/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2016 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * API to access the Taler crypto worker thread. * @author Florian Dold */ /** * Imports. */ import { AmountJson } from "../../util/amounts"; import { CoinRecord, DenominationRecord, RefreshSessionRecord, TipPlanchet, WireFee, } from "../../types/dbTypes"; import { CryptoWorker } from "./cryptoWorker"; import { ContractTerms, PaybackRequest } from "../../types/talerTypes"; import { BenchmarkResult, CoinWithDenom, PayCoinInfo, PlanchetCreationResult, PlanchetCreationRequest, } from "../../types/walletTypes"; import * as timer from "../../util/timer"; /** * State of a crypto worker. */ interface WorkerState { /** * The actual worker thread. */ w: CryptoWorker | null; /** * Work we're currently executing or null if not busy. */ currentWorkItem: WorkItem | null; /** * Timer to terminate the worker if it's not busy enough. */ terminationTimerHandle: timer.TimerHandle | null; } interface WorkItem { operation: string; args: any[]; resolve: any; reject: any; /** * Serial id to identify a matching response. */ rpcId: number; /** * Time when the work was submitted to a (non-busy) worker thread. */ startTime: number; } /** * Number of different priorities. Each priority p * must be 0 <= p < NUM_PRIO. */ const NUM_PRIO = 5; export interface CryptoWorkerFactory { /** * Start a new worker. */ startWorker(): CryptoWorker; /** * Query the number of workers that should be * run at the same time. */ getConcurrency(): number; } export class BrowserCryptoWorkerFactory implements CryptoWorkerFactory { startWorker(): CryptoWorker { const workerCtor = Worker; const workerPath = "/dist/cryptoWorker-bundle.js"; return new workerCtor(workerPath) as CryptoWorker; } getConcurrency(): number { let concurrency = 2; try { // only works in the browser // tslint:disable-next-line:no-string-literal concurrency = (navigator as any)["hardwareConcurrency"]; concurrency = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(concurrency / 2)); } catch (e) { concurrency = 2; } return concurrency; } } /** * Crypto API that interfaces manages a background crypto thread * for the execution of expensive operations. */ export class CryptoApi { private nextRpcId: number = 1; private workers: WorkerState[]; private workQueues: WorkItem[][]; private workerFactory: CryptoWorkerFactory; /** * Number of busy workers. */ private numBusy: number = 0; /** * Did we stop accepting new requests? */ private stopped: boolean = false; static enableTracing = false; /** * Terminate all worker threads. */ terminateWorkers() { for (let worker of this.workers) { if (worker.w) { CryptoApi.enableTracing && console.log("terminating worker"); worker.w.terminate(); if (worker.terminationTimerHandle) { worker.terminationTimerHandle.clear(); worker.terminationTimerHandle = null; } if (worker.currentWorkItem) { worker.currentWorkItem.reject(Error("explicitly terminated")); worker.currentWorkItem = null; } worker.w = null; } } } stop() { this.terminateWorkers(); this.stopped = true; } /** * Start a worker (if not started) and set as busy. */ wake(ws: WorkerState, work: WorkItem): void { if (this.stopped) { console.log("cryptoApi is stopped"); CryptoApi.enableTracing && console.log("not waking, as cryptoApi is stopped"); return; } if (ws.currentWorkItem !== null) { throw Error("assertion failed"); } ws.currentWorkItem = work; this.numBusy++; if (!ws.w) { const w = this.workerFactory.startWorker(); w.onmessage = (m: MessageEvent) => this.handleWorkerMessage(ws, m); w.onerror = (e: ErrorEvent) => this.handleWorkerError(ws, e); ws.w = w; } const msg: any = { args: work.args, id: work.rpcId, operation: work.operation, }; this.resetWorkerTimeout(ws); work.startTime = timer.performanceNow(); setImmediate(() => ws.w!.postMessage(msg)); } resetWorkerTimeout(ws: WorkerState) { if (ws.terminationTimerHandle !== null) { ws.terminationTimerHandle.clear(); ws.terminationTimerHandle = null; } const destroy = () => { // terminate worker if it's idle if (ws.w && ws.currentWorkItem === null) { ws.w!.terminate(); ws.w = null; } }; ws.terminationTimerHandle = timer.after(15 * 1000, destroy); } handleWorkerError(ws: WorkerState, e: ErrorEvent) { if (ws.currentWorkItem) { console.error( `error in worker during ${ws.currentWorkItem!.operation}`, e, ); } else { console.error("error in worker", e); } console.error(e.message); try { ws.w!.terminate(); ws.w = null; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } if (ws.currentWorkItem !