/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Synchronous implementation of crypto-related functions for the wallet. * * The functionality is parameterized over an Emscripten environment. */ /** * Imports. */ import { CoinRecord, CoinStatus, DenominationRecord, PreCoinRecord, RefreshPreCoinRecord, RefreshSessionRecord, ReserveRecord, TipPlanchet, WireFee, } from "../dbTypes"; import { CoinPaySig, ContractTerms, PaybackRequest } from "../talerTypes"; import { BenchmarkResult, CoinWithDenom, PayCoinInfo } from "../walletTypes"; import { canonicalJson } from "../helpers"; import { EmscEnvironment } from "./emscInterface"; import * as native from "./emscInterface"; import { AmountJson } from "../amounts"; import * as Amounts from "../amounts"; import * as timer from "../timer"; import { getRandomBytes, encodeCrock } from "./nativeCrypto"; export class CryptoImplementation { static enableTracing: boolean = false; constructor(private emsc: EmscEnvironment) {} /** * Create a pre-coin of the given denomination to be withdrawn from then given * reserve. */ createPreCoin( denom: DenominationRecord, reserve: ReserveRecord, ): PreCoinRecord { const reservePriv = new native.EddsaPrivateKey(this.emsc); reservePriv.loadCrock(reserve.reservePriv); const reservePub = new native.EddsaPublicKey(this.emsc); reservePub.loadCrock(reserve.reservePub); const denomPub = native.RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, denom.denomPub); const coinPriv = native.EddsaPrivateKey.create(this.emsc); const coinPub = coinPriv.getPublicKey(); const blindingFactor = native.RsaBlindingKeySecret.create(this.emsc); const pubHash: native.HashCode = coinPub.hash(); const ev = native.rsaBlind(pubHash, blindingFactor, denomPub); if (!ev) { throw Error("couldn't blind (malicious exchange key?)"); } if (!denom.feeWithdraw) { throw Error("Field fee_withdraw missing"); } const amountWithFee = new native.Amount(this.emsc, denom.value); amountWithFee.add(new native.Amount(this.emsc, denom.feeWithdraw)); const withdrawFee = new native.Amount(this.emsc, denom.feeWithdraw); const denomPubHash = denomPub.encode().hash(); // Signature const withdrawRequest = new native.WithdrawRequestPS(this.emsc, { amount_with_fee: amountWithFee.toNbo(), h_coin_envelope: ev.hash(), h_denomination_pub: denomPubHash, reserve_pub: reservePub, withdraw_fee: withdrawFee.toNbo(), }); const sig = native.eddsaSign(withdrawRequest.toPurpose(), reservePriv); const preCoin: PreCoinRecord = { blindingKey: blindingFactor.toCrock(), coinEv: ev.toCrock(), coinPriv: coinPriv.toCrock(), coinPub: coinPub.toCrock(), coinValue: denom.value, denomPub: denomPub.toCrock(), denomPubHash: denomPubHash.toCrock(), exchangeBaseUrl: reserve.exchangeBaseUrl, isFromTip: false, reservePub: reservePub.toCrock(), withdrawSig: sig.toCrock(), }; return preCoin; } /** * Create a planchet used for tipping, including the private keys. */ createTipPlanchet(denom: DenominationRecord): TipPlanchet { const denomPub = native.RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, denom.denomPub); const coinPriv = native.EddsaPrivateKey.create(this.emsc); const coinPub = coinPriv.getPublicKey(); const blindingFactor = native.RsaBlindingKeySecret.create(this.emsc); const pubHash: native.HashCode = coinPub.hash(); const ev = native.rsaBlind(pubHash, blindingFactor, denomPub); if (!ev) { throw Error("couldn't blind (malicious exchange key?)"); } if (!denom.feeWithdraw) { throw Error("Field fee_withdraw missing"); } const tipPlanchet: TipPlanchet = { blindingKey: blindingFactor.toCrock(), coinEv: ev.toCrock(), coinPriv: coinPriv.toCrock(), coinPub: coinPub.toCrock(), coinValue: denom.value, denomPub: denomPub.encode().toCrock(), denomPubHash: denomPub .encode() .hash() .toCrock(), }; return tipPlanchet; } /** * Create and sign a message to request payback for a coin. */ createPaybackRequest(coin: CoinRecord): PaybackRequest { const p = new native.PaybackRequestPS(this.emsc, { coin_blind: native.RsaBlindingKeySecret.fromCrock( this.emsc, coin.blindingKey, ), coin_pub: native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, coin.coinPub), h_denom_pub: native.RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, coin.denomPub) .encode() .hash(), }); const coinPriv = native.EddsaPrivateKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, coin.coinPriv); const coinSig = native.eddsaSign(p.toPurpose(), coinPriv); const paybackRequest: PaybackRequest = { coin_blind_key_secret: coin.blindingKey, coin_pub: coin.coinPub, coin_sig: coinSig.toCrock(), denom_pub: coin.denomPub, denom_sig: coin.denomSig, }; return paybackRequest; } /** * Check if a payment signature is valid. */ isValidPaymentSignature( sig: string, contractHash: string, merchantPub: string, ): boolean { const p = new native.PaymentSignaturePS(this.emsc, { contract_hash: native.HashCode.fromCrock(this.emsc, contractHash), }); const nativeSig = new native.EddsaSignature(this.emsc); nativeSig.loadCrock(sig); const nativePub = native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, merchantPub); return native.eddsaVerify( native.SignaturePurpose.MERCHANT_PAYMENT_OK, p.toPurpose(), nativeSig, nativePub, ); } /** * Check if a wire fee is correctly signed. */ isValidWireFee(type: string, wf: WireFee, masterPub: string): boolean { const p = new native.MasterWireFeePS(this.emsc, { closing_fee: new native.Amount(this.emsc, wf.closingFee).toNbo(), end_date: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromStampSeconds(this.emsc, (wf.endStamp.t_ms / 1000)), h_wire_method: native.ByteArray.fromStringWithNull( this.emsc, type, ).hash(), start_date: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromStampSeconds( this.emsc, Math.floor(wf.startStamp.t_ms / 1000), ), wire_fee: new native.Amount(this.emsc, wf.wireFee).toNbo(), }); const nativeSig = new native.EddsaSignature(this.emsc); nativeSig.loadCrock(wf.sig); const nativePub = native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, masterPub); return native.eddsaVerify( native.SignaturePurpose.MASTER_WIRE_FEES, p.toPurpose(), nativeSig, nativePub, ); } /** * Check if the signature of a denomination is valid. */ isValidDenom(denom: DenominationRecord, masterPub: string): boolean { const p = new native.DenominationKeyValidityPS(this.emsc, { denom_hash: native.RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, denom.denomPub) .encode() .hash(), expire_legal: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString( this.emsc, denom.stampExpireLegal, ), expire_spend: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString( this.emsc, denom.stampExpireDeposit, ), expire_withdraw: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString( this.emsc, denom.stampExpireWithdraw, ), fee_deposit: new native.Amount(this.emsc, denom.feeDeposit).toNbo(), fee_refresh: new native.Amount(this.emsc, denom.feeRefresh).toNbo(), fee_refund: new native.Amount(this.emsc, denom.feeRefund).toNbo(), fee_withdraw: new native.Amount(this.emsc, denom.feeWithdraw).toNbo(), master: native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, masterPub), start: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString( this.emsc, denom.stampStart, ), value: new native.Amount(this.emsc, denom.value).toNbo(), }); const nativeSig = new native.EddsaSignature(this.emsc); nativeSig.loadCrock(denom.masterSig); const nativePub = native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, masterPub); return native.eddsaVerify( native.SignaturePurpose.MASTER_DENOMINATION_KEY_VALIDITY, p.toPurpose(), nativeSig, nativePub, ); } /** * Create a new EdDSA key pair. */ createEddsaKeypair(): { priv: string; pub: string } { const priv = native.EddsaPrivateKey.create(this.emsc); const pub = priv.getPublicKey(); return { priv: priv.toCrock(), pub: pub.toCrock() }; } /** * Unblind a blindly signed value. */ rsaUnblind(sig: string, bk: string, pk: string): string { const denomSig = native.rsaUnblind( native.RsaSignature.fromCrock(this.emsc, sig), native.RsaBlindingKeySecret.fromCrock(this.emsc, bk), native.RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, pk), ); return