, type: "create-reserve", }); if (r.timestamp_depleted) { history.push({ detail: { exchangeBaseUrl: r.exchange_base_url, requestedAmount: r.requested_amount, reservePub: r.reserve_pub, }, timestamp: r.timestamp_depleted, type: "depleted-reserve", }); } } const tips: TipRecord[] = await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.tips).toArray(); for (const tip of tips) { history.push({ detail: { accepted: tip.accepted, amount: tip.amount, merchantDomain: tip.merchantDomain, tipId: tip.tipId, }, timestamp: tip.timestamp, type: "tip", }); } history.sort((h1, h2) => Math.sign(h1.timestamp - h2.timestamp)); return { history }; } async getPendingOperations(): Promise { const pendingOperations: PendingOperationInfo[] = []; const exchanges = await this.getExchanges(); for (let e of exchanges) { switch (e.updateStatus) { case ExchangeUpdateStatus.NONE: if (!e.details) { pendingOperations.push({ type: "bug", message: "Exchange record does not have details, but no update in progress.", details: { exchangeBaseUrl: e.baseUrl, }, }); } break; case ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS: pendingOperations.push({ type: "exchange-update", stage: "fetch-keys", exchangeBaseUrl: e.baseUrl, }); break; case ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_WIRE: pendingOperations.push({ type: "exchange-update", stage: "fetch-wire", exchangeBaseUrl: e.baseUrl, }); break; } } return { pendingOperations, }; } async getDenoms(exchangeUrl: string): Promise { const denoms = await oneShotIterIndex(this.db, Stores.denominations.exchangeBaseUrlIndex, exchangeUrl).toArray(); return denoms; } async getProposal( proposalId: number, ): Promise { const proposal = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.proposals, proposalId); return proposal; } async getExchanges(): Promise { return await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.exchanges).toArray(); } async getCurrencies(): Promise { return await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.currencies).toArray(); } async updateCurrency(currencyRecord: CurrencyRecord): Promise { Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("updating currency to", currencyRecord); await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.currencies, currencyRecord); this.notifier.notify(); } async getReserves(exchangeBaseUrl: string): Promise { return await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.reserves).filter((r) => r.exchange_base_url === exchangeBaseUrl); } async getCoins(exchangeBaseUrl: string): Promise { return await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.coins).filter((c) => c.exchangeBaseUrl === exchangeBaseUrl); } async getPreCoins(exchangeBaseUrl: string): Promise { return await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.precoins).filter((c) => c.exchangeBaseUrl === exchangeBaseUrl); } private async hashContract(contract: ContractTerms): Promise { return this.cryptoApi.hashString(canonicalJson(contract)); } async payback(coinPub: string): Promise { let coin = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, coinPub); if (!coin) { throw Error(`Coin ${coinPub} not found, can't request payback`); } const reservePub = coin.reservePub; if (!reservePub) { throw Error(`Can't request payback for a refreshed coin`); } const reserve = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!reserve) { throw Error(`Reserve of coin ${coinPub} not found`); } switch (coin.status) { case CoinStatus.Refreshed: throw Error( `Can't do payback for coin ${coinPub} since it's refreshed`, ); case CoinStatus.PaybackDone: console.log(`Coin ${coinPub} already payed back`); return; } coin.status = CoinStatus.PaybackPending; // Even if we didn't get the payback yet, we suspend withdrawal, since // technically we might update reserve status before we get the response // from the reserve for the payback request. reserve.hasPayback = true; await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.coins, Stores.reserves], async (tx) => { await tx.put(Stores.coins, coin!!); await tx.put(Stores.reserves, reserve); }); this.notifier.notify(); const paybackRequest = await this.cryptoApi.createPaybackRequest(coin); const reqUrl = new URI("payback").absoluteTo(coin.exchangeBaseUrl); const resp = await this.http.postJson(reqUrl.href(), paybackRequest); if (resp.status !