/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2017 Inria and GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ // tslint:disable:max-line-length import test from "ava"; import { DenominationRecord, DenominationStatus, ReserveRecord, ReserveRecordStatus, } from "../dbTypes"; import { CryptoApi } from "./cryptoApi"; import { NodeCryptoWorkerFactory } from "./nodeProcessWorker"; const masterPub1: string = "CQQZ9DY3MZ1ARMN5K1VKDETS04Y2QCKMMCFHZSWJWWVN82BTTH00"; const denomValid1: DenominationRecord = { denomPub: "51R7ARKCD5HJTTV5F4G0M818E9SP280A40G2GVH04CR30GHS84R3JHHP6GSM2D9Q6514CGT568R32C9J6CWM4DSH64TM4DSM851K0CA48CVKAC1P6H144C2160T46DHK8CVM4HJ274S38C1M6S338D9N6GWM8DT684T3JCT36S13EC9G88R3EGHQ8S0KJGSQ60SKGD216N33AGJ2651K2E9S60TMCD1N75244HHQ6X33EDJ570R3GGJ2651MACA38D130DA560VK4HHJ68WK2CA26GW3ECSH6D13EC9S88VK2GT66WVK8D9G750K0D9R8RRK4DHQ71332GHK8D23GE26710M2H9K6WVK8HJ38MVKEGA66N23AC9H88VKACT58MV3CCSJ6H1K4DT38GRK0C9M8N33CE1R60V4AHA38H1KECSH6S33JH9N8GRKGH1K68S36GH354520818CMG26C1H60R30C935452081918G2J2G0", denomPubHash: "dummy", exchangeBaseUrl: "https://exchange.example.com/", feeDeposit: { currency: "PUDOS", fraction: 10000, value: 0, }, feeRefresh: { currency: "PUDOS", fraction: 10000, value: 0, }, feeRefund: { currency: "PUDOS", fraction: 10000, value: 0, }, feeWithdraw: { currency: "PUDOS", fraction: 10000, value: 0, }, isOffered: true, masterSig: "CJFJCQ48Q45PSGJ5KY94N6M2TPARESM2E15BSPBD95YVVPEARAEQ6V6G4Z2XBMS0QM0F3Y9EYVP276FCS90EQ1578ZC8JHFBZ3NGP3G", stampExpireDeposit: "/Date(1851580381)/", stampExpireLegal: "/Date(1567756381)/", stampExpireWithdraw: "/Date(2482300381)/", stampStart: "/Date(1473148381)/", status: DenominationStatus.Unverified, value: { currency: "PUDOS", fraction: 100000, value: 0, }, }; const denomInvalid1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(denomValid1)); denomInvalid1.value.value += 1; test("string hashing", async t => { const crypto = new CryptoApi(new NodeCryptoWorkerFactory()); const s = await crypto.hashString("hello taler"); const sh = "8RDMADB3YNF3QZBS3V467YZVJAMC2QAQX0TZGVZ6Q5PFRRAJFT70HHN0QF661QR9QWKYMMC7YEMPD679D2RADXCYK8Y669A2A5MKQFR"; t.true(s === sh); t.pass(); }); test("precoin creation", async t => { const crypto = new CryptoApi(new NodeCryptoWorkerFactory()); const { priv, pub } = await crypto.createEddsaKeypair(); const r: ReserveRecord = { created: { t_ms: 0 }, currentAmount: null, exchangeBaseUrl: "https://example.com/exchange", hasPayback: false, precoinAmount: { currency: "PUDOS", value: 0, fraction: 0 }, requestedAmount: { currency: "PUDOS", value: 0, fraction: 0 }, reservePriv: priv, reservePub: pub, timestampConfirmed: undefined, timestampReserveInfoPosted: undefined, exchangeWire: "payto://foo", reserveStatus: ReserveRecordStatus.UNCONFIRMED, }; const precoin = await crypto.createPreCoin(denomValid1, r); t.truthy(precoin); t.pass(); }); test("denom validation", async t => { const crypto = new CryptoApi(new NodeCryptoWorkerFactory()); let v: boolean; v = await crypto.isValidDenom(denomValid1, masterPub1); t.true(v); v = await crypto.isValidDenom(denomInvalid1, masterPub1); t.true(!v); t.pass(); });