denomSig.encode().toCrock(); } /** * Generate updated coins (to store in the database) * and deposit permissions for each given coin. */ signDeposit( contractTerms: ContractTerms, cds: CoinWithDenom[], totalAmount: AmountJson, ): PayCoinInfo { const ret: PayCoinInfo = { originalCoins: [], sigs: [], updatedCoins: [], }; const contractTermsHash = this.hashString(canonicalJson(contractTerms)); const feeList: AmountJson[] = cds.map(x => x.denom.feeDeposit); let fees = Amounts.add(Amounts.getZero(feeList[0].currency), ...feeList) .amount; // okay if saturates fees = Amounts.sub(fees, Amounts.parseOrThrow(contractTerms.max_fee)) .amount; const total = Amounts.add(fees, totalAmount).amount; const amountSpent = native.Amount.getZero( this.emsc, cds[0].coin.currentAmount.currency, ); const amountRemaining = new native.Amount(this.emsc, total); for (const cd of cds) { let coinSpend: native.Amount; const originalCoin = { ...cd.coin }; if (amountRemaining.value === 0 && amountRemaining.fraction === 0) { break; } if ( amountRemaining.cmp( new native.Amount(this.emsc, cd.coin.currentAmount), ) < 0 ) { coinSpend = new native.Amount(this.emsc, amountRemaining.toJson()); } else { coinSpend = new native.Amount(this.emsc, cd.coin.currentAmount); } amountSpent.add(coinSpend); amountRemaining.sub(coinSpend); const feeDeposit: native.Amount = new native.Amount( this.emsc, cd.denom.feeDeposit, ); // Give the merchant at least the deposit fee, otherwise it'll reject // the coin. if (coinSpend.cmp(feeDeposit) < 0) { coinSpend = feeDeposit; } const newAmount = new native.Amount(this.emsc, cd.coin.currentAmount); newAmount.sub(coinSpend); cd.coin.currentAmount = newAmount.toJson(); cd.coin.status = CoinStatus.Dirty; const d = new native.DepositRequestPS(this.emsc, { amount_with_fee: coinSpend.toNbo(), coin_pub: native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, cd.coin.coinPub), deposit_fee: new native.Amount(this.emsc, cd.denom.feeDeposit).toNbo(), h_contract: native.HashCode.fromCrock(this.emsc, contractTermsHash), h_wire: native.HashCode.fromCrock(this.emsc, contractTerms.H_wire), merchant: native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock( this.emsc, contractTerms.merchant_pub, ), refund_deadline: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString( this.emsc, contractTerms.refund_deadline, ), timestamp: native.AbsoluteTimeNbo.fromTalerString( this.emsc, contractTerms.timestamp, ), }); const coinSig = native .eddsaSign( d.toPurpose(), native.EddsaPrivateKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, cd.coin.coinPriv), ) .toCrock(); const s: CoinPaySig = { coin_pub: cd.coin.coinPub, coin_sig: coinSig, contribution: Amounts.toString(coinSpend.toJson()), denom_pub: cd.coin.denomPub, exchange_url: cd.denom.exchangeBaseUrl, ub_sig: cd.coin.denomSig, }; ret.sigs.push(s); ret.updatedCoins.push(cd.coin); ret.originalCoins.push(originalCoin); } return ret; } /** * Create a new refresh session. */ createRefreshSession( exchangeBaseUrl: string, kappa: number, meltCoin: CoinRecord, newCoinDenoms: DenominationRecord[], meltFee: AmountJson, ): RefreshSessionRecord { let valueWithFee = Amounts.getZero(newCoinDenoms[0].value.currency); for (const ncd of newCoinDenoms) { valueWithFee = Amounts.add(valueWithFee, ncd.value, ncd.feeWithdraw) .amount; } // melt fee valueWithFee = Amounts.add(valueWithFee, meltFee).amount; const sessionHc = new native.HashContext(this.emsc); const transferPubs: string[] = []; const transferPrivs: string[] = []; const preCoinsForGammas: RefreshPreCoinRecord[][] = []; for (let i = 0; i < kappa; i++) { const t = native.EcdhePrivateKey.create(this.emsc); const pub = t.getPublicKey(); sessionHc.read(pub); transferPrivs.push(t.toCrock()); transferPubs.push(pub.toCrock()); } for (const denom of newCoinDenoms) { const r = native.RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, denom.denomPub); sessionHc.read(r.encode()); } sessionHc.read( native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, meltCoin.coinPub), ); sessionHc.read(new