/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2022 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * * @author Sebastian Javier Marchano (sebasjm) */ import { AmountString, PaymentStatus, RefreshReason, ScopeType, TalerProtocolTimestamp, TransactionCommon, TransactionDeposit, TransactionMajorState, TransactionPayment, TransactionPeerPullCredit, TransactionPeerPullDebit, TransactionPeerPushCredit, TransactionPeerPushDebit, TransactionRefresh, TransactionRefund, TransactionReward, TransactionType, TransactionWithdrawal, WithdrawalType, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { HistoryView as TestedComponent } from "./History.js"; import * as tests from "@gnu-taler/web-util/testing"; export default { title: "history", component: TestedComponent, }; let count = 0; const commonTransaction = (): TransactionCommon => ({ amountRaw: "USD:10", amountEffective: "USD:9", txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Done, }, timestamp: TalerProtocolTimestamp.fromSeconds( new Date().getTime() / 1000 - count++ * 60 * 60 * 7, ), transactionId: String(count), } as TransactionCommon); const exampleData = { withdraw: { ...commonTransaction(), type: TransactionType.Withdrawal, exchangeBaseUrl: "http://exchange.demo.taler.net", withdrawalDetails: { reservePub: "A05AJGMFNSK4Q62NXR2FKNDB1J4EXTYQTE7VA4M9GZQ4TR06YBNG", confirmed: false, exchangePaytoUris: ["payto://x-taler-bank/bank/account"], type: WithdrawalType.ManualTransfer, reserveIsReady: false, }, } as TransactionWithdrawal, payment: { ...commonTransaction(), amountEffective: "USD:11" as AmountString, type: TransactionType.Payment, posConfirmation: undefined, info: { contractTermsHash: "ASDZXCASD", merchant: { name: "Blog", }, orderId: "2021.167-03NPY6MCYMVGT", products: [], summary: "the summary", fulfillmentMessage: "", }, refunds: [], refundPending: undefined, totalRefundEffective: "USD:0" as AmountString, totalRefundRaw: "USD:0" as AmountString, proposalId: "1EMJJH8EP1NX3XF7733NCYS2DBEJW4Q2KA5KEB37MCQJQ8Q5HMC0", status: PaymentStatus.Accepted, refundQueryActive: false, } as TransactionPayment, deposit: { ...commonTransaction(), type: TransactionType.Deposit, depositGroupId: "#groupId", targetPaytoUri: "payto://x-taler-bank/bank/account", } as TransactionDeposit, refresh: { ...commonTransaction(), type: TransactionType.Refresh, refreshInputAmount: "USD:1" as AmountString, refreshOutputAmount: "USD:0.5" as AmountString, exchangeBaseUrl: "http://exchange.taler", refreshReason: RefreshReason.PayMerchant, } as TransactionRefresh, tip: { ...commonTransaction(), type: TransactionType.Reward, merchantBaseUrl: "http://ads.merchant.taler.net/", } as TransactionReward, refund: { ...commonTransaction(), type: TransactionType.Refund, refundedTransactionId: "payment:1EMJJH8EP1NX3XF7733NCYS2DBEJW4Q2KA5KEB37MCQJQ8Q5HMC0", paymentInfo: { merchant: { name: "the merchant", }, summary: "the summary", }, refundPending: undefined, } as TransactionRefund, push_credit: { ...commonTransaction(), type: TransactionType.PeerPushCredit, info: { summary: "take this cash", }, exchangeBaseUrl: "https://exchange.taler.net", } as TransactionPeerPushCredit, push_debit: { ...commonTransaction(), type: TransactionType.PeerPushDebit, talerUri: "taler://pay-push/exchange.taler.ar/HS585JK0QCXHJ8Z8QWZA3EBAY5WY7XNC1RR2MHJXSH2Z4WP0YPJ0", info: { summary: "take this cash", }, exchangeBaseUrl: "https://exchange.taler.net", } as TransactionPeerPushDebit, pull_credit: { ...commonTransaction(), type: TransactionType.PeerPullCredit, talerUri: "taler://pay-push/exchange.taler.ar/HS585JK0QCXHJ8Z8QWZA3EBAY5WY7XNC1RR2MHJXSH2Z4WP0YPJ0", info: { summary: "pay me", }, exchangeBaseUrl: "https://exchange.taler.net", } as TransactionPeerPullCredit, pull_debit: { ...commonTransaction(), type: TransactionType.PeerPullDebit, info: { summary: "pay me", }, exchangeBaseUrl: "https://exchange.taler.net", } as TransactionPeerPullDebit, }; export const NoBalance = tests.createExample(TestedComponent, { transactions: [], balances: [], }); export const SomeBalanceWithNoTransactions = tests.createExample( TestedComponent, { transactions: [], balances: [ { available: "TESTKUDOS:10" as AmountString, flags: [], pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], }, ); export const OneSimpleTransaction = tests.createExample(TestedComponent, { transactions: [exampleData.withdraw], balances: [ { flags: [], available: "USD:10" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "USD:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], }); export const TwoTransactionsAndZeroBalance = tests.createExample( TestedComponent, { transactions: [exampleData.withdraw, exampleData.deposit], balances: [ { flags: [], available: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "USD:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], }, ); export const