/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2022 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ import { canonicalizeBaseUrl, Codec, TalerErrorDetail, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { codecForSyncTermsOfServiceResponse, WalletApiOperation, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; import { useEffect, useState } from "preact/hooks"; import { assertUnreachable } from "../../utils/index.js"; import { wxApi } from "../../wxApi.js"; import { Props, State } from "./index.js"; type UrlState = UrlOk | UrlError; interface UrlOk { status: "ok"; result: T; } type UrlError = | UrlNetworkError | UrlClientError | UrlServerError | UrlParsingError | UrlReadError; interface UrlNetworkError { status: "network-error"; href: string; } interface UrlClientError { status: "client-error"; code: number; } interface UrlServerError { status: "server-error"; code: number; } interface UrlParsingError { status: "parsing-error"; json: any; } interface UrlReadError { status: "url-error"; } function useDebounceEffect( time: number, cb: undefined | (() => Promise), deps: Array, ): void { const [currentTimer, setCurrentTimer] = useState(); useEffect(() => { if (currentTimer !== undefined) clearTimeout(currentTimer); if (cb !== undefined) { const tid = setTimeout(cb, time); setCurrentTimer(tid); } }, deps); } function useUrlState( host: string | undefined, path: string, codec: Codec, ): UrlState | undefined { const [state, setState] = useState | undefined>(); let href: string | undefined; try { if (host) { const isHttps = host.startsWith("https://") && host.length > "https://".length; const isHttp = host.startsWith("http://") && host.length > "http://".length; const withProto = isHttp || isHttps ? host : `https://${host}`; const baseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(withProto); href = new URL(path, baseUrl).href; } } catch (e) { setState({ status: "url-error", }); } const constHref = href; useDebounceEffect( 500, constHref == undefined ? undefined : async () => { const req = await fetch(constHref).catch((e) => { return setState({ status: "network-error", href: constHref, }); }); if (!req) return; if (req.status >= 400 && req.status < 500) { setState({ status: "client-error", code: req.status, }); return; } if (req.status > 500) { setState({ status: "server-error", code: req.status, }); return; } const json = await req.json(); try { const result = codec.decode(json); setState({ status: "ok", result }); } catch (e: any) { setState({ status: "parsing-error", json }); } }, [host, path], ); return state; } export function useComponentState( { currency, onBack, onComplete, onPaymentRequired }: Props, api: typeof wxApi, ): State { const [url, setHost] = useState(); const [name, setName] = useState(); const [tos, setTos] = useState(false); const urlState = useUrlState( url, "config", codecForSyncTermsOfServiceResponse(), ); const [operationError, setOperationError] = useState< TalerErrorDetail | undefined >(); const [showConfirm, setShowConfirm] = useState(false); async function addBackupProvider() { if (!url || !name) return; const resp = await api.wallet.call(WalletApiOperation.AddBackupProvider, { backupProviderBaseUrl: url, name: name, activate: true, }); switch (resp.status) { case "payment-required": return onPaymentRequired(resp.talerUri); case "error": return setOperationError(resp.error); case "ok": return onComplete(url); default: assertUnreachable(resp); } } if (showConfirm && urlState && urlState.status === "ok") { return { status: "confirm-provider", error: operationError, onAccept: { onClick: !tos ? undefined : addBackupProvider, }, onCancel: { onClick: onBack, }, provider: urlState.result, tos: { value: tos, button: { onClick: async () => setTos(!tos), }, }, url: url ?? "", }; } return { status: "select-provider", error: undefined, name: { value: name || "", onInput: async (e) => setName(e), error: name === undefined ? undefined : !name ? "Can't be empty" : undefined, }, onCancel: { onClick: onBack, }, onConfirm: { onClick: !urlState || urlState.status !== "ok" || !name ? undefined : async () => { setShowConfirm(true); }, }, urlOk: urlState?.status === "ok", url: { value: url || "", onInput: async (e) => setHost(e), error: errorString(urlState), }, }; } function errorString(state: undefined | UrlState): string | undefined { if (!state) return state; switch (state.status) { case "ok": return undefined; case "client-error": { switch (state.code) { case 404: return "Not found"; case 401: return "Unauthorized"; case 403: return "Forbidden"; default: return `Server says it a client error: ${state.code}.`; } } case "server-error": return `Server had a problem ${state.code}.`; case "parsing-error": return `Server response doesn't have the right format.`; case "network-error": return `Unable to connect to ${state.href}.`; case "url-error": return "URL is not complete"; } }