/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ /* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2021 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * * @author Sebastian Javier Marchano (sebasjm) */ import { expect } from "chai"; import { SelectFieldHandler, TextFieldHandler } from "../mui/handlers.js"; import { mountHook } from "../test-utils.js"; import { useComponentState } from "./CreateManualWithdraw.js"; const exchangeListWithARSandUSD = { "url1": "USD", "url2": "ARS", "url3": "ARS", }; const exchangeListEmpty = { }; describe("CreateManualWithdraw states", () => { it("should set noExchangeFound when exchange list is empty", () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListEmpty, undefined, undefined), ); const { noExchangeFound } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(noExchangeFound).equal(true) }); it("should set noExchangeFound when exchange list doesn't include selected currency", () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListWithARSandUSD, undefined, "COL"), ); const { noExchangeFound } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(noExchangeFound).equal(true) }); it("should select the first exchange from the list", () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListWithARSandUSD, undefined, undefined), ); const { exchange } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(exchange.value).equal("url1") }); it("should select the first exchange with the selected currency", () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListWithARSandUSD, undefined, "ARS"), ); const { exchange } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(exchange.value).equal("url2") }); it("should change the exchange when currency change", async () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListWithARSandUSD, undefined, "ARS"), ); { const { exchange, currency } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(exchange.value).equal("url2") if (currency.onChange === undefined) expect.fail(); currency.onChange("USD") } await waitNextUpdate() { const { exchange } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(exchange.value).equal("url1") } }); it("should change the currency when exchange change", async () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListWithARSandUSD, undefined, "ARS"), ); { const { exchange, currency } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(exchange.value).equal("url2") expect(currency.value).equal("ARS") if (exchange.onChange === undefined) expect.fail(); exchange.onChange("url1") } await waitNextUpdate() { const { exchange, currency } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(exchange.value).equal("url1") expect(currency.value).equal("USD") } }); it("should update parsed amount when amount change", async () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListWithARSandUSD, undefined, "ARS"), ); { const { amount, parsedAmount } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(parsedAmount).equal(undefined) amount.onInput("12") } await waitNextUpdate() { const { parsedAmount } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(parsedAmount).deep.equals({ value: 12, fraction: 0, currency: "ARS" }) } }); it("should have an amount field", async () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListWithARSandUSD, undefined, "ARS"), ); await defaultTestForInputText(waitNextUpdate, () => getLastResultOrThrow().amount) }) it("should have an exchange selector ", async () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListWithARSandUSD, undefined, "ARS"), ); await defaultTestForInputSelect(waitNextUpdate, () => getLastResultOrThrow().exchange) }) it("should have a currency selector ", async () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(exchangeListWithARSandUSD, undefined, "ARS"), ); await defaultTestForInputSelect(waitNextUpdate, () => getLastResultOrThrow().currency) }) }); async function defaultTestForInputText(awaiter: () => Promise, getField: () => TextFieldHandler): Promise { let nextValue = '' { const field = getField() const initialValue = field.value; nextValue = `${initialValue} something else` field.onInput(nextValue) } await awaiter() { const field = getField() expect(field.value).equal(nextValue) } } async function defaultTestForInputSelect(awaiter: () => Promise, getField: () => SelectFieldHandler): Promise { let nextValue = '' { const field = getField(); const initialValue = field.value; const keys = Object.keys(field.list) const nextIdx = keys.indexOf(initialValue) + 1 if (keys.length < nextIdx) { throw new Error('no enough values') } nextValue = keys[nextIdx] if (field.onChange === undefined) expect.fail(); field.onChange(nextValue) } await awaiter() { const field = getField(); expect(field.value).equal(nextValue) } }