OneTransactionPending = tests.createExample(TestedComponent, { transactions: [ { ...exampleData.withdraw, txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Pending, }, }, ], balances: [ { flags: [], available: "USD:10" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "USD:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], }); export const SomeTransactions = tests.createExample(TestedComponent, { transactions: [ exampleData.withdraw, exampleData.payment, exampleData.withdraw, exampleData.payment, { ...exampleData.payment, info: { ...exampleData.payment.info, summary: "this is a long summary that may be cropped because its too long", }, }, exampleData.refund, exampleData.tip, exampleData.deposit, ], balances: [ { flags: [], available: "USD:10" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "USD:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], }); export const SomeTransactionsInDifferentStates = tests.createExample( TestedComponent, { transactions: [ exampleData.withdraw, { ...exampleData.withdraw, exchangeBaseUrl: "https://aborted/withdrawal", txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Aborted, }, }, { ...exampleData.withdraw, exchangeBaseUrl: "https://pending/withdrawal", txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Pending, }, }, { ...exampleData.withdraw, exchangeBaseUrl: "https://failed/withdrawal", txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Failed, }, }, { ...exampleData.payment, info: { ...exampleData.payment.info, summary: "normal payment", }, }, { ...exampleData.payment, info: { ...exampleData.payment.info, summary: "aborting in progress", }, txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Aborting, }, }, { ...exampleData.payment, info: { ...exampleData.payment.info, summary: "aborted payment", }, txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Aborted, }, }, { ...exampleData.payment, info: { ...exampleData.payment.info, summary: "pending payment", }, txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Pending, }, }, { ...exampleData.payment, info: { ...exampleData.payment.info, summary: "failed payment", }, txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Failed, }, }, exampleData.refund, exampleData.tip, exampleData.deposit, ], balances: [ { flags: [], available: "USD:10" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "USD:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], }, ); export const SomeTransactionsWithTwoCurrencies = tests.createExample( TestedComponent, { transactions: [ exampleData.withdraw, exampleData.payment, exampleData.withdraw, exampleData.payment, exampleData.refresh, exampleData.refund, exampleData.tip, exampleData.deposit, ], balances: [ { flags: [], available: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "USD:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, { flags: [], available: "TESTKUDOS:10" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], }, ); export const FiveOfficialCurrencies = tests.createExample(TestedComponent, { transactions: [exampleData.withdraw], balances: [ { flags: [], available: "USD:1000" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "USD:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, { flags: [], available: "EUR:881" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, { flags: [], available: "COL:4043000.5" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, { flags: [], available: "JPY:11564450.6" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, { flags: [], available: "GBP:736" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], }); export const FiveOfficialCurrenciesWithHighValue = tests.createExample( TestedComponent, { transactions: [exampleData.withdraw], balances: [ { flags: [], available: "USD:881001321230000" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "USD:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, { flags: [], available: "EUR:10" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, { flags: [], available: "COL:443000123123000.5123123" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, requiresUserInput: false, }, { flags: [], available: "JPY:1564450000000.6123123" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, { flags: [], available: "GBP:736001231231200.23123" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "TESTKUDOS:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], }, ); export const PeerToPeer = tests.createExample(TestedComponent, { transactions: [ exampleData.pull_credit, exampleData.pull_debit, exampleData.push_credit, exampleData.push_debit, ], balances: [ { flags: [], available: "USD:10" as AmountString, pendingIncoming: "USD:0" as AmountString, pendingOutgoing: "USD:0" as AmountString, hasPendingTransactions: false, requiresUserInput: false, scopeInfo: { currency: "Ásd", type: ScopeType.Auditor, url: "", }, }, ], });