native.Amount(this.emsc, valueWithFee).toNbo()); for (let i = 0; i < kappa; i++) { const preCoins: RefreshPreCoinRecord[] = []; for (let j = 0; j < newCoinDenoms.length; j++) { const transferPriv = native.EcdhePrivateKey.fromCrock( this.emsc, transferPrivs[i], ); const oldCoinPub = native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock( this.emsc, meltCoin.coinPub, ); const transferSecret = native.ecdhEddsa(transferPriv, oldCoinPub); const fresh = native.setupFreshCoin(transferSecret, j); const coinPriv = fresh.priv; const coinPub = coinPriv.getPublicKey(); const blindingFactor = fresh.blindingKey; const pubHash: native.HashCode = coinPub.hash(); const denomPub = native.RsaPublicKey.fromCrock( this.emsc, newCoinDenoms[j].denomPub, ); const ev = native.rsaBlind(pubHash, blindingFactor, denomPub); if (!ev) { throw Error("couldn't blind (malicious exchange key?)"); } const preCoin: RefreshPreCoinRecord = { blindingKey: blindingFactor.toCrock(), coinEv: ev.toCrock(), privateKey: coinPriv.toCrock(), publicKey: coinPub.toCrock(), }; preCoins.push(preCoin); sessionHc.read(ev); } preCoinsForGammas.push(preCoins); } const sessionHash = new native.HashCode(this.emsc); sessionHash.alloc(); sessionHc.finish(sessionHash); const confirmData = new native.RefreshMeltCoinAffirmationPS(this.emsc, { amount_with_fee: new native.Amount(this.emsc, valueWithFee).toNbo(), coin_pub: native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, meltCoin.coinPub), melt_fee: new native.Amount(this.emsc, meltFee).toNbo(), session_hash: sessionHash, }); const confirmSig: string = native .eddsaSign( confirmData.toPurpose(), native.EddsaPrivateKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, meltCoin.coinPriv), ) .toCrock(); let valueOutput = Amounts.getZero(newCoinDenoms[0].value.currency); for (const denom of newCoinDenoms) { valueOutput = Amounts.add(valueOutput, denom.value).amount; } const refreshSessionId = encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32)); const refreshSession: RefreshSessionRecord = { refreshSessionId, confirmSig, exchangeBaseUrl, finished: false, hash: sessionHash.toCrock(), meltCoinPub: meltCoin.coinPub, newDenomHashes: newCoinDenoms.map(d => d.denomPubHash), newDenoms: newCoinDenoms.map(d => d.denomPub), norevealIndex: undefined, preCoinsForGammas, transferPrivs, transferPubs, valueOutput, valueWithFee, }; return refreshSession; } /** * Hash a string including the zero terminator. */ hashString(str: string): string { const b = native.ByteArray.fromStringWithNull(this.emsc, str); return b.hash().toCrock(); } /** * Hash a denomination public key. */ hashDenomPub(denomPub: string): string { return native.RsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, denomPub) .encode() .hash() .toCrock(); } signCoinLink( oldCoinPriv: string, newDenomHash: string, oldCoinPub: string, transferPub: string, coinEv: string, ): string { const coinEvHash = native.ByteArray.fromCrock(this.emsc, coinEv).hash(); const coinLink = new native.CoinLinkSignaturePS(this.emsc, { coin_envelope_hash: coinEvHash, h_denom_pub: native.HashCode.fromCrock(this.emsc, newDenomHash), old_coin_pub: native.EddsaPublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, oldCoinPub), transfer_pub: native.EcdhePublicKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, transferPub), }); const coinPriv = native.EddsaPrivateKey.fromCrock(this.emsc, oldCoinPriv); const sig = native.eddsaSign(coinLink.toPurpose(), coinPriv); return sig.toCrock(); } benchmark(repetitions: number): BenchmarkResult { let time_hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); this.hashString("hello world"); time_hash += timer.performanceNow() - start; } let time_hash_big = 0; const ba = new native.ByteArray(this.emsc, 4096); for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { ba.randomize(native.RandomQuality.WEAK); const start = timer.performanceNow(); ba.hash(); time_hash_big += timer.performanceNow() - start; } let time_eddsa_create = 