/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2021 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * * @author Sebastian Javier Marchano (sebasjm) */ import { AmountJson, Amounts, NotificationType, PrepareRefundResult } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { mountHook } from "../test-utils.js"; import { SubsHandler } from "./Pay.test.js"; import { useComponentState } from "./Refund.jsx"; // onUpdateNotification: subscriptions.saveSubscription, describe("Refund CTA states", () => { it("should tell the user that the URI is missing", async () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate, assertNoPendingUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState(undefined, { prepareRefund: async () => ({}), applyRefund: async () => ({}), onUpdateNotification: async () => ({}) } as any), ); { const { status, hook } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(status).equals('loading') expect(hook).undefined; } await waitNextUpdate() { const { status, hook } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(status).equals('loading') if (!hook) expect.fail(); if (!hook.hasError) expect.fail(); if (hook.operational) expect.fail(); expect(hook.message).eq("ERROR_NO-URI-FOR-REFUND"); } await assertNoPendingUpdate() }); it("should be ready after loading", async () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate, assertNoPendingUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState("taler://refund/asdasdas", { prepareRefund: async () => ({ effectivePaid: 'EUR:2', awaiting: 'EUR:2', gone: 'EUR:0', granted: 'EUR:0', pending: false, proposalId: '1', info: { contractTermsHash: '123', merchant: { name: 'the merchant name' }, orderId: 'orderId1', summary: 'the sumary' } } as PrepareRefundResult as any), applyRefund: async () => ({}), onUpdateNotification: async () => ({}) } as any), ); { const { status, hook } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(status).equals('loading') expect(hook).undefined; } await waitNextUpdate() { const state = getLastResultOrThrow() if (state.status !== 'ready') expect.fail(); if (state.hook) expect.fail(); expect(state.accept.onClick).not.undefined; expect(state.ignore.onClick).not.undefined; expect(state.merchantName).eq('the merchant name'); expect(state.orderId).eq('orderId1'); expect(state.products).undefined; } await assertNoPendingUpdate() }); it("should be ignored after clicking the ignore button", async () => { const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate, assertNoPendingUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState("taler://refund/asdasdas", { prepareRefund: async () => ({ effectivePaid: 'EUR:2', awaiting: 'EUR:2', gone: 'EUR:0', granted: 'EUR:0', pending: false, proposalId: '1', info: { contractTermsHash: '123', merchant: { name: 'the merchant name' }, orderId: 'orderId1', summary: 'the sumary' } } as PrepareRefundResult as any), applyRefund: async () => ({}), onUpdateNotification: async () => ({}) } as any), ); { const { status, hook } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(status).equals('loading') expect(hook).undefined; } await waitNextUpdate() { const state = getLastResultOrThrow() if (state.status !== 'ready') expect.fail(); if (state.hook) expect.fail(); expect(state.accept.onClick).not.undefined; expect(state.merchantName).eq('the merchant name'); expect(state.orderId).eq('orderId1'); expect(state.products).undefined; if (state.ignore.onClick === undefined) expect.fail(); state.ignore.onClick() } await waitNextUpdate() { const state = getLastResultOrThrow() if (state.status !== 'ignored') expect.fail(); if (state.hook) expect.fail(); expect(state.merchantName).eq('the merchant name'); } await assertNoPendingUpdate() }); it("should be in progress when doing refresh", async () => { let granted = Amounts.getZero('EUR') const unit: AmountJson = { currency: 'EUR', value: 1, fraction: 0 } const refunded: AmountJson = { currency: 'EUR', value: 2, fraction: 0 } let awaiting: AmountJson = refunded let pending = true; const subscriptions = new SubsHandler(); function notifyMelt(): void { granted = Amounts.add(granted, unit).amount; pending = granted.value < refunded.value; awaiting = Amounts.sub(refunded, granted).amount; subscriptions.notifyEvent(NotificationType.RefreshMelted) } const { getLastResultOrThrow, waitNextUpdate, assertNoPendingUpdate } = mountHook(() => useComponentState("taler://refund/asdasdas", { prepareRefund: async () => ({ awaiting: Amounts.stringify(awaiting), effectivePaid: 'EUR:2', gone: 'EUR:0', granted: Amounts.stringify(granted), pending, proposalId: '1', info: { contractTermsHash: '123', merchant: { name: 'the merchant name' }, orderId: 'orderId1', summary: 'the sumary' } } as PrepareRefundResult as any), applyRefund: async () => ({}), onUpdateNotification: subscriptions.saveSubscription, } as any), ); { const { status, hook } = getLastResultOrThrow() expect(status).equals('loading') expect(hook).undefined; } await waitNextUpdate() { const state = getLastResultOrThrow() if (state.status !== 'in-progress') expect.fail('1'); if (state.hook) expect.fail(); expect(state.merchantName).eq('the merchant name'); expect(state.products).undefined; expect(state.amount).deep.eq(Amounts.parseOrThrow("EUR:2")) // expect(state.progress).closeTo(1 / 3, 0.01) notifyMelt() } await waitNextUpdate() { const state = getLastResultOrThrow() if (state.status !== 'in-progress') expect.fail('2'); if (state.hook) expect.fail(); expect(state.merchantName).eq('the merchant name'); expect(state.products).undefined; expect(state.amount).deep.eq(Amounts.parseOrThrow("EUR:2")) // expect(state.progress).closeTo(2 / 3, 0.01) notifyMelt() } await waitNextUpdate() { const state = getLastResultOrThrow() if (state.status !== 'completed') expect.fail('3'); if (state.hook) expect.fail(); expect(state.merchantName).eq('the merchant name'); expect(state.products).undefined; expect(state.amount).deep.eq(Amounts.parseOrThrow("EUR:2")) } await assertNoPendingUpdate() }); });