== 200) { throw Error(); } const paybackConfirmation = PaybackConfirmation.checked(resp.responseJson); if (paybackConfirmation.reserve_pub !== coin.reservePub) { throw Error(`Coin's reserve doesn't match reserve on payback`); } coin = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, coinPub); if (!coin) { throw Error(`Coin ${coinPub} not found, can't confirm payback`); } coin.status = CoinStatus.PaybackDone; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.coins, coin); this.notifier.notify(); await this.updateReserve(reservePub!); } private async denominationRecordFromKeys( exchangeBaseUrl: string, denomIn: Denomination, ): Promise { const denomPubHash = await this.cryptoApi.hashDenomPub(denomIn.denom_pub); const d: DenominationRecord = { denomPub: denomIn.denom_pub, denomPubHash, exchangeBaseUrl, feeDeposit: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.fee_deposit), feeRefresh: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.fee_refresh), feeRefund: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.fee_refund), feeWithdraw: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.fee_withdraw), isOffered: true, masterSig: denomIn.master_sig, stampExpireDeposit: denomIn.stamp_expire_deposit, stampExpireLegal: denomIn.stamp_expire_legal, stampExpireWithdraw: denomIn.stamp_expire_withdraw, stampStart: denomIn.stamp_start, status: DenominationStatus.Unverified, value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.value), }; return d; } async withdrawPaybackReserve(reservePub: string): Promise { const reserve = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!reserve) { throw Error(`Reserve ${reservePub} does not exist`); } reserve.hasPayback = false; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.reserves, reserve); this.depleteReserve(reserve); } async getPaybackReserves(): Promise { return await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.reserves).filter(r => r.hasPayback); } /** * Stop ongoing processing. */ stop() { this.timerGroup.stopCurrentAndFutureTimers(); this.cryptoApi.stop(); } async getSenderWireInfos(): Promise { const m: { [url: string]: Set } = {}; await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.exchanges).forEach((x) => { const wi = x.wireInfo; if (!wi) { return; } const s = (m[x.baseUrl] = m[x.baseUrl] || new Set()); Object.keys(wi.feesForType).map(k => s.add(k)); }); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log(m); const exchangeWireTypes: { [url: string]: string[] } = {}; Object.keys(m).map(e => { exchangeWireTypes[e] = Array.from(m[e]); }); const senderWiresSet: Set = new Set(); await oneShotIter(this.db, Stores.senderWires).forEach((x) => { senderWiresSet.add(x.paytoUri); }); const senderWires: string[] = Array.from(senderWiresSet); return { exchangeWireTypes, senderWires, }; } /** * Trigger paying coins back into the user's account. */ async returnCoins(req: ReturnCoinsRequest): Promise { Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("got returnCoins request", req); const wireType = (req.senderWire as any).type; Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("wireType", wireType); if (!wireType || typeof wireType !== "string") { console.error(`wire type must be a non-empty string, not ${wireType}`); return; } const stampSecNow = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); const exchange = await this.findExchange(req.exchange); if (!exchange) { console.error(`Exchange ${req.exchange} not known to the wallet`); return; } const exchangeDetails = exchange.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { throw Error("exchange information needs to be updated first."); } Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("selecting coins for return:", req); const cds = await this.getCoinsForReturn(req.exchange, req.amount); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log(cds); if (!cds) { throw Error("coin return impossible, can't select coins"); } const { priv, pub } = await this.cryptoApi.createEddsaKeypair(); const wireHash = await this.cryptoApi.hashString( canonicalJson(req.senderWire), ); const contractTerms: ContractTerms = { H_wire: wireHash, amount: Amounts.toString(req.amount), auditors: [], exchanges: [ { master_pub: exchangeDetails.masterPublicKey, url: exchange.baseUrl }, ], extra: {}, fulfillment_url: "", locations: [], max_fee: Amounts.toString(req.amount), merchant: {}, merchant_pub: pub, order_id: "none", pay_deadline: `/Date(${stampSecNow + 30 * 5})/`, wire_transfer_deadline: `/Date(${stampSecNow + 60 * 5})/`, merchant_base_url: "taler://return-to-account", products: [], refund_deadline: `/Date(${stampSecNow + 60 * 5})/`, timestamp: `/Date(${stampSecNow})/`, wire_method: wireType, }; const contractTermsHash = await this.cryptoApi.hashString( canonicalJson(contractTerms), ); const payCoinInfo = await this.cryptoApi.signDeposit( contractTerms, cds, Amounts.parseOrThrow(contractTerms.amount), ); Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("pci", payCoinInfo); const coins = payCoinInfo.sigs.map(s => ({ coinPaySig: s })); const coinsReturnRecord: CoinsReturnRecord = { coins, contractTerms, contractTermsHash, exchange: exchange.baseUrl, merchantPriv: priv, wire: req.senderWire, }; await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.coinsReturns, Stores.coins], async (tx) => { await tx.put(Stores.coinsReturns, coinsReturnRecord); for (let c of payCoinInfo.updatedCoins) { await tx.put(Stores.coins, c); } }); this.badge.showNotification(); this.notifier.notify(); this.depositReturnedCoins(coinsReturnRecord); } async depositReturnedCoins( coinsReturnRecord: CoinsReturnRecord, ): Promise { for (const c of coinsReturnRecord.coins) { if (c.depositedSig) { continue; } const req = { H_wire: coinsReturnRecord.contractTerms.H_wire, coin_pub: c.coinPaySig.coin_pub, coin_sig: c.coinPaySig.coin_sig, contribution: c.coinPaySig.contribution, denom_pub: c.coinPaySig.denom_pub, h_contract_terms: coinsReturnRecord.contractTermsHash, merchant_pub: coinsReturnRecord.contractTerms.merchant_pub, pay_deadline: coinsReturnRecord.contractTerms.pay_deadline, refund_deadline: coinsReturnRecord.contractTerms.refund_deadline, timestamp: coinsReturnRecord.contractTerms.timestamp, ub_sig: c.coinPaySig.ub_sig, wire: coinsReturnRecord.wire, wire_transfer_deadline: coinsReturnRecord.contractTerms.pay_deadline, }; Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("req", req); const reqUrl = new URI("deposit").absoluteTo(coinsReturnRecord.exchange); const resp = await this.http.postJson(reqUrl.href(), req); if (resp.status !== 200) { console.error("deposit failed due to status code", resp); continue; } const respJson = resp.responseJson; if (respJson.status !== "DEPOSIT_OK") { console.error("deposit failed", resp); continue; } if (!respJson.sig) { console.error("invalid 'sig' field", resp); continue; } // FIXME: verify signature // For every successful deposit, we replace the old record with an updated one const currentCrr = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coinsReturns, coinsReturnRecord.contractTermsHash); if (!currentCrr) { console.error("database inconsistent"); continue; } for (const nc of currentCrr.coins) { if (nc.coinPaySig.coin_pub === c.coinPaySig.coin_pub) { nc.depositedSig = respJson.sig; } } await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.coinsReturns, currentCrr); this.notifier.notify(); } } private async acceptRefundResponse( refundResponse: MerchantRefundResponse, ): Promise { const refundPermissions = refundResponse.refund_permissions; if (!refundPermissions.length) { console.warn("got empty refund list"); throw Error("empty refund"); } /** * Add refund to purchase if not already added. */ function f(t: PurchaseRecord | undefined): PurchaseRecord | undefined { if (!t) { console.error("purchase not found, not adding refunds"); return; } t.timestamp_refund = new Date().getTime(); for (const perm of refundPermissions) { if ( !t.refundsPending[perm.merchant_sig] && !t.refundsDone[perm.merchant_sig] ) { t.refundsPending[perm.merchant_sig] = perm; } } return t; } const hc = refundResponse.h_contract_terms; // Add the refund permissions to the purchase within a DB transaction await oneShotMutate(this.db, Stores.purchases, hc, f); this.notifier.notify(); await this.submitRefunds(hc); return hc; } /** * Accept a refund, return the contract hash for the contract * that was involved in the refund. */ async applyRefund(talerRefundUri: string): Promise { const parseResult = parseRefundUri(talerRefundUri); if (!parseResult) { throw Error("invalid refund URI"); } const refundUrl = parseResult.refundUrl; Wallet.enableTracing && console.log("processing refund"); let resp; try { resp = await this.http.get(refundUrl); } catch (e) { console.error("error downloading refund permission", e); throw e; } const