/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2022 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * * @author Sebastian Javier Marchano (sebasjm) */ import { setupI18n } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import e from "express"; import { ComponentChild, ComponentChildren, Fragment, FunctionalComponent, FunctionComponent, h, JSX, render, VNode, } from "preact"; import { useEffect, useErrorBoundary, useState } from "preact/hooks"; const Page: FunctionalComponent = ({ children }): VNode => { return (
); }; const SideBar: FunctionalComponent<{ width: number }> = ({ width, children, }): VNode => { return (
); }; const ResizeHandleDiv: FunctionalComponent< JSX.HTMLAttributes > = ({ children, ...props }): VNode => { return (
); }; const Content: FunctionalComponent = ({ children }): VNode => { return (
); }; function findByGroupComponentName( allExamples: Group[], group: string, component: string, name: string, ): ExampleItem | undefined { const gl = allExamples.filter((e) => e.title === group); if (gl.length === 0) { return undefined; } const cl = gl[0].list.filter((l) => l.name === component); if (cl.length === 0) { return undefined; } const el = cl[0].examples.filter((c) => c.name === name); if (el.length === 0) { return undefined; } return el[0]; } function getContentForExample( item: ExampleItem | undefined, allExamples: Group[], ): FunctionalComponent { if (!item) return function SelectExampleMessage() { return
select example from the list on the left
; }; const example = findByGroupComponentName( allExamples, item.group, item.component, item.name, ); if (!example) { return function ExampleNotFoundMessage() { return
example not found
; }; } return () => example.render.component(example.render.props); } function ExampleList({ name, list, selected, onSelectStory, }: { name: string; list: { name: string; examples: ExampleItem[]; }[]; selected: ExampleItem | undefined; onSelectStory: (i: ExampleItem, id: string) => void; }): VNode { const [isOpen, setOpen] = useState(selected && selected.group === name); return (
    setOpen(!isOpen)} > {name}
    {list.map((k) => (
  1. {k.name}
    {k.examples.map((r, i) => { const e = encodeURIComponent; const eId = `${e(r.group)}-${e(r.component)}-${e(r.name)}`; const isSelected = selected && selected.component === r.component && selected.group === r.group && selected.name === r.name; return (
    { e.preventDefault(); location.hash = `#${eId}`; onSelectStory(r, eId); history.pushState({}, "", `#${eId}`); }} > {r.name}
    ); })}
  2. ))}
); } /** * Prevents the UI from redirecting and inform the dev * where the should have redirected * @returns */ function PreventLinkNavigation({ children, }: { children: ComponentChildren; }): VNode { return (
{ let t: any = e.target; do { if (t.localName === "a" && t.getAttribute("href")) { alert(`should navigate to: ${t.attributes.href.value}`); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } } while ((t = t.parentNode)); return true; }} > {children}
); } function ErrorReport({ children, selected, }: { children: ComponentChild; selected: ExampleItem | undefined; }): VNode { const [error, resetError] = useErrorBoundary(); //if there is an error, reset when unloading this component useEffect(() => (error ? resetError : undefined)); if (error) { return (

Error was thrown trying to render

{selected && (
  • group: {selected.group}
  • component: {selected.component}
  • example: {selected.name}
  • args:{" "}
    {JSON.stringify(selected.render.props, undefined, 2)}