== null) { ws.currentWorkItem.reject(e); ws.currentWorkItem = null; this.numBusy--; } this.findWork(ws); } private findWork(ws: WorkerState) { // try to find more work for this worker for (let i = 0; i < NUM_PRIO; i++) { const q = this.workQueues[NUM_PRIO - i - 1]; if (q.length !== 0) { const work: WorkItem = q.shift()!; this.wake(ws, work); return; } } } handleWorkerMessage(ws: WorkerState, msg: MessageEvent) { const id = msg.data.id; if (typeof id !== "number") { console.error("rpc id must be number"); return; } const currentWorkItem = ws.currentWorkItem; ws.currentWorkItem = null; this.numBusy--; this.findWork(ws); if (!currentWorkItem) { console.error("unsolicited response from worker"); return; } if (id !== currentWorkItem.rpcId) { console.error(`RPC with id ${id} has no registry entry`); return; } CryptoApi.enableTracing && console.log( `rpc ${currentWorkItem.operation} took ${timer.performanceNow() - currentWorkItem.startTime}ms`, ); currentWorkItem.resolve(msg.data.result); } constructor(workerFactory: CryptoWorkerFactory) { this.workerFactory = workerFactory; this.workers = new Array(workerFactory.getConcurrency()); for (let i = 0; i < this.workers.length; i++) { this.workers[i] = { currentWorkItem: null, terminationTimerHandle: null, w: null, }; } this.workQueues = []; for (let i = 0; i < NUM_PRIO; i++) { this.workQueues.push([]); } } private doRpc( operation: string, priority: number, ...args: any[] ): Promise { const p: Promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const rpcId = this.nextRpcId++; const workItem: WorkItem = { operation, args, resolve, reject, rpcId, startTime: 0, }; if (this.numBusy === this.workers.length) { const q = this.workQueues[priority]; if (!q) { throw Error("assertion failed"); } this.workQueues[priority].push(workItem); return; } for (const ws of this.workers) { if (ws.currentWorkItem !== null) { continue; } this.wake(ws, workItem); return; } throw Error("assertion failed"); }); return p; } createPlanchet( req: PlanchetCreationRequest, ): Promise { return this.doRpc("createPlanchet", 1, req); } createTipPlanchet(denom: DenominationRecord): Promise { return this.doRpc("createTipPlanchet", 1, denom); } hashString(str: string): Promise { return this.doRpc("hashString", 1, str); } hashDenomPub(denomPub: string): Promise { return this.doRpc("hashDenomPub", 1, denomPub); } isValidDenom(denom: DenominationRecord, masterPub: string): Promise { return this.doRpc("isValidDenom", 2, denom, masterPub); } isValidWireFee( type: string, wf: WireFee, masterPub: string, ): Promise { return this.doRpc("isValidWireFee", 2, type, wf, masterPub); } isValidPaymentSignature( sig: string, contractHash: string, merchantPub: string, ): Promise { return this.doRpc( "isValidPaymentSignature", 1, sig, contractHash, merchantPub, ); } signDeposit( contractTerms: ContractTerms, cds: CoinWithDenom[], totalAmount: AmountJson, ): Promise { return this.doRpc( "signDeposit", 3, contractTerms, cds, totalAmount, ); } createEddsaKeypair(): Promise<{ priv: string; pub: string }> { return this.doRpc<{ priv: string; pub: string }>("createEddsaKeypair", 1); } rsaUnblind(sig: string, bk: string, pk: string): Promise { return this.doRpc("rsaUnblind", 4, sig, bk, pk); } rsaVerify(hm: string, sig: string, pk: string): Promise { return this.doRpc("rsaVerify", 4, hm, sig, pk); } isValidWireAccount(paytoUri: string, sig: string, masterPub: string): Promise { return this.doRpc("isValidWireAccount", 4, paytoUri, sig, masterPub); } createPaybackRequest(coin: CoinRecord): Promise { return this.doRpc("createPaybackRequest", 1, coin); } createRefreshSession( exchangeBaseUrl: string, kappa: number, meltCoin: CoinRecord, newCoinDenoms: DenominationRecord[], meltFee: AmountJson, ): Promise { return this.doRpc( "createRefreshSession", 4, exchangeBaseUrl, kappa, meltCoin, newCoinDenoms, meltFee, ); } signCoinLink( oldCoinPriv: string, newDenomHash: string, oldCoinPub: string, transferPub: string, coinEv: string, ): Promise { return this.doRpc( "signCoinLink", 4, oldCoinPriv, newDenomHash, oldCoinPub, transferPub, coinEv, ); } benchmark(repetitions: number): Promise { return this.doRpc("benchmark", 1, repetitions); } }