import { EmscEnvironment } from "./emscInterface"; import { CryptoImplementation } from "./cryptoImplementation"; import fs = require("fs"); export class NodeEmscriptenLoader { private cachedEmscEnvironment: EmscEnvironment | undefined = undefined; private cachedEmscEnvironmentPromise: | Promise | undefined = undefined; private async getWasmBinary(): Promise { // @ts-ignore const akonoGetData = global.__akono_getData; if (akonoGetData) { // We're running embedded node on Android console.log("reading wasm binary from akono"); const data = akonoGetData("taler-emscripten-lib.wasm"); // The data we get is base64-encoded binary data let buf = new Buffer(data, 'base64'); return new Uint8Array(buf); } else { // We're in a normal node environment const binaryPath = __dirname + "/../../../emscripten/taler-emscripten-lib.wasm"; console.log("reading from", binaryPath); const wasmBinary = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync(binaryPath)); return wasmBinary; } } async getEmscriptenEnvironment(): Promise { if (this.cachedEmscEnvironment) { return this.cachedEmscEnvironment; } if (this.cachedEmscEnvironmentPromise) { return this.cachedEmscEnvironmentPromise; } let lib: any; const wasmBinary = await this.getWasmBinary(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Arguments passed to the emscripten prelude const libArgs = { wasmBinary, onRuntimeInitialized: () => { if (!lib) { console.error("fatal emscripten initialization error"); return; } this.cachedEmscEnvironmentPromise = undefined; this.cachedEmscEnvironment = new EmscEnvironment(lib); resolve(this.cachedEmscEnvironment); }, }; // Make sure that TypeScript doesn't try // to check the taler-emscripten-lib. const indirectRequire = require; const g = global; // unavoidable hack, so that emscripten detects // the environment as node even though importScripts // is present. // @ts-ignore const savedImportScripts = g.importScripts; // @ts-ignore delete g.importScripts; // @ts-ignore const savedCrypto = g.crypto; // @ts-ignore delete g.crypto; // Assume that the code is run from the build/ directory. const libFn = indirectRequire( "../../../emscripten/taler-emscripten-lib.js", ); lib = libFn(libArgs); // @ts-ignore g.importScripts = savedImportScripts; // @ts-ignore g.crypto = savedCrypto; if (!lib) { throw Error("could not load taler-emscripten-lib.js"); } if (!lib.ccall) { throw Error( "sanity check failed: taler-emscripten lib does not have 'ccall'", ); } }); } }