); } return {children}; } function getSelectionFromLocationHash( hash: string, allExamples: Group[], ): ExampleItem | undefined { if (!hash) return undefined; const parts = hash.substring(1).split("-"); if (parts.length < 3) return undefined; return findByGroupComponentName( allExamples, decodeURIComponent(parts[0]), decodeURIComponent(parts[1]), decodeURIComponent(parts[2]), ); } function parseExampleImport( group: string, componentName: string, im: MaybeComponent, ): ComponentItem { const examples: ExampleItem[] = Object.entries(im) .filter(([k]) => k !== "default") .map(([exampleName, exampleValue]): ExampleItem => { if (!exampleValue) { throw Error( `example "${exampleName}" from component "${componentName}" in group "${group}" is undefined`, ); } if (typeof exampleValue === "function") { return { group, component: componentName, name: exampleName, render: { component: exampleValue as FunctionComponent, props: {}, contextProps: {}, }, }; } const v: any = exampleValue; if ( "component" in v && typeof v.component === "function" && "props" in v ) { return { group, component: componentName, name: exampleName, render: v, }; } throw Error( `example "${exampleName}" from component "${componentName}" in group "${group}" doesn't follow one of the two ways of example`, ); }); return { name: componentName, examples, }; } export function parseGroupImport( groups: Record, ): Group[] { return Object.entries(groups).map(([groupName, value]) => { return { title: groupName, list: Object.entries(value).flatMap(([key, value]) => folder(groupName, value), ), }; }); } export interface Group { title: string; list: ComponentItem[]; } export interface ComponentItem { name: string; examples: ExampleItem[]; } export type ExampleItemSetup = { component: FunctionalComponent; props: Props; contextProps: object; }; export interface ExampleItem { group: string; component: string; name: string; render: ExampleItemSetup; } type ComponentOrFolder = MaybeComponent | MaybeFolder; interface MaybeFolder { default?: { title: string }; // [exampleName: string]: FunctionalComponent; } interface MaybeComponent { // default?: undefined; [exampleName: string]: undefined | object; } function folder(groupName: string, value: ComponentOrFolder): ComponentItem[] { let title: string | undefined = undefined; try { title = typeof value === "object" && typeof value.default === "object" && value.default !== undefined && "title" in value.default && typeof value.default.title === "string" ? value.default.title : undefined; } catch (e) { throw Error( `Could not defined if it is component or folder ${groupName}: ${JSON.stringify( value, undefined, 2, )}`, ); } if (title) { const c = parseExampleImport(groupName, title, value as MaybeComponent); return [c]; } return Object.entries(value).flatMap(([subkey, value]) => folder(groupName, value), ); } interface Props { getWrapperForGroup: (name: string) => FunctionComponent; examplesInGroups: Group[]; langs: Record; } function Application({ langs, examplesInGroups, getWrapperForGroup, }: Props): VNode { const initialSelection = getSelectionFromLocationHash( location.hash, examplesInGroups, ); const url = new URL(window.location.href); const currentLang = url.searchParams.get("lang") || "en"; if (!langs["en"]) { langs["en"] = {}; } setupI18n(currentLang, langs); const [selected, updateSelected] = useState( initialSelection, ); const [sidebarWidth, setSidebarWidth] = useState(200); useEffect(() => { if (location.hash) { const hash = location.hash.substring(1); const found = document.getElementById(hash); if (found) { setTimeout(() => { found.scrollIntoView({ block: "center", }); }, 10); } } }, []); const GroupWrapper = getWrapperForGroup(selected?.group || "default"); const ExampleContent = getContentForExample(selected, examplesInGroups); //style={{ "--with-size": `${sidebarWidth}px` }} return ( {/* */}
{examplesInGroups.map((group) => ( { document.getElementById(htmlId)?.scrollIntoView({ block: "center", }); updateSelected(item); }} /> ))}
{ setSidebarWidth((s) => s + x); }} />
); } export interface Options { id?: string; strings?: any; getWrapperForGroup?: (name: string) => FunctionComponent; } export function renderStories( groups: Record, options: Options = {}, ): void { const examples = parseGroupImport(groups); try { const cid = options.id ?? "container"; const container = document.getElementById(cid); if (!container) { throw Error( `container with id ${cid} not found, can't mount page contents`, ); } render( Fragment)} langs={options.strings ?? { en: {} }} />, container, ); } catch (e) { console.error("got error", e); if (e instanceof Error) { document.body.innerText = `Fatal error: "${e.message}". Please report this bug at https://bugs.gnunet.org/.`; } } } function ResizeHandle({ onUpdate }: { onUpdate: (x: number) => void }): VNode { const [start, setStart] = useState(undefined); return ( { setStart(e.pageX); console.log("active", e.pageX); return false; }} onMouseMove={(e: any) => { if (start !== undefined) { onUpdate(e.pageX - start); } return false; }} onMouseUp={() => { setStart(undefined); return false; }} /> ); }