Details will be displayed when a valid exchange provider URL is entered.
} let denoms = rci.selectedDenoms; let countByPub: {[s: string]: number} = {}; let uniq: Denomination[] = []; denoms.forEach((x: Denomination) => { let c = countByPub[x.denom_pub] || 0; if (c == 0) { uniq.push(x); } c += 1; countByPub[x.denom_pub] = c; }); function row(denom: Denomination) { return ({`Withdrawal fees: ${withdrawFeeStr}`}
{`Rounding loss: ${overheadStr}`}
# Coins | Value | Withdraw Fee | Refresh Fee | Deposit fee | {}
Withdraw fees: {amountToPretty(totalCost)}
; } return ; } interface ExchangeSelectionProps { suggestedExchangeUrl: string; amount: AmountJson; callback_url: string; wt_types: string[]; } class ExchangeSelection extends ImplicitStateComponent{"You are about to withdraw "} {amountToPretty(props.amount)} {" from your bank account into your wallet."}
The exchange provider will charge {" "} {this.renderFee()} {" "} in fees.
; } else if (!this.reserveCreationInfo()) { returnChecking URL, please wait ...
; } return ""; } } export async function main() { const url = URI(document.location.href); const query: any = URI.parseQuery(url.query()); const amount = AmountJson.checked(JSON.parse(query.amount)); const callback_url = query.callback_url; const bank_url = query.bank_url; const wt_types = JSON.parse(query.wt_types); try { const suggestedExchangeUrl = await getSuggestedExchange(amount.currency); let args = { wt_types, suggestedExchangeUrl, callback_url, amount }; preact.render(