0; for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); const priv: native.EddsaPrivateKey = native.EddsaPrivateKey.create( this.emsc, ); time_eddsa_create += timer.performanceNow() - start; priv.destroy(); } let time_eddsa_sign = 0; const eddsaPriv: native.EddsaPrivateKey = native.EddsaPrivateKey.create( this.emsc, ); const eddsaPub: native.EddsaPublicKey = eddsaPriv.getPublicKey(); const h: native.HashCode = new native.HashCode(this.emsc); h.alloc(); h.random(native.RandomQuality.WEAK); const ps = new native.PaymentSignaturePS(this.emsc, { contract_hash: h, }); const p = ps.toPurpose(); for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); native.eddsaSign(p, eddsaPriv); time_eddsa_sign += timer.performanceNow() - start; } const eddsaSig = native.eddsaSign(p, eddsaPriv); let time_ecdsa_create = 0; for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); const priv: native.EcdsaPrivateKey = native.EcdsaPrivateKey.create( this.emsc, ); time_ecdsa_create += timer.performanceNow() - start; priv.destroy(); } let time_eddsa_verify = 0; for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); native.eddsaVerify( native.SignaturePurpose.MERCHANT_PAYMENT_OK, p, eddsaSig, eddsaPub, ); time_eddsa_verify += timer.performanceNow() - start; } /* rsa 2048 */ let time_rsa_2048_blind = 0; const rsaPriv2048: native.RsaPrivateKey = native.RsaPrivateKey.create( this.emsc, 2048, ); const rsaPub2048 = rsaPriv2048.getPublicKey(); const blindingSecret2048 = native.RsaBlindingKeySecret.create(this.emsc); for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); native.rsaBlind(h, blindingSecret2048, rsaPub2048); time_rsa_2048_blind += timer.performanceNow() - start; } const blindedMessage2048 = native.rsaBlind( h, blindingSecret2048, rsaPub2048, ); if (!blindedMessage2048) { throw Error("should not happen"); } const rsaBlindSig2048 = native.rsaSignBlinded( rsaPriv2048, blindedMessage2048, ); let time_rsa_2048_unblind = 0; for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); native.rsaUnblind(rsaBlindSig2048, blindingSecret2048, rsaPub2048); time_rsa_2048_unblind += timer.performanceNow() - start; } const unblindedSig2048 = native.rsaUnblind( rsaBlindSig2048, blindingSecret2048, rsaPub2048, ); let time_rsa_2048_verify = 0; for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); native.rsaVerify(h, unblindedSig2048, rsaPub2048); time_rsa_2048_verify += timer.performanceNow() - start; } /* rsa 4096 */ let time_rsa_4096_blind = 0; const rsaPriv4096: native.RsaPrivateKey = native.RsaPrivateKey.create( this.emsc, 4096, ); const rsaPub4096 = rsaPriv4096.getPublicKey(); const blindingSecret4096 = native.RsaBlindingKeySecret.create(this.emsc); for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); native.rsaBlind(h, blindingSecret4096, rsaPub4096); time_rsa_4096_blind += timer.performanceNow() - start; } const blindedMessage4096 = native.rsaBlind( h, blindingSecret4096, rsaPub4096, ); if (!blindedMessage4096) { throw Error("should not happen"); } const rsaBlindSig4096 = native.rsaSignBlinded( rsaPriv4096, blindedMessage4096, ); let time_rsa_4096_unblind = 0; for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); native.rsaUnblind(rsaBlindSig4096, blindingSecret4096, rsaPub4096); time_rsa_4096_unblind += timer.performanceNow() - start; } const unblindedSig4096 = native.rsaUnblind( rsaBlindSig4096, blindingSecret4096, rsaPub4096, ); let time_rsa_4096_verify = 0; for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); native.rsaVerify(h, unblindedSig4096, rsaPub4096); time_rsa_4096_verify += timer.performanceNow() - start; } return { repetitions, time: { hash_small: time_hash, hash_big: time_hash_big, eddsa_create: time_eddsa_create, eddsa_sign: time_eddsa_sign, eddsa_verify: time_eddsa_verify, ecdsa_create: time_ecdsa_create, rsa_2048_blind: time_rsa_2048_blind, rsa_2048_unblind: time_rsa_2048_unblind, rsa_2048_verify: time_rsa_2048_verify, rsa_4096_blind: time_rsa_4096_blind, rsa_4096_unblind: time_rsa_4096_unblind, rsa_4096_verify: time_rsa_4096_verify, }, }; } }