/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019 GNUnet e.V. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ import { InternalWalletState } from "./state"; import { WALLET_CACHE_BREAKER_CLIENT_VERSION } from "../wallet"; import { KeysJson, Denomination, ExchangeWireJson, } from "../talerTypes"; import { getTimestampNow, OperationError } from "../walletTypes"; import { ExchangeRecord, ExchangeUpdateStatus, Stores, DenominationRecord, DenominationStatus, WireFee, } from "../dbTypes"; import { canonicalizeBaseUrl, extractTalerStamp, extractTalerStampOrThrow, } from "../util/helpers"; import { oneShotGet, oneShotPut, runWithWriteTransaction, oneShotMutate, } from "../util/query"; import * as Amounts from "../util/amounts"; import { parsePaytoUri } from "../util/payto"; import { OperationFailedAndReportedError, guardOperationException, } from "./errors"; async function denominationRecordFromKeys( ws: InternalWalletState, exchangeBaseUrl: string, denomIn: Denomination, ): Promise { const denomPubHash = await ws.cryptoApi.hashDenomPub(denomIn.denom_pub); const d: DenominationRecord = { denomPub: denomIn.denom_pub, denomPubHash, exchangeBaseUrl, feeDeposit: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.fee_deposit), feeRefresh: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.fee_refresh), feeRefund: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.fee_refund), feeWithdraw: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.fee_withdraw), isOffered: true, masterSig: denomIn.master_sig, stampExpireDeposit: extractTalerStampOrThrow(denomIn.stamp_expire_deposit), stampExpireLegal: extractTalerStampOrThrow(denomIn.stamp_expire_legal), stampExpireWithdraw: extractTalerStampOrThrow( denomIn.stamp_expire_withdraw, ), stampStart: extractTalerStampOrThrow(denomIn.stamp_start), status: DenominationStatus.Unverified, value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denomIn.value), }; return d; } async function setExchangeError( ws: InternalWalletState, baseUrl: string, err: OperationError, ): Promise { const mut = (exchange: ExchangeRecord) => { exchange.lastError = err; return exchange; }; await oneShotMutate(ws.db, Stores.exchanges, baseUrl, mut); } /** * Fetch the exchange's /keys and update our database accordingly. * * Exceptions thrown in this method must be caught and reported * in the pending operations. */ async function updateExchangeWithKeys( ws: InternalWalletState, baseUrl: string, ): Promise { const existingExchangeRecord = await oneShotGet( ws.db, Stores.exchanges, baseUrl, ); if (existingExchangeRecord?.updateStatus != ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS) { return; } const keysUrl = new URL("keys", baseUrl); keysUrl.searchParams.set("cacheBreaker", WALLET_CACHE_BREAKER_CLIENT_VERSION); let keysResp; try { keysResp = await ws.http.get(keysUrl.href); } catch (e) { const m = `Fetching keys failed: ${e.message}`; await setExchangeError(ws, baseUrl, { type: "network", details: { requestUrl: e.config?.url, }, message: m, }); throw new OperationFailedAndReportedError(m); } let exchangeKeysJson: KeysJson; try { exchangeKeysJson = KeysJson.checked(keysResp.responseJson); } catch (e) { const m = `Parsing /keys response failed: ${e.message}`; await setExchangeError(ws, baseUrl, { type: "protocol-violation", details: {}, message: m, }); throw new OperationFailedAndReportedError(m); } const lastUpdateTimestamp = extractTalerStamp( exchangeKeysJson.list_issue_date, ); if (!lastUpdateTimestamp) { const m = `Parsing /keys response failed: invalid list_issue_date.`; await setExchangeError(ws, baseUrl, { type: "protocol-violation", details: {}, message: m, }); throw new OperationFailedAndReportedError(m); } if (exchangeKeysJson.denoms.length === 0) { const m = "exchange doesn't offer any denominations"; await setExchangeError(ws, baseUrl, { type: "protocol-violation", details: {}, message: m, }); throw new OperationFailedAndReportedError(m); } const protocolVersion = exchangeKeysJson.version; if (!protocolVersion) { const m = "outdate exchange, no version in /keys response"; await setExchangeError(ws, baseUrl, { type: "protocol-violation", details: {}, message: m, }); throw new OperationFailedAndReportedError(m); } const currency = Amounts.parseOrThrow(exchangeKeysJson.denoms[0].value) .currency; const newDenominations = await Promise.all( exchangeKeysJson.denoms.map(d => denominationRecordFromKeys(ws, baseUrl, d), ), ); await runWithWriteTransaction( ws.db, [Stores.exchanges, Stores.denominations], async tx => { const r = await tx.get(Stores.exchanges, baseUrl); if (!r) { console.warn(`exchange ${baseUrl} no longer present`); return; } if (r.details) { // FIXME: We need to do some consistency checks! } r.details = { auditors: exchangeKeysJson.auditors, currency: currency, lastUpdateTime: lastUpdateTimestamp, masterPublicKey: exchangeKeysJson.master_public_key, protocolVersion: protocolVersion, }; r.updateStatus = ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_WIRE; r.lastError = undefined; await tx.put(Stores.exchanges, r); for (const newDenom of newDenominations) { const oldDenom = await tx.get(Stores.denominations, [ baseUrl, newDenom.denomPub, ]); if (oldDenom) { // FIXME: Do consistency check } else { await tx.put(Stores.denominations, newDenom); } } }, ); } /** * Fetch wire information for an exchange and store it in the database. * * @param exchangeBaseUrl Exchange base URL, assumed to be already normalized. */ async function updateExchangeWithWireInfo( ws: InternalWalletState, exchangeBaseUrl: string, ) { const exchange = await oneShotGet(ws.db, Stores.exchanges, exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchange) { return; } if (exchange.updateStatus != ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_WIRE) { return; } const details = exchange.details; if (!details) { throw Error("invalid exchange state"); } const reqUrl = new URL("wire", exchangeBaseUrl); reqUrl.searchParams.set("cacheBreaker", WALLET_CACHE_BREAKER_CLIENT_VERSION); const resp = await ws.http.get(reqUrl.href); const wiJson = resp.responseJson; if (!wiJson) { throw Error("/wire response malformed"); } const wireInfo = ExchangeWireJson.checked(wiJson); for (const a of wireInfo.accounts) { console.log("validating exchange acct"); const isValid = await ws.cryptoApi.isValidWireAccount( a.url, a.master_sig, details.masterPublicKey, ); if (!isValid) { throw Error("exchange acct signature invalid"); } } const feesForType: { [wireMethod: string]: WireFee[] } = {}; for (const wireMethod of Object.keys(wireInfo.fees)) { const feeList: WireFee[] = []; for (const x of wireInfo.fees[wireMethod]) { const startStamp = extractTalerStamp(x.start_date); if (!startStamp) { throw Error("wrong date format"); } const endStamp = extractTalerStamp(x.end_date); if (!endStamp) { throw Error("wrong date format"); } const fee: WireFee = { closingFee: Amounts.parseOrThrow(x.closing_fee), endStamp, sig: x.sig, startStamp, wireFee: Amounts.parseOrThrow(x.wire_fee), }; const isValid = await ws.cryptoApi.isValidWireFee( wireMethod, fee, details.masterPublicKey, ); if (!isValid) { throw Error("exchange wire fee signature invalid"); } feeList.push(fee); } feesForType[wireMethod] = feeList; } await runWithWriteTransaction(ws.db, [Stores.exchanges], async tx => { const r = await tx.get(Stores.exchanges, exchangeBaseUrl); if (!r) { return; } if (r.updateStatus != ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_WIRE) { return; } r.wireInfo = { accounts: wireInfo.accounts, feesForType: feesForType, }; r.updateStatus = ExchangeUpdateStatus.FINISHED; r.lastError = undefined; await tx.put(Stores.exchanges, r); }); } export async function updateExchangeFromUrl( ws: InternalWalletState, baseUrl: string, forceNow: boolean = false, ): Promise { const onOpErr = (e: OperationError) => setExchangeError(ws, baseUrl, e); return await guardOperationException( () => updateExchangeFromUrlImpl(ws, baseUrl, forceNow), onOpErr, ); } /** * Update or add exchange DB entry by fetching the /keys and /wire information. * Optionally link the reserve entry to the new or existing * exchange entry in then DB. */ async function updateExchangeFromUrlImpl( ws: InternalWalletState, baseUrl: string, forceNow: boolean = false, ): Promise { const now = getTimestampNow(); baseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(baseUrl); const r = await oneShotGet(ws.db, Stores.exchanges, baseUrl); if (!r) { const newExchangeRecord: ExchangeRecord = { baseUrl: baseUrl, details: undefined, wireInfo: undefined, updateStatus: ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS, updateStarted: now, updateReason: "initial", timestampAdded: getTimestampNow(), }; await oneShotPut(ws.db, Stores.exchanges, newExchangeRecord); } else { await runWithWriteTransaction(ws.db, [Stores.exchanges], async t => { const rec = await t.get(Stores.exchanges, baseUrl); if (!rec) { return; } if (rec.updateStatus != ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS && !forceNow) { return; } if (rec.updateStatus != ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS && forceNow) { rec.updateReason = "forced"; } rec.updateStarted = now; rec.updateStatus = ExchangeUpdateStatus.FETCH_KEYS; rec.lastError = undefined; t.put(Stores.exchanges, rec); }); } await updateExchangeWithKeys(ws, baseUrl); await updateExchangeWithWireInfo(ws, baseUrl); const updatedExchange = await oneShotGet(ws.db, Stores.exchanges, baseUrl); if (!updatedExchange) { // This should practically never happen throw Error("exchange not found"); } return updatedExchange; } /** * Check if and how an exchange is trusted and/or audited. */ export async function getExchangeTrust( ws: InternalWalletState, exchangeInfo: ExchangeRecord, ): Promise<{ isTrusted: boolean; isAudited: boolean }> { let isTrusted = false; let isAudited = false; const exchangeDetails = exchangeInfo.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { throw Error(`exchange ${exchangeInfo.baseUrl} details not available`); } const currencyRecord = await oneShotGet( ws.db, Stores.currencies, exchangeDetails.currency, ); if (currencyRecord) { for (const trustedExchange of currencyRecord.exchanges) { if (trustedExchange.exchangePub === exchangeDetails.masterPublicKey) { isTrusted = true; break; } } for (const trustedAuditor of currencyRecord.auditors) { for (const exchangeAuditor of exchangeDetails.auditors) { if (trustedAuditor.auditorPub === exchangeAuditor.auditor_pub) { isAudited = true; break; } } } } return { isTrusted, isAudited }; } export async function getExchangePaytoUri( ws: InternalWalletState, exchangeBaseUrl: string, supportedTargetTypes: string[], ): Promise { // We do the update here, since the exchange might not even exist // yet in our database. const exchangeRecord = await updateExchangeFromUrl(ws, exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchangeRecord) { throw Error(`Exchange '${exchangeBaseUrl}' not found.`); } const exchangeWireInfo = exchangeRecord.wireInfo; if (!exchangeWireInfo) { throw Error(`Exchange wire info for '${exchangeBaseUrl}' not found.`); } for (let account of exchangeWireInfo.accounts) { const res = parsePaytoUri(account.url); if (!res) { continue; } if (supportedTargetTypes.includes(res.targetType)) { return account.url; } } throw Error("no matching exchange account found"); }