refundResponse = MerchantRefundResponse.checked(resp.responseJson); return this.acceptRefundResponse(refundResponse); } private async submitRefunds(contractTermsHash: string): Promise { const purchase = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.purchases, contractTermsHash); if (!purchase) { console.error( "not submitting refunds, contract terms not found:", contractTermsHash, ); return; } const pendingKeys = Object.keys(purchase.refundsPending); if (pendingKeys.length === 0) { return; } for (const pk of pendingKeys) { const perm = purchase.refundsPending[pk]; const req: RefundRequest = { coin_pub: perm.coin_pub, h_contract_terms: purchase.contractTermsHash, merchant_pub: purchase.contractTerms.merchant_pub, merchant_sig: perm.merchant_sig, refund_amount: perm.refund_amount, refund_fee: perm.refund_fee, rtransaction_id: perm.rtransaction_id, }; console.log("sending refund permission", perm); // FIXME: not correct once we support multiple exchanges per payment const exchangeUrl = purchase.payReq.coins[0].exchange_url; const reqUrl = new URI("refund").absoluteTo(exchangeUrl); const resp = await this.http.postJson(reqUrl.href(), req); if (resp.status !== 200) { console.error("refund failed", resp); continue; } // Transactionally mark successful refunds as done const transformPurchase = ( t: PurchaseRecord | undefined, ): PurchaseRecord | undefined => { if (!t) { console.warn("purchase not found, not updating refund"); return; } if (t.refundsPending[pk]) { t.refundsDone[pk] = t.refundsPending[pk]; delete t.refundsPending[pk]; } return t; }; const transformCoin = ( c: CoinRecord | undefined, ): CoinRecord | undefined => { if (!c) { console.warn("coin not found, can't apply refund"); return; } const refundAmount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(perm.refund_amount); const refundFee = Amounts.parseOrThrow(perm.refund_fee); c.status = CoinStatus.Dirty; c.currentAmount = Amounts.add(c.currentAmount, refundAmount).amount; c.currentAmount = Amounts.sub(c.currentAmount, refundFee).amount; return c; }; await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.purchases, Stores.coins], async (tx) => { await tx.mutate(Stores.purchases, contractTermsHash, transformPurchase); await tx.mutate(Stores.coins, perm.coin_pub, transformCoin); }); this.refresh(perm.coin_pub); } this.badge.showNotification(); this.notifier.notify(); } async getPurchase( contractTermsHash: string, ): Promise { return oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.purchases, contractTermsHash); } async getFullRefundFees( refundPermissions: MerchantRefundPermission[], ): Promise { if (refundPermissions.length === 0) { throw Error("no refunds given"); } const coin0 = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, refundPermissions[0].coin_pub); if (!coin0) { throw Error("coin not found"); } let feeAcc = Amounts.getZero( Amounts.parseOrThrow(refundPermissions[0].refund_amount).currency, ); const denoms = await oneShotIterIndex(this.db, Stores.denominations.exchangeBaseUrlIndex, coin0.exchangeBaseUrl).toArray() for (const rp of refundPermissions) { const coin = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.coins, rp.coin_pub); if (!coin) { throw Error("coin not found"); } const denom = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.denominations, [ coin0.exchangeBaseUrl, coin.denomPub, ]); if (!denom) { throw Error(`denom not found (${coin.denomPub})`); } // FIXME: this assumes that the refund already happened. // When it hasn't, the refresh cost is inaccurate. To fix this, // we need introduce a flag to tell if a coin was refunded or // refreshed normally (and what about incremental refunds?) const refundAmount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(rp.refund_amount); const refundFee = Amounts.parseOrThrow(rp.refund_fee); const refreshCost = getTotalRefreshCost( denoms, denom, Amounts.sub(refundAmount, refundFee).amount, ); feeAcc = Amounts.add(feeAcc, refreshCost, refundFee).amount; } return feeAcc; } async acceptTip(talerTipUri: string): Promise { const { tipId, merchantOrigin } = await this.getTipStatus(talerTipUri); const key = `${tipId}${merchantOrigin}`; if (this.activeTipOperations[key]) { return this.activeTipOperations[key]; } const p = this.acceptTipImpl(tipId, merchantOrigin); this.activeTipOperations[key] = p; try { return await p; } finally { delete this.activeTipOperations[key]; } } private async acceptTipImpl( tipId: string, merchantOrigin: string, ): Promise { let tipRecord = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.tips, [tipId, merchantOrigin]); if (!tipRecord) { throw Error("tip not in database"); } tipRecord.accepted = true; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.tips, tipRecord); if (tipRecord.pickedUp) { console.log("tip already picked up"); return; } await this.updateExchangeFromUrl(tipRecord.exchangeUrl); const denomsForWithdraw = await this.getVerifiedWithdrawDenomList( tipRecord.exchangeUrl, tipRecord.amount, ); if (!tipRecord.planchets) { const planchets = await Promise.all( denomsForWithdraw.map(d => this.cryptoApi.createTipPlanchet(d)), ); const coinPubs: string[] = planchets.map(x => x.coinPub); await oneShotMutate(this.db, Stores.tips, [tipId, merchantOrigin], (r) => { if (!r.planchets) { r.planchets = planchets; r.coinPubs = coinPubs; } return r; }); this.notifier.notify(); } tipRecord = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.tips, [tipId, merchantOrigin]); if (!tipRecord) { throw Error("tip not in database"); } if (!tipRecord.planchets) { throw Error("invariant violated"); } console.log("got planchets for tip!"); // Planchets in the form that the merchant expects const planchetsDetail: TipPlanchetDetail[] = tipRecord.planchets.map(p => ({ coin_ev: p.coinEv, denom_pub_hash: p.denomPubHash, })); let merchantResp; try { const req = { planchets: planchetsDetail, tip_id: tipId }; merchantResp = await this.http.postJson(tipRecord.pickupUrl, req); console.log("got merchant resp:", merchantResp); } catch (e) { console.log("tipping failed", e); throw e; } const response = TipResponse.checked(merchantResp.responseJson); if (response.reserve_sigs.length !== tipRecord.planchets.length) { throw Error("number of tip responses does not match requested planchets"); } for (let i = 0; i < tipRecord.planchets.length; i++) { const planchet = tipRecord.planchets[i]; const preCoin = { blindingKey: planchet.blindingKey, coinEv: planchet.coinEv, coinPriv: planchet.coinPriv, coinPub: planchet.coinPub, coinValue: planchet.coinValue, denomPub: planchet.denomPub, denomPubHash: planchet.denomPubHash, exchangeBaseUrl: tipRecord.exchangeUrl, isFromTip: true, reservePub: response.reserve_pub, withdrawSig: response.reserve_sigs[i].reserve_sig, }; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.precoins, preCoin); await this.processPreCoin(preCoin.coinPub); } tipRecord.pickedUp = true; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.tips, tipRecord); this.notifier.notify(); this.badge.showNotification(); return; } async getTipStatus(talerTipUri: string): Promise { const res = parseTipUri(talerTipUri); if (!res) { throw Error("invalid taler://tip URI"); } const tipStatusUrl = new URI(res.tipPickupUrl).href(); console.log("checking tip status from", tipStatusUrl); const merchantResp = await this.http.get(tipStatusUrl); console.log("resp:", merchantResp.responseJson); const tipPickupStatus = TipPickupGetResponse.checked( merchantResp.responseJson, ); console.log("status", tipPickupStatus); let amount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(tipPickupStatus.amount); let tipRecord = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.tips, [ res.tipId, res.merchantOrigin, ]) if (!tipRecord) { const withdrawDetails = await this.getWithdrawDetailsForAmount( tipPickupStatus.exchange_url, amount, ); tipRecord = { accepted: false, amount, coinPubs: [], deadline: getTalerStampSec(tipPickupStatus.stamp_expire)!, exchangeUrl: tipPickupStatus.exchange_url, merchantDomain: res.merchantOrigin, nextUrl: undefined, pickedUp: false, planchets: undefined, response: undefined, timestamp: new Date().getTime(), tipId: res.tipId, pickupUrl: res.tipPickupUrl, totalFees: Amounts.add( withdrawDetails.overhead, withdrawDetails.withdrawFee, ).amount, }; await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.tips, tipRecord); } const tipStatus: TipStatus = { accepted: !!tipRecord && tipRecord.accepted, amount: Amounts.parseOrThrow(tipPickupStatus.amount), amountLeft: Amounts.parseOrThrow(tipPickupStatus.amount_left), exchangeUrl: tipPickupStatus.exchange_url, nextUrl: tipPickupStatus.extra.next_url, merchantOrigin: res.merchantOrigin, tipId: res.tipId, expirationTimestamp: getTalerStampSec(tipPickupStatus.stamp_expire)!, timestamp: getTalerStampSec(tipPickupStatus.stamp_created)!, totalFees: tipRecord.totalFees, }; return tipStatus; } async abortFailedPayment(contractTermsHash: string): Promise { const purchase = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.purchases, contractTermsHash); if (!purchase) { throw Error("Purchase not found, unable to abort with refund"); } if (purchase.finished) { throw Error("Purchase already finished, not aborting"); } if (purchase.abortDone) { console.warn("abort requested on already aborted purchase"); return; } purchase.abortRequested = true; // From now on, we can't retry payment anymore, // so mark this in the DB in case the /pay abort // does not complete on the first try. await oneShotPut(this.db, Stores.purchases, purchase); let resp; const abortReq = { ...purchase.payReq, mode: "abort-refund" }; const payUrl = new URI("pay") .absoluteTo(purchase.contractTerms.merchant_base_url) .href(); try { resp = await this.http.postJson(payUrl, abortReq); } catch (e) { // Gives the user the option to retry / abort and refresh console.log("aborting payment failed", e); throw e; } const refundResponse = MerchantRefundResponse.checked(resp.responseJson); await this.acceptRefundResponse(refundResponse); await runWithWriteTransaction(this.db, [Stores.purchases], async (tx) => { const p = await tx.get(Stores.purchases, purchase.contractTermsHash); if (!p) { return; } p.abortDone = true; await tx.put(Stores.purchases, p); }); } /** * Remove unreferenced / expired data from the wallet's database * based on the current system time. */ async collectGarbage() { // FIXME(#5845) // We currently do not garbage-collect the wallet database. This might change // after the feature has been properly re-designed, and we have come up with a // strategy to test it. } async getWithdrawalInfo( talerWithdrawUri: string, ): Promise { const uriResult = parseWithdrawUri(talerWithdrawUri); if (!uriResult) { throw Error("can't parse URL"); } const resp = await this.http.get(uriResult.statusUrl); console.log("resp:", resp.responseJson); const status = WithdrawOperationStatusResponse.checked(resp.responseJson); return { amount: Amounts.parseOrThrow(status.amount), confirmTransferUrl: status.confirm_transfer_url, extractedStatusUrl: uriResult.statusUrl, selectionDone: status.selection_done, senderWire: status.sender_wire, suggestedExchange: status.suggested_exchange, transferDone: status.transfer_done, wireTypes: status.wire_types, }; } async acceptWithdrawal( talerWithdrawUri: string, selectedExchange: string, ): Promise { const withdrawInfo = await this.getWithdrawalInfo(talerWithdrawUri); const exchangeWire = await this.getExchangePaytoUri( selectedExchange, withdrawInfo.wireTypes, ); const reserve = await this.createReserve({ amount: withdrawInfo.amount, bankWithdrawStatusUrl: withdrawInfo.extractedStatusUrl, exchange: selectedExchange, senderWire: withdrawInfo.senderWire, exchangeWire: exchangeWire, }); await this.sendReserveInfoToBank(reserve.reservePub); return { reservePub: reserve.reservePub, confirmTransferUrl: withdrawInfo.confirmTransferUrl, }; } async getPurchaseDetails(hc: string): Promise { const purchase = await oneShotGet(this.db, Stores.purchases, hc); if (!purchase) { throw Error("unknown purchase"); } const refundsDoneAmounts = Object.values(purchase.refundsDone).map(x => Amounts.parseOrThrow(x.refund_amount), ); const refundsPendingAmounts = Object.values(purchase.refundsPending).map( x => Amounts.parseOrThrow(x.refund_amount), ); const totalRefundAmount = Amounts.sum([ ...refundsDoneAmounts, ...refundsPendingAmounts, ]).amount; const refundsDoneFees = Object.values(purchase.refundsDone).map(x => Amounts.parseOrThrow(x.refund_amount), ); const refundsPendingFees = Object.values(purchase.refundsPending).map(x => Amounts.parseOrThrow(x.refund_amount), ); const totalRefundFees = Amounts.sum([ ...refundsDoneFees, ...refundsPendingFees, ]).amount; const totalFees = totalRefundFees; return { contractTerms: purchase.contractTerms, hasRefund: purchase.timestamp_refund !== 0, totalRefundAmount: totalRefundAmount, totalRefundAndRefreshFees: totalFees, }; } /** * Reset the retry timeouts for ongoing operations. */ resetRetryTimeouts(): void { // FIXME: implement } clearNotification(): void { this.badge.clearNotification(); } benchmarkCrypto(repetitions: number): Promise { return this.cryptoApi.benchmark(repetitions); } }